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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 5

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TEE CANADIAI4 STATM~, EOWMANVILLEC, T!URDAY, JAfNUÂRY 2nd, 1930O. We Have Trusted You Hence we extended credit to you. We have sent you a state- ment to remind you that we have believed in you and that you will pay your just obliga- tion to us. To serve you we have become obligated to others for labor and materials and we are i honor bound to repay them and keep our credit good but the task is difficuit if ye break faith. Was Our Faith Mis placed in You? This advt. is a remninder to those who are in arrears in their subscription to The Statesnari. When You Make Those New Years Resolutions Don't forget to consider the best interests of the entire family by serving bread made by the Bowmanville Bakery-made by Bowmanville worknien, for Duxiham tCounty people, from flour made in Bowmanville. The Bowmanvflie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE 4) ..M I i ELSON HMS JUST PUT INTO STOCK OVER WHICH WE OFFER AT BIG SAVINGS Corne ini and see for yourself. The Finest Stock In Town. NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND - rE ARANS WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT IN lm EEDITORIS MAIL Dr. J. N. Butthlse, 3SS Toifonto IGcucral Trust BIdg., Winnipeg, sentl this veny kindly Cènlstmas Greeting te tic Senior Editer wnicin i great- ]y appreciated: As oeef eti many young Durhamn eop ofIme long ago who eues you i mach gratitude tor the. constant ud I unremtting stimulus thât yeu lbave Ialwaya given te every Durbarnite teo Imake Uic greateot succeu et lite, I wish to expreou net only my gratitude ment tonrmsuy nîany yeans, but aIse my best ujehes fer a Happy Christ- mas aud New Yeau, coutinucd hcsltb, happiunud poste. Durhamites everywhere o'we mucli te you for the wholedome iuluence y oh ave ainsys exertedi se gracloas- lytfor their weNare. Rev. W. C. Frank, White Rock, B. C., witing Uic Senior Editen says: Dean Mn. Jeme,-Justat s ne te you wbe &end us grectingsansd geod mes-1 sages et eheer sud advice sud sug- gestions ech week. W. thsnk you sud w.ouder hou you do it when yeu are se shat lu. However, tuis only goea te show wiet a reservoir 'of good thinga you hava hbeensaletotestore op tireugli Uic ycaresud new yen eau Just ternu basd ne bear Uic mes- sage troni your editonial colunin that shows tl>at yM arc keepnsg up wlth Ths ia grest age for efficlency experts sud psychologists sud ver- loua other sente ot 'ista' ube anc dlagnoslng our casespliysicslly, men-1 'tally sud splitually. lt seemea lard te settie downusud do seinisgo plain tiikg for ene'aselfîtIn thesel dflyafai"Programmnes" sud I gatierineaud "Go4'ettes.1" i,« are lu danger et gett=ine»oeidenti*iedi witi machinMercvol cbRy experts aud saggeoted by Comsmittees that we wonden ubetier after a& lthie moot et us really bave any "Pree-will" ori net. The "Free-thiiker" is baving ils troubles these deys of standard- isation. Weil, Mr. James, yoa misa a lot et tinuatiiot orne ofthti reat et us bave te endure, sud in tie midat of yoar quiet yen can take time te iab- aorb the harmonica. sud constructiv, sud mise Uic "Jazz' sud yet kcep aahed etftthecrowd. 1 oav ttes wondered whether Il en oile oet t atenica erndecopt uaetly more busy lu lite te avod have demenstnstcd tilt >ou bavei becs able te be a progressive sud neyer yet settled down jute ultra con- servatiffi. What s wonderful op- portunity this are offers atter altfor constructive tliniskng sud acting wbeu tie worla lu insuci a state cdf flux sud >ld custoins sud ideas break- iug dowu. Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Salisbury, IWesten, spent Suuaay witi Mr. sud Mrs. F. B. Hermun. nrs. Adrian Bferry sud baby EI'vs set the. weekend with Mn. sud Mrs. L B!L. Naichels, CarlisasAve. Ladiîes' Home Jourrnî........ 00o iqualified te -ap'pesr on tIm prqgranisue Satarday Evenlng Pt .... :5:001 of tuis <et cormctmen; * 'demes- Famlly Eradd & Weekly Star $800 #sraies tic wlasdor et Uic Departinentî WeekIy Wltncsa............$4:00 et Education lu lucreasing tic <rentea Canadien Hoe Journa. ..*8.00 for thc t«Ccldg et music lu rural FIr & lry ..............18.50 seboolu. Iprnft Sun.....- -......... $8.50 3Pt la lioPed tiat tie dolegates trom M&cLeen'.agffine .......*.0aIl over rural Ontark wwllt be lusplred Catda Coeutryrnn.....$10000 by tii. denutratien to do kikowlse Canadian Poultay ReAvlow $ tor the PWIs ofthoîr achools nien' Ca»" enmop l. ........88.00 they rétais bàe. 4 4 WDDING SMALL CHOOL PROBLEMS" W.rdeu-Aruett Diseused jn Practical Addr...DyI ________Col. E. E. Saider at Meeting of A very pretty weddin tokplacel Scimool Truste.. at the borne q< Mrn.sd lr. Wilard C. Stevens, 140,Hilledale Ave. Est, In addressing the County Conven- Toronto, on SaturdaY, Decemben 219t, tion of the. School Trustees' sud Rate- wben Mr. W. Frank Wooden, Soiith nayrs' Aociation of Durhain D4eiigton, oeeof the progeive - ouny recently. Colonel E. E. guid- farmers of Out diebdct, and son of er, I. P. S., Port Hope, referred to the late Mr. and -Mr.. Ein Worden, the problenis of the sinall achool. weilI known aud tisse bonored nesi- Re instanced a case in his inspecter- dents ef that local"t, and (Ern.) AI- ste of a achool having but one pupi~l medo Beatnice Arnott, Toronto, only except when an -occasonal visiter ds.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orien C. çomes te the community, w)iicb la Pickell, Edanm, Sa*., were united in jvcry sclem. Tis particular schooli marriage. Umis Alnis Stevens, the bas had only frein one to two pupils* bride'. cousin, played the wedding lu attendance et different timies dur- march, and 1ev. Dr. D. Meintyre of ing the lest seven years. The achool Newmarket, Ont., an old tune friend board receives $600 froin the To'wn- et tic bride, officlsted. mblp sud at lst $350 frein the Pro- .Mter the weddln,'à a suinptuous; vincial Treaaury, rendering it unnec- auper sa servd. A iiandsome easary to 1evY but a sinall local tax wédgcake, the giftt < the bridels upon the section. He informud the ohegraced the centre of the tab- convention that lie bas4 si*>roached le. A besutiful bouquet of rose the board, explained the scheol regu- s dded te the decoratioe. The. bap- latiena relative te the transportation Ucouele spet a few <laya at the ef the -cbildrnute another achool, orkTorento, and vislte<î Ipelnting eut that they ceuld, if net- frienda in Ottawa, the Capital city, e.5B17, use tic township grant and iover Chiristmas. Tbheywil ho et the pro.vincial grant on tescher's sel- home about thse begminig oe ic > ary te defrayOLe expenzes et trans- near Ebenesor, Ont portation. This, however, naid Col. nider, woidd net lie necemsry lu the P'resent case as thceue pupil lu at- OBrnJARY tendance la only % mile ferther frein _______tbe neighbening scbool than the amu. Jaes.L. Hughes, Toronto sebool et the section te uhici the _______parents beleug. Toronto lest oeeof its pioncer Col. Suider approved ef the resal- klndergarten leaders in the passalng tien sent lu by the Carleten Cuanty away Toesdy . morning, Deceniber Association. Tis resolation places 24th, at her homein t 47 Duudonald; the resp*nuibility on the seheol bamd 1otreet, of Mis. James L Hughes.I te satisfy the inspecter tiiat thi. Ber deati, uhicli eecurred in ber' trsn*rtstion et the pupila te the 82dyear, sa due te a heurt attack. ne-hhuring sebool would lie in.. The late Mma Hughes beftone ber practicaMle, otherwise tbey aboll be marriage te Dr. James L. Hughes, rcquired te carry eut the regalations. brothier et the late Sir Sam Hughes See.aey Etiucation in R"u'. et Iànduay, wasaMiss Adaline Augusta Communiiese Màarcan ot New Yoat. Sic uns bers Col. Sniacn referred te the efforts and educated iu New York, Iter tek-. made lu bis Inspectorate te provide a !% a course at tie state normal feu peaun ot bigh sebeol education 01at Albeny. Shc spccialized lu wttla reach of the homes ofthte kindergarten w.erk sud became an cildron. The ide& should be, naid throaghout the United States. It with pnanansd mScndary edinca- sa then îhe met Dr. Jameos L. tien l i byorne cornuunity. It Hughes, wbose second uit e sic was. conte the state leus sud also tiheroe Ater cenming te Toronto, Mrs. lese te educate thc cbuld ln bis own Hughes waa presideut et the kinder- oommuty. We muet cenaidetr M~t garten association et Ontarie. Pre- only thc cost of aending the child viously lime bcld the saine office lu away freinborne te beard, involvmzîg thié United Statua kindergarten assoc- transportation expenses sud cost cd iation. She was a grant favorite board, but aIse thc incneascd incident- wlti the Terante teachers witb wiom al expenses lncurTcd b y reqairing the the sa brougit lu close toucli wbeu pupils te lîve in a differeut environ- Dr. Hughes sa ton many ycars cief ment. The pupils 1ke te bc dreeaed inspecter ef the Toronto scicols. as ethen pupils and toe eujotheUice- 1 nr. Hughes attended thc Metropoli- creatieus sud amusements ef theini tan Churci. Shc wasansu on onary cSupsuions. Parents muet neces- menîeber et Uic Home aud Scheol swrily pIe'Vide the wberewjtball v Coueil aud identi6ied hersait witi uhici tbe pula »Y enjey tic coin- meuy et tic most progressive educa- Psnionsbip of1is felow students. Etional sud philauthropie nuvenents. Tie Hîgb Sehools lu the countiea Survivi Mms.Hughcs arc her hus, et Northuumberland snd Durhamn are baud, Dr. jaines L Hughes, sud oee rowded, said Col Suider. Urbon <laughton, Mrs. J. A. Lunde, et Chii- centres hesitate te enlarge these iu- cage. One son, Chester Hughes, stitutions te provide facilities for cd- made the upreme sacrifice during ueatîng country childnen ultiiont the. world war. Inteuinent waa nmade sonie assurance that Uic added equip- in Maine, N. Y., atter cremuttien. ment would continue to-e b. id ton The service sa held on Thursday, nîsny years. Tlic couuty belps te, December 26ti, at the tarnily reai- psy the. coet ot eduicating country dence. children lu tiese achoels. H. point- The. pall-bearors wilWè Dr. Wallace cd eut it would lie better te previde Scott sud Msr. t, George facilities for sat 0w yeara of aecondazv Houston, Mil n , Kenneth education lu tir achools nearer Houston, Edund Houston, Perey home, involving lesa expense te the Job and Erling Lande. Mem*iens etofountry aud te the parents. the .tarily present incladed Dr. Ho înstanced Cartwright Township James L. Huches, Mms. E. Lande ând sud other muictalities that prev- ber two sono, Chestier and Liet from leously sent tram seven te twenti' p-p Chicago; aud Mra. H. M. Clernent, ils te Uthe bigh achoola et Uic langer Dr. Hughes' daugbter troiniNew urbain ~centres sud ubich uow bave York. Anotier danghter, Mm..IL provided continuation ochools at W. Hausa et Vancouver, wau nable wbih about oven a bundred country te come te Toronto for Uic fuseraI. young people were secuing bigb Thc York Pioncera, Ontario Dd;âa- achool education at present. tional Association, Rotary Cidb, Kin- Toacing Music in Sceeole dergarten Association sd ms Col. Suider bas aise taken a great otier organizatiens sent andora interent lu Uic teaching et music in utes. Messages «f sympaiy uer. thie elenvcutuz.y sebeols. He teld the receiv'ed tram various parts of Can- covninta8 ute u ade ada sud the. United Stateï. cla-rooma in bis Inapecterate, nine- ty-tbre neceive regular musical in- a.. G. onjl., . sre truction., The langer urban contres ________have iad teachera for one tise, but receutly the mevement bas exteuded Anothen old bzd hlgbly estereedte the rural areas. The parents reldent et Olbarne passed away on heard the singine etftth. choirs of Sunday, Dec. 22nck 1929, lu tic par- nmre achools et thc annual School son ef Clans Wright, widow of the. Pairs, sud were se deligbted tilt now lat. John G. Dudley, lu ber 8ti year. iii but seven achools et Uic Inspecter- Mms Dudliey wes hotu nearpeter- ste bave provided. for regeler in- bore sud nues qulte oyeug emoved struction lu music. with ber parents te Baldinisnd where 1The Geverniment prevides 50 % et ehe nesided untilabu twent:-ofic thc ceet o etachiug music. If, tari years ago, wlîen aie rmvdwt e examiple, a sobool fpends $60 a year family te Coiborne. or $2 s wcek for tiirty weeks, tic Thedecase wa repeced ndGoverumeut ull psy them $30 or Tii. decaled usa re prctged sd50 % etftth.cost. Thc Regulatians w1hher intimate acquaiutance, wa retiaire anc haIt heur por week de- a gaod nelghber sud kindi friend. veted te tie teaching et music te etqualify fer tie grauts, but Col. Snid- She was a consistent memier o er pointed out tint lu tic clasaroema thse Prcdytcnian Chanci, snd ber et ils inspectorate -tic pupils eujayl pastor, IRev. C. 4G. Grabami, B. A.. not one haîf-hour per week, but ancl condueted a very aliprepriate funeraI whole hour pcr week. Special tesci- service en Tueaday atternoon. ers ot music have becu engaged to The bearera ucrre ber fiec sono sud devote thirty heurs per year for $2, euse qrauilon. per heur te travel frn on e achool to Sic le sunvived by fiv. sens, Wil- suotier il necessary, tcachfiug musmc liam et Callfornia, Levi of Wb¶itby, teal tic cilîdren.e 1 1T.- e Newca T---me-et_'r Ti fo4.,ngla littte-ms1 PAGE PIVE PROVIDENCE ENUISICILLMI Reprt eferuils of S. S. No. 6. Report of Oristnas Examinations Delgtn,fo Christmnas Exszcs; of Enuniklen Publie Sbcoël: namin order oft ment: Br. IV-:niy Vîrtue 80, Marke Sr. IV-Stuart Crago (hon), Maude Oke 77, Helen Brunt 74, Mons, Dick- Duiter (hou), Wilfrid Jones. inson 73, Floyd Petbiek 65, Gordon Jr. IV-Alice Luiton (bon), Myr- Stevens 63. dée Ruiter, Wesley Laxton. Jr. IV-Bernice Stainton 77, D«r- Sr. 21-1-Aleen Wight (bon>, non- ethy Stacey 70, Ruth St.venan 4% aid~~~ CBrouJceCrgo Ashton 64, Verne Petbiek 66. 1 aldCrag, Jac Crao. 1Jr.-l i-Marîon Grnin 2, Wbur Jr. HIf-Joan Hall(bon), Marioni Stacey 65, Jo9in Oke 49, Chiford Orage, Gordon %rene. Péthlek 4& Sr. Il-Douglas Wight. &. Iln hap7, o Jr. U1-Ehvrt Bragg (hon), Coul- )ra<diey ev. son Wooiner, Violet Crago, Viola Ij-Venu Stacey 73, Harolé Aub- Ruitur. ton 48, Vernon 8tacey 180. I-Hefflen Laiton (hon), Joan Wîil- Br. IPr.--AlIe Stevenson 1.7 cocha (bon), Lawrence Wilcocks, Vfrtue, Edna Bradley, Wilrna sbi.u Relea Ruiter. Wiluier Griffilu. Jr. Pr.--Grace Hall (bon), Irene Jr. Pr.--1Helen Ashton, Okga San- Wight (absent), Catherine Wight denson. (absent). I igares stand for per enft. U..M. à%ucb, teacher. R«»a M. IkCIU, teachér. SMALL ROASTS ARE WASTEFUL It is uneconomical to buY sMall roals of beef. They should always be larg enough to serve more than one meal. The reason is that too amail a roast does net carve well and "dries up" in cooking. And the "left-ove" of dried, cooked meat are tasteless and not desirable in combination dishes. We take pride in our Roatsof Bef, just as in the Leg o' Lamnb anid Sausage L#dmc. Ail are excellent and ail are economical, BE WISE - BUY ENOUGH G. A. EDMONDSTONE MIEAT MARKET Phone 21 Bowmanvifle SPIECIAL SALE 1A Reduction for Cash For Jauiuay 1930 we wiil »U11the.folloving article. at r.duced prie..: Eledtric Heatmrs Toasters and Hot Plates Haud Sleghs Snow Sho.. Coal Heaters Soine bargaini useâ El.ctic, Water Power I and Hand Waahes. at lMASON & DALES PUIAR HARDWARE STORE ROVAN'9S -WISH- IS THAT YOU ALL ENJOY HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY' RO'VAN'S SIIOE STORE I NEXTTHE NEW SHOPPING CENTRE OPPOSITE THE BOWMAN HO013E

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