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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 2nd. 1930. MAPLE GROVE MAPLE GROVE HAMPTON ELECTION CARD School Report fior S. S. No. 6, Dar-, Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, apent the Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Biec visited in To» Electora aof[iarlington: lington:; weekend et home. Toronto.LaissdGnemn:4hv Glas WLlod Mteafe 5, n- Mr. E. I. Foley reoently visited Miss Muriel Moore, Enniskillen,: again been honiored with nomination geline Polley 84, Mildred Snowden friends in Toronto.j visited Miss Grace Hastings. a s councillor for Township of Dar- 82, Alfred Laird 80, Bert Cauldery, Miss Susie Laird spent a few days, Miss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa, vis-1 lington, and have qualified for samne. 74, Ross Law 72, Lavonne Trinible'with friends at Kingston. ited at Mr. Bruce Ferguson's. 11 therefore solicit your vote and in- 65, Douglas Bothwell 60, Georgei Mr. Elgin Munday, O.A.C., Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, fluence at the coming election. Shoud Gower 58. is spending the holidays'at home. OshwvstdaMrJ.Wkey. I be favored with election 1 Wjll Con Sr 1-G-eorge Polley8,Tea Miss Winnifred Rickard, New-l 1 r.a~ i hs odadfm tinue to serve the township te the Preeman 73, Jim Upper 7 1, Jean 11csstle, is visiting Miss Greta Munday. 1 ily, rn vstda M.J .Jhsbest of my ability. Stevens 67, Douglas Polley 64, Helen I Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Mss. Clifford Colwi'll, Ruby anid John to. Metcalfe 61, Douglas Gower 56, Rets Chas. Home on the arrivai of a young Ruth, visited ber mother in Osha.wa. ___ Flintof 52. son. Mr. Perey Cowling, T1oronto, wAs To Electors of Darlington: Jr. III-Evelyn Evans 7 rGron Ms. W. J. Snowdnrcntyvst- home at Mr. J. Cowling's fer t.he bhl- Ladies and Gentlemen :-Having Jàifv 68, MUiy Storms 66, Eyra Free- ed ber son, Mr. Ray Snowden, Toi- day.- accepted the nomination of counicillor man 64, Biul Cauldery 59, Robert ontio. Mrs. M. Robbins visited with ber for Township of Darlington, I hereby Bothwell 52. The annual meeting of the Sunday sister, Mrs. Wm. Shortt, Bowman- solicit your vote and influence in my1 Sr. Il-Leona Flintof 89, Margar- School will be held on Monday even- 'rile. behalf next Monday. Should 1Ilbe et Upper 85, Gwenneth Wood 8.4,~ ing, Jan. th. Mirs. D. Flintoif and family, Court- honed >y being elected I will do Mxy Charlie Wright 77, Bobbie Snowden ;Miss Nellie Snowden, Toronto ice, visited ber sister, Mia. H. E. utmost te mse that the administration 75, Norman Gower 50, Albert Bath- Normal School, is spending the holi- Rundie. of the townohipls affaira is carrîed on well 48, Elmer Huggins 30, Clifford days at home.1 Mr. and Mss. Iorne Rabbins and with the utmost carie and efficiency. Johns 29. Mr. and Mss. James Burnett, Toi- Pauline, Leskard, visited at Mrs. W. Wallace Miller.1 Jr. fl-Jean Upper 78, Florence onto, spent Christmas with bier sister, Virtue's. ____ Evans 69, Jean Jarvie 19., Mrs. F. Swallow. Mr. and M=s. Geo, Edger and Ros- Elect r f Darlingtou Sr. 1-Irene Wright 59, Allan Miss Vida Worden, Toronto, is vis-. ina, Oshawa, were guests et Mr. H. Ladies ana Gentlemen-Bavingi Wood 50, Howard Wood 33. iting her mother at her bro>ther's, WiIcox's. been noninated for the office ofi Sr. Pr.-Pèecy Flintoif 63 %6, Kath- Mr. R. L. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, Buf- Councillor and being uneble te make1 leen Aldread 53%,, Beruice Gower Zion Minstrel Show on F'riday, falo, were Christmias guests of Mr-. a personal canvass, I takre this op-1 42%k, Milton Storms 17%h. Jan. lOth. Reserve the date. Pull and Mis. R. A'very. portunity of asking for yo>ur support1 Filgure, stand for %. particulars next week. Mr. and Mss. Milton Slenien, Lloyd at the polIs on Monday and assuring . B. E. Souch, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Misses and Cordon, Esydon, visited beoe YOU if elected I wiIl endeavor to look1 ENJEDDerothy and Betty Stevens, spent mother, Mrs. C. Johns. after voui interests to the best ci ENFIELD Sunday witb the former's daughter, Miss Annie Stainton is visitiug Mr. my abilityr. WiLshing you the coanpli-1 Mr. L. C. Pascoe was re-elected ta Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. and Mrs. Wallace Stainton aud Mr. ments of tihe esson.f schooltrutee On Sunday afternoon the usual James Stainten, Toront. Ca.M.e.ut s i Mis. G. Cochrae i ale ta be out large cougregation was present te Mr. and Mms Wm. Clarkie, Oshawa, chs .Cruhr again aftr ber siekuesa. hear another excellent- sermon spent Christnmas at the former's Electors of Darlingtont Mr. Harvey Strong bas movecl te pmacbed by Paster J. H. Stainton father's, Mr. John Clake. Ladies and Gentlemen-Havibg his new <a-m west of Osha'wa. aloug the Ue of New Year's. The Everyone was sorry to hear of the been again nomiuated for thre office 'Mss. Edwin Ormisten and Miss anthemns by the choir were aIse mucb sericus illuess cf Garth Perrit and of Caunicillor for the Township of El.Aine are visitiug at Bobeaygeon. appreciated. hope hie will make a speedy recovery. Darlington and hlaving faithfully Mr. Haary Stinson was in Roches- Mr. sud Mrs. John Williams, Osh- served in that capacity duriug the- awa, spent Christmas at the home af pat year, I again solicit your voteT ter attending the funerai of a cous- COURTICE the former's sister, Mrs. Alvin Pete - . and iuICc n x oa In, Mss. Harper. _______ oIM behlf Christmas Tree sud Concert teck Mr. RnlCorieTrotws M.and Mrs. Walter Cryderman, If elected I will give my best abil-l 'Chrstms Tee nd Concrt ook Mr. onad Curtce, orotowasSolina, Mr. and Mss. Fred Taniblyn ity ta, advauce the interest of theM place on Dec. 23rd. The attendance home over Christmxas. and Mary, Orono, visited at Mr. whole Township without favoir tON was not as large as usual on account Mr. Walter Snider, Brantford, is Bruce Ferguson's. anyane. d of. heavy, roads and steriny weather. visiting at Mr. W. H.Nl'. Friends cf Mr. W. R. Alân, Town- Wishing yen ail a Prosperour, andia Tne chorufes, recitations, dialogues Mr-. Frank Walters was in Toronto ship Clerk, are sorry ta know that he Happy New Year. I and a drill were weil rendered and Saturday. He is quite busy these is ill and is at preseut in Bownxan- C. A. Blanchard Q Sgnta Claus did net forget ta arrive days selling radios, ville Hospital. A in tisse te remeuiber the children. Mrs. Jas. Shortt was in Toronta Miss Edna Cryderman, Belleville, EI.ctors of Darlington:M Rev. J. WhYte was chairman and aise over the weekend, guest of ber sis- Miss Winnie Cryderman, Mr, Frank Ladies sud Gentlemen-Raving M was a splendid help on thre prograux. ter, Mss. Jack Hicks. Cryderman, Mr. A-Ibert Allin, Toron- served you for five years as Council-M Christmas Visiters: Mr. Robson Mr. Jas. Hancock attended the te, visited at Mr, A. B. Crydermian's. loir for this township 1F again solicit W Bôwman, North Bay, at Mr. T. BOw- Beys' Parliament in Torento Satur- Mr. Iiarry Wilcox, Sr, is ill at the your vote and influence in the ceux-H man's; Miss Irene Bray, Torento, at day and spent Sunday with relatives home cf bis son. Mr. Wilcox was ing election on Mouday next. if M Mr. S. Bray's; Miss Myrtle Hebbs at there. uearly asphyxiated by coal gas at bis elected I will endeaver te serve yauH Mrs. Jno. 'Hbbs'; Msses Helen Pas- -Miss Joeyce Washington, Fenelen home and is still suffering freux the te the best cf my ability as in the M coe, Wlck, and Beasie Pascae, Toron- Falls, is guest of Miss Ada Aunis. effects. past. Wisbing you aIl a Happy and E: ta, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. l5ascee, Mr. Gerden Breut, Tyrene, was aiso Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Sleuion, Bew rseou e erIrmi Broldn, t r.L. . asoe'; r.a visiter at Mr. G. F. Annis' Sunday. manvilie, Mr. Frank Virtue, Burling- Yours sincerely, M sud Mas., G. Leask at Mr. F. Gilbert's; Mrs. A. F. Rundle eutertained ton, Mr. R. S. Virtue, Oshawa, with A. L. Pascoe. W Mr. sud Mrs. H. James, Celumrbus, at some of ber relatives te a party Sat- their father, Mr. J. J. Virtue, wbo is A:___ Mr. J. Hekuru's. urday evening in houer cf Mr. Harry vet-y il] at his home bere.le TYOEOsborne who is home from Detroit Mr. Herbert Smale aud wife and SOLINA B TYOEover the helidaym. daughters, Mr. Clarence Smale audM Mils Beatrice Bgelow, Picten, is Young People's meeting will be famiiy, Detroit, Mr. Arnold Seweil, Mrs. Suxales sud Miss Jean Aunan, RÀ home. held on Thursday evening wheu a de- Teronto, Mr. John W. Sinale, Ce- Duubartou, were recent guests ef GC Miss Hazel Hodgsen, Belleville, is bate, "Reseived that the Werld is bourg, were guests cf Mss. Smsle. Mr. sud Mrs. Jas. Sinales.'...Mr. M home. getting better," will he conducted by A meeting of the lot belders of the sud Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Bowman- W Misa Mac Camneren, Toronto, is men'bers cf the League. Hampton North Cemetery is called ville, Ma-. Russel Reynolds, Toronto, MI holidaying at home. Mr. Marshall Seules and family and for Wednesday, January &th, at 2.30 Misses Edna and Lulu Reynolds, ci Mr. Levi Annis, Teronto, i, sped- .Miss Ethel Brooks, Toronto, Mr. and p. mx. in Basement of Chnrcb te re- Hanmpton, Mr. snd Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, an ing the holiday at beome. Mrs. Hugli Fitsiinmons and.son Har- ceive reports, eiec-t two representa- Brooklin, visited with Miss Mary Mi Miss G. MacKay, teacher, is holi- ry, Detroit, sud Miss Aura Brooks, tives ou Board, etc. 1-1 Hogarth sud Mrs. R. Pascoe ...a daying ut lber home at Beavecton. Ladies' Coilege, Whitby, spent Report cf Hampton School for Misses Vers sud Pheebe and Mr. Roy at .Mr. sud Mrs. A. W. Clemeus spent Christmxas day with Mr. andl Mrs. S. Christimais terni, names in order of Shortridge have been spendiug s few an Chaistmas with friends lu Toronto. S. Brooks. merit: IV--Jecksou Wrsy* Austin' days with Starkvilie friends ...a Mrs. Clara Byam, Bewmauville, Suudsy sel-v-ices were geod. Iu Bsra-on*, Gordon Phillips*., Suart Mr-. Ernest Twist spent Christmas "g -visitled bier daughter, Mrs. Luther the mccning our pastor, Rev. J. H. Hogarth*, Jessie Hogarth--, John with relatives in Toronto... Mr. Su Hooper. Stainton, pcesched a fine sermon on Watchorn, Jean Stainton, Bloyd XiI- Alan M1cKessock speut the week-end ai àfrz, Floyd Dudley sud babe are "The Gods that m-en carry, compared cox; Sr. hII-Anna Wallace*, John wi:h Thauaesford frieuds ... M-. ef VibÎting he~ reii .jr. sud Ma-s,, w .vth the Gcd that carrnes mnen." -Mas. Virtue*, Olga Cewling*, Anna Stain- aud Mrs. Norval Wotten sud Master e le. Turer, dreen River. 1titusn ool peddvie o5 ar Witerburn, Miidaed Francis, Mrs. Levi Arnot, Ma-. A. L. crE Miss F. Vtrtue sud Mr. W. Staple§ In the aftea-noon the± .8 S. ht'ld un Audrus, Nelson Robbins, Harold Mar- Psscoe attended the funeral of the Stý visbedlie bothr, rJ, J. Virtue,j open session aud a prograni was pre- tyn, Bruce Carke; Jr. HI1-Betty late Mrs. B. Powell in Oshawa on al Hampton, who is vecy 11, ,çnted by miemberq of the different Knox*, Jimuxie Adsmsou*, Muriel Ssturday. . .Mr. sud Mrs. w. j.jAs Misses Elva and Riiby Vrtuel classc5z. The session was cpened Scott", Lena Novick*, Bruce Ho-IReyuoids sud Miss Ruth visited Mr. I rT Town, speut Christmas with theia-1 xith MIiýs Louis-e-Osbor-ne, Bowman- garth*, Doris Crydermian, Katie sud Ma-s. W. H. Nichols, Ebenezer. . selC mother, Mr-s. Laura Virtue. lyn h ciis e-JnsT vilpsigte"he"vr oeTelma Robbins, Vers Martyu,. . Mr. sud Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent a jRe Mr. sud Mrs. W. Smith, Toroto, 1 be;ut ifuP1liy. Readings were given Alan Faru; II-Wsltec Holwell*,1 few dsys lsst week with Kedron Wý spent Christmas with ber parents, by Miss Florence Wilkins, 'Miss Annie Gladvs Chapmau* Bea-nice Rogers", .friends ..Messrs. Alian Balson Beý Mr. sud Ma-s. Byron Farrel. Wilkins, and M.%rs. L. J. Couaticê; Jack \'i<derx', Jac' Cowling John ansd Tom Westlske were iu Toronto Dr Mr. sud Mrs. W. 9. Stevens, Mrs. rhoru-ses by the Primary clsss, and hy Novick, Normra Cowling, Ruby Col-. last week. .Mr. sud Ma-s. Howard Dif Euoch Stevens, Hampton pt Mr. C. Penfound's cia-s; solo by Mas- wîll, Dora Cowling, Jea-oid Black, Couch sud fauxily, Betbesda, visited Clý Christmas at Ma. Robent Buneseut ter Sidney Worden; sud a quartette Ruth Colwill, Ruby Jess, Doreen Per- Mr. John Bsker's on Faiday. We tat Mr. sud Mrs. Benitley, Mr. and by Messrs. A. E. Rundle. G. F. Annis, ritt: l-Wanda Clarke*, Gertrude welcome Mr. sud Mrs. George White the Mss. HaggErty sud J ack, Cherry Val- W. Rudie sud W. R. Courtice. A Pe ttit, Isabel Rç>gers*, Nellie Arux- cf Hampton te our eoinmuuity. Tbey by ley, visited at Rev. J. R. Trumpeur's.j pecisl collection w-as taken for the oua-. Gladys Pettit, Donald Adcock. are moviug into the house foa-meriy 011 Ma-. sud Ma-s. Arthur Breut sud ick Childa-en's Hospital smouuting te Gladys Tru, Jsck Joues; Pr-Ber- owued by Mr. A. J. Reynolds.....Chi family, Ma-. sud Mrs. Arthur Annis Oea- $20. tha Aa-mour*, Acy Horn*, Verna Mr. George Wecry entertained* biis Bai sud family, spent Christmas at MIr. WNowly elected officers of Ebenezer Cewiing*, Percy Allun, Alber-t Mar- friends te s psrty Fridsy eveuiug. the George F. Aunis', Couctice. . M. S. are: Piîesident-Mih->s <Rev.) tyn, Betty Stainton. *Honoa-s All repor-t s jolly time ...Mr. Gm. Mr. sud Mrs. Arthua- S»it sdJ. H. Stainton; lst Vice-Mrs. H-. F. F. J. Groat, Isobel Cam~pbell, Norman Icwiu cf Whitby accompan- B family, Raglan, Mr. sud Ms eb Oshba-ne; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Pet!ey; Ir-d idby r rn eelfe brt S cott sud family, Orono, Mr. andi Vie-Mrs. Blake Courtice; Rec. plane te Mc. Chas. Howsamns sud at- u Mrs. Ronid Scott, spent ChnLtnas a Se'y.-Ma-s. Lec. Courtice; Asst. do BAKER'S SCHOOL tended tire shooting match ou Mon- chi M. T. Scott's. ' Mrs. Walter Suider; Coca-es. Secy.- day. . .. Remember the Womeu's In- Dol Mr. sud Mrs. Wilhert Dudley, Ma- Mrs. Esli Oke: Tresurr-Mrs. Rus- Report of Christmxas examinations stitute meeting lu the Suuday SlI< sud Ma-s. Cecil Dudley, Bowuxauville,! "11 Gay; Baud Leader S. S. No. 4-.. for S.S. No. 14, Daliugton. Naines School Roo.m next Thua-sday after- the Mc. sud Ma-s. W. J. Bradd, Gerald'; Miss Hattie Osborne; S. S. No. 8- in erder cf merit: V-Jessie Yellew- ucon Jan 9th. at 2.30 p.m., in charge Sa Dudley aud Floyd, Oshaw', tMrs. A. J. Gay; Baby Baud Supt.- lees; Sr. IV - Bessie Patterson of group 3. Roll Caîl 'A Breach of me] Chaistmxas at Mr. James Dulys. Ms W. H. Nichols; Missionary (Hen.),Elsa Bowmau; Jr. IV-Byron Etiquette." Everycue welcome...... ent Ma. Breuton McCulloughe lÇf-,rs. Meuthly Sec'y.-Mrs. Penberthy; Neshit, Mary Milison, Norma YeoUow- Divsion meeting iu the Sunday SP William and Wesley Little,' OshawaI Strangers' Sec'.-Mig Ar s lees; Sa-. HI-George Patterson Scbool a-can Thursday, Jan. 9tb. St Mr.andMrs D.K. rasrBetesd' borne; Sopply Cýommittee...Mrs. A. (Hon.), Jina Suales; Jr. III-Neil 8 p.ux...Our Christmxas concert Mr.suK Mas. . Fraser, oot, pn E. Rndie; Associate Helpers-Mas Yellowlees; Jr. II-Willie Patterson in the Church Monday eveig Dec. F Christmas at Ma-. Robt. McCullough's. Ccil Found; Christian Stewacdship (Ho.), Russel Ha.iýy, Harold Hep- 23rd., was a decided success. The C. G. L. T., with their leader, Miss sud Fiuance-Mrs. Ross Pea-ce; Lit- humn; '-Grace Ye owlees; Pr.- church wss well filled sud the pro- Lois Richards, held a candie light era-tre-Ma-s. C. Peufoond; Tenapa- Russel Hepburn, Billie Ashton; Jr. gram wss one cf the best. A shorti speinthe vestry Faiday eni an ce-Ma-s. G. F. Annis; Pr-ess Se'. Pr.-Donald Yeilowleea. C , che .as ies, asudpiaohstras A dainty suppea-oet scalloped pts. -Ma-s. Blake Oke; Finance Commit- L. G. Dearboru, (teacheci., readingsad orhsr tos flmnlof ikls redadteeMs osPacMs usl music. The chairman for the even- butter, fruit saaid and w i(ped sy, -Mrs. W. R. Courticie, Ma-s.B1 n waRe JR. Bc.A h creaux, cake, grapes, caudy wnd pe- Coortice. Ma-s. C. Penfuund; Auditea- CHRISTMAS AT MAPLE AVE, close of the program Sauta Claus Jol: pies wa.S Served, attea- which the girls' -Mns. W. R. Couctice. Next meet- FARM dsrbtdtegfsfo h elF enjoyed a good time lu sleigh îiig. ng Tborsday, Jan. l6th. Place o laden ta-ce. Pa-eceeda over $20.0a.. League Thuasday eveuing opened 1 mýýetiniz snnouuced later. o1 Mr.. sud Ma-s. Richard J. Luke, Ked- , Oua- young people are giving their wihahm n ryrb e.riu. raou, East Whitby, opened their spac- 'play "Maci-yiug Aune" ou Faiday 0lgý Trupou. M-. eviAnus gvsicus home for the Wera-y Family Re- Jan. 17th. Wstch foc particulars. Trupor. Mr.Lei nni gav, GOLDEN WEDDING union on Christmas Day, nearly forty ____ splendid topic on "Chiristmas Reief.,paoncopriutehpypa-y iaze ur. n a-s. J08. Moom-, sud sdenustely express ber appa-eciation Mrs. StanleY May, Torenta, Mr. sud S-. IIMa-. Willisms is s son et the late Ma-. jcf this libecal sud kindly expressIon Mss. Stewart Rodmnan, Scugag, Misa j. R.M O oR Iasd -Mc. Thos. Williams, al cf 'ly_- cf the love sud good-'will of the don- Maud Ashton, Toronto, Ma-. Ira Ta- I R.M O E roue. ors, absent sud preseut. vail, Oshawa, spent Christntas wlth Olga IJeweler g Music with Christmxas cas'alo their parents, Mc. snd Ma. E. C. J. I Bowmanville Cut eut the renewsl fera on front brought te a close a celebration tyn Asht>n. . . .Ma-. sud Ma-s.0r Jef- JulrY Ia« in sndig i Y'oua subscriptian ira] of many 'Christmxas gatherings in frey sud sou Clern spent Christmas Olga te The Statesman. this vlcinlty. witb friends in scugog..Our Dr.1 paetor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, delivered John Lyle, sa151, sec'Y.- an excellent sermon ou "Mothea- M. A. James sd Sos, 1ood" te a large audience ou Sun- priting ...... day Eveniug. Ma-. Harvey McGil presided at the argan in the absence' et Miss M. Orchard. Mss. W. Ta-ewiu, Eydon, sd Ma. E. C. Ashton,, POLICE DEPARTME? rendered a fine vocal duet "Beatiul' e*ur Star et Hoýpe" wich was much ap- Fbur preciaied...Mrs. Wm. 'Hea-aing S. Venton, sala-y.......$ speut a few sas its rdsugbte-,;W.Hall, mosry ........ Mss. Win. Wot.ten.. Mrs. Frances S. Venton, postage...... Wea-ry sud baby Jean visited friends1 in Baclotock .... M. Teo Sezon March attended the Masonic banquet beld in Bowranville on St. John's ight. . S. Vetn, salaay....... . Ma-. sd Mas. Frank Spa-y sd two W. Hall, saary.... ..... sos, Rochester, are olidying with Toronto Staxnp sd Stencil the lattea-'a mtier, Mas. Wm-. Oke, Co., dog tagsa........... sud other friends... Ma-.sud Ma-s. John Browu snd daughter Olive, April Orono, spent Sunday witb Ms. H. S. Ventn, salary....... J. Weray..Mr. sd Mas. John W. Hall, slary .......... Semnon, Mr. sd Mc. Theo. Slemon, W. F. Ward, salary.. sud son John, spent Christmxas at May Ma-. Sulas Trewin's... Mss. Wm. Griffu bhas returned freux spending S. Ventn, salary....... several daya in Osbawa sud attend-1 W. Hall, sa-ry.......... ie the funeral etfbl a-r aut, M s. B. jG. Blsekwell, 81817 . . . Poell.... Ma. Ws. Staintan spent jS. Venton, sundries ... Monday sud Tuesday last with J- Htely, «M........... faieds in Port Hope ... . Ma. C. W. W. . Kerr, attending court Scott spent Christmxas at his home ir Whitby. A meeting af the lot halders of the Hmpton North Cemetery la called for Wednesday, Jsuuary 8th, at 2.30 P. Mx. in Bsment ef Church te a- ceive reports, eiect two repa-esenta- 1 tives on Board, etc. i- 1_1 1L 7 HAYDON Christmxas Visitoss: miss Verna 1'rewin, Oshawa, Miss Annie ,Ta-ewiu, Caurtice, at Ma-. W. Ta-ewiu .5... Miss Dors Mountjoy, Oshawa, at Mra. COhailes Garasa-d'.... .Miss Helen Word'en, Torouto, at Ma-. W. Woýr- len's. ... Mra-.sd Ma-s. H. Stainton and family, Hamupton, at Ma-. A. MecNeil's...M-. Engoue Beecb, Queu's University, Kingston at Ma-. A. :Beech's ....M-.sud Ma-s. F. Mfountjoy, Enniakilien sud Ma-. Thos. MfOuntjaY at Ma-. J. Crossxan 's.. Mr-. sud Ma-s. C. Bunk, Ma-. sudMa. W. W. Hall, Toronto, at Mr. D. Hall'a ... Miss Mets Ashtou sud Ma-. Fred Asbton, Tenonte, at Ma-. H. A.shto's . .. . Miss Elva Fea-guson, Messrs. Bort sud Lloyd Ferguson, Enield, Ma-. sud Ma-s. J. Bradley, Enniskilleu, at Ma-. E. Bcadley's. ... M iss Helen _McDouald, Salemi, at Mr., W.- Thornpson's ... M-.sud Mss. Alymer Beoch sud famnily, Enniakil- [eu, Mr. sud Ma-s. Austin Lai-mer, Ina-keton, at Ma-. A. Beecb's.. Mr-. sud Ma-s. L. Gr-ahami sud sous, Roy sud Jina at Ma-. Cyrus Asfftou's, Gartwright.. Ms. E. Bradley at Mr. B. Fergusou's, Eufield. Ma..-.Mr Vilbert Marks, Ma-. Richard Hoakin, [a-. sud Mca. Elgin Mouutjoy sud iden at Ma-. R. Auuger's...M-. ind Mss. Milton Sleuxou sud sous at 4rs. C. Johns', Hampton... M. id Ma-s. Thenon Mouutjoy visited tt Mr-. W. J. Challis', Bownianviile, id Ma-. W. Giffîen's, Salem... M-. td Mrs. R. McNeil at Ma-. F. Co-l- ng's, Pua-pIe Hilli..Church next uday at 3 p.m. . Christmaas tree id concert Meuday night was verv Icceseful, each chiîd doiug his or &r part exceptionaily ivell. M.%uch redit is due the taamers Mr. E. E. taples w-ho had charge cf the mnusic- ,part cf the progaansd Ma-s H. abhton sud Ma-s. E. Bradley the lit- sa-y. Program iuciuded chenus by. co "The Wiute- Time is Here,"; tecitation. Roy Tî'ewin, "AIl He Vauts"; Violin mnusic by Ma-. Aa-thua-i ýeech aud Ma-. Alan Stainton; Caudle rill by eight girls; Dialogue, "A.1 fea-ent Christmas"; Chorus, "The xildnen's Laughing Chorus"; Reci- tien, Donald Moontjov, "Cboosing he Stockiug"; The Camne of Letters Yfourteen girls; Haudkea-chiief by ight girls; Chorus, "Bell Song foc îristmas"; Dialogue, "A Christmas again"; Chorus "The Meýssge ef ie Bells'; Mother Goose Dr-ill; srana's Stoa-y %ith Miss Fa-eda radley as Gaadma sud Roy Ca- rn, Bruce Gara-ard, Eileeu Cowling, uth McNeil, Helen Hall as grand- ilda-en; Recitation "The Crîppled 011Y", Miss Ada Beecb; Chorus, eigh Belis cf Sauta Claus, Atter ie last number ou the prozran uts Claus sppesa-ed te the enjoy- ýen t ofyeuug sud old sud tire pres-_ ta taken off of s very pretty. larkliug fa-ce sud distibute d. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE (Coutinued frona page 4) HEALTH DEPARTMENT ohu Lyle, salary ......... $ C. Palnmer, sasa-y .. Feba-uary ýa Ted, salary......... Mardi ýa Tod, sslary......... April ýa Tod, salaa-y......... r.W. H. Bia-ka, salary R. Wood Co., supplies May gi' Ted, salaa-y........ June ga Ted, salaa-y......... W. H. Binks, att. Health conv ....... ........ T. Allen, supplies .. ga Ted, salsa-y........ W. H. Bia-ks, salary Auguat 's Tod, salary......... Septem ber a Ted, salary......... October W. H. Bia-ks, salary sa Ted, salary.... A. James sud Sons sup- plies ................ ry sud Lovel, supplies. . November ra Teod, salary ........ Veutau, aundries. December ta Ted, salacy......... W'. Yewel-1, supplie&s .. suad Loveîl, supplies.. ,a Ted, 881817.......... W. H. -Birks, salary.. 25.00 12.0 125.00 125.00 75.00 1 7.50~ 12.5.001 125.00 20.,00 1.00 125.00 75.00 125.00 125.00 75.00 125.00 4.501I 1.85 i 125.001 2.791 125.00! 1.10 125.00 75.00 25.00 5.75 $1920.64 NT 141.00 .10-0.0.0 2.90 141.00 100.00 9.78 141.00 100.00 150.00 141.00o 100.00 73.25 10.00 5.15 - 0 jume S. Venton, salary .... W. Hall, saary......1 G. BlackweU, salary ... S. Veiiton, sundries .. S. Venton, salary - . W . Hall, salary ... ::: G. Blackwell, 881817 .. w. F. Ward, salary .. Couch, Johuston & Crydeïr. in, suit........... W. F. Kerr, attending court S. Venton, sumdrie .. W. J. Flett, «as and MIl .... A. Cole, «as and oil.. Auguit S. Venton, salary ........1 W. Hall, 581817 ..........1 G. Backwell, s58151.. Garton Garage, gas.. Rice and Co., batt.ry Oefla S. Venton, sundries.. m . W. Tamblyn, Park- ing mgng .... ...... Harry Gigg, refund fi» . A. E. Gives,,labo...... HAPPY NEW YEAR We enter the year 1930 with a determnined effort to excel our past efforts in sup- lying our growing list of customers with "Shoes That Satisfy." Your patronage has been greatly ap- preciated which bas resulted in our business being a success. May your ambitions and aspirations for the New Yeaî- be realized and may health, happiness and prosperity be yours in abundance. ThOe lite Soe Stor SHOE.THA.SAIVYnge THE STAFF 0F LIFE With ail the feasting of turkey, goose, plum pudding, etc., that has been going on during this great festive season, Corbett's Wholesome Bread -the staff of life-had its favorite place on most menus. Nothing just seems to take its place for real goodness and supplying that satisfying feel- i ing. Children say it's good to the last cx'umb, and older folks express a preference for Corbett's Bread on account of its healthful qualities. Start the New Year right by eating Corbel±'s Bread daily. W. P, Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville WE'VE ENJOYEDI A good year's business and we hope you have also enjoyed a full share of what has been good and best during the year that has just closed. NOW WE WISH AIl our friends and customers, in fact everybody who reads this littie mes- sage a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 141.00 100.00 83.23 7.30 141.00 100.00 83.U 150.00 61M6 21.00 silo0 22.84 16.47 141.00 100.00 88.88 18.7e 1.25 6.46 I HARRY ALIN, Cirocer PHONE las DOW ,JL 4, --4 1~ 'à 1g. THE CANADIAN STATESBUN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1930. Phone 200 PAGE six ICIL L w 1 ISH ALL A The Elite Shoe Store

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