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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 1

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c~tatt~man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 2 BIG JANUARY SAL LADIES' COATS & DRESSES One Third off the Price of Ail Ladies' Coats Just see what a savhg thismmwM $24.00 Coat tr $16.00 $27.00 Coat or $18.00 $30.00 Coat for $20.00 $36 .00 Coat or $24.00 $40.00 Coàt f r $30.oo $50 .00 Coat f r $34.00 $69.00 Coat fbr $46.00 DRESSES FJR $5.00 A Clearing line of Dresses, Your Choicei 'eular .up to $15.00 k$500 Ladies' Hats at Haif rice and Less SILK and WOOL 1 IOSE AT 50C A Clearing LUne of Silk an WooI Hose at 50c $35.00 Coats fý $25.00 $30.00 Coats fý $22.00 $25.00 Coats f . $18.50 MEN'S SUITS DUCED A Substantial Reduction )n MW&' Suite Couche Jolmston i LIMITED Cryderman DSOWMANVU. L <w PHONE 104 Wanted WANTED AT ONCE-Black Persian Lamb Muf or Neck Piece. Muet be in a od condition. Apply to Statesman fico1. 2-1 WANÎTED-Oiri to do light hausewrk, aleep In, or high sohool girl ta help with housework and recelve free board and ai- lowance in return. Phone 314. 2-1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Married mnan wants employinient on farm by year with house, experlenced and recommend- ed good plowman. Phone 111r23. W. J. K. Stephens, Bowmanviile. 2-tf SELLING AGENT WANTED-Work con be done in spare time. Old estab- Ilshed tir-m. 35 to 50% profft. good Une ta repent. Will give exclusive territory ta right party. Muet furnish good re- ferences with applicat-lon. Apply 'M. B." Statesmnan Office. 2-1 Aricles For Sale FOR SALE-3 Incubators for sale. Apply Mrs. Tanner, Liberty St., Bowman- ville, Ont. 2-2w- FOR SAL.E-9 Yorkshire pige, 2 monthe oId. Âppiy P. 17. Pasoe, Hampton. Phone 133-3. 2-1 MARE FOR SALE-Driving Mare, 9 years old, good roader, will work double. H. A. Pascoe, Hampton. Phone 167-3. 2-2w CUTTER FOR SALE-Pirst-class Cut- ter for sale, cheap. Apply ta H. G. Freeman, R. R. 3. Bownianville. Phone 160-12. 1-tf FOR SALE-Lady's fur-lined coat with sable coliar and rnuff. Both In good con- dition. Will seil reasonable. Phone 565 BowmanviUle. 1-2 FOR SALE-Gentletnen's fur-lined coat. Otter coller, Rusaian Muskrat lining, in d ao ondition, medium size, price $35.00. p»Oply W. H. COoke, C. P. R., Newcastle. Phone Clarke a2621. 2-tf For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roorned house with garage on Wellington St., aIl con- veniences, wlred for electrlc stove. new- ly decorated, Immediate possession. Ap- ply to J. L. Metcalf, R. R. 2, Bowmian- ville. Phone 183-5. 2t Lost or Found SOW LOST-White saw strayed from my place. Reward for return to G. A. Stephens. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 2-tf1 LOST-Â white horse blanket between Horni's Mill, Hampton, and A. H. Clem- ens' on FrIday. Dec. 20th. Finder pleaso leave at Hornsa Store or phorbe A. H. Ciemens. Ptione 237-3. 1-tf Redl Estate For Sale FOR 8ALE-7-roomed bouse, modern oonvenienoes, on George St. Àpply to P. Foley, corner Curh and Brown Ste Bowmsnviile. 48-d FOR SALE--4-roomed Stucco Cottage, sil oonveniencea. very central, corner C'rurch and Brown Bts. Âpply on prom- lue, F. Foley, Bowmsaiville. 48-tf TO Let TO RENT-3 large mrnm, hall, wood- slhed. gardon and Borne amali fruit. Blars. Gifford. Duke St., Bowmanvilie. 2-35 HOUSE TO LET-6 rcoms. on Kingston Hlghwamy, 4 miles senat of Oshawa. Ap- r A. Huggins. Courtice, or telephone -18 .l3Bowavili. . 1_2w HOUBE TO RENT-In Bowmanviile, by lot of Decomber. modern convenionces Apply to W.* F Ward Barrinter, etc. liowmianville. Phono 1h. 48-à c HOUSE TO RENT-Seven mrnem, wat- i erworlcs, bath, eleotrie lghts, locOfftedà King & Ontario St., available Jan. 121h. Apply XAL A Colwtll, Newcsstle. 5-tf ROOMS TO RENT ,- Tire. upatair mrne. suitable for light hou.okeepIng, partly furnish.ed If desired. Would suit Hlgh School girls. Apply ta Wm. Dob- son, corner Scugog and Odeil Streetad Bowmanville. 1t FARM TO RENT-Vaguable Stock Farm -124 acres adjoining the Village of En- niskillen: ploughing done; Faîl wheat andi seeds In splendid shape; brick house; large barn with silo. For appointment phone O. L. Byers, Enniskillen. 2-tf GENERAL STORE TO RENT-T1he most up-to-date country store ta be found; large living apartment; splendid opportunity for tourste' accommodation; private electrlcIlight plant. For appoint- ment phone O. L. Byers, Enniskiilen. -f« STORE TO RENT OR FOR SALE-In best business section of Bowrnanv i ver-y central; willI lease for ter-m of years ta suitable tenant at moderate rental: go ssession at once; previously occupied y Felt's Jewelry. Apply ta C. H. Mas- on, Bowm anvili.50-t TALKING ROYAL Ti PICTURES BOWMAN THURS., FRI. and SA "THE UNHC With Ernest Torrence,]1 Roland1 A most unusual and grippi ail tail Matinee Saturda] HYDRO ARRITRATION GOLDEN WEDDING I DARLINGTON COUPLE DIE HIGH SCHOOL U<SPECTOR'S 1 WITHIN WEEK 0F EACH OTHER. REPORT Considerabie interest is being tak- Mr. and Mrs. Tho@. Baker, Solina 1___ en by the farmers in this district in 50 Years Married IMr. and Mrs. Robt. Collacott, Salem laspectior Congs'atulatea Board on the arbitration proceedings now be- Splendid Facilities now Of fered. ing heard at te Council Chamber in The loveiy and spaciaus farm home The passing ta rest of Mr. and _____ the Town Hall before Mr. P. B. Fet-I of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Solina, Mrs. Robert Coliacott cf Darlington 1 Citizena will b. considerably inter- terly of Lond on, Ontario, apecial ar- was the scene on New Year's eve Of 1 township within a f ew days of each, ested in the report of Inspector R. W. bitrator aippointed by the Lleut-Gov- a congenial and happy gathering Of1 other bas touched a cozrd of sympathy 1 Anglin of the Department of Educa- ernor in council. relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs.I in the. hearts of relatives, neighbors tion on hie recent visit to Bow=nn- The dlaims arise from the trans- Thes. Baker weodded life. A l esent and frierids througbout the town and ville Hligit Sehol which has just been misaion line crossing the farms alang 60 years o e ddlf.Al rsn township as both husband and wife received by the Scitool Board. In part the Provincial Highway between Port were there to bonor and congratulate were born and lived in this district the -report reads: Hope and Bowmanville. t.hema and cele'brate with them the at the greater part of their lives. "The Board and the community Sir William Hearst as leading coutn- taiument of their golden jubiles. Mr. Col'lacott was a son of the late are to b. congratulated on the com- sel for the. Hydro Commission and Wben the fifty or so guests had John and Rachel Honey Collacott,, Pletion of the enlarged snd greatly Mr. R. H. Parmenter, K. C., od Taor- arrived and been welcomed by Mr. Darlington, and was born and lived improved building and on the splen- onto and W. R. Strike, B'owmanville, and Mrs. John Baker and liheir inter- hua entire hf e within a few miles ai! did facilities it offers for thorough appear for ail the claimants number- esting family of three daughters and where be died. He wus a very in- training in ail the essentials Of a ing about thirty. two sono, te bride and groom of 50 dustrious man and accumulateel much igh 5<choo curse The building yeurs were escorted to big eoifoTt- of titis world'a goods, working riglit s.hould prove the educational centre able chairs. Mr. W. J. 'Bragg, M.P.P. up te uis last ilineas when pneumonia of the. community. SEEK WARDENS CHAIR i 5ked the attention of the gathering claimed botit hlm and his wifé as ita The sohool is well utaffcd, aostly _____Iwhile Mr. Wm. T. Baker read the victims. wth opecialists and the qualifications Four Northumnberland Reeves the. a'Towing address of aippreciation Mr. Collacott passed away on Sun- ave almost sufficient for collegiate Meuio.dfo Pntand best wisbes: day, December 29, in bis 82nd year,Istatlis. A stisrfactory Origanisation ________ ~Dear Father and Mother: The pur- the funeral taking place on Wednes-ba beu fete au th whl Aceording te unwrltten but well-f Poe of titis gathering ils o! course day, January lst. Mmp. Colaott j cheol lu running smoothly. obeerved law in te United Counties' the celebvation o! yonr golden wed- passe away on Thursday, January Hit aS a leBardteeto isc ;with ti Council this year's Warden will be Iding, and your own immediate re- 2nd, ber funeral taklng place on Bat- Hb&olord tedcuswh chofen from the. reiprenentution from latives and a few old frienda are here urday, January 4tb. The remains of themn wbat bam beau aeoompiished, Northumberland and already ruorito congrutulute you and wish yOu both were laid to rest in Betheada'enud to learu what fnrtbev Improve- lias been busy with thie naines of a maay more anniversuvies of titis day, Cemetery. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, 1 menta the Board was planning to se- nuxuber of reeves, xuost of whom 17-90,flfty years is a long pastc>v of Tyrone circuit, offciae ai opliah. were elected by acclamation in tteir tinte and te coraparatively few 15 both services. The. p4un for a commercial class ia dlstrit. in this period of wedded life te.. Mrs. Collucett's muiden name was la moe.luthe, rugbt direction and Among those who are 'being men- 1er.Lanra Jane MéMurtry, daughter of, edboditeion f eepralclest o ter - tioned for the honorable and respon- Naturally, it la a time for retro- the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Me- inoritio fve ratwlcl asa ms.th sibie post are: G. Van Volkinburg, spection, and penhsps no place is more Murtry of Bownianville. She was O mvvmu. iiadmo reeoSe ou;D.WE.Wlo'fitting than ber. on the farin wheve twice married, first ta -Mr. Edward t h datgsafre ytenw reeve of Stmour;D.N . . treveo, pou began home life togetiter. Logan, London, and to them vwere building. rray tofwHstig; N artereen,'of The aucceas you have attaiaed, the bora a son and daughter, Wviulingt-on Mrrave ownPshcyp;,and h.Nesn difficulties yon have overcome and of Detroi't, and (Hilda) Mm. (Dr-) NEW ROYAL BANIK MANIAGER reee o Prcytonshp.the sacrifices yen -have made are to Wiilard of Toronto, who survive her. ____ none mre apparent than toeuouOwfl Mr. Collacott' st wife 'as Emia. E. rI* -hahm ucod famîly and titis occasion offera but Henry, daughter of te late Mr. and' R. F. Aitchison COMNGEVETSanother opprtuuity of expressing env Mra. George Henry of Darlington, wa o b. sud iono your many virtiues and to them were born two chiidreu, I'Mr. . P. Aitchison, whe has beau A "Full Houe." wieh ws e n of paying tribut. te your iutrin- Nina, Mms. R. W. Conklin, Kingsviike, manager of the. local Royal Bank for preseuted under auspices ofet.! -icqulities ef character aud your and George R. Oollacett, Salem. I the pent 9 years, left for Toronto on John's (3huvcb Guild on Tursdna", higit ideuls of lie. Jan. 9tb, ha beau postponed. I aamte igr aifcin About thirty-eight years ugo Mv.. Monduy wbere lie will take a position. Reserve Priday, Jeuuary 24th, fr and sincere tiiaalfuluess that aladClaolt'ee urld n Drngv . .iteiim u'made any lu Bv- te cantata, "Queeu Esthter," viticil your facultiea, arc still undimmed, lived ut "The Evergreens,"1 their fanauavue ehamd mn rad was given go succenuly on Dec. 5tit that ef your falnily Oft tiree sons und home. Salem, until tJieir death. iu business and social circles by ies und tit. Partculrs uxt ck. titre. daugitters ail ave living te bleua Tii.pail-ibearers fer Mr. Collacott' ea i sp Aositeo sud J ovi erin. Munic Study Club meeting itas' f or te support and guidance were Meuars. W. G. Werry, Ed. J. lt. .mn bcognztosl beau peatponed te, Wednesduy, Jan. the~y are stili reeeiving ut youtumbada, Silver, Kyle 9quair, Fred Houey, R. wcddhe Wtoo DnauamtieAgtrcuturI iStit. Oshawa Club viii provide the and that seventeen grandchildre~n T. and Gea. A. Stephitts. Tiheur- iSeeiety, Ibeing Secretary-Treasurer program. Ail menubers p:ease at- command yoiir regard aud benevo- ers for -Mm, Collacott ver. Monssas.or several years ; mernnier ot Hos- tend. lance. Your succesiu a materil W. G. Werry, H. S. Barrie, Gao. ad ptiBsd Oa* ame e A Scatn~ ariva 'ude aupics es hamstood you sud your family fred Honey, Robert Collacott, yle pit(»uBard; earefr m tber ceaR- Of Oi. John a Churci Guild. Wa.tchIn ugo stad and ve recognize tiat Squair. and lat year EPresidenb et tbe club. for dieplay of prizs.ina vldow of y*n a not fsled to leakve an im- Mr. Collucott is also suvviared by Wê valce. te tevu as Ir. Altdhi- Canadien National Express Office peaao on tie community lt e Whl>ob y brothem. Richard H. of Indianiola, a0e aucceoro Mr. A. Z. ae s, Date lu e tu a&=atn oll sd pubUly. 'mut yen are l.;John of Kingsvili.; adee ie ofor the.part 8 yearm bas beau stil. ativ in hes thngs indie s araMm. Jos. Cade, Woaok Corne te Eidsd f <r eeann, that yen ave yet young, Wvd 1 %ndt WlimSt ims'aJ aagre be oa ak et Chat- Jauuary iTtit, sudhes! elirYoung regard you es old, and wvo trust ta = ahlKnitnDtot M.h.,OtZr. Rmv.sd gmv,. Mu people prenant 'ýMavrylns Aun,. e. =&y b. long e e u joy your Oolacott la survived by three : I maarn dtwcidrnvU, t. Musc btwen ate y te shaa ilivs. nd nspriglymaywe on-thesTic.. J. MoMurtry, Bovmaa- par taslu ftie loyal Bank bu Male Quartette. Admission 85e aud trins may va con-d ville; Gao. A. MciMurtry, St. Titoma.; 200., i Ouls Vuans t tiils avent and aud Edward MciMurtry, Londlon; aud- Farmere Attention ! Fre. SeeJ Ieoua appreclatlon cg your lives do one sister, Mre. S. J. Hoey, BQw.- MEN'S C AJIAN CLUB leaniug Iflcrnotrtloa et Boy&' Iwe ask yen Vo sccapt tis «Iali purs. mauville. Training Scitool, 'Bovuuanvilla, on eto gold witit a wieb that yen may use Beautitul floral offeringa expressed New Mensbuas Ilàvlted te ai Friday, Jan. lOVb, St,2 p. m. Every lb for some special comfort or luxuvy the sympstity of a large numlber cf tarmer ia Darllngben sud 'Clarke for yourselves, and Tmjy unerring relatives aud friands. Aunual meeting Mt the-Mans, Can- shouid attend titis demoustration. proidence bleu yen lu the yeare te Amoltg titose prenat from a dia-' adian Club vUIib. held at Bamoral The Jaauary meeting of the Home ecere. tance at the. funcrala ver.: M.m otWel, Tuesdoy, Jan. l4th atM'7.115 aud Scbool Club viii b. beld lu Cea- John Baker pvaaeuted te hu. grand- Kate Williamse, St. Thiomas; Mr. John L After the.beaquzet officars vii trai Public Sahool ou Weduesday, fatiter a pures. ci gold, vile followed Collacott, Mr. aud Mms. R. G. Cou C. elected, folled by au ddr.ss Jan. lStb, at 8 p. nu. Programin lulusuccession, Kathleea Baker, Louise lin and Mildred, Kingsviile; Mr. Wel- by C 1l T. Young, F.R.GS., Supt. et charge ot greup 8, viti Mv. A. Dun- Baker, Mildred Su'owden audJaJssia lington Logan, Detroit; -Dr. and Mm, Develepuilent C. N. ]IL, Who viii mp.a lop, convoiter. Dr. J. C. Devitt viii Hogartht, vie prenented titeir grand- W. T. Willard, Mr,. J. A. Mt!Feeters, on "«Renourees DcveloPment.-.Canada address the meeting. mother iu tura vltit a dozen sunset Toronto; iMr. Gao. McéMrtry, St. Fora,p. Banquet lafrae to last roses, a lgold lined silver fruit disb, Thomas; Mr. Ed. McMurtry, London; yeae's members snd thons jolulug for n aunee vase sud ether persoual Mr. sud Mrs. Arthur Runualis, Wei- eomug aeaon. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY gfafroru intimate relatives aud com!e; Ms. R. H. Allia, Orouêr; Mr,.- friands. Otier tokeus Of f rieudsiip Citas. Houey, M~r. Herb. Caliacott and Annual Meeting Wedneeâay, sud regard bad urrived prfer te thus, non, Port Ferry; Mr. aud Mv.. Chas. MUNICIPAL ELECTI)N, RESULTS Jamuar ith. causing jey te Vii. givers aud la great- Oollacett sud son, Toronto.N. EIte er measure te Vie recipieuts, l e oadosF«e Aunual meeting of Bovinanville MT. aud Mv.. Baker, recoveriug TIIYBOHROOEJY Bw~~eTv oni o HorticukiltuaSociety viilb. ibeldlu infrom theïr surprise aaervi n ii- RNT BOHEH DEJY Bom nl TwnC*tifr the. Council Cliamber eu Weduesday, selves for the. erdeal, soe teir A SOCIAL EVEM14G 1930 viilb. compo.ed etf- Mayor.'- January i 5tb, ut 8 p. mt. Ail mcm: gratitude for te mauyidndueseaJ llot eee-.H.Cru bers aud these 'who visi te join are and lgood visites of fiiends and relu- It vaa a liappy gatiicring of mca ers; Depaty-Beeve--C. E. Reider; usked te attend. tivesanad asauved ail preseat b<>v that met at tie home cf Mr. and Mms. Councillors-.-T. A. Garton, W. R. ____________________pleased they ver. te, meet titem on W. C. Ferguien, Liberty St., On Fr1- Strike, T. H. Lockitavt, H. A. Flot- titis occasion. day .veing last. It vas te annual cher, Alan Campbell, Reg. 0. Joues. SEED CLEANING A pcriod et speech-m.aking. itigily meeting ofthtei Brotheritood Clns ocilThe officiai retuvuls oethVe aection inteveatiug aud enjoyabie, then fol- Trinity United Suaday Sciiool. Theve Iheld Meuduy for Councilors aud ______loved. ~Aiong titose respondint, te veve about ,tw.aty-ftve of the mem pubie Sciool Truatees are: Reduced rates on cleaning grain clay- thic cai et Chairruan Bragg ver.: bcrsiip preseat. MT. Fergusen, the. 1 r and grass seefi, up Until FltrayGo.A tpesJae utsAlabend eov echrwecmd 28th, at the Boys' Training Schcol, Be eed . A.SpinsJmeCutsAiabea boodtucrvco d, , cleanlng Plant at Bowmanville. Grain fred Hogarth, Wm. Lammiman, bye- tic mca te his home lu uis usual kind .~. five cents per bushel, claver and grnsuter of the. bride; Mm.J . sde a1iiitbemnnr v Ni0 seed at i prpo-ion ate yo rates.Brin g bridesmuid o! 50 yeurs age; Mrs. A. Miitton, the Preaideut of tht claus, us ta avoid a spring rush. 2-6 Peters, niece, and H. R. Pearce, spokecgafthe. geed vork h. belived Cooueillors nephew. Interspersing numbers on the clansitad accomipiished durinug Garton, T. A. 180 339 2s6 765 thc program were: a solo, "Put on te pat year and feit that thi. door; Strike, W. R. 191 343 14il 675 _________ o ld gray bonnett" by Mr. W. J. of opportuuity for even better and1 Lockitart,' T. H. 209 267 132 608 S. Rickard, in wiiich evteryone joiucd langer service vas now open and by Fletcher, H. A. 103 242 163 508 RE ALL heartily in the chorus, tvith Mrs. John united effort titis ycar migitt be made Campbell, Alan 133 247 107 487 HEATIN Baker at thte piano. a Viano duet bv the ibeat yeav since its arganization. Jones, Reg. 0. 84 168 165 417 TALKING 1 Mr and MIrs. John Baker's citarming, Tii. objective etftth. clasa endeavor Gibbs, E. J. 90 205 93 388 PICTURES aceomplishcd and debutante daugh- wus te gatiier togetiier ail mcn who Smith, C. A. 70 141 53 264 te-s, Misses Helen and Muriel; and are unengaged on Sunday afternoons Martyn, W. J. 69 104 82 255 NVILLE the' reading ofaf nrtmber of cangrut- and aicet for Bible Study and tue dis-, Adams, A. J. 50 421 36 207 ____ ulator-y lcetter-s fr-ar distant friends, cussion of sny problemas that ceaccru LT-JAN. 9 - 10 - Il including one ail the way frcmn Cali' the Christian life of today. Tii. Schoaî Trustees fa-nia frolm Mr. Chas. Rogers. There Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. W. J. Ber- Cryderman, F. 156 248 96 500 were others frant Fierids, Windsor. ry, ua gave a very pleasing -report Hatcly, John 91 167 199 457 )LY N I H TToronto, Oshawa, Brantford, New vo! the. yenr's work. IV vas decided Nelles, P. W. 95 135 163 393 York and otiier points. Miss Helen thît Vthe sum o! e25.00 be given te, Morrison, D R 96 182 71 349 reüd a few af these and haaded hen the Missionary & Maintenance Fund1 Brovn, Alberta 83 193 52 328 Do;rothy Sebastian and grnntbcr a Nwhole sheaf o! others of the. churcii. A number present, Boliman, ni 46 131 32 209 Young. ta be read at ber leisure. Long dis- gave brief addresscs and aIl spoke lDinnivei1 R. E. 48 80 46 174 tance calls came at midnigiit frein a most eptimistic toue of the~ future Cavood, J. A. 41 78 30 149 )ingmyserystoy, 00% Toronto fr-arn nieces, Mrs. Leslie success o! the. Brotheniiood. Rev Sciiool Trusttees for 1980 viii b., îigmytr sO", 0% Harris and Mrs. Jas. Spicer and J. U. Robins, te pastor, presidiedChas. F. Rice, T. A. Dustun, Sid. Lit- [king. friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sully. durnrg the election of officers for thie, VI., Fred Crydermu on Hatel>' The bouse was nicely deccrated for ensuing year. Tii. folloving were!auJF . els aJh kW a* 2.31 p lm . h cain ii ias rme- ciiosen: Hn. Preident-'Rev. J UT j F.T.Tele ce,"- %ýi 9 ian

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