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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 5

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THE CANA.DIAN S1TÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, J.ANUARY 9th, 1930PGEFV LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. L. C. Wilson, Toronto, is vis- 'ting Mrs. John Lyle. 4 MisHawkin, Port Hope, spent the;* W eekend with Mrs. A. J. Reynolds. i* Miss Carnie Cherry, Toron to, spent;U the weekend with Mrs. F. F. 'Morris. * Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Potter, Wood- stock, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli.I Mrs. Henrietta Ashlee was in Tor- onto Tuesday attending the funeral * of hier sister, Mrs. Geo. Allum. Mr. Jack McNaughton, teller ini* the Bar'k of Montreal, was called to : Tweed to attend the funeral of bis!f father. Mrs. Hugli McDonald ba-, returned * ta Woodstock after spending a week with bier parents, M1%r. and Mrs. W. J. p Culley. Mrs. Kate Williams, St. Thomnas. * Mr. John Collacott, Kingsville, bave been visiting their niece, Mrs. T. H. * Knight. Mr. Wni. Prower andbidwo have been honeymooning in Newl York and Detroit, spent the weekend * Intown if~Mrs. *Leta Wilcox and daugbter ris, and Mr. A. Cooley, Toronto,U ~~ere recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~TF. Leech. 7Mrs. A. W. Pickard and Miss Mary Br* combe were in Oshawa on Sat-= yattending the funeral of the late Sam Trew, Mrs. C. Il. Rowan and daughter Vivian, Bethany, attended tbe 4 Golden Wedding of her parents, Mr. * and Mrs. J. H. Werry. Rev. and Mrs. E. Farnsworth and 4 Dr. J. F. Farnsworth of Belleville were New Year's guests of Rev. W. * A. Bunner and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mason, Garry and John, Toronto, were New Year's . guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Geo. R. Mason, Argyle Street. Miss Marjorie Cole, St. Catharines, .* has returned to lber school after é spending the lholidays with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L. Cole. Mrs. B. DeNike Harus, Concession Street, will bc at home on MondayI and Tuesday, Jan. l3th and 14th' froein 4 to 6 p. m., and on the second Monday of each succeeding inonth.4 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy andi Befty, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy * and Jack, Miss Agnes K. Haddy and MWe Cora Scott, Toronto, were holi- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Haddy. . Citizens of Bowmanville and sur-l rounding district join in bearty con- 4 gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Werry, Horsey St., who quietly cele.- brated their Golden Wedding on Tuesday, Jan. 7th. A full report w,ll appear next week. i PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Public Library Association will be held at the Library on Mon- * day, January Zth, 1930, at 8 p. mn. AIl menrbers are requested to attend. Bowmanville Public Library Board By M. G. V. Gould, Sec.-Treas. 4 ________2-2I PHY:: IC: CULTURE CLASS Miss Ed Peardon wishes to an- & ounce that she is opening a Physical ulture Class in St. John's Parish e ý_all on Thursday, Jan. 16th, from 4 to 6 p. m. Ail interested are in- vited to attend the opening class. Ten ae girls' basket baîl teaini will meet at the Public Sch ool gym1i~ on Friday, Jan. ltb, at 7.30 p. mi. sharp.__ BIRTHS TAYLOR-on Sundlay, Jlan. 51, 1930, ta Mr. and Mrs. Il R. Taylor, Solina ,a daughter (Evc&yn Grace). 4 HILLS-In il3owmanville Ilosffital, onU Tuesday, D, C' 31st' 1929, te Mr. ani Mrs.__ John Ililîs, Ennisklllefl, a daugliter. * PARK-m Bowmanilville 1-losp!tl, on11 Tuesday, .anuarv 7th, 1930, te Mr. andl INrs. Walter F. Pýark, Tyrone, a son. 4 BROWN-At Kalmar villaIlownàl- ville, on IFriday, Jan. 3rd, 1930, to INr. an( Mrs. Donald Il. Brown, the gift ofa daughitr-1)onna Joan. * SNOWD EN-At Toronto w.'stern îles- *4 pital. on Sunday, January 5th, to Mr. aind Mrs. IL. W. Snowden (nce Viola Steve ns), 28 Sydney St., a daughiter. MARRIAGES LAMBERT-KILGANNON - in I0w- manville, on Jan. 2Ind, 1930, by liýv. C. C. Washlngton, Bl.A. Fenelon Falls, Thoa George l.ambert mid (Catherine Fra's Kilgannon, both of lowmanlille. 4 DEATHS TREW--ln Oshawa, Tlursday, 4i.* 2nd. 1930, Samuel 'rrcw, in lus 6th year. U4 VIRTU E-At his late residIencec, Ilamp- ton, Ont., on Sunday, Jan. 5th, 1930, Joh n James Virtue, in hIs 76th year. TEMPLIN-In Fergus, Ont.,o n SU day, .lanuary 51h. 1930, Annie ýBIneRc,SuCe-: loved wlfe of J. C. Templin, edtor 0, the l'argus News luourd, aged 58 year.1 McCARTNEY-At the home of her ss- Leer,Miss MI. Ilorsey, 60 Bernard Ave., 4 ToAn-o --za-_neliesey Awl r !thI In lovlng memory o! my dear faîher Flnoch Stevens,, Hampton, who passed away on Jan. lth, 1929. Always so good, unselfihh and kind, Few on thiearth hie equal we find, Honoruble and upright ln ail hie ways, L Loal and tru ta Ith e end of hie day.. Alving father. tender and knd. What beutful memorle you left behlnd. --IaIy mlaed by Moher soit Elmer. U_,:GILCHRIST'S GILCHRIST'ys 15M DAY SALE Men 's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Ail Lines of Winter Goods Must be Cleared Regardless of Cost - Prices Cut to the Core SALE STARTS FRJDAY MORNING JANUARY lOth. Spedý'al!1 SALE ENDS JANUARY 2Sth. -MEN'S OVERCOATS These Prices Cut In Many Cases Below Manufacturer's Cost MEN'S OVERCOATS Groupi1 - -at $16.95 Exceptional quality eloths in this hune, in Ulster and Guards mod- els, in plain Blues, Briown and Grey Fancy Tweed efects, coats worth up to $25.00 regular price, On Sale For Only $1 6.95 MEN'S OVERCOATS Group 2 - - at $19.75 Men's and Young Men's Over- coats, with and without beits, in this season's newest models and fabries, Fancy Grey and Brown Checks, and Herringbone effects, plain Blue Meltons and Chin- chilla cloths; regular values $27.50 and $30.00, 1O Our Sale Price 19 7 .m Bargains!. MEN'S OVERCOATS Group 3 - - at $24.75 In this lot you will find the best makes including Society Brand and Cambridge Coats; in ail this seasonys new models and. pat- terns, featuring largely the pop- ular Guards model; regular val- ues $35.00 and $37.50,, Out they go at this sale for only $24.75 MEN'S OVERCOATS Group 4 - - at $32.95 These are the heaviest quality coats made; they carry satin lin- ing; soine have velvet collars while others have the plain col- lar; made in ail the wanted col- ors and in the Guaxds Ulster and Semi-Fitting style; values $41.50 and $45.00$3,9 ALL MEN'S SUITS IN THE STORE ON SALE Men's Combination Underwear %me quality garments, Penman's, Stanfield's nd Watson make; spring needle and fiat -it; in white or natural shades; cotton, union nd ail wool Regular $1.50 for ............ 11 Regular $1.95 for .............$1.59 Regular $2.75 and $2.95 for . ... $2.39 Regular $3.50 for .............$2.75 Regular $4.00 for .............$2.98 Stanfield's Heavy Ribbed Underwear Ul Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular $2.50, or, each.................................... $1.89 Fleece Lined Underwear hirts and Drawers, Penman's make, regular 1.00 each, on sale ....................69c Wooi Shirts and Drawers Ë1ostly Penman's make, elastie ribbed, regu- &r $1.50, for only each garment ..........98C Men's Cotton Tweed Work Shirts at 79c Ueavy quality, shades of grey and tan, regular 1.00, on sale .................................79C .Il other Work Shirts in the store, values up ;o $1.50, On Sale for, each ...........$119 Men's Bath Robes at $4.89 3only heavy quality Bath Robes, Eiderdown, Gtey and Blue shades, on sale te clear $4.89 Ail the Following Lines at 20 Per Cent Discount Off Regular Prices at this Sale: Neck Scarfs, Gloves, Fine Shirts, Beits, and pyjamas. 150 Men's Suits On Sale At big reductions in pxdce to clear. This in- cludes ahl our best quality suifs in Society Brand, Cambridge and Cooks' Clothing; plain Blues, Pin Stripes, Fancy Tweeds and Wor- steds, as follows: Reg. Value $25.00 ....Sale Price $18.50 Reg. Value $27.50....Sale Price $19.75 Reg. Value $30.00O....Sale Price $21.50 Reg. Value $35.00 ....Sale Price $24-95 Young Men's Two-Pant Suits at $1 1.95 These are wonderful quality suits, in shades of Grey and Fawn; double breasted models; smart stylish young men's suits, with two pair long pants; regular $18.50, on sale .... $11.95 Men's Separate Pants Plain Blue, Pin Stripe, Grey and Brown Tweeds and Worsteds: Reg. $3.00 for ...........9.39 Reg. $3.50 for ...........$2.79 iReg. $4.00 for ...........$3.19 Reg. $5.00 for ...........$3.98 Pullovers, Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Men's Sweaters Coats, Crew and V Necks, aIl on sale as follows: $2.00 for ................ $1.49 $2.50 for ..............$1.87 $3.00 for ................ $2.25 $4.00 for ................ $2.98 $.5.00 for ................ $3.75 Men's Feit Hats at $3.49 Men's and Young Men's Feit Hats, ge fur felt quality, ail shades, any Hat in the store, values to $5.50, for only ..........$349 Men's Work Pants at $1.29 This is amxal heavy work pant, in shades of dark grey, a cotton tweed pant, on sale $1.29 50 Pair Men's Work Pants at $1.95 This includes our regular $2.50 and $2.75 lines in cotton tweed effects, very heavy quality, stripe pattern effeets, clearing for, each $195 Men's Overails at $1.23 -Heavy quality, plain blue -and blue stripe (woven), with braces and bib, worth $2.00, o n sa le ... . .. ... .. . . . ......................... $ 1 .2 3 Headlight Overails at $2.29 Black, Plain Blue and Blue and White Stripes, regulari $2.50 for ......................$2.29 Men's Work Sox Men's ail wool Work Sox, regular 50c, for ............. Men's Mackinaw Men's AIl Wool Heavy Macld ular values $8.50, for only ... Men's Sheep Lin& With heavy collar (real hideý $ 12.00, for on'ly ............ Boys' Fine Wool Si at $1.89 Eac] Penman's and Warren's makE neck, and Sweater Coats, alil ular values up to $3.00, for on] heavy quality, ............39 4 rCoats [naw Coats, reg- ..........$495 d Coats ), regular value . ......$595 eweaters e, V neck, Cxew shades and reg- ly ........ $1.89 IGILCHRIS'rS fl 'ô 4 BIG JAN@ 4 Remember the Date Sale Starts - - R Reme Friday Morning, January 10h Ail Goods Sold For Cash Only During This Sale T. B. GILCHRIST Iirectly Opposzte Phone 61 Bank of Montral Bowmanville PAGE FIVE

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