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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 1

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;tan ~ttemam With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy £ ______________________________________________ BIG JANUARY SAL LADIES' COATS & DRESSES One Third off the Price of Ail Ladies' Coats Just see what a saving this means: $2e4.00 $27.00 $30.00, $36 .00 $40.00, $50.00 $69.00 Coat Coat Coat Coat Coat Coat Coat for $1.6.00 for $18.00 for $20.oo for $24.00 for $30.oo for $34.00 for $46.00 DRESSES FOR $5.0 A Clearing litte of Dresses, regular up to $15-00 Your Choice for $5.00 Ladies' Hats at Haif Price and Less SILK and WOOL HOSE AT 50c A Clearing Line of SiIk and Wool Hose at 50c MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS $3.0Casfr$50 $30.00 Coats for $225.00 $25.00 Coats for $18.50 MEN'S SUITS RDUCED A Substantial Reduction on Men'a Suite Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Puma 104 U141TED nowDm(VILLI No.3 è GOLDEN WEDDING INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING CANADIAN CLUB OFFICERS EDITOR JAMES' 82ND BIRTHDAY LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry Complete What the New Council Did: 1 Rey. R. J. Shires Elected President Mns. Wm. A. White and Mms James Miss 'Mary Arnold, Lindsay, is vis- Fit ty Years of Wedded Lif c ; A. Phillipa, New York City, gave their iting hier cousin, Mrs. F. M. Souch. Heard Return Officer read resulta I Over one hundred men were pres- fatlher, Editor M. A. James, a very Dr. Jas. L. Hughes, Toronto, spent The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. of municipal election. l ent at the annual meeting of the pleasant surprise Tuesday, January Sunday with his brother, Gen. John ,Werry, Horsey St., Bowmanville, onl Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and'Men's Canadian Club which held its 14th, by paying hlm an unexpected Hughes. Tucuday, Janua.ry 7th, was the scene Councillors took Declaration of: banquet at Balmoral Hotel Tuesday visit on his 82nd birthday. A celle- Mr. Chas. Stephens, Balcarres, of a gathering of friends and rela- Office. evening. Dr. J. C. Devitt, president bration in honor of this occasion was Sask., is visiting Mr. R. T. Stephens, tives to psy tnibute to them on theiroftecupede.Floigte edathhmefMran Ms Be A . golden wedding anniversary. Many Rev. R. J. Shires, Rectorof SLof the clb, pride. Yowng utheohe1 d at tW e hame of M SreetandMrs. Meh.AMe John's CadrssbyCrixT ougSpt ooeap. ams HrsySteethreM. .Murdoif, Manager of the were the gifts received by them, in-ch pne h 1930 evelopinent, C. N. R., which is re- they entertaincd at dinner the mein- 1 Dominion Store, Lindsay, spent Sun- eluding a purse of gold, a bouquet of council's delîberations by reading1Iported in another columu, the busi- bers of the James families living in.dya oe fifty yello'w roses, and a gold wrist I Timothy, Chap. 2, verses 1-8, and, ness session was held in which these town and a few friends. Beaides the iss 'athe.e ugs n r Ar watch for the bride, and a gold wateh offered prayer asking divine guidance ofcr eeeetd rdtoa eusre nsmlrtu sg ootsetSna i chain for the groom. t and heToonolp.tSudaIe Durng hepreenatin f gft Nointin Cmmite ofRe Hon, President-Dr. J. C. Dvt; occasions of rost goose, plum pud- Mr. Wm. Painton's. Duin te reenatonofgits Nointig omiteeofReve, Pnsdn.Rv.R .Sies, I ding and Devonshire cream, two Yu netos eego-u 'the following address was read ta Deputy-Reeve and Coun. Camp bell B esden-R.R J Sirs M.A., itdycksbdce ihcadls oritnin eegc them: ~was appointed ta draft Striking Comn- .,; ice Presdent-A. M. Hardy; bxnthday cakestbeleckedewith caadles 'have you renewed your subseniption hem ershvepssdby since mittees for 1930 which were a - edSec.-Treas.-W. dHde rate the ablone ein agito eThe Statesman for 1930? January 7th, 1880, when John Werry as follows: D. R. Morrison, A. Campbell, Rev. ton i Cry ity. h 'teof th Ntti and Agnes Pollard were married at George Mason, and Past Presidents n New York Hierisepb r, Misson, ba Salem by Rev. S. H. Rice, yeans which Standing Conunittees: J .H. H. Jury, Dr. D. W. Best, W. B: Distant readers of The St.atesman ieen istng etr.siar, ss ees bav inludd i thir assngdays Finance-Campbell, Carruthers, Reh-ICou ch, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Dr yUl be glad to know that Mr. Jamesl - a.SehnBlars of happiness. days of sorrow, and the der. J. C. Devitt, C. A. Cawker; Audtir Sr., la enjoying remnankable health M.Ja. tpesBcae, canes and joys which life brings to Rends & Street-Carruthers, Gar- -A îemaJ 'ei e orsi s dace e Rs He takes Sak., i. viaiting lher aunta, the Misses alI. ton, Campbell.1 bership CommieL Cryderm b is afternoon walk down town when epesin te eaie ee To-day we are grateful that Provi- Watorworks-Rehder, Carruthers, W .TikoG .Bty ' weather permits, neyer fails t write1 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tiffin, Leth- dence bas spared you t celeiraite Ganton. IWrgg .H. Tbic sonGT.aty J. bis editorisi column-*'The Editor bridge, Alta., are visiting bier par- this golden anniversary o your wed- Public Property-S-trike, Fletcher, S eeuo.Talls"-each week, a great deal of enta, Mn. and Mis. Alex. Wight, Car- ding. Your lives have always -been Lockhart. Motion was passed granting ».c00 bis time is apent in readirg, and a'lis le Ave. examples of truthfulness, unselfish- Fire Dept.-Garton, Jones, Rehder. acSh to Bownianville 111gb School and1 day seldom passes that hie does not1 Mr. Gordon Cowllng, Tyrone, vis- ness and honesty and your home al- P*Iic.....Jones, Camnpbell, Strike. 'Publie School, Newcastle High Scboolj write one or more letters to relatives1 ited at Mn. A. E. Dudley's on Sunday ways open for the stranger and Cometery-Fletcher, Jones, Lockhart. and the Bos' TranigSehoo0t1 fiena eeI o o et n c odymrigfrTn friend. As a slight token of our Poor Relief & Health-Lockhart, purchase prizes for he highest stand- l'ness tram which he bas been afflicted o ta t attend Military School. appreciation and affection we would Strîke, Fletcher. ing in Canadien History. ifor seve'ral years we feel certain be Mr. George Leach, Toronto, and ask you ta accep't these gift and hope Prlnting-Rehder, Fletcher, Strike. Treasurer's report sbowed a satis- wouid be equsi ta "business as usual." Mr. Chas. Leach, Detrait, Mich., ne- tht ouma b sandta enjoy Manufacturera - Strike, Rhder, 1o blaccieh bn.ntly visited their aunt, Mms. Walter many succeeding anniversenies." Canmpbell. Gartan, Mayor. NaCC aduee M.T .Lah Speeches pyigtribute ta the Court of Revision....Mayor, Carruth- OFCR 1930 Nih n nlM.T .Lah bride and groom wcre muade by many ers, Lockhart, Campbell, Jones. Mr.F etjtcetadduh of the guests present and Vo s'il of Mayor Elliott's inaugural oration, PICTURE 0F CANAIDA'S FUTURE Daughters and Maids of England I er Sheila, Montres], Miss Carrne wbic th brde nd room repiedwasbnif an cotaied hes prat- ______ fPainton, Whitiby, spent the weekend wicthe elin. in ep icalsuggiestid ongarnd texpedite; >utlined ii Bihliant Addresaon Lodge Durham, D. 0. E., held its 1witb their parents, Mn. and Mrm. Wm. Among the guests present were: counselled Chairman to take whMesesoese Dveîpm.t aand îInsulitioWoodtan Wetmont Mr. and Mrs. 0. FPotter, Clînton: Mn. comnittee inta their confidence in I Men'* Canadian club Jan. 9th. The Worthy Grand Past' Mse el n eeWoOh and Mrs. W. T. Hart, Toronto; Mr actn g gbusiness; hoped Vo vwind Theaffeieura sPol, aiitesbtWaGlPle telaiand pent W edy Wolf tele W. A. Werry, Woodstock; Mr. Fred up McGill Bequest b eligbuilding,! heMen's Canadian Club bnci the oj Prs, ent, e.Polen istloWt.' G.ndMi.McP.dy oPr a ,Strt Curis Coqing Mss . . sowappecatin f gtby liing j - viegeof liitening Vo an enlighten- dent Nobes, bath of Taranto.M . Ms.C.W Wiashnto.n Werry, Toronto; Mrs. Clarence Row-showapesci ati o lgiftb arhain ing acidresa by Mr. Cyril T. Young,, The visitons were Pnincess May r.BM.Wria an, Bethany; Mr. and Mrs. Frank cnue o n, chasd a amaîlak oiF-R G. S., Superintendent of Develop.- iLde, Oshawa, and Empress of India 1Mm .G. L. Wagar leaves on Fniday Weny.Beheda MssA-a Pallard, cemeo on udiv uko ent, Canadian National RilwaysWityttrth ermn for a few weeks' visit at Mount Ver- Mm . BWooedaerMn.s andm rs .inyasssnigfnc apyofTuesday night at the Balmoral Hotel, eiiu uc wasre n i1non, N. Y., and Philadeiphia, and wil Rundle, Mn. Ncrman Rundle, Mr. and d'etrs usio fprhsnWboesuhject was "Resources De-'ondincmuitaig n etc attend bier son's wedding in Broçà- Mms. L. W. Dippell, Bowmanville. Hydro plant should be sett.led bY velapment..Canada Forward." joNew ficers are: Psidnetc.ç y, .Yo ebu.1V _____May; strongly favored levying huai-.N-ofcr r:Peiln-r.ln -Yo eraylt MIISES N CUCHS nessatax on outside bakeries, depent- 1 Mn. Young Pointud out clearly the Jessie Pritchard; Vice President- Mn. John Goodman, Toronto, and MINISERS AD CHUCHES mental stores, and other concernsl new direction in which Canada was Mrs. M. Wooliey; Secetary-Miss 1.!nieces, Mms. Walter Armour and Tnin'tv hurh cogregtioal pddllg o delverig gocisin 1 heading successtuîîy hrough a diven- Bateman; Treas.-Murs. H. Kinsman: 1Mm.- Wallace Battîe saa ted who re ot nw pyingonecen to_ sification of industry in thcsse days of Chaplain-Mrs. M. Lightenness; 'c; d the tuneral of the late Mrs. Chas. meeting will he held Thur-daY, Jan- ch r atnwpyngoe ~ eange and progress The people Guard-Mrs. E. Bennett; 2nd uard Hggth at Riochester, N. Y,. Iaat uary 30th. ~~wird taxes of the tawn; tax iocal! f a country whaToW îin< m-Lnothrd r ur-4r ek St. Andrew's Preabytenian Chutchtx rvr swl scmois pn n hne nub about bY Mitchell; 4th Guard-Mns. M. -WOOI- 'MT. Wm. Hayes left an Wednes- cre eieacan hrhSs.' erating passenger busses throuhinvin and consequent use of high-1 nen; Outside Guard-Mrs. Burnsn-lidymrigfrS.JhN . ýMorning Worsbip il a. -.; Evening, j rnachierv . w ide ur-r. .Bnet Ad- a erigfr& JhN . 1 c'Rqq MaGhand-Mron.tF. Bennettw Audi;where lhe will sailiby the Canada Pae- Worghi.p 7 p. m.; Sunday Scbool 2.30' Firat division in 1930 council came benefit netionaliy. Likewise, the itoxs--Mr. T. Bennett, Mrm. C. Tait! ific Steamship, Duchesa et York, on .p. m. FEverybody wulcome. in vote on adj ourning meeting et i manufacturer wbo Vrew out obseleteM.A ihl;Tute-Ms .~ndyfrBlet rlnV ii St. paul's Churcb-Rev. D. W. naon Vo evening psa¶ôn. Majoritylmachiinery, and took the ben efit Mrs n. A. Ba rtenelegwtesM.-RidaiefthrBelfs,.eant ii Best, D. D., Minister. il a. M.- favored evening meeting. awpliedresearch would Ibe the ofin ol, A . Bandelsm. J. 4Lobb.ý eatvs-te "The Spirtual GaveT..A..Dutan permisionmta.aplieci .Hia many triendi will regret ta Morning Worship, "h prta aeT .Dsa emsint h wouid remain in comPetîtive i_____ learn thet aur veteran citizen and Wold"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worship, eut down tree on Concession St. business., Re highly co.mmendedl I "A Just Man"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Referred nequest tram Kitchene :"Vhe forward looking" research plans Beekive Rebeltah Lodge inurance agent, Mr. T. J. MceMurtry, SeholandBileClase. cunilne lc Ag urof tée Dominion Gavernment in thein el down a fligbt of saal recently, Schol ad BbleClases.couici reOldAgePension ta n- rec,,tig tbe necessany buildings ta' The Installation team tram Whitby,; resulting in a broken bip. Tamis -St. Jobn's (Anglican) Cburch- ence Comuittee.1 further Uli-ta-the-mlinute inventions 'under direction of Mrs. Margaret'familier and genial personaiity bas Rev.M J SbiesReetT. econ Clim fr dmage ofMrs.A.I and research, andi also the Onutario Kerr. District Deputy Presidenit, vi- been greatly missed eat bis "office" on Eunday alter Epiphany, January 19: Vanstone ne fioodlng cellan re-fenred Government joining witb auat tdBeieRbkbLde o.15 igS.frsvrlwesps w il a. m.-Holy Communion and Son- ta Roads & Streets Cammittee. urens in putting uP dollar for dollar, let Bowmanville, on Mondey nigbt, ing Vo an attack of the fiu, and thia mon; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool and Toronto Gencral Trusta Conp. ap and now amounting Vo aven two Mil- J an. 13th, and instaled into their additionel painful accident wlII no Bible lass; 7 p. m-Evening PrayS" i ild for pape"s tan rebate ot taxes lion dollars for a research intitute, refpeetve chairs the tollowlng doubt keep bim oonfined tic bis bouse Trlnity United Cburch, Rev. J. U. o neJos. Boettain pnoperty, due Vo ha- me lntelnso h eysc fies i pi Robins, pastor. Sunday services:- îng vacant Vwo yeans. Filed. esu Mellon Institute in the Unit- Noble Grand-Mrs. Miidred SPIy The ahort course on Home Bo=- 1.1a.in ad p m-Pistr il 1Osaw Hspialinoredcoriiled States. a Vice Grand-Mrs. Mildred Luxton; arnica now being held li the Hlgh preacb. Speciai music hy a men's Mm. Nellie Nysbta of Bawmanviiie Canada, bue saici, like every young! Recording Secnetary-Mns. Emmna School building bas been weil attend- choir in the evening. Sunday School was a patient in thein institution. entbusiastiecocuntry down VhroughY" Financial Seciretary...4Ms. îla ed end much intereat sbown. mion at 2.0 P.M. Pbliccordallyin-bisto'ny, olver-did eacb of the lines et Morris; Ti'casurer--4-Mies LeVa Bragg; E. Sutton, the sewing instructar, lin- vie 2.0p . Pbi odal nF ire Chief Gea. Lyle presente in-I industry she eneIe in. Ha instnc- IWanden-Miss Rota Bennetit; Con- ushes this week, and Misa M. E. Rab- vle.adport sb.owlng $6,109 fine loasses taricd the oe ci Sinoflmbr o uppte-rsNoBler anMm. igerte nue w ycks. MisrE.tHopnfo, Rural Deaneny of Durhamand 1929. 'soveral ovmautoet ubas oo0j duPorte ol rn-Mrs. Berrthe Hake;Rgt ett ureweli givMinstr.coionso Northumberland meet in Cobourg on 1 Hfighway Dept. fonwarded deed fon ens-wbcn garmenta ad changed1 enee Baker; Let Sunporter Noble tbe domestic science teachen, la cou- Jan'.-9h.Thes. ev.r. J. birofes 0pae. ofpparently useless land on eonsiderably Va silk fabrica; of paper i rend--Mm. Jessie Prout; Right Vlnuîng bier classes et the saine place SeowmTa-les. ev.tR.,3. ndbrev fI.oimanSt. averaraductian, sud now were wc noV iSurorter Vice Grand-~MTs. Rhoda 1 Va the end et the montb. Thia la a Bomnil a ccpeadRvheading inta overproaduction et cen- Smt;etSuprrNolGan wondcrtul opportunity being affarded F. H. Meson, Newcaste, was electe à 1Vated $15 formemnbemabîp in On- ti1enipout, seilySba?-mh;Lleughre; Noble Grard- h on epe Vo the office. aria Gond Roada Association. ti fra. mnsepcilywha? -M . Aie gWs nideGt utardeithe rocktPonle. s nenra Gnanted $10 ta Sick Chiidren'ys5 What must be clearly tareseen us iCuardiAnns ieWriht;OJunsior'rertstogrtion as.eeres'e WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB a!Hospital et Toronto. thaV this presunt age of up-t o-date ( Noble Gn- rand-Me Gn Junioreurstetg rocation e Hocspital i asc conafr3345 ncbineny, whene the combinedc reap- PatNbeGadMs lizabethbh ussa rctnHsia Women's Canadifoen134.5. er-thresher in the West displaced Barris PÎanisft-Mrs. Evelyn Grant Sebool of Nursing et wbich Misa Woe'sCnainClub wili meetl Pse l ponigDr. J. e, A .tbrese wetat9ibaqeDorty .Tortn a n- oo In St. John's Parlsh Hall on Manda C elt eme tHg Sho o n ythretd be t9, fter tho Installation a bnut rtyi, hrtnw.,. Jan. 2th, et 8.30 p. m. Itit la - ! CPassuit by-aw: onig co per bushel, inatead cf 20 cents, had 1 was surved and a social time eniayed. graduate, receiving nat oniy ber peeted that Prof. N. Mackenzie o rd; andi L. S. Caverly, mumber j the cluar-cut effet of rendering imn- . aplan butin breas a b ne lh Toronto Univursity, who la Associate Board of HealVb; authorized borrow- 1 migration les. urgent. . It may lu- LADIES ATTENTION I1 'an eleetive course. She chose a S- Professor of International Law. wiîî ing $75,000 for leurrent expenses; ne-I1 deed noV bu a case of let us grw 1nh'cus u omncbeds speak on Canada's Position in Inter-! cinded by-iew ta borrow $98,000 for more wheat, rathen it may indeed ha The Short Course lu Home Econ- cases et Providence CityHoia. national Affairs, with partieulair ne- building addition Vo High Sehool sud1 a case of whene are we gaing ta selli jomnics, naw meeting lu the .ihMs hnua .aduHospetath ference ta recent cunrent events. pesaed anothur Vo take its place ton 1iV et a profit. Mn. Young amplified 1 Sehool building, will bu addresscd by laVe Dr. andi Mn.. U. M. Thoruton of This is Prof. Maekenzie's first visit ta; $100,000 wbich wfli also caver lu-, this ibv auoting the wbest statisties Miss E. Ellict ut the Fruit Bnench, Lland, Ill., son of the laVe Thomas Bowmanville andi the Club hopea for, terests charges an saine. fron qharts as lie did the production1 Ottawa. an Tuesdsy, Ian. 21st. Sub- Thornton, Orono. Miss Thornton a gondi attendanléu. Adjound 8V 9.47 p. m. of Daper. Hydro-electnic power, and 1 jeet: "Grading of Fresh and Canned , la a niece of Mrs. R. H. Warder, ii mutals pr'cduction. IV wes lu the' Fruit and Vegutables." The course' Bowmanville. l atter, where we now onlv produceci invites the mumbers ot the Womnen's j ___________four per cent of the world's require- Institute Vo attend this meeting traml n'entq tha* the q' s'ik..r fuît Our tut- 1.30 ta 4 p. m. sud hear this vuryl ALL ~ I ALL tie av. He stres'ed the tacet thsft inturusrting address and sec the dem- TALKINTII A TR TALKING onlv fiftepil per 'e'it of (ranada wa insautration which wlfl e sinTH ROYAItL T E TR uited for econo",ic farming. and tutv.ciu à A T T PICTURESPICTURES anu ra'F fuýu-n l"y more lu metals____ BOWMNVILE id +1-r r,-fini,.Pn d consequentý COMING EVENTS BOW ANVLLEmanufacture iyia artirleq tlie worh' 1 Apmwau<i. lthar inb, anvthine cisc. Te eleepoe ntEUioa THURS., FRI. anid SAT.-JAN. 16 - 17 - 18 *T14 . -nrl , i t w1 m"mutais dur- Beflm l e istructdinaS.iUE ine oe ual precpdirç tirme, and we a~re John's Parish Hall an Fridav, Janu- Billie Dovenow l ina nptallice eee. ary 17th, et 8 p. m. Admission 25c. -. anddancig - wv <le'~ no tii. Westgo hi eserve Tuesday, Jan. 21st, for E" 7 'E most beautiful of ail stars, singigad aning in Mr. Young said it wes ail very weli the Progressive Eucbre Va b. held lun "THE PAINTED iANGEL" nr a at asnin-ihey ty ln raresf ehveReeahLdg. Admis-f1 From the story "GÎVe the Little Girl a Hand" eus. Ha tkew eh asthu or The annuel meeting of the Bow- Under direction of Mrs. (Dr.) BaD by Fannie Hurst. eoneii e lreativ. as tlht. e' a evilu Public Library Association increa s t butter yild80pea will bue held ut the Librery on Mon- wiil be repeated on Matie. atuday t 230 . ni c.t l V1e pst Velv yeas. ure ay. Jnu0r914t. 1 3. t'nonn. w.~ m \s

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