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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. We greatly appreciate a little Eng-ý Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lish booklet-a Christmas gift-byl Money te boan on Farm and Town Wilhelmina Stitch, "The Golden: Preperty. Royal Bank Building, Web," firs, published in 1928, se itsl Bowmauville. Phone 351. a new volume by the author cf "The' Fragrant Minute for Every Day," jý W. R. STRIKE "Silken Threads," and "Silver Lin-, Barrister, Solicitor, Netary ings." Soliitorfor ankcf Mntrel Il this golden treasury cf literarv'ý oeyite o oank o Pone 91 wealth under the heading "One Day1 Bowmavill, Ontrio. and Another" is this rich prose poeem Bowninvile, Onari i which we think a rare composition-nj W. F. WARD, B. A. sample of much in little: Rarrste, Slictor Noa Iy1 Que day and another-wet andi Barrste, Shictor Noary dry, cold and hot, sunuy sky, rais a, Money te Lean. Bonds for Sale. lot; f og and miit, raw and chill, then Ofie-Bleakle Boc, in Sret a day se soft and still. Boisterous Bowmianville, Ontario. Phons:- wind, gentle breeze, moon entaugled Office 102; Bouse 409. in the trees; sleet and hall, froat sud t ___________ --suow, then a haze of golden glew. Takiug ail these days together, every DENTAL type and style of weather, net se bad, we must admit, corne now, brother, DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE smile a bit! Que day and another- Houer graduate in Dentistry, Toronto 1 trouble lonis, work gees wrong;- University. Graduate of the Royal trouble clears, life's a sang! Cause College of Dental Surgeons of Ou- fer grief, somewhat sad; cornes relief,1 tarie. Office: King St., Bowmanviibe. Once more glad. Que friend fails Office Phone 40. Bouse phone 22. us, others aid; let clouds gather-un- X-Ray Equipmneut in Office. afraid. Business bad; world of sor- row; business better on the morrow. DR. J. C. DEVITT A little pain, a lot of joy, even gold Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson has its alloy. Taking ail these days together, every type and style of Graduate cf Royal Dental Colege, weather, net se bad, we must. admit. Toronto. Office: King St. East, Come now, brother, smilo a bit! Bowrnville. Office heurs 9 a. ni.*** te 6 ip. mi. daily except Sunday. "The Happîest Man" is another Phono 90. House phone 283. beautiful little treasure that passesses X-Ray Equipmont in Office. a valuable suggestion for ail States- man readers whe wish te bo at peace DR. R. E. DINNIWELL with ail on earth in this first mouth Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- af the New Year and thrueut 1930:' sity sud tnmer of Royal Colloge of He who can faîl ta sleep at night Dental Surgeons. Liconsed to kuo'wing hie did his best by day, practise in Ontario and the Dominion. knowing hie fought a goodly fight Dentistry in ail its branches. Oe though naught was gained along the fice: King St.. Bowmnanville, opposite way. Be who can nightly faîl te Bank cf Montreal. Phono 301. rest at perfect peace with ail man- _kind. He is indeed most truly blest, a happier man eue could net find. MEDICAL We'll let the cynic sneer sud jeer and: scof about a "poor reward." But' C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. this be true, when Love draws uear, Graduate of Trinity Medical College, thero is contentmeut at !tho board.' Toronto, formerly of Enniskillcn Speak net cf high success and wealtht Office and Residenco: Dr. Bith' if aise there be hate and spite. Buti former residence on Church Stree t 1hoh friends sud rebust beaith A A .. has ,,,,,ma n , ondl le i a nieh¶ 1 Bowmuvile. hon 25v eet IHe who can say, when shadows fall, J. CLARK BELL "I've doue the very best I can. Il M. .,Ch B. . R C 5, Edn.) D p ~i.bear ne grudge uer big nor small, Ili (Su0.,Cc.sB.r ta . A. S. i) .P .did ne ill te auy man. 1 tried te (Sucesor o D. A S.Tiley) prove mysef of worth, sud uow thati lians. Graduate in Modicine, Aber- I ma seek mny rest, 1 arn at pencei. deen University; Fellow of the Royal with ahl on carth." Indeed, he is College of Surgeons, Ediuburgh. niast truly bleat. Office sud Rsidouce: Queen Street, Wehv utfise redg Bowmauville. Phone 89. ehv utfnsdraigi Ofice Heurs: 2 te 4 p. mi. 6 te 8.30 P. ru îRalph Connor's latest bocok, "Thel Runnor," a romance of the Niagarasi W. H. BIRKS, M. D. which has ahl the romance sud thrilli Office Heurs: 1 te 4 suld 7 te 8.30. o f his Northwest novels with the add- Telephono 108. ed attraction of being an entirely1 uow field for the uovelist. The lead- Office & Residence« Dr. Hlazlewood's iug character in "The Runuer" is former resideuco, Wellington Street, Rene LaFlamme w.ho was left an or-i Bowinanville. phan sud made his way lu the work .-in aremarkable manner because hie j grasped the epportunities as thoyi CHiROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS came te him as every -other boy in THEROPY Canada shouqld do. Every bey pois- DURWN E.STECLEY sesses latent powers that will onable DUR IN E sTEKLEY hlm te surmount the obstacles that honer greduate of Tarante Callege meet -hirn in lif's contesta if he bas of Chiziratc will ho in the Bow- courage te exorcise the 'best talents usaile ffceTuesday, Thurs:day he bas when he is put te the test as and saturdey evoninga, phone 141J.. oedd BeaWideutial calîs made during fore-** During a long lifo*sud with excel- 80011lent opportunities for observation for aver sixty years as schaolmaster and FUNERAL DiRECTORS editer we have seen boys sud men i withiu wbose mental kingdom thero F. F. MORRIS CO- reposed dormant faculities sud latent i Complote Mter or powers which, if expressed, woulc Herse Equipmeut. have enabled theni te have lived far1 i - ,AIl celle prornptly wider, broader, f uller lives. In thei attendd to. record of mnen who have won succes PiateAmulae . inithe varied lUnes of buman endeav- Privte .niulace. or it will be found ou investigationi Bowuanville phone: that at sanie peried of thoir livesli 10 and 34. they were called upon te assume cer-i Branch Stres- tain responsibilitios, undertake seme( Oreno & Newcastle. unaccustome<i task as Reno La-1 ALAN . WILIAMS Flamme did and found that he had1 ALA M WILIMS within bum the power, capability sud1 Embalmean sd Funeral Directar. quaifications for the perfo(rmance of( Calla given (prompt sud persoual et- the strauge task. Wbat is requisite1 tention. No extra charge for dis- is the nerve ta sey "I can sud 1 will"1 tance. Mter .A.mbulance at yuur aud then face the thing mnfully hei service. Phone r>8 or 159, Bow- would find mnuch te bis surprise that1 manville, Ont. 3-tfithere was within hlm a power which1 respondod te the needs of the heurI sulad whicb euahbled hlm ta master the AUCTIONEERS undertaking, as Rene se often did ac- cording te the story ef "The Runnor."t THEO M. SLEMON*** Auctioneer We belie've this story appealed te us the more strongly because of our Farm aud Bouse Sales a Specialty. own exporience, for lu 1878 after ten Terma moderato. Enniskillen P. O. years cf successful experiencc.as Phone197r3 1-tftecer our family physician told us ______________________bluntly th at we were a fool to give up a profession lu which we had been VETERINARY so succesaful sud go into a business that we knew nothing about when the E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. man wo were buying eut knew al Omrin j about it and couldn't make ends Nouer Graduate of University oflmeet. But we conviucod hlm before Toroto. Allcase gien rouipt'he died that we bad made a success Tn are l aesngive P Pja f business, toc, sud at the sanie time andcarfulattnton ffice D 'gave our children a gcod education1 McElroy's formerofce Phone.. and a good start lu life aise.i Clerke 3921; Orono 181. 1 Our experience is uot exceptional _________________leither, fcr nearly aIl successful men 'bave earned lu their endeavors that B4JY COAL NOW they had -withiu thoni, hidden lu some bof th e mauy recesses of the mind lat- Mr. R. H. Collacot± wshes te lu-lent powers, unsuspected talenfts and form the public that hoe is prepared:dormant faculties which awaited to continue ta deliver cah at Tyrone, calmly the heur of their caîl ta action. stton sud te aIl parts cof tho town Everyday's world events as record- and township. AlI orders proniptly od lu newspapors tell us lu se xany1 filled sund satisfactios guaranteed. ways that the human mind is far from Phone 518. being the simple evei-y-day thing that1 fman regards it. There are hiddou chambers sud uuexplored regions.j LAUNDRY WANTED We cen scarcely read s daily paper1 Ali kinds or ;a'zorr work doue prompt- , without learniug that science is just iv salfactorlly tand ai rea.onabie picep Ibeginnng to learu somne of heretefore W rote Poffce Box 12, or cal] Mrs unexpect ed truths about the mind W. Marorani. King St. Fiowmanviiie adtersutlpfe dzhn h p)-one 478W. adtersl sotndzln h J. HERMON SPECIALS Buys for January Buig aysr a ivn Poutryat airPries peDulrin ana I oa ig If you take advantege of tii it Phone&- will be a real meoney-saver for BowmnVll*: 01.you, that wibb aIse equalize my Bownanlile: 01.seaso's work. Phonoe lt once Toronto: Triuity 3949J and we will arrange particulars. Addru: 274 Augusta Ave., J.H e n t y Toroto. 8?-7W. Phone 431 Bewmaville OLD YEAR WAS PROSPEROUS THE KING OF HEARTS j ELDAD CEMETERY FUND THE NEW HOLDS PROMISE O Love, a vagrant King is he! Receives Generous Response ta Ap- By Frank Yeigh i He cares not uhere hie goes, peal-Fund Stili Open-Desirable ________Decked with a humble buttercup Plots Available (Mail and Enmpire, Jan. 6, 1930) Or with a stately rose, There is something sad about bid- He'll settle down into the slums 1 The following is a statement of ding good-bye to an Old Year just as Or take his wares te the lordly ones. Eldad Cemetery Endo-wxnent Fund to we were getting acquainted with it O, Love, a laggard hie may be! date. The committee is sincerely and accustomed to writing the f amil-, Yet cornes hoe soon or late, igrateful to ail contributors -for ilheiri lar figures. it is parting with an old A lerdly master he can 'be gnru epne h udi tl friend, but the parting hour miust And keeper of our fate. gnru epne h udi tl needs corne ith the inexorableness But coax him not or he will fiy open to any who wish to help and of time. To avoid the charge of in- And loveless let the fairest die. subscriptions may be sent to any of gratitude, however, let us move that A. Love,-The King of Hearts is hie, the Trustees as listed below. the thanks of the Canadian people be His magic power can rule, accorded Nineteen-T-wenty-Nine for And sometimes make the wisest seeni Receipts ahl it has held of prosperity and na- The variest kind of foc]. Aho rn.......$20 tional advancement; for its immunity Or just some simple girl may take BAtnh, rskCha.......... 2.00 from untoward events; for the com- And teach lier wonders for his sake. Blaakr,Mr. C s T ...........00 ing of seedtime and harvest, and for Laura BedelI Baka, Sam.W.... ..........35.00 uncountable blessings froni the handsBrySaul.......350 of a beneficent Providence. DONATIONS TO HOSPITAL Campbell, Messrs. John and * *______Cephas................... 10.00 Surely this will carry with practical Bowmanville Hospital gratefully Colwill Fandly, per Miss Rilda unanimity, and it is so declared to icknowledges donations Ieevd Hockaday................. 40.001 be inte o th rcodsof hepat.sine helat lstwa pblsh* Cowle, W. G. W........... 10.00l be mnutd o th reord ofthepas. mce he ast~ ~piiiso. iElford Family, per Mis Mar Business at High Peak Miss Clava Allen-3 Table Covers. . Efo ............100 The year 1929 was one of both pro- Mrs. E. SmÉshey-Table Caver. Grlls, rs..Ef.............. 10.001 gress and prosperity. Canada is do- Jean Spry-Table Cover. Grillser sl...a............2 1.00) ing well, thank you! Lýt is, in fact, Geo. A. Stephens-Bag Potatoes, Gilbe,:Rusrak..........25 a going concern. One of our lead- Bag Apples. j Lan FrJonk................250 ing bankLrs says so and no observer Girls' Morning Hu of'iniYjartin Mrs................405.00 of our national condition is better United Church-2 doz. Oranges, MoeyMr.Jms.....20 qualified to be impartial in his out- doz. Grapefruit, Grapes. Orhar, Frsak............1.00 look. Thus the president of the F. F. Morris, President Hospital Pascoe, W. N................ 5.00 BnofMontreal-our oldest finan- Boa.d-.$15.00. Pascoe, John................ 4.00 cilistitution in the banking class- Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder-Turkey. Phillips, Mrs. W. E ........... 10.00 says: "There neyer was a time in the Dr. and MTs. J. Clark Be-lO Jars Rundie, Mrs. J. T............10o.00( history of Canada when ýbusiness as 1 Fruit and Marmalade. Reid, George................10o.00 a whole has been at a higher peak lMr. and Mms. W. J. Dudley-Sinok- Reynolds, J. B ............. 10.00) than during the year under review or1 ed Ham. Reynolds, A. J. ............. 10(.00 ( when the developed resources of our' Women's Hospital Auxiliary - Reynolds, Norman W ........ 5.00 wealth were -more wîde and varied doz. Oranges, 1 % doz. Grapefruit, »2 Shortridge, Mrs. S........... 10.0(), than they arc to-day, and neyer a doz. Bananas, Grapes, 2 Pinicapples, Shortridge, Chas. E.......... 20.00 time when the earning power of our Figs, Raisins, Nuts, 2 Heads Celery, Shrtridge, F. C............. 25.001 people was sustained in so manY 2 Heads Lettuce. Shotridge, Everett.......... 20.001 channels of production. We must Mvr. and Mrs. C. H. Masn-Devon- Shortridge, Wilf'red.......... 20.00 net allow a possible temporary reac- shire Creani. Treleaven, Mr. Of Palmerston. 5.00 tien, ithe result of a collapse in a The Wo-he-lo C. G. 1. T. Group- Vice, George................. 5.00 purely speculative orgy in the stock 1 doz. Wash Cloths. Vice, Walter................5r.00o markets, unduly to distract our view. TheOn-we-go C. G. I. T. Group- Vice, Mrs. John..... ......... 10.00 Fundamental conditions are sound, 6 Towels. Wright Family, per Miss Effa and there is ne reason for apprehen-j T. Wesley Cawker-Pair Chickens. f Wright................... 40.00 sien as te the ultimate future of Order of Eastern Star-Check $10. Werry, S. Edgar.......25.00 Canada." District Women's Institute-Ken-j Werry, Norah . ....... * .......25.00 Heartening words truly, and timely wood Blanket.j Werry, H. Fletcher...*' .*. ..15.00 tee, as we wave a farewell to an Old Werry, W. Chas .............. 5.00) Year and welceme a new one fresh and better bread frorn the better, Williams, Mrs. S ............. 15.00 fromn the mint of tume, fleur. The total field crop value for'1 White, Miss.................. 2.00 1 *1929 of nearly a billion dollars sPeils Westlake, Wm ............... 10.00) A Steady Clirnb that much added wealth te the hg 1Wstae Arthur............ 8.00 The commercial life oî a countr_'ïs suni of nearly thirty billions of ourl Bank Interest............... 5.00o its chief measuring rod on the mater- total national wealth. This would____ ial side. Based on this standard, the give each individual in Canada a( 54s 1192 fiuresmaitaind te stady$3,000 share, a sum equalling that-o$540 clirnb of previeus years. The latestthe Uie Sae per capita. Expenditures data for the twelve months ending ofsl giutua* entis an xhag*nchqe....*1 October, 1929, showed a tatal tra'le 1O l giutrlcutis a xhneo hqe... 1 ef $2,611,453,586, or an increase of, ada still stands first in ratio cf in-, Transferred te Public Trus- near'ly haîf a billion in a year. How~ crease of production during the p ast j tees..................... 500.00 small the results of 1911 appear with9 uarter of a century, 1929 coutribut-'Pestage................... 1.00 a total trade of little more than three- ing its share. Canada's fisheriesi Balance in Royal Bank .... 43.35 quarters of a million, or the farther- continue te give up a fifty-mullion-' away comparison of the beginning ef dollar yield anuually; dairying pro-j $544.50 the century with ouly 350 million! ducts their usual two hundred andj The trade cf 1900 was transacted Iflfty million, mining its yearly threel Since removiug the old shed west with but a few score of countries; hundred million, forestry, with pulp! of the church this ]and has now -.een now with 130. The per capita trade snd paper, even higher amounts. taken ever for cemetery purp oses. ha icrasd o 26, s gan* This makes available a number of has $ inas19e00, kns g instfr-marA Good Average jvery desirable plots which are bigh fgrn lrere $4 pie190, aigtefrern Facts such as these go te prove fiethe olaretprcpiatae. that 1929 served us more than welland dry. Parties lnterested should ohe torhd whole. Nor dees this includej apply at once to the followiug Trus- The urter actis f iterst hatthe value of nearly a billion of the tees: Chas. E. Shortridge, A. L. Pas- The expansion t i of aaintrade in 20,000 head of live stock and poultry. cee, S. E. Werry, R. R. 1, Hamipton. recent years has surpassed the rate of Nineteen hundred and twenty-uine______________ general recovery cf wovld trade siuce ws frruit ao eso u w the 'war. And yet more, Canada land fri nter record year, espec- uow conducts a trade beyond he ially in apples, in Nova Scotia and borders that oquals in total value the British Columbia. Furs, tee, both, foreign trade of the United States from fur farms snd traps, lbrought in whenits opultio wasten uesa turnover of twenty millions. Then whan ts ouonis.audthistieso be it remembered al of these rich trade is steadily rising as new mnar-rsecs rentmoeihd H u n d re d e kets are discove'red, mew doors open- tisana ol euei tl a- ed, new ports entered and uew liues inerarss of manufaçtures placed on the mar- Take yet other cheerful features of, ket. 1929 paid its tribute te this te199rcd:Teepomtin a e A degree of advance. t,12 eod h mlyeti- a e A *c * * dex, instituted by the bureau of sta. The Financial Test tistî.cs, stoe'd at a record figure. Or- If one taks asit asa hbitofgaized laibor has enrolled a record __ Iof money lsa s a a i mfemhership of ever 300,000, eut ef doig, bat hec- ithe 500,000 employed. Practicallyj ing up on old 1929? The savings every mineraI yielded, duriug the first S of the people show a healthy condi-1 haîf of 1929, a quantity and value in I - tien, with over two and a quarter bil-excess of the same period the prev. - liens tucked away in the charterediusya. TeHdepwrev- hanks, and many another million in opment continues its upward curve. other financial institutions, bonds and When ail the plans under way arel investmeuts. The Canadian dollar completed, the total development wil maintains its record for stability, as have reached seven million horse- dees dominion cvedit. Our bonds power, whereas this feature of ex- bring a cood price in the open mar- pansion is anîy as of yesterday when kets. The national wealth exceeds the first small dynamo at Niagara re- 27 billions, which, being interpreted leased its first current. Even se, in terme; ci per capita, means $3,000, theseven million is ouly a tithe of the a tidy suni about equal to that cf total available power thus far sur- the United States and more than that veyed. cf a majorîty of countries. To be continued. The purchasing power of the Can- adian people is increasing in similar ratio at the rate of baîf a billien an- ** nually, Nvith a gross production valueI reported of seven billions. Our vis- _-Eulah Laoningham writeL.Thoui- iting teurists left a trifile cf 250 nul- r sands gain 5 tu 15 Ibs. ini 3 weeks lions with us during 1929, and that like Mair. Nervýi.. constipation would oelIsome machinery and pay vasi btoseulî.Ge roie some bills. Judging. moreover, yYea-t t'lets rom druggiit tcday. the total turnover of internai trade, I__________________ such as in the 5,000 chain stores,1 stantial sum lun circulation duringi 1929. AIl these are sigus that tbere' is ne cloud of bankruptcy hauginc-i over this young dominion. But there are other evidences of what the Finauds] Times of London cleverly fternsCanada's persistenti Progress. Canada won the world's f wbeat champiousbip at tho Chicazo i Fair last Novcmbpr, making 15 eut of 19 years, lu addition te scoe ofj other prizes lu 1929 at the sanie ex- hibition. While the wheat crep les- s-eued niaterially, the 300 million bur- bols growu-iu itself a net insignifi-! cant quautitv-revealcrl a hieheri erade tban for many yoars past sudi that mens yot botter flour therefrani 1 observer wbose oyte; are seeiug thel brilliant truths. Withiu evérv man thpre doei seeni te ho possihihities cf which hi' bas neyer drnamed-.cau)a-ý hilities the exteut cf whicb hat nover eutered into even biq wildegt imazlu-1 ations. Some SuAdnn ical]. some chalîpueLuen resnonslhility, saie uew turm lu fortuue'q tido nA Fi e mwn i called u-non to demand cf bis nieunýal- itv al that it la lnlliu , ;ns-doré, fnri hlm-sud he la seldom dlsappolnted, I we are hapnv te «av. urcvidyo 1be q-ss1 the nerve sud courapypto ninve 'n-' <lemand by savingr I conan sd Twill.1 t Thiq In the lesson we'd have every- voung mnu. ave. Vni"P wcmnu *00 learu-to use the latent powers they. rnqý.p8-; lu virtue etf'the aid adage:ý Whaf mnh an done man cun deo Cam YOU If you try bard enough and long enongh. What Makes a Town? A progperous rural population which dexnands a community centre where may be established busi- ness, educationa], religious and entertainment facil- ities. Where these flourish and are acitive it i.s safe to surnise that the people of that section realize and appreciate the value to theni of suoh a centre. What Maintains It? The towns are largely niaintained by the surround- ing districts. But the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the up-keep, of the institu- tions in sucb towns are ini the hands; of the business interests, together with those directly and indirectly connected therewith. Without the active business and professional mnen to supervise and govern these public institutions and undertakings no ît.own could thrive. Who is Mainly Affected? Every citizen either in or about a town should be concerned in seeing to it that they do their part in carrying on any good cause which may be promot- led, either by financial or active support. Only in this way will any town prosper and develop as it ahould. Publicity is Required In promotion work your local paper takes the lead- i'ng part. It is ever the champion -of worthy causes and philanthropic and patriotic undertakings. But to function properly, and fully carry ouit its natural prerogatives, it must in turn have the financial sup- Port of the community it serves. W'hen nýeeding advertising or printed maJtter always first think of The Canadian Statesman STOBIE, FORLONG & CO@ STOLCSf BONDS GRAIN HeadOffce:Reford Building dl Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calla At Our Expouse s of Wise Shoppers ready Realized the BIG SAVINGS 0 OFFERED C)w at e HAVE HERE'S A GUIDE POST TO GOOD VALUE IN COAL It's a trade mark we are glad ta make a part of aur business as it always bas stoad as a guarantee of dlean, saste, depeudable !uel. "Reading"' la Peunsylvania bard ceai and la sold lu aIl sizes. W. asua handi. Semet Solvay Coke All orders will receive and prompt attention by Phonlng 520 caretful I Henry Lathrope Llb.tstS. YOU GOT YOURS? SALE CONTINUES TO JANUARY 25th Corne and See for Yourself NELSONkS STORE FOU BIGGER AND BB'IER BARGMINS WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT 'I 'ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1930 PAGE TWO 1

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