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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1930 PAGE THREE DO IT NOW You've been putting off long enough having that room papered which looks so shabby. Why not do it nowN may select one cf theY Sunworthy Wallpapers guaranteed not to fade. when you new 1930 which are Come in to-day and make your selection from one of the many really delightfual patterns. tieo. Pritchard PHONE 489 BOWMAN VILLE1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos both new and ueed; or- gans for church and school; rad- ios and phonographs sold on ternis convenient to custoniers. The Freed and Philco are con- sidered marvelous for distance and tone quality. There ia no- thing finer'in radio. llave yon seen the new 45 inch Dominion piano? An altogether charmiog instrument. F. J. MITCHELL Phone 105 Bowmanvillel iOV ELA 1 1AND/) Busy hands-at hard tasks day in and day out. Persian Baim keeps the skin soft and pliable. Rernovcs redness and relieves irritation. A -cDug!;it IThis is a REAL WINTER You won't need to worry whether it snows, blows or freezes if you have your house heated with a Hecla Furnace-saves co ton in seven. Enjoy solid coin- fort by haiving that new furnace installed at once. R. E. LOGAN Plumber and Steainfitter N.xt to P.thick's Barber Shop Bowmanville BAND AT TAYLOR'S RINK TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY EVENINGS ADULTS 2&. CHILDREN (14 and undr) 15. 4 INTERMENTS BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY 191291 January *2-Rev. W. H. Spargo, 73 years.1 4-Annie Eliza Evelyn Cox, 29 years. -_ngus Stalker, 81. 4Rchard E. Prout, 46. 6-William H. Martin, 79. 7-John E. Gabraith, 49. 1 9-William H. Dustan, 71. 15-William Leach, 78. 14-'Mary Alicia Cox, 61. 19-Shirley Doreen Crook, S. *22-William John ('lemence, 75. 24-William H. Osborne, 78. 29-Mrs. Sarah Jane Morris, 91. 30--James Veale, 83. 31-W. J. Alleghum Wilkins, 60. Febi-uary 8-Charles Gage. 67. F1-Mrs. Margaret Marks, 71, 2-Fnos Woodward, 61. É6-Mrs. Alice Eva Cox, 49. t tIS-Lula Mabel Allin, 38.$ 16-Mrs. Ellen Sophia Allun, 66. 1 March - 7-Annie E. Hoskin, 83.-"- '5-Jnfant Burçzess. 9-Belinda Allsworth, 57. 19-1nfant Mason. 0O-Orville Henry Curran, 18, ~4-Marion Lily Davis. -Thomas Stapleton, 72. S8-Minnie Grace Barrie, 73. c ~2-Jane Ruth Adair, 87. 5D.John Simpson, 69. ý-r.Martha Ann Jollow, 69. t -e. April t !Re.William C. Washington, 88 years. f '-Mrs. Mary Burns, 63. -Wesley T. Allen, 62. -E'Vmma Grose Osborne, 87. -ivian Oliver, 50.B -Gordon Souch, 47.R May -_Georgina Cryderman, 71. S George W. Cornish.A JuneB rederick G. Denseni, 55. Co Mrs. Rachel Williams, 82. k Mary Ann Richards, 92. ohn Westlake, 66. 1 Mrs. Alice A. Newhouse. ti 1 -Richard Pooley, 60. 1 Infant Birks. 1 La.mbert Morris, 59. 1 Geo. Tyler, 63. 2 Norman S. B. James, 46. 2 ohn Douglas, 76. 21 ohn Edward Morris, infant. July Infant Hooper. ,.-AnnA. Stephens, 69. i S iliam . Lytle, 78. 1 iInfant Dudley. 211-ertrude Hearl Robinson, 32. 24 Richard T. Hoskin, 49. Mrs. Catherine A. Mclaughlin Si nfant Gilhooly. . 1,il 1 3=Jmes Edward MOClung 21 .oseph Martin, 66. 21fInfant Forsey. 254William H. Densem, 47. 31tClara R. Goode, 70. 31 *nfant Vanceader. e September iMrs. Elizabeth Blacldburn, 88. 7jJane Pendie White, 78. 12 amuel Candier, 70. 20- - muel Seynwnr, 74. 23->Tohn Nasmith Lawrie, 65. 2 frs. MaIbel Darch, 71. Se~r. Edith Power Burgess, 54. October 3amiuel Hennings, 63. 3 iand Broughail. 12IWilliam Peck Moses, 76. 29 Çrs. Catherine Hart, 57. Novenaber il frnest A. Osborne, 62. 12.Pirs. Laura Adlet Norton, 69. 194Wrs. Isaibel Beith, 80. December a ichard J. Mallory, 85. il ichard Hanilyn, 77. il lorence 'Gibson, 17 months. 13 lorence Vann, 64. 1 ames A. Hardy, 69. 2 . Benjamin Bickell. 22 illiain Quick, 70. 2 s rJaran mces Maynard, 70 2 bert MeCrea. 3 uison V. Jeffery, 65. 9 lizabeth Drummond, 40. NEý0FFlCERS S. 0. E. B. S. On 'iesday night, Jan. 7th, the folloÂ4 officers of Lodze Wellinc- ton w, installed for 1930 by Mr. L. Tbhomýi, District Deputy, with Mr. Thos.jichards acting as Grand Guide W. -Geo. E. ;Pritchard. V. 1-Thos. Armistead. Ch4J R. Nichols. Sec-R. W. Holmes. Tr _H. Pye. lst *nmi.-B. King. 2nàdýW. Mitchell. 4th.Whos. Armistead. 5th,ýeg. Harding. 6th.W. J. Berry. I ISUN LIFE PRIZE WINNERS Announced lu Handwriting Coatest Considerable interest was created lin the handwriting contest recently conducted in Durhami Countv bv Fred Wells, General Agent for Sun Life cf I Canada, Port Hope, in which the con- testants had to write, "A Policy in the Sun Life, (Canada's Leading As surance Company), is a safe and pro- fitable investment." The prize winners are aIl froni -Port Hope except where otherwise indicated: lst prîze, $20-00 cash-L. B. Randaîl; 2nd prize, $10.00 cash- R. S. Hancock; 3rd prize, $3.00 cash -G. E. Bamsey; 4th to lOth prizes. $1.00 each-Thos. C. Barrie; Mrs. H. Skinner; Miss Eunice Little; Mrs. B. A. FanninLr; Miss Borea Murdoif. Bowmanville; Miss Raye Deline. New- castle; Miss Velma Orchard, Ennis- :illen. Have You renewed your subscrip- ion te The Stateqsman? Do it now. PICTORIAL PATTERNS CARRIED IN STOCK Women 's Silk and Wool Hose Irregulars and overmakes of a lead- ing manufacturer, knitted of fine wool yarns mixed with silk, ail sizes. No Birthday Sale39 Per Pair..................39 Girls' Pullover Sweaters A dandy V-neck Pullover Sweater for girls; just the thing for school wear; good colors with fancy bodies; sizes 6 to 14 years No Birth- day Sale $13 Each .................$13 Fawn Turkish Towels Size 18 x 34 inches, in a splendid every-day kitchen towel, fawn with colored striping; regular 25e each. No Birthday 18ce0or5c pr Sale, Each ... 36-inch wide Flannelette Splendid closely woven Flannel- ette in a range cf assorted stripes on white or geyev round colors: regular A Ms Choir will lead the sing- 25e yd. No Birt.day------- ing inity United Church on Sun- Sale, Yard........... 19g day evlîig, Jan. l9th. Foli Past 40 Hemmed Sheets !SIij1dRead This hemedceat orose, 98 if yo.re troubled with a burning1 double bed size, each ... senaatl@ladder weakness, frequent ______________ daily aoyance, getting-up-nighUt, dull paItn back, lower abdomen I and demhrough grons-you shouldM PAY CASH AND tr ieazing value cf Dr. South- wcths'ratas." at once and seec what a )nderful difference they BUY FOR LESS makel this grand old formula cf a well kan physcian bringa you thse_______________ swif t a atisfying comfort it bas broughl lzens cf others, you sure -________________ ly will thankful and very well pleasedJ f it doec. not satisfy, thse drnggis t supiplied you with "Ura- tubs"t 14thorized te return yourI money lhe first 'box purchaged. -y, et A Ths gi*ou afulll10day' cetf' M-ra9%ýIitheut risk cf cest unless ilW plad4roanîts. If yen wouldMa n 0nw t:y of -peacelul, restfull Formerly S. W. &ao abep amnomal, healthy Bladder, abart t evt to-day. Any good dnVWspply yen. c t, t ______ I CANADA LIFE PROGRESS THROUGH THE YEARS, OBITUARY George Falli., Cartwright Mr. George Fallis of Cartwright passed away Dec. l7th, in his 83rd year. He was the last of eight bro- thers and t-wo sisters cf the late James Fallis who was one of the early pioneers of Cart-wright Township. Mr. Fallis resided on the old home- istead where he was born near Cad- mus, until a few years ago when he gave it over te his, eldest sons. Short- ]y after he purchased a small farni beside the oid homes'tead where he remained vntil death. He was a staunch member and supporter of the M.%ethodîsýt Church at Cadmus from his boyhood days. He could not be excelled in any dori- munity in the time of -,iclneFs. trouble or help. He leaves to miourn his wife, one daught-er. Mrs. Will Beacock. and thrce sons, Meredith on the home- stead, Wilford in Edinburgh, Scot- land, Lloyd in Det-roit, ani the coni- munity at large. New Assurances Paid For ... ............... 41,641,000 105,528,000 1619838,000 Total Business In Force .........................229,794,000 485,679,000 973,309,000 The Canada Life keeps welI ahead of the timea, and its policy of "fair and square dealing", which began with its founding, 83 yeara ago, has been continuous. Neyer has this Company contested a dlaim on a technicality, and rom its inception it bas paid <ividends to policyholders every year. Even during the Great War and Influenza epid.emnic, flot one dollar of reduction ini dividends was necessary, and for the past thirty years its high dividends to policyholders have neyer been reduceci but on the other hand, have frequently been increased. Canada Life Assurance Coimpany ESTABU SPEi-'~847 Lelcshtote McCarthy K.C. ireiitent E. R. Wood, LL.D. Vice- Fresiderit Herbert C. Cox Chairin: n of thie Board T. G MecConkey General 8Ycnager ~& ~ Pure Wool à.T., Light in weight in tims M Wool Prencb Drees Gooda, 38 inebea wle, ini 20 colora, Per Yard .................. 98C Men's Flannelette Pyjamas Good quality Plannelette 'Pyjanas that are worth regularly $2.50. They are well made, fuili eut pyjamma, i fast colora atripe patteras, and axe flnished with allkh'raid froge. A big bas-gain for Friday Shop- pers, suit.......$17 Pure Linen Glass Towels Pure Linon Glass Towels with plain or checked centres, with coloi:ed 'bor- dera; size 16 x 28 inches. 18 Each .................... Axminster Hearth Rug 6 only lolvely thick pile Axminater Hearth Rfga, ini hit and mies patterns, ini coloringa of bIne, tan and rose; aize 27 x 54. No Birthday Sale. Each .......$29 Boys' Shirtwaists Made of good quality Broadcloth in vas-led atripes, and checks, vos-y apeclal value Each ....................79 EYOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Adhering strictly to our policy that goods must flot have "birthdays" in our store, we have combed our stocks for this kind of goods and are offering some wondedlul bargains from every .department in the store. Visit the store often during the next two weeks for these "No Birthday Bargains." DRESSES 0F ALL KJNDS Georgettes, Cantons, Fiat Crepes, Twills and jerseys HALF PRICE and LESS Every dress has been purchased ini the last haif year and are correctly styled in the most popular materials. The size range covers al sizes from 16 to 44. All the good shades are here. Regular prices $7.95 to $39.00. AT $2,e98 TO $19,950 WINTER COATS HALF PRICE Aselect group of Winter Coats beautifully trimmed with Opossum and Frenchi Beaver, and expertly tailored of imported Broadloth, are being given away at just Half rie. Little Girls' Dainty jersey Dresses With Panties to Match Made of fiee quality Jersey in pretty pastel shades, maize, sky, sand, pink and green, etc; in short style with cutest collars; smoeking at shoulders; sizes 3 to 6 years ..........$2.95 each Women 's Pyjamas W Made in two-piece style of heavy Englih Flannelette, 2in colora cf peach, pink and bIne; 6 suits auly; regular $2. No Birthday 8 Sale, suit..........98 -I 200 Yards Pure Silk Canton Crepe Delightful array cf ail thse popular ahades for the new Party Frock, 38-39 incises wlde, ln a fine closely woven quality, in shadea of rose, beige, saad, powder, navy, coral and 'black; reg. $2.25 yd. No Birtha Sale ......$ .9 Women's Suede Fabric Gloves 79c Pair .AlI our bettes- fabric Glovea are grouped here; fancy turaed euf.e and pop- nias- pull-on styles, ln beaves-, mode, sand. grey, etc. Reg- ular $1.00 ta $1.50' Per Pair............ 9c LKER STORES *.LIMITED ý on â~*âppâ*pâppâ~pp~~, Phone 164 ~muuummuuuu Ini 1924 lu 192 WALKER STORES LIMITED 1 WATCH OUR WINDOWS mmmmmrnrnumm~mm±±m±±±±±t Suirplus Earned ......................... Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries Total Income From Ail Sources........ Assets for Protection of Policyholders .... ài WATCHI OUR j WINDOWSz PICrORIAL PAITERNS CARRIED IN STOCK BOWMANVILLE UUUUWUUUMis: m li 1919 6,347,000 10,404,000 20t6609000 12,012,000 24,727,000 43,8359000 mut a PAGE TIEIREE

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