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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 4

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PAGE OUR TE CANDIAN TATEMAN, OWMANILLE-TH-R-AY- -NU-R-l6-h 193 EOWIELD HAYDON TYRONE SARGON IS RAPIDLY A WORTHY RESIDENT PASSES Misa Ida McCulloch is visiting rela- See "Marrying Anne" at Eldad Set "Marrying Anne" at Eldad BECOMING KNOWN J. J. Virtu., Hamnpton tivea at Woodstock... .Mr. and Mrs. Friday evening, January l17th. Friday evening, January l7th. Fred Smith, Enniskillen, recently vis- Miss Verna Trewin bas returned to Miss Mabel Virtue, Toronto, Misses 'JVERI THE CON~INENT~A Flown a brief illness there pasa- ited at Mr. Harold Ormiston's ..Oshawa af ter spending two weeks at1 Sadie and Laura Virtue, Hampton, ed to rest on Sabbath rnorning, Jan- Mrs. H. James, Columnbus, ia visiting hom.... .Mr. Fred Beech is with bis1 visited their aunt, Miss F. Virtue... If >ou îound a mredicine that wD.s nary 5th, Joën J. Virtue. During at Mr. J. Hepburn's. . -. Mrs. J. Hep- sister, Mrs. Austin Larmer, Burketon,1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Findley and Dean, of such great benefit to you thaJt yoU his illness eve¶-y means that medical burn bas an attack of shingles ...for a few days .. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Unionville, visited ber parents, Mr. would go to the trouble of sending it akili n oigharscuddvs Lâadies' Aid had their monthly meet- Trewin visitea at Mr. W. Smith's, and Mrs. T. Richards .. . Mr. and Mrs. to relatives and friends in distant adlvn eracuddvs ing at the home of Mr. Arthur Or- Oshawa .. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton F. L. Byam, Doreen and Yvonne, vis: Countries, you would have te be co- was employed, but on account of low miston on Wednesday nigbt and a entertained a number of f riends at, ited bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lilli- viYiCed in your own mind that it p.,-! resistance caused by the flu, ail ef- very sociable evening wau spent..their home on Saturday evenig... . ! crapp, Cannington.. . Congratulations 1eae e ienwu]nt o o-tvoarest He disaseley seak,1 Chickenpox is prevalent in this League program Tuesday evening'te Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park on thej That's just what bundreds oflwere nvi. H grdaysnk neighborhood. ýwas in charge of lat Vice President,larrival of a baby boy ...League p eople throughout the United States the end came peac efully as an infant IMr. Fred Stannard. After the pro- Thursday evening opened with the*eave been doing wth Sargon, the; falls asleep in its mother's arma. MAPLE GROVE1 gram the following new officers were 'president, Miss Lola Richards, inCnadfoua. recenty introduced i The funeral on Tuesday was con-1 elected: President-Mrs. H. Ashton;* charge. The topic, "Model Munici-Cnd.uce yhsptoRvJ..Bik Misa Nellie Kirkton, town, spent'Vice Pres.-Miss Mahel Beech, Sec- pal Polîtics" was splendidly given by From ail over Amonica and wbere- with a private service at the bouse, the weekend witb Miss Greta Munday retary-Myrtle Cowling; Treas.- Mr. Harold Macklin; reading by Miss ever Sargon bas been introduced, followed by a public service in the ...Mrs. W. J. Snowdon vîsited bier Mr. Theron S. Mountioy; lIst Vice Leverne Burgess, "A Bottie of Ink." tbousands of letters have been receiv- churcb. Rev. Bick chose for bis son Ray in Toronto asat week. Pres.-Miss Muriel Thompson;, 2nd . ..Sorry te report Mrs. Wmn. Mont- ed from grateful users telling of the text John il: 26-"Wbosoever liveth Mr. Noble Metcalf and M r. JD;Vice-Miss Renia Bradley: 3rd Vice gomery la still in a very critical con- gratifying results that have been ac- and believeth on me shall neyer die." Stevens have new radios .... Mr.Al-'-Miss Glady's Martin: 4th Vice-I ition in Toronto General Hospital. . coibe d yti.eertdiei ebatflyprrydtoewrh bert Allun and Master Gordon spent Mr. Bert Ashton; .raitMsiMr. Jamnes Hodgson is slowly im- cn.wbile elements in the life and char- Sunday witb bis brother-in-law, Chas. Mabel Beech; Asit-isRnaproig THOUSANDS EXPRESS j acter of men that will live on when Hone. Mrs. Allun, wbo spent lust Bradley; Correspondent-«%i.ss Mabel pvig Mrs. Delbex-t Roe tore GRATITUDE ail that is montai shall have passed week with lher sister, returned borne Beech. Lnhwsse-e y thurRcad svstn iO Nvme 7 99 etrIwy r ikpi euiu witb tbem . .fairly good crowd ladies and sevc.ral youne ladies bad tu Rcadsi istnïbssster, On dNoveinber 212 9, a eciva t tribway. thMr.Bik ad eat greeteddated Novemberop3, oas receivedHowtrtributeeto theomemore.of deceased, grete Zin oun Popl o F-;charge of riddles and contestq .rwrdFaly inil. the Sargon offices advising that in empbasiziag his love for the church day evening when they entertained.While sleirh-riding one evenin« last1 one week one drug firmn alone had re- and his constant attendance at its the Maple Grove folks by pnesenting week Mi'ýs Mvrtle Cowline suffpedi ceived orders for Sargon to be ship- services. H1e united witb tbe church the minstrel show, whicb waas given by injuries te bier face requirine, soveral COURTICE ped to Cavite, Philippine Islands; when a vouth and bis devotion te the* about 20 young men, and which was stitches ... Wfdnerday eveninz the Coca Solo, Canal Zone; Belebrooki eau-ce of God became more a part of thoougly njoed y al. They following officersfo te u 1av Fniday evening the Tuxis boys en- Irelaad, and Paris, France. j is life as the years passed. were accompanied on the piano by School were Plected: Supt.-Mr. Cecri'tertained the C. G. I. T. in the Sun- Onhy receatly a well-knowTi resi-1 M,. Virtue was box-n on Anril 2nd. 'Miss MeMasten. Proceeds $8 Slemon - Asst. Sunt.-Mrs. H. Asb-. day School room. After opening ex- dent of Denver, Colorado, who hadj 1854, one mile from Enniskilen. H1e Rev. Mr. Sandenson, Whitby, wili oc- ton; Socretnrx-~Mr. R. CroS'-flan. ercises a sing song was enjoyed then been restored te health by Sargon,, wss second -son of the late John and cupy the pulpit bere on Sunday. Acst. Sec.-Mr. Bert Ashton, Treas- gamnes of progressive Lost Heir and sent a full treatment te London, Eng- Max-v Annas Virtue. pineer residents uex-Mrs. Thex-on Mountjoy; Organ- Crokinohe wene played. The boys land, te bis sister, who is the -%.ife of of Darlirgton. H1e followed faxrm- SALEM ist-Miss Rerna Bradlev: Aq,t.-'afterwards served cake and ice-cream an executive of one of the greatest ?eunielv yasrewnle Mrs. Tberonî Mountjoy: Lihr-rFin-'to aIl preseat and it wvas a most en- retail drug firma in the British Em- ig n tleen esaowhnh Mx-s. T. Cowling: CradIe Poll Suo!. joyable evening ..un-day services pire. retix-ed te Hnmpton. Mr. Virtuel Pastr J R.Trupoux coduced Mrs. Milton Siemon: Mirsionax-v thougb net as argely attended wene During the pas! month there ap- wscnetwthtefins~po Ret ouda ftrP. oo.evice.Mxs .C adaenrac ie Our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain- peared in the Toronto papers the! ag irc le of friende and the abid- Reor o Y P L me ingad elect- s,,t...Mrs. C Avrv Home Dert,:ton, preacbed two splendid sermons. statement of a welîknown Worîd i xin ion of officers held on Monday even- Surt.-Mrq. D..Gx-sbam; Gradiîic,. .There la considerable sickness War veteran whose health bad been lng love of the inner circle. ing wihl be supplied by the newly Offier-Mr,. D. Gxaham, .%Mr. C. la the community..W. M. S. wilh greatly impaired while in the serviej1elaete ou-thls oa apoite rcodig ecetr, as Avery; Bible Claqq T",ach'r-Mrç. . b old its regular monthly meeting in wbo stated among other tbings, tba.tJ loved one. two sons and threce daurb- will ail following Y. P. L. activities. Slemnon; Youn'x- Men's C1! '.%I-r. C.ithe Sunday Scbool noom on Tbursday lbe ewed bis restoration te healh t te es. Frank C. of Bumlac--ton: Roland ...Pleased te report Mr. Kenneth ýAverv: Suashine CIas.-Mmrs. Tat 2.30 p. m. It will he in charge ef two bottles of Sargon sent bimi by a'S., Ocba-a, Mrs. <Dx-.' C. W. Slem- Werry is sufficiently necovex-ed te re- Mountjoy; Intprmmediqte ils-Yre. the executive and is te be a member- fniend in Minneapolis. on. <Edith), Bo)wmanville: Radie, of tai-n te Petembono Normal ScbooL .I H AhtnJunio,-Mrs. E. Bradley; sbip fee meeting wben every lady la LETTERS RECEIVED FROM Toronto, and Laura at home, alsol Soxry te leara that Mrs. F. Fo.qter Bezinnexs-Mrs. D. C-bm Ast.- expected te pay bier fee and expense THE NORTHWEST jonc ister. France" J. Vu-tue of Tv-1 has been quite il].h..Mn. and Ms Mr. L. Graham. .... There will bc, a fund se as te get it in the fixst of i W. iteFitze, ewh wreJah on-rtvillemet whooMndy.th yweree enleenarthso FrWeinestaanSummern ndroe;an noedo B..Ths.G.'o indisposed fox- some time past, bave can. 20etiona..M tiordon on ay. nthedye a theend n cntlm n aecIse Fxm Minn tesotndWsconiand ronI et and lne Bxtb. o. G. quite recovered..Messrs. Percv Jn.2th.TrntoCoron Co ktewlig nited thtend and in c.P.nnechtonhofgbuthe kNohvwbet nany ld Itrmn t aet-n B o f J Cana. Nelson Wikins. Leslie WelqhÈ n e e-nef-sxweksterwithshawenre'v W.t . e t ucb- tex-sinf tha indhaersbeeSrn -ee vi lat emet took lae hs in B oal and BoadCaeesateeameeting.th Evenybed seading it te relatives back in their'pxedeceased him four years andbs cutualCure engcodctd tcome.... Mn. Roy Nichols was in oId countries of Sweden and Norway. dauLphter. Marion, who passed away Bowmiaaville... .Mrs. Walter Willard! Toronto recently on business .... Ex- Many such letters and endonse- eleven yc"ars en. Rev. J. H. Stainton and Mn. W. M. Logan wisb to thank1 AUCTION SALE ecutive of W. M. S. met in tbe home ments bave been received from men assisted Mn. Pick at tbe graveside. the many friends fox- their kindness i of the president, Mrs. (Rev.) Stain- of preminence, including former gev In spite Of weathe«r conditions a large and sympakhy ia thein beneavemnents. I uray January l8th.-The ex-t on, on Tuesday week and arraaged ernore, business and pro fessionai aumben eft-relatives and fniends ________________________ jeclters of the estate of J. J. Virtue the werk fer the coming year, ayiag men, mayens, state and couaty offic-!igatb ered te pav aàhast tributee e will seli at bis late nesidence, Ramar- out the pnogram fer eacb mentb witb iahs, and evea Ministers of tbe Gos-, spect te one who lived 75 yexsad ton, the bousehold fux-iture and ef- tbe different groupa in charge. Our pel wbe have deemed it theix- duty toi 9 mentbs in Daningten town*-sbip PPLESfects includine parler. dinline x-eom. W. M. s. is te be coagratuiated on corne forward and tell wbat Sargoni The vall beaners were sxaih bedrecvm and kitchen furnitune, wood. the succeseofhast yeax- in that we 'bas dene -for tbem. bers, Messrs. James Curtis, F. Bih- ceai, aphes. potatoee. Fend car and1 raised moaey even and above oun ah- Only a abert time ago, for- instance,, lett, J. A. Werry, Silas Trwin, W. jnmr i other articles. Sale at 1 'location and the meetings eofIat the vice president of one ef the I. Argue, William Riggs. W A N TED 1). m. Tex-ms Cash. The Houpe and year were reahly intenesting and Seutb's langeat corporations wahkedj Frienda from a distance wene Mns. healE"tate advexti5ed on bihhs bas behpful. Plans laid eut for this year into a Memphis drug store and pr gi yvse n oM.Jh been sold and therefere wiih net bo, abould be very sucesstui witb eux- cbased bis sixtb ibottie of SarAgeonvetra, on r.Jh Tree Run Sta.rk offexed fox- sale on above date. T. M., new staff ef officens. Mn. Stainton He had taken tbnee botthes himself Scott and Misa Scott, Mn. Fhoody, Shemon, Auctioneex-. jerved the ladies te candy and ha- and stated that bie had received suichl Misses 'Mabel andBetaVtuan or Baldwin _____1 nanas at the close ef business ... odru benefit fromn it, hie was get-1 r.Trme.Tonrente. Dom stc Otajo Miss Hazeh Rundle and Miss Alice ting the otber fox- relatives and Without Culls Jenes. Lot 3, Cen. 3, Dax-ington, wiîh in Cobour-g. Miss Rundhe ik pianist FOUR MEN IN ONE FIRM CARD 0F THANKS $1-50 A BARREL 1%i, mihes noxtheagt of Boys' Train- Woxden is dehegate from our Longue. , j ~nthe, wel-known,'business man Tbe family and sister of the late ing Scbiool, all of bis farm stock, im11-.. . . Mx-s. A. F. Ruadle an]I Miss i.n- who had aise been greathy benofited J. J. Virtue extend to thein mnany (Barrel Returned) plements, fuxniture, etc. At theo nie Hoht were Sunday visitons of Mm. b Sargon, recemmended at te bis friends and neigbbons thein grateful Wxlite sane time and Dince the fax-m o f150 1 anid Mrs. Chas. Mason, Bowmýanville. business associates and employees, se appreciation Of tbe Tmany kindnesse-, acres, moire or lema, wihh be offered for' _____I tîat four diffenent mnen in one firm shown tbem in their recent bereave- ,,lé. Fox- tex-ms, etc., see buis. l are taking the Sargon treatment as ment. S. B. Hatheway Sale at 12.30 o'clock sharp. SOLINA tnaeîy suofon ote r,, Box 495 Port Hope T.3S-3 ontjy, Tk o . Scione, Corne te Ehdad Friday evening, 'Ibese are only a few of thousands, NIKLE _________________________ 3-3 Cierk Ancioner. Jnuary 17tb, and boax- oun young lof such cases wbic.h bave anisen since 1NJKLE ____ __________ People present "Manrying Anne." 1Sargon was phaced on the market i - ___ -,Music between acta by the Oshaw;alApriî, 1928. 1 Sec "Marnyîng Anne" a! Ehdad -- --Male Quarte!. Admission 35e & 20C.1 Sargon is extensiveîy avrtsdiFia evening, January l17tb. conzratulations te Mr. and Mrs. àt is true, but sucb a large and napid-i Mr. James and Alex. Flet!, Mr. E. R. Taylor on the arrivai et a littie ly growing demaad could nWt be . Alec and Freebera Coîville, Bowman- A FR IEN D IN ri± EaD daugbter ...Misa Edna Reynolds, brought about by advetisiag alone. ville, visited a! Mn. James Free- -Hampton, apent a few davs witb One bottle is sold la a neighborboed born's... .Mr. Arthur Moore and bis IS A FRIND NDED Ifiriends hee .... Mn. Alfred Hogartb, through adventising, but tea more mothen, Mns. Jabez Moore, visitod at IS A FRIE D IN EEDHampton, visited bis sisters, Missimay bie sold in that community atterM.-WM. Oke's on 5unday ... Mn. ,Mary Hogath and Mrs. Richard Pas- t1 fs ottheprdce 1els. and Mp.J. A. Werry entertanda D OM IN IO N j .......Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Tiak, People ame always willing te talk nuniber et tn-fiends on Mon(dayieven- Ornand Mn. and Mrs. Clax-enco about their ailments, but they are ing.... .Dr. Ferguson was entertain-1 Tink and baby Kathleen, Salem, vis-.more than williag te tell others of cd a! the Royal York Hotel, Tex-onte, F O V A EBO T Eited Mr-. adMx-s. H. E. Tiak. *..à..the medicine that belps themo. on Tuesday evening ..E-ikl Several o eux- young ladies and Net a day non a woek passes that L. 0. L., No. 141, hohd election of H OT ATER B OU L ;iYoun menaretaking advantage ef dees not bring huadreds of state- officers on Dec. 30tb, wbon the fol- ___the Short Courses la Bowmanville ... monts fmomn the People concennin, lowing were elected: W. M-R. Mc- - ~ ~ gj Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and Miss the good this modicine is doing, and Laughlia; D. M-C. Rbame; Cbap- S -a ~ I~ i Doreen and Mrs. James Hardy visited 1 reciting th circumstances of case af- lain-Rev. J. M. Wbyte; Rec. Sec.- j a! Mm. James Reeson's, Collmhus. . .. ter case tat would cenvince the most F. W. Werry; Teas.-E. C. Ashton; '-port ofEhdad Cemtery Endow-j akeptical. Marshall-Fred Mountjoy; lat Lec- mnt Fund is on page 2. .Mrs. A. Sargon bas attained its prestigeturer-Adam Sharpe; Cem. Me- L. Pascoe s visitîng Mrs. W. Tonny- and widesprend populamity thmo ughlW. Marks, W. Sanderson, Jas. Mc- Regla Pice$200son, Toronto. actimal results accemplisbed - neti Laughlin, Jas. Adams. A number Reguar rice$2.0 1January meeting of the Women's empty promises. This celebratedod Ietrethmen were prosent fromn Or- Guaanted or yers.I Tstitute ws hod la the Sundav Medicine may now be obtained in ono, Bowmanvile, Tyrone, Black- Guarnted fo 2 ear. S hoo moo onTbusday affxno emnil rm Jr & Love]],1 stock and Peterboro iodges. A team Cold eet Bacache - Hedach jlut with thi-ty present. .A. who bave beon awarded the exclusive from Bowmanville L. O. L. took ColdFee - ackche - Hedace Mllsn, resient prisied. Mrs. Sargon agency for this city. charge of the ceemoay et Initiation When Ctchin a Cod - Jmes SmaIes gave a short ronont ofi ________ and gave a splendid demonstration et WhenCathinga Cld the Women's Institute convention. I the work ef the degree. The foi- TTTL rlura redyH tW trBtlTho roll cail "A Beacb of Etiquette" d ens!andîng of the needa ef the town- lowinz candidates were dulv initia!- Ailreqirea rlenil Ho vvierBothebreuzht forth miany responses, and sbip was dispîayed by those seeking ed: Edgar Staples, Roy McCill, E. A. Get Yours While They Last. the demonstmation cf table etiquetto office. Wesley Yelowîees, Return- Werry, D. atn onSeoA I put on hy croup 3a was vemy enter- ing Officer, announced the rosuît of Stainton, H. Brun!, 0. Ashton, M. taining. Lunch was -serveàd mi î tbe vo!ing as folhows: Reeve--Ahhan Stainton, A. Beech, B. Bentham, N. social time cnjoyed. Balson; Deputy Ree ve-Miss Ruby Stinson, F. Fîhis, S. Bell, S. Pethick flLenguie meeting was held onMo- Dewell; Counîcillors-Misa Helen1 and H. Bradley. Following the In- f av een with a record attend-,Baker, Ex-nes! Twist and A. P. Mc-li tiations short speeches were made THE SMART THE VE' IN AFTERI SHOP ANNOUNCES RY NEWEST MOON DRESSES They are comiing fresh this week-end direct £ romn the fashion centres of America. They will therefore include w1at is newest in styles for the coming season. Materials are of Canton Crepe and embrace the new shades of Brown, Green, Dahlia, Ame- thyst, Kaffa, Navy aid Black. SThey f eature th( higher waistlines, side drap- ing that eff ect the uieven hem line, and shirring that gives a princes,- effeet which is so becoming to rnost figures. We will also be ;howing dresses for the short- er wornen which givé a most pleasing slenderizing effect. Sizes are f:om 141/.2 to 24½/. These charmin, dresses are not expensive, and are much chea)er than you would expeet. Corne and judge foi yourself. DRESSES CLEARNG AT $5.95 Ladies' and Msses' Wool Jersey and Wool Crepe Dresses, in i good range of shades and sizes. See this attactive display while the choice is good. They ani decidedly exceptional values at $5.95. GRAND CLEAN IP 0F CLOTH COATS Don't hesitate inother day or you may be too late to share in ù-, worth-while savings we arne rnaking this weel-the final clearance of our Ladies' Cloth Coat; each one is trimmed with furs of dependabli quality. Grouped in three lots for quick selhig at $12-50 $17.50 $25.00 i ts ' -- -- r- - -l TH[]E SIIAPT SHOP Cwan Block GEO. R. MASON, Manager. F The Bite Shoe Store -~ - - - -~-e This store will coiinue to give real values tbrough 1930 andolicits Your patronage. Several numbe of real value are listed here: Wornen's patentleather one-strap, with cuban covered heels.vith the new longer vamp, $4.50 Pr. Women's black id brown kid tie oxfords, with reinforced arc construction. A real restful shoe......................................$4.50 pr. Women's patent ne-straps, cuban heel, $2.65 pr. Children's one-shp slippers ...........$1.15 pr. Get your RubbeBoots and Rubbers here. Our goods are of nuber one quality, and our prices are low. All Low Cuiff &rshoes and Satin Overshoes at clearing prie. Bero he............................. 90c pr. Foot Remedies 1, relief Of Corns, Callouses, etc., Weak Arch( always in stock. Bring your foot troublejàere.9 D~ES THAT Phone 200 SATISFY W. C. IVES, Manager ~GILC-HRis' VROTsur OFFERS A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR MEN AND BOYS TO BUY NEW AND STYLISH CLOTHES AT LOWEST COST ~LE Ail lines of Winter Goods Greatly Reduced in Price. See Prices in last week's Statesman -- or bett stili cali at our store, feel the materials, see the styles and see how well you look in a New Overcoat oSuit THIS GREAT CLOTHING SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JAN. 25th =t$n GILCHRIST'SU$$ mu=: GILCHRIST'S t::t:$ GILCHRIST'S ::l M GILCHRST'S :rnmt GILCHRIST'SmmÎ GLCHRIST'S±~~ à' -------------------- THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1930 PAGE POUR 7AVr a

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