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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 5

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l6th, 1980PGEFV Agent Wantd PULIC NTICELOCAL ANU OTHERWISE .CULEJIUVI n ed Wanted Coucb, Johuaton & Cryderman are CARTING AN4D TRUCK»N If yu are loklng for an opxortunity to REGISTR ATION 0F BY.I.AW L1 fcrras n B 'w in i i . A.nesuay n .Isah,1930.to r. villen. aNGELS PhnTe 44-Àppî elng of ce rig in wDrses AilhonefMda e .tng~e., n an i botter your position, the Watklns Busi- _____Cemetery drig1929 appears on . culeaduhtr il aî.Poe46 r5 la prices $.00ta *1.0fote oigloasdIn Ineswll put you in the path of Success a____drn MARRIAGES TURNIPO . WANTED-Any Quantity.j o rc f$.0ec.Phn 8 ue t.*wa wtIient risk. Posltively the largest ana 1 Notice la hereby given that a By-law pag 3. béat lino of goode sold ta familles. w5.i passed by th.e Town of Bowmanvil e Did you e h braU ovnî ILIurch Parsonage, Bwma nite d 40e pBer. bowmanei 75 rI.PhnJ.HMe 14.00_ or more profit per week for the 0on the lIth day of Jnnuary, 1930, provid- eetheba-ginsRoan DLLNag-OTToN-trnly Uon Fi e 4e erBagat 76ie 3.PhnJ..Mc f»Uàutricus mnan. Anply now for the Ing for the Issue of debentures ta the offering in Wo)men's Overshees on 3a.Jnaylt,13.b e ATDA~al oa 7-2 BW ANIJ'SHO U a r e t ic c a litY , R u ra o r C it y . a n d e ta r t a rn iu n t o f 1 1 0 00 0 0 .0 0 fo r th e p u r p o s e i a s t a u O tt n , th , o f 0 .bo w m a n v i . JC nc.i o t e e , B omUv.e rih.TeJ .Wàtkins paying for the erection and eîipet __,and________________italhoswrn O M NIL PU ICSLBAR NwerR-179CriWest f antaddition to the existing High School, Mrs. (Dr.) W. T. J. Veale and Sih ocsinSreBwavle 8!4 'and that auch By-law was registered in agtrHarwOn.ae sin DA S]Poe4.at. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _u e ._ t h e R e g i s t r y O f f c e f o r t h e C o u n t y O f , H r o , O t , r i i i gD E T SP o e 6 4 Durham on the l4th day of January. 1930. bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. 1ULFRSRiEToordHr- Balance Sheet 1929 _______________________ IAny motion te quaeh or set slde the Johnston. CAMERON-In Bowmanville, on Wed-ifrBULL FOR SERVICE Toe8.0 lortie- samne or any part thereof muet be made nesday, January. lSth, 1930, Lydia Bai- fofdBl o service , or $1,5 fboe.00sei FO HTwithin threetmonths after the tiret pub-j Come to Eidad Fridny evening, son. beloved wife of James eameron, McLaughlin, Burketon. 3-1' ReNceiptsExedts. FOR THAT lient on of this notice. and cannot be! January 17tb, and hear our youtsg ZFneraIn roer late yeresdecTonwnOvrrat BIRTHDAY GIFT Dted he af;th> day of January, 1930.I people present "Marrying Anne." on FrIday. January l7th., at 2 p. m.to MPLOYMENT WANTEiDa:-; Marrled Teachers' Super'n .... 396.37 Teachers' Salaries....... 15,92.0 JOHN LYLE, Music between acte by the Os hawa Zion E urying Ground. m omwt s e eperient od an ye OR ssCak Maie Quartette. Admission 35e and ULWA ecslo Thursday, ?d goodplma.Pne1r2 W Grants, Generai ...........406 tednefierooo ___________________ ~~~January9h 13.ChroteEWdowj. K.Stephens, Bowmanville. 2-tf Grants, Cadet .............170 e-Tes, er500 BRIDGE PRIZE ____ - 20c. of thelate John J. Uglow, in ber 8sit 117-50________________%_______..... DuramRegmet as wadedyer.Granta, Music .............20.00 Nurse Aceount ............4525 Notce o Cedtor thrd rie i eficinc ofperonn ýOYE R-At Whitby, January Ilth, 1930,1 Articles For Sale 1E _____competition and third pince in signaliiAla aJon sw, ort HeInwierofthe FupTel ac..r............120.0 Cun an81ace EIsthateat oJolrene Mryer,,i Portton sHopeee etthropertyr FO Repairnubao..fo.sae.......88eaie1.....4 Sandwich Plates Alprosdeceaaed. theadian Infantry Association meeting dyFEauRyUONInMedohaeonTue1- vily, Ont. TannerasrLiberty..........383.6 havig dams anins dayJanury îth.1930, Rev. Joseph J.Eu Rose Bowls Etatp of Florence Mary Vann, late of beid in Kingston lat Thursday. Ferguson. In hie 70th year. Brother o!f ISFRSL-eYrsiePg Water.................. 75 the Town of Bowmnnviile, deceased. , oreadho teOtbp Mr. W. C. Fergusen, Bowmanvilie. PI GS OR.SM.EW.0BYackureg, R R6 Sandwich Trays dîed on or about the llth day of Decem-1 Coe an______teOthoponii_________M._WBlckbun,___R_2, insuanc................ 134 Pickle Dishes be,12.aehrb oildt edin, yUsîc, latest records, being piayed ait Frîdny, January lOth, 1930, Mary Louise'_ __________________ tthie undersigned Executor or bie Solie- Tayior's ik Tusa t-ih) hrn io ofIeFd ro W hngRiuac . ..... Candy Jars and Dishes Itor en or before the 25th day of Janua RnkTbrsayt-ngtoShn. of of taniEeto ahin-IM ARE FOR SALE-Driving Mare, 9 Caes.........136 an 9r ulpryuaso tercnm. Sain 1 . m. Mr. Tylr townf ore. Mntb. Interred in years oid, good roader. will work double. C dts .....8... and 1930. ftlatlrs fthe ir lsîs.ktngo O p.ni dno ymavof. . .PacoHampton. Phone 167-3. o~e eehneo MaySuitable Gifts Tmmdar,13the ater fthe ad 2t ay pf wouid appreciate commente frnont bis1 RUNDLE-At 832 Duffenin Ave.,Lon- H ace 2-2w PoteAeeontc......08 J 1910. srIbted asets fthe Testliparn onts e peetat 0 f aged 76 yeare. Interred ait Exeter.1Mie cun ..... Many ~ ~ eliidstrihuted amngtegparties tros o hiee peetain don, January llth, 1930, Henry Rundie, CU TTER FOR SALE-First-class Cut- - eiiledthreo, avng egrdont tj rusc.Uncle cOf Messrs. Sherwood and Norman ter for sale, cheap. Appiy to H. G. claims of whlch the Executor shall have Cu ce-.Rndie Iomnil.FreaR .3 Bowmanvile. 1-$Bin2 nhn o 90 01 J. R. MOORE notice. GoderRceto lbcl-FeraR .3 omnil.PoeBlneckhn o13 Je w eler p,,ned M 1ow m anville thls 4th day of brated the opening of the n w W ng WS E r ERY o. Toro t, n esd ayc , 41d9nt Strw5n0-e1ar2a d d y.Sl ne W. R. STRIKE, recently buiit to the local Goodyearll4th, Rev. Samuel Sellery, MA., B.D., OAT STRAW FOR SALE-12 loads Of $21,763.52 821,7885 Soiltor for James A. MoCiellan, pat yhldn dnean n or- his sba fmer asetur of BIn oo- pOnte F. W. Snlthenislnd r. ~L A Bowmanville Bownmsnvlie, Ontario.ptannt olngetaidance ibte ac misltlea.orerhodistChrc ofh. Aph one19-. W. Sih nikle. Chîma 92 . .DDLY S.-T 82Executor of the sald Estate. t_______oth__________ofhe_____lle_____it C_____Phne_97-6_____G_1-HAL,_________929C._1LD DLE,____- tor onFriay venngJan lOh.IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE - One set single brasa _______- ____ --- Weii oves- 500 citizens were present _______ mounted Express harnesa, In tiret-clas ____ _______________ and enjoyed the dancing to then-MSEn ongrmryf condition. Apply te Chas. Shaw, Hamp- c MOIS___________________-fLatura -ton. Phone 376-2.3- compartiment of miusic furnisbed by Marie Moine, wife of B. E. Moise, whol Burtn E Til'sOrchstr ofTorntoentered eternal reat January l6th, 1929.1 FOR SALE--Gentlemen's fur-lined cent, Buron . Tils Ochetr cfTornt And the astately ships go on' Otter collar, Russian Msskrat lining, InN and Oid Timers' Orchestra of Port To their haven under the hill: good condition, medium size, price $1500.N O T E V R Y o y F O 5 YASHope. But 0 for the touch o! a vanished band ,IApply W. H-. Cooke, C. P. R., Newcastle. Adthe sound of a voice that la stlI t! Phone Clarke a2621. 2-tf The Short Course in Agriculture j Ever rememhered b>. hushand andi ___.- daughter Marie. PU LLETS FOR SALE-10 Pullets, 8.1 Our constant endeavour has been to give the beîng conducted in the Tow~n Hall un- olgmmryo C.tOddltn Rd.fn cI? 3cOI? ' S7'lE people of owmanvilleand vcnt TeBs ~ C. W. Buchanan, Port Arthur, is dea lisand and father, Enoch Stevens: were prizeShwinners at recent poultry H mtn, who entered into rest Jan.lt show InOhwa; $15.00 takes the lot. Drug Store Service" possible. beingwell attended by the Young pr~o- rhera1is929rîngr, George C. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 3-30 grsie fr e% of the district. nmurhars i.mmoyliges With this as our goal we are ever guarding Oldes- fas-mers might attend with pro-I Butof loelcanelve akwe Mi For Sale or To Rent Ti.ss store of ours is not "Everybody's Grocery the quality of our goods by buying only the best, fit the special lectures wbich are opentPrOm hbis peaceful happy sleep. FRSL RRN--omdbue Hm, u eko fyuaeraigteebt and off ering them to you at prices no higher than sesos a 7PosadPo--Sdyrmmee yWf n a iy.wth garage on Wellington St., aIl con- -o ews but orseec weekowi you'rdigtesewit u god fdpnal ult a esl o.jing; Jan. 23-Sheep Marketing; Jan. venlences, wlred for electric stove, Ae- o esaotorsor ahwe o'ewt godsofdeenabe uliy an b sldfo.27-Poultry; Jan. 28-Fanning Miii ly decerated, Immediate Possession. ntrstdinastr Demonstration; Jan. 30-Souls and REAL ASSET TO THE TOWN I Pono J 183-5l . 2 2wa-f adaego vil._hne13-.anre__ ete nseeing agood soeg- HONSTGODS T ONST PRICES Friies There is no town in Ontar-io near Loto1on better. Ms-s. Alex Taylor, Concession St., tthB population of Bowmnnviiie that Soaiotrogh190rewll ryanutlIy Keppler's C. L. 0. & Malt ...........Large $1 3J beld a fan-iiy gnthering on New bas a taikie-movie theatre 1S l that can3 --- - ryan tllyo Smail 95c uetYeenr' day t hchMr.foloand g .comIpRre f or grandeur and excellence1 Real Estate For Sale something that will help you run the kitchen andÈ SydeyeHere sont:M.adss with the Royal Theatre since it bas NylsCod Liver 011, 16 oz .................ney$1ug0Sonon Gien, Mr. and been reMOdeiied. Manager T. C. For SALE-7-roomed bouse, mode feed the family economically and with as 1INl Vitaminete.ted and tandardized Mrs. Clark Taylos-, Gwen and D osseevngmc-srte sasF oe.crerCucen rnt, wokad oryspsibe thy Mr. Sncair Toono; rs.C. ,09 i reeiingmuc meitd pais 1convenienu.eq. on G«ergeSt Appiy t Scott's Emulsion ..........................Large 98Ce W Marliowe and son ýBill, Oshawa; and favorable commsent on bis ini'tia-;Bowmanviiie. 45-f ____and_____________as___possible._____ Nyal's Cold Capsules ............................. c Mr. and Mrs. Nos-mn Taylor anditvpoiesvneeadgo et Qulc aClng nd urefamiy, Ms-. and Mrs. Fred 'Battle, in decornting and fus-nisbing bis pop-1 QckctasnsueDoreen and Marion, Mr. and MssA: l amuIsement emporium. Recent- 1T e Milk of Magnesia, Nyal's, 16 oz............... 50c iH. Ciemens, sons Laverne and Nor- ly new iighting effects have been in- TO RENT-3 large mrnes, baIl, wood- ODW LE M IN RMAS Creophos .....................Large Bottle $1 0 man, and Ms-. and Mss. Frank Rundle etailed on bath side of the Stage as sbed, gardon nnd Borne amaîl fruit. Ezra That's what interiests healthy folk with appe- Tneadcuhsoprand fnmiy. e sndditionni attractive electrjc Gîfford, Duke St., Bowmanvîlle. 2-3* ie htne ougn. Orsevsaefi Whitec hinddcCub hestopperthfixtues in the foyer. Then to i HUSE TO RENT-In Bowmanville. by ttstat nednoLJn. Orsev1 r u -birthday pasty in St. Paul's Lecture a raîitn a verybeutî fl balt of Decembor, modern convenîenýces. of goo things t abt hbwe w etr K E R S L A K E 'S Rooni on Tuesday, Jan. 7tb, with a griadeWit averbas-pt in and bigh I pply to W. F. Word Barrister. etonyarice K E R L Asplfrendid atndarnce i ment n combination bas been laid in the o-.e HOUSE TO RENT-Seven ro..., wat- Edadbr Corn S>yrup, 5 lb. tin ...........38& wethr.Mn Tos Gul, rei-t'd ad ul lngh f hemanKing & Ontario St.. available Jan. b2th. pFehDts THE DEPENDABLE DRVG STORE dent, psesided and the meeting open- aisle of the theatre. Apc .Axolil ecsle 5-f PupFrs okn igsorDts2 b ....S ed by singing 0 Canada, accompanied The clame cf Pictus-es presenteda atFRTOEN-aubeSokFr ______M._._____thepiao.____________ Cookingabve he AR TOBeansuale hocndrm pickedas, an3 lbed 3 .................52 bhe Ms-s. M A.Nsel otwovocaian v hseratrisis wel aretie: 124 -acres adjolning the Village o! En- ______Theproran cositcdof wo oca avs-ae.Ms- Roa i vey ps-tc-niskillen; ploughing done: Fail wbeat and Rich Marmalade, woy pay you to make it 8010olo by Ms-s. Ceo. Pritchard- Righ- ular ini this natter as lhe securos pic. lageban sw~li>d silo. Feorbrpic ouethnw ela4 o....... land Fling by Miss Hilda Hall; dia- tures 'wic aiPPeal to the better phone 0.L. Byers, Enniskîllen. 2-tf whnw l arg~e4)oz jar foxi........ logue, Pat's Matiimonial Adventus-e tastes of bis paons.GNEA STR TORT-e LagMatPrns. ....8ad20l. AV Cby Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Gatchel.iand Mse:i It nay truthfully be said that the GmoEAt p TO-daE cutrto reNTte ILa~rge oll ued as ...t...C...naw....... eM pkg.l I.JNO> V~Gud w oa oe yM-.Ae.Royal Theatre is a distinct asset toi found; large living apartment; splendid LMAAL.y Rle aswt hnwr ..... unde th dirctin th ton an anentsandng isU. rtunity for touriste' accommodation; Coiville; ganses udrtedrctoph onan nettnin nt.oiate e ti igtpat orapit ur wn Blend of Tea,..52e lb. or 2 lbs for $1.00 HAV TE EA HMEof Mise Pens-don were tboroughiy en- tutien. It je the means of att-act ment Poe0.icL.ght plant.Fo aint- HAVE TE REA HOML E FLAVOR joyed by aIl. Group 3, witb Ms-s. J.' n a* e-Î-o eol ots____________ AND TASTE 0F QVALITY Davies convoner, seesved abundance of community every nigbt besides offer.. STORE TO REN1r OR FOR SALE-In FehVgtbe ngetvlit utrmie _______________refs-esbments. The Good Night sang Ing clean, enjoyab>le entertainnient1 best business section o! Bowmanville. from the Sunny South.' Many coks an wivesâre fiding i more and National Anthem, ciosed a verY for those in town deelring ti pop-!i t enrlosl es frtr o er t1fl5 m. o ultable tenant at moderate rentaI: M a n c o ks n d w iv s a e f n d n g t m remer -y ime u ar or1cfgypelt's Jew elry. .ppy to C. H . M ag- econ o mal t buy o udlcio a e s and Past(ry 1on, Bowmanvlle. 50-tf instance we are featuriing this veek: Jelly Roils .............................20e each Layer Cakes ......................25c each Sally Brown Cakes .......20,, and 25c each Chocolate Cakes ..........2(c and 25e each Lunch Cakes ...........................20e each Sponge Squares .................20e each Short Bread .............131 and 20e each Pies-Apple, Raisin, Blu(berry, Mince and Pumpkin .................25c each Tarts--Cocoanut, Butter, Baspberry, and Pineapple ...........................25e doz. This is only a partial list.! Something fresh every day for the family menu.' W. P, Corbett HOW MUCHMEAT PER PERSON Experienced housewives plai to buy a haîf- pound of meat per each person sjrved. Natural- ly, this rule varies, but a half-î ound is usually enough for each serving-consi dIring the shrink- age in cooking. For stews, witl plenty of vege-1 dEbles, much less is needed. Beir this in mind1 when buying meat, and your po*mketbook wiIl be1 as well nourished as your family. Also bear in mind that we cIrr~y Fresh Vege- tables, Fruits in, Season, Canned 3xoods, Tea and Coffee. Prompt and Careful Deliv<y Always mi at Your Service. G. A. EDMOND$TONE OBITUARY Mirs. Mary L- Washington The funerai of the late Mas-y Louise (Minnie) Sherin, widow of the inte Edges-ton Wasbington, whe passed away in Bowmanville Hospital on Fsiday, Jnnuas-y lOtb, after sever- al weeks' iliness, took place on Sun- day aftes-noon fson Trinity United Chus-ch and was attenderi by a nun- ber of relatives and old fsiends. Ms-s. Washington was a daugter cf the lte Ms-. and Ms-s. Thomas Sherin, who lived for nsany years ini the bouse now owned and occupied 'by the Misses Galbraith, Ontarijo St.,l and lived bore until ber marriage in Jnnuas-y 1898 with Ms-. Edgerton Washington cf Mos-den, Manitoba.1 After bis deatb in 1922, Ms-s. Wash- ington came east and resided witb bher sister, the late Ms-s. G. W. Thex- ton, Toronto, for n time. Lates- she came to Bowmanvilie and was ens- ployed witb acterai fanslies bore as a practical nurse. Previous to ber last ilintF.q ahe was nusse-companion for two and one-haif years witb Mr. M. A. James, senior editor cf The Statesman. wbn testifies te ber kind- nes nd thougbtfulness in cnrinir fer hlm. and to ber strong Christian chas-a ctes-. The funeral service w-as conductc.d in absenck- of Paqtos- J. U. Rchins. by Pev. J. W. Bunner, assisted bv' Rev W. A. Bunner, oid friends of dereas.j ed, wbo bad been associatcd with oer in the former Ciurch StreetMt"- dist C.burcb and Sundav School. The' choir, under the direction of Mi-r Francis Sutton, also assisted in the[ service of song. The rsll bearc-r.s were qix member- cf the Officiai Board of Tsinitv Unit- ed Chus-ci: Mesitrs. A. Mitchell, F. A. Hnddy, F. C. Vanstone, Gea. W. James, C. H. Mason, and W. P. Car- bett. A number of iovely floral trihuteq fs-cm relatives and fiends expressed P 8ymnantbv for the bereaved. Mrs. Wabincton ias urvived by one brother. Ms-. Geo. A. Sherin, and one sister, Mrs. F. D. MacKay, both of Tor-onto, wbo were ps-sent at thel funes-i, also Ms-. G. W. Thexton, brotbes--in-law, and Miss Blanche W.hite, also cf Tor-onto. The renains were laid to rest in the Sherin famiiy plot ln Bowxnan- ville Cemetery. SEED CLEANING lteduced rates on cleanIng grain clov- er and granss eed, upntintil Feeiruary 28th, at thp Boys' TraInlnir School, Beed Cleanlng Plant at 13owmanvilllp. Grain live cents per bushel, clover and ga seed at nronortionatelv low rates. Bring your seed now. Tt will nay you and hein un to avold a spring rush. ;,s GIVING UP FARMINGI The undersignod bs received instructions f romi LORNE McCOY to seil by auction without reservel on the promises Lot 4, Con. 6, Darlington APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR Aplct onsfr the office of Assessor for the Townbip of Darlington for thse yesr 1930 will be neeived by the under- signed up ta Saturday. January 25th, 1930, at the boum of 2 c'clook p. . A plicants to appear ln person ?boes tbe ceouneil on that date at 2.30 p. mi. W. R. ALLIN, 'OR WANTED 11 be received up to 12 MONDAY 26t1i, JANU- ioe position of Valuator uni cipalîties wlthin these of Northumberland and 3Iing applications will the undersigned. will he ppltcatIon for Valuator' imount of rêmuneration on 1 Hampton, Jan. 14, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 the whole of bis Farmn Stock, Impie- VALUAT( mente, etc., as foilows: HornsaBelian Teamn, sound~, 9 ,Applcations wi and 10 years, weight 3300 lbs.; rDriv- Anev, 1930, for th ing Mare, 9 years; Generai Purpose of '.he varlous Mul Geiding, 10 years; Generai Purpose UnmlCountîeso Celding, aged. Evelopes contai Cattle-MiIch Cow, Ayrshire and be id(ires,-ed to tl Jersey, 8 years, due March 1Oth, plainlyniarked 'Ai Milch Cow, Durhamn, 5 years, due expected. March 20th; Miich Cow, Durham 10 ~ E. L. Mi years, due April lst: Miich 'Cow, Dur-l .bam, 8 vears, due June lst; Milch jCobourg, Ontario. Cow, Holstein, due Marcb l5tb; Il Stter, 2 years: 2 Heifers, 2 years;1 6 Heifers and Steers, rising 2 years;' Year-oid Heifer and Steer; 3 Spring Caives. Yorkshire Pies-i Registered Sow, bred Dec. 16th; 1 Sow, elikible toi register, bred Dc. l7th; 10 good S PhotrvdGos rdi adr Broz ulrk Gey1 anàieandhenr, yenr oids. Implements, Etc.-Massey Harris Bindc'r, 6-foot cut, good repair; Mas- sey Harris Momer. 6-foot eut.- 10-1 AÂ Ge font MaFqý'v Harris Pake; Massevi Hlarris Cultivator: Maesev il-Harris FI'oam Sruffiler: 13-hoe Maseey Harris qe"di Drill, I1 -'ne Deerinir Seed The S Drill; S,41-ie Wnlk(inL, Piow: Kidkan-' iparoo Walking Plow; Se;,t Light One- many ne Horse Sle,"ohs, Apple' Plank Bottom:i- ural toni 4-sec-,ion Harro-%v; Waliniz qrufflpr,- exele T.ow Wnrqon: S,,t of Knee Sliîhs; eeel Hav aRnk, flat. Stock Rack- Gravel' bas be( Ptox; Stone Boat; Pulner; Fnning~ Mill with Bairger: Rpeifrew 2000-lh.- $251.50. jcaies; 115 ft. Hav Fork Ro'pe with' home an Pu .es Power Spraver. caDacitv 200 Pu Deis -class by eale., zood order; 2 Barrels Snrav Material; 1 Set Teain Brpeclhinir FTe"p-'e: 3T.I Hnr.qe iTanpe 12 Tons VVe of Gc>od Hav: Quarifitv Oatq and Bariey;, Atwater Happy Thought Range: Cliurn. model ai Farm For Sale The Tarm of 100 acres. more or Batter less, wilii hO ffered for sale at the ple fo saetm.sale ait 1 P. me. andre-charg( Terme.--On PoultrY. Fe n l surgis of $15.00 and under. cash: over Mhat amounit 9 mnontils' credit on an- provêui notes bearing Interest at 6% per annum. HAR' Termes on Ra Estateî.--i% of purehase price pavable at time of King StL sale. iFurther particulava and con- ditions made known on day of sale. A. J. Staples, Cao. & Ted Jackson, Clerk. Auctiones OacN AC i- A N, countles' Clerk. 1-41 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS We have a choice lot of Cut Flowers and make a specialty of Funeral Designs, Wedding Bouquets and Flowers and Plants for the shut-in and sick. Orders given careful attention. Farmers bring your produce to our store. We will use you xight. HARRY ALUIN, (irocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE. ARION nieral Favorite ;partan Radio is making ,w friends due to its nat- e qualities and general ice. This Model 931 ýen a great seller at Hear it in your own Ld be convinced it is in a itself at the price. ffer this week a 6-tube r- Kent Desk Console t a real bargain. ries, tubes and radio sup- , ail makes. Batteries red. RY C.ALLIN w. Bowmanville il M 'i Phone 3 Baker and Confectlîner Bowmanville Phone 21 MEAT MAREET ~Bom rmanvil.e Il - i 1- PAGE PIVIR

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