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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1930, p. 7

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rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARLY l6th. 1930 Salada Orange Pelkoe bas by f ar the flnest flavour I, Every Bell Telephone is a LorM Lowve 1Distance Station rates ýil Long Dist4nce Calls New reduced ra tance telephone rio and Queb effect since janu The new lower ly catis to point mailes distant, th ing from $.05 t These mean ana .rvce in Onta- have been ini 1. s affect chef- om 75 to 800 ductions bW $20 per ca.I1 ual saving of 'q 4 J a e I E LLPP' teid ^CID STOM*O< NE'AR1URN M ,mAO< r.ASIS Many people, two heurs after eating, sufer indigestion as they cati it. It is usuaily excees acid. Correct it with an aikali. The best way, the quick, harm- lesan d efficient way, is Phillips' Milk et Magnesia. It bas remained for 50 yearq the standard with physicians. One speenful iii nater neutralizes many turnes its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptems disappear in five minutes. Acinl Yeu nilI cor use crude methods when you kx this btter method. And you wili n&sufier iroin excess acid when you 1e eut this easy relief. Please do t-for your own sake- non. 'Be sure t4it the genuine Phillips' Miik of MNaia prescribed by physi- cians for 50trs in correcting exceas acids. Each tle contains full direc- tions-any <tore. Are You in a Qtndary About What You Need Building Materi? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lu Johns-I Manville Asbestos Shingles antoofing, Seanian Kent Hardwood F1ooý, If so, we shall be glad to supply yat ail tin es and reasonable priceE FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care otu, order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, Thoikndard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahts and Steam Coal. Call and see us and get our prices iîe you buy. MWcCIelian & Co. td. Office Phone 15; HousPos749 218, Kins St. E Lll -t reauaY identiucu by the name di t detyuo i lo n >ihighest price. Phone the. box and thu Bayer cross on surfaces of ithesystem aud bas a ton- Whitby 81 and mee every tablet.1 le acton that Win ta obtain the de- J.J MS ehe eut. m7epeparation le chargea oiEaa.ad1 eaytomke tslttean seplea&- . STEd I hono50 ndlSt. aut io taki. Every person Wbo 1 Tbaso»wKn t M SPI RI N 'ba a b rhdmoises __________d____1 As~~~~~~Uars bb i ci"im gthis tOad 1m].__ __ __ ___ __ ___a_ _ __ __ __ __ TYRONE Wu. M. S. Ne sFor the Busy r arm er The election of officers of Tyronel o W. M. S. was held recently when the IJ<')<lIIJ (Furnished by the Ontario Departinent of Agriculture) following were elected: ~,President-Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trun-, tt e pour.Th 9 yllR4 lst Vice-MnIr. L. J.(ooriman. T e(rjba 4 A rtshApl are taken if the cost diId net often forbid 2nd Vfre-Mis. .~ Representative of the Ontario Fruit sorted to very generall n in c.~r... W.Cemn.I 0- Growers' Associaton states that the farmers are putting water systerns in Treas.-M'ýrs. A. W. Annis. lie I4 apple market in Great Britain is stili their barns." Sec. Christian Stewardship-Mrs. H. dl ihapossibility of fairly good S.tsîsc oe Huils. Ms us' prospects later in January. A ruiner1 The following F$nane8Co..MrfoAnnis that Virginia stili bas quantities of of the principal field crops of On- Strangers' Sec.-Mrs. R. Hodgson. aceg unc]assified Yorks which will soon tario for 1929, show the number of Supplv e- r.W.Seat COMPLETE WITI. acH have to be disposed of, points te a bushels produced this year as compar- st . Hers c-Mrs. .ewar . G A A T E lec- I *depression in price until the early led with 1928: U R NE 11nca part of February. Ontario apples of1 1929 1928 M isi TadSUtBMESA . n geed quality, however, will command Fali wheat 17,820,739 16,766,408 Miss.Mnhy ecMs.JDde. agood market providing high prices S. wheat. 1,929,982 2,181,855 Piaist-Miss M. Brightwell. l.are nlot obtainable on the dome'stic Oats .... 73,640,478 93,461,068 Ass't.-Mjss K. McCullough. market. These apples should bring Barley .. 18,032,191 19,944,13-3 Temperance Sec.-Mrs. L. Goodman. fromn six te seven dollars per barrel. Ryte 873,239 1,131,172 Press Sec.-Mrs. Floyd Dudley. Food For Brood Sows Peas... 1,235,658 .1,892,588; NEWATEW .S Alfalfa or dlover hay fed from Mix. grains 29,903,638 33,691,4181 W. M. S. racks forma an excellent roughage Husk'g corn 6,674,942 6,921,8501 The regular meeting cf the W. M.li for brood sows. Roots are aise goodi Beans .. 1,113,310 873 428S of Newcastle United Chureh teck but may net always be available. The Budkwheat 5,562,013 5,962,376 place in the S. S. Reeni on January niea! ration niay vary consîderably êFedder corn 2,221,467 2:685 7271 2nd, with the president. Mrs. (Rev.) bu s-ul fo b testreng. Bran, Tn.I Rogers in the chair. The first part shorts, greund oats and ground bar- Ton.s Tons lof the meeting was given over te re- ley in equal parts, if fed judiciously Afalfa 1,596,212 1,730,1351prsfenvrossceaisc e at f ren two te six pounds daily, de- Alsike .. 289,560 235,385pot rmviusectae fd- pendng n th sie an cedite S.Cloer . 80,576 924608partinents, al cf which showed the pnigoth ieadcniin of S.' e 0,56 9468secety te have had a prosperous year. the sew as well as the period of preg- Hay, clover 4,661,660 4,455,615 TeSpi ertrMs .E 'food resuits. Minerai feeds40are BushelBses W. Philp, reperted a bale cf goeds 'nancy bas b e f te giveaeodPus- 4,4,0819,791,851 inluding five qui%ts, vaiued at $34.00, uallY essential and miay be sup 15154j1urnps . 22,848,691 34,323,412 sent te the Supply Secretary of 0mb- either by sods or a suitable minerall1Man el' .9,728,083 14,738,443 awa Presbyterial, also clothing, mitt, imixture centaining charcoal, ashes. Sugar bets 12,146,230 15,215,900 stockings, fruit, etc., sent te the< j bone meal, etc. Carrots . 222,903 317,998 Cidren's Sheter at Port Hope. E The Labor Situation Tobacco . 20,693,776 35,585,848 Beman, reproted givings for ithe year~ Under teheading cf "Labor and 1930 COUNTIES' COUNCIL as oBd010W.9.0S-$614.T9dons-1 Wmges" the annual bulletin issued sien__ 5011an-,10.., ...T o by the Deparitient for the year 1929 a. Nmrof , tion-$10.00. The allocation cf remarksPrl:mntfo te e"1$2.00 was thus over-reached. The "Far- labor could net be secured C! Ss Priinn orîe ec~eretary, Mrs. F. 'Butler, gave a lk us t 1 at any lower or, ini some cases, as Ainwick Tewnsip-Reeve, Gordon; splendid summary of the year's activ- lew rate of wages as duning the past Parker. ities.A k ust tbree years. The fariner cani only Bowmanvile.Reeve, W. H. CRinMson <DrJ.A. Btedle aMss t. aiod epy for his help cut of the ruthers; Deputy Reeve, C. E. Reh- Rbno eeapitddlgtst money his products bring in. British der. 1 Oshawa Presbyterial te be heid in immigration dees net flow 'by choice Brighiton Tewnsip-Reeve W-1l Wbitby, Janua.ry 23rd. tot the farins and more relief niight lisAM Goodfeliew; Depaty Reeveeeto o fiesfo 90 WJ collenefremin mgato if other Denyes. Teeslecti qlws on cei ese 93s T races experiencdon the land were Brighten Village -Re B,-~ri ea folw: n. Mis dents King Street enco'ursged. Net much change in Mybt-e e ,iond: Pres.--Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rog- conditions generally was reperted in Cambelford-Reeve, J. M. By.! ers; le. Vice---Mr. Norman Rick- 1929 although more labor appeared te gott; Deputy Reeve, J. Neise :Sto eard; 2nd Flyd Vice-isArmmod;is have been released frein the cities Cartwright Township-Reeve, Fred Se Mrs. . F.eyd uterofTrM-sionNT te the farin,. A cut in the tobacco Hyland. n.W .(r>BteMs .T Me,.Benian: SD.) utrf Mimien ROBBER GVN3MNH acreage made the situation easier in Cava n Township - Reeve, T.. adMs that direction. Tobacco grcswing in 1Hocon; Deputy Reeve, R. J. Knigh..Batty; Cor. Sec't.-Mre. W. J. S. Justice mcved swiftly in Judge the estrn ounieshelp tesotthe Ciake Twnsip-eev, M j.Rickard; Sec't. ef Christian Steward- O'Connor'm court et Cobeurg~on Sat- lecal wace level duing the busy ses-1 Holman; Depu'ty Ree've, A. E. Mor, ship and Finance-Mrs. J. E. 'Match- iirday when forty-five minuteg mter t son. The eutlook is for wage leveis Iton. iett; Missionary Montly-Mrs. Geo. le Lad been arraigned on a charge teprmains te reo e aia - Ceborg-.Reeve, Mrs. Edith Kerri Jamieon; Associate Helpers--M-rs. cf robbery under armas, John Nelscn ti prap. Domestic servants are Macdonald; D)eputy Reeve, Wilbert' J. Robinson; Literature-Mrs. C. R. SLarpe Lad 'been sentenced ictb ree net known on Ontario farins, accord- B. Pratt. Carveth; Tempermnce--Mrs. W. F. menths in jail. Sharpe exiiedited 1i ng te ail repcrts received frein con- C-borne Village-Reeve, C. M. Rickard; Strangers'--Mrs. J. R. Fish- the trial when les changed what laed respendents west, east and nerth." FInkle. er; Press-Nirs. H. Hancock; Repre- been a pies cf net guilty. His ceun- 7le uaiPuroseCOWCrainahe Township-Reeve, Charles senitatives te S. S.-Mrs. N. Riekard, sel, T. F. Hail, esked fer suspended Th DalPupae ow Quinn; Deputy Reeve, Roy Darling. Miss Robinson and Mrs. G. A. Ceyne; sentence but Crown Attorney Kerr Although somne have questioned the Darlington Township-Reeve SulasiPianist-Mrs. Rinch; Auditor&s-Mrs. demurred and the court agreed with 1 existence of such an animal as the Wiliams; Deputy Reeve, G. F. Annis.1 J. C. Hancock and Mrs. C. B. Car- hiDi. * dus! purpese cew, the fc re'mains RHaldimnd. Township - Reeve,'ve'tL; Group Leaders--~Mrs. J.C Sharpe held up adrobbe~d M formation' produco sufficient milk te W&i.sh.Jae Mrs. 'Middleton, Mrs. T. H. Clemence, on Dec. 6th, brandishing a revolver i return a profit te their ownors asidel Hamilton Township-Reeve, Thos. Miss E. Rowland, Mrs. H. Toms, Mra te aid th.e hold-up. He was arrest- frein the value of their calves, which 1 A. Davidson; Deputy Reeve te be Cobbledick, Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, Mrs. ed shcritly afierwards and has been niake good feeders. The Sborthorn eleeted. Go oe,'m.J .JsMs .a almne 'bor at he ominon Epenmentl Hiigs Village-Reeve, Dr. W. Rebinson. IFarin in Scott, Sask., was started in E. Wilson. IMrs. Rogers spoke feelinglv -of the HOS v- 1921 with ne outstanding producers. Hope Township--%mv* Montferd loyalty and support accerded -hem dur-! _TE _______OU During tbe eighIt succeeding yearsj Wilson; Deputy Reeve, B. S. Dickin- ing the past year. The meeting wa.51 mtocns have onade reixcos aox-so.disniissed witb the benediction. Pawmed Your littie Louse to-night niain 800peuds sx o'w 'av Mnvers TDwnship-'Reeve, Bert 'That is your home ne more, ,over 6000 ipounds te their credit. and Ribhardaea; Deputy Reeve, Charles UNFORGOTTEN The window shades were ciosely il have made records of over 5000 MeNeili. Blvd od th fiedl dor pounds. Incidentallv 0o thershse Sinsen. Village-Reeve, Pre mTat to yur wenory ld b. true, An okdtefidldor au-sniais e itbiiy o aeeiSMuray on N.And se, I builded nie a shrine, No amoke scenda the chimney now anialsforbeef and waiting listasr 1Mrry Townsbip itv N a nthsprt-oeofme Téelofieisd, cc ntinualîy on file for breeding stock. Eartt; Deputy fleeve, Rermn' Mor- Istii i ti spîrouefDie eelce ie insd with out Farm lmproveimentsgNew.c. cartl. 1 bing the puresit fanera cf love T1118 lonelY Christmastide. In a oec nt bulletin issued by te evreyTW . F. Rieve W. . And dw nh thein lay re mnembrance s op o n lpn t e suminarihe-oNelson; Deputy ofethe C* . H.Curtis. A thing se fragrant sud se faimr U1mtel tl Tot op-RevGeorge T. nain-. That you must know My love is there Unve fràltijresttmoa agriculturai life of the province dur- eock; Deputy Reeve, James Sinotit. Your spirit-dreains te crown. *,~~~ the year 1929. the foliewinz remnarks Seymour Township-Reeve, George Badve fogryohr Lfeon earth 1oo er1 .A cae ndr hebed f arn i-S. Van Volkenburg; Deputy Reeve, A n ks ghyn stlifewniath i e An d on. ?bird'm lonely til. prove ments: Rolbt. Imues. L~ oveisye til rl ip La e si Ti ignsonle lk gs #&In the western counties drainage South Monagan-Reeve, Wilbert ThU, e, mvemenabfrauceis hotve ad TNo fri ndl ies Ihe a p i Igoes on apace. In Essex, close upon C. Wood. Anriebac sntda Ofinl oe er 1000 acres are undertiied. The watt The January session cf the countie0s My iieart still cling. ta you. NO nel norn path leadu ta Your door, spring helped the under-drainage 1 euncil will eon'vene -on Tuesday, Lanra Bedelq FOr You are gene, My dear. inevement and the seasen witnessedIJTan. 28, the first business cf wbîlaE xcellnt fr Crupy hllImeu. increased activity. I a K ent aise , il I b e the election f a arden , a.8 1 E xcW l len tac i d sf r in g wiCh r cu s e m re e f ct v er i » tle. InElgin there nas concentra- i been returned. The question ofEitric Ou. pnteuesDr.Thoas e Of thnommorkeectivea vIeri- a1o o nenriag fth adiaesfrthtofiebvi:jtr iagd lanPt eus Dr.epin- fWoge onera. tbey nl lc te pndrainage of the new tobac-: eqnalizing the assesanient is flanitetion and io'osens the ce lmnd. Through al the western" come u'P, and vainators appointed for fl nto n osn h heinýcertesoWnntol counties replacement and reoa ibg at purpose i emdadimbe1giving spe*dy relief to the little suf- coa b tmach and benels cf if demed dvisble.forer. It is equally reliable for sore1 Worms, but nil] prove a very service- cf barns, building of poultry bouses' The lasit equalization nas niade in tbreat and cbest, earacbe, rbeumticî1able diinft cil rsem and mguan.. and fencine have made ail round ad-, 1923, when the towns and villages pisctbumsadsriahaîycniin pcte bt imte aout f n-amounts were taken from the astousass a anThat inohijrea . ot iat - l vance. building n- :r ncoae, bie ial cu icnic Ou regar. m oh ngdiectin re folo SC UT THIS THIS UT! " ths fN assurance that tbey nl Old Enigliah Recipe for UECHI LtarGLIT ttrh es y al norMa. * CataryhalDeafness and Ha TeCanadian Statesman null bec__ Noises ilube with any cf the follewingl If yon know cf somte one wbo "i publications for 1930 at the foleow-i troubied with Catarrhal Deafness.uig n head noises or crdinary catarnh etin rces: g9W1 N eut this formula and hand it toe GIb e................... $6501U I A N and yeu may have beepn tho mea n f'MaI &C- Empire.........$ n5 The man who would neyer walk again. &i.? i - B1i-.t"m am ah. mau Krawn ...1W -M tom o ab%.alag106Icd abl otf momf*aahB a a cmni be km tamflaUI ae. 01 «M* ix balm 1 àmI ammàarto wSknht wee Irmba. lwoald tatam n a week to wt. fCt abou Iioba at." -W.Ir.». dsiarmet to..la Caa aI 75&.M 111W. awatb-IM bu ]Wb&U.eomla day. EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN lake ZUTOO Tablets and are hm. of the Griping Pain and IIck Headaches. Rendwha MmWright sayu: 1a"m mi took them for move pain (uautby) and h.adach. At tb. end of je nmatea.1 wu entirely fret of pain Md tapronced no more throuchout the .do&Ia.ffora great d«.a mtesetimes &M fd gateMtha 1 ave a remedy vhih aEardaquikk MW. ef vry voman & the landd -ab"tiknovabout Zutoe îabit and what tbey wtll dm. Mm. ALLEN WIJ HTF"tq~d Qu& TAKE ZUTOO SSERVICE ,0 HAVE HAD FIRES ERVICE WE GIVE. kers will neyer have to lice Policies--but when nediately get busy and eas liberal and as sati&- get them. efficient service maany led our &lm to thefr )N & SON F. BowuDa» ine now iefe $200,000 for teleçýne user.- Long distac hone service is constantly imp~v in speed, reliability and scb. Every Bell telephone is a lou distance sta- tion froni whichrine rnay talk with greater sati*ction - and at lowcr rtes-liw« before. ô PAGE SEVEN KFTERSS ItA>TO e%4 the home cf distinction. agneli Bowmanvilae libAr-V QVIYlv%3

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