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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 1

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~arnibtan ~tate~man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd., 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 4 I AUI L LADIiES'e COATS NOW REIIUCED To Every Ladies' CQit ini the store is being sacreiced to make a quick clearnce be- fore stock taking. Selling coats at such lo,% prices means considerabl(loss to us but we are satfied to do this rather tha carry over the coats anoler sea- son. It is a chanc to buy a good coat at a irgain. DRESSES FOR 5.00 A Clearing line of Dresses, regir up to $15.00 Your Choice for i.00 Ladies' Hats at Haif Prib and Less SILK and WOOL HO'w AT 50c A Clearing Uine of Silk and W Hose at 50e MEN'S TWEED OVI3COATS $35.00 Coats for $.00 $30.00 Coats for $.00 $25.00 Coats for $.50 MEN'S SUITS REICED A Substantial Reduction on ýn's Suits Couch, Johnston &( UIMITED fderinan IOWUANV1L ruons 10 4 -i i -PUBLIC LIBRARY COMING EVENTS PERMANENT RETURNING PUBLIC SCHOOL BOA"D Reporta Show lncreased Usefuinesa Oshawa W. M. S. Preshyterial 0 Chas. F. Rice EI.ct.d Chairman of L1 rar meets ln The Tabernacle, Whitby, to-day (Thursday). The public ichool trustees held Annual meeting of the Public Lb- Bowmanville Women's Institute their inaugural meeting Jan. 15th, rary Association was held Monday, meets in S. 0. E. Hall ou Friday, the 1930 Board being ccmpcsed cf Jan. 2Oth. As usual the subaci J an. 81at. Program in charge cf Chas. F. Rice, T. A. Dustan, Sid Lit. ers shcwed their confidence in the Croup 5, Mns. A. Manning convener. tde, Fred Cryderman, F. W. NoUles, Board by net attonding the meeting. Look eut for "«Rosie O'Reilîy,"1 a John Hately and C. H. Dudley, Secro- The Librarians report showe musical comedy te be presented by Lary-Treasurer. total circulation for 1929 te ho local talent in Opera House, Thurs- The first duty was to select a chair- 29,79; ncrase200; nuberof ay nd rida, Jn. 0-3, udexman, the unanimous choice being the subscnibens, aduits 341, juvenile auspices cf Daughtera cf Englaud. veteran menibor, Chas. F. Rice, who 216, total 557; increase fer year 47. On Tuesday, January 28th, cern- has been a continuons sehoci trustee A commindable increase ini circula- rnencing at 8 o'clock, there will be an for 20 yoars. tien, particularly in those other than eveuing of Scotch music and songs in Standing Committees are: Fluinac fiction. The increase in subscribers the Sunday School roem cf St. An- -Dustan, Little, Cryderman; Pro-1 is welcome net only because it on- drew~s Church. Everybody welcome. perty-Little, Nelles, Hately; Man- larges the usefuiness of the Library Admission 25c. 2-1 ~ agement-Nelles, Crydermanrate- but alse because the focs cf niembers Afterneon Tea and Musicale, under ly. The. firat named lu eadi coin- are the enly sources cf revenue other auspices cf Young Wemen's Auxil- mit.e SCairi than Provinical and town grants. lary, will ho heldi at Tinity Sehool ..LS.Cverly was re-appeinted The Treasuror's report showed bai- Room ou Friday, January Slst, at 3 board nte £bli school bad ance at start cf year cf $3.57; ne- p. m. Admission 25c. Tbere wil Mors B. M. Warca wasbore-poit ceipts $1043.94; expenditure $1044.- aIse ho a sale of home-made cooking. ed attendance officer for 1930. 94; and belailce on Jan. 1, 1930 cf "That's That"-Tenuha Club Pro- 8$2.57. duction, Feb. Gth and 7th. Press Net onough people realize te whiat notices descnibo the Musical coedy, ORDER 0F EASTERN STAR educational and entertainmnt facil- IlThatts That'y te be oeeof the fiuest- ities the annual $1.00 fee admits productions in recent years and the i W.F. WARD BB A. Presentationa to Retiring Officera theni. Besides fiction and current Tennis Club are getting toether an Feature Installation Cereinn magazines, books of biegrapby, hist- experienced cat cf local talent with Police Magistrat., Bowinanville, who, ory. travel, science, religion and phil- the intention cf making this the has been appointed Permanent Re- In the preseuce cf nearly 1001, osopliy are being added each month greatest attraction of the ssennturning Officer for Durham Cut menibers and visiters the Officers cf as finances permit. Amoug this The production launader the direction 1for fedoral elections.1 Durhami Chapter wore duly instailed mont's new books la the Histcry cf cf the John B. Rogers Comipany and i- Menday eveuing by L. O. 'Mn. Mett, Lord Durhami by Prof. New cf Mc- tho costumes and sceuery are cof the W(»<EN'S CANADIAN CLUJB Grand Ruth, wife cf Judge Mott cf Master University, who is a son-in- usuai higli standard cf this organiza- ______the Juveuile 'Court, Toronto. !Be- law cf Mr. J. H. H. Jury. tion. Thrilled and Delighted With Prof, fore the retiring W. M., Mrs. M. Ed- MT.h e1 3 o ardMasc : .- roas.d - G. B H.S ORC CO T T E. J. Pratt'à Reading of Hie gr, vaated bier chair, the Chapter j M M G o- ais n; ec.Trea .-M G. 13-H- - OR TOR CAL CON ESTprosented ber wih a silvor tray, and V. Gould; Executive-Mesdames F. Teanl abic Ctntni Lateat Peens she aIse roceived a silver tray froin F. Morris, Win. Quick. J. A. Mcclel- whihe psauaIotera* cri c o in the rotiring W. P. Mr. Moore. The lean sud Mise H. Carruthers, Rev. R. ihc uisc i.Hg eoldm The Women'a Canadian Club on- gift froni the Chapter tio D. Moore J. sbires, Mfr. L. W. DippelI and Mr. pote will be held in the uew Assembly joyed On Monday afternoon a rare was a geld mouuted watch charm. IG. L, Wager; Librarian-Mrs. Jean Hall, Thursday, Jan. Soth, at 8 p. ni.!'and delightful experience lu the forn1Ijust before the W. M1. elect, Ms. Mcirc 1 This eveut ha open te the public md cof the exposition aud readinç-by Pro-! Carton, was installed, the officensm Acordial voeocf thanks and ap- citizens are cerdially invited to at.. fesser E. J. Pratt, Vict4ria Collego, presentod ber with a beautiful bou-1 preciation Of Mrs. McGregor's inter- tend. iTorouto University, cf bis roceutlyj quet cf pink carnations sud fern. ested services lu ail the work cf the -. completed, and as yet un'ipublisbediA the completion cf the ceremonies Libarywaspased.PHYSICA CtJLTURE CLASS . epic, "The Roose'velt and The An- visitersansd members wore outertain- Libarywaapased.tince." ed te a chicken banquet at the Bal- ________Mi-ss t Padn shldn iThe poem deals with a thrilliug sud moral Hotel wbich was very mucb scolgirls' clans evcry Thursday af -b eroic ovont, enacted at ses about enjoyed. ternoon. Auyoue interetd Mayj four years ago, au act whicb brougbt Ne- officers are: W. M.-Mrs. M., visit the clans. Ladies iuterested in'nover te be forgotten credit te those Garton; W. P.-Mr. T. Carton; A. SI~ .INGforming a clans are asked to eb.ai 1who "go down to the sea, in ships." M.-Mrs. L. Miller; A. P.-Mr. W. St. John's Parish Hall Tbursday, Professor Pratt described in detail A. Edger; Secretary-Mrs. V. Smith; SKA INGJan. 3>t;h, at 2.30 p. ni. Au evening the two ships, The Roosevelt sud The Troas.--Mrs. S. Bounsaîl; Cod.- clama is also s posliiity. Autinoe, the fermer a hunge 14,000 Mm. G. Bo-wdler; A. Cond.-Mrs. R. ton United States Liner, with three Dudley; Chapain--Mrs. A. Found; t C R IV LFIRST SîIGN OF SPRING huudrod passeugers sud two hundred Marsall--Mrs. T. Bandera; Org.- t CA RN VAL f a rewýwithCaptain George Freed Mrm E. Anderson; Ada-Mrs. A. l Ithsoften been aaid that oneocf la charg;te atr, a littie 2000 ton Logan; Rutb-Mrs. V. Ferguson; BOWMANVILLE RINK the. frat signs cf Spning in the ar- British freighter fillod with grain, Esther-Mrs. R. Cc0x; Martha.,Mnu. c f gardon seeds sud nuraeryl undor Captain Tose. B. Wight; Eiecta---lMrs. A. Herman; catalogues. If that is the case, w'A terrific atorm ragod wbile h Wardr-Mrs. E. Edger; Sentinel- W ed'day, Jan. 29 lare duo fer an oarly Spring as the'1two were south cf Cape Race. The M:F emn at 8 o'clcck flrookdale Nurseries cf Bowmnvillo Autince lest 'ber bearings, was at the _____________________ started this week te mail their very Imorcy cf the elements and sont out a HO>RTICULTURAL SOCIETY attractive catalogue wuih ih a reail'message cf distrma which was ans- PRIZES FOR: encycioedia of infermation ou hor- wered by the Roosevelt. Holda 37th Annual Meeting-M. L, ticultural, oruamontal and shade Owing te the length ef the porni Hancock New Preait BetDese igeCouple trocs, etc. For thoBe requiring it1 second balf oniy, but bis relation cf Oun Moday evening, Jan. 20th, the Best Dressed LdyaMarnedCupe r cs, le res, ren ia the frithPeserraet ea ortions cf the BwmavIule Horticultural Soc ioty ) Bet rese Gntvice cf their custemers. as inteusely iuteresting sud dramatic. held its S7th annual meeting i h BetDesdGirl, under 14 Yen do not Place Younelf under Thpcknnpwtterai Council Rooni. Although tho nuni BotDessueMsBey, u nder 14 obligation inphoning or writiug for rection finder cf the Antiuoe's pesi- brpeetwsne8agi a Bea Cstmo MssBemav oneeeof these catalogues, but we a- tin, te stru<.gîe te stay by lier aide mont encouraging sud enthualastic Beat Costumie, Comic, Lady sure you it will 'ho a distinct bolp te sud at tho sainie tume te provent a meeting. Best Costumie, Comic, Cent any person whc ha desirous cf makinq collision o h w hp nte9 Among the c bief new features i4 Best Costume, Ccmic, Boy under their gardon sud outside home sur-1 mile cfle th ontwofsisi the 90 which are p esd by the Society is 10 wihaepooi Best Costume, Cemic, Girl under roundings more beautiful. gain at 8 p.M. Sunday, the persistent a Window Display Conteat te run t 10 ~searcb cf the Roosevelt for ber, for neixt nnimer. Awards will b. made1 10 Iujuteenhous th gal ~ S~d by points and exhibiter having largest Best Lady Skater APLCTOSFRASS R inbycfteltefofurdy number cf points at end cf soasonc Bet en SitrAPPLICATIONS FOR eofccfAsseasor i . TheofthHlartricruourury BestGen Skter1 Apliatins or he Meeof ssesorafter Freed had picked up the Antin- wi11 ho awarded the prims Uneraspce t.Jon. Uid for the Township cf Darlingtcn fer the ce again, the distribution cf the e rmission ai Society' a isesov year 1930 W1I11ho e oeived by the under- Roosevelt's fuel cil cou.inually t sigpemsinfroni the Townup SIl d p to Saturciay, te ssk. ouniug otk cag fth em ADMISSION: Adulte s 2c f1930o.e at the heur o e D M still the sterny waters, that the frail Cuclt aecarec h ei Applicants te appear lu persen befere er sbip might survive; the interna- onial Plot -and do some decoratiug Pl Chlrnis.the couneil on that date at 2.3o p. m. toa seto h ae eas faround the To-zn 'Hall propei'ty. The E Chuldren 15c. ~~~. R. ALLIN, tca setc h ae eas fMmna ltbsntbo rpny H a.3,93.Township Clerk. the varied nationalities cf the crew cerare ltda o be roe HaptnJa. 4 and passengera; the attempts toed for. Mauy citizens have ex-I, Ilauucb the life boats. cf the Roosevelt prsudtenslvsasaai f h to bing n bord te crw, t wavy it bas been nelected.m Ito nin ouboad te cewtwety- Officers for this year are: Presi. Ifive lu number, cf the Autince; the den-.L.Hnck;ltViePo ALL ALL ~~~~~~~~~crasbiug aud sinking cf boat after n-M LHack;isVcePs.g ALL Aboat; the deatb Of the brave seanion, -Miss Helen Carruthers; 2nd Viceg J ALKING AKN and the solonin funeral srie;tePres.-T. A. Duatan; Secrtarv- c PICTURES PICTURES cuaeu n iln epneo -.0 el] BOWMAN VILLE Pn îes nd rw othspl o rse l, J HH. utr; Trear. W . m c-andi mor~e vngersd te anthe califer A. L.Hagerman; Executive-Neil! boats lu the place cf their sacrificed Hekhonf, -. b stJ.H eus. i THURS., FRI. and SAT.-JAN. 23 - 24 - 25 mates, the somewba.t jocular, yet ezhoJR.PipJ.H hnt. withal serious, mnkin.7 of wls h Secretarv called attention te the "THE GRE T I)~fl)E"final rescue of the entire twenthIe fbers bat two cf the original mei-ý besof the Society wore stili active "THE G EAT DI IDEPPhaif fren from continuous eXpos- members. Treasurer's report show. turc in mid-January. baîf starved, dablneo ado 5.1 h With Dorothy MackaiIl, Ian Keith, Myrna LOY pitHftl wrecks, ,yet ai] surviving; the dablneo adc 5.1 h 100 Takin, Sngig, ancngtrium.phant resunintinn and complet- expenses wcre $197.88. 10017 Taling, ingig, Dacingion of the Rooseve1t's course wwererJ H H Jmand T. A. Dustan Feel the i-eal speil of the 'West as Vitaphone gnrnihically, ,3i-nantl;- de.ýcribed. ereortitural Assocat o Ovntaio brings it to you in ail its enchanting glory. Dwell scefle of the hY i-teners te the Ver in Toronto on Feb. 13-14. with Mr.1 1 in the painted desert stretches with men that ARE ;n the faco of almost insurmounitable aner and r. Ni elwesa men, and loyers too. Corna into the land of he.. difficulties. alenaties Mrs. (Rev.) Cee. Mason, Pnesi- N orically this bas been the moit man romance with a gffli who was the Pet of Park dent. conveyed te 'Professor Pratt, lu successful yenr for some time, but Avenue. You'll feel the real joy of living after fittin« ternis, the appreciation cf ~1,eoeunfoortnteoicnin ace the Canadian Club, the members cf h wer Shlo o Do minicu. Day you've seen it! wbicb. she declared, would ho amougsbwdaascabu 0.. Matmnee Saturday at 2.30 p. ni. the firat te procure the publisbed a d u i t s- 2 c - h i l r e n 1 p o e e , ni , s d r e d i t f o r t h n i s e v e sAI I T R A D C U C E LORNEF PLUMMER BIJYS PORT HOPE DRUG STORE Bowmanville lest one -of ita pop-. Cular young business men this week Lwhen Lorne M. Plummer, second son of Mfr. and Mm. N. S. Plummer of IAberty St., purchased the old estab- lished drug business of W. J. B. Day- lion of Port Hope, who was recont- Iy appointed Postmaster of the li- side town. Lorne ina a native of this town, atteu.ded the publie and high schoola, 3and served his four yeans' apprentice- ship under the able and careful eguidance of F. IL. Kerslake. From there lie attended the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, where ho was an Honour Graduate in 1925. After Igraduating he waa wlth the Tamblyn Drag Co. in Toronto for a trne, but 1for the past four years hma been 1chief assistant ln Kerslake's De- pendable Drog Store hore. Lorne's ges] personality, ceurteous manner in meeting customers, bis practical ideas of attractive store arrange- ment and originality in wlndow dressing has been a distinct «»et to hie employer and shonid be the feundations for a successful business career on bis own behaîf. Mr. Plqunmer wiH be greatly miss- ed in church work and fraternal cir- cles. -Re was a member cf Trinity United 'Churcli, President of the Young Men's Bible Clns, Secretary et the Young People'& Society, and a collector and a menaber of the En- velope Oommittee cf the churcb. He is an offleer -of Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. M.,. and a meniber cf Palestine Chapter, R. A. M. Ne in al»c an enthusiastie member of the Tennis Club. Alwaya a willing and active work- er in theft varions organizatlons, and a general favorite, Lorne h going to b. greatly missed by a wide circle of friends who alI wish him every suc- cens in bis new undertaking. W. D. AGRICULTURuL SOCIETY Amanual Meeting Jan. 24ti. The annual meeting cf the mem- bers of West Durham Agriculture? Society 9:ill be held in the Counci Rooni, Bowmanville, on Priday, Jan. uary 24th, 1930, at 2.30 p. mi. for the purpose cf receiving reports, election cf officers, and general buh. Mess. AUl members invited to e b present. Q. F. Amui,. C. H. Masom, Presient. Secretary. ROSIE O'REILLY OPera Hous., January 30 and 31 "Rosie O'Reilly" hi a big musical comedy I>eing spcnscred by the. )aughters cf England at the Opera [cuse hore Thursday and Friday, Jan. SOth and Sint. It was wnltten and is dirocted by Mr. Russell B. [awthorne who it willble remember- ed produced Cinderell for the« Trin- ty Church here serveral years ago. Miss Mergaret 'Colville la playlng th titi. role- and ifills the little Irish Kirlys -Part to perfection. Mr. Sain Glanville bas an important part as Capt. cf the yacht. 'Mrs. Alex col- ille as Mrs. O'Reilly h s plendidly mat. Mfr. W. O'Boyle and Mr. Smaith Perruson as Mr. O'Reilly and Lord Lundsley respoctively hiave very lm- Portant Psrts, the latter being an English Lord of the monocle type. [r. Hawthorne pîsys the part cf a ta-sick negro servant and keeps the Ludience in an uprear ail the time. bohre are many chorus and enseni. les of sailors, officers, gingham uwns and crinoline girls. Don't miss this treat. The plan mens Saturday Jan. 25th, at mitch- 1l's Drug Store. Reserved seaus Soc; :sh seats 85c. TH1E POPULAR CANTATA -QUEEN ESTHER Jndle direction of Mr*. (Dr.) B.n wlll be repeated ou FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 et 8.15 p. m..in OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Jade, auspices of Triaity W. A. The ceat luelda 80 peewie. Pieu of Hl=opumat mitchells Drug Store on Nondy an. SOtà, it 10 a. m. AD Smet.Re..svd at MG. 1 4 jE

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