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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 3

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I. f THE CANADIAN STATEMAPI, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28rd, 1980 PAGE TERZE Takes too long to ex- ci plain why, but you do get more eggs when you give your hens a m daily dose of J Jan spi Maies Hens Lay more Egge cl Mi SoId by al deae,Re Write forPratt*Poultry Bok-Fre To PRATT FOOD CO.. of C.ad. Ltd. i 328 Carl.w A-.. Toroat. 8'. t.* M -l DO IT NOW You've been putting off long enough baving that roani papered which loks 3s, shabby. Why not do it naw wben you may select one ai the new 1930 Sunworthy Wallpapers which are guaranteed not ta fade. Came in to-day and make your selection inoni one ai thre many really deligitini patterns. Geo. Pritchard PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLJE1 L..n MUSICAL CIO! der INSTRUMENTSth Ref Pianos bath new and uned; or- j gazis for church and schoel4; rd- Sl ios and phonographs sold en ternis wif convenient to cugtomera.RHi an in TPhe Freed and Philco are con- idC sidered marvelous for distance i and tone quality. The're i.na- 3 thing liner in radio. e of: wam Have you seen the new 45 inch ibil Dominion piano? An p.togetber and charming instrument. wi iati gre toi lasi F. J. MITCHELL pr; Phono 105 Bowmanville COMPANIONS 0F THE FOREST Celebrate 23rdi Anni..wuSay by Hold. ing Enjoyabi. Banquet A joliy party was held at the Bal-' moral Hotel on Wednesday evening, Fanuary lS5th, by the Maple Luai Oircle, No. 143, Companions af the Forest. The occasion was the 23rd inniversary of the opening of the! A bounteous banquet was served' )y the genial host, Mr. A. J. ad- ias and bis staff, after which shohrt ueeches were delivered by C. C. Mn baos. Gould, P.C.C. Mrs. N. Bartonl .D.D. Mrs. E. G. Mitchell, and Camp'. Ëra. H. Wakelin.1 The evening was pleasantly Ic- !pied in singing and dancing.,ith1 drs. Ruby Daniels at the piano. eadings were given by Mesdames odgbam, Hall, Cameron and Gould, Ld sangs by Mrs. Cecil Gatcheil, nrs. Brouprb, Mrs. Reader, Mrs. Ire- and and Mrs. Braokhani. Votes of tbanks were accorded ffs. Daniels and Mr. Wadhanis. The ýational Antheni brought a very en- ,yable evening ta a close. MUSIC STUDY CLUBS Enjoy Delîghtful Pa-oframi Frein Neighhorng Clubs Port Hope Music Study Club en- ortained a delegation of the Bow- nanville Club on Tuesday evening, ben tbe latter presented their pro-1 Tain irom Gilbert and Sullivan'a )peras, "Pinafore" and "The Mika- I," given at tbe last meeting under e convenersbip of Mrs. A. W. Pick- xl, Mn,. C. Arthur Cawker and Miss ,thel Hoar. At tbe conclusion ai Smast enjoyable and interesting ev- îing, the Port Hope Club servedl the isitars ta reiresbments. On Wednesdsy evening, the niem- ers of tbe Oshawa Music Studv Club rere guests ai tbe local club and ,eserted a splendid prograin in St. lul's School Room. An Octette mnade up af Mesdames tray, Beatan. Rare, Farrow, Halden, te, Batenian, Hallett, and Miss Leah srrow contributed sanie very fine imbers ta the programme. Mr. G. eming's bass solos. "Lovely Rose" yMaud Valerie White, "The Beck- ning Road" by Kenneth Wynne, and Honour and Arms" from Handel's, iSampson and Delilab" were veryl reîl received, as was the du-et "Mar- eta" bv Scbertzineer, sung by Mrs. LW. Rare and Misa Leah Garrow. Ir. J. L. Beaton geve an excellent enderinz ai "One Fine Day" ironi ladame Butterfly, and "Linden Lea." In. C. M. Mundy's readings were a ry enjoyable feature ai the pro- ranlie. ltefreifhnents were served at the' [se ai the eveninq. The Presi- ent, Mrs. P. H. Moody, conducted j e meeting. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB aign*tion of Preuident Acceptad i Wlth R.,vet-Dr. J. C. Deritt Addressea Meeting January meeting ai Home and chool Club was beld in Central Punb- eSchool on Wednesday evening ith a goad attendance. Mrs. M. L lncock, lst Vice President, presided nd opened the meeting, aIl joinlng1 community slnging, followed byl 0Canada." Minutes ai last meet- ig were read and approved. Mrs. W. B. Pollard, who bas been rsident aifVthe Club for a number tyears, sent in ber resignation. It as decided ta relieve bier ai respons- ility for the remainder ai the year, id tbe secretary was instructed to Tite bier a letter expressing apprec- tion ai ber splendid work and ne- ret at ber inability ta continue. It was decided ta sponsor an ara- Tical contest similar ta that beld st year, for Public School children. Mrs. A. Dunlop, convener of groumo ,accupied the chair for the splendid rngrani whicb iollowed. A ladies', uartet. Mesdames J. E. Anderson, 1M. Foster, R. Thonipson and Misa [elen Argue, sang twa numbers veryl !ectively, acconipanied bhy Miss [elen Morris. Mrs. W. M. Adamis vored witb two readings, and Miss mdrey lTout a piano solo. Dr. J. %Dev'itt, in an excellent talk oni 'ntistry and the bistory of tbe teeth, utlined tbe variaus nietbods used in e care ai the teetb froni the early ge.s until the present tume. He ressed the necessity for regular ental inspection and %rave nunierous asons for keepine tbe cbild with a lan bealthy nuoutb. A contest, "Namnes ai Spices," was nducted. thre winners receiving rizes. A heartv vote ai thanks was yen those assisting on tire proerram. rintv refreshnuents were served by. Ccu!d flot Eat or SPwKl aliter Hushendl's Iler Iilîî,!îjX ii ' iuth , 1, , p iq dawo- I' !e n1l I i. .te v t r I. You wan't need ta worry murht. !,rih Î!,~i whether it snaws, blows or ireezes rats wand j(-î,psw(.1. . ~Iî1îit if you bave your bouse heated diffèr-,ne Icit l ,î,î< t t. with a Hecla Furnace-saves one wrds:1 tan in seven. Enjoy solid cern- -I thiîîk Kruviien sNi' . .qj fart by having that new furnace tonie. Aftvr nîin% ! i, i ', ;JI installed at once. De ine ;,,,ttri ., sion and , ;,, liii;,!(- tii .;.t R. E. LOGAN ~mulch. 1*sisi?;,i!'I R E.L G N rîteumat isrn. 1d ij dt.' i ., Plurnber and Steamfitter ch ait: doe l'o havi ' y wne,, i- Nazt to P.thick's Barber Sbop during %vii, lina nw l,ei;iltI, greatly inaîro%-edt. T!ie ri,îîi . Dowmanvillecompletely lfrt fule. 1illarnolleIl brightcr ia spirits rnd lImoi etat zai n Whe amohe dtetafrm beWhen lie hezirrs ta gelt . pe Whena imtherdetcte rointhewhen you he,in 10 féer! tle re,its (il wnlitbings and fretting of a child that modem artiflelal Caatndii ' erraýs aof vorma are troubling it, aire can Pr~o- diet, worry, overwork. hict"k-k te',rrîîse cure no betten remedy than Miller's tlaen you slotid titra to Krsciicn, Saîts. Worm Powders, wiich are guaranteedl They pasýstIl awInnterftl Imner of[ to totally expel worns froni the sys-1 giving new life anad vitality la thme te. Tbey may cause vomitlng, but contesuml lions of cruis .f wliilte tam. neMi cause no anxiety, becausa1 human body is composed.' The iva vIo) It ils, but a manufacture of their thon- ke miî st acKs',î at ougin work. No worma can in x- butI7mornng-u of piach inryuar lt wlere thes. Powdene are uaed. Stmrngcpa'cfi rte BIG o To end our January SMASH FOR CASH SALE We have planned to have Three Big Days-when we offer the Most Out Standing Values this Town has ever known FRIDAY TWIN $ Look what you can buy for a DOLLAR these two days Look at This Big Hosiery Value 65 doz. Penman's and London Knitt Silk and Wool Hose, in fact every pair of Silk & Wool Hose we have in the store, values up to $1.39 a pair. Every pair will be cleareci in this Two Day Sale at$1 0 2 PAIRS FOR ........... 10 Lace Panels 2 for $1.00 $1.19 Panels-but we have only 16 left, so out they go for$10 2 FOR ...................... l Men's Work Sox 6 Pair for $1.0 10 doz. only-a line that retails for 25c pr. Twin Dollar Days 6 PAIR FOR .............$ -0 Chamoisette Gloves $1.00 and $1.29 VALUES 2 Pair for $1.00 Extra heavy washable Gloves in a good range of colors and ail sizes. Twin Dollar Days 2 PAIR FOR .................$1.00 Flannelette Nightgowns Haîf Price Our regular $1.00 Nightgowns, made frorn good White Flannelette and nice- ly ernbroidered. Twin$ 1.00 Dollar Days, 2 FOR .......r Silk Hose 3 Pair for $1.00 The biggest Hosiery value we have ever offereci. 25 dozen in the lot and -a11 good colora, sizes 81/2 to 10. Twin Dollar Days 3 PAIR FOR ............. O 36-inch Silk Rayon 4 Yards for $1.00 A lovely quality, and cornes in dainty shades for dresses, slips, lingerie, etc.r Reg. value 59c a yd. Twin " Dollar Days, 4 YDS FR$10 $1.50 Stamped Bedspreads for $ 1.00 15 only, made frorn heavy Factory Cotton in a variety of pleasing de- signe, reg. $1.50, Twill~ .0 Dollar Days, EACH ...... 1,0 and SATURDAY ARE $ DAYS SHOP EARLY as some quantities are Limited MONDAY, 's REMNANT DAY. Our Smash for Cash Sale will finish Saturday at 10.30 p. m. Monday we will clean up a quantity of Remnants of ail kinds, including Prints, Flannelettes, Fugis, Ray- ons, Pillow Cottons, C h i n t z s, Sheetings, Table Oilcloths, Floor Oilcloths, etc., etc., ail at tempting prices. These are ends that have accuniulated during our Smash for Cash Sale. NELSON'S FOR BIGGER AND WALK A BLOCK BETTER BARGAJNS AND SAVE A LOT 39c Work Sox 4 Pair for $1.00 This is a big saving on a good heavy ail wool Sox that sella everywlieue at 39c a pair. The quantity je limiteds&0 corne early. Twin Dol1arm Days, 4 PAIR FOR ......L$.00 36-inch English Fiannelette 6 Yards for $1.00 This is a real buy-nsade from ex- ceptionally fine yarus, i 6 good de- signa and colora, word. 25& y"i Twin Dollar Days 0 6 YARDS FOR ............$10 $1.59 Swiss Panels for $1.00 8 only, good wearing, imported Swiss Panels to becleared Tw $1,0 Dollar Days, EACH .... Hemstitched Pillow Cas 3 Pair for $1.00 This is an outstanding value. 'Th" will soon b. 801(1, s hurry for yoms. Twin Dollar Days i 3 PAIR FOR................ $1.00 Elannelette Blankets $1.00 Each Full sized double bed White or Grey, worth Twin Dollar Days EACH..................... Blanloeu sin $2.»9 pair. $1.00 29c Lingerie Crepe 5 Yards for $1.00 Cornes in plain and fancy colors, in a good range of shades. Twin Dollar Days ~1n 5 YARDS FOR.............. $1 .00 Table Damask 3 Yards for $1 .00 Unbleached Table Damask, that wilI soon bleach white, at a Ri diculous Price of 3 Y510 Heavy School Hose 3 Pairs for $1.W0 Boys' heavy black ribbed Hose, Peu- rnan's make, reg. 50c P . 0 3 PAIRS FOR ........... 10 p.-. M Il' This is a REAL WJNTER

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