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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 5

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I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMÉANVILLE, TEURSDAY, JANUARY 28rd, 1980 PUBLIC NOTICE wREGISTRATION OF DY-LAW t¶ Notice in hmrb ts htaB-a v» pued by te: Twno B&Znvf osu te 11h day of January, 19m, proffld iug for the imue of debentureseta the &Mount of 'Il».900.00 for the purpose oc p'tgfor th. erectio and e1uent e aaddition ta the existing Hi snd that sucb By-Iaw asreitered it UeoEagutr OficefoitheCouty Of Duranicethe14h dyof J. nr,18 Any motion te Quasx r net aiethe mme or any part thereof must ho made wthin thrse menthe af toi the firet pub- lcation of this notios. and cannot be mads thereafler. Defel the l4th day of January, 1910. JOHN LYLE, 8-8 Cierk. 1 WA TCH THIS SPA CE NEX T WEEK For lnteresting An nouncemen t MOORE 'S Bowmanville BAND TAYLOR'S RINK TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS With Orthophonic Music. Admission 25c and 15c. Notice to Creditors Ini the Estats of Florence Mary Vanno deceaeed. Ail persons baving claims against the r bt', of Florence Mary Vann, late oi theToWa of Bowmanville, de.oaed, whc lied on or about the llth du y of Decem. er,h 1929. are hereby notified ta send ln eath underaigned Executor or hi. Sollo. Itor on or before the 26th day of January, 1930. full particulare of their dlaims. lmynedilsbply after the said 25th day oi January, 1930. the assets of the Tentatrix wil b. dfi.trIhuted amongut the partieE ewtitled therebo, havIng regard only tc dlaim. of which the Bxecutor uhal l hve notice. Dâted at nRowmanviue thia l4th day of January. 1930. W.* R. STRIKE, SolIoltor for Jamea A. McCelsn, Bowmanviiie, Ontario. 33 Exocutor of the *nid Estate KILL COLDS That's juat wbat Laxacoid snd Pinol do. laxacold (tablets> breaks the. foyer, relieves chlis and head- aches. Pino (syrup) stop. cougha. LazaedoM-25C Kersiake 's TH.E DEPENDABLE DRUG STE WHO WILL'BE THE 13 LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE TRENITY CHURCI4 SERVICES 1 BIRTHS1 Wauted Mis H Bark Lnday 18Viitii Trnly omr.gtiOuai Meeting -aide) * Toronto, on Tu aaJanuarY 21. NNGLS &"TE-PVl owa in tov 0.bM. ad i N rlC.Wot1.e2:,ville De.lsi. Phone b. 3-tff v Mia Boatha is pendne aweek Trinity United Church will hoid its <neMas dthi Arnot). Solinai, the glft TRIS WNE-n unly In Toronto. annual (Conregtinal meeting ~ihto. 4c perbg ablb.Pono . H. c-1 fd ppl atthe church auditorium on Tbursdayer,,boIAEgat" 76 Ibn. 3H. >f Hous. key fmn. pl tJn 0h .m. Rpotsof1WANTEO-A caable olac fornen tStatesman Office. Jn.Sth a p m eprt f OMNSÀt theo a 1 Joneor ILus IaelK Mr.su M,.JaesC<rbtt Br-the varions organizations In the .min.age.1 orat, y ey<>'¶ Sltb ouseo aaoot, uowmanvin Mr. ad Mn Jame Corett, ar- hurch willl ho presented and several ,BIokHefer constance, tounlgest daugb- Phone $644. 13-tf ne, re vsltng teirsOnMi.W. P muscalnumbrs ill e gven.Foiter' of Mms.Cephas Johns, Hliston, - >f ri, arevisiing teir sn, M. W. - muical WmbermwiGfoe gv!,.aideet Bon 0f M r. andi EMPLOYMENT WANTED - MarriOdi ID Cruutt. owing the program the Ladies' -UMs. oge wnite, Bolila.. a at mi oto an yya an J.TrotilcecmpTo-onnoisocatoonwiIi refrehmenshi le Mr. A . oiccTrno 0itO ilserve rwith hts n ouse, experienced ad recommond- espent Sunday with his mether, Mrs. the schooi room and a social hou DEATHS ed laadpI=ian. Phone 111r2g. W. P. C. Trebilcoek. wiii bie spent by the members and ad- GIBSON-At Newcastle, on TesdyJ t Bomnile -t herents of the congregation in re- January 21mb. 1930, WinnifredElor Mrs. Kate Wight is visiting her newing old acquaintances and mak- 1<arlibeonage 0f1theat rani Articles For Sale b1rother, Rev. S. J. Allun, and other ing new friends. Ail citizens in and i runerai from St. Geoges Church on relatives inx T'oonto. around Bowmanv-iiie who dlaim Trin- 1 ThiiFSday, Jan. 23rd, at E.30 p. m. In- GEESE FOR SALE-6 large grey termient in Bond Head Cemetery. 1 hni go S. J. Jackman, Bowmanville Mimses Ida and Mary Sherrard and ity United -Churc.h as their chutc*h LONG-..At Port Hope, Jîan. 17tjh, 1930,. o 0n 4-1w Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sun- home are cordiaiiy invited te. this Sarah Janle Clark. wldow of the rate PISFR AL - ghYrkir day with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Haddy. meeting. Autos wiii giadly cal] for' hoa Ln, lq., Italher 77th year.1 Pige. sevon weeks oid. T. . Cole, R. &. An venngcf coch iuic ndeideriy people wishing to attend this1 WI DDESS -uddenly at 292 Stewart' 8, Bowmanville. 4-1w' gathoing f thy wii notfy ~ St.. Peberboro, Jan. l7th W P Widdess, SAEBb Bug an Coh An eenig o Sctchmusc ad gtheingif tey illnotfy hoa Inhie62n yer. District Man;ager Can-1 FOR AEBj Bu anCoc songs in St. Andrew's Cburch noxt H., Mason, W. P. Corbett or Geo. W. ada LifeAssurance Co. Bed. Apply C. orris, Wellington St. *Tuesday evening. Admission 26c. James net later than Thursday noon.LOE-O Jan. l4th, 1930, et the home, Phone 486, Bowxnanvllle. 4-1' )f ofbrdughter, Mrs. H. Detlor, 384 St. i 0 Rev. J. B. Bonathan of the Church ICiarens Ave, Toronto Ann Jane Welch,ý MARE FOR, SALE-DrIvlng Marie, 9 c- f St. John the. Evangeiist, Montreal, Trinity W. M. S.i beioved widow of William H. Ljove, In years oid, good roader, wiil work double. n> ws rcen guet o hi surt, issL. he rgulr mnthl metin 01ber 8th year, formerIy of Newtonville. H. A. Pascoe, Hampton. Phone 167-3. F. woaasrcnt us i utMs .the rulrin .MonS.hiy meetiJng cf HINMAN-At Bowmanville, Lt the res- 2-2w * IBonathan. tho Trinit W. M. S. was heid 11anu idence of her son-in-law, Mr. Gerald TaI- HVFRSL-ml uniyo Mrs (D.)A. . . Wstsn ndary 7th, with the new president, Mms. cot, on Monday, Jan. 20th, 1930, Florence IoHer hay. Appmly toJ. W. Duon )f rs (D.)A. . . Wstan nd(Rev.) J. W. Bunner, in the chair. Wright, widow of the late Charles Hin- Brkae Nursols B tve . Phno daughter Joan, Toronto, have been After h pnimeecieai. .~~ in I ir74th jear. Interred a rLt 4-ureis,1wnavil. hn ovisiting lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wight took charge of the worship I FOR SALE-Power Sprayer, in good H. Mioe>enr t period, also teiling a story about IN MEMORIAM running condition. Apply ta Chas. M. Madame Dusseau and Miss Gwen- "The Man in the. Mountain with a ____Carrthers, R. R. 6, Bowmanviile. Phono dolvn Williams are among the artiste Kind Face." Rev. J. U. Robins! In loving rniemory of Williarn John --2 4-î* taking part in the Imperial 011 broad- gave a very searching talk, taking Clemens, Hampton. who Passod away on MRE O SL <c cuk cast Sunday evening next. for his subject, "What wiii you do Just athought. dear father, home, 4 Years aId, broken double,,seË Mrs P.H. agaay nd onsWal wth ean?" r. ranis uttil Just a niemory, fend and tre, reasonable. App h Oaud Brou., R. R. 1, Mrs. . H. aguhaaang onsal ofttJeeus. r Fran d Stt Just a token of affection Bowmanville. Phone 237-11. 4-1' tei and Harold, Omemee, and Miss sn Sa fteEa" n Miss That ,e tili remember you. I n osenan esy ed Ventess BobaygonHelen Argue, "The Garden cf Pray- C -Badly misaed by Wife and Fpami î- COWS FOR SALE-One purebred Jer- Vhe nr tr , BobcayG.oon, r e sitnger." It was decided to organize a au dh to renew; both young. App lyta . W. - tei sstrMr. . . ury. Boys' Mission Band, with Mrs. B. M. InMs. ohin Remyno f olina. wmho Battle, Bowmanville. Phone %62J. 4-àf Mr. Sherwood Rundie of this town Warnica as leader and Mrs. C. J., ed away on January 25th, 1929. FOR SALE-Pedîgreed- Barred Ply- and Dr. Howard C. Rundle, Bright- Smale as assistant. Very favorable', Just a thought of you, dear mother, mnouth Rock Cockerels: ai e brown cock- io, tene tefuneral of their and encouraging reports were ivgi Just a mremnory. fond and true, or Spaniel pup, 4 mes. aId.Erneo- j on, attended the Just a token of affection. tr ox26xBwa vie Pono un cie, Mr. Henry R.undie, London, by the different departments, al hav-' Thatourohxrt36t, l che fr youl475-1.one laut week. inz exceeded theoir allocation".-osadDuhes. PULLETS FOR SALE-10 Pullets, S. Mr. Allun F. Annis, of the îaw firm Quarteriy tea was served and a soc-, MOISE-In loving tnenory of Liaura C. Rthode Island Rods, fine well-matured of Cnan & mni, Ohawa ba ben il hlf-our pen. Nmbe prfl-Marie Moine, beloved dauzhter of Mr. bird. ready ho iay; several of these birds cf onat &Anrs, shaa, as eenlaihaî-hor sent Nuibe prs-and Mrs. Anson Wafton. Newcastle,, ont.,were prise winners ait recent poultry eieeted Pretident of the South Ontar- ont 70. who departed this lufe Jan. 16th. 1929.~ show in Oshawa; $15.00 takes te lot. io Br Asocatin. lli isa sn 1Nothing but meniories ai we Journey on. George C. Wright, Newcastle. ont. 8-34 10 ar ssoiaton Aln i a on Victory Sunday Services Longine for a amile and a face that le of Mr. A. W. Annis~, Tyrone. 1 t é Victory Sunday was easerved inx None knew the depth of Our regret, "That's That" la full of spai-kiing, Trinity United Church on Sunday. But we remernber and shall nover forget. For Sale or To Rent tuneful music, merrv e obtI tecmn er, spontaneous Rev. J. U. Robins, the pastor, preach- Tt may be In a hetter land FOR SALE OR RENT-7-rooxned house cmdgorgeousclefcs a dasldi sermon n the mri Well read the meaning of Our tears, 1 with garage on Wellington St., aIl con- coedy, lchrs acinalerpees adodf penidin mrnn A nd there nmre time we-11 understand. venences, wired for electric stave, new- beutfu cors anin, usics fgiving facta and figures that proved We&il catch the broken threads a--gaiïn, ly decorated, Immediate Possession. Âp- Tennis Club, experienced local tai- how th, extension of God's Kingdomn And finish what we here begen; ply to J. L. Metoalf, R. R. 2, Bowman- ont, February 8th and 7tIi. wau boing carred on; aîso the. groa Heaven will the mysterles expaln. ville. Phone 183-5. 2-tf etAnd then. O then, we-ll underatand. Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector of St. need of spreading the gospel to the I -Sadly missefi bv Mother. Father, John's Church, wll giv. an address, untouched werid. Inx the evening Blisters anid Brothers. Lost or Found "The Influence of the Royal North- hua subject was "Radio Activities"l west Mounted Police in the Develop- and provcd very interesting and in- LOST-Oray cat of medium aise, lbat mont cf Western Canada" ta the Port structîve. A spociai offering was NEEDS OF THE TIME about three weeke uglo. Reward for re- tornl to MarJory Bounsali. Phone 826, Hope Canadian Club this Thursday taken i aid ef the M. & M. Fund. Bowmane. evening. Theoregular choir led the service of (Stirling News-Argus)ToLt- oMr aofd r Geo en, ceshbawa, Plummer contributing a solo. In the escope and the Kincardinle Reviow-J TO RENT-3 large mrnem, hall, wood- formrlycf arligto, cleb ate lternoon Miss Helen Argue sang a Reporter are discussing the need cf, shed, gardoen and sorne smal fruit. Ezra their Golden Wedding an Sunday, solo at the Sunday School session. A more friondiines The fomer in- ]Giford, Duke St.. BawmanvIlle. 2-3' tieandl9h. es athelng cf rea- men's choir of lover fifty voices nnder troduced the. subject iiy saying that, TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - Ini tiesan fiedaws el Studadirection of Mr. Francis Sutt-on, or- hoe hadt béen asked many times, whst Bawmanville; modern oonveniences. Tan. lSth. An address and puise ganist, led the singing ixx the evoning. in wrong with tho town? Ili repîy Appiyai W. Pl. Ward Barijter, etc of goid was presented to them. They sang a number of old favorite h oa it is not the town but the wmnle Phe12.4- songs "The Old Rugged Cross, Keep) peopîe and in suipport 01 tus vieW HUS TO RENT--Seven rooms, wat- WEDDING thlihsiuen, ohn V oh says lxx part, "Jealousy is the on- King & Ontario St., available laxx. 12th. * ____The King's Invitation, I Want emv The mon cf the town need a Apply A. A. Cclwiil, Newcastle. 51-tf Greenfield-Mallory My Life. Thenmen sang as, little more backbone. and the wamon FARM TO RENT-Vatuable Stock Farm _____though they enjoyed the priviege. la littie lesm card -playinZ and the psy- -124 acres adjoining the Village af En- Their singing was greatly apprecia-1 ille of a few more friendly calis. niskillen; ploughing done; Faîl wheat and The esienc ofMr. nd irs . eedsIin splendid shape: lbrick house; Th rsiene f r.an M.ted bv aIl prosent and the cengreza- What is needed is not the so-called large harn with sio For, appointroont George B. Mallory, Caotarn, was the tion hope to ho favored again scon. social caiiing. but entering the homes Phono O. L. Byors, lEnniskillen. 2-tf scelle of an interestingz wedding on' New Yesrs Day when their youngesti Trialty Y. W. Auxiliary with a frlendly smile, s good bock, or: GENERAL STORE To RENT-Tlie dauqter Coa Batrie. ecane he Tiniy Y W.Auxiiar ofthea few flowers. What would thrs mean mont up-to-date country store ta bo daucter, Coa Batrie. ecaie te! 'rinty Y W.Auxiiar of the t theaged, slck and shut-in one.. found; large living apartment; splendid bride Of Mr. Reginald Wilbur Green-1 W. M. S. beld thie first meeting cf the To my mind it would ho much better oporitunilet for burlstplacc mdtin field. lder sn of Mr and M Frrivate electherhmc ofighi Hplant.l-For appoint- fi. r eIn1der s o ofCr. an M . Fe omifMm .H.Dlthan aending a hundred wreaths to, ment Phone O. L. Ryeru, Enniskillen. G. reefied, ls cfGoiorn. lin«, Queen St., on Tuesday evening, place on the casket. If the spirit çf É .- - ____ The bride wore a period gown cf; with a splendid attendance. The geteesadlvewr utvtd eoiteshvebe apors wiiie clanee ad gergete.with! Preaident, Miss Spargo, presided, and more and the deadiy]eosywefr oetsetadshecenn veil of enbroidered silik net daintilv after the. devotionai exorcises a read- 1itaped ot, eu townwouidb. o orp o te t rds a thi.eateaon- cauht ithoraqe losoni. ad1 ng was gIvon by Mrs. Einer Cox. Ilcf the best."te fOnai rmboietbr caried a shower bouatuet cf Butter- "A New Year Story"; the Devotional AsSaopnept t<na) tesuofsOntaionsent ointhearers fiv roqes. and lilV-Of-flle-vhIley. Slie Leaflet, "Pentieost and Fuifiluent" KincaîesRve-re psi et, hohas bas nowTeecoPnetaof the wlrke 818o were the groom'a ift. a white was read by Mm. J. R. Moore; Mms. aise soe reaieopinios yl, he cf teasin ee is und and the aiea rold bracelet qpt wit h ihinestones and T. W. Cawker and Mm. J. E. Anderin syng teoftstngi udrwy sanpliires. She Ant eied tbe room on1 son favored with a duet wiich all writei- cf that letter niay have pen- comprises the Counties of Russeil, the ai-m of her fntihor Vtiite strains enjee;tefia hperc.h e ned it inx a spirit of bitternees, and Prescott, Giengarry, Stormont, Dun- yoYd; he irs chpte ofthenewagain hoe may have wrltten with onlv dais, Grenvilie, and iparts ef the Coun- cf Lhenrin' Wedin Marh. lay stuy *ook,"Frni eruslem toa desire of pointing out the fact that ties of Carleton, Leeds and Frotn Pd bv Mi-. Norman Laird of Mount Jerusaiem" by Helen Barret Mont- the oîd-timesii ffinlns ss. [ nldsKnao x h JIDerni. ateMeiss rasi-net ariesnry dery, as inrnexlntbMis een on the wane. Ho attacks from sev- southwest angle and Ottawa at the Tarnte atendd hr sste asbries Crderen xx n ecelentrorewferai Vnaints which mav 'ho more ci-mnt northerly Point, reaching e t- -n nidre wt a fotliri cf nineMm. iemJ. Woodgae svra ntr liuitable ta the needs af Walker- wards to the Quebec boundary a h pln nii-ewlt natciin hee ad ng tem alng expeianc unston and many ether xxuncpaltes.' southeâst angle. Itaiso.includes oiferolmiaoses.adcaild ouutDuring the business session, the but whether that is true or not, his the islands ef the St. Lawrence ho- cf Clombn raes. Thpe eionm waez tressurer. Mrs. C. H. Mason, report-reakxaotagaersrtcfonngaCndandlxte taw siixinlep*e bv hi. hroter. Mi-. Wallacei ed that $215 had been forwarded ta frendrlspaothea ged espii flnigtCndnd incktareORiver (i-reenfleld a! Bownianville. Rer 'Branch Treasurer, slittie farer to a hp ot e e nds reRvrbelonging ta Ontario. S. C. Macro, a fer-ner pnttor of Col- allocation. Arrangements were o inyreesrmnbrth bore United Church, offciated. imade for the afternoon tes, musicale spiowt cf theirgsdmo enebrtheanol- B IDN MA E AL The bride'. niather ieceived lin a and -home cooking sale on Fiday sprtorfeader erndrcfthersnd ietheLDNGrs.RAL di-ess cf nar crepe romaine, and wassJan. 818t, in Trinity Sciioo l oierready lxx e of t ir nesa o ends av.ny uaMgcPi assisted bv tlie mothei of the groom Refreshments wero eRo-EerTyi asrveb nop e.pn ad o pay s tern Saveoofn 6..Ok rn atird xxblckfit ree. After a 1, Mms. E. Cox, convener, and a social 1lt, or do a idyde etoeWha or .6.Bidnnapr3 o oDsinty bfft onaunconti. the hbr imeeoydwere indisposed. 'Tme, the siit 8 roofing 1.89. Wall board 2%0 ft. Barn ceune lft o a noto tro. te bidePaint, ropo, sheet Panter, glazed win- traellnirin wie ad biredreusexists ta soim. extent ta-day, but is dows, nails, hotbed maih, garas, trseiin lx avie nc bigedrsi STORE TO RENT OR FOR SALE-To hardy apparent Times and custas plipe. ah bai-gain prices. Write 9for8 with coat of black broadcloth and bout. business section of l3owmaRnvilo. change ar giving fregtadpros car-acul and feit hat ta match. On very central; wil l base for term of yearu' ,ng but if the spirit changes the ic ih'pl rcs ta suitable tenant at moderato rentali j inger c I ecn'epitdoHLIA OPN their return they wil reside lin Col- sesion Ct once; previouslv accuni e,, one casoeelfsn espointr]ti HT1IA o -on e asy eflhesuPppant-1 Box 47, Hamilton onARolmatallC. H. t ing redies LADI ESO Some wise sage once said therè is luck in numbers. If this old philosopher would drop ini- to The Smart Shop and see t he 13 Ladies' Coats we are selling this week he would certainly say "«13" is a lucky number. It's an opportunity that thrifty women cannot aiford to miss. THIS IS THE FINAL CLEAN UP 0F LADIES' COATS 2 Black Broadcloth Coats ...........$17.50 3 Black Broadeloth Coats .........*25.00 1 Brown Broadcloth Coat ..........$12.50 2 Brown Broadcloth Coats ..........$25-00 1 Red Broadcloth Coat .............$16-50 4 Englishi Tweed Travel Coats ......$25.00 These coats are ail this season's stock, good assortment of sizes, and all are lavishly trimmed with the most popular fura Every coat is guar- anteed. If you need a coat don't delay seeing these or youit size may be gone. We cannot duplicate these values. TIE SNART SIIOIP Cowan Block GEO. R. MASON, Manager. ALLIN'S CROCERY NEWS GET THE HABIT 0F READING OUR ADVT7S. You will find it an economical habit, as well as interesting to look for ouxi advt each week and profit by the special values featured. Baumert Cheese, fresh each week ........30c pkg. Limburger Cheese, if you like it ...25c & 60e pkg. Oysters, best quality, ini jar .................3& Apex Sauer K.raut, fancy quality .......2 tins 35c Marshall Herring i Tomato Sauce........ 2& tin 3-Minute Oat Flakes .............1c & 25c pkg. Quaker FPour, 100 lb. bag...................$00 Borden's Malted MiIk with shaker, in 1lb. tins...................................C Tulips in great variety ...................5c pot Daifodils, per dozen ................................c Tea, special values at ...........me59r)c & 80C lb. Coifee, reduced to ...............3c and -6&c lb. PRA'ITS DOG BISCUITS JUST RECEl VED Choice Salmon Southeru Vesetabls FEED THE HENS FUL-0-PEP Get the most out of yýour hens when egg are high in price. HARRY ALUIN, Orocer PHONE 186 B0WMAN VILLE mu GILCHRIST'Sm U 9SUt: GILCHRIST'Sm : :tGILCHRIST'St: mÎSSSSS GLCHRST'S ::=n GILCHIsT'smu- m GILCHRISTSm Y'OU CAN NOW BE WELL D.RESSED AI 10W COSI IF YOU BUY AN OVERCOAT OR SUIT AT GILCHRIST'S THIS WEEK You may have thought you couldn't afford that Overcoat or Suit this Season. But like others you'll quickly change your mind if you visit our store and see the very low prices goods are marked for last three days of sale. Such values make buying here a real. investmnent. It's an easy way to save $10 to $25 on your outfit. Reduced prices apply on all winter goods. GILCHRIST'pS GREAT CLOTHING SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Im~mmGILCHRIS'SmWmm lttGILCHR1srllSU=mm LCHRisT's UGILCST'S WUWU GILCHISSUs UGILCHIST'S =F PAGE riva ô -- ýl LUCKY

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