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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 7

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f f & r' _____ ~RE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1930 PAGE SEVEN h t' j' Y. ;h.,,1d bi+ n-1-..j Srniey St" Kingston, Ontanie. 1f-h Ast price. Phone McCleIIan &+ Co. LLd. i. 'nn- Whitby 81 and reverse J. J. MASON & SON '0un n1, 1pn. ft ol'41lqe, hn u a ux. iLdi II~~Ia E iis'jcharges. Real Estate and Insurance Brokens Office Phone 15; Houa. Phons 228, 274, 218 A 'V r Anh: di *,5feja1iI[J¶g1iIIt l1. STEIN' Phonoe5W King St. E. Bowmanvill King St. E. Bowmanviîîe 1 r'elifo an eîu.îvm..., 1 p iv C L",M-HITBY tue e m. a m îs,. '-IflleI i1 . WimB j I pens8able ta women of refinemeut. 1- .SW I f~~ns eDrrens LACICSTOCK CARTWRIGHT AGRICULTURAL: CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL ORONO F rie ndJ Erom N ew Y ork Frieds ellIfte d SOIET Inaugural meeting of Couneil was (From The News of January 16th.) n say etint.washelVatteFiae n Excellent Condition- held Jan. 1Sth. Mernbers were ail Mns. R. J. McRoberts broke hier- --T O omnsIsiuew eda h iacsipresent and subscribed to the neces- wrist recontly when she tell on the home of Miss Mary Parr, on Thurs-' Officers ReelctdFair Dates ydcarto.ce S tops Ileadache day*aiteroon, January 9th, with al Sept. 26-27 Communications front Good Roads Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapes are in, 1old Ilim A bout Sargon liv7m. 9 ZTO mPractical 'Meetnid atendanch evo otnale.I At zhe 65th annuai meeting of Association and County Clerk with Toronto at the home oef their son, Mr.i »know in Cnada.ercises conducted by the president. Cartwright Agriculture1 Society hl statement of money forwarded toth Elmo Staples. Te-ay, toaands and thousandà of mn The business session followed show-, at Blackstock, the treasurer's report Township recei'ved and fled. Miss Thelma Standeaven, B. A., w Iomen depecId an these little harni- ing a letter from the Sick Children's1 showed that 19 29 Fair had realized Clerk was instructed to ask for Toronto, was a recent guest of Miss ttblets for qnlck relief from Hezd Iedr o %cod od lo50Mr oevle aches.- Hospital, thanking the members for the greatest financial return in the tnesfr2 od odas 0Mr oevle Ther um h, as fomfren ~ the barrel of fruit sent them. March history of the society, with liabilities sticks of bridge timber. Miss Amber Morton, of Port Hope, trfend-4rom town ta town-4ram Coast 17h is the date arranged for an Irish ail paid and a cash balance in banik Orders were signed a.s f ollws recently visited at hier gadahrs tocoat supper and concert. Following pToJ of $250.00. S. R. Hart & Co., Township IMr. Robert Morton. WhceefflUmeraare bedmeea there gramn was given: readings, Miss Helen 1 Oficers were unanimously re-elect- Rolla................. $ 22.071IMr. James Eagleson visited bis C.uMMLd .ZtOO TSa boZt-M &Il rehev Fowrd, MS.Rsell Mhouo Misa M.El-ed as fo11lnws: President-L. E. H. Parsons, printing .........9775 brother at Bailieboro and other mm eta&3 N~o. lai d.-lerà ord. Mr Is. Rusei Msoy; upaer;Mountjoy; lst Vice-W. Campbell; W. H. Emerson, insurance .. 28.50 1 friends in Peterboro. ~ *b. Va nCa"Tii. Instit"y sn nM ee si 2nd Vice-N. Taylor; Directors-J. Bank of Commerce, collect- 1 Why sufer front corns when they Ora.H. Forder, 1. Whitfield, W. A. Van i 5....s.................95 can 'be painlessly rooted out by using -lng was in charge of group eight, con-I Camp, Jas. Marlow, W. B. Ferguson, Municipal World, 9 copies -. 9.00 Holloway's Corn Reinover. Your intentions were good-but listing of Mrs. John Wright, Ms., F. Taylor, R. J. Parr, R. J. McLaugh- Dog Tags.................... Mr ar1lln1h.10lvngwt havTe you resmnewfor sub30 ription Ge. FowlerMMissesMary arr, Susi ~. heStaeaanfor190?VanCamp and Mabel Elford. iJ ob .DorlR itN Dr.McArwth, d.ant o.fcr100.00 N. H. Marlow, C. Wright, C. Devitt, NHMroatedn ie O shawber daugbteMr. aonhe olden, -L. Byers, A. W. Wright, E. Larmer, Corp. of Bowmanville, Div oshx-a a w aten t hsia 0. Edwards, Roy Ferguson; Lady Court tees..............il 1108! o -a eaiain Dirctos-esdme S.Jeier, j5~Reeve Ser-vices, L. B. of H 8.00ý Nearly ail ebjîdren are subject ta evry a .eha.i ogDetn tto Byers, R. J. Crozier, J. Jobb, I. Whit- D. Galbraith, L. B. of H. 8.0worms, and many are ýborn with Ever BeUTelphon isa Log Ditane Sttio field, R. Ferguson, P. VanCamp, C. W. Beacock, Sec. L. B. of H 8.00:. therr. Spare themt sufering by us- j alw .Stinson and Miss F. Parr; D. Johins, wood for hall .. 15.001 ing Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- Auditors-S. Jefery and Mr. Corner; J. G. Marlow, roads........0.8aoa xeln eey I'W. Venning, repairing... 6.00 The following officers were elected 4 Se'y.-Treas.--Jas. Byers. The Directors wish to take this op- J. Watson, refund on Lot 30 2.80 for the Young People's League: portunity to thank tbe citizens of By-Laws were passed appointing Hon. Pres.-Rev W Sterling; Pres.- Bowmanivîlle, Lindsay, Port P ryR. W. Philp Assessar at salary of John Buckley; let Vice Pres.-Miss 7U~~~ EU KW ~~and surrounding districts Ofor thleir 2.0 o egsn adH Dorothy Souch; 2nd Vice Pres.-Misa t eut u iei ' lovaltv and liberal contributions to Tbompson Auditors; D. Galbraithwng r Vice Pres.-Mrs. E. their Fair. 1930 Fair will be held member Local Board of Health; JohnRaey4tVie rs-MaCoe on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26tb'tee omiso er;Abr e'.Adn Hw.Tes-. T e N i u e and 27tb. Werry, Robert Hall, Chas. Gibson. Rainey; Pianit-Miss Eileen Rdel T h e N u m erJos. Noon and Jno. Wright,Fec Asst. Pianist-Mrs. R. H. Brown. ______Viewers; Fred Gibson, Jos. Forder,ý Mr. Art Davey, Tregarva, Sask., a ...î AThos. Williams, H. P.hilp, E. Arm- former Leskard boy, son of the late it Saves IforwV and iJ &f OBITUARY strong and N. Lathangue, Pound Joltn Davey, passod away at bis home, 1 r.Js anrn in Keepers. Jan. 4th, in his 56th year. He hail VerM -s. Jain.mCamesalongdZion Council adjeurned to meet Feb. been in poor health for a couple of oftedaJaeBasn, beovii a c ltA2 . . years, the restlt of a stroke, but tance al you may flot need t yi aeBlon eoe ie<>o1t t2p deatb followed an attack of pneu- - toa seIcpesL I Jas. Cameron, and second daughter F. A. Hyland, W. Beacock, monia. He is survived by bis widow speak toaspcfiofro. ne the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Balson Reeve. Clerk. who wss Edith Cobybledick, f ormerly.. such asesjust îve Ipassed peacetully away at Bowman:I ____ Sixth Iine, two sons and a daughter. suchcass, jst ivethe pertorville Hospital on Jan. 15tb, 1930,! th IB R o attn e ollowing an fprtk or acute ap The Orange Order is taking on new THOMAS STACI th U B R~u tadpendicitis. pearySatio Png ROM NORTHERN SNOWS lit e in Darlington township. At the "hnaredo iefo e t oX-tdw oTmlna her that «"ayone there " wil an operation Easrly Sund mornngTO SOUTHERN SUNSHINE regular monthly meeting of L. o.L. YokWhien a efrledefnta ome WIt o--'ad ow t a tratmeln'aDrà serve your pur-pose. seemed successful, adsf as Zr1eahrbs pea ate141, Enniakillen, on Monday, Janu- aboutk iste m reeuty nd told e Stthe Sagnd ouPtatratetal thougbt to be progressing veTyvry Zr ethrbsH ppaoteary 1 Sth, 16 candidates were initiat- hab ot thi uwagaing omeicine Ilththbagonl l da.ottil ably, wben without warning Wedues- wiuter sports enthusiast, but the led, a degree teamn from Bowmanville esn d ea t wa ing tle maen te oI bargon andueaequaItabt this you save money b..day morning a dlot ot blood toucbed maiority of us like the fine warm' doing the work. W. Bro. John Gib- end et iserinthd aem le oforga ad yeasmequntt By doin1 a vital spot and she was gene. days with bright skies and sunahine.soJrwtfotenm brsa iemerleorerscftePIssnIntcdabg cause an ono e i al eIltitles 1 She leaves to meurs ber loss, lier Vt s therefore small wonder that ,10Orono Lodge, 409, and Bro. Neill Stoimacb sud intestinal disordera change ý__ .e botter. I quit b,in 1 Prte of PeeroToLode wrego bard with a man of iny *e aud indigestion and gas on my stouich you to the lower "station-to-sta- husband; two daughters, Miss Mary many Canadiens at this time cf the1Ponteof entenood gawre I sure had atine af fl. Clirzuicthe rheumatie pains began ta o sen at home and Mrs. Russel Sano tyear wend their way aouth to enjoy amnwhoei atnanel aee lion" rate instead of -the "person- Zion; sand four sons, Ray at home, the suu-ny deys sud wondrous nights Death came suddenly to George Al-teansd a liddof rbeumatic corAi- strengtb sud vigor came over m n topronjae and Fred, Refend and Wesley, the lat- of Flonida. len, a fermer resident of Enterprise,1 tl>n developed in my baek witb paiea .tire system! 'I1et eut my car 1;cýI)em " rae.,ter three ail mairied, et Zion; also Thse populanity af this Winter North Clarke, on January l3th, at andabes practicaliy all over my other day and eau now drive anond two little grand-daugbters and tbree Playground is well esftabiisbed, for! Peterbore, from beart tailure. He sudy. 1gttwee1cud' smc s1pes ihu Even when you ask for a specific gnandsous. Tbree brothers, John there, at any of the faniens resonts was working et bis car outside the sleep sud became subject ta wcak, sfrnid of those dizzy spolIa. rm et BaIsou of Zion, Albert of Soline, end along the East or West Coast, you garage and as lie bent fonward to dizzy Mpells aud finally &ad ta give iug beartily, sleeping well and «noy perso= it wiil pay you always to Blake of Wapeila, Sask.; and three eau enjey a real holiday. N4umerous pour in oil dropped dead. Deceased u drMvug my car atÇgether. 1 ing lite iu every wsy. give the NUMBER, because cal]- sisters, Mrs. W. J. Trick (Addie), lnteresting sMorts and psstmes- was a brother et Mr. Art Allen et this couldn't even drink a glass et milk "The Sargon Pills are the 1iea Osbawa. Mrs. Wrn. Thomson <Aggie), golf, fishhsg, bathing, polo, etc.-.onl- town, aud eldest son of Mrs. Mary without lsaviug beartburn aud imdi- thing in thse way 01 a laxative ta ing by NUMBER* gets you the St. Marys, Mrs. Lewis Lande; ritnite te the msking of an ideal Allen and the late Wmi. Allen. Ris gestion, and some times the gas on 1 ever used. Iustesd et purgig (Mary), et Wolseley, Sask., aise vacation. widow, son and daughter survive him. my stomsach was se awtul that the they aeem to work ou the liver wt quickest possible 'connection 1 survve. IWlien planning your trip, conulat A Foe te Astbma. Give Astbmas pressure would seemi to aimost choke a atimulatiug action that bas a lastn oftenwil you hold the Une. Mrs. Cameron was in ber 57tb year' any agent et the Canadian Pacific. hait a chance and it gains ground off my beart action. effect and iceeps the bowels reguate WICand on January lOth, 1929, they Re will tell you et our excellent sen- napidly. But give it rTepeated treet- "I'm situated so that I cau live perfectly. ceiebreted their 35th weddiug day. vice te Detroit, connectine with suci nmeuts et Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asthina comfortably the Test et my deys, but "Everyone Ps-e reecommneuded S. O~I f course, if yoss do isof lnoso Lue She was beloved by every eue she f-in eus trains as tbe "Royal Palmn," Remedy and lt will teil back eveni there was little cousolatien lu that gon ta tells me thnt it's doing the came in contact with, aud in Zion'"Penes de Leon." "Flamningo," etc., faster. There is ne hait way mens- thougbt wben I sufered snacb iisery. wonld -of good aud I honestly 1.ev look if ssp for yoi. ued memober and aise a member of: fions, tickets, etc. Mr. C. B. Kent, te woi-k and drives astisma ou. any good sud I bad given up lu de-I troubles like mine. if they'Il takete the Sunday School and Women's As-; C. 1:. A.-C. P. R.'Bownauville, Ont. reaches the iumest breatbing passaffes!1 spir-just decided 'l migbt as wefl treatment taithfuliy."1 sociaticu she will be very much miss- sud leaves ne place fer the trouble ;,'an ln't h u sba h by ttmu a aob ed. She was always willing te belp' --te lurk. Have it by you for ready couid-wbeu mv fniend fromt NewijThomas Stack, well kuowu retie in ny oodwor ad aso elpin'PP T.qS TOM TR AT- us.York tld me about Sargon. He business man et 36 BeuahAv. sicneauy oroublof udayk oisel up SS P M R & IAfter a briet illnesa whicb confined'said that tihe medicine was mkig a1 Hamilton, Ont. snikuess or trelies e thku or'l EN O L DD Rhm bis home et 832 Duffenin St., big bit lu New York sud aeemed ta Saneon may be obtained luion N~i hehosporrl ativew ss lho M NT FOsB AD E London, Ont., Mn. Henry Rundie be doing evenybody good that tried; manville froam Jury & Loveil. showered with flowers trom bier bu s-I W AKNESS, B AC K-~ passed away ou January 13Vb. Mr. i f. and Mrs. Harold Trick, Miss Wiuni- ____ lington sud lu bis eanly days attend-1 L'~~~~~-1 ~~~fred Gifford, Mr. sud Mn,. H. G. Pas- N nte btyoraemybed achool at Clarke Union sud. the. boad Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ttnic , . AC EBiRbAlN ude Chrsthian townshipet er-a liLIS j oy. Ho ogyubv entobe r e was a son et the Iste William ~~~~ The tueraI was held front tise taini- bwnayieiesyuhv neRundle. Of this tamily et seven. - <yiily residence on Friday afterno.nwet Bladdr Wekess ud arn itt sons sud twe daugbters but eue sur- ooc>., f when a veny large cnewd attended. ousing drakne toesomed Iriannon, vives, Thomas, now nesidiug lu Ex- For TOlesOasngdasoftruleom n Iy due to Acid P1'I i Xv. J. R. Bick had charge et the eten, Ont. luterment was et Ex-M A KE S Ircrtnl service. His meFsage t0 those left ne n t s fBoknR s nuetr eu" - ' "~ o te.are iuvited to, try tbe amaziug v'à ete. ARTBUR>' o ruuru asbesutitul, asthe D.Suhoths"rtb"with.i.The new board et Police Trustees IL eI D I LI HE F mothen had a sterlinz Christian char- outDr.iskethcosthus peaasedwih 'ave slready given evidence tbey are I3e t e I c e e oaa.HAUSEA I.. !acter sud a beautitul memory t u ko otuls adwt 1net asleep ou the job. Last weekBea egod redcna soIytefnsi- Iaebehind. resuits. The flersal tributes iucluded - Made from a special formula uscd te onee eBwavlesd What most people <al indigestion is One i ý "- :fil in water ueu- lWreaths front Husbsnd sud Fanily by the Dcton for over 40 yeans Ira- 1whicb tomu e ws snuder the l' geinspoel rprindadbkdt usually excesa acid ii the stomeach. The tralii -' *' ' in acd with "Wfe" sud "Mother"lu goici tabs" are designed te swittly relieve ,l 1rmth et ar iehl turn. You can tell that our bread is good bread fooedlias soured. The instant remiedy "liîe 1i,; .wi lino bad :letters, Mr. sud Min on asnthe pain sud misery et Burnin« Une- et hat town catheîugthe rdfine ienbcas itro seely ndg esothaw - I is su alkali wlieh teutralizes avids. a:it '-îii at n.sdM. A Jr asn, Maln. thrai Irritations, Backacbes, trequent ' o te tsdw n ented ieft l esbcuei rwseelyadgvsf hawi But dndonte use e icrpud Us îviel . ..1 se' excbstaid i M s W. . Trckcad Dr dndMfl.dW.l J.nyTrickndtsudlesDr.' suduyMisd waunoyance sudll e tefuublesoavoearlua.tbe itewnr dhall't your doctor would adise. Ml f tue 'rudo ., .!ar1I-îiow-why HMno.ddsiik, Mr. and rs. rsn.lnihderful nut-flavor aroma. Buy it everyin thday aththe The best lieîl is 11î'hllips i f this iitil". aol nik M.an1rs1:0igt. AuWgo"'rgg s l UP- tetwer. Onono 'bas been without' tr rfomtewgn Magne.qi.. For thec.50 vears since ils 1;e su ' 1. tO Phillipa' Avre, Mr. sud Mrs. John Kiveli. Zoot ply you ou s guarautee <of money auv ire alarmn since roand building op- soeo rmtewgn invention it ba" renîaiîîed standard 'Miik of 1 r esriIs'I in, jhyyui- Wome's Aas<ncitinn. Zion Suuday 'back ou frs box purchased if yen are eratiens hene wheu oeeoe the glat withi physiciens. You wiil find notlîing cians for i"i', iii correcting excasaScbool and ffBible Casas; Srays-Mn neot wouderfully satisfied with swiftt oimcie cldee h ie", ,I else su quick in its effect, 8o harmless, solda. Lach isîle cectaiiîs fuldirea su ad Mn,. H. G. Pascoe, Mr.su asnsd positive relief obtained. arondmactiesiced vtholuce- UEnU». mc eiksnt.tiens--an7 drugatore. IH-rb Cauternn.Mr. sud Mnsv F nki 1 V PHONE97A A.D IJ f V ____o ______________________________ Cbet n.sd r.rhnst aink quence propentv holders bave been'HNE7 WM VIL _________- tonsudfamiy, he BkerFanily.auticipatinz bluber insurance rates. _________________and___________Th___Baker___________ W. M. S. et Park Street Chunch ----- -~~ _____- ~~Mn. sud Mrs. Ceci] Paýcoe, Mn. sud beld its anneal meeting on Janusry --- - -____ M~ P,~l enin. is innutned, 7th. The membenship was divided flifrd, Misses Gowau snd Mbenjte ulne croups and ench zncup as- Are Y u ina Qua darysirueed te Taise $47. The Trensunenr ýMrq Anie tainonMr.and rs.S.-renorted total raised hy Auxilisry.l G . C h i t a inr n to n , ZM n . su d M is$ 4 4-S . 'x e I N T$2 .9 8 b al n c e About What You Need In SERVICE rd'%IR.W. ln;ý Mi-s. Sarah Arnott sud faml.Mi.$0: asdbBay au.370LJ A I t Buildi g M ate ial Mip Laue.,id. andM jne"Mn".- uecit UR C SO E H A E A IE Lu be, higlsCenetLieions ~ ~ .*.1 W Lneuai.3f. udMi. '~ a iMr. . ~~ ~ <'nAoi T' J I

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