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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE BIGET FffT HOPE ROTARL&NS GUESTSitive, Port Hope, tbanked the Rotary OF HOM TP. FARMERS jClub for their generosity in supply-> ing prices for the boys and girls in 1 the Juniors Section at the recent1 Abou onehunred ersns stý'Faîl Fair.a Aownt auephuded b pqersonsant. Songa werc givesi by 'Messrs. C. E.. do'a o aspenid anue atCa- thensobay and J. T. ton pro'vidcd by the fanmers of Port repe son, D. Sa ery Hope community, on the occasion Georg . he eve prve andry t of1 happy.occaionfre amerssuod their tcndering a return banquettob~n e naikan muhod the Port Hope Rotary Club. Mr. A. Ishouîd resuît from this gttgte IL Wilson, Perrytowp, proved a verY1 cain lapable toastmaste, while Mr. W. G. occasion eut peer. Mr. E. H. Martyn, Wel- USE THIS CLUBBING LIST camwe, i very fitting words welcomed thie Rotary Club and proposed a toast The Canadian Statesinan will bele te the gucats, wbich was neatly re-~ clubbed with any of the followingt opouded te by Rev. A. G. Emmett-ipbiain o 90a h olw X[r. jas. HoUand, President ofthlpbiaonfe190a the f 1llw Elotary Club, proposed the toast to ing prîces: g nolds replied, giving much food for Mail & Empire .............. $6.50 ( thong¶t in bis remarks on the present Toronto Daily Star .......... $6.50c situation of Agriculture. Farmer's Advocate .......... $3.004' Mn. W. Bert Roadhouse, DePuty New Outiook............... $4.40 Minister of Agriculture for Ontario,1 Christian Herald ............ $4.501 Mae an intcresting talk, mentionini eieie.........40 -oeof the changes ini Agriculture and showing ts interdependence on Ladies' Home Journal......... $3.00 ether industries. He stated that. Saturday Evening Post ...$5.00 while we bave an increase in farm Family Herald & Weekly Star $ 3.00 population of about 45%, there bas1 ekyWtes......$.1 been an increase in production ofI Canadian Home Journal ...$3.40 141% and of exports of agriculturalian& ir........$25 products ef ever 600 % since 1891. jr aîy.......$.4 Mr. R. S. Duncan, Directer of Ag-Farmers' Sun ............... $3.501j ricultural Representatives, 'TorotoMacLean's Magazine ......... $4.001 in a few weil chosen words 'brought i Canadian Countryman ....... $3.00 greetings te is friends, while J. Y.i Canadian Poultry Review..$3.001 KelougI. Agricultural Representa-1 Canadian Magazine .......... $3.00 SDURANT FIFTH CONVENTION ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THtJESDAY, JAffUARY 23rd, 1980 .O.E. OFFICERS INSTALLED he n thia occasion two cf he ____ Newca escharter members,X The ge w141fftigelrcie e iclierit Many vlsiting Brethres Present Colwill, a life-long resident o£ the - - -Leslie Thozupsoni, D.D.S.P. of the1 dian Head, Sask., n ow. on a visit herm S.O. E. B. S., Lodge Temple Bar, M. A. James, at that time the District THURS AY, ANUA Y 23d, 130 iTyroine, paid an officiai visit to Deputy Supreme President, asslsted !Newaste Ldgel"t hurdayeI-by ificers and menrbers of Lodge _____ening and installed these officers orWellington organized and inatalled NEWCASTLE NOMINATIONS YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY NEWCASTLE 11930: W. Pros.-Edmund Thackray; the officers oif Lodge Newcastle i - -IPas Pres.-Lawrence Cryderman; June. 1887. Viflagers Worked Up Over Holding- Candidates Nominated for Election Mr. W. E. Tummon, M. P., Tweed, Vice Pres.-A. A. Gibson; Chap.- Thursday evening'a event was in Anotker Municipali Election TeYugPol' oit edwas a visitor at the Parsonage on.11. R. Pearce; Sec'y.-ýErie W. L. one respect a fraternal gathering of Th1ougPepe' ocey e d ay Pearce; Treas.-J. H. Jose; lut the brothers-in-law, T. W. Jackson, Newcastle ratepayers, as many Sat an exceptionally interesting meeting Frida. Go W. H. Hockin; 2nd Comm. W. A. Gibson and Arthur Simmons, coldcow nt teConilC onb. Monday evening. Prc-sidentý Mr. Neil McEachern, Oshawa, i E . , Sr; rd ,,omm-A» A. formning an interesting trio, wlthA. eul r, w eeined the Ceie mentandClarence Allin occupied the chair and Enatediitt' storeareidnceo . C1 il t om-.B oeii A isno h etyugr<n trills ofnoedthe muncipl noma-d opened thbe meeting wilh a unique JEI cetssor n eiec. Guard-J. W. Bradley; Auditors- eration making a quartette of vela- tion meeting on Monday evening. ispelling match, the words baving toi Miss Bessie Clark and Mr. LouiS.j. W. Bradley, A. O. Parker, H. R. tives. At 8.30 Clerk H. S. Bonathan declar- ho spelled backward. Devotional Clark are attending the Junior Farm- i Pearce; Trustees-A. A. Colwill and cd the nominations closed and read itpiwawelgen yPicpa x E. C. Hear.CA»0 THN S the list of nominees for the varicus Thos. A. Rodger. During the husi- Rey. J. B. Bonathan of the Churchl Ben King of Lodge Wellingtonl offices, together with their nominat- ness session, plans were discussed for of St. John the Evangelist, Montreal, officiated as Grand Guide and Lionel The family cf the late Mrs. lUgiow ors and secondera, as follows: a skating party, date to be decided lis spending a week with bis parents, Parker of the same lodge as Grand wish to tbank their relatives, neigh.. Nominee Nominator Seconder nert meeting. liMr. and Mrs. S. R. Bonathan. Guard. Geo. E. Pritchard, W. P., hors and frlends for their kind ex- For Reeve Phip Vice PreintcLre LorCitie- This is a busy week for the candi- of0 Lodge Wellington, wes also pres- pressions of sympathy and beautiful W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ si F.c ltccr . .BmnG.Jmeo mn n osisted nlof a ockdte o erevsîpadconi- cnt and later in the evening flgured floral tributes extended in their re- W. A. BtiekrdJ. E. Bsoan G o. JeolImn, n ointionm ein g, f mcn- tes burtere cspandai aoard -lin the speech making. Bretbren cent sad bereavement in the lou J. . Josler J. 1-. Gibson GE. J oar municipalnomntonmeigcn orapbut they ca' i badwere also present from Lodge Essex, their lovlng nothor. J.H oe J .Gbo .C orducted by Rev. W. P. Rogers, witb ship this time. O0shawa; Lodge Temple Bar, Tyrone;- Fo CucilosLillian Clemence as municipal clerk. Glad to count Mr. J. A. Smith Sr., Lodge Wolverhampton, Orono; and VALUATOR WANTED For CuncilorsThose nominated for reevo are Clar- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith Jr., Mr. and Lodge Newton, Newtonville. ýClif- T. F. Branton Geo. Joli T. W. Jackson An Mr CaeceAi, Nwate Apictns wiil be received Up tqà 12 ence , .in Mrs. lrneAln ,. H. J. Toms and employees of ford Randaîl, formierly ofo'ciock noon on Mpplication J. . Ha T.b n W. E.Beacsn ChrisJLaw Charlie Glenney; for councllors- the J. Anderson Smith Co., as citi- was among the number from Lodge AR,1i.fr h'oiin fVlao E. . oa T W Jaksn eo JliCharlie Clemence, Wilibur Basker- zens of our village once more. Essex who made brief, spicy speech- of ')lie varlous Municipalities within theee J. HI Jose Geo. joil Earle Walton Uitdvilleo NrtumeladIn A. . Prke A.A. olwllveo. le, Thos. A. Rodger, Charlie Glen- ieefmc itre obs, loMr. Hobbs 'visecontributed Durhm.onîso otimein n J. E0W Prker W .E-Beman H S BrJittney, Athur Bragg. The nomineeS A ti fm itrs o sa number of mouth organ selections. Eveiopee containing applications willl 13aEeWshort speechesaaskiIgSforittenfellow ratepayers of Newcastle, a RcadsadShrodRundle be addressed te the undersigned, will be R. W Walon liri La Artur Tms ade hor speches asing er he'-1plain ichads nd ed 'Applicationarke 'Aplortioafo uator'or R.W WlonCri aw AthrTosvotes of the people, and stating the pearing a few days ago in Torontolit the District Dptal re- and will state amount of remuneration (Pour to be Flected) various planks in their platforms. sewspapers, was the announcement presented Tyrone. T. W. Jackson, exPected. For Schoo Truste«s The election will be held at the Citi- that Austin Campbell, vice president imarsbal for 37 years for Lodge Wol- E. L. MaeNACHTrAN, Merie Clrk Mar Aun oh Scttzenship meeting next xonth. It ie of the D. S. Patterson & Co. Ltd..verhampton's cburch parades, spokeCoor.nar. Counties' Cierk. "eke lr akAlnJln ct rkrg im a urcbased Cbtrghntri.1-4 W. J. Giennéy Mark Allun John Scott .,0ped that ail nominees will qualify thergefr, a for bis home lodge, while J. C. and Reg LeGresley H. W. Dudley John Scott properlY. Empire Theatre in Toronto for H. E. ancock st'ood up for LedgeSEDC AN G JonSotH.W ulyJ.H isn Other numbers on the prograin $364,000. Mr. -Camipbell has not Newton. E DC AN G JonSct H . ule . .Gisnwere a piano solo, Rubenstein's divnlged his plans regarding the fut- The brethren ail enjoyed the sub -____ (Three te be Elected) "Melody in F" by Bernice Gilbank; ure of the site, but itsý value in this stantial lunch of sandwiches, cake, Reduced rates on cleaning grain, oo- W. F. Rickard spoke ef some of vocal duet, "Constantinople," Helen downtown location is sure te rise. tarts, coffee, biscuits and cheese, ser- er and grass seed, up until February the hins tat wre oomng n te 1ved by W. J. Hockin and committ'ee, Ceanng Plant at Bownanvile. Grain municipal horizon for 1930, princi- "Superstitions" Mrs. Gordon Martin;I Trinity Cburch congregational and liefore dispersing joined heartily five cents per bushel. clover and .OU ipll heeqaiztinofthlou-vocal solo, "Mother Machree," Min- 1 meetinz will bie held Thursday, Jan- in God Save The King. y seed tpopo t i atey o ra es.Bl .îý qp-qpt ne i i fsa1 th nie E. Pearce. uary sth. AIl present were glad te have witb us to avold a spring rush.2- miner municipalities. The question -4 -+yng +1- 1-1î aîrsUr-A- -- tem would aise be brougb-t to the at- tention of the village council and wotld require careful consideration. Dr. Butler brought te the fore an issue which in this election seenis to .. .~,be enaging the attention of several e __'_municipal candidates and many rate- payers, nameiy, the best use te make of the Tht'.. Montague legacy. The Xmbaes of the Durant Dealer Or'- aud a thorough exasuanation of the initial $10.000 la handled by the Ter- gaututicu, numbering approXimate- varions modela of the "6 14"p-au en-I ente General Trusts Corporation, the ly & tkoumad, met iu Toronto on Jan: tirely new lne-the large party again municipal council receiving the in- maylIth and l7th te attend the embarked iu busesm for the Royl' corne annually te be spent for the artkaai urant Dealer Conven- York Hotel te attend the annual "ben efit" of the Cemmunity Hall. Uoa. 1Banquet and entertaimnent provided This~ much is .generally conceded. Afte reistrin atthe oya inther hnor y te Dran cop-1The $9,000 whicb Newcastle receiv- Yok tel epthe viigt toa l zote yIn hi onrbbeDrnecsp d as one of the tbree residuary le- Yook otl he isteaescrtd y'any. Thene were many ncw anid, The Toronto Bagunent Band, vere novel features te dlaim the attention gatees,' together with the annual in- tae oteDrn ln tla ideo h iio corne therefrcm, is the themne of Ian ss. nthe pDrntsplan t Lasd li hvsion.much discussion. The principal is lu uss. ad te pocesio tboi~b1 Phil. J. Duggan, Sales Manager, at present invested in bonds, with *be city created a great impression,7rsie and waa accompanied at the, most of the interest te date in the sit wended ita way te the northcat' head table by many notables in the; bank. Candidate E. C. Hoar pro- ity liita. beOneuargcd cnaidterPant, automobile industry, as well as civic poses calling a meeting of the citi- duiug t.b u at ynear, d oia lyand -provincial officiaIs. Roy D. zens te discuss the matter. dgra he mrs t ynadffiialphoo-Kerby, President and General Mana- Su.w e tenant d tbouhtIs pant folrger, gave a short address, while other tii prpoc f eamnin tse ewspeakers included R. W. Judsou, Pres- RAZZ FROM A ROOTER maehirosu ofeatinatde te i dent Continental Motors Corporation. ____ rnethods by wrhloh the new Durant 1 Priday, thse second day of thse con- By Adam Fakir cmr are now being built. 1 vetien, was devoted te business ses- After seireral heurs in the Plant;i siens at the Durant plant. Junior and Intermediate Hockey A Dollar is Saved .when it is in the Bank And the sooner it lis deposited in the Bank the greater the assurlance of its being saved. A Savings Account is a magnet f or the money that ordinarlly slips through one's fingers, and an income-paying guarantee for the future.j TTM CADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE j I:\L>AD AN .OF CANADA OUR _REPUTATION IS AT STAKE WIth all kinds of competition-fair and otherwise-faciflg the local bakers we admit we are up against a stiff proposition. But our policy is to keep up the quality of our products-make them better than ever if possible-and continue to give our customers a regular, caneful and efficient service in delivery and at our stores which will warrant your pat-. ronage. If you have any fault to find don't hesitate to corne direct to us with your complaints, and thus * gie us an opportunity to square ourselves, if Ineed be. W. P. Corbett Baker and Conf.ctioner Phone3 Well, well, well, Finally it happen- ed-the immovable met the irresist- able and things occ'urred. Bowman.. ville's hocekey sprites were somewbat downcast Monday night and thse main reasen was as follows: At Oshawa the Junior team succumbed te a 4-2 game, and at home with Port Hope behind a zood teani the local Inter- mediates aise sustair.ed their first losi of the year, 6-4. And how the soreheads and ham- mer wielders are yelling! It's fun- ny when the gang were going along without any setbacks, they were the finest in town, but now it's different. Knowing a little more about thse Oshawa garne, we'll tell you about it first. Don't expect a lot of ex- cuF:es because you w'n't get them, aithouzh there are plenty flying arounT Ask mnost of thse local fans what was the reason and they wiii prd'bably say: 1. The referee was ne gond (aln'ay.-,hlame il on hlm, poor fellow) ; 2. You can't win a game in thse penalty box. (This is the most common comment) ; 3. Not enoug.h combination or shots, therpfore nrot enouzh goals; 4. The bi"g ice fooled oui- feliows. (This also is (uite a pop- T he ganie wasn't so goî.d that'.s al. Any Oshawa fan wili admit that our gang skated thii red colore<i crowd dizzy, but just couldn't seoin te get in on the net. Then thse penalties were hunched which aIse Ielped. But the' boys wiil de a whole lot bet- t-r with a gaie like that eut of their systems. Thse Port Hepe - Bowmanville -aine %vas a good wrestie and was 1'toppe(l exery few minutes with some squabbie ever the time or anything that could be used for an argument. It seemný, that Port Hop(, wgre eut for gore and their -fana were worse than the teain. In thse frst place beth teains bailsweater-, and eneke sorne- what alike, se the referee insisted the local lads must bave a change. Un- fortunateiy none of the boys had an extra outfit of sweatkr.s so they de- cided te ail tic hankies around their Mocks. What a spcaclo! This made thse socks exactly the' sanie col- our as Port Hope's but it was a change and the ref. seemed consoled. Fi-cm thon on tIser.' was ono serap after another, and the game didn't zet over until ahout eleven bells. There were cerne pretty goals hy hotb sides with the goalies havinz plenty of worl< aIl nigbt. Bert Colwell was beaned azain se be is eoing te try a ruaby belmet againqt Orono. Enouirh said for now and wlll sec you in the play-off s. Don't forpret Peterboro Juniors play here Frsday evenîng at Taylor's ico enclosure, only 35C. Couch, Jobnsten & Crydenman anc sellig off a clearing Une of Dresses regular prices up te $15.00 for thse 1ev price of $5,00 "ech. bogh and tboughts of food naturally lead you to, think of A & P... for A & P Food Stores are headquarters 659iAsu HIDfor America's mot famous foods . . . foods that have won an outatasilng suocess . . . foedr, 't are fouiid on the finest tables because their quality la uusurpassed.. . A & P guardu Its reputation for good foods with heutmost care, for five million women look te A & P for thein fooda every day . . . md A & P's 10w prices M'HE ECONOMY RUJK brlng them savings. FRESH CUTS 0F YOUR FAVORITE Wmneverywbere rely on A & P Meat Mlarkets for the&r insats fo hyknow that they get quality at exceedincly kW pPrim& !INEST QUALITY YQUNG ROASTINO POORE -BUTT ROAST . 29o SHOULDER Vw.l* b. 3 GENUINE SPRING LAMB-SOIT IMEAT LAMB LEGCS mu. 3 5c BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced .....b. 35c BOILED HAM, Finest, Sliced ...- lb. 49c WEINERS, Jubilee Brand, Skinless. lb. 29c FINE ST QUALITY OLD ENGLISH CURE SMOKED WIl TSIfRE MANS BACON '("AUMON - Centeamlj HIAMF Ib.307eRashe? ui.q15c SMOKED BACK, Slicd.d........ lb. 46c By the Piece................... lb. 42c SNIOK ED COLLAR OR SHOULDER, Me.d. A b. 38c By the Piece.................... 35c S!DE BACON, Sliced ............ 39c 111GGIEST QUIATY BEEF, CAREFULLY GRADED AND ýF,'T:i) !-',Y OUR EXPERT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEI) ROASTS Porterhouse m~rI. 38o PLUtME RIBR 'mte- WINO ROAST 'b-33o CHOICE QUALITY, 4-LB. AVBUAGE FOWL FOF1511f lb.32e DELIVERED TO OUR 'STORI.'- FRESH DAII WK~TEFI8H v lb.25.o i," kETS F.'eth Cli,.ted Lake Trout.lb. 28e WKEVFERRING, Fresh ChiIledl. 2 Ibs. 25e Q ~'r ~-n'~Scotch .2 pair 23c l1Vz 4 Canned Vegetable Sale Stock your pautry shelves nom with canned vegetables. The-, vffl attractive priceswlliblcetu effect until Saturday night on7 FINST SELECTON 0F PEAU AT VERT LOW PRICES PEAS GREEN GIANT-Sweet, Tender, No. 2 Tin 2 BURFORD « No-iT=U«Li~r .....No. 2Tin l AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY NI. 1 Tin 1' 6 mo. Trfu 750 TOMATOES AYLMER ChoiCe QUalitys N. 1 ~9c 6 Tins 51 STANDARD QUALITY .... 2 No. 2½/ Tins 2T AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY _ .. Tin 1_2 6 No. z2½p Tins 1750 CORN DEL MAIZE-Fancy Quality .. No. 2 Tin 1 L. CORN ON COB-Aylmer Fancy, No. 3 Tin 31t CHOICECQUAL. WHITE-No. 2 Tin 13c 6 Tins 75 MMRGOLDEN BANTAM N 15 SIZ TIN I 6 No. 2 Tins 117o AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY aean S ~GOLDEN NI 21 eTn 3PINACH-Aylmer Fancy ...... No. 2 Tin IC APPLESAUCE-Aylnier Choice, No. 2 Tin 11: DICED CARROTS CRIMER .... No. 2 Tin 17 ?UMPKIN-Aylmer Choice, 2 No. 21'ý Tins 2E ?ARINA....................... Pkg. 2:E QUAKER QATS .............mai1 Pkg. 9 PSAYLMER FANC . ASPARAGUS TIS MEDIM, c o. 2 Tin 42 ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS VALEN No. 2 Tin 24 ?ORK AND BEANS-Aylmer, No. 2½/, Tin IF ' USHUS-Shiririff's Jelly Powders, 3 Pkgs. 2«? i-lOCOLATES-Bulk...............l11. ?r' WIGHT'S Pii E WDU.U LARD 3-1b. PaR 4 SHORTENINQ 3.lb. Pail 4" ib,. g-lb. pât 1 SELECTOR Assour» Sl APPLES ouGRIZM 6 ibn. 25e oftANGESl--norldaS .... Des. »Ce CABKROTS-CaUlornia. .2 Bhs. M7 CABBAO-Nre Gria. .3 lsg. lie TUENIPS-Nattve Orown ..........IT-.........Se fod s e I. . . . . .. . . 0is Large, SiPe Fruit Ripened lnf Ba saawur owa flanana-Ripei pant oz2 c & P,4ci'wa IKS C j ) 1 c AN ADA DWN > WMA

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