I I UU41.i Uli7-li ~ Tq Tnrratzd The Bowmanville News VM~ TXXVT M. A. JAMES & SONS, Pubishera BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 5- AL LADIES' COATS 40W R.EDUCED PRICE Many ladies last week were quick to realize the surpris- ifig values we are offering in the balance of our Ladies' Winter Coats at Haîf Price. At such low prices it's a dis- tinct loss to us, but we prefer to do this rather than carry the coats over to next sea- son. Don't be content until you have tried on one of these coats. DRESSES NOW $4.98 Some ini this special lot have been marked down to less than one-third the orig- inal price. See them to ap- preciate the bargains. SALE 0F REMNANTS Dress Materials and Cur- tain Materials in the lot. This sale is always the big value giving event of the year. Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose now 25c pair. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS $35.00 Coats for $2 5.00 $30.00 Coats for $22.00 $25.00 Coats for $18.50 MEN'S SUITS REDUCED. A Substantiai Reduction on Menes Suite Couch, iohnston & Cryderma I 't I .LE ALL TALKING PICTURES EALL ROYAL THIEATRE AKN PIeUE BOWMAN VILLE THURS., FRI. and SAT.-JANUARY 30- 31 - FEB. 1 Dorothy Mackaill in "HARD TO GET" With Louise Fazenda, Charles Delaney, Jack Oakie and James Finlayson. 100% Talklng and Singing. Matn«. Thursday at 3.45 p. m. Saturday et 2.30 p. se. MON., TUES. and WED.-FEBRUARY 3 - 4 - 5 The whole family wlll rear at "«TWIN BEDS" With jack MuILsU, patsy Ruoth Mle, Gertrude Aster and Eddie Crhbbon. Mati... Monday Bt 3-.4. TLjai ssue of The Statesman sestalus esupema weth 40a. Look fer thom 1 1 I Toq. Shamsi ami 9 p. m. Aduobe 31. WlusSe tan; Cbd&h Me-. __________ .1 inan *.1 p 0' u'loel'104 iurmIE IN THE ED)ITOR'S MML LETrÉR FROM FLORIDA M. C. Fi-set, dnugglst and stationer, Bowmanville Lady Writes Interestins 1 Grandview, Man.:- Enclosed fini Latter About Tarponi Springs andi the money order ta caver my subscription the Sponge Industry sch toi your paper. This ie my 27tb year for as one ai your subacribera siace I Mi-. and Mm. Fred W. Depew afi, heit Blackstock. Fort Bawmavllo are apeading the;' * wlnter at Tai-pan Spr-ings, Florida, adi Mira. Susan M. Tyler, 8219 Hudson known as "The Venice of the South." ail] St., Vancouver, B. C., in sending in This city aisoba the reputation of s bier remittance asys: 1 have beon a havin-g the lai-gest sponge exchangelego subacriber ta The Statesman for over in the woi-ld. Last week wo recoiv-Ig 60 yeai-a. I was very soi-ny ta 500 ed the following roi-y informative' t the deatb ai Norman James and aise sud interesting letter froiniMrs. De-i the passing o! many ai my aid pew who aiso seat somne beautiful ai fionda. picture Post carda: foi i Te papr le ariiving aright; pri Mi.se Jane Caiscaiden, Orano, thank you very niucb. One doesn't. niakes this nice comment in seudiiig feel just rigbt vjthout the home !i in bier subscription: I think Tue paper. in: Stateaman ia mucb improved ai Sate I tbink we have struck the wsrm-th as it gives tlie county news as well est place in Florida. Tboy say bei-el'bu as Darlingtonansd Bawmaa'ville. it is the coldeat for years, but we Tu - bave found it grand. When there Mrs. T. J. Carke, Rcoetowu, Sask.: l a a tri up north it iS cool in the M4 Enclosed find renewal for your valu- house sud we bave te keep a bit ail te able paper which I value more and fi-e. Out ai tlie four weeks we bave an more as the years pass away. been bei-e there a oniy been onela Weatber very coud, 40 below zero. day we could not lho out and that; dayf. Yesterday 1 wahkod two blocks te it paured rain ail dey. Tue i-est cf su cburcb and dii net freeze--cle5ir and the tume it bas always been just de- ta auany. Ail weli. iigtful outside. We were iovor ta W St. Petersburg last week. ! Mrs. S. E. Souch, Stettler, Alta., We bave seen Mr. Calvin Coolidge. hi w¶uo la well kncwn among the eider Of course, hie is net near go wonder- S( reaidents ai nortb Darlington, writes fui as hie waa wiien bie was President. w this aewsy family letter ta tbe Senior but hoe and wiie and party of foui- fil Editr:I1am enclosing my aubscript- car loais woi-e guesta of the Greek w ion for The Stateaman and aendiag Spongo Fishers. We drave dcwn tae Pl it ta you as an excuse te write ycu. the spauge excbhange aud saw them ti 1 do net forget the fi-ldouisai oro go aboard the bomuit Calvin C-oldge. lai as we grow aId. 1 fancy oui- minda Tt was quit. a picturesque sight te W dweli au the past mare or less. I see the aine boata sali awsy ta theoa am sti11 a busy wcmsn for my speng-* fishing grocunds. Ami serd-1 el atreu'ugtb. sud in fairly geiod bealtb. ing you s picture ai thie fleet. Theli 1My busband wha la nearly eigbty hasts do net laaok as large ia the pic- c years bas net s grey bai-. We have tsi-e as tbey really are. Tbey si-o1 te spent the asat two summers in Wash- paintedi~ gaY colorsansd look ve-y Ik, ington, Oregon, witb aur daugter pretty. 111 sund ber fsmily, Dr. E. S. Sarvis, and 1.Tue sponge industry is importanti Iwe ai-e tbiaking strongly ai goung ta this city anlhiyiteetn. A St bei-e ta live uext spiing, as we bath .-et and poo li do ntknow tAt jfeel better in that climate. L55t sponzes grow ou a sdi-t ai jelly fisb niglit tbe thermometer iegisterei 45 and it lsacuite a process they have tae 1 below zero, but the sun shunes bight- go tbro'ugh te prepare theni for the t iy wlth ne wind on the c'oidest days.. Imaiket. Wben thev are ready thevi iTo-day 1 walked a quarter ai a mile suteiofb uto. Te s tea aLadies' Aid meeting and found asl tem afbout ct o eekaago s dh a large number of ladies out, some a salesabiout $iees ag0antev a 1 wihltieciden 'u confessaI. tbev bave a million dollars wortb in mini the cold more thon 1 did twentyl a yosr. Tt is verv danreraus work.t Iyears ago. 1 do net like ta leave aome tumes they di-e 150 foot d'ownc 1 Stettler, but wo feel that: we bai bt-isad they very oiten die fricmtke 1 ter get neai- moin f oui- chili-en oricai-e pst iure. Thie Greeks seeni ta 1 naw. Mai-k bas moved ta Edmonton ho a thnifty bsr-warking people and c ta give bis boys a better chance un a .ul lidan.Sr aradoca~e tetctin oro s ieliving thev unake gaci citizeas. thre Bei-t S tili in Medicine Rat. Two of aur giani-childi-en sri-l uni- Last week they had Epipbany or versity and tbree more will bo resdy ci-oas day. The wboîe city was Ifer next year. The fruit snd flowu- strung witb flags. snd tiueY bad a pro-1 e rs in Oregon ai-o wonderful, aIse cession ta the churcli sud bad soie I veetabes. Thon brother Lincoln sort ai a service qnd fi-cm there they I is nlot fan away. Sister Hannah Cole narcbei te the. cif.ý dock. They ai-e was well when I bai a letter last ail Catholics andi bdaispriest bei-el week. She will be 82 nexrt July.; who was Bisbop cf ail their cburc'nes; Yen likely beard that sistei- Mina iu tbe U. S. A. The papen calied Soncb died Isat Augnat. Wbenever bum Arcbbialiep Alexander. Ho vas we get the State-gman frou P. 0. i-e be-e to bless the sponge fishinc fooet. let everyv other papor vait tili w. When tboy got iown ta the dock hol resçl the letter (se wo calli h) frioni saîd a lot ai things we could net un-I aid Darliugton. snd I tbink of you' derstand and thon threw s goli c", ss and ai my school dsys in yonr time, in the water and thedies en and also e! ather teachers, Dr. wil-: down sitaer it. The one wbo gat it i lianuson. Jna. McCuiiougb, J. C.; waa i-waided witb maaey hoe vas Ithe oniy teacher af the lot stili liv-1 also a special blessing. They eor- Iing. 1 sametimes wisb san tie be taînly baisainie day. The city vas I vôli write about the th Line's thoirs. S'ame ai tbe girls are very 'early diss say sixty or sixty-five pie tty and looked nice la tbei- native IYeârs âge, especially about Bradley's, costumes. jIscbocl. 1 wisb oui- Dailington Teel o !cmeca ib fi-ies euli see oui- town. In thein doe e icsndlot ootserca fiBi-. l ast four 'esrs oui-United Cburcb fgoerhieprtsand-alslots ani castlng bei-e bas aisei $40,000.()0. The'fo h rs, aiegt oln Von150apounga chai-ch vas dedicatied f r ec aiTh e saY. at t lu es5that tbey $23,000.00. Wehave oe fthe T sei vy efatlila h eit aey-1 best Higli Schools, seveui dry goads, soaa ca catclih ithe ov as ve tw gi-ceci-y tones, ane jeweller, twve cncthteron di-ug, tw* hardware, fýour garages, Wben speaking ai the. Gi-o.k. tw'O tinsmith sboPs, ane phitograpb-; faigot ta men'Akn that they have or, twa blacksemltb shape. two lumber thoi- separate schools but are comn- 1 OmPanles, One second-bond store, peloed ta attend the Engiiab speaklng two batela, One Govt liquor stor-e achools and attend their ovnafater t(that vo iO'uld be better vithout),, the otlier schools are out. a nc nevapaper, tIi-ce butchen shape,! thPee gent' iurnisbiag stores, tbree 1 Fred says 1 sho nId bave saii that i-ooming bous11es, foui- dactars, tbree the spongo was a jeily fih-net dentiste, anc chirapractor, twoee- gi-own on a jeliy fili. I suppose trie shape, two implement shaps, the spoage la part oi it ail riglt thre. barber shopa, every honse oc- TIiere ai-e 22 lai-ge sponge packiag S eLp'ed;, Oh Yes! confectionei-y sud hauses bei-e. It was 80 degrees ini 1 illlineny shap etc.1 the shade bore Christmnas day. It in with simeere regret we record'Ai Commencement Ex.rcu.e WiII Reeve W. H.L Nelson of Perey edeath of Mr. R. J. McKessock, Be Held Thursday and Friday, Township, Warkworth, was elected oolmaster in the village of Solina February l3th and 14th. 1 Warden of thie United Caunties of rthe pat thirt yearS, whose un- Northumberland and Durham for -pected asin is mourned by a The new addition to Bowmanville, 1980 st the cpening session of cun- de circle of loving relatives and High School will be formally opened; cil held at Cobourg on Tuesday. miring friends. ion Tbhursday evening, February 13th. Mr. McKessock was regarded by The doors will ho open to the publie 1who knew him as one of the high- 1at 7 p. mi. Speakers will be pros- MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ttype of manbood who served his ont froni the Department of Educa- neration well and left a lasting irs- tion, and a short program. will bo AUl ladies' choir at Trinity Ciiurah ession for good on his pupils and presented at 8 p. m. Sunday evening, Feb. 2nd. ýhers who came in contact with him. The Annual Commencement Exer- A St. Valentine Supper will be hekd It may ho truthfully said that one cises will be held in t.he new . As-1I the S& A. Hall Friday, Feb. l4tb, ways f elt an unconscious influence senrbly Hall on Friday, February' 5.80 to 8 p. mi. Tickets 35c. r good alter having been in the l4th, at 8 p. mi. The public are cor- Oshawa Preubytery wl ment in resence of Mr. MeKessock. dially invitef to attend both these United Church, Newcastle, on Thurs- In expressing our personal feel- f unctions. Graduates' reception day, February fith, at 9.15 a. mi. gs of regret at his untiniely pass- wiJl be held after the regular pro- Four days secial service wlll be ig and sincere regard for Mr. Mc- grami on Friday. i heid in S. A. Hall, Feb. 22nd to 25th, essock we feel we cannot do botter conduoted by Captains Blasa and ian reproduce the fine editorial tri-MorofTon. ate The Toronto Globe made on SCOTCH NIGHT AT ST ANDREW'S SMoAre ws PTronto. in huch uesday when it said: The death of Mr. Robert James A Mlendid prograni cf Scotch corner Temperance and Church Sta. cKessock bas remo'ved from thgongs, readings and dances was given Mornii2g Worship il a. nm.; Evening eachîng profession a vahied meinber, in St. Andrew's Preabyterian Church 1 Woraiip 7 p. mi.; Sunday School 2.30 nd from the community about Solina on Tuesday evening, January 28th, P.-nm. Everybody welcomne. stauneh and bighly respected ander the auspices ai the Women'si St. Paxille Church-Dev. D. W. iend. Greater than ail is theoss Auxiliary. Best, D. D., Minister. il a. m.- ffered by the children wbom aieCo.LT.M ann pvea Morning Worship-"Pýrogreàs"; 7 P. ught, and to whom hie was ever the very efficient chairian duriug the 1 m.-Eveing Worsip-"ýA Man of ise counsellor and guide in the af- presentatiori of the f.ollowing n'un-ITwc Worlds"; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday airs of their young lives. Pract- bers: Chorus, "Flow Gently, fiveeti S<ihool. ally l of Mr. McKessock's teaching Afton"; reading, "T1he Life of St. Johin's (Anglican) Chrih- le was spent in the little school at Bur-ns," Misa F. M. Galbraith; piano Rev. . J. Sbires, Rectar. Fourth ;lins, near Bowmanville, whero lie solo>, Newton Hockney; vocal solos, Sunday alter FEpiphany, Feb. 2nd: rs the whole staff. On the twenty- "The Star o' Robbie Burns" and "The 11i a. m.-Holy Communion and Serý ftb anniversary of his engagement, Lea, Rigg," Mrs. G. Wiseman; High- mon; 2.30 p. .-Sunday Sebool and hich wss suitably celebrate.d, the land Fling and Sword Dance, Misa Sermion; 7 p. n.-Evening Frayer. si-enta of his little charge urged Norah Brown, accompanied on tlie Trinity United Church-Rev. J. Ul. bat bie romain, as tbey put it, for violin by Mr. Frank Brown and Onl Robins, pastor. Sunday services: nother quarter-century, and this hoe the piano by Mrs. H. Massie, Tor- il a.-nm. and 7 p. mi. in charge of the 'as quite prepared to do, but illness onto; reading, "The Scotch Sernesi," pastor. Subject for the evening, bnd death ended the arrangement. Mrs. Wm. Adams; ladies' quai-tet, "The. Personal Leader and the Paz- Mr. McKessock was the Canadian Mesdames H. M. Foster, J. E. Ander- sonai Fa.llowing." A ladies' choir mbodiment of the Scots dominie son, R. Thompson and Miss Greta will lead the service of pi-aise. Sang haose fame has spread to every Pollard; recitatian, Miss Joan Bath- service conimencqs Mt 6.45 p. 'n. lime. Ho farmed a bit of land near' gate; solo, "Wbere bas Scotland Tbe finit meeting of St. Paul's W. ýh school, and thus kept bis pupils won ler lame?" Mr-. O. R. Brgg; M. S. for the year was heldin the eenly interested in agriculture as a violin solo, Bradley Honeyni&n; chor- lecture room on Tuesday, Ja. 21st. fe-work. Ile read widely andius, Bonnie Doon"; solo, "Annie Rev. Dr. Best installedl the officers, -huogiit deeply along many linos; and Laurie,"1 Miss Margaret Allin; read- raigAt -h tr fFne .e had bis own metbods of teacbing. ing, "Ta= O'Shanter," Mr-. Ruther- cost-followed by the beautiiul in- le would not force bis younge.r pup- ford; sketcfb, "Two Scotch Court-i stallation service of the United [s to study aritbmotic, leaving that ships," Mms Wm. Adanis ad Mm. H. Church. The Preaident, Mm. W. For later years, but it is on record Cameron. 1,Aams then teck the chair, giving bhat none of bis boys or girls failed Miss L. L. Bragg and Mr. E. M. thlesorityNe-W Year greetinga with in that subject at their entrancoex- Crawford acted as accormipaits. a fewwelel chosen thougtits of en- aminations; and he did not want in Tuhs very intreting 'r r vl as couragement. Mm. F. R. Brown us chol ay cîld-e unor yers.brugbt tc a close witli the sining of gave a brief review of the January Mir. MeKessock could have iiad many Auld Lang Syne, after wih the W. nuniber of that excellent magazine, nore important post, from the point A. served refreshments to those tak- the Misionary Monthly. Mm. Chas. f view of a succesful career, than ig part. F. Rice sang "Angels of Heaven." the little achool at Solina. but le do- - An interesting sketch entitled "Diana ided to do bis wrk in this bas pub- THIRD PRESENTATION j and Dollies" was presented by Mises lie manner, and at the close f bis Bessie Martin and Grace Welch, as- iuseful lufe lho s mourned as a od TetidpeettoofQue ie bMs.Aasnd mBs. itizn, a faitbful friend, and aod Tethr rsetto c ue1ase y m Aam n is et beloed eacer.Esther," under direction ai Mrs. A dainty lundihwas served by Mm. beloed eacer.(Dr.) J. C. Bell, was given in the~ Best's gi-cap. bringing te, a close a B. H. S. ORATORICAL CONTEST Opera House on Friday ovening be-1 very profitable and enjoyable meet- fore a very sppreciative audience. ing. Thie Annual Oratorical Content, la The leading dbaracters and play were whic5b pupils ai the High School com described la detail in The Statesi-rai COMING EVENTS rtwill ho held la the new Ameni- on their apipearance in December- bl Hlteedy, Fbur thtat there is now little bift to ho said ThWit iedCuwl od bl Hall, s W enay, penuary he f the superb way in which this dram- Th WliehedCubwlho at 8 p. ni. Thsevndlipe a the atic cantata was given Friclay night. the next regular meeting la St. Paul's public, and ail citizens are cialyAmng those taking leading pat Lecture Rooxa on Tuesday, lirebru.ary invited ta attend. Note change inare Mr. H. J1. Knigbt and Mr. Satu 4th, at 8 p. in. sharp. date. ___ _ Glanville who were in this caa'cata Bowmanville Women's Inirtitute ______ ty yeara agg. Neither have lent meets in S. 0. E. Hall on Fridey, DURHAM SHORTHORN SALE 'their ol tie vigor for singing and Jan. Blst. Frograni in charge of ______eacing. Group 5, Mns. A. Manning canvener. Offei-s Oppartunity to Improve Stock -Aitornoofl Te.a ad Musicale, under -Live Stock~ Branch Pays 20%- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH auspce fa Young Wonien'a Auxil- Beef Gradinq Encourages Raisins, arMwllbe held at Trlnity Sehool of Better Cattle. Services in Trinity Church on Sun- Raom on Friday, January 3lst, st 8 _____day were conducted by the paste.r, p. ni. Admission 25c. Thon. wlU In arrangin: ftne Nin-th AnnualiRgov. J. . Robins, whose sermon ini alsa b. a sale of hame-mado caoktng. Sale af pure-bned Shorthorns at Bow- the mornýing was bg.sed on the worda, Nstmeng i h Mn.C- manville on Thursday, Feb. 6tli, the "Take My Yoke Upon You," contaîili NeClueeting et hei a Bara Durhami County Shaithorn Breeders ing very practical suggestiolis for aIl aHote l a u wday, F ebruaryt, at have selected, tbrougb thbe inspection ta accept Christ as thelir partaer in 7.15 ça . esa, eb:Rov. rogotat of enbries by W. P. Watson of On- ail walks and phases of lile. Path . H. Cosgrave, M. A., D. D., of Trin- tai-la Live Stock Branch, one of the evening bis sub3ect was "Pure Gohdilty College, Toronto. Su1iject: best lots in breeding and, quality yet1 vs Fool's Gold,1' and hoe deat in a "Samuel Fepys andI Hie Tues.' I rsned bv them ta -the buying splendid manner witb nme ci the cia nitmtel ono t IpTbic.-n This event bas becerne one mistakea ai the past and the new tord.a niain .almnt t ofa gi-est interest every year te, local Mdess whici ai-e possesaing thie Youthted 1breeders as well as those ironi eut- ai tii gexneration, showii by the "«rhTlt'That" la a 'breezy mnul ,aide points. Enquiries for eata- League of Nations, thte Naval Con- coniedy, beautiiully costumed, wjiL lacues have came front aIl parts of f erence in Landan, Eglanid, and: clever dances, cachy songe, and oniaio. other organisations in which the ie-t. 0 T %liml retl Bowsnile isrit asbeomeyongr enraia ae howing apat. Tikets are now on sale by the nil dsrc a bcm 01ergnrto are ad- f dedmbeirs o«the cast and organisa- ,.tecontre af a breeding ground for b5a-ilne pri-the sprit a' in0 Scsd7c Tenare SI -'-thorns ai a very hkbh class. as the Christ. to t5ead7c h eevi 1 attle that bhave gone out froni bore Tbe service oi praise incluied an sent plan opens Manday, IPeb. lrd, at I baewntebges1ooaa b anthern by the chair, a sala by Mms. Mtchell's Drug Store Royal Show brincinw record prices. H. M. Faster, in the niornixie; a soo3010_____________ L The smi nreeding will be found r RyodCale in the alter-~ I brds of thp sa'e veteran breeders. in the evenig. ý Thnso corî1rPihtine, are- C. H. Muim- RosiE O'REILLY HCIEL pfnr(i FE. R. F. Oýqh-ume. John Baker, Obone.S. has. J. . Jhn-trouble witli their Incare tui paper .un Fred Parkrr. J. L. Crydernian. la lis unie.teerOs L. Richardson k 'Son. 1ta bsS Ine h lgO@r 1Farinera -licau'l avail theniselves o vant, aboard thé. DIvng Belle yadhtlPLAYDOW N S t his u'ieuudýd ebqnce of securinr a Rotehe i-ip i-ing musaw lca higb-class bord sire or a foundation Roi 'eil 0ngae h oa fnae beyon faea i-talent at thoe Opera Bouse bars on ____ those nover liavIng owned a pure-bred 1ti euiu lywt ay ire sho ld take advantage o f the surainaine eaut furea. A nu" Il M KI- a -'nerana assistance given by the Live Bwmnr leatu mrs.pA u r fi-D A 1'Stock Brsncb wbicb off ors to psy le artiats ai-e inludeâ in the caut RI A 1 2 0 «,,of the c st 1>rice ai a bull. ' Up I o aa'ad ivtwY ai e ta $250. purchased fronu an accred- d l u s aa' to fei ta s.IStca Itdhedan lyrve.A teouli n bus oI fi tse t, *1 JA N . 3j ltedbor an apravd. s te hIla The play ls belig direct.od by Rus- la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ .1ae1iearad prvd ysIB.Hwbre twL_ be_-e f. .À- %,,ana tan 'f i jr-, 1~ i BOWMANVU