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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1930, p. 2

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VI( Tlm ~dISAEMN OMNIL HRDY.JNAY3V.13 LG i THE EDITOR TALKS making his employer or foreman feel APPOINTMENT A SURPRISE M. GC. V. GOUI.D, B.A., LL.D. 1Ulke doing it himsell it is very el -____ 'Brrser, Solicitor, Notary Our advice to boys and girls alike dent he is neot cut out for succesa.1 The so-cailed ward-heelers anad pea- i Moeney te. ban on Fiam and Towul bas ever been aince our early active That boy will be cursed with medi- nut politicians in both political par- 11 propesrty. RLoyal Bank Building, le on the farm where we learned ocrity or prove a downright failure. ies in this riding appear Vo lbe Eowmanville. Phone 351. to do the work there was to be done Canada is no place for boys who will grely surprised and baffled with; there bo neyer be afraid to work. only grow up to lio indolent ineffic-1 the announcement made lait week W. R. STRIKE As we remember the very haxdest ient men. Failure will dog their that Police Mgstrate W. F. Ward,' Rarrister, Solicitor, Notary day's work we ever did as a boy of footsteps and succesful ones williB. A., of Bownianville, had been ap- Z3elictor for Bank of Montreal 17 or 18 was in keeping up tVo a push them to the wall. Take this pointed Permanent Returning Officeri Noney o Loan. Phone 911 strong, able laboring man eniployed motto fer your îud:frDra onyb ue atn BeYwmanville, Ontario. at day work by my father in harvest'If you would wish Vo gain respect guay, Chief Election Officer, under time before hie bought a reaping Prom ail the human kind; the Dominion Elections Act. W. F. WARD, B. A. machine. In our conceit we under- This short advice do not neglect, It la stated from Ottawa that the ~rriter .glictor No.ry took to keep along side of him swing- But impress it on your mind: ponmnstruh.tCnd r Money o Loan. Bonds for Sale. ing in unison a craille in a fine up- Whatever you attempt do well, made merely in pursuance of the Offce-,Beale Blck Kng tretstanding field of Sprîng whoat. Any This is the boetter plan; amendments Vo the Electikns Act, Dqwanill, DÀaio P~ne:2man who has cradelled a wholo day And if in aIl you don't excel Section 21, passed at the last Federal Offce102 ious 49.long will tell you that it is roal work Just dO the boit you can. session, providing that returning of- for an experienced man and wo had*** ficers shaîl be named by the Chief ___________-not been long in that 10-acre field Carlyle once said: "There is a per- Election Officer as a means of taking, DENTAL cutting a swarth 40 roda long before ennial nobleness and even sacred- letion machinery out of polities.C we were thoroughly convincod of that ness in work. Were hielever so bie- 1V is further pointed -out that these ýj DRt. G. C. BOTNYCASTLE fact and he next mornin« when we nighted or forgotful of his high Cal- roturning officors are permanent and :1 Igonor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto tried Vo arise for breakfast we had ing, thero is always hope for a man can only be removed for cause. tIaIveralty. Graduate of the Royal additional ovidence of it in our stiff who atmally and earnostly works; in This latost innovation of a party ý OofIlege of Dental Surgeons of On- arms and legs.* idlenoas alone thore is perpetual de- g-overnmont appointmnent is toc much tulo. Office. King St., Bownianville. spaîr. Blessed is he who bas flound for the hide-bound, died-in-the-wool Office phone 40. Bouse phone 22. "Give othors' work mast shareo f work; lot hirn ask no other blessed- politicians Vo fathom. Iiow corne X-Ray Equipaient in Office. praise; ness; lie bas a lifes purpose-labor such trickery? Who is rosponsiblei Not of thine own the monits raise." is life." . fer recommonding thoso permanent 1 DR. j C. DVITT-Goethe. Ho that la taught while young the appointments? are &omne of the ques-1 Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson We can assure our readers that value of true work, the resolve would tions boing askod by the know-aIls in GTadIIato of Royal Dental College, the day alter we wero qu.ite wllng grow on him as hie advanced in years the "who's who" office-seekers' party Toronto. office: Kng St. East, I o take~ Gothe's advice. The old te labor during his best days. Let strengh'olds. It's amusing. It's Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. proverbial Scotch prayer "Gie us a men feel that they labor for the hon- laughable Vo see the indignation, te . qp. m. <Iily except Sunday. guid conceit o' oosel's" ia held up as or of being a wcrker and net for the consternation and furor these high- Phone 90. Bouse phone 283. a good joke by the scoffing Saxon in devotion of their livos o accumula- hatted individuals are causing. AIl X_-1Iay Equipmuent in Office. England "dcwn South"; but it ia tion of wealth, for work is the grand- bocause an unwritten law of party probable that the earnost old Scot est education, the surest path to patronage bas been viclated, ignored, DR .E. DINNIWELL who utterod it neyer moant the samne knowlodge and wisdom. Everyone disregardod and cast into the discard.i Hono graduate of Toronto Univer- to be taken in the sonse most people knows men who have rison solely A new era of efficiency is evident-I sity and member of Royal College cf iare accustomod te look at i. What thru the pledding common-senso in- Ily boing ushered i by the LiberalIl Dental Surgeons. Licensod tojlho moant, no deubt, was that we dustry and onergy with which hey Governînent at Ottawa by appointing, pasctise in Ontario and the Dominion. should preserve a proper dignity and have always dovoted themsoives toeoxperioncod, qualified and responsible ý Detistry in ail its branches. 0f- self respect, ltting the world he whatever duties lie before them. men Vo administrative and executivo ý ficm: King St., Bowmanville, opposite conscicus of our knowledge and*** positions such as county returning Bank of Monreai Phono 301. strength when need bie, for there is a No one will gainsay this statemont: offiicers in federal elections regardlesa difl'erence in fact between having a IV býas been woll said that the young of political affiliations. A glance ~ good opinion of ourselves and being should ble brokon into stoady, regu- ovor the list of recent appointees in- MEDICAL conceited. The world cannot oler- lar, persisent, plodding, industrious cludes Barnisters. Sherîffs, Division i C.W.SLMNM.D, . . aVe a man who bas an overestimate of ways. If noV done early in 1f e the Court Cerks. Police Magistrates andi1 c. w SLEONM. D, C.M. bimself and puts f orth dlaims Vo posi- habit is nover thorougbly acquîred even Editors. g>aduate of Trinity Medical College, tion or knowledge Vo, which lho oh- afterwards. The power of and the Pause for a moment and compare Toronto, "foruierly of Enniskilcn viously bias nover attained. But aIl inclination Vo work grows on the the qualifications of the above mon Office and Residence: Dr. Beith' can respect a man who cannot helplycung; and we know from our ownlwith somne office-seeking returning j fermer residence on Church Streer beinçr conscieus of the power, know- experience that it soon ,becornes ajoffi cors who were selected in the past Bowmaville Phon 259. 44Itledge or talent hoe possesses and Who matter lof personal interest and alby either political party in almcst Eormavile Pono25. 4- fwill consequently assert his individ- pleasure, their self-estecim being any riding you choose to think. If j. CLARK BELL uality. gaified by the happy feeling aria-I you are noV toc party minded hcrel Mo., Ch. B., F. R. C. S., <Edin.),o. P. H*** ing from thir usefuIness and sense, is8only one conclusion you can corne (Successor to Dr. A. S. TilIey) But we have wandered a bit frorn cf responsibiiity. "Labor of any 1 o, and that ila the permanent return- Hon. GadateinMedicine, Aber- our subiect: Do not be afraid Voi kind is performod in the beat man- îng officer is a stop in the right dir-I deen University; Fellow Of the Roya work boys and girls. Old timersiner by those wbo put their wbole ection. Cellege of Surgeons, Edinhurgh. who knew in their early years what'boa rt into its acco'mplishment.. Their I As far as the selectien for Durham Office and Residonce: Queon Streetwrraly ss ii agreo among reward cornes Vo them, net in the ap- County is concernod we haveeer Bowmanvillo. Phono 89. Vemselves that the great fault ofliplause cf the admiring crowd, but1confidence that W. F. Ward bas the.t 0Mc Hors:2 o 4P. ., t 8.0 P mthe prosent rising goneration is ta in the actual fulfilment cf their own1 qualifications te carry eut the exact- Iý Offce our: 2te P.m.,6 t 8.P it is far toc eften afraid cf wrk- endeavers; in the excellence of their' ing duties expected of him and will w. H. BIRKS, M. D. rs oetbr work as their work and in the new and progressive do 50 in an efficient, in dependent. Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 o 8.30. fathors and grandfathers knew it. ideals that rise up beforo theni, ever and unhiased manner. Telehone108.Within the last half century, say, beckening themi on te fresh con- Telepone 18. ,life bas beon made se easy hrough quests." Office & Residenco: Dr. Hazlewood's HN OE LI fome esdec, eligtn teethe immense deveopment of the iTre- e rceied* * *HONSROER LU fomrrsdne elntnSresu cof civilization that i w ercie inspiratien for the 8 ER Bomnil.seemed te discourage effort and sol foregoing mainly from reading a Hnual oe ln orb ___________weakened the stamnina cf the race. chapter of "Shepherds" by Marie Governer of North Dakota, 1895 te CHIRORACTC AN DRULESSTake the matter cf farming alone and Conway Dernier w-ho says this cf a 1897, celebrated his 81sV birthday oni CHIRORATI AN DUGES those cf us wlîo lived on farms away young girl, named Allie, in full Docember 18, 1929. He la brother TH-EROPY b ack in the last quarter cf the l9th charge cf a rectory and the family: of Mrs. Samuel Shortridge, Solina, DURWIN E. STECKLEY century, say, know weil how farm I have said ours is the biggost and Ont. The Walsh County Press cf bonor graduate af Toronto College work has heen made easier by invent- pooest parîsh on earth, hayon't I? ec.19Vh says that from aIll parts cf of Chiropractie wilI bie in the Bow- iong tba'c have been introduced. Weil, Allie runs it. Allie îruns the1 North Dakota, from the National manlville Office Tuesday, Thursday Since thon, tee, ceducation bas hoe- rectory. and sews fer us and ether ICapital, frcm former fellow-worker and SaturdaY evenings, phono 141J.1 corne se cheap and has beon made se people, toc, says Jack. She basan from friendis and neighbors the Residential Cr-lis made during fora- rnuch easier Vo acquire hy vanlou., classes-, Vo, and looks after the sick Ieban eevdexrsin sotcuVa, that the ising youth have and the women with babies and the coiern eev mpes o - cf EOOU ~~considerod it alrnost a pleasant past- babies themselves, trying te keep peTal and fiiItibts dcn time-tbe good old scbool days. their mothers froin fccding theni ail TepeetGvro o.Gog FUNER.AL DIRECTORS when hey were so care-free and sorts cf stuff and she keep.s in touch F. Shafer, Bismarck, in bis message happy. with the girls who bave te work in Gas overnor Allun is one of the ý F. F. MORRIS CO. ***aIl kinrîs cf places and with t ho men lfss. s mn tefuneso AU Complote Motor orl Thon, laVter, when they cerne te the who can'V find any sort of work at North Dakota. Ho aided in forming, Em Horse Equipment. age for seeking an occupation they ail, at Vîmes. She writes aIl Fathcr's our Constitulion and served as Gov- AIl calîs promptly aim Vo find sorne genteel place where i letters, tee, and s"es most cf bis caîl- ornor during the mest tryngpro \ B I attended o. they can dress well, noV soul their ors as wc1lisaslber own and pays al i i our State history. igpro \UUV/ rivteAmblane. clothes and handle hings witboutladdah as oeta R. A. Ne-tos roturning frorn Wah- Bo'wmanville phono: soiling their hand%. They want te hall hiwork and looks after hbu, iïgton, D. C.. wired a îne-acg" in 'Y Orono and 34. ho in a position 1 eethyco ieitee. In hetween times she rnakes hc osi:Gvro li'swr Brnc Sors- orders o otbers, o figure daily as peace hetween neighhors and visits and life is an object lesson te the Ooo& Newcastle. matr thseneee<bnte the jail and the hospîtals, and on Sun- bar wr ath enle d dry. the a h iy ra ech 1 younger genci-ation. He always ALAN . WILIAMS ard wrk an the rudgey. Thy dayshe pays he ostooan tstceadfat stathathwotforcesrces ork-- ALNM.WLLAS nover seem Vo realize that te bie the Sunday School. Yet -,le bas ime te inz for the roondcf the peeple andi Embalmer and Funeral Director. master cf mon hey must first ho a' play with us. children every now and was fearless in do)ing wlat bc thourrht Calîs given prompt and personal at- master of the particular business te thon, t teVl is stories on reiid te us waq just and rigbt. tention. No extra charge for dis.. whîch they aspire, for be iV under-' at night and Vo mako and mend mest The Park River paper Presin a tance. Motor Ambulance at yeur stood for certain that ne worknian o)f our clothes. Allie says that only long editorial says: It falls but te few service. Phone 58 or 159, Bow- will have any respect fer the man busy people always have ime te do mcn's lot to be honored in sucb a manville, Ont. 3-tfi put over him unless hoe feel., that that hings and the busier they are tbe marner as vas Honest Rtzi- Allin ______________________ man's kn owledge of the business is more thon can (le? on this occasion. The Governer of supenior te bis ewn. The master a any Stacesman reader beatbi s taite, throe former ChiefF.c- AUCTIONEERS who rue i. the one who can if neeci this? ives, among whem the senior Un if d hie ake off his coat and do the work- States Senater from North Dlakota, THEO M. SLEMON mon 's werk, foi- any workman knows Persian BaIniiimparts a rare charmn the Countv aiurbonities;, bis home City, Auctisoneerit itotwsigt mnsrt. and distinction te he woman who chrhe.civir and fratoernal or'zan-> Fa&rm and flouse Sales a Specialty. Look about ameng Ca»adian indlust-l, (' it. rgata lwr e ztinfiîd n eghr h Ternis moderato. Enniskillen P. O. ries an<l vou will find 'bat the truclleîciously cool te the skin, it always joined in offering congratulations andl Phono 197r3. 1-tf' rulers cf industry Vday arec o wh resuIts in complexions delighfully -howinz thoýir poenlrset have been "through tne ipI" and «young and<lolvely. Indispensable to ene and al'hpv~ love andI respect hinî know. what's w-at. even. daintv woman. As a powder aF few men hbîve been level and re-I VETERINARY* * base for oily-textured skins or as a sece.î bv hie, compatriots.I 9. G. K.ERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Quite often, toc. these niasters will Toeaynd ltiontcethe ekin.riv c- doyen,. AEln wl rninfthr. Riorher lie foun<lin the big business, but in Toe n h kn e-Dvn.Ewad iIfteR l Orono the bcerucpras ommen<lod aIse o soften and inaku- Afl in. Sen.. lied when bis son R tror Honor Graduate of University of .nbak'tndh rapaway d"W'n the handIF flaxlesslv white. , s a inili lad and Ili, nîctbr's secè Toronto. AlI cases givon promp. I myriad wheels and 'lie rcjar and rat- t cml husband w-as Will;-îni Bondl. and careful attention. Ocfunifice-Dr. B i Te ans1, aaa tin d McElroy's former office. Phonoes uneofr.stood, thore erthtyoug wB,(, hcso rcivulacon fo;uhnubi hthoi rpr (icrn o dct'iithea enega lnr lia hr irsnrclv( ri IrJkinny Gained 22 Lbs." i j Wed waitlios i -uariîiIofark< Lbï ý_ Irnnid Yast diad t, %.Ys mrs. i ted- occupations whiîs-, thn scare-itv Be,ýit.Ti' ,und' s' s ',to1 i . .tf gauued in 3 weeks. Nu.tiA..ft .,~ipat c f boys who arc romdv 1<î werk 'in itny 'nih oscuniglul. Sir tF ', mogu. Cet Iionized Yeast tabiew iL;ým d-zPg*ut today. Ius;efol capacity is the despair cf c'-1 fery business nman. This report toc. ____________________________states that the one thinr that koeps go many youn"_ mon out of ernploy- ment and déendent on parents is I~1DftA(~~J the fear cf wcrk; and it seemes im- J. H ER M O N possible Vo makoe thpi understand J. I~i~A I~A~ that indolence and lazîness are the Poultry at Fair Prime This is the inspiration wo like. A business man remanks that when ho Phones: secs a boy wbio bas gecured a job takel Bowmnvflle: 501. hold of iV with botb hands, feanlesal Toronto: Trinity 8940J of sollng theni, and jump right into Addru: 74 Aguaa Av., is wotk, as if ho meant o succeed Aarm: 24 Auust Ave, 1we have confidence tbat ho Will Pros- Toronto. 87-lyr. Per. But if be stands round and aska questions wlien old Vo do a thlng et asks numerous explanations, J piain trtithli er hlui,'mdi. >Iis' Weugliteîl îîîsril' 21>0> Pus u-id bildtu bt.uv et Ilie i. Rei dthi s let t r. M %. Wl fet o-lias u ici ttorring witi l uusiied l ](.s :ou fort uand WC"glied 196 11)4. 1i.very scldoni able ta go cuit wul k inug. Allei r talking Kriis.cenSud ts for tw. w'ks. bier llbuu.'ulias gene, legs anuifot fecl casier." Exot-ss fat je cased Ih5 the lîver, kidrneys sadliowels, the ', cavengng"' organs of the body--failing te do their .ork properly. They de net throw off that Waite matera-the product of digestion. This secumulates, and-- before you realise it-you are growiag hideously fat. The " lttle daily dose iof Kruschen Salta tones up the elimin- ating organs to jperform thework gimly nmasse of fat ditappear and what r1b5 drop off as the fat moita away-. »vg oum-eb ym -Mm th ti OWING T( Storm )THE Weather of LAST WEEK-END, which prevented many of our Country Friends who were snowed in, from participating in the BIG VALUES offered we have decided for their benefit to REPEAT next FRIDAY and SATURDAY our F 1 - h -4' Sorne of the Items off iered are entirely sold out - but we are adding many other BIG VALUES COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Floorcloth Ends We are clearing out al ends of Floor Coverings ranging from 3 yards to 10 yards in the length. This is the time to buy the odd piece for your small bedroom, or any other place, at haif price, Per n d% 1 Square Yard Z"~Ce Duro-Dye Prints Have you seen ournew Spring shipment of these imported English f abrics. These are the fadeless kind -- you can boil them and the color won't budge. The maker guar- antees every yard. The best print value in the trade. C% É% Per Yard Zilce BIGCTHINV-ALITE 6 doz. heavy CretonneCushions - a special pur- chase at less than half price value for29-cý. - - regular 59e Each NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND THIS IS A RECORD Mn. H. G. Holwell, who bougbt thel Isaac Clark farm just nortb cf Hamp- on on the Scugog Rosi some Vhree yeans ago, inforrns us that ho thinks oe bas a record in raising calves u'hich is bard Vo beat. Since ho bas been on this farmn 26 calves bave coen born, mostly Sborthorns. 0f bhis number there were 25 consecu- ivo bulis. Howover, abeut thre veeks ago the alI-male monotony was broken when a heifer caîf appeared on the scono. Some bull story, sure enoughi Asthma Cannot Last when the used. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Athma Remedy assurodly deserves this ex- altod title. It brings help Vo even the moat sovere cases and brings the ipatient Vo a condition of blesaed re- 'lief. Sur.ly suffering from asthma la needless when a remedy like this la» se aaly eeuwo. AND SAVE A LOT q 4 I. te make a part cf our business as iV always bas stood as a guaranteo cf dlean, safe, dependable fuel. "Reading" is Pennsylvania bard coal and is sold in aIl sizes. W. also bandie Semet Solvay Coke All ordors will receivo careful and prompt attention by Phonming 520 Henry Lathrope Uàb.rty St. 4 Dfernt from Qilicirevery othoe Oatà QUAIKER OATS COOKS I 1 MNUE1S 1 - Evi STATESMAS, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1930 IXAWM qnnn 1 VrIAT 1 e

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