?MIE too STTSRN ONNIL, TRUR8DÂY, JANUARY soth, 1930 WH 30 euyà Nya Standa Cod Liv athers &» a Bcause itis i pro4 Ridhin uVita Bulld& HeaI and Wards Off C $1.00 for Il Kers1o THE DEPENDASI SH( Under au Beith's THI. 15 BU' Splendid opj Governi owned a plu $20 to $50. Write Jl 1, for catalol Ladies ahad of the jJterested in oi NEW Particularly s effecti with 1< will find then Corne il and see what'i BAL.' Not mai cost price andl certainly in fo ILowaII Block The OURI We arec you don't neec next winter. Women's Low Women's Higi Children's and Overshoes Women's Higl Overshoes Ail above bought at a pr price to clear. Phone 200 cd it to ocl ols l godV Ci-tadiReeJnal......... $.50 rice to sel], but are-bein soid a ** j **»* - "- eig at-Saturday Evoniug Post ...... $500 Family Henald & Weekly Star $3.00 Weekly Wituess .............$400 DaadiHrne...ur..........$.500 SHOES THAT SATISFY F «ete yas h,. J%4o l OORE s 'Carm adi Home ...Jouma ..$.0 W. C. IVES, Managerr. .FDuh- armevi' Sun ...............3.50' er CUf euitis. vanigh 1k. Itu MacLean'a Magazine .........4.00; _______________________________with-Fuitaties -Ctipati00.imai Bfowmanville 'Canadian Counutryman....$.0 omnzriuiat____________________*Canadian Magazine ..........$8.00 __CUT THIS OUT I TYRONE BLACKSTOCK THIS COUPON 18 WORTH tepatr4Rr J .Trmo r. rprLeutheresbyter îaî mie e 1tChurcweecnuedbRv.Iy 8nb'a edct'lr.LterH prwi <etc Ohch services in the Uniited A~ ~ ~ ~ 1 CE TS1 '..O ody. iga h ls WhtbY on Thurscay, Februry 6th, iNweli, B. A. He spke on "Dcvo- I ROYL 10 ENTSthe eU fle eting a congrega- at the. W. M. S. meeting .... Mr. and' cas, the devoted woman." The ad-l RYLTHIEATRE, UOWMANVILLE tional meeting was held, and altbe' lrs. E. Ormiston, Enfield, visited dr. asbt ntrsie n - are uing At ny e.nin perormace drln 'the weather was rather stormy there lMr. W. Sals. v aeM-siig h evcsc t on. month of Pebruary, 1M3. Oniy on. I was a fairly good uttendance, and COy had SaPversucces.afu.Lio OfMe-Chrcn h e er icesd f .. W. s LI's coupon applicable on *soh pald ad-.1 atter the business in connection with Tuesday, January 2lst. Last Tues mission. church matters b.ad been gone cicr day evening a gathering cf red1 are holding a skating party Jan. 1t .riz dand satisfactorily arranged a social rom Bethesda and Tyrne gathered Eery<ne 15 ivited as a god time1 Addltlonal cou>ces mas' b. iad &t! hait hour folcwed and refresiments and gave -them a kindly farewell and iarohtred terY. P. . cf nited TeSaemnoe. were served by the ladies ...The presented theni with a read~ing lamp hvn a ktiprtye5Jan.work l Th ttura fï young men of car nelghb>orhood, who accompanied by best wishes previous axgasaigpryJn 2d ver ______________ have been attending the Agricultural ta leaving for tlieir new home In The Bible Study and prayer was tak-1 &$king wh? Classes held at Bowmianville, took in Braoklin.. . Lengue Thursday eve,-. en by the past president, Olive Van- a standardized MAPLE GROVE I ie trip ta Toronto last Wednesday. lng was in charge of Fourth Vice Campp. She took as îhem subjecti lut ___,_Miss Theima Werry and Miss Mari-on President, Miss Margaret Moore. "Spiritual Ways and Means". Ati dutHoncy also to in the ttip and fro pei n didtapic was given by Min. the first of the year we shauld ail be1 mines reports aur ycung people had a very (Re,.) J. R. Trumpour on The Lesg-' reckoning the cost cf the year that( hy Radies Mrs. Edward IBailey, son Rwobert, enjoyable day ... . A number of cur ne of Nations. A reading by Mr. lies befare. The young people then Kingsville, are visiting hier aunt and residents have been indispoaed wlth Albert Wood. League service this1 praceeded to the rink, where cvery-11 klIds uncle, Mr. and Min. H. A. Far..... bad colds and la grippe, Mr. W. J. week will bie on Friday evening in-1anc enjoycd the skating. Min. Cla-j ý6 o«. bole Mrs. Charlie Bail and famuly, Clear Cann, Mrs. A. Richards, Miss Hilda, stead of Thursday. A debate be-1 ence Marlow and Mr. Herbert Banks!i Creek, are visiting lier father, Mv.1 Mr. G. Cornish and Mrs. F. Honey.:tween the Tuxis Boys and the C. G. won the prize for being the fastesti John Aldsworth .... Miss Ruth Arm-. Glad te report *ail able ta be out 1. T. on "Wood -bas dont, mare fer akaters. Credit should b. given ta. stron, wh lia beenvisiing 1er nain ..Some Saleinpeople attend- Mankind than Ca." ... . Chunch ser-IUcgrswosae ttechrl parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Amm- 1ed teilsntdtl ie yRv ieo udya 03Oa i and prepared the lunch which evevy-ý s strang, lias rctunned ta lier duties at ý J M. Wbyte et Ennlîktllen at Hamp.. o ne enjoyei. 'The prograni con-i il eGrace Hospital, Trant .... Don,'totn on Monday evenlng and repart al SALEM LEAGUE sisted of piano duet, Misses Frances j ftorget the congregational mting in splendid es'ening. et b sdGrcMotoyPadynth LE DRUG SORE thefaTleon Fiday eveîof, JhearyouTgeExecutive for 1930, by Mrs. Clarence' 8lsRU TOE te atl 8 riaye bd weî-Jnuar. People's Society held Its first meet-. Manlo sund Olive VanCamp; nesd-j conie. Mr.M Evryod wl-HAY60N ji n . ua Mm:. Ho4y. the home ing by Mrs. Clanence Msniow; piano __________ Mr. Ben Flaxington, Tarante, vis- the winter pregnain weremd n sole by Miss Viela Bradburn; reading; ited at Mn. S. Tnewin's over the other business discussed. A iy i ss Trou. ee Ga;detabyCmp. 1 wcekend .... Mr. Bert Fenguson and heur was spent sud a dalnty lunchiF .Nwl n lv a ap ,Miss Elva Ferguson, Enfield, Sunday- was served by Mns. Honey aud Mis The social evening ciosed with the ed a Mr.E. radly's .... Mr andMaron Hney Mizpah benediction .... Some of the 1 The Nnth nnualSaleof Ms. Frank Crossyman, Kedron, visit- League meeting was held Manday menibens of the W. M. S. spent the ed at Mn. J. Crossmnan's. . . . Miss eveming with an atteudance et 4 3.'evening of Jan. 23rd with friends in! Meta Ashton, Toronto, spont the PregTram was in charge et Mr. 1. Part Perry on account of the bad 1 Iweekend at bier home. .. .Mrs. Leslie Coembs, who rend the Bible lessn roads .... .Miss Eleanor Kemp visited J K I HK I' S IGrahami and Master Roy are iznder piano solo was given by Mr. L. Col- friends iu Toronto over the weekend. the d o tor's cane...Mr. and Mrs. D. lacott; reading, Mr. Coembs; tapic, . . .. W. are glad to report that Mn. ______B. Crydrrman, Hamnpton, visited at Mr. P. L. Squair, mouth argan solo, Earl Grey is rocoverng tram bis vemy Mr. M. Slemon's ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Corniali; readiug, Miss Gilbank;' serions iliness..Miss Jean Byers,I ispime of Durham County Shorthiorn t ligin Miountjoy and babe visited at Teadiug, Reg. Coombs; violin duet, Burketou sment Suuday with Miss' Mr. Harvev Crosqsman's, Taunton Messrs. L. Coombs and C. Goliacottj (Gertrude Henry, Blackstock .. Association at MisEey olng4r neii t the close the annuai Cougmega. Misses Susie and Olive Van Campi i tHepburn. Cartwright, visited at Mr. tional meeting was held in charge of, spent Sunday with Misses Frances R. MeNeil's ..Mr. J. Crossman and' aur paster, Rev. J. R. Trumpour. and Grace Mountjoy .. . .Euchre par- ,Mr. . Rare vstda Mr. F. Cross- Lunch was senved aud a social time ty aud basket social, unider the ans-1 e ian's, Kedro .... Mr. D. Hall visited enjoyed. pices of L. O. L., wss well attcnded.! .ta l ,.o m n i 1 his niother in Toronto who wbile en- Mrs. V. Archer and Mr. Georgel i tering the church slipped and teil on ENNISKILLEN Crawford won the prizes.. .. Mr. and on the Pavement breakîng ber armi..._____Mm Win. VanCamp entertained al OUIMr. Fred Ash1ton. Mr. Gardon and Mvi. (Dr.) Ferguson and Miss An- number for dinuer an January 23rd.' Miss Mabel Beeeh matared ta Tor-1 nie Oke at'tcnded the Presbyteriai of Amoug thbe guests wene Mr. and Mi.' RS A , FE tionto recent'y. --.Mn. and Mrs. E. the Womcn's Missionary Society beld 'W. O. VanCamp. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. JR D Y iB t 1 Bradlev eutertained a numbercfuWbtyoThnd .M.adS h at1.0 . . oung pecp!e at :htýir home anc even- Mns. Frnk Spry and faniily bave ne-, mar, anM.JakndiMssertWrgh at .30P. . ng last week. ..... Lloyd shton, turncei ta their 'horne in Rochester anJan..Mn. sdMs. Aicbar Wight hs been at bis sister's. Min W.I1 ter sediga montb witb udJen. ss icar Sino JO flL'r aA1 r Q Brownlce, for the p ft ek. sMr.dingteirntertaiued a number of friends en L L 3 - i V ILiVAZ L~L b. I rowie. ba ben ii.Mcl ,parents, Mn. Win. Oke aud Mv. and lJan. 23rd, on the occasion If lhem I Mi. J Spy. .. M. Canii. Sainon, Ibirthday. patby is extended ta the many friends a was _the_______thhi portunity to secure higyh-class herd sire iland relatives of anc of aur former, arshw .a pnd Mthe Week nwt bis resdets Ms. hali Jhnsn ne ... Mr. O. L. Bycrs k prepaning for OBJTUARY or a foundation female. Maud Curtis) who passed away ~i hot wcather by puttjng in icc.. 11Toronto rccenly... League Program 1 Rev. J. M. Whytc gave bis lecture,I Mra. Chas. Hiamans ment assisti famners who have neyer last week was in charge et one et ouri On the Lite in a Lumber Canyp. a nwVice Presidents, Miss Gladys Hampton on Monday night... Mss. Foec rgt ie ttelt re-redsie i prchse o xtet f j~ rTiopn; tBie neas bding, lt Lamna Thos. McGill sud Reva, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hinman, passed away Jan. 20, nipMs.T on;tci wa s tably ealrwt Roy McGill and Mr. Lloyd Ashton at- 1930, at tihe home oftlber son-in-law, by Ms. . Cwlîg o "Sranersteuded the funeral of thbe late Mss.1 Gerald Talcott, tollowiug a lingeing ohn ake, R R. Within Our Gatcs"; reading, Miss Charlie Johnson (nec Maud Curtis) 1 ilîness If several ycars. rh BaeSecretary, HamptonR. . Renia Bradley; vocal sole was sweet- who died very suddenly, in Toronto. . Thei deceased, who was in ber 74tli gue orcaî atStaesm n Ofic.)y sung by Miss Lorna Thonpsn...I Mr. Claude Sniith spent a te-w year, was bornion Christian Street, A godl nuberwen prsen atdays with bis sister, Airs. Hlarold Or- Prince Edwand Couuty, sud was a the CengregationaI meeting last mistn.. Our voads are pretty quiet daughter et the late Mn. sud Mrs. was raa tedin. It wa scie toiithout auy cars travelling ou theni. Peter Wright, and a grand-dsughten was ranactd. t wa deide o. ... Mn. and *Mrs. Harvey McGill cri- of the late Rev. Gea. Jones, wbo re- paint the cbunch aud front cf the jtertained a nuniber of fnicrids ta tea sided at Orono fer sanie ycass. shed. Mn. Sulas Tnewiu was newly on Moriday eveninz. ..Our pastor. At the agcet sixteen she nieved jelected Steward, sud Messrs. CecilI Rev. J. M. Wbyte, intauds bold;ng wth bier parents ta Sharon. There ~TAT 7T ~ "-~-w-ansd Milton Sienion as niembevi oti special meetings here next week be- in 1888 she was married teoChas. iv i~ xi c~.I j. Ithe Sades. sio. c a sen ved bye gininz on Sundav evening. Thee Hinnan, who pedee.ased len thir- __________________________ Ithe ladioes.Epeily no abl 'S will also ibe a junior choir next Sun- teen yeans ago. - I<DC<o1n . plony'vovided by Mn. day nigbt .... .Mouthiy meeting ot the Since vcry yeuug, she was a egu- love to see the advance styles just C. Camard. Thank yau, Chliie! Ladies' Aid will be held ou Wcdnes- Jar attendant of tbe Methodist seasn. ou ill herfor be n- AMPON day, Feb. 5tIh, in the basenient of Churcil. Duriug the last three seaon Yo wIltheefre e n-HAMTO the churcb. Ahl ladies welcome. years,eowing te taiiing health, lio ,r shQwing this week of Mrs. Leslie Brooks and Mrs. Bertj COURTICE wbich bad beeriniuch cherished lu Stevens were lu Toronto vîsiting fre yas fnind avr heweeen. Telt- Miss Lyla Osborne, Tenante, was Two daugbters nemain ta mouru terwa vsLtnglir nel, r.Hugi om b er e weekeud .... Mn. sud the lm of a ]ovirie mother: Min. G White ot Saskatciewan, who is onMrs. S. S. Brooks were in Taronte E. Taicott, with whcmn she bas resid SPRING DRESSES f his way to Irlaud ... Mn. R. G. rdoysur.SMashall Mruls. A.nFat d iss; the diet h onf brhsad betwy h as lived witb bis gue8setM.MvbîSeesciStcdsccth datoterhba daughten, Mrs. Jas. Clatwomtby, for'-wdyadSna ...Ms A .adMs are imno Hamil- smart and charming styles and shade the past tour yeans, is o visitin u e ntr ainda 0ite f Osh- tn Ont.;as n tr r. Gea. ~n ns n ig astue. o is yoiingest daughter, Mrs. R. Hew-lw ladies entyea dinneran Murnhy of Fenelis, Ont., sud two "so reasonably priced, too, at wand ta celebrating bis 9 3rd bi'tb- 1 in carda.. . .Oni Tnesday eveuing of N. Y., sud W. G. Wright et East j day ou Febrnary lOtb. Wben lie lagt week Mn. aud Mrs. A. J. Gay en- Dedbam, Mass. celcbrated bis 9tb birthday ýhe wasitertained about a dozen of their A short service was coriducted at $12.75 anld $16.95 the recipient of aven 200 messages1 frlends. A most appttizinz dinuer the bouse Weduesday, Jan. 22nd, at and avea lok t tesedreses of congratulations tram bis numerous; wVas served at 6 p. mnisd thc even- 10 a. ni., by a former paster, Rev. W. " andhave lookat thse drsses triends.Young Peopie's meeting iug wss spent iu cames. Mn. sud A. Buriner. after whidh the reniaine s going to be new for Spring Wear. o Fiday evening, Jan. 24th, wasl Mss. Gay were niait genial as host wüe taken to Sharon Church, er wellatteded. MissMary'Peters, i sud hostesa.... .Suuday services weme Coîborrie. where a &ervice was cou- ______________________________ 4th Vice President, was in charge. good, aîtho the attoudauce was net duoted bv Rev. W. H. Leigh of 11-I After business bad been condnctedas large as usual on acconrit ofth ton. Interment took place atI LNE F IN ERCO TSby Miss Horn, President, the toliewa-i roads. Our pastai-, Rev. J. Hl. S tie Waite's Cenietery. ý.C O ITE O TSimnenibers toak part: Lessbu was'ton, prcached a fine sermon in the CR FTAK 1 rend by Miss Florerice Burns; devo-i mamîng, sud in thle evenine hie cave ____OF____K ny left-but what are will be sold at tional, Miss Ethel Stephaus; topio, an illustrated lecture ou "Marcbing We wisb te thank our friends sud 1"Trhe League of Nations" was abiy iwitlh the Heroes" which was ioo neigbb.onrs for their kindriess at the 1less. If we have your size you are outlined by Miss Reynolds; a quartet interestiug...lie'Young Pecpie's tutie of the death of aur mother, tffhe )r a reai bargain. was well reridered by Messrs. W. Wil- meeting wili be bcld ou Tbnrsday late Mrs. Chas. Hin7nan, aise ton the bradWallace Hrni, Mrs. W. WiI- eveuirig as usual ..This colmmun- niany floral tributes sud expressionsI bur sud Miss Minnie Hern; Mr. Ray- ity was shocked ou hearing of the Ioft symnpa'thv. GEO. R. MASON, Manager. moud Burns read semae interesting1 deatb of Mn. R. J. McKes-ock. Soliyia.IMn. aud Mrs. G. E. Talcctt. facts of the "Tenth Assenibly of the wbo passed away in Bwa In Miss Harniet Hinnian. -- League et Nations"; Mn. Wsllace NJ Hospitai. He was a nian offne ____ Hrn, a pupil et Mr. F. Sutton, made1 Christian chai-acter aud will blI____ bis debut as a vocal sololat, doing wreatly missed in the communnities at' _______ - ______ ___ credit ta bis teaoher aud hiniscîf.' ..large, as weil as in his own commun-f FARMERS' CLUB - ~~~~~~~~Finst me etig fticW. m. S.forthiu lty.Tu_ n iptyo inshr BOWMANVILLE $19.75 $19.75 $19-75 $19.75 MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS On Sale This Week-End $19.75.; In this lot you will find about 30 Suits and Over- y coats, broken lines left over 4k ~ frorn our Jarîuary Sale. ~<~Y~/'7~~These represent sonie very fine Suits and Coats in ail jji$'~ the leading shades and styles, ail values that were up to $29.50 formnerly, out J they go this week-end FOR ONL ~ $19,o75 All other Overcoats in the store selling at our January Sale Prices. T. B. GILCHRIST1 Directly Opposite Saab ol Montreal BowmaavlIIe Phone ai. - -(ô WHA T CUT 0F MEA T DO YOU LIKE ? Do you know meat simply as "«meat" or do you know it by its full name-as a eut of meat ? The latter is ail-important, for it enables you to prepare meat as intelligently as you prepare mi ads oi soup or pastry. There are more than a hundred different cuti of meat. Ail are equally nutritious, but may not be suited to the same purpose. For instance, you wouldn't buy a cut of sirloin for a stew, would you ? Yet there are cuts for stewing that taste as fine as the best sirloin-and cost much less. Ask us to, teach you the naines and uses of meat cuti. G. A. EDMONDSTONE MEAT MARKET 1 Phone 21 Bowmanville ALLIN'S GROCERY NEWS There is always something new to offer and this week it's Bodley's Biscuiti. You're in store for a treat if you have neyer tried them. Bodley's Assorted Fingers ...............2& Ml. Bodley's Ginger Snaps ............2 Ibs. for ?.& Bodley's Pineapple Troeats ..........2 doz. for 25c Todhunter's Pure Cocoa .................25c lb. Maxwell House Coffee ........................6&elb. Toddy, the health drink ............i lb. fin 5&e Lima Beans ..................................2 Ibo. 25C WHITE FISH ..................................I& lb. Oysters in jar....................................... 35c FRESH SPARKLING EPSOM SALTS, 5 lb.. 25c External use of Epsom Saits for a bath is rec- ommended by doctors as particularly good for colds. Don't negleet the hens these days when eggs are a good price. Feed them loti of Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash and Oyster Sheil. IIARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186