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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1930, p. 5

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~ECAMADIAN STATIAN, BOWMANVILLIE, TEUM8AY, AU2~PG v LAUNDR«Y WANTED 1 Ail kinds or "iaianury workc done prompt- ly. satisfactoriiy and at reaponabie prices Write Post Olfice Box 12. or cali Mr@. W. Marjoram. King St. E. Bowmanvllle. P>'oe 478W. PETER MARTIN & SON BUILD[NG CONTRÂCTORS Plastering, Stucco for interior or exterior finished in ail Tinta, also Carpenter wcrk. Now ls the tinie ta have those odd jobs dons. We have also sécured the agency for The Ayling Mtal Weathorstrip of Tor- anto; Grey or Black Plastic Caulking; Zinc or Bronze Metal Weatherstrip. Have your bouse made draught, dust and rain proof--save coal. Estim- atea free. Write, caîl or phone 497W Bownianville. hîtroductory Olier Ut SI ......1.00 Thaey. reinofCreamu *1.50 tesular Value ........... $2580 î Ail for $1.(001 MAYBE THE EYE Do yen know that eyé &train in frequently thé reai cause of héadaches, nervcnsness aud other alIments? Find ont wbether your éyéa néed attention. Réniénben, an once of prévention la worth a ton ai cure. "Better bhé ase than aorry." Jury & Loveli The Rexaîl Store Wabl.. su eed of Drug* phono 78 Phone3 MAPLE LEAF FARMERS' MUTIlAL PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,_ COLUMBUS, ONT. Hon. Wm. Smith, President P. G. Purvis, Soerotary 35 years ai successful business. Fanm andI Vilage risks carnied at low rates. Directars know évery risi persanaîly, thérefore a fair adjust- ment in case af fine.- Diréctons in tbis territary: J. J. Smith, Ennjkjl- lén, Samuel Snowdon, Bcwnianvilée Local Agent: Everton Whte, R. R. 4 Bownanvills. Phone 146r2. 4-2m AUCTION SALE Thursday, Fol,. 0-Durhani Short- born Association wili holtI its 9t1 annal canslgniment salé oi register- éd Shorthorn cattle at Beith's Stab- lés, Bowmnanville, when 10 féniales sud 15 hulas wilI be offeréd fcr sale. Write John Baker, Secretary, Hamp- ton, R. R. 1, for catalogué contain- ing pedigree cf each animal. 4-3 Te 'a& Febmuari' 4t1.-Mr. Bert Jonc,7 Lot 3 Con. 3, Darlingtan, wilI séIl without réserve on thé premises, 1 % miles northeast of Bay' Train- ing Schacl, al af bis fanm stock, im- plements, iuniture, etc. At the same tume and place thé farn ioa 150 acres, mi%or e lsa, viii hé ffenéd for sale. For terma, etc., ses bills. Sale at 12.30 a'clock sharp. T. S. Monntjoy, Theo M. Slenon, 3-3 Clerk. Auctioneer. I CARTING AND TRUCKING 8i AI Ail ids of Carting, Truckingan Movlng; local and long distance. M. 3OMBARD, Phone 430 Queen St., Bowmanvili, PUBLIC NOTICE REGISTRATION 0F BY.'LAW Notice te hereby given that a By-lai, was passed by the Town of Bowmanvil, on the l3th day of January, 1930, provid. ing for the issue of debenture. ta, the amaunt of $100000.00 for the purpase ai PaYing for the erectlon and etiuipment of an addition ta the existint High School, and that such By-iaw Bwau registered ln the Regtry Ofc for the County ai Durham on the l4th day of January, 1930. Any motion ta quaeb or set aoide the sanie or any part thereof muet be made Within three niontha after the first pub- lication of thie notice. and Canet be mnade thereafter. Dated the 14th day of January, 1930. 3-3 JOHN LYLE. Baker and Confectioner Bowmauville UNFAIR OUT-OF- TOWN COMPE TITION Tihe thingr for the. merchants cf this cern- rnitY te, do in their own interests is te advertise faitbfully, and te, maice their Printed announcernents interesting and lselpful te those whose trade and f avor are desired. Mail Order Houses, large' departmental stores and neighboring cities newspapers with their striking advertisement.s and catalogues are the serious competition of local merchants. The poorest way to offset this competi- tion is fori our local merchants to remain silent. For them flot to "speak Up" is to give the mail order houses a better chance to get business fromn this comn- Inunity. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC When you sendi your money te a city store you enrich the great shops and impover- ish this community Strengthen-not weaken-the merchants of this commun- itY. It will ail be returned te you in the form of better service and better values. Advertisements in The Statesman Are Interesting and Profitable te Every Citizen- READ THEM CUT THIS OUT THIS COUPON 18 WORTH 10 CENTS ROYAL THEATRE, *OWMANVILLE At AnY ovening performance during month of Feliruary, 1930. Oniy one COUPOn applicabl, On *Ach pald Ad. mission. Additianal coupons lnay b. had ai The 8tatsmam Otoe.. Derter Yor Positin,, theeWatklns Biit- vidir neqs yl Put yau ln the patb of Suces wlthout risk. Pomitiveti' the larrest and grad hémt Uine 0f goode aoid ta families, aide 860 <10 or more Profit Per veek for the la nduuýt iou.anR Appli' now for the nea-stloclit', u ai or City. and tart péri3 the New Year mlght. The J. R. Wotkina o ohl Cnmnanr. Dept. R-Il, 749 Craigf West, binraQue. s.4 éd. SEED CLEANING rnga, Reduoed rates on c eaning grain day-. gradi er and grass seed, tP until Feliruari' 28th, at thé Boy' ~Txining Schoal, Seed Cleaning Plant at Bowmanville. _GraIn Ifoin five cent. per bush.. clverandass ha seed at proportlonateîvio rte . in your seed nov. It vol pai' yau and heisec us ta avoid a apring iujb. 2-8 élu. BUY YOUR COAT FOR LESS BUY YOUR COAT j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 BIRTHS Min Cla Allen la guest ofai.,frPANNABECKER-On Sunday Janiw iBso 93, ta Mr. and Ms. R. é4. Pana Brack, Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto. beck'er (one. Mldred Gags), 268 Montrose Ave. Toronto. a daughter <I*ura liza. Reaerve Monday, Fébruary l7tb, tethS. (stillîbao>. for thé Euchre undér the auspices cf the Rebekaha. DAH Captain W. W. Murray, M. C., Ot- DETH tawa, visited Col.. L. T. M(cLughlin DICK-In Monrovia, Cal., on Wednes. luit weekend. day, JanuB.17 22nd. 1930. Hilda Gra.c H&11mley. beloved wife of Mr. J. R. Dick, àM. Adrian BeMr and baby Mélia, in ber Sth year. Daugbter of the late Oshawa, are spénding the w1ek witM1{. and Mrn. Lewis Hailey, Bowman- Mna. L. B. Niebols. Funeral from the residence of berise- ,e r.T. Fishieigh, 52 Division St., Mrs. E. L. Stark, 19eilmuth, Erie OaAawa on Sunday, January 26th. In- Couaty, Pa., bai been viaiting her j terment Union Cemetery. aliter, Mns. Arthur NichaIs. T?eSCOTTt.Columbs, Jdan. 2d1930J Miss Helen Murray and Miss Rena DeMILLE-In Stratford. on Mondayr (Caverly, Toronto University, speut January 27tb, 1930 Annie Webb, beioved ~the weékend with Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 vif. of Rev.~ C. 0*. DeMille. Cavely.MeKES5OCK - In BowmianviUe, o Caveriy. Sunday, Januar 26tb. 1930. Robert JaMes Misa Wilda Smith and Miss Evelyn McK£esock. Sol na, In ie s 4th year. Daron, Ontario Hospital, Wbltby, JOHS-O MndayJanutary 27, 1930, lapet te weked wih M. ad & Welesly HspialToronto, Dr. Chas. spén théwecénd itb Mi,.sudP. Johns, Tbornhili, aged 51 years. Mns. I B. Nichais, Carlisle Ave. PETHICK-In Port Ho0eJan. 27th Mr,. Wiiton Creed, C. N. Rie. 1930, Angeline Plrlar. beiovýed wife 0 l ~William H. Pethick. 'in ber 49th year. 1grph operatoi, sud despatcher, AI- MOORE-At 239 North Liagar St., landai., Ont., waa a récent gesat ai Toronto. January 23rd, 1930, Eliza Jane Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong, Ar-. Wilson, wldow of the late Henni, Philip gyle St.Moore, Port Hope. gyle St.WISEMAN-At Privais Pavillon, Gen-1 An Iowa journal records the death 1r l Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan. COlaOtý «Mrl 12lst, .1930, BeatrIce Gldo isemnan, oi Mrs. RichardCllctir ry R. N. Interred at Port Hope. of this town. Mr. R. Collacott la al BA LL-At Revelstoke Manar, Port brother ai thé late Robert Collacott Hope, on Jan. 27tb. 1930, Annie Harris, sud i Jon Cîlactt, Il id Inem h er S2nd year. Mother of Dr. W. H. boys. Walton-nati, Toronto. PI NDER-At the borne of ber brother, Principal Dippeil and his staff and1 Alexander Sinclair, Glenratb Farm,, Whit- thé High School pupils héltI a skat.. IbïTownship, on Tueaday, January 2lst, ing Party at Tayior's Arena Tueaday 19 30. Helen Sinclair, widow of the late Thonmas Pinder, and daugbter of th late evening antI a social hour with ré- William and Margaret Sinclair. fresbmonts afterwards stthsho. Ail had s merry time. 1 EORA Mrs. S. Stanley recntly visitd Mr. 1I EMRA and Mrs. John Powell, Pickering. Ina îoving memory of W. J. Alex Wil- Mms.Powell celebrated ber birtthday kns tbiflki wa Jng 1e,19. on Jsn. l4tb and vas given a PlOas- Tbougbts of you are always near; ant surprise by a number offionds. We wbo loved yoil. sadly misa you, Music Study Club meeting la post,- . s Ialy mise byWe andFmi. ponsd ta Wednesday, Feb. l2th. -al isdb ieadFml Réhearsala for "Thatys That"-the mBAi.LIn loving memory of a beloved mohrMrs. Emily Bal, calied ta ber musical conédY ta h>0 given at thée long rest Jan. 3th. 1927. Opéra House on Tbnrsday and Fn-. It's now tbree years, bow swlft time files dayeveing, Fl,.6-7 uner hé us-Love'a sweetest memari' neyer dies; day venngs Feb 6-, uder he us-I misa ber belp, ber cbeery vaya, pices ai thé Tennis Club, havé start- Witb ber I spent my happy dayu; éd, sud Miss Venétti Kelly, thé dir- I miss ber wben 1 need a frlend, ecto irm th Jon B Rogrs a.,On ber I aiways could depend: ectO frm th Jon B Rogrs o.tShe cbeered my 1f.. ah. sootbed tny pain statés that they are pragrcssing God grant some da we'U méet again. splendidly. dIY missed-Biancb, L A splendid group photo ai W. E. In lovî1ng memory of Our dear brother. N. Sinclair, K. C., Leader cf thé Op- Alex W9lkins, who passed away Januari' >Position, and bis twelve warthy Lib- 3lst. 129. enal stalwarts in th éiltiea-COne fronius. but leavlng memnories the legSlaIVeaP- Deatb can neyer take awai'; peared on thé front pagé af Satur- Memories that wlll always Itnger. dYsToronto Globe. On thé right While upon this eartb we stay. daofy's ibrl eae Sadly missed by Sisters and Brothers* ai hé ibralLeaerwas W. J. x Bragg, M. P. P. for Durham, who bas Wanted k been appoin.ted Chairman of Caucas. --_____ t- Mr. Barry Davis, enginéer of thée AGL ATD-pl omn i .P. R. Torcata-to-Detroit flier ville Dairi'. Phono 446 or 610.. 3-tf 1- which suffered s réar-end collision witha feigt trinowig taîog POYMENT WANTED - MarÎiried witha feigt tain cwig t fo, mn wnta employm.ent on farm by year near North Glencoe, and who waa witb bouse, experienced and recommend- *severely écaldeda and now in Victoria ed good picwtnan. Phone 111r23. W. Hospital, London, reportéd in Tues- J. K. Stephena, Bowmanville. 2-tf day's daily press, is a brother <>f Mrs. Géeo. H. Bickelî, Bowmanville. Mr. Articles For Sale Davis bas 'béen on thé road 40 years and this wss bis first accident. FOR SALE.-Twa second-band Cutters, Dr. Edward V. Mulligan, a nated In god 'condition, viiiseli very cheap.j h physician and surgeon ai Rochester, B avilwm nle anag -o2 -N. Y., died on January 2nil, leaving CWSFRS E-epuerdJr -an estate valued at $1,200,000, thé eyWS donFOîStLEineudJreyrea Jer ýs buik oi wlich goes ta bis daughtér to rénew: bath young. Appil,'ta F. V D.Mary. The family 'bible records Battle. Bowmanvtfle. Phone 62j. 4-tf1 -shows bis iother camé front Bow-1 FOR SALE-Pe-digreed Barred Pi- -manville antI thé father front Strat- mouth Rock Coakerelai aoobr w cockc- 8 fard. Dr. Muligan's birthplace is or Spaniel pur, 4 mon. aId. Ervilne Pau- ter. Box 2Sâ, Bowmanyllle. Phone believed ta hé In Ontario, but the ex- 475-11. 42 t at twn a uknon. thocf ui, PULLETS FOR SALE-10 Pulleta. S.. Il readers can tell us Dr. Mlia C. Rhode Island Reds. fine weli-maturod Bmothex' maiden msme? birde ready ta lai'; several of thesé bird. M1-m ihadDk S. e.p rise vinners at récent poultry' t- Mr. Wm RichrdsDuke t, w s heowIn Oshawa; $16.00 takes the lot.. ePleaaantly surprised on ber birthda-y Gborge C. Wright, Newcastle. ont. 3-30 0 on Wedneaday éveaing, Jan. 22nd, rby:a number of relatives and friends, For Sale or To Rent rhcaebearing aumerous gifla and Matny cangratalatary greetinga FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed bousel md iilciatins. hé venig ~ with garage on Wellingtan St., ail con- and eliitaions Th evningwaavenencs, wired far electric atave. new-1 very sociably sud pleaaantly apeat, i decorated, 1 mmediate Possession. Ap-I and a deliciaus lunch aei-ved, with Ply to J. L.e Metoalf, R. R. 2, Bayman- Mns. Richards' sisters, Mrs. R. H.vil.Pne1-5 Hauiley, Bowmanviloe, sud Mn. Mil- ford Wilkins. Oshawa, pouring tes. Lest or Found Thé montbly meeting of the Worn- SALLS-nBoan1l n én'sChrstin Tmpéanc Unon ss aturciay evening on Cburch or âilver, héld on Tuesday af ternoan in Trinity1 Streeta, a white ilik shawi. Reward for S. S. Rooni, M.ns. F. R. Bn0wiý Ist, return to Thé Statesman Offce 6t Vice Président, occupying the chair. STOLEN-Â dark fur coat was staleti Mrs. ]L A. Tale condncted thé devo- from My bouse early Monday marning, i tional eriod.also a s otted coach pug about tbreé, tinlpno. At thé conclusion of montheodwtslf ear lack, anddr thé business Mrs. M. L. Hsncock gave spot an ieft eye. Was seen Monday on, an illuninating talk on thé Defenders road bétween Bowmanviile and Oshawia, i cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ayn aufBdindadlhwd haghé trace Of eitber .f the, * f urBoie, ndshwe tatth aov, lis leave word at Thé Statee- u Lsé of alcohol in any f-orm iowens thée man Office, or oyner, T. W. Jackson,I erésistance cf thé body ta dissase. Newcastle. ___ _____ fMeetings are beltI 4th ¶luesday aiToLe teach month and aIl ladies af thé towrn oLe f iIb eloe TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT -I Triit YUrgPepl lhd ralBowmanville; modern conveniences.i TniityYoug Popé iatIa ralAppiy to W. F. Ward Barrister, etc. elive time Monday nigbt last. ThéelBowmanville. Phone 162.4-t fourth departnient st8rted off thée _______________ New Year splendîdiy. Miss Deris HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooma, vat Clak pesied nd aiv s plediderwarke, bath. electric iights, lootedti exlanatpreide daeai h eson,"Cnit'King & Ontario St., available Jan. l2th., explnaton f te leson I'hrit'sAppiy A. A. Clviii, Necastle. 51-tfj Developnient from Childbod," and FARM TO RENT-Viluable Stock Farm' bow we ahould applY it to our lives. -124 acres adjolning the Village cf En-j Thé topic on Leagne of Nations was nisklllen: ploughing doue; Falliwheat and1 very aibly takén hy past président, laresInhe i h ilo. Fr ap ouent1 Mr. W. RosStrike, stibject beîn1phn0O . Byor r Enisiin tft Ponde Lgerivin partmen: spendi This in a nut-shell is exactly what Clarence S. Mason is doing right here i Bowmanville, starting to-day---Selling Coats Without a Profit. We have twenty beautiful high-class individual model Coats in stock which we are anxious to turn into cash. In order to do this as quickly as pos- sible we are offeiing them at factory prices. These are flot just ordinary Coats, but are all high grade garments, xnanufactured of fine quality mater- ials, lined with good Silk Crepe, etc., and trimmed with REAL FURS. Every Coat is different in style (you will not meet yourself on the street in a Clarence S. Mason Coat). AIl are this season's garments and offered at prices that (unless you were an expert Coat Buyer who thoroughly under- stood the coat markets and had access to the factories) you would find it very difficult to duplicate. Ladies, isn't this the opportunity you have been looking foi ? With a long. cold winter still ahead of us, wouldn't it be a wise procedure on your part to at least investigate this offer ? AIl it will cost you is a very little effort to corne to this store and examine these garmenoe. We assure you that if your size is in stock it wilI undoubtedly prove a Wise investment for you, to secure one of these coats which will not only prove warm anid comfortable but will insure you of several seasons well dressed appear- ance. As the announcer says when introducing "Amos and Andy"-Here they are: Misses' all wool quiet pattern Tweed Coat with collai, of Thibetine, lined and inter- lined througfhuut, regularly priced at $23.75, $50 No Profit Sale Price ........$50 Heavy quality navy Montanague Coat, a very smart Misses' Overcoat, lined throughout with fancy stripe grey crepe lining, regu. larly priced at $35.00, No Profit Sale Price......... $25'.00J Cameltex Coat in a smart girlish style, self trimmed and lined and interlined through- out with guaranteed two season lining, regularly priced at $28.00, No Profit Sale Price.........$ 50 Lirht brown Broadcloth Misnes'a mode! Coat, bel'ted ail round, trimmed with good quai. ity French beaver, lined and inter- lined throughont, regularly priced at 130.00, éC é Ne Profit Sale Price.........$ 50 Brown Broadcloth Coat, one of this aeason's amnarteat models, trimmed with fine quality Frendh 'beaver collar and cuffa, lined and intsrlined warmnly throughout, regularly priced at $80.00, No Profit Sale Prieq.......... $1.00 Br.own Broadcloth Coat trimmed with lovely qality French beaver, lined and warmly intkrlined throughout, regn.larly priced at $30.00, 4in No Profit Sale Price.........$ 50 Brown Broadcloth Coat with large collai, and cufs of Chincilla fur, a real good-looking coat, reg. priced s $836.60, t2bflf No Profit Sale Prie.........e'30 Tbres only "Caravan" Coats, we only have thre.e of this famnous maker's coats left, but they are really lovely, such flics soft mater- jais and such sensible styles, coats that whoever secures them will be indeed for- tunate, regularly priced frani $47.5p to, $50.00, No Profit Sale Prices......... $30.00 Here is a Coat that is a coat manufaetured af one of the fanious Blin andBlin imater- jais, trimmed with a real set of Fox Paws Furs, beautifully lined with two-tone silk crepe lininsr, a coat %at w.as niarked close at $72.00, lèà5.fl No Profit Sale Price ........ P- Navy Blue Broadcloth Ceat, trlmmed uitb beautiful Platinum Opposum , collar and cuifs, lined and interlined, regu)ary prlced at $35.00, $2.0 No Profit Sale Price........ M .0 Importedl navy blue Braadcloth Coat, trkn- med with a very handsome set of Cross Fox furs, a coat any woman would b. prWn toown, re. priced at $42.50, ~50 NoProfit Sale Prie......... $54 Coat of extra iieavy quality Braadcloth, 'wM~ large fur, collai, and Cuffà of Platlnum Olp. posum, lined and interllned throughoust W. considered thia Coat an excellent buy at 47.50, è$300 No Profit Sale Price......... pv New Blue imported Broadeoth Coat witb shawl collai, and cafle ofbeat quallty French beaver, Crêpe liusd and lnt.rlln.d throughont, reg. prlc.d at $48,gQ( No Profit Sale Prie......... P-n Imported Broadeloth Coat lin avy bine, wIUi large shawl collai, and cuffs of beat grade French beaver, uilk cepe llned and inter- lined throughout, a very élever style, reg- ularly priced at $55.00, $350< No Profit Sale Price.... k50 Coat of imported Broadelath, lun new bine colai,, trimmed with a handsome set «~ Black Fox Opposum, erepe lined snd 1 lined throughout, a coat with al 6A style as welI as qualityl. y Iltl prce at 55.00, i$35.00e No Profit Sal. Price........ p50 Ptiench Broadeloth coat in the new bise vitit novelty callar and cuifs of Natural Skunk, crepe llned and interlined throughout, regularly priced at $55.0(), b No Profit Sale Price. ...... .iJ5 Navy Blue .heavY inyported Broadcloth (bat, a particuIrarly attractive style, trirnmed with a specially handseome set a1 furs, one of our very amarteat coats, regularly piiced at $56.00,........35o *No Profit Sale Price .... ys0 Coat of new blue imporbed Broadcloth, triai- med with a lovely shawl collai, and suifs of Muskiat, crêpe flnéd and interlined throughout, regularly prlced at $57.24, No Profit Sale Price..........3b'5.00 The purchase of a Coat here dwiing this Sale simply means that you have invested your Ceat money toe i.bet advantage. i CLARENCE S. MASON Where you neyer see Next te F. F. Morris Co. Where you are never two garment alifte. Bowmanville urg" te to y. The. Potato Markiet aumption ia estlmated at about 12,-, Ontario Potatoes équaiVo, theebut 292,000 bushéls, or 6%3 million buâh- and wauld Prefer to handie thera if 'Ontario Potatoes for Ontario els léeu than thé annuel production. obtainable lnuaniferr lots. î i )pe" is a slogan that la beginning It la interesting ta note that while weI heeoeta irgo nr r béar fruit. City consumers are Ontario produces approximately ans-I beginigt éls ht*h~m ing out thet the table quality of third more rotiatoes than she con- improv hermeithod& of prodacing, talo, potatoes la unsurpassed pro- sumes, the questionnaire reveals that handling su radlng if they wiah t-o ig the tubers are as carcfully about ane-haîf f ai l thé laté potatocé regain and bold the JU)emrkt Led as those coming in from out- handled by the dealers were grown asources. Ontario growers are outside the province. This in spite Vane of Cnt Straw rning ta grade théir potataés pro- oi thé fact that thé consumer has te, l, and Ontario dealers are glatI pay an average premium -for P.E.I. Thére la satisfaction in tbhe tIM handle thsm when properly grâd-1 Potatoes of 21 % c and for N.B. pots. that cattie aPpear ta reîlsh thie straw Our dealers are now buying toes ai 15%c a bag. The deaiera this wjntér. G;Oonot straw bas ly and at good prices froni the apportion thé blame for tbla candi- définite feed vau b8de eiga anlzed patato growers ai Central tiOn as follows: Improper grading ai filler. ManY cattle wintered a« tu,.- Lrlo, who are 1practising proper Ontario potataes; poar condition ai alps and strew have gene out ln the ling and bulk marketing. thé bags; mixture ai varleties in thé aprine la fair)y gaod condition. When, Lrécent questionnaire sent tut cars; truekers hnndllng vngraded atraw la Mnt Or ground up and mixed i 0. A. C. revealed that Ontario potatoos; poor aeed. Out af 2210 Witb palj>ed resta, beet; palp, alqmg heen produclng en annual aver- cars -of Ontario patatees, only 45 or even sprjnkIed wfth, molaies, tb. yield of about 18,850,000 buâh- were of uamlxed varieW. 'ive stock 'seera ta COnsume mare of The average total annual cou. The. deaIers declare' le quality ofiIt than when fed long. NO-PROFIT SALE 0F HIGH GRADE COATS J s 4, INTRGODVING MeCORMACKt SUN WHEAT BI1SCUITS IRRADIATED - VITAMIN - 5 of the. 6 Vitamns. are in s one produt-en Oven-Kist Creation This is a new heslth biscuit preparéd i nsne i the béat acientific labaratoresa of America. Recammended hy bealth apeclalios for aId and yanng. Sunwheat Biscuits incréaso ré- sistance againat disease and devclop other vital fonces instru- mental Va good healtb. SUNWHEAT BISCUITS ARE BEING INTRODUCED IN BOWMANVILLE AT OUR STORE THIS WEEK WE ARE FEATURING Humbuga, hone made ...................... 30e IL Old Rliable Date Cookies................. 20e doz. Bran Jami, d&te fi lIed..................... 20e doz. Cocoanut Macaraona .................... 15e do.. Ssily Brown Drap Cakes .................. 20e doz. RAT MORE 0F CORBErr'S WHOLESOME BREAD W. P. Corbett )SO PAGE FIVS - - mmmý îý-i eý-" --- - -

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