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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1930, p. 6

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LAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE. TRURSDÂY, JANUkRY SOtl, 1930 l'ÂGE Wl Adv Fhire Trade Preference IOIUA MSr. J. 3. Ughew, NOeoeatl. W. . WLSN, EPRSETATVEFOR CANADIAP4 AGRICULTURAL J Iferuo v slniaa uThe.States. PRoDUCTS IN LONDON, ]ENGLAND, ADDRESSED BOWMAN- MM 01o Jau- 9tbi, to the. d.ath and VILLE ROTARY CU N SBET 0 INTEREST TO I a UibehNi, EVER CANDIANwidov of the lote J. J. Ul&iv. she, EVEY CNADANwau bora lt Perrytown lun1849 ami aftelearvlnc mehool learneti thé at i ~. . n. o th moa imortat an . ablela eur o~se. oer uoooandi business ef dreoeniking. The. one ofathe .1. i.portant narrieti an eder timely addresses delivereti in Boy- mehool tachera have requeSted tuat aster, vMs O harlotte &1&o came to manviUle for goule time vas given at 'the »mes 101 their se1oo19 be Plac*d Newcastle andi cpened up dressnuak- the. Rotary Club on January lOth by sa the Board'& permanent mailing"Ing pariors lnU Bnd Head lu the. W. AX Wilson, London, Eng., repre- list ao that they might rec*ive rega- hou»s ine. nmodernzdadiuv sentative for Canadian agricuitural larly thmeamral posters immediately as Tinturn, the sumnmer home of Mr,. products. Froni the officiai position foflowius thofr issue. andi Mrs. Austin Camipbell. Bend Mr. Wilson occupies his presentation (bn) Comtract Posters Head lîvas thon the Most important of facts andi observations are partic- This la a special type designeti par- part cf, the village, an industrions uiarly interesting as appiied to Can- ticuiarly for induatrial firms w'ho have community and a busy port with lake adian agriculture and industry. That contracta from overséas buyera. They schooners ioadingr or unioading at the large clas known as consumnera viii are intendeti to b. poated inl and whlarf, its church, its school, hote], aiso findimc ot o serions about the mauufacturing plantaso80 tors and other laces fbin. thought i Mr. Wilson's address that they =&y ba@seen by thi.e eploy- Those -vere the days viien vomnen vhich follows:ess, and thus influence them to 85k vr rse n tir germents that Today, Great Britain has moveti for and to buy Empira iproducta. hi Ylrsadyrs fcoht ik eutoftii ae of easy primacy into general, the type of these contract theni and viien ready-to-wears were an à_go in vhich she eau oniy survive, posterasla ainilar andi they reaiom-IitunonadsMi Nsad in the. keenest competitin-political! thiug 1k. thia-"hi firn bas in ber assistants carried on a thriving an eonmi-vthother -nations. baud a contract from - shall ve 3&Y - business. Can she surinount the difficulties' th6 CMiSdiSY Pacific Railway Comp- Later she vent te live with rela- which confront ber or seize the von- any of Canada to build two steamers. tives and practise her art in Terre derul pprtuitis hatlieah herTs givea you employment and Haute, md. But it vas ln Kincard- defeet vi th ut esnhan lestndarsW8es. The vay to get furthen cm- lue, Ont., that she vas msrried on MR A DMR.TH SB. REED ond methods? ploymeut andi vages ia for you to buy Match 28, 1887, to John Jolliffe MRe.ewAactD MtRevord iHth producta that are produetdinl Can- Uglow, then a widower. Froin then and va costiat- ontnues "nvenion f aa." Over 800 industrial fimsr until her death eh mi. been a resi- 18SARGO asN rugt ehas hrdybrad uugnd1 astOstheaitbnou "nvetin i dvly stavendunarlyw itP, e hinvention.kF ewasle strength anti happiness te beth mY ed al htimre. I vas nervofla and We no longer bcolong te one of t hos eae viutarily vnitaten tthemBoad dl On eate.o flerfnrl wife anti me and I would not take al' 1titi net get a good night's sieep for ancient civilizatiens whicii veresu r-sainge cosera ndithtiem un O1ther a ft ernoWon. or e erl, t the money in the world for the goodi years. Many niglits 1 vouitiget uP trounded by inmerable h dia playinthe thes osters n oti e e- er a th eWbP ousereloter-h it asdon u,"declaredThoms jB 1anti sit in a chair for hours. Ilimitations, and vhich theretore badung the poic ofthebEmigefodatuf e d pre ah ti.bosene the r. Rý», elltodofaner and luniber- I "Sargon matie a wellnman of me. their begnnings, their zenitha, snd pic)Edhibitinthe Emire. co th e poeded hoet iedhh man, res!ding at 919 Holmes Street, My nervea are steatiy as a due andI their decay. We beloin te a civiliz- The dispiay of Empire foods at ex- frieutis and relatives, lit took for ies Kansas City, Mo. sleep like a boy. My eld-time 1 ation vhich is corning te embraca the hibitions la nov a preminent andttx't John 14: 2-'"Tn my FPather'a <'ie yesrs ago viien on the. train strength has returneti and 1 have whole worid, wbich will pno<ressively gnowing part of the Beard's artvertis- ihouse are many mansions... .1 go ta goingtromBonuanaCanaa, t gaieti 5 ponds. i feel fine all tnansformn itself, andi vhich isnvr i CakgaM 1 I ad a severe attack of the turne." 1goinc te decay. N nmie er raoramme. twoofth arte te1ep wa.a plce tonome" Ha cho sente indigestion anti nobotiy thought "Sargon helpeti My vite, wbo iv orld vans, ne exhaustion vill d e arts ago vi «teI detwo o m est-1 wcd haveia Ieve hme eceeti I vouiti lire te neach my destination. the mothen of 13 chiltiren, the aamej stroy tteii centîfic icuowietige hicl tiriioandey,"The BiIndusHies;X- od lifehae n Heave onEcaus rtth. When 1 came to myseif I vas in the. way. She bas actuaiiy gaineti 15 nov exista on the zmal for research hFait." ' an '<Te Btind strian 1es, onolite i h eat vei eonEarh. hospitai at Clay onsi egtad csbteradadTfT n rgeswiha-ohier leading exhibitions. The pare homes only frein the matenlal l'Sinice tien I have sufféreti con- stronger than in mnany yea- . imates those vho have vision. Board adopted the permanent policy prepareti by mits en Esrth. saltine headachs tat lase-d f r . aser i te as enic aori ud The moral seenis ho be cdean. We of taking aufficient space et exhibi- The choir led by Mr. W. J. S. Rck- sptis a a me eytbing ste r a Reedis thebeloe d er aet must put on the mentalitY that wil tions to accommodate an entire Em- ard, vith Mrs. L. M. Fisher at the or- tils araetivthme. I had ino te r theMehdisa bunch. emrofadapt îtaelf continuaugly te the aven- pireexhibit sud space is aUlocated gai, led lu the singing of the hymne, dingrespelithtmame think I ould Sahengto may br. otieii o-changing conditions, or ve ,hi.ll f811 fnee of charge ho any Dominion or Asleep in Jesus; Give me the winga ing pels tat ademe hin I oul Sagonmaybe btanedin ow-back in tie race. Our position in Coiony that vishes te participate, et faith; and Foreven vith the Lord. die. 1 vould get se dizzy I could manvilie trom Jury & Loveill the vorîti is beeoming increasinglyI their only expentilture being the cost Mrm Gea. Honey, M". W. D. Bragg _________dependent upon Our capacity te holti of setting up anti maintsining thej and Miss Marion Richard sang as a r. ____________ or ovu in vorîti comipetition. We exhibit turing the. peniot cf the. Fair. trio, Gene te ber Test. a hah not pull our veight in the ecOn-î Ail Dominions anti many Colonies are1 Amlong the relatives anti friands N mie direction unless ve have that nov participating. preseynr vere: Mr. anti Mr. C. R. SToIBIE, FORLONG & CO. creative anti acientifie outlook on '(a) Civic eeha . esr Careth, Dr. anti Mn. Stanley Uglov, business. The. rapidity vith which thi iie Chicago, 111; Re'v. Haroldi Neai anti ST C SiODS G AI tuhie inds of British people, in te buy sud ativertise Empire @SotS daugbten, Wooler; Mrs. Julia Dudley, i buying Home protucts, or Empire nunmber of cities, tewns anti villages land; Messrs. Richard andi Wm. 17<- Head Office: Reford Building products, is growiug steadiy &nd that nov pUt on vhat is knewn as 1ev, Hope; Mr. sud Mm. Chas. Best, an l~ t tdefinitely. ilt has passeti alreedy tue "Civic Empire Weeks.,' The vork la Mn. aud Mms. John Box, Port Hope; B.ay an elflgtonfl , orono sentimental stage. arganizeti unter the, jurisdictien et Mn. Wili Marvna.; Mr. anti Mms F. LcalThougtif ni peeple, both men and the local autiierities anti their ambi- Kelth Fleteher, Mn. anti Mm. J. H. S. S. EVERSON,Loa Manager women having sufficient knevletige tion is te have every wboiesaler aud Ragen, Dr. G.o. Carveth, Mn. Ernest Pnist Wie ystm o permit a caraful reviev et peat- retailer in their panticular marketing Gibson, Mrs. Wicicson anti Mies Elfie 11 King Street East, Osh*wtk-Above C. P. R. Office thing et the. economie conditions otf dows, on thie counters and on th< Among the beautiful flerailtribut., wovend-production anti trading, can r eell, pretucts that are praduced were wreaths trom Son and Daugh- Phons 14 am4J44searely view the. present rositiOn within the. Empire, and te encourage han, Mms Douglas anti Mr. and Mmo. Phonesmi143 Qed14 ealmly itheut coucluding definitely: the consumer buyer te purchase these H. J. Ragen, Mn.8 ant M S .C. aid Phn al 4prB(a) Tint tii.Empire's possessions products. M. nteM. . . onthn," ________ i tempensture, soi], climate an d Thoughtfui 'business Men are anx- Pcv Friendas"; anti sprays troni Mn. comesel-3uporingproviding - ditians in Great Bitain. Tii. burten Familv, 'Mn. Geo. Cooper, Mrs. Mason WXDN hoe n okt aceoniplish it. c h a et h rsuefrad tiMn. anti Mr. Ernest Gib- sPrSof I Cave(or)er aurfuture mcie'vement, if net siorter vorking heurs anti higiier sou, W. A. of the Unitedi Ciurcii, ortr ot ate existence, is closely assoc- wages; the depresseti state ot the Mrs. Howam' Coole' greup of tha jatd wthif net iioliY dependn major industries; the relatively verse W. A., Mn. anti Mm. Geao. Jamieson, Z 14 3'I O 1 vny nteeatngwedil'< tokupen, oUn nrespective patueie f blLy- condition of agriculture; the. limiteti The Smith Faimily ot Toronto, Mn. Z U T O c "Pingwithn te in15re. eupot volume anti unfavorabie trade anti Mr. H. S. Bittos, T1%. U. C. qflc tth oeo r.ad3u ()To naccotant teehang- 1balance; the «Test nunthers of uneni- Choir. End He dac e aWin F.Porer,20 LaderAve, e wold ondtiosine. the van, andi ployeti andthti.tremendaus vcigbt of The. pâli bearers ere W. F. Rick- àÉrý IL F. comienceEantiyotof.Cdole.vTocontoneteimpravinnlytiengrdrGeo.Ge eutieieon, S.SC.CBouakhkn, ooo, ue povs Rth ws niedinmarigewih ffctngag pclain comeuety d t e y ole et ihi grtviw erienthn . a, . .H cek at 1Fe Men eo. fo e, ditne" n n ae 88DfrnS. irral.alteeades odtos hnti« hl .C oah .0 the Graby onete.My points et persenal contact in couplet vith the faneign competition, Psarken. F_ W. Waiton, E. C. Hoin, Mr. Ge.Tii.eceremof te vasabpeToootm.t yhie British markets are, broTily, spunreti on by the stress of necessity Gea. Honey anti H. R. Pence. acteti Leaoer-Maiol" ots eserre obhevde- evJ.M Wyte, Churf r cii b threefold, andti tey caver the fieldis anti incrcssing in intensitY, are in- s floyer beaners. ly' known as a remedy that wil tOP minister of Enniakillen, vhro periotn-' of Empire sud itereigu cempetition fluencing tie business anti buying1 Au ingtance et boy memibers cf a kesdchi ____ ed the. ceremony at the marriage et in the. producing andi marketing areas. public more rapidly than -ost People tam ili becomne widely senarated andi à. c Hason B.A. C. ., oloel f ti. rid's arets.These contacts oiginate tram my cemprehendti haans buying Empire an example et boy thc Unitedi States the Humeurs, pioves lh. Tic young couple wre the recip- main duties with the. commercial se- produets. They are c0-operating j1ibas beau ennicieti bytic inflow ot "I ue ZtooTabets nd ud hema lets t mny eautfulant cetiytivities in the produe anti provision vitii ail thie.concerneti in pubhicitYfmucii goot DiUTham looti is seen in vry satlsfactory rexuedy for ileadache. " presents from relatives, friends, anti trades, andt tiy are extended widely w-erk. Many eft tiem ar-,el ~~ade softheii late Mrs. Ugle'w's s3 cents per box-at ail dealer&a1 members ot Eaniscourt Churci. heesuse eftbte pnivilege anti oppon- supporting Enire preference, volun-1 six survi ving sisters, namnely. Mr& Atter the ceremony a vry tainty~ tunity I have ot representing Canada tarily on otiervise. Glover. Duluth: Mrs. Lee.. ndiarlap- lunch was serveti, anti a toast pro- ionthie Impenial Eecnomie Comuittee (To b. continueti) jol,%: Mrs. Le Clear andi Mis Loua posed te the bride anti groom, tO landtihie Empire Marketing Boardt. Nemi, Grand Parids; Mra. Balsley, ~ ~. wich the. groom respondeti in a very 1 Tics. twe iodles are Imperia] in Hll-Chicago; and Mrs. Welch. Sanford, CO 6SnL LJ tieir chanacter anti persona]; the Coi-ns are painful gowtbs. oe efurn anifneyr nth eu first iavingthie responsibility vithin way's Cern Remnover viii rein ove_____ 4 BUCKLEY'S - Atper il a bne ionymthe youlng lits terns et neterence, et investigat- thein. IWianif red Eleano,. Gibsom, Newcastle u n Toronto. ing tic British Markets ton the pur- Mothe rvs omEtr i Acts lillpir p e ,detset ingtheforan m- ,tor wili drive w-arma tram the. system Ticetieath of Mi.ss Winnifred Gib- haeyo enitiyursbsn p ire on tramf the fannualavote tho ut injury te the chut, becaue son at thc hoen.of lienrit'-nl er1Your intentions vere <ed-buti eon baving the aiithonity te at- sa ctoti - fll efetieisM . Ths. (',h-on. Newcastle, Goeumnemtwbl M. oeiz g cnitheannal oteo(fmiSI ,Jan. Ziat, rerniveti trcm u 'te Tii. Statesman for 1930?> one million pountis sterling provited ___________________jmidst a long fantiliar firure and ia byth Bitýh ovrnen o extend lady wiose kindly andi gentle quai- OSNLE ipppevtsr Imankets in the Unitedi Kingdom fer . ities hel the. r8gard et al who knev thie preducts anti te aid financially 1ç he br. She w-i long bc. rnembereti scientific research iu agriculture. "4fer hanrtievotinn te lien chiurch. St. Tic Imperial Economie Committee, George's Anglican Ciiurch, wiere ri2MMZ issued its firit general report in 1925.1 ie va&%mrnnt regular luna'tenrIance Sinoit thurt date it bas ismueri sevenal l at tl.e Suinday andi otiier servicel, et camdt eprsdaig iima, ~ \~~tan in quite inclement weatien w-heu fruit, tiîy preduc., poultny, eggs, - /i') pAnsons et rimai more viger anti j oetobacco and pig pnoducts. Y ' e~~. .rbsns -u- ita xuet asae enrlÉricpl atie- " e sune cf geoti anhexlcust e t for the promupt relief of a iuadaeiie, 1 many conditions. that have tao be ta.k- cI J. (' ncusinx, anti Jos. oulsan,ý ne Great EngilihPreparatin. uuuilirize vourself witliutue proei ; A stmalli-reproduction et these lange, 1motiongc MTi eaivsprentson. Tasnes and invigorates the whoie ckepotrtaesneismt euay 'Ionofevvr.M.niMs.Rl. nervous sysîem. mates new Blood 'directins i-iii cvery p caCwpotr rae,9ens smaebaclrl uttw era;Mr. anti Ms. nC. F. on oid Veins. UWe for Nervous ;~ant i ntenteti tan use in echeeils isrn ooto r n Ms .F iti.throughout Great Bitain, te be uset d ~O~ I De*i ty, Mental andi Bra,nWo ImApafe echn ii uiî ~r escECannan, Osawa: Mrs. EanlWyun, D&V"«y. »uofFa«".AJ orteu*ig he u.lssomething ] n m .E (aosadsn £WHaa aiie k . rce$ p. bx 3p&bout the. Empire anti having tiini M a ant iébugter, M".MetrnPt pigon ep 55~of ig alldrugiti o maied li use thein influence too bave Empire HxeneMn. C. M. Eddy anti MiseaFlan-' 1 r&g.oo @mR.s.II><OfiiO.W aI«OOtf.'Aspirtn la aTradem4urk legt.tred lu Canda products appegr on the. domeaticiej ,Clarke.. Children say great You can eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream-but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour bot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wvheat are so crisp and delicious-children always ask for more and it is so good f or them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. SHR EflD WIHAIL THE BRAN 0F THE WHQLE WHEAT THE ANAIANSHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Tne Coul n'ut Satisfiea SPARKLE, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using our Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that y ou will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and conifort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2S Bowmanviile r -~-~..-- i i - *4f Qî -4 Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying isuch famous produets as Aviation and Sheli Gas- oine, Sheli Golden Qdl, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- Iined with this high grade Iining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvjlle

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