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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1930, p. 7

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MAE EEN -- - ----..*g'm wi.?17TijTE. T'PJWRAY. .TANTJARY Sth, 1930 710,001 Our increase li ,over 1928 show~ were over sevi and ten thousai SALADA use "SALI TE #?rSh from ti I R thg In sicli Sick stemacha, sour stomache and indgetio uualy mean exces8 acid.1 Ticmtmne nrvee are over-stimu- j Iated. Ton mucli acid makes the stom- ach and intestines Sour. Aikali kille acid inBtantly. The best1 fores in Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be-i cause *me harailes, tasteles8 dose nen- tralizes many times ite volume in acid. Since ita invention, 50 years ago, it lia re"mmd the standard with physiciansi everywhere When t. q, Baby ilis and aliments semn twice as seriaus at nighit. A sud- den crY înaY mean colic. Or a sudden attack ai diarrlea-a con- dition it is always important ta check quickly. How wauld. von me« this ernergency-toni,,ht? Have you a bottle af Castoris ready? There is nathing that can take the place of this harmiless bat effective reniedy for children; nothing that acts quite the saine. or bas quite the saine comforting efTet on thein. For the protection of your wee un-for your awn peace of indm --keep this old, reliable prepara- Are You i About What Building Lumber, Shingies, Manville Asbestos t' Seaman Kent Hard a I j ORONO News For the Busy Farmer j FromTh News of January 23rd.) 1 n.Grngr,1929ovi Fd e O u , o i, j Furvihei hy the Ontario Depar±nient of Agriculture) sister, Mrs. Wm. Sterling. 0 au Mrs. Adam Henry, Toronto, has eS wathr ad a eak rof istheliv stok idusry i Caadabeen visiting her sister, Mrs. Roberti s lsi 19 9Damp eteana ekrofith iesok ndtyin aa Cooper, and other fricnds. bad for the healthiest of flocks. showed that the only branch whichi Miss Walsh recelved Word of the r~ th t he eBreeding ewes require exercise and did net show a reduction in total safe arrivai of her sister, Mrs. Cob- is that therewill live inth open even n zero numbers on Canadien larme W55 bledick, at Long Beach, Calif. weather, but they need a dry, Wall- 'sheep. The prairie provinlces im- ,Mrs A. King. obabeuvst en hundred ventilated Pen free from daghts ported some thousands of grade ewes n ltvs an r ietudstoeradt for shelter in bad weathr. to stock weedy far=~, thus giving an igre astvudred teher an a nd ad u*ti)nàlimpets to the eastern breeders to'home, Biggar, Sask. id a dtin lShouid Pmoduce More Ch.... auppiy the demand for purf-bredi M. nd Mrs. Ruse Oryniston of In anl address bef ore the Easterni stock, resnlting in a heulthy market Mra Ontari Dairyflefl. Association,, condition. Enfield spent the weekend with Prof. El H. Dean of 0.A.C. nrged 'frien ds at Orono san tno h lie ado ption of slogans basCLRKeTWNHI ConIL anniversary services et Park Street Tesearchtehl production in thel LRETWSI ONI Church on Sunday. varions lines of dairying, such as i The Orono Pnblicity Association "Chew cheese and ave yoflr teeth" Inaugural meeting of Clarke Coun- have decided te boid another Old- or "Est cheese for snpper and sieep cil was heid at OronD, Jan. 13th. Af- Time Fiddiers' Contest in connectioei welIl." Re aiso pointed out that if ter taking their Declaration of Office witb their social evening on Monday, the Canadian famiiy couid be induce'd before A. J. Staples, Clerk, members February :i0tb. This contest is to ta eat one ponnd of cheese per week, took their seats as foi1ows: M. J. Rloi- be open ta the county of Durhama. he gardens' it would inean a market for 100 mil- man, Reeve; A. E. Morton, Deputy-. Mr. John Noden got in a serions lion ponnds of this product riglit hem Reeve; L. A. Dent, F. B. Lovekin, F. mix-up the other day wble shoeing a in Canada, iuatead of the 'preseut 30 T. Coucli, Counciliora. horse in hie ssmithy, Centre St. The or 35 millions, ne urged the smali- Reeve Hoiman calied on Rev. W. horse piuuged about knocking hiiu lTcheese factoTie8 ither te merge Sterling who congratuiated the merm-tdown, the Sharp corks of the newly with their f ellows to lower the cost bers on their election to the Board Shod front foot cutting a gasb across of manufacture or elsýe turu to spec- and inv'oked a Divine blesaing on thel his neck, narrowly escaping the jug- jatissuhass1al ceseorsoedeliberations of councii. ular vein. diff erent kinds. Producers were urg- The Reeve briefly sddressed the Iu the illntrated section of the il to keep better cows and adopt members on election and tmusted that Toronto Daiiy Star lant week a good e detter methods of! feeding and gener- the saine measure of public trust snd picture is showu of Mr. L. Doncaster adc i care. nnseifish service on their part mighti and wife, Toronto, on board the S. S. enter into their municipal duties this Miwaukee enroute to Europe where T h. Work of Scientigts year.1 he goes in the interesta of the Anît- Gradnaiiy we are comning ta sP- Communications weme read from:; Wîbourg Co. Len is a former Orono ipreciate the valuable contributions Sawyer-Massy O.; The Municipal boy and one turne on the Orono News Sc i made to agriculture and ailied in- World; The Model Incubator Co.; S. St'ff d dnstry by the scientific experts who R. Hart & Co.; W. P. Skitch; A. W.a. have made it their lifeWOrk to seek ic>bu.ck; J. A. Barrie and S. L.. Internai parasites in tbe shape ai k stom a -tfflteT ont rethods of improving cropesud Squire. Filed. Wormns in tbe stomach aud bowels of ~ oom cu- Iof carrying on war against pests. Wm. Armstrong Jr. brought to at-1 children sar tboir vitaiity and retard IRecently another of these distingiiish- tention of Council an account for $60 1 physical development. They keep Take a pofu nwae ndyu d men, W. T. Macouin, Dominion for maintenance nf A. H. Wilson; the child in a constant state of un- un a p onfuti n wate rbablnd or orticulturist, was honored by the family. As this account was not Tiet he chif idean baed nnchT unhappy conditionuwill probably eet suferin sdThe d ma ehper mch x in five minutes. Then you wîîî always Anerican Pomological Society in the 1anthorized bydcthncil same was not know what to do. Crude and harmful award of the Wilder silver medai for accepted. 1eyb h etwr eeyta methods will never appeal ta you. Go 1hie womk in deveioping a new variety R. J. Rowe sud R»bt. Poster made can begteMies Worm Podersa prove this for your own sake. It may of apples sud f or bis contribution to application for office of Assessorcnb ot ilrsWomPwes save a great many disagreeable hours. :horticulture genemaly. Canadians Mr. Rowe received the appointinet which aesr et eWrsi r Be sure to get the genuine Phiflipý'I should not forget the contribution Supply of dog tags were ordered shape. Milk of Magnesia prescribed hy physi- made liv Dr. Saunders, wbo evoived forwarded tea the Assessor. A vcry piensaut time was spent at L acid.lans f or 5 eretin crectillig ecs Ia arwct wbich has doue much ta E. L. MacNachtau, Counties'; the home of Mr. aud Mn. Fe --- any drugstore.ke Western Canada the greatest Treasurer, submitted a statement1 Tamblyn ou Sunday, Jauuary 9h tios-alY rustoe. ;gain-rowuz country lu the world. showing payments made during 1929 on the occasion of the birthday of' The work of these scientiste has bc- whicb was passed on te auditors. Mrs. Abert Tamblyn, when the meni- Sorne an absolutely indispensable By-laws were passed appaintingi bers of the family gathered to 1have, coanterpart of! enîuturai activity. R. J. Rowçe, assessor; John Penwsrd-1 tes with their mother sud to wisli ler! Îtnd External Pains I en, member of Board Of Heaith; J. mauy happy retumus of the day.I i pty relieved by -New Wheet King IG. Gamey sud I. T. Cbapman, audi-I Besides ail those from Orona, Mr. i The story -of the career of Joseph tors; to autharive Reeve sud Treas- 1 Charlie Tamblyn of Woodbridge sud .LECTRIC 01 L HB B Smith, of!'Wolf Creek, Aberta, 1 urer te borrow money te meet cur- friends frorn Enniskillcu were pres- M ERYFFY'ASwho was recently crowned "Wbeatj ent expeuditure. eut. Mms. TamAlyn reccived a SELE R ire IYVE King cri the World" at the Interna-I An order was given Oi'euo Coal & beautiful bouquet of roses sud sweet tioal aysudGranOhowlu hi Lumiber Co. for bridge tinther at $50 penn. cagoe is eue that is typical of Canada. prtosn et V edlvrd Tbe annual meeting of the Orono ___________ ISritb left Leicester, Eugiaud, ina- May. Hortic'utural Society waLs Med on rnediately alter graduating from col- Clerk was instructed te make reply Jan. l3th. Officers were eiected asi Ileg&e twenty-two yeams azo, sud camne ta J. A. Barrie's latter. fioz o.Pc.Ms .R op dirB etn te Canadien West. Pc- Seven copies ai Municipal Worîd er; Pre.-Mrs. 0. W. Ropli; iet ing location removed cren fmom the were ordered for Council, Clerk sudViePe-MnM.Dv;ud ic fingefaisettiements, be took up a Road Supt. VcPres.-Ms A . aox; reas.Vice quarersection of land sud commenc- lu cauform.ity with the dog sdnad ell; .M Sc. Knx;Mres. isn cd te podutio ef reit'ed seed sheepPro-tection Act. Norman Aluin AuitrsM.dE . Harnm, J . Cut: II ~grain. For the past twelve yeams he and son were appointed sbeep valu- teil;DicrMr. Ha.m, A. Roipli basbee0716.'pries n oats sud stars for 1930 st $3.00 per trip. M--.CutiMr. AT . owan,. ,v-es~ ~ wbheat st variaus provincial faims anui Bank ai Commerce. a aPifdR. H. CAlu, M. E. CHam, Mms. U r..'Wb4da ~~in 1924 won second prize at Chicago ta do business for the municipality. CooeM.F.abyM.H J Va~'.he " in the International competition. Reeve Hainian was aprointed ta at- Monld, Mrs. F. Cowaln, M. H Io Today lie farmea a Squame mile of tend Gaod Rends Association couven- HacDion.lMs . oaMs ÜÉ0land in the centre ai a very prasper- ta nToronto on Pcb. 26-7-8. SMusagricultural district. Meinbersbip fee ai $5.00 ta be for- The Clarke Township Liberal- ousWarded. Conservatîve Association held their Joint 0o. A. C. Staf Extension ai tinie for collection af annual meeting in the Orange Hall Annauncement bas recently been unpaid taxes was given up ta Feb. 3. au Saturdsy evening last. President made of the ampaintment ta the 0. Bis- were pa.ssed sud paidl T. A. Reid occupied the chair and h A. C. staff ai Harry G. Bell, B.S.A., Hydro Power Coin. Hall ligbt $ 7.10 Mm. C. J. Thorntoii, ex-M. P., address,- AIIwbo will assume s position with the Jna. Henry, Rond Supt. for ed the meeting on some ai the prob- oSstpaicýaýDî 1d Dparmer Of hemstryin on- baf Dec................. 10.50 ilems at present facing the Fedeal ceneptin ihte exenistony incon- 14unicipal World, blank farms .80 Govcrnmnit. The election of officere .,.o i 2 n tzerq . e ~ llor1a R. H. Wood, repairs te al... 9.64 renultcd ag follows: Pres.-T. A. _______ nativeofai lufferin County sud grad- R. H. Wood, caretaker....... 21.50 Reid; let Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. A. uated frein 0. A. C. in 1905. Until Ont. Bridge Ca., steel, bridge 98.00 Hloneywell; 2nd Vice Pres-J. H. 1907 be was assistant experimentalist S. R. Hart & Co., supplies ... 31.711 Lowery; Treas.-R. R. Waddeli; *with Dr. Zavitz, butirS.107ta Cutteil, printing .......... 28.501 Se'y.--Capt. J. C. Gamey; Asst. 1910 -was a nieibe r ai the Iowa State Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, mauthly 1 Se'y.-Mrs. Wm. Harrison; Auditoms ICollege of Agriculture. lesvinz theme Paynient Randail vs Fellows. 48.00 -E.. Morton and E. Evans. The fln lwv~onh.ni Bt on tot beenvnc, Pmaiessor ai Agronomv at J. Henry & Son, oad supplies . 120 evening closed with au hour'a social tieen it Iuytorn gnciese h nvmiyo an. Prom 1911 Model Incubator Ca., snow intercoumse aud lunch servcd by the, it e a evrvav id - gn e t 19189lie wSSaq ronoiit for the fec n at ...... 70.89 lady members. 1 National Fertilzer Association, Cli-'A .J. Staples, affice ent, fuel 43.05 ; influence %villeii '11l tl cage. antIe hesd rli.98te12,diet C. G. Armstrong Est., supplies 14.98 ; nan vlnH bntlell) - xIt i or of the Sou sund Crop Improvemnent'J- -C.Tamblyn,suppflies .... 2.70 renulatior .ifll li l oIW - I Committce, Toronto. Since 1923 lie Cea. Price, freigbt an, fence. 7.85 y whase ton.1ue is coated hecause i bsbe etr ersnaie ofa Council adjourned ta Monday, 1 sluggish bn\vclý. Al l rttggists bcommercialstern. Mm. ell, îtvir-f Febmuary 3rd, at 10 a. mn. for the e hae cstara ý-!e genuine bears ctuerclfbis i rningMsudBexpe vr- transaction af general business and à has.eH. signatueaopoineing Fence Vitraenns sud Pound Chs .FecessgaueOl icuce. sbould Tender valuable service apitn ec iwr n on -the wiîappcr. at "Thle ÀCollege." keepers. Specialized Farming M. J. Holman, A. J. Staples, The modemn trend ta specia.iza- Reeve. Cierk. i tien on the farin is clealy exempli -____ fied in one couuty in Ontario, where iaddition 1a production of staple The Family Physiian.-The goad 1 ri a Q uanclarycrops, farm land is being devoted ta doctor is always worth bis fee. u i ~~ ~h a u n ar owing ai apples and tobacco on) it is neot always passible ta get a J I. a agsae h acigof foxes 1 e ust when you want hin i1 t YouNeedin fhigli-class pauitry sud turkeys, and use ai reliable home remedies, sucb' even ta muskrat ranching. Many as Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oul, whicbt and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of you.r order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us andgyetour prices before you buy. McleIIan &' ICo.Ul'Ltd. Office Phone 15; Houa. Phonos 228, 274, 218 Kina St. E. Bownianvll. Lydia B. Pillkham's Vogetable o llpollld LYDIA 9. PINKHAM 14EDICUME CO. LMU. .A For Indigestion People who suifer froin indigestion uually have tried pepsin, charcoal, dugesuad varions digestive aids andj got.little more than slight temporary' relief-sornetimes not even that. But before giving up ta chronie dyspepia, juat try the effeet of s lit- tIc Bisurated Magnesia-not the or- ditiary commercial carbonate, citrate or rnilk, but pure Bisurated Magnesia which you can obtain froin practical-1 l y any drugist in either poîrder or tablet forx. Take a teaspooni ni ai the powder or four tableta wlth a littie water after your next meal, aud sce wbat a diference this makes. It will in- tantly neutralize the daugerous, harmfnl aeld iu the atomach whicb now caue your fo.od te ferment, and sour, making ga, wind, flatul- «nce, heartburn ad the bloated or beaVy, IUaip feeling that seems te follow out everythlng you at. You Sen enujoy yooe mesi without a fear of ladigesUOs. I Ev.s~ 8.11 T.l.p hon. is a Long Distance Station Every Boa INSURÂNCE SERVICE OUR CUSTOMFMR WHO HAVE H"D FIRES .APPRECIATE THE SERVICE 'NE GIVE, We hope our customers will neyer have to realize on their fire insurance policies-but hen they do have a fire we inunediately get busy ad have the adjustments made as liberal and as factory as it is possible to get them.j For this prompt and efficient service many customeH have recommended our firm to their friends and neighbors. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville SAF ETY ,'erSus -110H RETURNS M any a man hlas lost lus lharcl-arnecl savings because of the fatal lure of high returns. A safe general rule to remelfller is.-the ireater the prospective retiirn the greater the risk PUT YOUR SAVINOS INTO A SAVINOS ACCOUNT ithe ANK OF MONTREAL Established 18i7 There they will earn a reasonalile interest. and ie safe mille Brandi: F. O. MeILVEEN, Manager. fr Bownman ANADIAN STATESNAN. BUWULA14YIàllý]M-, CIail at 7.00 and- Get Evènmng Rates If you want to cut your long dis- tance telephone bis - watch for 7.00 o'clock. The lower evening rates begin now at 7.00 and they save you money. Between 7.00 p.mt and 8.30 pm., the rate is about twenty-five per cent off the day rate. And from 8.30 pan. until 4.30 a.m the rate is about one-half the day rate.C Lâong distance service is con- stantly iniproving. You can talk to the next town or across the world from your telephone now - quickly - reliably - more cheaply tha ever before. It in still cheaper when you take advantage of the lower evenrng rates at 7.00 o'clock. Mùwdmm rdod u Evenàrdq- 5 Talophons jis a Long Distance Station M CA 1 are upse A Friend to Womm 1 1

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