PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWNA.NvILL, THUR8DAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1930 SA LEU NHI sud a park & beau luLncheaniwus Annie 0k, and Ailes Ashiton. Sehool TYRONE SAI V34LEAGUE v<rnD servedi. Everyone reports a geci wus disilued by Supt. Mr. J. A. sevieulars sudpa7ternonciuc1 ie . .P.S eUitd er7 . fr J Sacleio 158 M1r. and frs..Harold Skinne.r spent League meeting wa 12ld Sunday Mr. sud fr.. Albert Niddery, TOT-il SUVCOW5 sppaucd >yti. eaueChureh beld its firat regular meeting rented thé. Byers farn west of the, th weeknd wlth lier parents, Mr. aiternoon lnstead of the regular enta, Mr. sud M. H. james, Coluni-, service whlcb wlll b. held svery al- eu Wednesday, Jan. 29h. Mn. village and wiU maTe ini the nusr,,d Mn. W=. C. Lake, Newcastls.e huc evcwt go ted usd mn. ereHpunhv termite Sunday dunlng the . next fewi Newell teck thé. Bible study en the future ... . Misa Myrtle Brunt, Toron-! Mr. and 1fr.. Fred Hill, Orono, visit- aies. Openiugr exercises wêeecon- been Vluting at Mr. J. Hepur'...'p menthe owng ta the dlfficlty tu cet- 1tte, '*?or God se loved the worl.d to, spent the. weekend with lier par-! cd at Mr. Horatio Bill'&s....... Mr. ducted by Presîdent, Mr. S. Buttery. Mm. John Hepburna la stili under the 4 timg the BowmanvlMe îupply ou se- that ho gave," followed by prayer by enta, 1Mr. snd Mns. Levi Brunt...I A 1Lrne Annis bas retuned home troisM m n ey, lat Vice Preuident, then. docter'a care.. . . Miss Ida Mcaloach a count of bad weather aud raid condi- one of the yonng p»oPlé. A gaod Rev. J. M. Whyte ln attiending theî a two weeks' short course at 0. A. C., took charge and read the Bible les- alsaUnde h otrscr . tions. Véry sorry ta misa the. very pragram, instructive aud mteestsu<, Pregbyteris! at Newcastle on Thurs- l....1r n r.T ct i-mo u aeti ai. Tl S fanôden. Gee. ochoraanrs 1 abls aud tlmely sermons déllvered by wuaS ven. Thore waa a good at- day .... Glad te report Mr. John îted at their sons, Mr. Herb>ent Scott, 1 grn by 1fr. F. L. Squalr; selection Venus have been 'risiting in Oshawa.1 R.,. J. W. Bunuer aud 1Mr. T. B. tendanée. We are lookung foTwand Slemon is doing nicely, sud if aba, Onano. ... 1fr.. Jack Hendricha, Trou- b male choir; resding -by MnB-. . - . Miss Vers DeMillo la lu B ow-' Lockhart, sud wll be lookl!ug for- te a btter meeting sud more mem- will go ta Toronte for a slight Opera-. ton, visited lier parents, MTr.and1 Welsb; reading by Miss E. Collacott. mamville Hospital ueoginetet wad o hor etnutous lu the bers preseut on Pcb 5th..Litenar> tion this week. N sa h.stneMs .F.Giiur ndhrsseIExecutive of the Young People'. en 1r arlyise th treti. his Mon, Tom Barr...Mr. David Noble- League edti mtnga the Mfr. Edgar Prescott shipped a carioa.d ahane, Newcastle, speut the. weekeud anuual skating party oa ues~day.... Dr. C. W. Slemon...C.G.1T.Oo, iîehssstr Ms j:1hmefM.anMà LRcrdon fhvt ootoltwek..M.t wtth her parents ... . Mn. and 1fr..R. Victorian Wo'me's intitute held meeting was held lu the basement' noo vslo bssiteM1. a: omdeve1r.suin . L. Rtheoicards aondofMhm tX OrntonIave e..vie-'r Wanden sud 1Mr. and Mnm.E. Foloy, thein monthly meeting an Wednesday, af the chuirch on Saturday altenon.u1tori........A ««><d1y number re t.Mohdîy vcninusi ess iti. sud n. At e .. mo e een vig-e Mspl rvvisited witii Mm. A. Feb. 5th, at the home of Mn. A. L. Meeting opened with Presideut Annie ipr, ese a heCoeveio nuam29.-1 peeseu ii.ual buiessa ditm s alter wn fan ainepeoleargue Wilkins an Thurday ... .Meubers of Bailey...Blackstbocl<bas had ita Oke lu charge. Plana were made Altr Weuies s weenugas rnay2t e re dun cu s seed aitersiich ads.t htatrswntro naudne theteritkenbusiness wsretrnnaaeteddlunch wforsersocial Ma.hRichards.of snew that the banvest follawin« la theWilcnsfail wreenoraidohare of sickuesa tis wunten or frascilgtern nFebnuary, lunch was served by the ladies ....a good one. If we eau mneasure Oui as a family gatheing;for tes au Sat- ta hear oi! 1r. Jas. manlowe's ilîneas. 1 th, wheu Tyrone C. G. 1. T. w111 urday eveuiug at tho home Of M. aeync wishes hlmn a fpecdy Te- vist us. Meeting was then left inu orry ta report Mr. Thas. Curtis rnck, MAPLE GROVE cropa 'by the ainunt of 51,0w we aud Mn.. L. Richards ...Mr. a ry Glsd to report that MT$. charge of Alice Ashton. Annie Oke i agalu. We wish hlm s sDeedy NelieSnode, Trane or- aeabine o 90 Mns. Garuet Richards sud baby JoanI jas. Byers in recaveriu< slowly. gave the report of the Preabytenial 1r.. ege evc raday ev- Ms ___ were Snday vsiter with r. andMiss r&cê muntjoyspentthe wek-! bld aeniugbyopieuosdlolts gite e presidentithtMe ar malnMn.s malnr.MEldnaynay . A.A.CC, Mm.R ichunariioswt .sds Mspet M*k be Mis bitbyeinsBano loy; ag vnLola Richards, lu charge. The fol- Guelph, speut the. weekend with their 1ON Mi. .Rihrd . is fBr-nd with Miss Susie VanCamP . byMis..m Bade; eaiu b ____ rett, Newcastle, is rislting bier cous- Mis ]DorothY St. Jon gpsetGaeWry ak yMnoi a- wiug Prograin was giveut Reading, respective parents. .Miss Dora Esumes____ lu, Mns. F. Houey...Slem 370u179the. we ekend with :.ler parents lu tyzi, Vélins Orchard, MurielI Moore; Mr. Clarence HstbeTly, "My Son's bas returned bouse irons a two weeka' Miss Majory Collacott, Bawman- i nen af the Agricultural Classes, se- Greenbanik..Mis, Doris Marlaw rtAid to a broken ai wadem-' ohr;vclde.MseB ri i nTrno .. i.(r)Ws ilseT teween ihMs companicd by Miss Thelis WerrYfspent Suuday witii Mies Margaret anstrated by Alice Ashton, Reians'rokancsd Alice Thomipsan. A splen- -1ey Langmsid, two sons, OshawaILena Taylor. . . Mn. sud Mrs. H.E. sud Misa Marion Honey, attended the Sain... .Mr. and Mns. D. W. Brad- Bradley sud Elsie Moore. rizes id debste, "Resolved that wood Mn. Gordon Morris. son Donald. De- Tink sfpent Suudsy wlth Mfr. sud Mrs.j banquet beld ast Friday eveuing sud buru sud «Ray entertsiued a numbeT Were awanded to those wbo took part bas doue more forn msukind thian troit, and Miss Cannie Martyn, Town, Hilton Tink, Orono... .M1r. aud Mrs. apent a very pleasant eveniug ...o their fiends at a crokinole party iu the contest. Meeting losed with COaI," with the affirmative upheld bv visited the iorser's smster, Mn.. RossaJhnBaker wene gue-sta at the Shortj Mr.Jas. Stephens, Balcarres, Sask., on Tur dy a.3O)th. Miss Mai- the Siuging et "Tap." two af the C. C. I. T.. Misses .knuie Stevens, last Friday.. Congratula- Course Banquet lu Bowmauville ou Mn.daJRrahr. Gardiner sud LUira Davey, sud the tians ta Mn. sud Mrs. Ashfard HuntF'daevuu . eaeterpt wbo la home on a visit, apen t s few ganet iSwain sud Mn. Ray Bradburnnn. .Plaedt rpr day wtbh er aunt, Mrs. F. L. Squair,,were the vinuens. congratulations 1 DARLINGTON negative by two Tuxis Boys, Albert au the arnlval ai a young daugbten; thait M,. F'rank Westlake Jr. la con- Il brvnlM.G.A tpen.1e er. Wood sud John Chalmers, nesulted lu Mn. sud Mns. Fred Stevens on the an- valeiuuceyatrbaku bs aud~~~~ be-nl,1r .A teen.. Re.sud Mis. F. W. Noe 'Report of S. S. 3, for Jauuany: svn frti omr etn ivla ou o...h nua en g a short te beaa... iNarval Mn.. Squair entertained a number o 1 guesftB iu Cadusus ior dinner n oSEu-!iSr. IV-*Bessie Blackburn 76 eosewin thorthe fomizsenedeetia.un egl fationeetng vasThe nld aT I hr ieao...M.NTa frieuds ilulber hbouur Fday even-i dey.Florence Foley 71, Winnie Gibson e.. .Mr. sudheMiCrdo Bn oehdie 'nidoneay viug, thme bei g a ef arlyWotteu vslted his mile sud baby ing. Mn. Lawrence Squairsund Mrs. y.asd Jack Finnigan (equal) 68, fStel- - - BM?. n Ms.viGordon . er'aud cr awd nsid h, einat ii. radadauelter lu Toronto Cenenal Hospital Squair motored ta Port Hope on Sat- ENNISKILLEN la Forsytb 52. fRamlY, oni, r.Hre odcow osdrn h r auo Monday .. .. Mns. W. J. Roynalds, urda an spnt te weked, akini J. I-tHroldForyth55. Watteu sud dsurbten Wilmna, sud sud veather. The usual business sud Miss Ruth, Mr. Allan and Miss'1 urdsud ephenwth the weeke. M".-.. JBale, r. II-*Harld rsylakbur5 IFEMiss Gladys Martin, Haydon, apent vas transacted, aud the. preseutation fleen RaIson sDent s few davs lun Mr.Sehn vt bii r. sud Ma.d Mrsuk Badl6y, Sr. ie u'W7,il su s lakunn 69, the weekeud at Mn. Elias Strutt's. made ai the prizestathe. five Youug- Taronto neceutly ...Mr. and Mis. _______ Booki the, iormer's bro- 1tCrace Trufi 57. nu have au apvartuuity ta seurp est classes ai the Sunay Sch 001. Clareuce Tink sud Miss Kstliu HsunpTCKt oe M nd 'visit .Badee...dr Ituic ae50 Bb ie t5.00 Coat ion $27.50 at Clarence The reoats ver. read frein the diff- Povidence, pent Sundav çtifh Mr. BLACKSTOCKI ther.d, Mn. ud Mi . nra........Jr . tuieLn 0 Bbi'~ Mas-<'s NO-Profit Sale of Coats. ereut organizatianalu counectiOnsund Mis. Cea. White. . . . Mise Souines nhrksrie i h ntd umben of friends ta tea on Thurs-' Sr.fII-Hazel Tru-Il sud Louise - Patortitae n auc ted owga eran. ofeacherboat Sassubas cammed a Ourh vee eli atteded lu spite1 day evenig . lu .In spite af bad Foley (equal) 68, elen Rundle 64,1 CUT THIS OUT PAstnectaton va gien asb iMan. tMerarkd t .. Mnsd Ms. Wmmrinhe ai the bad road6 sud inclementi weather sud roads there vas s good Clarence Peacack 63, tBernice Rab- A____________________ i Blackburu; musie Ma Markise d v Mr.i andnd Mis Bruc. Pridence weathen. Rev. F. W. Neweil tock' turu-out ta Suuday School on Sun- enta 53, tEazel Robet 47, jtSammny TISCOPN ORHMn. Fred Hockiu au tue volin, se-j visited Mn. sud Mrs. E. R. Tayor... as bis subject "The Frayer TAleoai day. In the evening aur paston,, VanCamp 45, tVera Gibson 41.THS OUN aW T-I cm uedotepinbyura- ,.Laue etngM daevig Jesns." Frayer is s veny important Ren. J. M. Whyte, delivered a good Jr. fl-Eddie Forayth 69. eopne ntepaoI u a- . eeemeigMna vnn part af our lufe, aud il ve are stnlv-1 sermon ou the text, "He that laves Sr. I-Raymoud Wilson 66, tAn- 10 CENTS tan....Mn. Lawreuce Waad bshd a vas well atteuded sud wss lu cb.înoe ing te iallow the Jeans way of lif, net. kuoweth not' Ced for God is thur Forsyth 58. ROYAL TH-EATRE, BOWMANVILLE dazen eggs given uilat Thunsdav, ai Mn. Alîsu Balsan. Devotinnal it in very neceasary tbat prayen e' love." The music by the Junior Sr. P.-*Jean Meteali, 0Peggy At any*vening performance durîng weirhing 1 lb. 14 az.. which ver. peniod vas talcen by Miss Lena Tav- puit fiast. Anglican A Y. P. A. met Choir vs. well reudered. . Missiouny Finuigan. month of February, 1930. OnIy coe i ya e eludLgir. bro_,iu oo.Ms a Wslk: in the Hall on Weduesday. Next pragnain was given Suuday moruing Jr. P.-*Marie Roberts, *Violai ouonapplicable on each pald ad. eau east that' ..Mns..'W. J. Snaw- topic, "Fniendship" bv Mis., Dear- meeting is taking the form. ai a akat- after Sunday Scbool, lu charge ai the Robents, *Eveliue Gibson, *Gordan mission. den atteuded the fueral oailber cous- baru: vocal duet. Miqs Lena Taylor' in at ...The skating par1" misioary convenen, Misa Veina OrT- Tmu 1____1_______1___1___ in- uMn.. J. R. Dick, MOnn a al.nsd Mn. Harold Shuttlewortii:gread- unenti. usics i heW.M. S. chard. Readinga were given b'y *..Honouns; t-Filure ou total fanmenly ai Bowmauville, wblcb vas ing, Mn. Sain DewelI. MeetingoIs vas tboraugbhly enJoyed. Alter Misses Muriel Moore sud Sadie Craig, (blow 60). AdIifa opn a i a t eld lu Oshawa at the reidu e d vitb the League Benediction. stilit, gantes vene played lu the sud a duet vas nicély auug by Misses Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. TeSaemnOfcbrssen n.Tedr1ihegi eau etwe ilb ncag THE FEBRUARY Curtain Scrim Special, 9c A very low price on this ai- ~~ ways useful reqiirernent. AB859 - White Curtain Scnim, fully 32 luches vide, plain with 3 ',-inch wïoven stripe, opeu-wonk harder. ThL% quality usualiy sella at 15C. Juat ight for your early Sping cleaning. Note this very special pnice. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per yard. Art Silk and Wool Hose--59c W. Shared in another great purchase of this splendid value hoe.. DB865-Warmn wool inside, Art Silk outside to the top, mock fashioning, imitation seas. In the wanted col- ors, such as Evenglow, Sea- son, Merida, Allure, Gun- mnets!, Alonia, etc. Sizem 8%, to 10. A big value at 85C. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 59C per pair.......... Pure Linen Tea Towelling--17c Lay in a suppiy at ibis saving price HB862-This reliable pure Lin- en Towelling measurea 21 inches wide. A heavy Scotch weave. Choice of plain centres with col- ored bordera in red -or ýblue, or with red and blue ail-over checks. Exceptional value if off ered you BI 2c.DYper yaTr E. V atIGc.DUprINyaTrEd 17C or -k<6 yards for............ PI.0oV Soap of High Merit--5c Lay in monthly supply at aur Three Big Days' Price GB866 - 'Walker's Big Beauty"-Fuli four ounces of good Soap that will satis- fy the moat exacting critic. Sa soft and easy on the skin, and will stand the test. Iu odors of Lilac and Rose. A neal 10c value. DURING THREE BIC DAYS, .5C per cake ...... (Not more than five cakes ta a customer). 3 Children's Silk and Wool Pullover Sweaters--$1 .49 An exceptional purchase enables us ta give you ibis splendid value. JB864-A Silk sud Wool Pullover Sweater for children from 2 ta 6 yeans of age. Fancy contrast- ing colon stnipings. Bath round sud V-shaped uecks; colon. of Rose, Light Blue, Saxe, Sand, etc. Snug ribbed at waist sud cufs. A splendid Sweater for right uow. A regulan $2.50 value. DUR- $1 9 ING THREE BIC DAYS, each ...........$ .4 Men's White Handkerchief s 2 for 17c A saving here you will appreciate. HB861 - Men's White Handkerchiefs, of good quaI- ity Lawn. Measure 17 x 17 inches. Assorted cord bor- dera and bernstitched edges. Packed 2 in sanitary trans- parent envelope. A splen- did value at 2 for 25c. DUR- ING THREE BIG 7 DAYS, 2 for .......17 Special Art Silk Elastie 12 yards 23c Bright, sihky finish. Extra good quality. GB867 % Y-inch White Art Siik Bloomner Elastic. PlJU MAN The quality is exceptionaliy good. A very fine cor<l, néî with bright, silky finish. Has ART SILK BILID lots of stretch and la full of ELASTC anap. A real saving for "ou. DURING THREE BIG DAYS,23 12 yards for........ 1 BIG DYI Strong Police Braces, 27e See thea. at our store. You wiIl he surprised ai the value.ý FB870 - A good, strong Brace, Police style; wide heavy elastie webbiug, with strougly- sewu leather attscbments, sol- id leather ends, leathen euat-off with mnets! neinf-oncemeuts. Juat a demonstration ai big quautity buyiug. We offen you aur ahane on this great pur- chas. Whie hey laut, DUR.- ING THREE BIC DAYS, per pain ...2c Good Value Babies' Rubber Pants, 15e Not the ordînary Sale kind. See thein and judge for yourself. GB868-AII-Rubber Baby Pants, vulcaniz- ed seama throughout; large-sized Gilt Safetyi Pin, witb metal eyelet bales at both back and front. They came lu bath Natural aud White, and lu medium sud large sizes. Warth twice aur sale price. DURING15 THREE BIG DAYS, per pair ... 5 or2e Two pairs for ................. 25 Suede Fabric Attractive styles at an at- tractive vcrY lovw price. Corne early for thes.. JB863 - Suede Fabrie I~1 Gloves, ail with Fancy Cuifs, onie turned, somne with strap effects, and tailored StYles, in colora of Grey, Mode, Rogewood and Sand, and ail sizes from 6 to 8. Regular 50e to 60e numbers. Lay in a good supply at this remlarkably low price. DUR- ING THREE BIG 35 DAYS, per pair 35 o r s for . .... $ 1.00 Men's Better Qi A wholesale clearing lot. M.ans a great saving for yau FB869-An unusual op- portunity lu this assartment ion you. Contains plain aud faucy ribbed socks in Dsrk and Light Heather mixtures, as weli as fancy checks [n several wanted colenrings. Sizes 10Oto 11 Y2~. Our ahane cf a big wholtsale dlean-up, and at a saving which we pasa on to you. Usually sold at froni 75e ta $1.00. Note aur price DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 49 pen pair ........... 9 Cocoa Door Mats, 39c Early shoppers will get these, Fri. and Sas. AB858-A ýCoeoa Door Mat in a use- fui size, 'measuring 13 x 22 inches, strongiy Put together, and hound on edge. A limited quantity of these, divided into three lots, for early shop- pers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1mornings. DUR[NG THREE 39 BIG DAYS, each.......3c Embroidered Pillow HB860 - Emibroidered Pillow A rem Cases, with white hemnstitched or scallo.ped ends, with a splendid as- sortment of enibroider'V patterns in Buttei-fly, Floral, anýd Conven- tional designs. Measures.1 3 x 33 inches. A great value if offered at $1.10. Note the price DUR- ING THREE BIG79 DAYS, per pair......79 d The February 3 Big Days-Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6, 7 and 8--bring to our customers and prospective customers a wonderful demonstration of the value-giving abilities of this store. We planned for this sale months ago, and by offerng huge orders to factories during their slack season, accomplished our purpose-GREATER VALUES FOR YOU. The Sale ends Saturday Night-be sure to get your portion of the good things illustrated and described herein before the closing hour. PICTORIAL PATTERNS CARRIED IN STOCK YOUR FAVORITE WALKER STORES LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE Fornierly S. W. Mason & Son Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Gloves--35e Llality Soeks, 49 Cal s 79cruntyt pair ialopprtuitytoreap a great tu avmtng 1 il g g g if g g g g g u of Mr. Ernest Twist, w)ieu *0. C.u cil meeting wiil b. held ... .VebrUwy m~eeting 01 the W*mm's Instituts will be held in the Sunday Schoel roomf Thuraday, Féb. lSth. at 2.8 p. m. Meeting ini chaW et.1 grup 4. Roil call, "Quotations on Friend- Èhp. EeyOfle weleome ....... Solina Sons of Temperance wll meet in the snnday Sehool room Thurgday, ff..lSth, at8;p. m. It leuhop.d there will be a cood atedne. Mfr. and Mrs. Geo. Wbite &tteuBdOd her sister's funeral in BowmanvlIe on Tuesday ...Annual meeting of the Solina LlbrarY was held Monday riight wlien the following new officers were elected: Librsry Board-Helen Baker, AlanMeKeseock, C. E. Short- rldge, Mrs. W. T. Baker, E. P. Tay- lor, Ruby Dewell, fleen Balson and Mdisa Rilda Eeckaday; Chairmns- E. R. Taylor; Se'y.-Alaii McKes- sock; Treas.-C. E. Shortrldge; IA..> rarian-Misa Rilda Hockaday. The Board would like anyone having lib- rary books to please return theni. THAT COUGH A1.lowed to hang on may ea.ufe 7019 serions trouble. Stop it now, by taking CREOPHOS The Price is $1.00 It's a cough remiedy, tonte and tissue builder ail in one boulie. Good for adults and children. The Priceis $1.00 Kersiake 'S THE OEPENDABLE ORUG STORqE -------- ---------- ,=*** -*;;i; - i \41