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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1930, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMN, BOWMANVILLEt THUR5DAY, FUBRUÂRY Oth, 1980 AEm n.. ~1~'~ Messie. J. E. Elllott sud Neil Mut- 10 CENTS I M Itnmaved s reeolution appoiuting 12 ON T H E SIN AR S H P members to Stewards. ROYAL THEATRE, SOW11ANVILLE T H E S 4A ]IT SI O P ýIt was aise meveld by W. P. Cor- At sny evening performance durlna GEO.R. LASO , Mnage. 1bett sd secoded by J. H. Johutn month of February, 190. Only on. that two new usmeas be added te the coupon applicable on eh pald ad. Meved ýby F. F. Morris sud second-' TRINITY UNITED CHIJRCH LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE BIRTHS ________NL EEIN 8 BOWER-Ia Eni-kston, on Jsnnary 27, Miss Vezua Ormiston, En~fild, 1e 1930, ta Mr. and Mis. Geo. Bower, a dau- STrinlty United Church held its an- visfitiafg et Mr. Wm. Hlcp'. ghter. HI H .CH O PE I Gnual meeting Thursday evening, Jan. Mit.es lois and Irene Bragg, Teor- MARRIAGES Bth, when a good reprosentation of onto, fpent the weekend et home. the congregation was present who en- Urs. John Hamlyn in vislting ber CRYPERMAN--COLWILL - At New- T ur da , e ru ry i thloy:da pleasant eveuing together. niece,*Mrs. A. D. MeDmoeald, King- astlOnlt-, on Tuesday, January t, Rev. . U.Robis, te pasor, resi1140. A.lbe, second daugliter of Mr. and T h r d y, F b u r 3 h e.J .Rbnthe devotienal esid-on.n.A. A.ColwIlli, and J. Lawrence, eld- ed ad oene th deotioal esson iooViolt Woolr, ellville, etsnof Mr. Frank Crydermnan. Bow- &101wilbeop o hepulc oripetiS with a hynin and prayer. gette eedwlth Mr. and j[. 1 -vnyile. Rev. W. P. Rogers omoiiated. A quartette, "Softiy and Tenderly J. the8 ekeii WIDDECOME-NIDDERY-Ât Triatty from 7 to 8 .m Jesus is Caling" was pleaaingly sung .ne .Iod IUnited Churoh Parzonage, on Thursday, by Msse Beniec Belma an Mr.Rary Adersn, ondn,!Jan. 30th, 1930, by Rev. J. U. Robins, Bm- P* by Misses BeandecesssBeman Car-MtSnd s ay it * o ,Mm.1ma Georgina, eldeet daughter of mim. a. GretaP.Pollard tnd Mesara.H aBlbaCor-ses WelltbSnd arson. s ot er . r;Niddery and thie late Levi N ddery of At 8p. . i th Asemby Hal adreseswil be bett and Kenneth Morris. Mr. F. H. M.-nesn Hampton, and Richard John. eldest son Sie y uttain accoxnpanied them. 'Mr. and Mms Shirley Dennisonlof Mr. Wm. WiddeComnbe and the late I the absence of Mr. F. C. Van- Toronto, were "ecent tuenteetfher Mrs. Wlddecombe, Bowmanville. Hed InsPector Roger*, MaYor M. J. Elliott, and Stone, Recoi-diig Steward, Mr.' J. H. aigler, Min FaDEATHS Johnston was selected Secretary for Mr. Geo. Jamieson, Rosetown, DAH Representatives firom High School Board the meeting. Sask., i. visiting his brother., Mesars.1 COLEMAN-in Cobourg, Feb. 2nd, 1920, Ashrtmuicl rora wllalo e ivn.Condensed reports for tthe Wom- R. M. and H. H. Jamieson. Mary Ann Colman, Bowmanville, aged shor muica prgra wil alo b gien.en' Miaionry ocîty nd ta an- Mrs. J. F. George and daughters,. SPROU LE-Ta Carke, on Tueaday, Jan. as branches were given by Mm.J. Phyllis, Jean and Shirley, of Smith- 28th, Faithful Spi-oule, In her 82nd year. E.Ullott. TeW.S. which a field, are visiting ber mot.her, Mrs. Interment at Bethesda Cemetery. ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES organized 45 years ago, reported in- B. MIL Warnica. HAVES--m Rothester, N. 'Y., on l'hors- tereat keen and attendance gond; an- Mrs. (Rev.> J. U. Robins, Mms A. day. Januarv 2ird. 1930, Daniel 3. Hayes. will e hed in he nw AssmblyHallnual enembers 129; 32 life members; L. Nicholis and Mi Spargo wer i brother of Wm. Hayes, Newcastle. on ALLEN-Tn Toronto, on Saturday, Jan.1 wil b hed n te ewAssmby Hllon161 in ail. Three members have Oshawa Wednesday attending a125th, Mary A. Arien, wdow of the latel FRIDA , FEB UARY14that 8 . m.been called by death and four remov- meeting ot the Oshawa Preabyterial Wifllam R. Allen, in her 7int year in ed froni town. Easter Thank-Offer- Executive. terment at Orono cernetery. FRIAYFE RUA Y 4th at8 >* Iing meeting was addressed by Mrs.1 The staff of the Boys' Trainingi TINK-At 'W.qton, JanuRry sist, 1930, Public cordially invited to attend both functions. Langley and Autuma Thank.0ffering T~0 edtei nulA o e qr1 n ý- in. WilliFtAm nd 3epri, Graduates' reception will be held after the meeting by Miss Garrett. The group 1Stlhe ldembly a nuFay t oeein h.dTî n i1 -t fW ne -ld Anayers i regular program on Friday. A . Foster, Mms T. A. Gai-on, ledrwr MsBema, rsF.when a delighttul tme was enjoyed MARLOWff(f1 n Ath. 1qi. t Purd, M. F C.Caler, Mrs. b y aIl present in dancing and cards. h.1,« Piak r,.k L.W.DipelBragg, Mrs. Souch, Mrs. W. C. Fer- Rev. J. U. Robins, President cf l , f f - f r . r y.H sn guson, Miss E. Souch, Mrs. Bunner Ba fQite Couference, snd a 2' i b1-, lr rPmto. And i M' SecMtar Board Principal and Mrs. F. M. Cryderman. 62 Vitoria College ciassinate of Rev. C. W-llep ~Marlow of Plack-rtock. aged6, Monthlies are taken; two boxes fi-uit W. DeMille, atteaded the funeral of Y'A'i- were sent to Victor Home; a bale of Mn. DeMille at Brighton on Thurs- hrn mmgW~ r. qi. Mre. tmT1",e new and used children's clothing was. day. r,f f aUPod nter-nrv. lefe Pont- Tlk aout investing Ycour ininey ST. ANDREW'S REBYTRIN and sent ta eedy onles. Let- Mrs. William A. White and Mrs. mpgt"- . 1toft nni Tirnnth.rofe profitably- he oppertun ty la l1MWsym pathy w ere sent t o sick Jam es A . Phillips of N ew Y ork C ity, ' A , . 7Nv ter ,n t a n R . 3. tr y. ZUSt 7isit Clarence S. Mason's No- CHURCH ANNUAL MEEIGadbrae cnes. "New Africa"' who came ta Bowmanville to be pres-, Cartwre-ht. Proiit Sle f Cota.was taken by the Mission Study lass. ent at their father's 82nd ibirthday' Proit al otCotsThne annuai meeting of St. An-f The Branch meeting for Bay cf on Jan. l4th, returned home on IN MEMORIAM The Statesinan is worth 40e an is- drew's Presbyterian Church was held'Quinte bas been invited to meet here Jan. 27th. Ctdro sue extra this month-if You attend Thursday evening, Jan. 3th, in the in May. Total raised during year Do you want to gave your Fur SANflERCON-In <inviir nwmrv of the Royal Theatre sud cut out the church. A large and representative 1$783.4 ;exese 4967 ento oa urn terl fp wate! wpth '1et2ýr qq927. on copn. Evei-y coupon saves Yeu attendance ahowed the keen interesti Brsnch Treasurer $723.74, whîch is Then secure the baulo wrefpyn~t.». .-.w. ~els 10 uatce.taken by the members in the welfare slightly over the allocation. tjme aybu otngeCa llr ntevi-w nt Ar Taik about opportunity! Grsb this of the Preshyterian Church. TeY1.Axiir a1 mr-ta n 8.0a Caec .M s-,' in q o PeRcéfully, fntherrresiing ut Boea $48.00new blu imported Dr. R. W. Clark aced as chairman bership cf 40; held 12 regular meet- on's No-Profit Sale of Coats fer Ail wnrldilv sorrow ari t,'nlblAq arý pamt. Brodclth cus ot$2.0handsomla rn- eryaiy nd encouraging reports jngs; working under group -plan; $17.50. I-7rver rpmemnhereci bv Wlfe and ramlly. lmed Nit -Ptrsfort240SatofClarencewere read by representatives cf the studîed "Drumis in the Darkness'"; OnsetfBowman~ville's grand old in lnvinz r mTmory of aur iear fathAr. S. iau' NoPrfi Sle f e&s. Session, Board of Managers, Wom- quilted five quilts. Total raised by ladies, Mms. Edward Belman, cele- w. . Pnuel Heir!. who died 1.'bruary _____________________en's Auxiliary, W-cme's Missionary tees, autumn and Enster offeringe, brated her Sgrd birthday on Sunday, 7fi 1927. Societv, Choir, Sabbath Schoal, Mis- systemsatic giving, mite boxes, etc., Februsry 2nd. On Monday alter- Threp -ars have ttassed erice thnt rad ,tion Band, Young Pecple's Society, $215.66, whlch was sent to Presby- noon ahe was at Home tA S nUnibeT On'1 rM.1 fithe one' w.'lover! awny: etc. terial Treasurer. of her triends who extended hearty &q .v...rairol bv w.' miss hlm .'ptifl, M ot ersIt was very gratitying ta note that Mission Circle bas 19 members; congratulations, presented ber wlth Wni'm.t hlm. an. w.. n-v.r wili. others durng the yer, practi alal! the raised $54.35, cf which $52.85 was fio r.sd ter giftansd enjeyed (h'e41rlt to ti-i.": debt was paid off the church buildingsent to Pre.bytenial Tressurer. Ail a social cup ot tes sud a happy timie A i-es!. dear fnth.rriea and still a balance remiains in the raised by personal giving. 9 meet- tneetheir. The Statesman jins with Andqo,, pli hv Tai-w h. r nd n. flno wA - - bauk. ings were held; helped Fresh Air her hast of frienda in exrpessing the -.nl isdh nlirtr n os The allocation of the Congregation. Funrd sud sent boxes of Christmas liane that she inav continue to. enjoyArilsFrS e âwaehalltmasteb ett the Budget wnig e as cversnbscribed sud'cheei' te ueedy families.hrinagoeît.. FOR SALE-Used piano, ebony case, loi thae haIt tu oheigbtListleni te the Chnrch lu general is la a flourlSh-1 . .Girls' Mission Band bas 58 mers- Dr. sud Mrs. J. C. Devitt were in good condition, splendid toue, bargain at, thochldru ongl itte i m condition. The Wamen's Mission-1l bers; 19 meetings were held; $70.81 Torante Thur.%day' and attended the $100 cash.- Phone: Bowmanville 524or developed a light hacking congh ary Society allocation was nearlyl was sent to Preabyterial Treasurer, dinner at Hart flouse in houer ol 422, -w tovard. eveuiug, which ddn't donbled sud an incresse lu member ' raised by mite boetal-fferiag, t~rtrTgCacle fVcoiFRSL-1y eod~adCte. amont e nch bt drig te hip noted. j systematic giving and Easter concert. College, Dr. R. P. Bowles. Many Fu Ood L-osconditio, wll C tter shep rttecamoe a eaoldgtmr Mesure. Wnî. Brock, F. O. MeIlveen A Boys' Missija Baud has just fine tributes were paid ta Dr. Bowles BêwnIvîlta , Own. 5-2rigé Wre 1thwhehoshd. What Gee. Crembie sud John Reid were been organized with a mem>ei-ship of on this occasion. Ia elaizing theiomnil, n._52 a relief It would have been te elected ta the Board et Managers for ý il Prospects are gond fcr a worth- de'parting Chancelior Sir Robert Fal- FOR SALE-Delco Electio Lght plant. everoett ention Wîlll à V eroofthrs ae ilie Baud amougst boys tram 7 ta caner said: "ChancelIer Bowles is a firn the United Church at Blaokstook. .omfrttifMothr hd aperod tree~ mn e gre widomsudAppiy te Roy Ferguson, Blaokstok, for Alter several coaplimentary vOt« ý12.f manIof grgsu d om an of gi-est particulars. Phoene: Port Perry 196-21. R E XAL L et thank a social timQ was enjoyed Mr. W. Ross Stnike favered with a W'e ill adsofve tdtriai 6-2w by aul, fine solo, after whicb Miss Peter. re- W ildsoe what a very ses- ChryBr ported for theWmnsAscainin osi a en n hnhe ENGIN E FOR SALE-Masney-Hais Wonie's Asocitioni tnslosa i havbe ansu w e hegasoline englue,8sH.n. p, aimont as gooa Astatiug ten regular meetings had gaes outh l avs* as new. will take one-third o! original Cough ymp PECTACULAR PRODUCTION been held with au average attendance et avig doe a very diffiult piece prie for quick ses Corbett Mtr et Si. Letter. cf srathysu ote t ork lu a very crsiitable mariner. Sales, Bowmanville. 6-t! enhad o iv hm. Itisa The Musiral Co-edy "Tliat's That' îmiistrvet fowershave ndgrethe fie had a very ahrewd judcrment sud oubad egIe lm t e S U Oper* Hous. Two Niglite gD.h a very kiudiy nature. fie a a- For Sale or To Rent pla autsd effcive r. te eeaam erd7 for ________ appmebrecand t caud euewavs thlukinz ef the student. He FARM TO RENY-100 acres, lot 4, cons. tha brd hakig oug te ohersisfor"Tat. Tat, avemebe su tre have removed. had avery distinct view as Vo what 8, Darlingtaa. on which are god build- ehildren sae eally develop at thila been in progress for the as t'wo Catening Vo the Layrn's banquet, wa etfrtesuet u ehing~s; riag creek. Tirnediat sse @menofe year.weksuno the production sale of -home-mode cooking, a bequest that view very rf udy u t own. Aile.tePB. -o 17. 6-t. Reeb_.readY for the public. i5s tram a deceased niember, receipts arse nt f bs nniy andit OR ALvE. oneN117rome 6h-s Remmbr-A stitch in tie The cast is cainpesed of 25 t wvs ud n Esheareaisin $698.84; f ishuanty épaves nise." Keein outtl. et .s ies tletinlui.. otl xpndtuwith garage on Wellington st.. ail con- "le ar aways iinqetBtwmvxe ine a le nt, total epeditureincludýng thank- edby W »F fqnveniences, wired for ele c totve, new- off1r twlve $îc85d.64Asocatio enhn d askiug lCn-y decorated, imniediate possession. Ap- medicinecabinetal beautifuijcsu sîng nd heofern $858: aln e ga .t4.n cause te be witten inte yeto . .L. Metoelf, R. R. 2, Bowmnn 35c nd 0e Pincpal c ate ,$313.20. Ascainis akigfoi te mnuetofthis meeting theiri Vr. Phone 183-6. -- 2t 35e sud 6O ~ ~ Theprincia ehr sacters. andw1h a fM cin menihership. sl ttîapeito 'lui.i xeln odtehî-ceO aS "Afer he irs anm m th spcia anhtlucrss argrse Allu snetthtsoe FOR SALE-Brickn f te eehanse, sALEBrxk rese ui smsaaS sce ery 5 eane re Margareasang the services rendered this Congregation j w excfr itelent and on, tbutre lan d, ae Uàf ar u frut e ese te s e tai n tag b t ef e s " t's - îb fut res a d o bu dlg ; ie VTu" ave r. Tat" is erain a b temot 1pc- Love Neyer Faileth" whicb every- by their Pastor, Rev. j. U. Robins, two and a bal! acres adioining Il Sesu-- To "ae ib att" t thctla k rdin venr isaedbre . as. . a cetryfreaîizing the extra burden cast upon i cs; a splendid buy on easy ternis: pog- The Rzall Thoseoretakignelen Oaisr,1e MSun. SChHon, eretafry fa hi-as President et the Bay Cfd session eanly spiing. APply T. H. ock-1 Tii. exal rug5tre Wintan Bgel ee souteSudvShorpre o he Quinte Canference we feel he bas hart. Bo.wmaaville. Phone 511, -tf Audrev Trimbie, Allan Kigbt, Ber-' Sunday School, Young People's Sac- 'ie npnul tbstesd Byyn etsso' otso nard Mitchell, Cecil Dudiey, peggy.ietv sud C. G. 1. T. Tbe latter gkeen talents o t ok c t hm e at rneS sonsN-rftSl Oliver, Mis. H. M. Foster. Briegroup bas a membership of 65 divid- k u tlette he grea!y of t BC os. eu easecura $80.00 tnke an rae aveiy ice it.Clartitude.ta Mis. Robins for ber J y & Lo li Baznell, Edsll Oliver, W. Ros: d into our groupa witb Ms. C. A. 'hrh and ber rei- ave ryhealthr- To inots ed an Rc hlya18.0 Jur & Lov ll Tbe tickets are selliug for 50e sud Mms1. Elton Weri-y, Mrs. F. A. Foster Ouflue leadei steares s brnsîf-reer Phmen 78 ~~~~75c, tax incinded. sud nsy b reser- sud Miss Florence Werry as group c ieaerehpadataepssurin PI. 8 Prompt Deflvewy ved at Mitchell's Drug Store. ileaders. I mr baleht b er ed y hand mlte. i te adR Whou ve test eyez it is dons The PlsV is beinq dir'cte<i bv Miss, Young People's Society bas receut- I MTo c o e ryRbian unani-e fflpmly. Venetti Kelly, of the Jehn B. Rogers ly elected new efficers, Mr. Sm Th monvivtaiMnr. * in as na - -~___________________Proncig G. JFexguson being Preaideat. Tbe PastT for the eusuin« yeaî 'u U T G LA SS 1Young People raised $200 for the M. ReBv. Mr'. Robins made a ver knd & M. F'und. .Iid Sunay chol as mrdbrsIp1v and graceful reqlv te this resolu- TO CLEAR of 60; as 3 ofices ad tianrs; on Ibebaif of M"s. Robins sud Comporte...............12 pe 640; rcba s tracifi er s dlea ersip himself, statinz that thev had neer Sherrets .. $1.50 . $4.50 dom. spedd rhstaude edes h een haopier napsoaeta eeI hr.tPae ...250 ~d M O E EW DR SS Sof Mr-. A. H. Fletcher. Contnibutedr intera rliwetae ths chure I aad7 Jt .............dom5 M O E NE RE S S$200 te tbaak-offering snd $260 ta sud expressiug the hlighest sud be.t.' SadPlates........5 We wre i Toontoon Tesdy buingtoretheeLibrsry; raised $1145 during an C greamoe b . H Bte»a«Co ...Sua.......1. 00.. setH Wewr i oonoo uedybuigmoe teyear; $635.63 bas been spent in Tsud s oed y . . B m'bt:Taf eeýTae......10 new Dresses which wilb be here for Friday and supplies. theCWureaion c ruit ted ________ae..........$1 Saudyslig. Thy are What are sate ganist, reported frtechoir, wbh ManCuel uderesectoiallyf seo and new for afternoon wear. You'll be maerestbsaM Frauci uton 5, w av aden r ~uelh undemre h e ia yset ion interested rase atmembaerhpotf4,wib2n. V29. dealinz wi$-h tbe'e ntif+u+inn anAf and welcome to see these loVely dresses even ifrg atuacee 2 Severa' Poverament thereot do dîete ta R E , bave ienoved sud a numiber et uev th' Offcia __ rd, e -hs1Cn.re'. BOWMANVILLE ILPHONE 186 Fanious READING Fyrowell la especially prepared for us» lu Hot Water Heaters. la caretully pre.pared la sey- enal ie, te give maxmaug results at minimum cost ln every type of heating plant. AUl orders receive carefui and prompt attention Iîy phoung c520. HENR Y LA THROPE LIBERTY ST. MEN'S OVERCOATS LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES TO CLEAR AS FOLLOWS: All Overcoata, values Up to $25.00 for....$16.95 All Overcoats, values up to $30.00 for ....$1975 All Overcoats, values up to $37.50 for.... $2475 EVERY COAT IN THE STORE ON SALL STANFJELD'S UNDERWEAR S1.89 Gaermienit Heavy quality, ail wool Shirts and Drawers, (Red Label), regubar $2.50, Cloerin Whie They Lust $1»8 T. B. GILCHRIST Diretty Opposite Bank of Montr'ent ROFIT Dowamvfll SALE WINTER COATS 0W GOJNG ON 'ence S. Mason EDOOR WEST 0F F. F. NMRS CO. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ALLJN'S GROCERY NEWS With thou8andâ of articles to seli in a8u p- to-date grocery stor~e like ours, you donWt know what to feature moat. Anyway here's a few items we offer this week: Castile Soap, ....................... 10CaI&M for2&c Babbitt's Cleanser ................3 pkos. for 23e Johnston's Liquid Floor Wax, 75c and $1.3 bottie FREE USE 0F ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER With every purchase of Johnston'a Wax we gladly loan Electrie Floor Polisher free for~ hall a day. Pure Gold Icing, ass't flavors, reg. 16e pkg, 2 for 23c Comb Honey .............Amber 15e; Clover 25c English Lentils, nice for soup ..............5e Nb SmaIl Enelish Green Peas,.............2 pIg 20e FLOWERS & PLANTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS HARRY ALLIN, Orocer mmmm !Iffleffl Ir - ausannau PAGE FM ý. 1

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