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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1930, p. 8

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PAGE momi THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLP., THURSDAY, FEBRUÂRY 6thi, 1930 CUT THIS OUT OBITL1ÂRY . COUDU SOILT.G RESCH C1 R. J. McKeaaock, Solina The iN4e 'vAC aetlgI& e e denNaDtU:.O OCIAL UniST.AsGEcaOREng frC THIS COUPON 18 WORTH When the death occurred at Bow- ng tChur- epeEno nqu c Ma eveing , f meb. uW ROA TETRBOMNVLEof Mr. R. J. McKessock the people in ______________________________________________hurld on n te ariah Hal o F t. 21re' RO 0L E NTS, WMNVLE on andecounitayl on Sday, Jan. 2,FERU RY th 130The Conundrum Social hold in to organize a Parochial Committea c At any evenlng performance during towan of t udntr aseres hean ER AR >i,13 Newcastle United Church S. S. Rooni the Woman's Auxiliary. The Recto, osuon acaeonthofach pa 130 Old one. his u sual a o r ie as ech r at n<> on Wednesday evening, Janary 30,1 Re. F. H. Mason, expressed is g os Missin. lina chool. NEWCASTLE A S RbRSE PMR Y . A. i e Guowan's group f the ification at such a good attendance TePnapial nec ada. hirtyear avago ths tecom¶ng Su- 1EWASLEANUPRSWCASTW.ALEvd p expectations, and and outlined the objects of the ntw b b T ertaftersaio assis ormal sm- Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, was a Uie hrh-1v .P Rg 1eetaint r adMa ae proved a very pleasurable and inter- committee, which were to work fe The State5flma Offoe. Exaniinations at Ottawa lhe was en- recent guest of Reeve and Mrs .escao. Sdy e. 9:ilAli, etineA g cain. h hrhadt as ud gers, heSholBor a PastF icad.M-or n day, Febp; .30t: lpl., Nwcat. p ogrn f exceptional menit Parochial needs. He feit sure tbt ______________________in 1900 and two generations of pupils .Crngratulotions Worship;n2.30 ..a* was presented by wholly local taI- with se mnany willing hands ta help havegsed ty g tee hoo oadtolinr-Hanra .Toation te aMriadf M -Sunday Sehool; 7 p. m.-Evening The hospitable home cfShMr.,andcnt,.in.individualr mes, aitand ne.h cpbelaMrhpo havepassd thoughthe cho l du Hoatr Toon Jn.th ria fa evcsbee:TeMdlCongre- Mrs. W. J.o S. Re kard, h asRt Wi. oes a cayirmn-. Mc.esD. J. Galbraith, that the wor COURTICE ing that time. He seldomt badl a choli itedagtro Jn 9h gations, being the complement cf the scene, o usa evening, Jan- We would like te see oec hsc h omttewudb ra ar fail in exams because lhe always! Mr. D. T. Allun, Mr. Clarence and last Sunday evening's sermon. The ay2tcaveyiertngndypcfroam sitialasn-uces The officers are: Conver MYi L#U s Oborne, Toronto, was had bis work weîî grounded and abouti Miss Laura Allun, Orono, viie Mr. Model Pastor. 1 delîghtful occasion, à surprise Party teresting to local audiences, but ia and Chairman-Mrs. D. J. Galbraith lim vrte ekn r on- tohnrdhv rdaeifo and Msr. H. C. Allin on Sunday. Mr. Wesley Bellamy, formerly 1 and presentation in honor of Mr. and seldom given nowadays, supercedied, Vice-Chairian-Mrs. Jos. Coulso; aid Courtice, Toronto, sPeRt thej this schgo] as Entrance Pupils and i M.tanley Grahan isl home fron principal cf the Coîborne and Bright- i Mca. Harold Allin, Newcastle, in apparently, by the mania f or playsSerer-Ms Gor onsutleer. teen Miat hel..G.yCongrinninattonsmanyofem witb honorg. Moet ofý Bîoomfield where lhe wsemployed onHigh Schoois. ba% been engaged view of their recent marciage. Rev. and concerto by outside artists. ue-is oa1ulr to Mss Ylma ay o wining thebtemhe taught tbe fict two focms~ on thne Bank -of Commerce staff. bv the Board cf Erlucation as teacher W. P. Rogers acted as chairman and~ The program consIsted of piano February 9th, 5th Sunday afte prise for aursing i connection withjc ihSbolwc c.HoldGoes ru ftecfsineiiabmtc n art and ccnducted the prograi in a very ef- solos, Lorcen Batty; chairman's atf- Epiphany: 8 a. m.-11oIY Comimu- tii. Short Agricultural Course in i iiolo een arnr.dress; selecin yteml urein la .MrigPae Bowmaavile, aise te Miss Sadie Muirl flved bis school and Ieved his '. A. will provide the dinner foc the certain other subjects in the Hig Asicient ridmanner. , ectd Msss.W.i.nS.byRtiekade Hoaret, ion; il . mS-idnyil Prayer q91 wiRuing the prize for ]Domestic scholars wbich meant much for bis Prebytery nmeeting here ,on Feb. 6th. School in place cf Miss Neya Swit-, tAs cmtheyrierndgroente YaHreld Mess rsk . . ick ad, Hcarid, Prf r, Rye Sidney o;bld7,P.D. Science ...Sunday services were success i hi profession. Tbe schol-_ Mr. Stanley Pollard, 1 aaiîual ors~~ hearty burst of song by the assembledi by Miss Marion Ricksrd, "Molîrvenn ryr fairly u'elI attended considering the ars<uigbsIs lns eime- with bis, brother, Mrllet olo, uiszueti, "Hello Harold"~ and "HelloiDarling," "The Bulldog and the Bull _______ ed bini witb flowers at the bospital bas been assisting Mc. Harold Alun Mr. Wm. Hayes and Mr..Ed Haves Minnie," with M"a. C. A. Cowan at F'rog,ll" "ie Away, Hie Away geahetsudroad. 'and manv were the letters be receved1 in the snitby in is spare tume. cecently attended the funeral cf the' tepao oe;rcttos isMrae atn copne yMs .M from ptzpils wben ini the Toronto Hos-1 Mc. Stanley Riekard, Member of former's brother, Mr. Daniel 1 he-ano.rss xlann teprp Homs; -rhar onasls, Miss Rsae'Wsher; eîocuoarnub r, La AMTNpitlItbrceeyears ago during his ilîneqs the Ontario Older Boys' Parliament, Hayes, Rochester, N. Y., who died oncfthn ater xin irgnd e rOse th Co a monccampsoosbyMiss RM. E di e," c . . ikard humeronsL _____there. will be the guest of honor and pe-Thrday, January 23rd. He leaves odiladete e b thrpac:vclsl-,tlkM.H.RPac.Mss. Mca. Thos. Ballied and daugbter, In 190.3 he wrssunite<l in marriage or at the Tuxis Square bn1t tbs i s.ine rwe HysAgollladesemf i bvther Pare: vocal solt o" "takr.c H RR.are. Mis . Ruby, Carievale, Sask., are viqiting wj hMabel Li llian May Pascoe, Solins on Fciday evening. five sons, Wilford, Stafford, Timothy, freda foMr. W.nd M Rca Ali, WIand"heDaetSog" .W Pere prtovienstwre men a u y vnn, ithh ( erean atr:fu aghesýc ted by M rrRieadcoupte frte r'n o h cnnr lier Mater, Miss Lizzie Roeves ....daughter cf the late Thomas and Mcs. On Saturday1111 ehowing.th, er.ge ad Watc four diesweh ep re atlv surprisend oupflwie peparrincegre bingmad Mc. Lloyd Willis and Mr. Tom Mc-1Pascne and three childcen bcqd h ommunitY Hala e s o f teMars. andKirPat-ickon eliiie. ere pn b r.C.nA.d wit andsmfon ehlirooforWhensi. fth ounr Caldeu, Toroente, apent a feu' days this union, one son Alan and two1fim "E.a, deicingscne ofMagaet ndNorne oe boter' las, bth.e. AuCwaiqoubeaî gooa-Cacnce Alnof mnu with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs.' daur-_ters Marzriet and Ruth. ! wild animal if e in Africa. They were William. cf Newcastle; one sister, c f the orchestra, and two heautifully Down, A. E.ococ alSebR ITi asin the ueniue featre cf tai1 John ColwNi, gr. .Mr. Frank Hast-' Sonie tbree years arno he under-, taken by Mr. and Mrs. Johnston dur- Mai-y cf Rochester, N. Y., and four upholstered wicker chairs, bY Messrý A. .Jones, etc. oc scsion, th enuas coprs a1 ings, 0. A. C., Guelph, spent thel etavr ri1a pctoni h n -year trfP 6-1 erandchildren. H. W. Coche and Howard Allin. on1 Appropriato vocal solos were rend- of sn""Cb eiaOctes "Loyes'De eekend at home. Mrs. Roy Me-t-' To'onto Gc'ncal Hospital and bever-: Mc. G. L. Wagar, M. A., of the eafothohrsftezteiiz rdbyM&Ge.Ioova r"AFoieofClrnecwi R. Base: I 'beth NTIE hel'h g f "ForH'qA Joilv Mark Allin, who sang "TÉle Village"AFvrtcfCidn"ec.wih ttf sa§ Mrs. R.VanCamp, Baecd hetween life andI deatb, but is' ýBowmanville High Sebool, wiIl b the NOTICE e singîg e or es eut tewbe 'Line, vsited at Mr. A. Trenout'. failb and hore and fi-btinr gqualitie- principal speaker tte ui quare GoApFpli"caationw b "ive lacksmitb." Several joîî y n<Ir ~ sretre u eb Mv hohlus Salter, Mimico î intru h tseiulyu-father and son 'banquet on Wednesl- Appicaion ill bo c i)-, .: Us a Sn)eecb." te which Harold -made itrd rounds were conductei *bv 1i- candy kiss, tcethpick, Conversatio ited his brother, Mc. Theodoce Slter. j i(,-minei1 bi- system and left is :ý ay elvOiing, Feb. 12th. Mrsi . .th-uncpa enil of the Village j a véry suitable and zrateful ceseo(nFpe Rickard. and a clever contest ils'M1Loegean5en .The annual congregiltional me-t- hat eiul macd bnti ikr' ru f the W. A. will of Newcastle te fili the differont cail 'Wbat'g the Matter wth Harold?'" Loreon Lorriman, after wbich bounti-' A more substan-tial menu of sand ing of the cbucch held on Friday ev- lIet lîness came be cculd not witb-; cater. aried Positions. Appointments te he:was aIse sung. Congratulatory fuI refreshments were -erved and tbe wiches, cake, tes, etc., in excellen eniin waa a lI atende aEtcur-1ed. thheshckho ddesand aldthpt Dontayoube lielthewomatwhcuadecMndaykFethae wltb.an3 whpeechs, hmorou the therwse, emamner o!the veninrwas yeatndi-ity an abudant uantiy -w agng reports fron the various r-kintî and lovîno ,hands could minister goles around emplaining that seH .Bnt awcerae yW .(nkH .i oia ovrainaf ii-the g rc ead the aiesft ganizatiefla were lriven and a social be, ased aivay. 1 neyer gets a bargain. Jus-t corne te 61 Clerk Peacce, and lis other ceren' bride-,cences. ruanteiassat. haîf-hour followed ...Te deepesti He had a few acres of ]and in the 1 Clarence S. Mason'a No-Profit Sale cf sympathy of the wbole community is ,_____e______e_____ ___and_______________________________________on. eztended f h ai ftelate, h.with ipoultry and bis stock at,- etefml fte vIn awenhdie n elvdt otsnwgigo. -_____________ ___ _______________________________ R. J. McKe-soeck. Solina. Tbe in- 1 flower5. He ra'S a great lover- cf rat-: Tenders Wanted flience cf Mr. McKessock radiatedrt ato nedfr17idChrh fac beyond the bounds cf bis I ontc 1 OIm or t.,.iTŽ'] ( il The flag hune at haîfnîae;t forl for s li, 1 ete Ulr i friends shace witb the eople cf Sol-I nearîs' tbirtv year- lhe went eut and i d. Apply Fred tnimbam. eite H ee AeG RAT ina a sense cf irrenarable loss ming-1 .-W led with gratitude for the memorv cfI nmo heshar._4 a life lived so unreservedly foi- others. 'The teachinz profession bas1les t CourtABArcherSANo. N GSfo, l' _______1avalued member as he had been ors, Court Acher. Noo38e , a Presirlent and alze Secretacy cf Dur-' amte.6 59 CARD 0F THANKS bain Countv Association. He had l ase The community is niucb pocrer for benP is passing, as he rias a kind fciemvd Foods of natlonaliy known excellence at prie« made possible by A & P's policy of selling the best of fonds at the, Mrbnees lfoT li c inaPrsoitint of the Tre - oaEdaucd ghoa vigbus HEECONOMY RUS owest prices. Make out your shopping lst now, sud make your food' budget go further by bringlur your lBat Ramunton wish te thank Dr. Sîmmonn,i section cf the Province and inanv cf band and f ather. t hr aig r otwie Dr. Ferruson and nurses cf Bow.mar his addresses ceceived great con- The funeral on Wednesday was ville Mosiit-od. aise Wonmen's Institutel nendation andI praise f roni tlie bigh-j largely attended by youno- and old te andi BibleClass, and neighors for' ot educationists in Ontario. pas t heur las' respects te a dear their lininesq. flowers and fruit ini When roming to the ne,*ehborlbood' teacher and friend. Hie paste-r. hi& recent accident. hoascae iefwibteSs Rer. J. R. PBick, officiated andtI tek - -jof Temperance Division mnd nas one wfle witt, he wSparito" Mc an. NEW SPARTAN RADIO MODEL cf its most useful memtbers in dehate1 Bakrs fiLetI i omte SpiritheMc. J Q IA ,L IT I' M E A TS T E41 ______ Iand al ether prozranis, and aise akersa1 Sore aytheclve JuetoutMode 93 wit 9 u s ssted in every tempecance movenientl chord will rek, ;ith McLena These great values are ready for you the favredteatdrec frm pantninttheo. W hae cto u tyl, o de fl 3, ne quaîity ,jin the township. He was a nember' Taylor as ccorpanist. The c- ng be sure te buy where youresure of quality. fS lvrdta ietfo lnaint o. W aea comsstlet odrltie $19. T i of the Independent Order of Fret- I ere laid l h r?,t in t1icfamniy tien,______________suit every taste. bcand uLew mnode]. No change in' -He leavos te mourn his passinz.A P E A prie of other Spartan models, Wil MAPLE LEAF FARMERS' MUTUAL is corowine- wjdw and son and A & pBLND D IDI *lbA" be glad te demonstrate this new FR NUAC OPN, daughter. tbrve'ssos four brothers. » 4 a pc " l Allia, Kiff St. W., Bowmansille. COLUMBUS, ONT. the teachinz profe.ssion at large. antior I &70t,àv-da ge atra Spa-tn i yur ere. acy Ucthle coornunity of West Dur- ~Fr2hrdv rdyadStwaV ASSAM & INDIA *0u0lM. 630 Hon. Wm. Smith, President barn,. so RAFS I P. G. Purvia, Secretary Thc, boiront were bis six nerhews. SMOKED BREAKFAST. 7 35 years cf successful business. A. T. Wes:tlatke. Frank and Luther ee l.30 rates. Directors know evecy risk anIHrlIaCo.Caec ik lod l.3eO A G E O b 9 ___________________personally, therefore a fair adjust- Those present frorn a dist.ollý e- e SOS LA SRrOMRYNI!1D -A "N mre ~ ~ , ~ *,jmet n ae f ic. Directors in bie rotj,-r, N.J nMFene.mdHOLLY FAiM SOS LA SR sosre AS SZ est an mentin.iase oJfiJ. -mf r n. Johs n,]Vc- eej A I A IN O D R1 '~'z.Tf wrom] xteThoundsa 55minge"- this territoi-y: J .Smitb, Ennisqkil- , Mt-r. Mre. INs ]IallR 1y f Cz. Tin 340 '10 OtV4> *s like miagic with len, Samu2el Snowden, Bowmanville.Ud mol Elaor cf Toronto; Mr. and Mr . ~U, «Frit--tvec.,Cyot a scki headaches Local Agent: Everton White, R,-g Sonîervijhý, cf ('herrywood: Messrs. AS G *OdR.--R. 4 Bowmaaville. N]s, dseen .Jirn and To, Tfno1ls cf Toron- "5Ik. Get'TUlit-I.tivea" from duggist 'eday. Phone 146c2. 4-2mj 10: mfot] othea swreMýr .Pure Breaklast àAN f EXCEPTIONAL Baker, q. F_ Werry, C. A. Blanchaird, ~e vice, Maurice Bakcer, Cecil Bush. Alan YM UOF V L E Plaion, Pcýrcy Dewil. liEvereît Vice, Jim and Joe, Reynolds ancd Bruce Tjnk. FRESH YOUNG ROASTINO ALWAYS A FAVORITE The floral oferings were heantiful and T eE ieS o Str nld thi efollowlng: Wreaths-The DR .P A C o l 2 Th lt heSoeFamllyEldad AdultBible Cas, S..No. H oSUEBtl 2 SHOES THAT SATISFY 2GnewanvMotes.ubalin co taff, shlpAYLMER CHOICE QUALITI Councîl, West Durham Teachers, BeY- nolis ,,,my; ,,,,,-Mcrs,, Mrs. A. J..TO ARSo2Tn 3 Renod; h,,tIý.A. James & Smns;Loin ov Rib Roast lb.130 Ov rh e r on a tAnchor-C. G. 1. T.; sry-r.To.L i rR b R a tm 2 Paiscoc, andi fanily. Young Me's anld AUIESLFVP Over hoes are oing FastYoung Ladies' Bible CImes, Solina Womn- ens Instltute, Mr. and Mca. John Bnker, -lo l e o n .2 0L X T ie o P 3 CksI9 Mr. and Mca. J. G. TLngmaid, Mc. Doug- h@ Ie Ro tlb 22LU To et oa 3 Cks19 Himry m you wfl b. late for y'ur, Mss Eveln lissyMr . dG. S.Eve. e n D t o u b ~MD VTEFN8 E ___________Mcs. leame Hctiy, Mr. and Mrs. Hacvey; "jwN o » o]ec u oTz l Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pasce. Mr. mcirnt -uke bak................$.9 ad Mca. D. Yllowlees, Mr. an,] Mca. FI- ADUT A CASE TODAT AT THIS LOW ?=ICE Ç~,j~~~5lC5 3-bukle, blak $1.69 mer Wiibuc and Gordon, Mc. and Mrs. AhPQA.T Carl Wllbuc mn,, family, Mr,.and Mc.. £aoUp CatmaaeUttToDato 2Tins1 g ~~ T~w, (~II4~~ $169 Bort 14unt and Ernest, Mr. and Mca. C. ALE RE AE 9 ,WOmens, Lotw Cuff............................. .flA. Blanciard mand Arthur, Mc. and Mca. R O U S tI andLrea R S r S. Bush and CecIl, Mr. Russel Vice. Mc. a t an bf c a k Womn'a Mg bak ottn jre cloth ....1-95 andi Mca. R. C. Scatt and Margaret. Woens .... bc,~ ere..... '" IMisses Marjery andi Ela cotlaStt. Mr.-.Srw o 4 -sBt jand Mca. Norman Wright andfi fmmly. Mc. 3'7e Womgn's, "&n and wool jersey Aif. Ayre, Mc. acd Mcs. Edgar Ibmr, Mc.g PRGO»BAD8OTE and Mca. Pro' L. Smith, Mc. and Mca. 1 RuselPekisMr. and Mr..Arthur Jus oénd Une of paet one-strap Shoes Rae, Mc.and Mca Iran La,#. latt Roast ib. 25. J.ily Powders 5 Pkgs. 25, with covered cuban heels and new long CARD 0F THANKSRu p Ro sl.2 . POST BRAN FLAKES........... 2 Pkgs. 23c pair J. an.dooSpl UXUR G vamps, perpar....................................... . Mc -50 aml HARD CANDY CUTr ROCK OR RUMBUG lb. 46c Mrs R.3. cKesoc ad fmil oiUW c ETR MBRAND 3O-oz- Jar 43e menu occasonally, or better stili, regularly. %II Large White Loat 100.PRNCE ATOEFUL .j PMUMtm T'ft% ISLAND lis PEC The Bowmanviie Bakery Cd ]LlGRW\r ______&_______ T PHlONE f sII Bal=la=* on n"ý ee k. Doctot sd Vanab.d overo ght.1 C. T ot L MT. __________________________ boilagoe lwhours. C .^sS. O. S. CLEANSER-Maglc Scouring Pada, 6-pad aize-23c. 4'1 t t 61

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