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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1930, p. 1

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e' bm-- tate 'man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWI4ANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2Oth, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 8 e1 PHONE 104 LIMITED BOWMAN VILLE. Extraordinary SALE FIGURED X 'PRINT DRESSES $2e95 Special for Saturday SeIling These Dresses are ail new Spring models, newest de- signs, which we bought at a very special cash price. We are passing thern on to our custorners at an equally at- tractive price of only $2.95. We were only allowed a lirn- ited number at this very low price so corne early as we certainly cannot duplicate this offer. MORE NEW DRESSES Alrnost daily we are adding new dresses to our stock, which are the latest in styles, shades and materials. Very reasonable in price, too. LADIES' COATS HALF PRICE You rnay have been long- ing for a new coat but f elt you couldn't afford it. No excuse now that we are of- fering every coat in the store at haif price. EARLY SPRING START We notice rnost men like to be up to date and in style just as rnuch as the wornen. We are therefore rnaking the first showing this week of Men's Spring Overcoats Men's Spring Suits Men's Spring Furnishings i 4... MINISTERS AND CHURCHES WMNSCNDA LB CM ECMN XRIE HIGH SCHOOL OPENING LOCAL AND OTHERWISE St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W.j Mr. Cyril T. Young, F. R. G. S., Citizens Crowd New Auditorium to' Bowmanville Now Possesses One of Miss Maijorie Robins, Toronto Best, D. D., Minister. Morning~ Superintendent of Develo.pment, Can-i Witness Annual Event the Best Equipped High Schools University, spent the weekend at Worship il a. m.; Evening Worship adian National Railways, who ad-I[ i n Ontario home. 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. m. dressed the Men's Canadian Club on'1 The first High School Commence- Mr. Albert Willis, Toronto, spent St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,, January l4th on "Resources Develop-metErcsshlathesoo The new High Sohool wing was the weekend with his sister, Mrn. W. corner Temperance and Church Sts.1 ment-Canada Forward", spoke to, itself, took place in the new audtor- formally and fittingly opened on Maynard. Morning Worship il a. m.; Evening I the Women's Canidian Club on the Turdyior-1 Fbuay13h Worhîp7 . m; Sndy Shoo 230 ct t ts eguarmee* m on Friday evening. The hall Tusa vnnFbur 3h Master John Morrison, Brantford, p. M. i on Monda~~y afternoon.1 able standing room being occupedi nuinbeofitrsd iiznfomwl ntw. Special services conducted inth 1Mr.Ycn' drs he n an eefre ormi u-owmanvîlle and vicinity. This wiei on C.Atal losaand2Moore frdm2Tr- nada's reouthesdelarin of side in the corridors. The platform evntmarked the culmination of al- Misses Jane and Ruth Grigg, Tor- CaptinsBIos ad Morefro To- Caadas rsouces delarng hatwas -occupied by the staff, in theiri most a year's planning. labor and ac.. Onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. onto. Saturday speciall program will the success of lier future lay chieflyl graduation ro.bes, the meimbers o f the' tivity on the Part of a varied num- H. W. Foster. be given at 8 p. m. by talent from in the production of hier metal ores, bsr the guests and speakers of thei ber of persons from members of Mrs. ]D1gin Wight attended the Toronto. Admission 15c. and their manufacture into articles! ba*' wihtewrds eadn moe1evening. School Board to workmen. funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Court.. Johns (nglcan ChrchI wichtheword l deandng ore MrW B.Couh, haimanof he Mr. W. *B. Couch, venerable chair- ice on ýMonday. St3.eJs Angliruan) 23oed, 193:and more, rather than lier farm andi HMr.ohWolB. oard cimofdthe man of the High School Board, c'on- Miss Marguerite Armstrong, Nor- a. .-olyComuion i a m. fctthat only fifteen percent of i large assembly to the Commencement ducted the program on this important mal School, Peterboro, spent the a. m-Hoy Cmmuion 11a. -1 actoccasion and shared thes platform weekend at home. -Morning Prayer & Litany; 2.30 i Canada's acreage is suited to econ-i Exercises. Ili the course of hIn re-1 with the other member of the Bor, Mr. Dumas pn the week- p. m.-Sunday Sohool and Bible- : marks lhe tendered high praise to teHghSBo safi tegard- edrs Aledaugsent clas; 7p. 1-Evn1n1omC arming and pointed out that teHg colsafi hi ga-edwt irdu"eMrs. James clas; 7 . m-EveingPrayer.1 she la heading into an cver-product-j Principal L. W. Dippell and the other uation gowns, Mr. David Keith, nonsa- Milligan, Oshawa. fConfirmation Class each Wdedy ion of farm produce. This is an age i members of the staff for the com- genarian townsman, and Mr. J. F. Mr. Wm. etlGrnRais at 8 p. m. in Parish Hall.Wdnsa 0fu-odtmcinr.fa re mendable manner in which they Jad Btri radRpd Trinity United Churc-Rev. J. U.i extensive use of metals, and as Can-i carried on the work of the sohool scRoes, hf npctro OtrotMioh.,oviSitedaysc.sn er hs Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: ada is now supplying only 4% of the; under most trying conditions dur sci h.ols. Bottne b te r.l, nandMsJnday.rs Lnd il a. m.-Pastor wiîî preacli; 230th, contructilon of the new urng1 Th i 0~world's need in metals she lhas annn 1 s prnsogr0 a da"aopeed by hea Mywr. ad rs John eSandf ler s ind- p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-, opportunity -for tremendous develop-J when the noise and the crowded con-'sriso OCnd"atewhc ,wreeenget f'lesse, iService in iharge of Men's Brother- ment along that line.j ditions, necessitated ýby the work of 1 fine selection was rendered by the Ms e.Wbtr li t hood. Rev. H. B. Kenny, a former The president, 'Mrs. (Rv.) Ceo ibuilding, made concentration adefcheta, ih Mr. Franc i Sutor- isEnaH otelTrn psowill presch. Men's choir, Mason, occupied the chair and exi regular classwork almost impossible.' eta wt r FacsSspenth ekdwi erpets ~'ubic'coriall inite. prsse th appecitio of he lubleader, and Miss Helen ATgue pianist.M CPubliu metin o in nity Unit d ted o r ang' intrtingoandhen-lub Preentation of Prizes This was the orchestra's first public Mr. and Mrs. Thos. BottrelI. Church on Monday evening was in lightening address. Principal Dippell then took theapercendisotfummbs Mr.eseGigoono et chageof r.BobCobet. hechair for the remainder of the pro-i gave an exceedingly creditable per- the weekend at Mr. Norman P'lum- chagefM._oborthejTh formance. mer's and Mr. J. J. Mutton's. folowng n'eretig pogam as MUSC TUD CUB a<c<demic prizes wasnmad by Dr. J. After extendîng a cordial welcome Miss Dorothy Allin, Normal School, enjoyed: 'Prayer by Miss V. Spargo;C.Dvt;tepiefrhgetM.Cuh inaslni hi-Tonopn hewkedwhbr Seripture lesson, Mrs. Pritchard; solo, 'The members of the Bowmanville; .Dvt h rzefrdgesjM.Cod naspeddc aireornt, Mrpend M'the S.eeke s.d withbe Miss B. Beilman; recitation, Miss Music Study Club met in St. Paul": standing in Upper Sch'ool' Composi-~ man's addre-ss, said, "I am very glad aetM.adM.S hs ln Ev~n 'ilion;conetsol, Carle ectre oomles Wdnedaynigt~tion by Mrs. J. H. H. Jury; Canadian to see sudh a large audience here ta-1 Misses Laura and Sadie Virtue, Caer; pMiansol ore oogeWerrye ee rnig as d edto a sgtudl Club prizes by Rev. R. J. Sbires; niglit. Lt goes ta prove if proof Toronto, spent the 'weekend with and a very helpful talk on the sub- of the opera "Maritana" by the Iri.-hi Athletic prizes and the "W-hiz" Cup, were necessary that the citizens of their sister, Mms. (Dr.) C. W. Slesuon. ject "Faint Not" by Rev. Mr. Robins, compo&c-r of the nineteenth century, won 'by the Migh Sdhool softball Bowmanville and ithe surrounidingi Mr.MrilPru ,TrnoUi Meeting was brouglit ta a close after William Wallace.1 team in the sumnimer taurnament, by' country continue ta -take a great in- vr.tMseriltegusonTorot Uni- several games had been enjoyed. Waillace was one of the mast trav Mr. M. G.V ol M.JH..tes iedcinmter. parents, Mr. and Mms. W. C. Fergu- Serics n riit Curlilat ellod of ail operatic composers, ixav Jury presented the Barton prize for As saine of you know, about' 40 [son. Sendviwe iconutey hrev.laJ. lived, the members were told îb' Upper School Literature, as well as years ago we huilt a school large Ms uilDci .NTite Rc'bins, Who preached a very fine Miss Greta Wickett, who read th the Jury & Loveli debating shieldj enougli ta accommodate about 100, town iospital, spent tihe weekend srmon in the morning from the paper, in almoGt every continent in which for the last thirteen yesrs lias IseholaTs and until about 15 years ago' with lier grandmother, Mrs. John worda "While men slept, heem the world. He was born in Irelan been competed for by the inter-school the attendance did not exceed that r . sowed tares." It contained good in 1813 and died in Spain in 1865 ,au opiigBomnil n<numiber. But since tliat time it lias Ms rdBiaob n r adic t pretsan al hoasoc Te ompoitandeîtwih y islWhitby Higli Schools and Oshawa gradually increased, and as thie at- Ms rdBiaob n r iate with chilidren and young people. Wickett was first produced at the Cleit. A h egei rkntnac nrae ii i ulig edBiaobTrno pn j slo,"Fae t Fae." In he ven ladu ine T84 tr5. fLondon, Eng-: uip by the withdrawal of Oshawa, the was utilized, utilized indecd to the Scurombtete.ise ria Miss C. Anderson sang the favorite ladur ne Tea4e5o.fslield becames the -permanent pas-: fullest extent. For not only the cme ing the pastor took for his subject After a synopsis of the first act session cf B. H. S., the latter havîngi Assembly rom but some of tJhe cloak M' ae ihegi ootas "John Newton", and the choir and Mrs. M. A. Neil played the prelude;1 won ton of -the thirteen cantests. roonis were turned into dlass rocns. Mr. Theodore Fialileigli and daugli- conregtia sag hmn capasd Mss ele Yllolee sag "o Ws'Musical and dance numbers inter- But of course under these conditionstrOhaa visited Mms. John Grigg by this writer at intervals during Mr. a Knight"; while the chorus camposedf spersed throughaut the program were bath teacliers and schelars bad t on Sunday. Robins' recital of the story of lis life. of Mesdames C. H. Dud'ley, G. L. 1 sélections by the High School or- work under a great disadvantage. Th-os. Stapleton, Port Hape, cele- Hall, Misses Helen Argue, Helen1 eliesbra; violin soles by Wallace At the beginning ofthe present brated -the lOOtl anniveraary of bi& Trinity Y. W. Auxiliary held the Yelleowlees and J. Ramsay, Messrs.1 Horn, accompanied by Helen Argue;1 year we have no less than 237 namnes birth on February 5th. He was born February meeting on Tuesday at tbe Ray Cole, C. H. Dudley, M. S. Dale,I Irishi Jig, Jean and Evelyn Mlîson;I on the roll, that is ta Say we have in London, England. home of Mrs. J. R. Moore, Elgin St., G. E. Chase, G. L. Hall, H. J. K.night,l Highl.and Fling, Yvonne Tiglie and about tliree tumes «s many as wlien Miss Florence and Mr. Leslie wîth a splendid attendance. Miss, and S. Glanville, wsgi.'-ý.El rendered. Marion Siemon; Sailor's Hornpmpe,1 the aid school was bult. This, toco Jackson attended the funeral of their Sparga, President, presided, and af- During the rest of the story of thel Margaret Dickson; and Negro fOlki in spite of the fact that -thle popula aunt, Mrs. Wm. Courtice at Oshawa ter opening exorcises, readings were opera, various musical nuxubers tak-'dance, First Forma Girls, with Charuie tion of the town of Bowman.ville and on Monday afternoon. given by Miss Rilda Sieman, Mrs. El on frcsm it were presented. The dueti Cawker as accampanist-; vocal solos,l af the county of Durhiam la but very Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds, mer Cox and Miss Helen Cryderman. with Maritana, the heraine, and Don' Helen Argue, acccmpanied by Mr.j little if anything greater than it was~ Queo n Street, quietly celebrated their Miss Lena Haddy touk up thle study Jase, the villain, was sung by Mrs.ý Francis Sutton. 1forty years ago. But of course we fifty-esixth wedding anniversary on book "Jerusalem ta Jerusalem," giv- C. H. Dudley and Mr. H. J. Knight.1 Several of the Fourth Form pupils, t ound that a sdlioel built ta accoml- Tuesday, Fehruary 11th. ing an oxcedingly fine ouffline of the Mr. Melville S. Dale gave an excel-1 Kenneth Morris, Morley VAnstone,I modate 100 pupils was entîrely inad- MranMmJ.W Hyd ad second dliapter which everyone great- lent interpretation of "AIl the World1 Harold Slemon, Bernice Belîman eqat t roid Morfr.3 and aglt rs elenen and lolTrn ly enjoyed .A hearty vote of tlianks, Over"; while the trio. "Turn on Oldi Florence Bennett, presented a humor- (Cat ontroiued on page3 ta, wuger guet natdaly orone moved by Misa Florence Werry and Time" by Miss Helen Argue andi u ktette TeFs hp"(otne npg )twr usso audyo e secanded by Mms. W. P. Corbett, was Messrs. Dale and Knight, was very; One skitetitl "Te isISandios father, Mr. John Sanders. extended ta Mrs. Moore for lier hos- well received; Mr. G. E. Chase sang ne of thpe beteeies ndh mo- ETRFO ONELOT DytgtSvn nTrnowl e pitaiity. Nect meeting at the home "Oh Happy Day"; Miss Jean Rams ieartiyapprheciyate i ehon tpo-n ETERFRiJONnLLOTayrlilth avin n tront witheo of Mrs. Elton Werry, Concession St. "There is a Flow'er that Blomreti"Ž'a gram was the ymnastichexhibition Pragranmin charge of Mrs. Melbourne and Mrs. Geoirge Hall gave "Scene; by a number of boys under the direct-j 682 William St., London, 'rainwas aedein teo cane ei Wîght's group. thtaeB1ltat. Teporn ion of Principal Dippeli. This classi February lOth, 1930,tanshdlsi codne cbose wit asplendid prormelas made excellent progresîn a very Mr.C. H. Mason, 'M r. Morley T. Cawker, Medicine co te clohsingchorus, r"orWateshort time and gave a highly ce oo-Scretary nîgh acnool Boaru, vHat, ls a,ri esMr and Mm. C. M COMING EVENTS of heos" ou, O W able performance in the way of gym-I Bcswmanville, Ont. ithspaesM.adM .C.. Hoa D. Rchrd Norai dis I ea bsencf r. ody h nastie stunts, exorcises and pyramid Dear Mr. Mason: Cawker, and other relatives. tingui Dr.ed idhad crmanisf-reIn teabeMr os.JH. Btman accuhebuilding. t would lie a great pleasure ta at- Mr. G. L. Wagar, Mathemnatical Dr.uihe Staiey J n,o Tep oof prie te harsJ. BAlteher tî u Tse psentation of the graduation tend tIe formai opening of the on- Master of 13Bowinanville High hool, Dr.Stnle J nieon hrcion pnedofthe mirost ccsfu etetingwasdiplonias and certificatos was made larged Bowmanville High Sohool, but attended the funeral on Sinday cf Findia, Trînit t8p n of the season, and the conveners, Mn by Mr. W. J. Marrison, former papu- I find I cannot well do so.I the late Lawrence Robertson, Co- FriayFe. 2st atS m. . eore all Mss . olbwbes n< lar principal of Bowinanvilie Hi«h1 Seven cf thie lappiest years of my bourg. Ph sGeCltrolssshl i t rgM.S.Hal,dsrv ela greesatdalSehool, who la now Inspector of teaehing career were spent in the Miss 1. K. Smithi, B. A., cf the ysial ulureclsse hed n S. r. . S Dledeerv a ret dalBrantford Public Schools. beautif-ul old school overlooking thie Higli Scliool staff, was callesI to John's Parisl Hall every Thursday. of crédit for their liard work. lake, and many lasting friendships Cleveland, Ohio, earlly Wednesday Ladies' class at 2.30 p. ni.; scliooi Mr. Morrison Reviewa Events were formed in tlie good town of morning, owîng ta the serious iilncss girls' 4 ta 5 p. M..; evening class at 8 MILLER BEAUTY PARLOR Mr. Morrisoon expressed lis pleas- Bowmanville. 1 f lier mother. p. M. Anyone interested niay visit uea en aki omnil JFrsuetqaiyadschool M.Rb.Pwo lf atwe the classes. The ladies are greatly pleased withiuea en1aki omnile FrsuetqaiyadMr.Rlt asnlf stwe CaetaTylrs jk hrsa tclatngrsut o a:oa again and4 at se-ing the splo i prt osho n yeprece sur-, ta vîsit relatives in England. He ane winone o heseri boxeusdoftPermang ent Wave ofiL eare vng 0'ýschool th, town naw baasts. He ndid1 psiritnohool ain ihScosailed froni St. John, N. B. by the pafd1 passed the BawmanvilWe H.gli Sehool haatdwnoes othe xvil erawnxeforfoPrmainiedt Wme wat sp eia r ionglitiut oM.1.B ouw and r dan have no higlier wish fýor 'lMontcalm" of thle Canadian Paciic skcoater t a nube r s or on't $5.0; alsomearcell i finge lad been continuously dliairman af you ail tlian that the ideals, tradi- Steamship Service. every sktrgt unes o' !.0vlomreln.fne av- th chool board during lis ton years, tions, and standards which 1 inlierit- M.E .Wos0 h rodl Admisioectandra15c .15appm. inthmen, tc . 'iiePoet1 oras principal lere, andI wlo was stilli ed on going to Bowmanville as prin- Nr Mr. os o h rod Admsson25 an 1c.apcit ____J.'Mllr,__ orito.orkinfaitifully and nelgty cipal in 1906, and Itried ta pass on ta ureries, Mr. Woods and daugliter W. C T.U. eetng n St Psl's JUNOR ARMES MET jfo th g iteligetly. .Hazel, are spending ton days with fo h cod of the school, and also my successors, may charactenize mn rltvsa oubs ho n n W.C T . etiginS.Pals UIO ARES ET made reference ta Mr. David Keith,. still greater degree the sdliool that i eaie t oubs hias n School roomn on Tuesday, Foli. 25Ui. I hom, lie said, had always been con-ý ta ho. "Non quantumi sed quale." termediate points. fat 3 p. ni. Dr. J. T. Dalev. Supt. of The first monthly meeting of the, weeîa once ihte tf.Vr icrl or, Ms.J .Lwi pn Aewek CildrgienAd Sity:,,, C Pr ope, Juior Farmd n ers ami Junior Institute Hdeclared that ton years ago John Elliott. end with lier brother, Mr. David Mc- lemi." give n addrcsscn hi no-wl b n ensay-o.2 ,en h ieb-came 'Principal, the aIdi Phersan, Toranto, and enjoyed a Ios. veynevocme t 8 p. mi. at the honme of Mnr. Archic building vas not, oven thon, d- POPULAR TORONTO MINISTER visit withli er brother, Rev. Dr. Neil 1 Bowmanvi-lIe Woman's Institut Muir, Courtice. AIl1 those whalod- vil met i ~e5. . E hal a Fn coîdnt aten tI roent r. quato for the needs of the teache.rsl Speaker et Brotherhood Banquet MoPherson, wlio preaclied in èis wil eti beS .E alonFi olnt tetercnt shor an, pupils and contrasted the present Trinity Church, Feb. 25th. former dhurci in Hamilton on Sun- day, Feb. 28th. Prograrn in charge I course are asked to came out and î.i!ing lih its ad'Iitiona1 facilities, dy of Mrs. Sid. Morris' grou!p. A sho- make this onganizatien a 5uccess. î~fn auditoiun and up-to-dat" laateenn a pn or of canned fruit and vegetables for CGirl' Executîve: President, Sad 1 îîa.~î, W i t i sho.Helnto .O . alo Tirdy the Chldren's Shelter at Port Hopel Muir; Secretary, Mary Rundle. Bo" th f[FoComruamey inth tl.i0,E.HeU n th augrsy will l b4, ld. Fxervone nvted ta Prosident, Laverne Clemens; Secre- 'ec. h sI ;n r~onville during adMis0 nln eelotse contribute ta tIi, worthy cause. tary, Clare Xllin. 'x.princýi1a1ship, at %viich Dr. G. C. atandbanquetofor thn ee st f ¶eie B-'r nycast!e wa-, r1c speai-er, shcrtly ___________abanquet' forrethef roi *ofsoas, an ____ ___________and O'Reilly" whidh was recently présent- the various ac'iv rs of -'ho sehil, ed in the Qpera House. Mr. F. Bate- man acted as chairman. Songs were ALL IlALLth sports, :ho "Sc,:.eccl Owl," tIhenee yMs Ae ovle m TAKIG CI * MII< ' css o nchtest anetano, te ewasîb r. lxCovleM TALLNGTALKING sOratofcal cntee an id bts hlG. Pritchard, Mr. HaroldI King, Misa PICU RS OYAL THEAdeTRrElyteMis i K Sitlh, wlo oes, Mr. A. Matthews, 'Mr. Siîup- PICTURES laPi. qsTitd itEîm 1 son. -Miss H. Pritchard recited. A TI-URSBOWMANVILLE 1 the wholc' fen years.dung comic dialogue was present*d by He oxpressed lis r'egret at thhe1 Mesdames W. Hall, C. Gatceal andI iHR. FRL and SAT-FEBRUARY 20 - 21 - 22 passing of Norman S. B. James, wh0 1 T. Gould. The président, Mss. Geo. Rallie ~lie declared, liad proved of invaluable ' Pritchard, spoke a fe'w Words thlank- Ble oeservice in tumes cf compotition in' j ing those Wlio had helped to ak.le Screen's Bird of Pnais i temot ctonfi icur-o le4sars1n- tleris, e--n ow -"Rse '-ily.asuces..tn -4 If mmammmmici eoand lan

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