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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1930, p. 2

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PAETWOTE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS 1ja, gastric troubles, inflammation of GOLDEN WEDDING HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB I M. G. V. GOLJLD, BA., L.D. Ti akmy' o 10 more- be exercis-od to prevent these sequels. Ti akmyb ot ysadcrs ra aeaol ________ Barrister, Solicitor, otary or less. It may save one or- more1: Protect patient £rom drafts, and i r. and Mrs. George Vice, Formerly Enjoy Visit From Members of Moneyte ba on arm ndTo -imn lives. No possible es>timate shield eves from ptrong light orl of Solina, Celebrate 5Oth Wedding OsaaH eanScolCu Property. Royal Bank Building, can be made of it. Somne schools strain. Light diet' until fever ha5' Anniversary ini Oshawa Bowmanville. Phone 351. flot far f rm this town -have been subsided. A Ie'wered toni of the;A h eua etn edi osed this wiînter wwing to preval-1 systenîmay persist. for seme time. Mr. and IErs. Geo. Vice, 323 .Mai At C entral ulc eootin Febreiy W. R. STRIKE c.nce of soine of the communicable, (A visit to the dentist should foUlow St., Oshawa, celebrated the Flftieth'CetaPuleShoonFbar Barrste, Slictor Noary diseases nentioned. We request mieasle.s, as the enamnel 'of the teeth Anniversary of their wt'dding day a.: l2bh, Bewmianville Home and Sehool SolitorforBankof onteal that where possible this Talk be hoe-ie tal ead'mnay bc aflected.-Ed.) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis van Club entertained about tbirty merl- Money to Loan. Phone 911 aioud in oe-i tal publicity * Nest, 306 William St. East, on Mon-' bers of the Mary Street Hom ad Bomnvle Otri. jpossible, too. We found it in Thc Scabie-z or itch is caused by a smafll1 day cvningFèbruary l0:h, 1930. School Club, Oshawa. -mnilOtroRural New Yorker. signed L. R. De-, parasite -which burrows under the 1Thegathringwascldtoorr W. F. WARD, B. A. ight. po)s-ibly a trained nurse-no , skin and sets up a very iritating in- and Master Geo. Vice read a suitLable Mrs. M. L. Hancock presided and BaristrSolcitrNotry information of prc.fesý;ioli or resi-1 flammation; it. usually begins betw--en addrese and Master Ross McLcanl after opening the meeting in the us- Money terLoliBonds for ale. dence is given. fingci's and tocs, but spreads. It is prosented them with a purse of gold, ual way called on Principal J. H. I * *a oa. ons orSaeighly contagious. Patient should and Master Howard Vice presented J-ohnston, Honorary President, who Offices-Bleakley Block, King Street, J Comumunicable diseases fail into bc isolatcd and clot.hing disinfected them with bouquetscf flowers as a in a few well chosen words wvelco-rned Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones- two cass contagious and infect- after a cure is effectedl. slight token of the good wishes of the guests and expressed the cIub's Office 102; flouse 409. ious. AIl1 con:agiouis diseases are in- Munips is not very dangerous; an their many friends. "For thev are1 pleasure in having the visitors pres-1 ____________- . fcctious, but ail infectious diseasesi inflammation of salivary glands. jolly goodi Fellowýýs" and "When you' cnt. Mrs. McLaughlin, p r e si- are not contagious. Diseases which Warmth is gratef ul, the disease us- and 1 were Young Ki ty" was heartily 1 dent of the Oshawa Club, responded DENTAL sprcad indirectly througb food, wat-1 ually declines rapidly after flrst threei sung, followed by a social evcning and in a short address &lhe told cf the DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1 er, soil. etc., are called infectious. or four days. with aol d-fashioned gamie.s;, etc. many activities of the visiting club jContagicus diseases are communicat-1 Wboo.ping cougb begins like an While lunch was beina scrvcd Miss which proved very interesting ta the Honor graduate in Dentistry, Torontq cd directlv from sick -toa ell person, ordinary cold; af-teýr 10 days the Evelyn Van Nest presen-ted the bride local memb'c.rs. University. Graduate cf the RoyalJ by direct contact. AIl pc.rsons1 wbvvoop is heard. If weather permits and groom witb a wcdding cake dec-' 'Mrs. McLaughlin presided for the College cf Dental Surgeons cf On-' wbetber prof essionally trained, or, keep cbild out of doors; ligbt nourisb- oratedl with ligbted gzolden wax cani- following program given by Oshawa tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville.I iot, have a grave rresponsibility and! ing diet; avoid constipation. ies. A Vetco of thanks vas tenderlaisMssH vetooaln - Office phone 40. flouse phone 22. duty to prevent spread cf disease. ** ed to Mr. and M.%rs. Van Nest and bers, accompanied by Miss Allin; Mrs. X-Ray Equipment in Office.*** Here is sonle very sensible advice., family for their hospital ty on this Hagerman, a reading; Miss Alin, ai ThI topeeeey eei a- Nvrc.xontayse cry mt adieasetocamion. thepiano solo; and some musical select- DR. J. C. DEVITT 'en w-lt-h bacteria. They are rirt aIl On the craryp use hi ea iease.tocasion. h friends attending from ions by the executive. n Assistant Dr. E. W. SiOsson of an infecticus nature, but amongi prevent exposure. When a child is! Oshawa were: M-r. and Mrs. James' Graduate of Royal Dental1College, theni are the germns cf disease-s. The~ taken sick in scho3l witb a contagicus Vice. Mr. and Mrs. F. Vice and fam-! Dr. W. H. Bîýrks, Medical Officer of Toronto. Office: King St. East, fonction ef bacteria or microbes is, disease, it is common in saime com-1 ily, Mrs. W. Lammiiman, Mr. and Mrs.; Healtb far Bowmanville, in a spîca- Bewmanville. Office houars 9 a. m. to destroy dead animal and vegetable! munitiýes to close the school. This Herb. Hanclock, Mr. and Mrs. -Harold did address on "Good Health for the te p.m. ail exeptSunay.mater;whie dingthi 1is rarel y done by the order of the 1Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson, School Chîld,>' oatlined the progresa te 6 p m. dily exept Snday.matter iedoing this, o is konusealth officer, but usually by the1 Mr. and Mrs. A rgt r.G}otmd nti oki eetyea 1P1one 90.ousouse Wrhont 283. IGilbertcmadeodu tis arek formedeknown'rI PhSuppurationsanphinel283. force -cf public opinion. A more Gibson. Mi-s. Wmn. Wood, Mr. and He nuted the benefits derived from X-Ray Equipment in Office. as toxins. snsbluaywolpbut rsaTo. or.Mis .EanrdMr. h cinc i tecae fth pe mation of wounds are caused by bac-i snil a ol et continue rs To.CyMsE.fod r.th lneinheceofhep- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL teria also. - school. Ail -the children are epo-j Chas. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis scbool child and pointed out the valu- Honr gadute f Troto nivr- isese ors otenliedoran ed, and if their own scbool is cbosed 'Van Nest snd famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. able assistance rendered by the Pub- utty aduebrof RoyaltCoUnegeoor- lonsgerio fndtenlcodtomns' bey will be playing with unexposedi Thos. Sheridan and familv, tMr. and lic health nurse in this work, and alse Detald Suros. oyliCee o becomg eraorsabled wevelcondipos cbildren. I bave even known child I Mrs. W. G. Vice and son Georgre and in finding out defects in vision, hear- Denal urgons Liensd t beomefavrabe dvelp, nd ro-,l~ ren te visit other scbools, and parents~ Howard, Mrs. L. -4shley, Miss Mildred ing, etc., in school children. Hie pratise yin On t rloanc hesDoni o uce diseafe Oftdiscaes - te takL children visiting, -cr for a trip Hont. From eut cf town: Mrs. R. sbressed the necessity for anntial Denisty i aI it brnchs. f-fro enrane c i.ectveige tt the City, attend movies, etc. In J. Luke, Kedron; miss N. Lammiman physical examinations and among Eacf Moing tre wal. Phoe,301. irectd t anote rsimilrcase.orin- this way the contagion las pread into 'floronto; Mrsý. Le., Evans and family, other items mentioned the splendid Bako*onra. Phn*0. iet* oaotcrsmia a" several localities. Chapleau: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lant, success obtained ini this tewln tbrough _________* * * Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach the administration Pof toxoid for the Wben a victim bas been exposed te! I bave net toucbed upon tubercul- Taunton; 'Mrs. Geo. Edwards, Tor- prevention cf diiuhtheria. Hie con- MEDICAL contagion, saine time clapses before als; it is bigbly infectious and sbould ont(;; Mr. Everett Vice. Solina; Mrs, cloded by stating that the time was be becomes ilI; this is called the per-1 be treatc-d away front the home. At D. Yellc.wleecs an<d Mi-. and Mis. Cecil net far distant when al.l necessary C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. bod cf incubation. Whcn sucb a dis- the sligh test symptom cf this dread Vice, -Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Silas cases would receive proper inedical Graduate of TrinitY Medical Colleg,,, case is found ta exist, the patient1 disease a 'physician shculd be con- Wcrry and grand-daughter, Ridge- att-entic-n in a cheaper way than at Toronto, formerly cf Enniskillen must be isolated, and nurse must use, sultesi and directions fromn Depart- wav. present. Office and Residence: Dr. Beith, ail possible means to protect herself ment cf Health followed minutely. Letters ofcf ngtulato were re- Mrs. B. M. Warnic.a moved a vote former residence on Church Street and the family from danger. The In sucb an article as :this thc-re islc-,ived from: Mrs. Jno. Vice and son of-ak ateOsaalde n Bewm nvile. P one 59. 4-troom nmu.t be as bare as possible, ail opportonity for touching the bighl Algernon, Strongfield, Sask., Mr. and cf tharcîpsate r the sha a ladies prnd . CARK ELL seaae l and bciil ued or thinapoints only; more inf>rmation can Mrs. Chas. Vice, Cbapleau; Mr a en hed akror 4,thrsnddFro-k J. CLAK BELLseparte plae andboiledor thr- always be obtained from attendingi Mrs. ('. T. Matheson, Cbacl-Ic-au*- aNd .grm .,. Ch. B.. F. R. C. S., (Edin),0.P. H. oughly disinfected befoîe taken te, physician. Learn te watch syniptoms, and Mrs. Earl Hill, Cleveland:' Sr. Jackman as convener, served dainty (Sucesorta r. . ..Tjle) efresbments. Tbe principal of other parts of the house. Do net bei notice heurs cf -ise in temperature. and Mrs. S. E. Weî-ry, Solina Mss Mr tetShco eafc h (Sucesor o D. A S.Tiley) careless aibout smaîl things. Bed- If a stimulant is given watch and Nora Werry, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. tee colinbhafo h Bans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-. ding miust be placed in a solution of,ý report a change ia respiration, dis-t A. L. Pascoe, Soina; Mr. and Mrs. OsawvisitClb or s hnkedth Bcw-Th deen University; Fellow of the Royal bichîcride cf rmercury; after soakiag criminato- betw-een a stupor or a' Jas. A. Werry, Enniskillen; Mr. and na-il lbfrishefaiy h College cf Surgeons, Edinburgh. beil it with soda or 'borax. Ccm-1 quiet restful slcep. Be able te give MIrs. Fletcher Werry. Kedron; Mr. tbo ning clîssed -by singing God Save Office and Residence: Queen Street, mon wasbing soda is a good dsnei- h f ora nelgn eot o n r.W .Cwe aa eveKig Bowmnvile. Pone 9. at fo utesilsand instruments.i can pyresent the whole pico, re. Dur-; Telcgrams from: Miss Lois Holding,1 Office Helurs: 2 te 4 P. m., 6 to 8.30 P. ni Copperas or chîcride cf lime is used 1 ing bis v:iîts h-c sees caly flashes, Chapleau: Mr. ond Mrs. K. L. Boul-' dry in wa-ter cIbosaýts andI drains. Your wbich may notmrirror truie conditions. ton, Buffalo; -Mr. and Mrs. Wm.ý W. H. BIRKS, M. D. physician -will give yeu more general' Stewart, Ridgeway. Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. directions for fumigation and disîn-i The nurse should take the best of The address was as follows: Offce& eiepne 1Dr. Hafewod' i* n. care c-f her5relf while cngaged in con-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vice: SUN LIFE ASSURA] Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'stagious work. A daily w-ilk in t.heJ We, oreidegadhlrn former residence, Wellington Street, In infectious diseases sucb as ty-' fresh air, plenty cf good food, and asan yurcideracidrn ,yadrelative-s, have assembled this ev-1 Bownaanville. phoid and tuborculosis, a patient isn't much scpasc possible; carefull ening te present or best wisbes to:, isolated, but ail discharges from bcdyi wash hands and <isinfect thern aftoýr you -)n this auspieous occasion, being! A rI? \\7 EIR -____________-are disinfected. The cemmon celd handling patient or utensils ugcd til the anniversary celebration cf your CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS la the infecticus condition met often-1 sickroom. There is a pepular belief Golden Wedding Day. THEROPY est. Once established littie cao be' that nursesz andl doctors obtain itii- It la, indecd, a gr-and event and one 12 THEROPYdonc excepi -te aveid adding te it.! monity from cen-agicn by the use ci,' which brings joy and bankfulness tQi92 DURWIN E. STECKLEY Have members cf family pretectý a drui-. but titis 'is untrue. 1 îs oi hearts and bears wi.*:-h i one cf' New Asstîrancu.s i>aid for bonor graduate of Toronto College themnselves by -using separate towels,ý sintply by their obscrvance cf rulesl the me-t beautifil and toucbing les-f A lncreit,-e f $.21.,207,000 of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- dîinking cups, etc.1 that ccntazion is avoided.sasi*hBokf fe\su nc nfre(et Manville office Tuesday, Thursday Influenza or grippe is an infectious, And te ycu, amateur nurses. ob- tmorie recaîl many happenings,1.\srnc î oc nt and Saturday evenings, phono 141J., epidemic wbich begins like a severeserve w-lth lcte.3ý h quetation timco bas marked pmegress, and youAnoS-0,200 RAsidontial crlls made during forc-J cold. There are tbree types, ner-, from Rarke. given to nme in my train- bave livcd tegether -te witness igreat Total Iiicoil)C (net) - - - Iffln ~Vous, gastro-intestinal and simple' ing dltvsý. -a- a motta. cspccially in chungE»il. your lives and in the coim- An 1iicrcae of S28,1 10,0O fever. Rcst in bed la essertial cen'atioaý wcrk: "Ea-ly and provi- munity cf which yc'u live. Your Surplus carne<l during the' ----__Sterilize al eating utensils, handker- dent fear iî the mether cf saf-cty." lvsrfetkn n bcru i-Ya FUNERAL DIRECTOIRS cift. The walking case.-;are The e liter advises mothers cf te otacien radn th-d-vonfmlestcteuti rt positons anud your hospitality bas Pvnns1 r F. F. MORRIS CO. Case. Sanitary conditions are bet ad place in a scrap bock or e lcs e- eýHn d n hn Y uh v li b dýanded. n lic yhOi (ie Complete Mter or trcatment. Fresb air la the room la' where foi- handy reference if aceded. Hui and haud in baud you are de-, IlreEquipment. nccessary in.ldsae3 u se scending into the Vailley, lightesl witht Surphis ari ('oîutiigcîu-y îîl caîîs promptîy ially se in aIl whic-b affect ncsei CAUSE FOR THANKS the Lampa of Faithfuilnesis, Lu-ve and- Riutur\-e \ E I attended to. throat and .)ulmonary tract. Devotion. Time bas sown freshl .\uî1lucru-a4o- ',000 * *orseuibranehin aIl diseaseu re, but cwepoc Pivate Ambulance. i . u pte hnata oural bwr in your dear besi-uts anrd mcl- oLLiblju \B/owmianviîle phono: Diphtberia usually begins like a pesses.a, oe or histinstaing fa l Lclîii 's' - 10 and 34 coid, tonsila swell and difficulty in' And you'Illfind that you're living loured hristanectica camuin -heî-ssttS, -. Ili) . - Branch Stores- swallowing follow-s, and a false mcem-. in wealth. hoethe chîzrcb and; the comui-A s tale nir3 t,12 Ooo& Newcastle. br oat. lan'whlte patchus nthThinlc cf tegood tinsthat offet te in which you bave lived, Ihave iAn hieccner( 7,3, 192 ALAN M. WILLIAMS case and a -physician and a traiacd- And consider yowu friends adI Rteofl5drstea This is very selo-us di- the an icean youwrm ofrbnds wbore- aeo necs a Embalmer and Funeral Director. nurse sbould ho ia attendane. The! your health. Joîced-that cu, witthiyourefamilyare7h ihrl o loidI patient sbould be kcpt in horizontalj The troubles that corne and we allioprdtn. rteti ra ca-lieh / aeo jîjuntaludt Calis givon prompt and persenal at- position for a long time aftcr cünva-1 have or share, ioniien on mensty-c tention. Ne extra charge for dis- Iescence is well 'established. ,b 'Mie the gocd things ti lifee ven Wecorrc d -o ta Our Eleavcnly fman tance. Moter Ambulance at your struction cf the tbroat and paralyv- getr aerwohskp ug ogi seric. Pon 58or159 Bw-1Werealize that wheri we stop te Hî< lving care. a-ad trus the romaFn manville, Ont. 3-tf the tere iare ob agr. Compare, (der cf yooi- lïves ma-y be tilled vit - fTistrile -sae snwprevent-, Thei-oare tough breaks, but good joy and pc-ac-. IXci oie.-,p.' 1<1f-r rut unhered 161,391 f aibie. Clinie, are estalishcd ila ces come later. A-s atoken, cf or love ansd esteea,l amouuit of S051,451,143.27, an adî-anu-uofS notow-ns for inroculating ch;ldren . please acp hs. lwr n -l-72(,o ir lt irvvgtprcn. AUCTIONEERS ad pare-nts assume- a grave respoas-'Misfortune may visit yau once in a -.acp hs Iwr n nd eltietii u4-îltprcn. THE M SLMO teirchldea.fo en coins as a token cf rcnwmbuamzel previoris vu ir. 'l1jis uîkrdirvase anîdt bihty la refu-i'tg this immunity whileand hinou- of the fir.at Golden Wed- Itluat thi e crage poiv, for tle fiast tinie u h usinihwd oi aîiesi leteai1-40, frIuir-sjeclnccft Auctioneer J*tàke ît?digy riugopurt-cfteCipn. Farra and flouse Sales a Specialty. Typhoid fever is caused hy a spec- Thrwrngaayrte gad-cte c Ai ter <Itlucting iiiitita .sson-i, th Teras odeat. Enisilln . O, 1e grmfcud i deomosig ai- riht way tesmarffe; mGan ýidren and Rela-ti-res. asstiraicsrlui I-rcartouit t te 2,40 1,237(1: Phrni od9rat. Entfkilemal . itter, foft i ea conmuonan ; After aIl, life is just what You uiî<.-ef3f1I13.Tlisadvauicis Phone _____197r_____.______ Iimpu mtwter. Vite doimueatLachi y naire it. Inet ait-i,. t- for ilu-, ni.g:-litut c, bo t becaoi imuewtr hdsas sca- f cosineseleradya ul PLANNING FOR AN XU IN' allowance'is aile for te uînations by dea acterizeil by inflammation cf the lin-( la awalce, inatoit,y it reîc,ueseis a rernarkablv high VETERINARY iag cf sanl inte-stinres and ulcera-1 And yo-u «ver keeps eguaod thoughts The Sttesman was favor-ed with-icotiu icc l devt tences great saktisfci E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. insncetn ps. Gidnr-- In store, f riendîv ctash fmenr Mr. G. H. pYcîoIîart cf or policy-iuoltlers. Orona îng ib cf vital imptrtance. Con-t'ant1 Ifyou 'reliving and ddrlng for othor Toronto, ropr-senstative cf the Can- fTheIiu aut pnt iitto p lit-t-Iolerssiiîît-uoc HoarGrdat c Uierit c atcbfulnc. la nîct essential. Ifl folks' sake, Jadian Nationîal Rniîways, %w-hose spec_1ioni, tuî,4ci er aith theu aiiit)uititt t lprnuîurti Elonr Gadute f Uivesit ofonable -te obtain a trainc-d uurse, thej You îtsve rach te br.tbankful for. - aI<lutics a-e with the Onitarito Car their Secoritv or heiin-fit, ecc-cls the totali Toronto. Al cases given prompt attendant must Ic the bie.; s succan, Fryoe Iw btenCbug eevc foàtWi n1jniiisý 1920 and careful attention. Office-Dr. Iand foîlrtw the dîttor's intructioiq p:. Ferry- pqhr \1r Vb TT-Chug cevd ra lnil îeniîusy$3, Phones. 1 Me., t s s iost ettuninîrttoeng.I Igg <ostrils sbeuld open, lîreatb- Bowmanille:501. ith()urb adlts nay -onuactiýn9hucoeait- as-autelthe mucus stop Trn:Trit i-. i i. A.-.euttg-pentu <r laicubattion iI UNS"NEETENMI r,,,>ngit,)th tr.t J 1ýesySN IIF EI Toot:ciiy34f -iglîn, day.s. lt begin.s like tan ;attack ___________________ prepitre, e-ts little and la îilea,ý-, I Address: 274 Augusts Ave., i rf at-ut- catas-rl. Eruptita cu-(urs utt te tik-. Anyrune o ltiag hcaring I Toono. 37-lyr. fiu-t oniacet, neek ad arms. Th, fE EIED@ tC~b a 'aara efîsor-N _________________________ en followed by bronchitis, pneuTnin-ý 14 St. Pau St. West, Montrca tien a trial. J~rî- A Woman 's Privilege as Well as a Man's T HIERE is flot a reason in the world why women-in business or at home--should not enjoy the same banking privileges men do. In fact, they do at ail branches of The Canadian Bank 'of Commnerce. If you open a Savings Account at t.his Bink, every courtesy aàd considération .ill èGenedt you; anid you' çiüU ind the *prac - tical business experience gained inthis, way extreniely helpful. A-'Sîvinis Acoount is'vety conl' venient; and, once begun, with. regular 'deposità and intetest- adied, soon grows appreciably. 1t, meany, greater enjoyment, comfort and confidence. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE .TH£ STANDAIRD BANK OF CANADA 800 Branches in Canada N4CE COMPANY 0F-CANADA 0F STRENGTH 654,451,000 $2, 101,237,000 172,85î,000 42,863 ,qO 69,174,000 72,807-,000 495,390,000. 568,197,000 rned on iflean 'nivcste(1 asSets 7.02'n' Participalin 'gPoli(cylholdcrs is otnuda nd /1w s eual rig pol< ie's cr/('nded anid.inc 'a seil.p FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT fer a net l21.3.20,, ,ox certîhe the~ fart te ever- te total 36.94,ait -ath andr hrite ct uu ouithe- organ a- hciî fr ),4 7.- un vest cd privilege-- gs; huit if Id still bu ced front te S-12, 1p[rortri;u engi ln ceducted ts a piro- rapising i- la the roff lthe aise the aluation, stanidard thote cf ual pro- *i uutder !or rein- sprofits ASSURANCE 0F CANADA llie special annorint, entereri as a 1llabllity te pro- ,ude for uaforecua contiagt-î'ties lias heen main- taiîîcd at $1,iiJ0O) AllNfer making ail tîncuýe lcît-ioiut andI allocationis, ,M)8S,899.96 lits bu-tmi d-t tethe undix-ideil *tr- plus, bringing theîtotals <.e liibilîties, couiageuicy, -iccourits and capital ,ttRk, t(4010,307,762.4-1. ltiadi-orulance m tIi unr usuial couerî-atix e practire te seturjlics otunel by the Compijaniy have again bu-e-n valurti at figures atluclu below the Market quota- itas curreat at the cIoeeof tiue rar. Tis îuuîder- valuation repeescuuîs ail iportant eleicienut of rýtrcnîgîh te the Ccuîuuîauux- auititiontl te the specifle provexisitons iii tîe st.uteitîtiets. Voi Drctors- arc ît.ieIte annuîîoce that tue hi4li scale cf profius ai t-euI ottecî te p.rtjilî.tt- irntrocluced Itist yatr, his been extc-nded to lîtelude pelic-s niatoritig after'hax-iîig ber- n laforce fixe m cirs or lotnger ail di::(! scale rf lit-cr-it Lis bet-ut tîttcisel Th e businecss of tîn' Comntay lias almways ht-un coutducted unîler tlue cxactiîîg pruvisicus cf the (Xiuadian Insuranîce law andth Ie riyid SalueKr- vision of the Insuuraui e I partilcrrt of the ;ox-emiaent cf (anail4. Ix-cr >iîucc Mesen~- tcrcd the United States ilu, 1895, tîteCooiiuuý, bas beca untier situtilar stt-)(r\ i-ion tliere tand la aow solîjeot to'lue rcgtilaticuts of thirtv- eigbt States cf the Union alîi-lu reluire periodical exanituaan of oltîe atTtuirs of ail compirnies iiccnmed itbcir turriton-. la the cischarge cf Ilicir regilir dutieq a couiliiitue cf twenty-two examniers, repreceuting Ilie States of Michigan, NMassachusertts, M,îeo. Ohio, Teninessce, Wý*shin gtenuV' 'l"i, ïa t Mest VirginiaFlorida anîd the I )istricî cf Columbtia recently completed an ç>.bausti x'e exa iniiation iet every depantnicnt cf 1the Cit :is' affaira. The report of tIiis couilia lîc niakes gratifying rt-feretîce te ite lu-r-ual treatment ar" -ýuded to or jîc icylirtl clrs, anI I provides authiunitivetestifnuouy te tthe Cruti- pany"a strcîîgth. Evea ado.uptiuîg lte tuw xaluat:euts pîacedlty us un or stsyurities, the ccmnittee stilI reportcd a surpulus alt the clu-su of last.ycar $1,333,921.71 liexce-ss cf îlue figure claiaied by tue Comnpaniy.- r. -r' (. r- 4 PAGE TWO

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