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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1930, p. 3

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THEECANADIAX , IFT SMANýOWMÂNVJjq4E. -TJiVURDÂY., F.ZrnU2Ael 20, ia AKTR~ MJAPLE LW I PAÈMERS' MU PIRE IN5URÀNtCÉ COQMPA COLUMBUS, ôrr. Hou. wm. Smith, Prmded P. G. Purvie, S.crtar 85 years of suecesaful bhi Parm and Village risks carried rate&. Directors know ever personally, theref re a fairi ment in case of fire. Direct this territox'y: J. J. Smith, En len, Samuel Snowden, Bowma Local Agent: Everton Whi R. R. 4 Bowma Phone 146r2. Town of Bowmaini NOTICE Take notice th t:- ilhe Council of tiie Corpîoration Town of Bownanvilel(hias col! as a Locael Imjî)roviiiiwnt tili works. A)ASanitary Sewer on I froin Argyle St. to the 131U and on the Base Line. froi St. to Liberty St. "lt,. the work ta $7021.-0 Of $2792 ato lbe Paiti byt poriltion. Uwuîîras share, The special rate lier fot1 is fOve cents. (B) A Watermain on D-ukeS Argyle Si. to victoria st.1 of flic work is $1129160 $12109 la to 1w haffl by poratioti. Owneras slizre Th esp.ci ai rate rfoot is four cents. (C) A Sanitary S.%er on Eii fromn thc enht of Elgin S. st. ani on odieii st.froin1 to Prospect St. Thue cosl work is $5600---l of w1icih 18 to lbe pai il hy tiii Cori Owners slir.; $316 TI' l rate lier foot froitage cents. (D)) A Wateriiiain on T' ututic froni Quin St. bo a giî' 969 feet nortiî. Th'-~ cost work is $11675 of aliieli to bu. hadl lie tC r 1)wn-ras siare Th(lii rate per foot frontaîg. s tv hait cents. (E) A Sanitiiry Sw,-r on T.,i Street fromn Queen St. to Point 269 feu ýt norih.l' ii thé work la $160.19 of wti, Is to le pald by flic Cor O.wnîýrs share $975î V rate pî,r toot frontage s fi' (F) A Sanitary St-wer onT f roin l2igiflSt.1toîuilu coat of the work is $W92220 $23055 ia to bie îîaîd iy the ation. Ownîrs siior, $691 speciai raielier foot fro five cents. (G) A Sanitary S,-w'r on Ki<ng Liberty St. t10 Lambertq Side. The cost of the $70921 of whiclî $ 194.71 paid by the Corporation. share $21450. The spu per foot frontîgu la 0 c- (11) ,A Watirnîain onn King Lberty St. to St.G6eO North 510je. VTe( cost of is $44430 of wlîich $16371 paid by the Corporation. ,hare $280.59. Tlii special foot frontage la fotur cent The specl assessment Is th bn tweOty annutit instailments. tlmated tlifetime of the work 9-ars., A Court of RevîlOn Wuil beheld on tOe SixtlpiiaýY 1920, at 7.30 ociack 1). ni. ait t Chasaber in the Town of1Bo for the Purpose of îîearingc againit the protuosuid a' sanue so<ilturacy of frontage measurern any ottuer complallft wOlch ta teresteil may deasire to mttke H Is 59' iaw cogiizal b y the C John Lý Dated a.t Bownanville, this Il' pebnuary, 1930. mm-z Famous READING F3 (Pea Coal> la especially prepared fo Riot Water Heatin WHAT DO 1 Do you knom ý ou know it by ili he latter is 211-1 prepare meat asi ads or~ soup or paç There are mc of meat. Ail ari be suited to the sa wouldn't buy a eu you ? Yet ther4 as fine as the b Ask us to teach3 cuts. G. A.El MEP Phone 21 JULFTE ND SO N 1 AQUT-If TEEIOISMI BANQUET HIGH SCHOOL OPENINCII HESMI NY, .~ Alr NEWCASI'LE ~ Coitinfu pe.I> Mi. John Braad, '18685 lParksdé Profitable and <Ejoyable Ev gs ,4ýe ee Jig. et " rthe1Mrs. Bruuu w"edig h wift u -spenS -d. LWt ,M. A., visability of building an addition'St.Pete s penlrdin thewin a Gave Fine-Mddreuu to tM, h êiho Having decided to is ubciption te The Statesmnan 181fl058. build.quite a. number of plans werei gays: We enjoy the home news so [at law subùthat4 fTo- -ur approval. And i ruch. ry risk On Wednesday evéning, February after giving each of these plans t.hoi-e adjust- l2th, the Newcastle ý United Church ,,;,t careful consjderation, and afterl Mrs. Lee Robinsoný 8.41 D St. Ox- ,torts i uda School hall vêas the scene of visiting several of the newer highl nard, Calif. writes; Enclosed find mv ýnniskil-th first Father and Son banquet ever sehool buildings, the Board, by aý subscription ta The Statesman. lanville. held in Newcastle, being put on by unanifiobevdte, decided to accept the There is lots of news in The States- Mit, the Tuxis Sqiuare wîth theco-opera- plans subritted by Mr. Grouinlock, mrn. I see twe more ýof rny dear tioaonteiral Rngra I s i d 1 thlnk fR k &hlyfair .to say that relatives have passed away. 1 was i 4-2mllef the inclernent westher the boys we have had no rea$on to regret bav-i in Sauina ln 1916 and saw thern al 4-mand their dads, or substitute dada, ing accepted tbese plans noir have we at that time. Sa I mnust keep The camne flocking in two by two and any reason to regret baving engagedý Statesman coming, it's hike a good when alI had arrived Mr. Rogers bie- M,. Guinlock as acbitect, as I arn! letter every week. We are 'havmng gan to place the men and boys at the sure the building commrittee will' beautiful weather in Calfornia since table. The tables were in the form agree with me when I say that every- our wonderful nain. ofna Square, ernblernatic of the Tuxis thing bas been done in the rnost NiF nd Tail angr grups. Staneyagreeable and moaýt satirfactory mani- 'Mr. Fred J. Oke, The Bungalow,U Rickard. Praetor of the Square, was ne. Nanstallan, Bodmin, Cornwall, Eng lie toastmsster, and the speaker of the But we are flot only indebted to1 land, writes in a letter of Dec. 11,1 eveingwasMr.G.L. aga M Ithe architect and the contractons, but! 1929: When I a o thme in, 4 Bowrnanville. we are g-reatly indebted 'o the build-1 Crosstown, 1 attended school in Mor-± n tiafter by a group of the W. A. and a castle is chairman. 1 say we are in- Osborne who later went ta Canada ~ onstru li ;ral good meal was enjoyed by ail. tlebted to that comrittee for thel and settled in or near Bowmanville. i lim ad ttntonwhehtby av1 Ontario. Do you know anything af q Te d ifernt courseswrl nerpl o the, building while it was under' himi? 1 should like to bear from h im, construction, if he iii still "on ithis stage of ac-! )ukc Sed ih in tion." The fi.st thing 1 look at i Lte Line The first toast was proposed byi Then, too, seine of you may nat! The Statesrnan is "The)p Editto's Oll tale Rckrdto-teKing, to know t.hat while we had authority toTlk. cos o which the National Anthem was Sung. slc h ln ehdn uhnt of whic The following toasts were then given: to naise the money. But fortunately teorThe Country, proposed by Roy Jones, the Couneil for 1929 was convposed -of fronttug and respondeu to .'y singing Cn- a number of public spirited citizens,1 LAUNDRY WANTED ada; Our Church. proposed by Jarnie and when they xere convinced that iknî,otanlrwrkdnpomt St. froniWihtadaepnld ob iBsy~omethilg nmust bie done they -werelty. satisfactorily and at reasonabtle prices The-co Toins; The Trail Ranger Cap po gootl enough to place the rnoney at' Write Popt Offce Box 12, or cali Mrs of wliie poSel by Walter Blackburn and ne-1oun tisposal, and the result of that isl - ma r478W. Kn iE rM i tiie coirsponded tii by Garnnet Rickand; The i ha w hvea bilin7o8Wic $70807 Tuxis Squarhvabaybprolosed bv JhnIi __________________ frontag Tai qae bl rpse yJh veny citizen may feel proud, and w Rickard, whilý Sergeant Major La-výhave a school in which the poorest boy- rence Gaines nesponded. The toast nBoravlenyacueand-I . ii truu, to Our Dads was proposed byMra ation which will fit hlm to hold ail-t î:îIgin St Butler -vho emphasized the value ofi most any position. - siofth ti ood will and understantling between Adnwlde n eteeII H URGT OR FTE* 1 $2536lads and sons; Reeve W. F. Rickard An o laisadgnlm ,1INTESROA CUTFTH rcomatien epo'ti vîgainprgadi- have only to say how pleascd I arn tol UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMB L e si trucliv. peh osi tte know' that this building is being op- ERLANO AND DURHAM. rtiv , pec.ue>.dtatt Tra il Rangers look to the Tuxis boysI ened unden such favorable circum- s for -xanple- and tha-, theŽ memibers1 stances to-night and 1 trust it will' IN THE ESTATE OF ISABELLA, ranc.ý St stand for ages to corne, stand as a AIKIN LAING, late of the Township of;__ eno Poit of tIse Tuxis Sruare. in torn. loroketlp Clarke, In the County of Durham, widow, 9t of i to their <adS or eltien. as exOtV.ples; monument to the enligbtening public deesd ~ te ad soildenouag te O.5(o pinion and the generosity of our' Notice la hereby given that ai persans__ seia nwhtv cuation thydeiepeople, and that the pupils Who at- havîng claims against the Estate of Ia wo andl to go into. A toast to the l-adie-,S ten ita but m f o good ctzn, iiesof the Townshp of Clarke, In the County; was, proposed by Jack Glover and re-1ahlr u odctznctzn of Durham, who dled on or about theU sponded ta hy Mrs. W. J. S. Rickandi who till fear G.od and fionour the 15th day of October, A. D. 1929, are re- Kingi ciienwu il i alie ure omailtor delîver the same wlth__ civt M. Wga, o th Bornnvile'Kin, itienswhowil ie ale afunred ta lars verlfied by Affidavît to * FOI 'Mr. WHigh Sch of h omnil take their part bath in building up theundesigned on or before the 22nd ii s,,4 ihSho staff, was introduced by and in developing the resources Of of FeOruary, A. D. 1930,' after which date ]B )roainRev. W. P. Rogers. With the first this great Domiinion. sto the Eonstrate halng sriedonthea- 0 te 1' iC'l' fcw words nI. Wagar bad evenybody .Miss Bernice Belîrnan contributed stse of then fae iie egrd n *5t iv'.c.r entale he ild mnterested. For his subject bie chose a well-endered vocal solo, accornp-j DATED at BowmanNile Ontario, thîs nThird St three verses front the lst chapten of! anied by Mr. Sutton.1 thlrty-flrst day of January, A.D. 1930. st. TO II Peter, "And besides thsgvingiM. aidKih.i een ýW. F.WARO, B. A., )of which l M.Dvd eih wh cety solîcîtor for the Admninstrator e opraIl diligence d eyu aith virtue; elebrated bis 95th birtbday, alsoi 6-3 Uowmanvllle, Ontario. t3444 1.65 Th and ta vîrtue knowledge; and ta spoke a fe\v ords concerning carly; onig Sknowle'dge temperance; anti to temp- school--days in Bsowmanville and conA1 erance patience; and ta patience god- gratulated the board on the attain-! * Si. froîn lHncs~; and ta gaulineas bnotherly ment of the new school. I_________________ St- South kindnosa; and ta brotberly kindness, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Chairrnani t work i c ts e oe a V" 1edal ihec 0 f the Building Comrittee, clearlyl Clwners of these topics in an instructive mani- enuinerated several reasons why thel -clii rot' ner adding bits of hurnor bere andanetahesolwsncsays c.-Ii*,,ralne t heshthwa es:,yaC)L 9 tO. hereý. Mn. Wagan spake principally galal vn vial pc-h st. fioi to the boys, but hie shewed the dads Assembly Hall and eventh claak-I ýorge St., whaÎt could and sbauld be done byromwsptit uefa cls 1sto bork hem for the betterment of boy-life. oi. Plans were siabri.tted fr Owners Rernarks that were overheard aften- the annex by a number of the prom- il rate uper wards indicatedl that Mr. Waga's ad- ment Scheel architects of the piro- ts. dress was wcill eceivetl. Dr. J. A. menceand the one wbicb the board b adButler moved a vote of thanks to the icnieed tb motstbl fr The es- speaker and Mr. W. J. Bradley sec- building on ta a new schboal, that de- la twenty onded the motion. igned by G. Roper Gouinlock, Tor- N The banquet proved ta bc very onto, was chosen. The schaol board o trcbeneficial ta (-veryone. t is because had asked -the counicil for $98,000.00, 1 of1%lach e$97,000.00 of which had already been he cuncîi cf such functions that a better under- tre vrta.hr. We h wianviile standing and a dloser relationsbipltre vrt hm 'e h complaints between fathers and sons is encour- finances bave been finally settled, the isi or the ogtcammittee expeet ta have a substant- nents and aged. Any man ogtta ble Iyroud ilblnelf.H lomd la erons In- ta ha, a father of a Tuxis or Trail 1s aac et oas aeda and whiîch Ranzer boy who is striving ta develop a point on whicb there ba.s been someY o ourt. intellectually, spiritually, physically misunderstanding, that is-that the .yle, Cierk. and socially and do ail he carita helpy town does net pay for the upkeep of V tO day AI th e boys and the boys' leaders in this the country pupils, but the township _3' orfcdproe pays acconding to the, number of for-cl trp~.pupils attending.1r -- - Misses Yvonne Tighe and Marlon Slemon, acccampanied o the piano by Miss E. M. Stedman, executed the Highland Fling very effectively. Mn. WallaceHIbm rendered twa beautifuli violin solos in a very accomplished mariner, accompanied by Miss Helen 1 Mayor M. J. Elliott aiso made a' fiuw congratulatory renîarks on the! Is carefully pre.pared in sev- fine, up-to-date schbool which Bow- 1 ral sizes ta give maximum manville now possesses and explainedj results at minimum cast in how the money had been raised by every type of beating plant. the Counicil ta finance it. Semnet Solvay Coke for sale. Finst Form girls, wlth Miss Don- Phone 520. othy Edger at the piano, gave a pic- turesque negro dance, dressed in1 FIE~'AIR ~characteristic costume. "yrwel H NR Chi 1 1n'pector J. F. Rogers de- L 4 TIiRO PE ~ ~liede th,. main address of the even -_______________ iii'use111LIBRY S igwhieh proved toble veny humer-1 w ®r us in ousandI intenesting a el shelipful . ng LBERT ST.lie elated several Df his experiences tshile a teacher in Bownanville High SSehool in 1894. With regard to the ---- new schotul. hie conîpliînientcd the board oin their planning fora1om - meýrcial course for thcse pupils who E the suggestion that each gnaduating .DMONDSTONE class present the school with an O'r- iginal painting by a Canadian antist. AT M R KETA number of the yotnger by, le L. W. Dippell, gave a splendid dem- Bownanville onstration of gyMnastic exercises, pyrmdbuilding, etc., wihich brought KN teeeing's program tua close. KN Cet ni th~e New nGluR" RADIO $188 to $358 C o m plot eu A e and D ynam ic S p eaker To buy a Rogers-Majestic is to take advantage of the engineering skill and immense facilities behind the two greatest names in radio-now united into a single supreme product--the "Rogers-Majestic ". Here is a set that answers every demand of radio -price, style, performance and service-one that will give entire satisfaction throughout years to corne olïering a choice of many beautiful cabinlets in atmost every conceivable design. See, hear and compare it to-day and you, too, will preFer the Rogers-Majestic. If desired, you can buy the "Rogers-Majestic" of your choice on the convenient budget plan of payment. See the Adivancedi Models Now on Displey at Our Store Jle STREET Rogers-Mig;.stit Model 597 Highboy Jacobean period cabinet af American walnut. Doors af màched butt walnuti averlays af genuine Australian Iacewood an centre panel and fionts of daors. Bronze inserts lni the walnut knabs. New Colotura. Dynamic Speaker. Super -selectivity. BAUNELL ,~ w ,wÀd Thcm ALL e C, 7:1 STIC BOWMANVILLE

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