PAÂGE F01UR TREE CANADIA-N STATESMN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 COURCESAEM ENFIELD Mr. and MTa.. J,-5ie Miiot, Mx- Mr an Mrs. W. Fitze, Janet-l Mrs. Jas. Stark is visiting at weills, were Sunday guests of Mrs. ville, spent the weekend with her par- Brooklin .... Mrs. H. Stinson recently1 Eli Ogborne .... Mr. S. S. Brooks was ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish ...visited relatives near Pontypool....1 in Toroent'o on Sunday ...Mr- and Mrs. Albert Cator and baby, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Miss Mrs. Jack Hicks, Toronto, spent the visited with MT. and Mrs. F. Cator Verna, Bobaygeon, visited at Mr. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. over the weekend, and baby Catori Arthur Orniston's. Mr. J. Smith1 Shortt and Mrs. Aglies Harris, nmoth- is remaining for a longer visit wjth b s on bis way to Toronto General1 er of Mrs. Hiks.... Mrs. A. F. Run- his grandparents .... Several- of the Hospital to have an operation .... Mr.i die and Miss Anniie Hoit were guests young men of our neîghborhood at- Wallace Pascoe is visiting in Toronto.1 of Mnr. (Dr.) Kaiser, Oshawa, re-I tended the Salvation Anny Supper on . r n rs .Ouso n cently ... .Mr.OIs odn ootOIFi- vnig M.Kne tertained about thirty guests Friday ' was SundaY guest of his mxother, Mrs. Werry, Peteirboro, was at home over and a ,ery enjoyable evening was( Jno. Worden, in the homie of his si- the weekend and attenided the Colen- sp ent in playing progressive Lestt ter, Mrs. Frank Rundle. .. Mrs. An- mencement Exercises at tihe Bowmvan- Heir and other games and miusic....g derson snd son of Saskatche~wan are vlle High School . . . .Mrs. C. Staples, Farmers wanting young stock shouldi visitixig Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penberthy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings and faxily, attend the sale of Mr. E. Orinistons .... Mrs. A. F. Rundie and Miss An- Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E.1 next Wed. Feb. 26th., Mr-s. H. nie Hoit sPet Sunday in Oshawa J. Doidge, asat week. James bas returned home as bieri Tus daof i.ast wek s.a gaWao d ay- -Young People's League mother, Mrs. J. Hepburn, is some-1 thus ofeezelÇhrc ~ween thea aal League meeting Sunday afternoon what improved.1 atEbneer'huchwhnth anulwas opened by Mrs. L. Richards, Vicei_____ W . M. S. quilting was held. About President. Miss Giibank, &rd Vice,I1 sixty ladies gathered in time for then took charge; Lesson was read by MAPLE GROVEi twelve o'clock dinner which was Mrs. Irwin; topic by Mr. Kyle8 spread out cafteria style. A great Squair; male choir gave two select- Mr. Clairence Hockin and Mr. SamT variety of eats and a happy and soc ions; mouth organ solo, Sidney El-1 Buttery motored t.o Guelph on Sat-1 labienieal was enjoyed. Afterwards combe; readings, Mrs. Cater, Reg urday and spent the weekend wjth t the quilting was resumed and about Coms, Lane Foster; piano solo,~ Mr. Elgin Munday at the 0. A. C., t 3 . rguai metngjnchrg iss M. Honey; music by the erches- Guelph..Miss Dora Eames spentr 3f Mp. . h eaock tngrp ~hl.tra. Meeting losed with League'Snday with Miss Evelyn Gay, Osh-v Mrs. Blake Courtice read the bible; Benedictien. awa .... .Miss Nellie Snow'vden, Toron-s ~esn r. Ross Pearce gave a to Normal, spent the weekend at short reading on Stewardship. Mrs- oeadated.teHihSho John Found gave an interesting talk, ENNISKILLEN Commencement. ... Miss Susie Laird on Korea, telqing the conditions of Rme ibd and Messrs. Wm. and Alfred Laird the people there, etc. M,%rs. G. F.,Jno omo u colhl!jrand Jack Brown, s.pent the week- Annis then gave a report of thel their Valentine party on Friday af-1 end -with t.he former's relatives inr Prabteil el n h -b recently.1 terflCiuf, and invited the Senior room Torônto . M..ýisses Helen Worden Mres. H. F. Osbom ne, lst Vie vei to jein with themn. .. . Mr. Will Stain- 1 ani Reta Jchnson, Toronto, spent the- dent, presiding in the absence of the o hýuloddante cro ca eekend vitb the former's uncee President, losed the meeting and theý at Burketon this week. Fuel is in! M, R. L. Wordcn.,Mr. and mnrs.3 laisfnshed the quilt . .. . On Sun-! great demand this cold weather,.« Ernie. Snowden ani littie son, Osh-t day Rev. J. W. Bunner, Bowmanvill, Stevens, Hampton..Mrs. (Dr.) spent the weekend( with the iatter'sp preached very accectably morni MsneiButvstd r.Eohaa e ho.Sodngsaa1 and evening. Next Sunda, Ferguson and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey re-, (laughter, Mrs. Alfred Gower. Mr. Will Pointen xill eccupy theý pulPit-ý cently entertained a number of their, Ed\\ard Foley had his tonsils removed S eofthe Courtice people at- friends ... rs. Elias As.hton, Mr.,.in Oshawa Hospitail on Tuesday .. tended Kng t. Church, Oshawva. on Allan Stainton visited their aunt, -NMrs. E. W. Foîey is spending a few eru is- J .Vitu-Ty"ewh sicays with her son Edward at the Sunday and heard the masterfl ds - syil... is eaMGl, oeo brbohr r ifr courses delivered by Rev. H. W. Av- sre'yii Ms ev aiin oeo ecbohr c ifr ison, High Park United Church. Toc-i Mi . M. Dalton, Mr. Orville Ashton1 Wilkins. Oshawa. .Mr. Will Peint- ý onto. M. Avsonwa, quite_ a young alli Miss Muriel Moore a-tende(l the, en Victoria University, Toronto, ivili onto. Mr. isoe nd ohrRv;Commencement Exercis;. - cf Bow- cup -he pulpit here on Sunday.. -a *!henvilbisghSfather and mothderr. A TrnoRev amp J. J. and Mrs. Liddy ,vere on the mOil ihSho nFia ir n r.A rnuh ap Coriecircuit. Pleased also te nigbt ..Mrs. H. Stevens spent a'tn aebe pnigafwdy meet Mrs. Liody.hoavpent Sunday dUp:e f davs wit Coithicer sonin Osawaup -f'mer Beach . her niace, Mrs.: with their daugbter. Mrs. Roy Met- withhersonin shaa eng aof tWotten visited their grandparants 1cIf Mrs. Jacobi. .Mondaye comm abut, Mr andMrs. Wmi. Herring. ..NO1 _sixty yeung people of this ths ee oin t secalSOIN ivent to Mr. L. J. Courtice's to spend;Lau hiwekongtspcl S IN the evening toboggaliing and sleigh-- meetings... Our pastor, Re-v. J. M.' ____ ridng. Latr n te eenig hey Wye shelding special meetingsi Mis. S. E. Werry and Mrs. Haroil riding. thir inetheeEveryone Whetcome ail gathered in the home and Mrs.1 hs ek.Erron and ...!Pascoe visited Toronto friends. Courtice secrved lunch to the party. . 'Mrs. Hugli Annis visited bher XMiss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, spent Asca iewssent in sing-song mte.Ms .Seo.. r. a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. J. T.j AMsocal tîe ixae1'yWOke bas oBwavle and it was a happy evening. Mr e uBumnvleRuncîle..Miss Marjorie Pascue, and Mrs. Courtice gave theintall a Hospital te be in bed for a while te Hampton, was guest of Mrs. R. J. godtme- est bier heartt ..Mr. and NIrs. Rich-'ý McKessock..Mr. W. J. Reynolds godtm.ard Griffin pn Sunday at 'r . spent the weekend with Toconto Burgmaters. .. . Mr. Elmier Dickin-, frien<ls.... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HAMPTON -o)n visited bis mother wbo is in Toc- Tink aad Miss Kathleen spent Sun- ______onto Hospital. Gla,1 to report Mcs. day witb Mc. and Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. and Mrs. HarveY Harti:' and Russell Gilbert and Velma, wbo hv,.M a r.Hre ad n family, Misses Vera and Helen Bak- been il]l in Toconto, are -recoverlng., family, Misses Vera and Helen Baker er, Solina, were guests on Saturday ...The Ladies' Aid be'd tbeir Atvisited at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's, Hamp- at Mr. L. T. pasce -.s... . Miss Mar- Hocme on Tuesday evening in tei ton ... . We are looking forward toaa jorie Pascoe spant the weekend at h asement, the gentlemen being ini visit fram Tyrone League next -Mon- Mca. R. J. McKessock's, S&*ina ... . cbarge of tbe program wbicb was1 day nigbt..League meeting Mon- Mr. James Curtis celebrated his 75th ttly and generously given te a largeîi day night was in charge of the Mis- birthday on Feb. llth, and enteitain- and arpraciative audience, witb Rev.l sienary Vice Pres., Miss Helen Baker. ed a fe .f.i..da Owing te thie J. M. Whyrre as an active chai rran. Devtienal peciod was taken by Mr.1 disagreeable weatbec an Wednesday It being near Valentine time - rs.1 Alan MIcKesseck; piano solo,' Miss evening the League psondin-'Hre cil n r.LodAh Lena Taylor; topc was well taken liv definitely tbeir visit te Enniskillen. Stoni conducted contesta. AtthecloelMr. Chas.« Shortridge; vocal duet, The ice harvest is well under way. the ladies served lunch in abundance., Jas. Smaýle.s and Ertt A large quantity of good quality ice . lad te report Mr. John Samon Cryderman; reading, Miss- ileen B3al-' bas already been drawn away...... retiacned home froin Bowmanviile on s .on. Meeting clesed with tbe League Miss Betty Sargent visited at Mr. j. Tuesday. . G. i. T. meeting wasj Benedi1ction. . . Our beys are having Curtis'... Several frein bore attend bel(] in the church Feb. l.5th. whenî their annual Father and Son banqueti ed the B. H. S. Commencement Ex Tyrone C. G. 1. T. were guesta. in the Sunday Scbool room Friday ercises and report a pleasant even-1 Meeting npened with President Annie evening, Feb. 2lst. Tbe speaker for ing. M. and Mcs. A. Trenouth acel Oke in charge, ivho welcomed the the evening will be Rev. Dr. Fletcher visiting their daugbter, Mrn. Roy, vîsitnrýz, and Miss VeIma Orchard of Oshawa. .Our young people are Metcalfe, Base Line ..X few oýf led in a get-acquainted centest. igving their popular play 'Marrying their friends spent a pleasant aven- Tyron"- Presîdent took charge and aý Anne" in North Simcoe St. Cburcb, ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruse'splendid programt was given consist-I Oshawa, on Mar. 6th, and in Hamp- celebcating is bithday. . .. Sorry to ing of vocal solos and duats, read- ton on March l7tb..Our Division report Mcs. Jno. Colwill Sr., il]. We, ings andi instrumental music. The is holding the annual box social in wish ber a speedy recevery. .Mrs. wnrshili period was; in charge cf the' the Sunday Schccol rom on Marcb Herb. E. Rundie visited friends at leader, .isL ihrd. Ms a- 7b DvsoieeigTusa Ocono. . .. Mi'. and Mrs. Drury, Toc-, jor:;-Martin and Miss Velnia Orchard; evening in the Sunday School mocm e-nte, bride andl groom, visited her; bad charge of the recceation part, was well attancNIc. Plans were madle -rter, Mrs. C. AllUn. ..1r. and Mrs. aftc,: wih our gicilcr then served( o h cxsca. Rpr , h R. Widdicomba, Bownianville, visited!~ lunch. .... W. M. S. held its mentbly Grand Division meeting 'in Toronto at bier motber's, Mrs. S. G. Niddrie m neeting in the basement on Wed., in January wvas givan by Mr. B. G. ...Messcs. Tom Sykrs an<l Fred BUl-1 Feh. l2tb, in charge of the newi Stevens; reading by Mr.A. L. l'as- lett, Toronto, attencled "Commence-1 presicient, Mrs. (D)r Ferguson. cee; piano solo, Miss 'May Wesriake; ment" and spent the weekend at their Continuation School News t'mcutb organ music- hv the beys. homes bere ..Wr. and _Ms Jno.I The sýconcI avent in the social life, Next mee'ting the 2n4d Tbursday in Ceiling and Jack spent Sunciay withi (cf out- scbcol year was in the form1ý March. .Our annual (kngregation-I Bowmanville_ friands ....Mýiss Mar-! f a Valentine Tea on Thursday af-: ai meetn Ilb el nteSn joric Akister, Toronto. is visiting ternoon. . etinS ll he hU h-uýye n-i, Miss Rta Billett. Mr. Morleyý Soeawaak.r agcc whcin our hilI andij ' 9. 7,h 1ryn eloe Hastings, Toronto, is spending a few the moonigbht ware iceally suited focr otl idnr rcemwsgv daswitb bis parents he. .... Trya on-e n acy~ e tgtean on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy~ and attend the Leagua meeting this' evening fo ha cacaso.Ia-ad ýraWyitdueth Friday ev.èning. An interc.aýting se Thosea attanding were Ccintinuation 1sUbjieet of Hoime Missions which isi cf lantern slcle.s will ha shown. pupils andl ex-pupils of fifth classi thc ztudv for *ehara. Miss Lana Meeting is in charge cf Mr. Wilfredl luring .bo past two yearýý, witb iur: Taylor and Mr. 1Harclcl S1utieworth Greenaway. ... Miss Ethel Staphensi teachars a.s ebtîpaonas. 1 aýverPd wih a vocal duat ...The is spendinz a few days with hec 'is- ILa-t Tbucsday the windows ver, many friands cf Mes. Hilton Tink are tac, Mrs. Fr-d Ferguson. Er-i-tillen cecoratad witb hearts and streamersý plec.i' tcke btsearrvr The monthly meeting cf the W. C anci everything on the pcogram i asi ing nicely after ber rceený operation T. U. n'as held ait the home cof Mcs. cardaie out in accerdance with Va']-'cin Box manvil1 l. pital... son v te Aqvina Johns on Tuesday, Fab.* llthi enrico s Day. Af ter sehool- the En-j1 repor)-,t thai ic. J. .J. Smith bas;gn Mrs. Pters pcasicing. Attendancei t-Xncé c!azýs and teacher from thel te Torr fto General Hoqpi tet un- ný%a.s verv good. Concert committi I Junior rocin jcina'i us masur învite<lI Icrimi aicpcraticn. Mc,. Sni h ceportati $2563 procceds frein con-1 L'uest. Xe enzagad in a Ring con-1 sra,.in, w'hfind iri cect. The members voted $25 00 ofi te:zt. Than a cainty lunch consist-> ibis to ha oftered as prizes at the ng tf sandlwiches, cake ami coffee marial contest. mas se rved. After lunch, the re-sig-. CARD 0F THANKS CUT THIS OUT THIS COUPON 18 WORTH 10 CENTS jROYAL TH-EATRE, BOWMANVILLE At any evening performance during month of February, 1930. OnIy ane coupon applcable on each paid ad. m ission. Additlonal coupons msy be had at The Stateam&n Offioe. te u~ F.M eai-l- rcIcn5ancecl t Plenty of other F]ourand Feed in stock at al] times C. E. HORN, Hampton Telephones: Residence 129r23; Mill 129r6. TYRONE Mira. D. K. Fraser, Bethesda, spent a few days witb lier sister, Mrs. R. McCuliough. .Misses Elva and Ruby Virtue, Tiown, are at berne owing te the sei-ious Ilness of their mother, Mrs. Laura Virtue... Mr. Wm. Stap- les visited bis cousina, Misses Saidie and Laura Virtue, Toronto....Ou League bas aceepted an invitation te visit Solina League on Menday, Feb. 24th ...League meeting Thursday evening was in the*form eof a Valen- tine social. A good pregram was given consisting of conîmunity sing- ing; rea.ding, Mca. Floyd Dudley; selection by maie quartette, Messcs. A. Brent, H. Coiiacott, W. Staples and B. F. Gardiner; ceading, Miss Edna Camecon.- Memnbers wece di-! vided into greupa eacb group cen-j tributing a number te the program -1 'Severul ether contesta wece much en-? ieyed. Lunch ivas served cafeteria Style.... A social evaning was heid recentiy in the Hall wben Messca.1 Wallace and Henry Miller presentedl two beautifuily niounted deer heaisi te the hall. Sevecal speeches ivece mnade, gaines wece played, and lunchi was aecved by the ladies. . . . Churchl service next Sunday at 7 p. m. February meeting of W. M. S. was1 held in the vaatcy on 6th mast., withl President Mca. Trumpour in charge., Pregram was in charge tcf Mrs. Floyd Eludley's group and consisted of a reading by Mcs. H. His; sole by Mrcs. L. J. Goodman; caading by Mrs. A. W. Annis; and an excellent ce- port of Presbyteriai at Wbitby by tdcs. L. Hooper. We ho-pe te have *his report cepeated at Macch Quart- 'nry Tea. Watch foc the date and plan te be thece. For Sale or Excchange FOR EXCHANGE ON FARM-$6(flO Oshawa residence on 100 tcr Cclily rip- ceci farm.nrm listing., Sre . Soci fll pacticulars of yecîr Carte tý, \. Y.I MIurdoch, l1, iKing St. W., Oshawva. 7-3 I. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIALS DRESSES New arxllVals for Spring Wear, spec- ially priced - Balance of Month Sale, $15.75 WOOL GLOVES Mll Wool Gloves, made in England, î'egular $1.00 pr. Balance of Month Sale at 50c Pair. FOR THE BALANCE 0F THIS MONTH HOSIERY "-Supersilk" reg. $1.95, Balance Of Month Sale - $1.75 "Supersilk" reg. $1.50, Balance of Month Sale - $1.25 .. "Tru Silk" reg. $1,00, Balance of Month Sale - 79c These are ail first quality regular stock. LINGERIE "S E R V U S" Brand- The Lingerie with a Real Guarantee Bloomers, regular $1.50 pair-Balance of Month Sale .............$1 .00 Pair Bloomers, regular $1.(o pair-Balance of Month Sale ...............85c Pair Zrassieres (slightly soiled), regular 75e-Balance of Month Sale .......35c Last Chance To Secure Warm Winter Coat At These Prices Your choice of Any Coat Regular Price to $4D-.00, $ 50 Balance of Month Sale Price.......................................$ 50 Your choice of Any Coat Regularý Price to $55.00.~5O Balance of Month Sale Price...................................... $ 50 Where you neyer see two garments alike. Where You Are Neyer Ur4yed ta Buy. 40 iI iFR LIIOICF E AYL MER TOMA IOES CH2C 'VfïGîCOOKNG .3 FL JIT SALA.4D ^"ff4V SIAM)FDOR JPE~A'HES lAI IF' S I ONTE ~a1 .,~a. L. LUE 5<01. ,FISHI CIIM 111< I N h cILIERIMI Ti 011 ýà%s BY TE Pt PIECE w BOWMAN VILLE STORE: PHONE 83 1 NO. 2 TINS.25 No. 2!2 TINS Zq lbs. 2.5o CAKES.2.5, NO. 2 I'KG s.3.0 ibs. 2.5, lb . S8e WHITE FISH-Winter Caught .... IL 15c FINNAN HADDIE-Smoked ....... L13c QYSTERS-Bluepoints........... Jar 35c ChfOI I _u but Steaks lb. 29,e WRIGLEY'S GUM ... ... ...8 Pkgs. 25c CHERRIES - Maraschino Red..2 3-cz. Jars 25c PICK LFS-Victory, Sweet .'.d 12-oz. Jar 25c H FE.LTH BRAN-TUilon's ... ... ...2 Pk.-s. 25c FARINA ..... Pkg. 25c MOTTLED SOAP - Lely's ... . . . .3 Bars 25c OUR (JWN ENCORE BRAND MÀAYONNÀ&ISE 8' 2-7. 25 JA R 2 Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES CIOOD S IZE CANADIAN <.IIliN L ETTUCEICE- LARGE CIISP O NIONS OlRO.îw CARROTS cI.I1(IIlN I A 3 AN EXCEPTIONAL VAL.UE SPï,NACH w EX l Dom. 39e 2 H 3Bun LI-,-LU. Box l eads 25c 7Ibs. 25c aches 25c 2 MIl DliiU 2M scOT TXISSUE Y;IL2 <RI L.S INGERSOLL CHEESE '¶O. 2 5 QUICK OR REGULAR QUICER 0A2'us Cý 2.5c p O PTIIE WHITE iE 7 ., PURE GOLD BRAN, ASSOIeTED PURE GOLD BRANO, ASSORTED JIELL IPO WDERS.5 îu<os .2.5C PARIS P'A TE 2"TIS 2.5C ASPARA GUS TIPS TN'5 FANCY MIIK-FED VECAL FI L"F 4ETS .35 CUTLETS.........1... b. 42c LOIN CH OPS .................. lb. 35c lb. 340 BYT'rHE ib. 3 1 LATHERO .... 2 Bars 25c MACK.NO-RUB ... .. . .6 Pkgs. 2eýc OLIVES-Club House Stuffed . -. 8-oz. Jar 25c HEINZ SPAGHETTI .Large Tin 23c NESTLES Evaporated M~ik .....2 Tali Tins 25c SARDINES-Blue Peter ... . . . .2 Tins 25c CRASES flIRT OLD DUTCH CleansezrI I"'s290 I Cia rence S. Mason ONE DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS CO. AS8P GREAT25 SAL 159 Inationally n nGrocerifîýl CICE MEA TS A & P MWARKETS SUPPLY TOUR TABLE WJTE BETTER MEATS AT LOWER PRICES SOFT-lMEATED YOUNG ]Fronts lb. 10e GSl.3~ Rack Roast lb. 230 E ÇSb3 . CHOICEST CUTS A & P SELECTED BREF Prime RIb.217o Porterhouue lb. 35c Blade lM. 240 R M I Short Rlb lM. 2,5e -M l.25e MOKED DUMAIIT'S SHANK.LESSi PICNIý,C HADJS nu.ZÇe FANCY SLICED I B IRE PIECE Baco n PEACEALlb 410e l. 39o Boiled Han' VE lb.4e EXTRA SPECIALS DAVIES' PURE RENDEREU LARD 2 PRIiS 31le FAŽ4CYPASTEURIZED CREAMERY, SUNrNvFIELn BRAND BUTTELR 2PRINTç 8g: Silverbrook Creaniery ...... 2 Ibs. 81c FLroujR SAL r e Mlonaroch Pastrj' 3V2.1b. Bag 18o 1 LB. ].-09 17-lb. Bag 340ed4BAC. 14-4à. Bag 65e FANCY PRINCE ED.%'-IID ISLAND GREEN MOUNTAINS-NO. 1 GRADE P otatoeS Full 15-lb. Peck 43e New Brunswick Delawares . ... 15 lbs. 41c CRFLL~~7[Y RIPENED IN OUR OWN RIPENIN<. ROOMS Banmanas FRUIT D -. I XRG RIP5Doz çreat TwentymFive Cent Values lmua CEA SO 0 F TOMIATO Baoeconmsiz 2 lb.. 25o Tw~GuF.AT ATL.ANTic & PACInFirTEA ('O. LTLJThObU CANADA sill'Eft Fmmics, USE