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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1930, p. 5

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TRE CANADIAN WSATBOMAN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930PGEFV AUCTION SALES Tbw.day, February 20th-wIm. Mont. 2omurY, LUt 4. Con. 7. DarlIngton, wha la gving up farxnng and housekeeping wllM «Il by Publie auctlon on Thurmay: F'ebruary 2Otb.mal hie farmn stock, impie. menti, teetd. etc. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp, TtiOO. M. fflmon, Âuctloneer. Wednasday, February 26t.-Ed. Wini OrinistOn, Lot 30, Con. 8, Dar lington, will sell a nurnber of horse, about 25 head Of Cattie, some hogq and implements. Sale at 1.30 p. m. See buis. Theo. M. Siemon, auct« iomeer. Thuraday, Feb. 27t.-Fred J. Wight, Lot 30, Con. 3, Clarke, will sel] 'hi fai-n stock, implenientà, etc. Sale at f p. m. sharp. See bis. Th". 'M. Siemen, Auctionee!r. Thursday, March 6th-Edgar Pres cott, Lot 28, Con. 8, Dar]ington, ', mile east of Enfield, who bas sold hi-s farm, will seli by puiblie auction all of kis farrn maehinery, seven hea< of borses, 26 head of c attle, 27 pure- bred Shropshire sheep, hogspou.try, etc. Sale 12.30 p. m. See bis. Theo M. Siemon, Auctioneer. TIMEL Y SA VINGS a, our BIR THDA Y PARTY Roads have been blocked, bot are better inow, so corne to our store and take advantage of these BARGAINS 50c Miik of Mlagnesia Tooth Faste....................39c $1,00 Boots Regesan........ 79c 25e A. S. A. Tabs 24's.... 19c 75e Hospital Cotton ......... 59c $1.50 Roxbury Hot Water Bottie...................98c 75c velvo Sanitary Napkins . .39c 75e Max:ixe Cherries .. .... 59e $200 Malt & Cod Liver Oil, $1.39 You "Savé, with Safety" at Jury&Lvl THE REXALL DRUG STORE Wbcn W. Test Eyes lt la Don. Properly. ' n CALL 463 if you want THE CORRECT TIME MOORE 'S Bowmanville DON'T FORGET SI LADIES' F MONDAY and TUE. Wonderful Display This will be your las, CHARMING N There was such a der that we had to repleni. Ladies have expressed pleased with the displa Materials are mostly crer and the newest shades an $9.95 to CLO TH COA T. This is the lowest pi. coats, but we have onlya ed to sacrifice themi. Broadcloths trimmed wit same guarantee as thosE You can be well dressed have a coat to fit you. T HE S4m A GE( LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE OBITUARY OBITUARY Lost or Found > Misa Graham, Cannington, is vis- Mrs. Androw DilIing, Bowmanyille James G. Marlow, Blackstock SUIT CASE LOST-Between Bownian- o~ ville and Port Hope on Feb. l9th, brown L tng Mrs. J. R. Moore, Elgin sutcStcn.nngmnswern p r. Mr. Ed. Rhines and son Bile, The death occurred on Friday, Cartwright Township sstite f ae StardIf l eneft a St a - Povrt Hope, visited at Mr. Wtn. May- Feblruary l4tb, of an esteenied resi- ita best knowp nd ot hgbn e-of pae. Bvwanvllfle. ai, 8-aesT' nard's. dent of B'owmanvilille, Mrs. Andrew spected citizens in the iuntimely pass- Dillin«, nee Annie Alcumbrack, in i.ng of James G. Marlow on Feb. 4th - Mrs. Silas Williams, Hampton, has her 61st year. Although she had in bis 62nd year. Few deaths in the 'Womted -been visiting ber daughter, Mrs. E. been ailing for some time, ber death recent yeanr have called forth such Woods. came as a distinct shock te ber widespre.ad regret and sorrow. The BOARD AND ROOM $7 A WEEK-ÂII n Mrs. S. R. Caldwel, Port Hope, la friends and neighb.ors. Mrs. Dlling late Mr. Mariow was deeply interest- conveniences. Apply Mrs. George A. g g, **Teperwae S.,nB.ma 8-3le 1visiting ber dauhter, Mrs. Hu>ert M. a born i 1869, the daughter of ed in ail brancesf of communîty life. 8e-rnc t, omnvle >Foster. the late Mr. and Mrs. John Alcuin- Every good cause was sure of bis Miss Ventress, B<baygeon, who brack, Lakefield, Ont. She wasl bearty support and financial assist-. WANTED-A woman or girl to help bas been visiting ber sister, Mrs. G. married twice, ber f irst husband's ance. ewsawr uprero with general housework. Other help kept. . Hewas war suporte OfApply to Mrs. Southey, Elgin St., Bow- IF. Purdy, Vaurch St., returneu *homne naine being Norton. About 29 Temperance. If neccessity deniand- manville. 8-tf iast week. 1 years ago sbe xnarried Andrew ed be allways placed principle before, WANTED-A horse for delivery wagon , Rev. and Mrs. Ge,. Mason are Diiling. Besides ber ihusband she' party. weighing abouft 1200 lbs. Apply to Wm. spending a couple of weeks in Tor- leaves to mourn ber ioss two Blackstock United Cburch bhas sus-1 MeReynolds, Scugog St., Bowmanville. -onto, guests of Mrs. R. J. Fleming, brothers, Arthur Aleunhbrack of Du-1 tained an irreparable loffl in bis Sudi Phone 223. 84tf "Dolans."luth, and Phiiip Alcuxnbrack of Tor- den passing. His regular attendancel BOARDERS WANTED-Board for one Mr. John Baker, Solina, purchased ontO, one sister, Mrs. Edward Cook, and wiliingness to belp in cburch and or two respectable Young men or niar- a Sheorthorn animal at the Victoria Vancouver, B. C.; seven ebidren, Sunday School sbowed that bis great- ried couple, with use of garage. Mrs. T. Sale on ~BennePh t, Scugog Street, Bowmanvllle. diCut hrhrnSl nWde-Mr. Chester Norton, Hamnilton, Mrs. est desire was to be serving Ced and Phonnet 297. 7-2' dUfY. h rc adws$6.0 H. M. Tyreli, Sydenhami, Mrs. Roland others. He was an eider in the church,1 The highest price paid was $182.50; MacDonald, Niagara Falls, N. Y., President of the aduit Bible class LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED the aeragepricewas $2M.6 . Almond Fletcher, Doris Made- and Treasurer for the Cartwright for omnil and District, for the the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,l avrg rc a 196. ue erg-aiBradDîig ici.eliable Fonthill Nurseries." A line Gergrand ernrd illig, ircit.splendid opening, with exclusive terri Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison, BowmianvilIe; three step-children, The funei-al was heid froin bis lat tory right. Send for circular matter and Brnfod wocame down for the James Edward Diling, Bowmanviîîe, residence on Feb. f n rb u Information. .Stone & Well ngton, Brantord, hoCmecmn r -7hadwspo Toronto 2. 7-4 Hig Sbol omenemntExr-Mrs. Roy Murphy, Oshawa, Andrew ably the iargest in mnany years. The cfisrsandere ustaJ overteweknd Drn. omavll.magnificent floral tributes froni the HELP WANTED-Young man between ofDr ad rs J . evttan M. The funeral took rpaefo brBaktckUie-hrc, .L,Io0 and 25 3ears of age for clerical W' rk and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. The la -t- lc rmbrBaktckUie hr .0 . In local manufacturing concern. Possi-. ter nteraine a fw frenlate residence, Nelson St., to Bow- Sons of England, Cartwright Town- bilities o! advancement for a capable and terentrtaneda fw fiens a 6manville Cenietery on Monday, Feh- ship and nurnerous relatives and1 nrei vkr Gv ulpriuas in ockn er o n rusturas. eil ruary l7th, service being conducted friends bore sulent tribute to his of educational standing and experience, I in honr of heir gesta.by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of Trin- worth and standing in the commun- B~mnie ity United Church. Paîl-bearers ity. The service was in charge of t ihe y drcs raeB BIRTHS %vere Messrs. Fred Neads, Roy Dil- pastor of Blackstock UnitLd Church VVNNN-n ro.,Fb~ , 1,,111ing, George Dilling, Nelson Piper, Rev. F. W. Neweii B.A., B.D., assis'1 Articles For Sale to Mdr. and Ms.t ln Vannan, a son. Ed. Sutton, W. H. Henderson and ted by Rev. R. P. Bowles, D.D. Botb TAMBLYN-ln StownianviIe, on01, , Carnce Hall. The deceased's five Ministers paid glowing tribute to his C0W FOR SALE-A good grade Hol- ly, Fubrýuary 17th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs., nephew's, Ray, Forest and Rance Dii- noble character and life. Members of s"tel or .,'about to freslien Feb.05th. .%i w. ranmlnyn, a son. ling, borne Aluin, Roy Neads, and W. the Sons of England tcnderiy; carried App"!y to aiirtnI- arn, lanîîîton. Phone' J. Bagneil, and Albert Nicliolis, Wes- himl to bis lisat resting place .After'- -______________ MAIRRIAGES Icyville, acted as flower hearcrs. the Conimitive services by bis pastor, ENGINE FOR SALE-Massey-Harris, Frieîlsandrelaive frni adis shrt ervies ereheldb~'L.O L.gasoline engine, 8 Hl. P., almost as goodl ALEXANDER-HEASLIP-At 1 Liber- Finsadrltvsfo i-sotsrie eehl yLOL as new, wlll taIte one-third of original IPlace, I3ownanville, on \dedy tance attending the funerai were..and Sons of England. prîce for quick sale. Corbett Motor February 1211,l, 19:W,. by Ilt.v. W. A. Bon-1i Mr. Dave Little, Warsawv; Mr. John He leaves to mourn bis loss, bis Sales, Bowmanville. 6t ner, ltý,atrice Eýt,, Mzty iteasiii, and John' Murdoif, Lakefield; Mrs. R. J. Towns, wife. one daughter, Ruth of Toronto FOR SALE-1 Book crise and writingl WVallon AI\a-.,nd, r. bath of!'Çorth Oshawa.' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tyreli, two sons. Dr. F. C. of Toronto and d s onIewainut finish, made to iSydenham; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mac-. Wallace of Blackstock, aiso three order by tJPper Canada Furniture, can't1 Donld, Niaa FLls N. Y.; Mr. and sisters, Mrs. Mabood of Blackstock,'e~ that lts heeî, iise<1. will seil f or btal ana, Aara asprîc,. .t>,ly ta Jolin Perey, ttowmain-1 DEATHSMrs. Philip Alcumbrack, Toronto; Mu-rs. J. J. Bruce of Caesarea and Mrs. ile 7-tf DILLING-ln B~,avlr on Friday ani Mr. Chester Norton, Hamilton.I Cowan of Saskatchewan, also two .rt. eIl tii, 1.01, A unieAlcunibrackohrD.Fedo oot n btxlwîf, -*' ilit, î'iîî, .gçu 60 , The many beautiful floral offerings brohrD.Fe fTrnoadT e vears. inciuded the following: Pillo n Nelson of Blackstock. T e WALSH-At Port IIope Hospital, on i ra, aiy ratsEgn1 The dcepest sy-mpatby of aIl the USFO SAE RRET6rou Elîrestdalssn. ofrîary131,rt and lbert eering Dept. Goodyear Tire & Rub-I community goes out ta thern in this a,,,d bath. Ontario St. Apply Mr. E. b'nth Wasli. son of *- 1dbar. Pm 2iaber Ca.,Employees R. M. Hoîîings-1sad bour. Passant, Dukie St., lownanville. Phone! COURTICE-In Oshawa,, on Friday head Cao., Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cale,',6.8f February l4th, 1930, Charlotte Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Diliing and fain- Mrs. Edward Montgomery, TWO APARTIVENTS TO RENT - In -idow of the. late Williamn Courtice of;illy; Sprays-Mr. and Mrs. ýHarry AI- Blackstoek Bowmanville; modern conveniences. I3ownianville. Internient union Cemetery lin and famiy, Mrs. Wrenn, Mr. and Apply tri W. P. Ward Barrister, ete.. TURNER-In Clarke, Saturdny, Feb rMs .Vaoadfauy r n r.EdadMngmroe o anville. Phone 162.4-t ofMr. 3John 90 id Turner, lake terj6 Mrs. N. Piper and family, Mr. R. J. Blackstock's best known and Mnost HOUSE TO RENT-Seven mrnes, wat- of1ar Mr. Jhn Turer, Matlda Tnrk , sag ed 671 T V ae n aml , M .a d r.E w d M ng m r, n l4 - Vears. Interrd !n Y,'wtonvil'e Cemetery Kembyring, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nichols highly respected citizens, passed to erworks, bath, electrie lights, looeted LINTON-On Tiieslay, FI~). 1,13, n aiy Mr. and r.Go Di]- rest after a short ilIness at the resi- ng&OtloSavlal.an1th 18 )and familyo Mrs.auhter Geo.Ra ppy A. A. ColwIl, Newcastle. 51-tf at 11 1etrcp St., Toronto, J.ames bc-, Jing, Mr. and Mrs. Philip lun-dec ofbrauhrMsRap -- ________ laved liusband of lit. l:ri. Martha E.ý brack, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall, Mr. adIFthtt i1boko e.3d FARM TO RENT-North hiaiftof Lot , Lintn, ged84 yars Inerrp ai0 ad Fichet, ilqbo-o, o Feb 31d. oflCesion 8, Darlington, kno n as the. Lnonaol8 er. nerda r Mrs. W. H Henderson, Mr. Raymond Deceased was iborn near Vaientia John Tape farin, consisting o!11120 acres 1 an..Ives, Mr. and Mrs. L. Roacb. Bow- in Maripasa in 1861. In 1887 she more or less; posqsession April lst. Forj THIS CUPON 8 WORT manvlle Ffe & Dum Bad, Trul maried tfuratherwapmMoitgmelnriher plicutas D.iy 13. . F1rrarrel THI COPO 15WORI4 manill Ffe DrniBan, r emridtelt dadMngmry Tvmone, 11. Il. 1. Phon, 1 4-'14 'Bow- i 10CE TSBlue Lodge No. 474, Mr. and Mrs. C. of Cartwright who predeceascd ber mn'av i'î' - 10CE T King, Mrs. Brancb and family, Mr. a littie over a year. The earlier part 8Î ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE Garfield Barrett, Mr. R. H. Dilling. csf their married life wvas spent on At sny evenîng performance durIng the "~Montgomery Honuesteadil, at For Sale or To Rent month of February, 1930. Only one CARD 0F THANKS Cadmus, the latter part in BlackstockRET40arslo4,cn coupon applicable on each psid id. w'here Mr. Montgomery wvas Post- ,DarIng toRNTon 00hch resgotd4,ucon- mission. The famiiy of tbe late Mrs. Andrew master until bis death. ings; sprîng creek. Immediate possess- -Dilling wisb to tbank their friends The sad news of Mrs. Montgom- IownvlIYtoE . . hoe 117. g 6-3 --- -______and relatives for their kindness and ery's death came as a great shock te _______________Phone __117. ____ 1sympatby show.,n during ber iUlness the whole communîty un the welfare FOR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed house and death, aiso for the beautiful Of which she -was always an active with garage on Wellington st., ail con- i venlences, wlred for electrie stove, new- floral offerings. and interested woi-ker especially îy âecorated, immediate Possession. Ap- r, jalong musical linos. Deceased was a Ply ta J. L. Metoelf, R. R. 2, Bowman- IFrI_ faithful and devoted qsember of the ville. Phone_ 183-5. 2-tf OBITUARY Presibyterain ciaurch and choir and ______witnessed a quiet testinuony for ber Real Estate For Sale You Should Need Beatrîce Eloise Rice London Master. _______ The funeral was beld from ber lat.e HOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed bouse0 A Body Beit Mn red n eaie nti eiec nBaktc nF..6hVith gaod gardon and shed, situated oni Man frend an reatvesin hisresdece n Backtoc, n Eb. th. nothside o! Second Street; priere- An Elastic Stocking town and vicinity deepiy sympathize and was condu.ctedl by ber pastor, onalîle for quiet, sale; lîroperty O!fIelI with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Rice of Rev. Mr. Walker. A duet which was William Quick . APPlîY ta the exectr Oft esta1te. W . F.QulcIt, ,A.Mceor An Elaztie Knee Cap London, Ontario, in the death of their very touching and appropriate was Bwait An lasieAnketsecond daughter, Beatrice Eboise, sung by Mrs. (Rev.> Newell and Miss An Eastc Anletaged il years, who passed away on~ Effie Wright. The esteenl in which FOR SALE-Brick bouse, six roonis, ail An Abdominal Support Tuesday, February llth, followingi the deceased and ber famiy were in excellent condition. haîf-acre of land, I several weeks' ilîness, the resuit of beild was evinced by the iargely at- with fruit trees and outbuildings; alsoi two and a bal! acres adjolning if desîr- A Truss flu. Besides ber parents she ia sur- tended funeral and beautiful floral ed; within ten minutes walk o! PostO- vived by one sister, Betty, aged 13 tributes. The remains were 'laid ta fice; a SPlendid buy on easy ternis; 41os- A Suspensory years. rest in the Union Ceinetea-y. Pali session early sprlng. Apply T. H. LocIt- hart Bowunanvllle. Phone 516. 6-tf A Bed Pan or The remains were brou.ght here bearers were: Messrs. Fried Gibson, : -- from London, the funeral takin Leslie Grahami, Ralph Fitchett, Bert FARM FOR SALE-Part of Lot 5, Con. Pair of rutchesSanderson and S. Sanderson. 2, contriining 77 airesailso part Lýot 4. A ar fCuthsplace from the home ,of e grand- (km 'i:. eontaining 23 a rer,-s. Township o!f father, Mr. Chas. F. Rico, Ontario Deceased leaves ta mourn t.he loss n itîi. î 1077aer- s s7moe You nîay get any of the=i at Steton ria afron. e- of a Ioving and devoted niother, une frainie liuse. lank barn 34 x 104, good vice was conducted by Rev. Dr. Best, uheMs ap icetof lllnli, ".eik' bouse andf minstr o S. Puls Culh. Mlibrook; and a son, Dr. R. J. Mont- 1119 Uen: land Il w'nrkable,. On 25 acres Thepali-eaer wee essrs Cgomery of Toronto; also two sisters wil1l)dIsiearatcly or logether H. udeyW.J.Dudey ~.J.E1and on, brother, Mrs. C. Crozier, ahle termis; imiaeosssion Pr H. udeyW.J.Dudey W.J.E.Oshawa, Mrs. John Dixon, Lindsay' len, i. rite Geo E K.ys. owner, 841 Omsoan W.Rs tie land Mr. John Bruce, Vaiextia. To er, St., Toronto. 7 tf IK ersiak e'S ; r Thëfowand bearers Stre twet -these bereaved ones la extended the C-TJN AN THE EPEDABE DRG SORE fîve pupils of the Public SehoolIsincere syînpathy of the communîty. CRGAlîknsc atND.Trucking u Beatrice's former playmates. S~he followed virtue as ber truest moving; local and long distance. The heautiful lforai tributes includedl guide; H OBR i Iu-',the ýN ler antiSîser; Gls Lived as, a Christian, as a Christian Phone.63 . BOMBAROt, Bwavl Ajatr- Ernî,lo»t-tes o!the Loonnlulrancli, died ______ _____________ o!~~~~u tlîe G .,M. C.;, Wreatls-Mrei,. Argue, j- _______________ 2rs. Laklng, MmIrs. liaugliton, Toronto.'TI CUO 1 OT ýPECIAL SHOWVING Coinpea rnGli ritJLondon uAir. nP LICENSED AUCTIONEERCE T 2,r.Ac. tNMr. andImrs. A. 0.1_______ 10CE T don. It, r. ad Ms. Cl. fS. lhienbon- CLARK WILLIAMS ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE U A SWindsor, Mr. and 'i.-. C.0. ltilpwcll, At sny evenlng Performance durIng LJI? C'(?)A 'S r y1an . lr~.atnd fi an,- Licenied Auctioneer month of Februîry, 1930. Only onlej Ily f Geera NloorsTrucký Reasonablle Rates. Phone: Port coupon applcable on each pald ad. ýSDAx-, FEB. 24 - 25 Iltancli, Windlsor, Fn r. r er F'rorrt Pub, tîlile Sellool of uownanvlee 254 o rt estlito Sta- mission. ~~ Sh.',îfs ~-lîr. ami Mrs. ltoy Iiceadfim tion R. RL 1. 8-4w ________________________ G reat Brgains ily, Mmr.- andIMrs. Frank ice andl faîaily, ____________________________________________ _____________CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rie. and JT SIROPMr. and Mrs. Gordon Rico desire to thn hi nayfinsfor the ~$ ,. R. MASON, Manager. 1 expressions of svmnpathy in theiri Oppoite the Bowmau Houa, in îhoo bereavement and for the beautiful i_____________________________ floral offerîngs.- ALLIN'S CORNER GROCERY WE AIM TO GIVE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY We have no complaints to make about busi- ness, in fact we are pleased with our turn over for this time of year. We are doing our utmost to give most for your money spent at our store. Blue Rose Rice,.......................3 lbs. for 29c Prunes, fresh and meaty .............2 lbt. for 35c Broken Soda Biscuits ................2 Ibs. for 25C Marmalade, large 40 oz. bottie ................30c Green Giant Peas, tender and fancy quality.... .25c Balisera Broken Orange Pekoe Tea ........52c lb. or ...................................... 2lbs. for $1.00 Lyons' Tea, per lb ...................75c and 85C FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES JUST ARRIVED More poultrymen are feeding Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash because it brings such satisfactory resuits. Don't experiment, use Ful-O-Pep. IIARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE They Cost 80 Little YET THEY'RE MIGHTY GOOD QUAKER CHOCOLATE BARS - 6 FOR 25c See them in the window. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Chocolate Buds......................... 35c lb. Quaker Kisses ............. .............30e lb. Jelly Beans ............................20e lM. Huinýbugs ........ .....................20c lb. We specialize in Cakes of every kind The Bowmanviile Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAIN VILLE Final Drive on OVERCOATS This week-end we are maldng a final drive to clear up ail Men's Overcoats left from our, January Sale. This will *ive many of our eus- tomers who have been shut in owing to the con- Ldition of the roads a chance to share in the Over- coat values. Every Coat in the store I sacrificed as follows: ûb7 iReg. Price up to Reg. Price $25.00' For $1 6.45 up to $30.00 For $19.75 Reg. Price up to Reg. Price up to $35.00 For $24.7 $45.00 For $32 Buy now and save. r- ý-' -VI, C T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Moutreal )UT Phone el, Bowmxuan l) SALE Misses', Girls', C h il1 d r e n's, M e n's, IIen's Furnishings to be Cleared ,Low Prices. Forced us to slash our prices away below cos to for our new incoming Spring Stock. Our Loss Save Money. Every Price is Shattered - Every of Original Cost Literally Thrown Away in this is Excluded in this Store-Wide Price Slash. We Open to the Public at Figures that will seli every [0E $TO"r(RE Ild McMurtry Block-Phame 828 146 1 1 PAGE riva

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