MEE CANADIAN STATESMAÀN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2o, 1930 PA The Vrind of Ail Sufl'ere: Thomas Ec:ectric 011 is ai ree * o ail those who suff I oi.out hope to everyo 'aze :biv stilling sufferinf j alere. It L. a l- nient that of hin a!' of cininent. -al1eev'- e and can b -r v-iuît- 1for. tWhere there's a He Ithere's a way-to gi Ijmore Eggs; give lier A Differeni Woman hav &maaç 2fferr0 4'w he b j, I lid So gfr i_ p W wk buMaasi S L u et oka i M» ~aM raa Us a ti ejirnm rA, arsdi«dn' 1-"w iand bM S gioernue4 LtIch,rwould snu be withQut 1*emîaaje~'f eale )M. P. KwenSaits la obtainable at drug and dePauxmneU Uamfst a Canada at 75c, a boule. A boMcuia'og to last for 4 or 5 rnntu~go< ulh19 a sday. Makes Hpa Lay 8014 by ail deln write lm, Bo.k....P This ICIIs You! Why. - YOU SHOULD BUY COAL FROMW JOHN AX HOLGATE & SON Buy the COAL that SELLS BEST That'a one reason why we keep our customers satisfied. LEHIGH VALLEY ÀNTHRAC179. mie Coul 7Iae doeiafi. We also seli Coke', Cannel toal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. ýJ. A HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Ïhone 153 or 2f Bowmanville IT¶SURANCESIVCE O4JR CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE HAD FIRES iAPPRE4Ç4TE1THE SERV1Ce, WE GIVE.. SWe hope our customers wiilI neyer have to ri0,lize on their fire insurance policies-but when ~y do have a fire we immediately get busy and -the adjustments made as liberal and as fa4tory as it is po"iM etç gci them. .~For this prompt and efficient service many ~tmers have recommended our firm to their eetnd ds and neighbo JJ. MASON& SON :Real Estate and, Jnsvrance Brokers PhÔne 50 King St. E. Bowmanville llearesct High or Contin ua tion achool. 'r. -Voca l Msic b.a U I k M k SThe interest -hown by parents and trustees lan this class of instruction 3 T0 as l shown by the fact that 93 rooms -M'< ~~O<.5a *a. out of 100 roos la hs inspectorateeu., %Z *M are neai reeelvjnt h" me% ut erajft ursa vocal maec Le.Wrom4 esev B@ a g ata c~. AU ira, Music teachera who visit the schoola MÊ91 * LGE SEVE~4 ers.-Dr. PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S week]y and are paid by th<, boards RN valuable REPORT FOR DURHAM COUNTY, concerned. 1ORONi Ter pain. That the instruction given is suc-1 (Froni The News of Feb. 13th.> ýone and Col. E. E. Snider's Annual Report ta cessful is shovn by the receipt of ani ig ;v.y Counties' Council la Full of Inter- invi:ation from the Executive of the1 Mrs. 'M. Breslin has returned. from thas, the est ta Every Citizen in Inspector.ý Onta'o Educational K-:,ociation to' Tornnt w ,ýherc. she has been visitingi s ae No. 1. tVI) f im smail rural ac'. ol te sing for tn days. und: aitIiati oetii :'easoi- h0llwa Corn Remnover takes n Àe a n ' i c -o o . W u ~ c 't h e c l r n *o u t b ý, - , lle r . T . : ti s ncl, Cob ur .Ont. Household Science andl p ,o This subject ivas taugh- in aboutý Mrs. Pink. houseke.c.oer at thel Gentlemen:- 40 per cent of the rural schools dur-1 Campbell Farns, underwent an cper-i I ha e t e h nou to sub iic the ing 19 19 and the au horize{î grants: ation for appen licitis. 1olohav epoo the ou ondubitons of were ýrecei%--d fromn the Deparcaienti misses Kate Waddell and Marjcrie foltte lû icSre oolthecniinseof: theboards and teachers cancern-1 ike, delegates to th-(.,Hort icultural N. 1 t ofPblith UnizedCounsie f orý,' ed. Society Convention in Toronto, gavel i Nohumbte U nid Duham for theAgriculture 1reports t the meeting here on Mon-i year ending Dec. 3lst, 1929: Ail schools gave instruction as farý! day evening. i Tacer tas the Minimumn Course a-s provided 1 Mrs. H. Junker and son Freddyl Tecesinl the Course of Study, and ail but returned home Sundv fo two There are at present 100 teachers, tivo rural schools qualif&cd for the& months' visit wiS:h ber sermrs A din odiaay ublc cholwo.kS -ia grants by taking -lhe Supple-1 (Dr.) Perey Ross and _Mrs. Kate Kil]- and 7 speelal teachers of Music' b ' mepalyCuso t qiaet smseDtot ih ing an increase of one special tea:hj meelal - Corse. r itsequivlen , s maser, Dtroit Moch > er, while ordinary teachers are samnel Schoî Fairs ia Publici: Association's aoabou as 192 8. The interest la these fairs la beingfial 00niMn datended bv abount Certficaion ain aine and inc ease jud ing by * old-tim e fiddlers' co-nitest, prizes w erel 29, an increase of 8 over 192s, the attendance, and nearly all rural' awarded la order to Alonzo Hoskin, teachers hold first,.class certificates,, achools are taking un actirex-o -Cari oanadArhrT.Aln while 70 hold second..cLass eertificatoe their prograîns. Orono Women's Institute will meeti and 1 holds a Kindergarten Prinlar3rf Officiai Visita in the Couneil Chamber on Friday, certificate. jAl achools were visited at leasti Feb. 2lst, at 2.30 P.ini. Roil cal- t Increase ia teachers holding fat- 'twice during the year, and a few A helpful idea for Saturdav. Pro.- class eertiiicates is very markiod andi threïe tinies. Duijng these visit.s, grag comnittee Mrs. Honeyweîî, twould seemn to show that the sehool and at other occasi ons, I had the iMi.. BilIings, )Lrs. MTsray, -Mrs:I ___boards are realizing more fiwlly thee)Pleasùre ofneetink. many trustees Cooper, Please bring in your quilti value of securing a teacaÀher with the and found thern anxious and wiliing block size 12 x 19 inches. highest and hast acadernie standir«g to carry out any improvement deem. Fred 'W. 'BqwenIX P., was one o availab le. e esentiel 40 the hest interests of the chief spçakers wil2h Hon. Wyillia Supply of Teacherthe children. iF« finisyson Mjn ister of ILands and The strjpîy of teachers, at pres'ont,j Conclusion Forestas, and others at "AIl Oanadiami appears to be greater than the de- 1 In conclusion I wlsh to thank all' Night" held at.Lebanon Lodge, A. F. man, a thre ir a umbr o ce-1those witji whom I have corne in ron-1 A M., Oshiawa, Tuesday, when tificated teachers la this inspectorate tact, official-y,, for their valued asst.. about one hundred.brethren sat down who have been unable to secure em- ance as well as the kindly courtesy t.o a banquet In the beautiful Oshawa ployment, extenIded to me at ai] times. Masonic Temple. Salaries foTe wrrbxrth at e oft i kina The average salaries paid la the re- î iThe h'bi h ate ofetwchuide spetiv mnormuncialiieswee e SA GO A LESIN those that find lodg-ment in ithe stoin- f ollows: - wr ach an d thos~ that. are found la the 1928 1929 Increase TO TORONTO WomAN intestines. We latter are the most. Bowmanville $1107 $1123 $16 d estructive, as thev cling to the walls Darlington 1042 1046 4 froin other medicines as day is from wild work havoc there. Miller~s Cartwright 1039 1033 6 night, it has such a wonderful Wormn Powders dislodge both kinds PotHp 1023 1022 1 strengchening effect on the system. f &fl while xeln thmfo te Clarker 1911 1006 15 Nse serve ta repair the damiage Mlanvre 91 106 15they have cansed. t 1 President--ý. 'Joseph Hall; Vice CFànie of Tîfýchers f President-Bro. W. C. Mitchell. Whilèîonly* 20 per cent 6f 'the Lrap.-Br ,o Reginald Sutton; &-e-re teachers were changed la 1928, 27 e per ent adea chnge n te prs- ary-Bro. George Cooper; Treasur.. per entmad a hane i th pr-s er-Bro. Harrv Millson- Trustées.. ent year. As this increased nuniber S Cuttell, William Corniah, Geoee of changes were not due to lack -of Butters; , T. Ar-nel-i efficiency on the part of the teaclie.rsu Co mmktteeRiharmWod, it i sugestd tat o-meboadsMorton, 4, Geo. Bail, 5, I. T. should give greater consideration te o,. apmnan, 6. -Matthew Harrison. In-1 sh eestyo emnec ftede Guard-. TLewis, Outside'Guid tacher's engagement if the best in- ra Wit; eess i o Perannc ofa' Nrria;Auditors-j R. communities are to be geived. T aetecide on Work of the. Teachers -althaveathe cfirs cren, ;ouna nd'teq h e work of the teachers as a h e ca nt b h al y if ro le whoe caservf tee reenduatea ofIiiih wormq Use other Graves' de cseoftrvecmenrdatn of îorm Exterminator. __ the Normal schools, this is largely I due to the satisfactory training re- PRISONq WTffl UT &R ceived at these schools. It la sug- 0ie ~ ~ Igested, heaiever. that, la the Normal tS-onie kId friend* inChcgset schools serving Rural cimunities to iie senior editor a e Çbjo£ enthf- a arge extent, a greater aout 1goTrbue CO P cing tiiCl go ngb inonalnng uaarticle Pratic-techig i unxudd sheos ~Bruce Catt.n..-a; tribu-te te O0n- would prove of rosI service. ethose 0rienlaGuelphx: pupil-teachers aibo are preparing for lTi h rural choolwork. the province of Ontario there rur l s hoo wo k.a Prison te lilce of w hilch cannot J T1he ýfigures for -the presna year '"l'd ha.d a speil of flu chat -left me te-.~A AttndaceMRSA.J. IECE ond aywftelatis U I nt. are not available as yet, 'bu t i 3en- so weak and rundown 1 couid bardly It ia a Prison withoutany walla or ccuraging to note that in 1928 the do niy bousexork. Headaches, la-, rred *imdbws;a rs. ai r.~- Doi actual attendance. in <ays was 91.7 digestion and bilijus attacks siniply 1d ari a ,Pnonac*hwere no 5 per ent of the possible attendaiice, mnade MY life miserab:e and aIl the - prisoner'coqaid esca<pe, at A s OUrr aibile in 1927 it was only 87.2 per medicines I tried were just a wast e imp]y by walidng away. indlgE cet.of ime and nioney-that la, until Il"rjevinr School Buildings and Ground m on agn ~re 0 .des ia its list of prisoners ee fo n ar o .anada' a os d.d r~ ~" take Maay acho(ol buildings %wc-re re-t "This u-onderful compound proved. * -thre asfMoIst aemoepd painted and re-decorated during thel a blesaiîng ýç aie and 1 was soon feel- n 10 Criminaily insane hifers kept neutrâ 'ýear and the aanitary conditions were ing like a different person. Everv y r.ach m iinproved in a auniber of- sections byl trace of indigestion dfisappeairced an dl el aCudceiwt perfec the 4nsalation of chemnues ýnitary1 1 amiso much stronger chat my bouse- t tÎlii n a ot r e qloac.ts. 'I9iree sections enla*gd$ vork seenis no bother at al!. t- uiie. I a iee .a ay wherr their grounds, and one section moved: '4ue o etobldcninal (hîna pproaching one., It keeps 1 "1 i700 convictroand haconannaverage c) izs school building to another andi wich constipation, but Sargon Sofc l7twoectps adyeas.anotverae of cidh better site. Mass Pilus, that go with -the tonie, spoel desperate lifers bias Suplem 'tryReading Libraries regulated me perfcezly and I baven't ' 1Io spe.I 4 Increased interest, la the develop-, bad a beadache .&r blious attack Th s ctases mzn aient of proper reading lsabicbyi the l since. I thiiik it's only right for Thia nrs] eaaigy with àidren i evidenced b b-atta, me t tel] others bow Sargon brougbt st prisons soute' of the inter- che value of rural sçbool libraries' me health and haopiness and I hope ional' border-.with Auburn, D)an-l $1-677, or by'an average of my experience ' ill be1p those who, ra and Canon City, for instance j~~~~~~~~~ b2.0prsho uigteya. Jfelsmabtducu bu rlg at it la worth a ge>od bit of. con- 1HghSeoo Etrnc o ut a new medicine."-Mrs 2jAS raion. 'Ilere were 336 candidates t th, Pierce, 67 Meibou,.rn, Ave, Toronto. e prison ia located at Guelph, H" h, School Entrancè exaffiinatlon Sargcn may be obtained la Bow: - it was instituted a quarter of a iii199,lad28 o threwee 'i9..nianville from Jury & Love.]]. turY ago by Dr. Fred Leonard, Cgss ____________13_______ben__Warden of the Ohio csfuûin lasecurind tb'elr certificates. SéOReformatoybt whos pan i s t e total enro nient of pupils in ~u o e P n *e percontage that the nuaber off did iistai iinr"frtehr sliccejsful 4n:rance candidates bears t l"Js tp total enrolment is 9.5. I s"\\i""s-tl handled along very simple T lc a Istitute 'here are 950 acres o! prison land,' lA i pe t years the attendance at i î' d i t t. n, ai e an or t* meeti#g of the Teachers' Insti- c4rds. In additioýn there are w"ol t*4 held et Orono la October was "-n milIs, a cannery, a wood-workine rhtly gratifying, flot only en ac- fà4ry, a bed factori- and a qary, couht o 9prcent -of our owni . q quar b hý fises toacets being present, but becausetOal.pee b h'o1snr MONTREAL 'EstÉàblished 81 - Total Asset. in =çces ot $9%0,00 0j Bôwlmanville Branki: , 0.OMCILVE FN. Mana_,er. - reaks Up Gas The StomaèL W1 suifefreinýdge i s gmi sing areund your 'heâe'art, nes, acidity, »Oating..of.Pain o eestio 44~g. When- you n'e qiek>stxiLrelief, a little Bisurated Magnesia- ler or tables. I-tbreaks up gas, allies "ol<s and)keeps the stoin- swoet and strong, and digestion r-t, At gcod drug stoe-es ev~ry- Not a laxative. * -..-~ (~.4Î - us oeu~ ~ W ~a ~u uusm. W M*avu~ Imv MAS ~IU~ ah iwIam.gK5?,.. ?IUmI BREAKS UP COU6 - -YOJRENERGY ;ITEP Energy cornes from food that contina balanced po-oto, aàeailydi- gested or#n. tit nt'b 'prtnesi with N ïie and step, up your energy by eatiig Shredded Whédat with milIk. Ail the' c4bohydrateà you need'to furLisll he't and e»ergy, ail the nùxý eral saIté for bones an~d teeth. Dell. or ste4vd fruitq.- CMIADIAN SHEDDED WIIEATcOUPMIy.LTS. savings Departnit 'ofth Bank of Montreal offrs ypu, its friendly services to help. you attain your am-> bition for those whoi are dear- AGE SEVICN