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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1930, p. 8

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'ÂGE !IGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEB!RUARY 20, 1930 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES f NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ! ýCntnud rntpae lREPORTFOR JANUARYf The Ngewvceaýt1e I ndepgeniderit Senior Room 1929. He outlined the course of Examined in Reading. Writing and! - _____________________________________ _____ the school life of hais class froni theiCopstn. Nm noreof time of lhe dtparture from ublcmpsit io ern. tas: n rd i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2Oth, 1930 school. and the subsequent "Firs i mSr. in per cts: 2 irgaot Form stge o te fnalvea inthe1Tonms 89. Muriel: Pollard S5, Audreyý mighty 'Fifth", making mention ofl Bonathan S2. Marv Van Dusen SC» NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE W. M. S. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY the rnany activities and organizax.ons I______ if~ ~ ~ ~~r th..col. Te0,tovo i1 Gwen Williams 77', .lecia Williams' ufth chool lng The iorat1etc-had; 76, Marie Henning 76, Milton Brown John McManus. infant son of Mr. Regular meeting . f W. M. S. of Mock Municipal Election To Be Held benvr akoal, h p.er. 69, Harr.v Couch 6.ýMr Chaplin' and Mrs. Wilson McMeýanus, t aken Newcastle United t'hurch took p6.aMar Monday Niglit ben er fvoabe.thsi 8 (ai). ast %veek to the Sick Chldren's Hos- February 6th, wi:h President Mrs. suacdceslhi os a.haongcke J I-anadrwnSi .Eeln ital, Toronto, for special treatment. (Rev.) Rogers in the chair. Re- The evening's programa in the New- sucesfH i foba. oke, n: Allun SI, GCindy; Manchett 81. GladysI Mr. C. R. Carveth, having dispored ports from secretaries and a short castie Young People's Society on srtsb. as v.earsB. H S. an erdjPoL>lard S0, Jack Hare 76, Marjorie of the Newcastle end of lhis business programn in charge of Nirs. Geo .AI- Monday evening was begun with ani sport--rugby- capio. H.iS. an fir, Lvcet 75. -Marion Aldread 75, Har-' to 'Mr. Archie W. Glennc-y, left on len's group were givoýn: Bible read- interesting bird game and a puzzlel chapinsip(neihtyer~ ~ Delint 74, Char'ie Brereton 6S.1 Tuesday with Mrs. Carveth on a trip nMsN.LRikr;dvtoawhh taxed the brains faico- hckeyrlsDalidoNoden .',dJinckaskemba64. to Flcnida. topic, Mrs. Geo. Alen: solo, Mrs. ducteri by John Ashton. The presi-f and firldspalorcmeetnsakeb. Sr. III-Ruth Honey 87, Gertrude' Newcastle Maie Quartette, _Nlssrs Geo. Honey; reading. Mrs. Abar. dent, Clarence Allun, took charge of mdfe sot.Bnat'han 81. Louise Hancock 78,1W.J. S. Rickard, Howard Allii ar This was followed hy reports of dele- opening exercises and business. Aud-1 The Literary Society held frequent Mîur*e hw 7, lr old .A'lin and Mark Aluin, are asked gates who attended W. M. S. Presby- itor's report was read which shoxved meetings and the different Twf oripu ahe Spencer 73. Norton Cowan to -ing at the U. F. 0. im.eting at ceriai at Whitby. Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. a balance of $25.7-5. The worship wen enjoyabed prghs. p urn72.y Hockin 70, John Van Dusen Sa' n>edyeeig Butler and Miss I. Robinson gave peniod was taken by M 0s . Warren. wer pesete duin th sjOUn167. Margaret Burley 67. Katie Clark Shwso usdyeeig ery full and contprehensive reports,1 vfLssionary Vice Preýsident, Charlie ofthis class, "The Merchan' cf Ven- 1 63. Raîph Gibson 62, Nlike Arych -Mrx. and Mrs. Reg. Matchctt have much enjoyed bv ail. Glenney, took the chair. Program' ie and 'Twelfth Night." The 61 Bobbie Duck 59, ýDorothAl_- temporarily given up the rearing of The W. M. S. were favored in hav- consisted of topic, "Our Work withj Gke, Club was another recently foiin- dread 70 (a2). *Allan Clark 78(a2).1 Chinhill rabbits by making a final ing with thei r.(e)J.URb-te ouhsinCnada byLin1 ed oganiatin, wichhas erfrril * ýshipentof 15 of the large and in, President Oshawa Presbyterial, nie Selby; vocal solo, Frank Wood-, ed oergaisation, which he drorm- *xmaio means absent for 1, 2 or etc.1 beautifully furred bunnies to Toron- who conducted the installation of of- house, accompanaied by Berniece Gi]-i ion of Mn. Francis Sutton. 1 Thos. A. Rodger, teacher. t. ficers, and also gave an inspiring ad- bank; humorous reading, Ted Wil- Bovwmanville High School estab- Intermediate Room ' St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. dress. liams. ished an enviable record in inter- Exarnined in Reading, Spelling,I Mason, Rector. Sunday, Feb. 23rd, Will the ladies of the congregation Next Monday evening's program iný school dehates, winning eight out of Geography. Lterature. 1 Sept uagesima Sunday: 8 a. m.-Holy keep in mind the Wonld's Day of charge of Loreen Lorriman promises thirteen contests. The oppoertunity Jr. III-Reta Powell 84. Lois Rowe, Communion; il a. r.-Mornîng Prayer to be held in United Church, to be exceptionally intenesting. A of working oûn t.he "Screech OwI" 83, Molly Quigg 80, Lloyd Hancocki Prayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 March 7th, when a united service will mock municipal election for which staff gave many students a real 78 Archie Martin 76, Victor Gar-' P. m.-Evening Prayer. be held. candidates were noniinated last knowledge of journalistic work. A rod 76, Frances Brereton 71, Jimmie' The Parochial Cointaite of St month, will be held, and ail members upendid magazine, which compared Coyne 71, Clarence Clark 69, Doro-' George's Church are holding an in- Newcastle members of the Bow- are requested to be out to vote for favorably with thosc' published inl thy' Henning 61, HazeLIMcManus 60,' teresting Lanîern Lecture on British manville Canadian Club. who attend- their favorites. There will also be lager schools, was made possible by Stanlev Brown 50, Arthur Painter 44.! Columbia, canyon and coast scenerY ed the banquet Tuesday evening xveek a debate, "Rlesolved that Women the combination of the varied talents Sr' I-Patricia Pearce 96, Ethel' to Alaska, in Parish Hall, Tuesday. and listened with pik.as.ure and profit should enter P'olitics,'" with Minnie- o'f the 'tudents; the success of the Spencer 81, Sam Cowan 79, Tommy February 2.5th. at 8 p. m. Admis- to the lecture on Samuel Pepys and Pearce and Archie Glenney taking actîvities in which they engaged, t.hus Brereton 79. Helen Robinscn 7.5, Lil-ý sion 25c and 15c. his Diary by Provost Cosgrave of the affirmative, and Emnie Gilbank ptoividing material for the magazine; hian Burley 65, Margaret Pearce' ntdChrhRv)W iov rnt Clee Trno ere Reeve and Florence Ashton the negative. the cc-eperation between staff and (,11). 1ite hrhRv . P . ' w.iyColeeToon4Everybody welcome. student1s. and the generous aid rend- Jr. II-Harold H'ockin 83, promiot-i ers, Pasteýr. Sunday, Feb. 23rd: W. F. Rickard, Councîillor J. E.W. ered 1by thle local merchants in ad- .dt r l onAyc 4 lrdi .m..onn Vrhp2.30 p~ Philp, Rev. W. P. Rogers, Rev. F. H.j paytiin is. 7,tte Geeh wlo c t r l hnn g y 4. Alred m-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Even' Mason, Dr. J. A. Butier, Messrs. Clar-1 Master Gordon Allin, Shaw's West, *ering t pt heSceeh vIon Gray-.57,Grl Hm g41 ngSevc. On wededye- ence Batty, T. W.Jackson, E. C.I was a weekend guest of aster Ross fie expressed the regret of the H.uAior Ro echr.i ng, Feb. 26th, beginning at 7.30, Haar and H.R. Pearce. Cobbledîck, Shaw's East. whos a parting with the t"---er Examined in ,.eography R eading 1bheland l onrecshmeting i be woh guided them through the Spelling and Arithmetic. Stand ing vc ed adrfcsmnswl es various studios and instilled that in in order of menit in percentages: bytheW:omn--A-soiatonP their minds which enabled them to Sr. 1-Vivian Duck 8.5. Jimmie' The publishers regret tc learn that -I I graduate. He paid special tribute Lovekin 83. Bruce Van Dusen 73,1 subscribers to The Statcesman in to x-Pinipa W J.Morisn, ndMary Painter 73. Reita Cooke 70,' Newcastle and district were consider Miss I. K. Smith, who had been wjth Dick Anderson 68, Ross AllUn 67:! ably inconvenienced by not Erettng U them during their entire stay in B. Ro- Wright 62, Keith Rowe 58, *John' their paper ti11 Saturday hast week. * E. S., and to the School Board and Ctter 67. ! Upon investigation we find this .as ]Kr. W. B. Couch, chairman, w-ho had Jr. 1-Nora Meredith 76. Artiel due to miscarniage of Newcastle bag 4 spared no-)efforz to procure the best Tomns 67, Harry Brow'n 59, Stanley' containaing St-atesmans which .vas re- of teachers and to keep the school Couch 54, Charlotte Gray 50, Jimmie' turned 1 omnil otOfc en the highest level. Keech 47, *Gordon Cotter 66. j Saturday morning on account of label In clo.sing, Mr. Colmer declared means absent one examination. being l..st. that the inspiration and pride instili- M. A. Purdy, teacher.1 The W. A . of the United Church ed in the graduates of 1929 by the __________________ e iMs onDuis atTu~ associations of B. H. S., would be 'meth Mrs ouPercy Haeint he ___* carried with îhem throughout hf e, dywt __.PryHaei h ând expre.ssed the hope that the pres- Miss Phyllis Cemence, President ofi chair and Some thirty members pres- * ent and future students of Boian-1 the Literary Society. Refres'hments; ent. Mis. R. W. Walton acted as ville Higb Scbool would carry on ev- and dancing were enjoyc.d by al I recording secretary in the' absence cf en eter ha tey idandbeofstil urig hecouseof heevnin's Mrs. C. R. Carveth. Mns. W. H. en btte thn tey id nd e o stli unîg te curs oftheeveîng Cowan read the scipture lesson and greater credit boe the school. program, Principal Dippeil expressed,î-Go Hn~~- the sincere appreciation of the staff Nfr. Go. 'oe led in prayer. The Graduates' Reception an uist himnW .Cubpianist, Mrs. J. E. Rinch, played for A graduates;' reception was held for theý two large Union Jacks drap- the singing of the hymns. Mesdames after the programn in the gymnasium ed at the back of the stage, to theý Geo. A. Coyne, W. P. Rogers and W. efth Uic shool. The guests were re- local Hydi'o Company for the hand- F. Rickard conîributed readings andà ceved hy Principal and '.Is L: W.1 some floor lamp, and to F. F. Morrus Miss Kath'!een Spencer a vocal solo. DippliEx-rinipa an Mr W Coforthe records used on the Or- with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Doipeli, E-inc1. K. amdtM. 'and -I.î0poiic for dancing. L. M. Fisher. Mrs. J. W. Glenney's Monnson Mis I.K. mith B.A.,grcup who provided this program ahso servi the refreshments. __________ Mn. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cryder- man, a recent bride and groom, were surprised at the home cf hier parents, Mnr. and NMrs .A. A. Colwill, New- RELIAB3LE ~ castie, on Saturday evening by about fift yong eope iten onpaying their respects and congratulating the FOOT W EAR newlyweds. Mn. J. H. Jose acted as chairman. An addrciss was read by Mrs. Howard Allin and the presenta- ' ien of a -beautiful fibre settee made SPE IA LYbyMisses Minnie Selby and Lilian _______PR I C ED and r Hoard in ,an edg gratulatcry speeches were given by o,4C Men's Oxfords, black, wide and comfy, $3.45 pr. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Mr. A. A. Cowill I and Mr'. Tho.. A. Rodger. A couple .Men's Black Boots, sewn soles, and rub- of enjoyable conîests were followed by the s£-rving of deliciou.s refresh- ber heels..................................... $2.98 pr. nients which brought a very enjoy- Boys Brwn Shoo Bots, Iimtedable evening to a close. Boys Brwn Shoo Bots, limtedThe Mission Band held an inter- quantity) ................................... $2.95 pr. esting meeting on Saturday after-*" noon, with supeintendents Mrs. SWomen*s patent 1-strap Slippers, to clear $2.49 pr. ( Dr.) J..A. Butler and Mrs. C. T. r a V l ei Miss1adCilr1s Vrhos j latty lu charge. The lesýson wa~smutaindrw Women's,Missan hlrn v soe read hy Marie Hennings; and Bible ImeMsrtosd w stOi y old by June Brown. M'%uriel "he eight surround- cleaing t secia pries.Shaw, Louise Hancock, Reta Powell *..e illustrations wifl Bettet' preipare foir the soft weather by getting e.s id Bule -ol'tetnc ry - *';,a.i 1 , coV tSY o> . and *' ~*smartness in your Rubber Boots and Rubbeî's earlv. antd'.hin k about hen J aaedaa.fte ens Grac, Pow'.xl coutributed a recita- **** ~*designing and pat- tion. The baud was divided mb -t" two zi<les---he Orange, xith Mfarie I'M\j 'B871-.Xnothr grrioiî- The Elite Shoe Store 1e nnqeae.n ~ I~ /--wý,'ratilmofn w Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager ange" group will provide the programt iî', 0Ilu roc<s. next meting. The Band is already Il ],. .ii , j,'rlîtî,nvare- on a sound financial standing, 36 f f . an a ii .u'n mmd the having paid their fees for 1930, which' aiT .lI r' ,.ýetting givés theni the Dniviiege of having 'tja.i.ih. ____________________________jIt.hei.r uam,-: put ,-.n the 'as'"tn ttn 4 c urces on unda fwor faily weh I aun, NIr. and Mrs. Edmund Harris. U W .P o b t Futhrpartv of the Lade'L.I L YOUR FAVORITE LIIV Baker and Confectionerne keep lu mind te LhNigbt _ orelyS W asn& o Baker and Confectioner j min 1er the auspices of the lVonu'î's Frel*S*.Mso o Bo m nvle Il;u te n arc fine Spermis Phone 3 bBowmanvilldoundarchineh.Speor ams - - -j beingpne pa red.tt ANNOUNCING- The New FORDSON TRACTOR We expect to have Agricultural Tractors available in the very near future. The new Tractor is manufactsared in Corkc, Ireland, and wiII be ship- ped from there to Canada. The rating is 15.30 and it is equipped with high tension mnagneto, new air washer, water pump and thermo-syphon cooling, together with a number of other improve- ment&. The approximate lust price wifl b. $775.00 F. O. B., St. John, N. B., including gear shift pulley, and approximately freigbt rate wiII be $1 5.00. Further details wilI be fortheomn- ing shortly. We would suggest that anyone interested in a new tractor would send us their name and address and full information wiIl be forwarded to them as soon as possible. CoxrMotor Sales SEE TO IT NOW With the constant use your jfurnace has had this winter it might be well to have us look it over to see that it is in good work- 1 ng ordeT. Better 40o do tis than wait tii f4t breakse down. Phone 264 or 453. R. E. LOGAN Plumber and Steamfitter Nezt te Pethbk's Barber Shop BowmanvilJe rED-ES i SATURDAYn 10 Bond St. W. OSHAWA THREAD $1,019 1Silk Full-Fashioned Hose, knit of best iof best quality lisie thread. These stock- Beige, Beechnut, EvengloN,, Sunbronze, pair guaranteed first qua lity.dIl Pair..........................$ ,1 STORES IITED e 164 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS BOWMANVILLE mm~mmmmmurnu c. I Phone 9241 441 r M I .19 -1 ,rAGE BIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FERRUARY 20, 1930 1 .

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