rnaibtan ~tarmarn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 10 e e 4 if~ 1PHONE 104 UNMITED BOWMANVILLE I *lI I CHARMING NEW FROCKS ARRIV1NG STYLES THAT ARE NEW AND DIFFERENT Are offered in these smart new arrivais for Spring. A group of new frocks in Crepe and Georgette of the better class, very moderately pric- ed, show the new silhouette. Shirrings, the higher waist line and graceful f lares are much in evidence. Colors a r e b 1 a c k, independence, dahlia, hacienda and corin- thian green. MORE NEW DRESSES THIS WEEK New Curtains For Spring Very fine assortment of Curtains and Curtain Materials at exceptional attract- ive values. Frilled Curtains for bedrooms $1.25 Up. NEW PRINTED SILK CREPES 50c YD. UP Celebrated Peter Pan Cloth, every yard guaranteed fast colora ...........60c yd. Other f ast colored cloths at ....... c yd. Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose at $1.18 We are offering a special line of these hose at this very low price for one week only. Ail perf ect goods; no sec- onds in the lot. Ladies' Coats Haif Price You may have been long- ing for a new coat but feit you couldn't afford it. No excuse now that we are of- fering every coat in the store at haif price. NEW SPRING COATS ARRIVED THIS WEEK We are featuring a new line of 4clothes for boys known as WINDSOR BOYS' CLOTHES Made to your order -- ail seams are silk sewn. This affords a made-to- SATURDAY.' is %e FINAL CLOSE OUT SALE of FOOT WEAR and CLOTHING at ROVÀN'S SHOE STORE 'q -I PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Room 1--Sr. 4th. - Graec raw- forth, Jean iMorris, Gertrude Ho'op-i or, Eleen 1Hately, Helen Masen, Pauline Adams, Jint Sissons, Dorist Taylor, Sman AlIin, Hubert Hoiper,1 Mary Thanipson, Joohn Sbires, Aileen1 Gibba, 1Bil Dunlo'p, Gertrude Dew'iell,s Jean Brough. Teacher-J. H. John-1 ston. Roont 2-Jr. 4th. - Doris Dudley, Grace Rund-le Majorie Jones, Sema Bartlett, Helen Pritchard, Mary Mut- ton, Nellie Mitton, Ada Clark,,Clara BelIman, Fred Wood. Teecher--. R. MeLeod.I Rooîn 3-Jr. 4th.-Audrey Elliott, Marion Jewell, Lucy HeanI, Margaret Ireland, Frances Dillick, Elaine Rea- mani, Helen Gunn, Dorotihy Richards, Dorothy Alder, 'Itan Bell and Herrya Taylor equal. Teacher-Misa M. M. Jenninigs.1 Rooni 4 Sr. 3rd.-Bert Jehnstont Edwanrd Nickerson, Madge Mocses,c Flerence Hooper, Nancy Shrubb,1 Frank Tiglie, Freddie Neal, Jae Hayman, Grace iChilda, Greta Rubyli and Jo. Wightman equal. Teachen j -Miss H. G. Morris. Rooni 5-Jr. 3rd.-FrancesRIHearl, Donald Canieren, Florence 8hot±err and Elsie F[lint e-qual, Donald Sand-1 ers, Ernest Taylor, Grace Sellers, 1 Rosa Hennings, Hazel Flint and Mary1 MeAllister equal. Teacier-G. M.1 Wickett. Room 6-Jr. 3rd.-Dorothy Bradt, Ruth Ives, Dorotiiy Barton, Ruth Logan and Margaret Wood equal, Marlon Hanmm, Dorothy Jones, Jack Dunn, Harold Bennett, Betty Pingle, Nona Savage, Walten Hall. Teecher -Miss L. L. Bragg. .Roorn 7-Jr. 3rd.-C-larence Tomt- linsen, Ruth Henningi, Albert West- nutt, John Welsh. Cordon Bnown. Teadhter-iMiss V. a. Bunner. Rooni 8-Sr. 2nd. - Benny Rose,1 Lawrence Gonnors, Jack Undenhifl, Chanlie 'Churchill, William James, Marlon Martin, Leonard Somerseales, Olive Ward, Louisio Ccx and Jack'1 Fisher and 'Helen Cotton equal.j Jr. 2nd.-.iBtyron CrawfordJa Logan. Teacher-Miss EdaE Jewell. Rooni 9-Sr. 2ud.-,Mari<on Davies, LeRoy Siiortt, Patricia Wilson, Mil-i- ford McDonald, June Drew, Phili-p Latimer, -Bill Fewster, John Living,1 Veda (Purdy, Helen Brooking. Jr. 2nd' Koitlh Yeo, Geergena Lainibros.j Teacber-Mrs. M. Symnons. l Rooni l-Sr. Ist.-Ekva Potter, Lillian Konen, Audrey Contstoek, Donald MeIlveen, Beatrice Kembring. Jr. lot-Jeanne Adeams and Dorothyý Knox equal, Ruth Virtue, Vera Clapp, Alan Tamblyn, Evelyn Harn- den, George BeUlman. Teacher- Miss Florence E. Moore. Rooni 1I-Sr. lot A.-Rety Swin- della, Ernest Ward, Billie Tenilinson, Margaret Osborne. Sr. lot B-43Mer- ion Dudfley, Frank Foley, Alan Brook- ing, Margaret Storey. Sr. Primer- Mavis Carton, Frances -Creok, Wal-, lace Martin, 'Betty Latinter. Teacher -Miss B. M. Sergent. Room 12-Primer7 A-Jean Pet- tinson, 'Marion 'Hoper, Peggy Mosca, Mark Laixiiborne, Russell Baldwin, Keith Slemon, Douglas Jaclcrnan, El- ha Caverly, Patsy Dustan, Barbera Rebder. Primary B-Ada Dusen- hury, Flo-rence ïheardon, Mildned Bennett. Primary C-Bobbie Mitch- ell, June Stark, Wesley Martin. Teachicr-4Miss L. Hertt. South Ward Room 1-r. 2nd-Leon Connors, Charlie Somerscales, Jack Colville, Beulah MeQuanrie. Sr. lat-Harold Woodward, Dorotby Bickell, 1vy Pas- sant, Joyce Large. Jr. Iàt-!Fer- ence Calver, Joohn Mathew, Jean Rice. Teacher-Misi M. Gollacott. Roon 2-Sr. Primer-Jean But- tonshaw, Hazel AIder, Jean Wood- ward, Manjorie Wisemtan, Frank Os- mtond. Jr. Primer-Winnifred Wood, Kathleen Luxton, Gladys Dunlop, Vernon GConnors. Teeciier-Miss Margaret McCregor. Mrs. John H. TrulI and tantily de- sire te thank their meny friends anc neighbors for their sympethy anc kindness duning the ilînesa and death ef the iiusband and father, and fox the. beautiful floral offenings. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Report et Public Healtb Nurse for Febnuary: No. cf homes visited 100; No. cf individuels visited 178; No. etf'visits te-Prenalta cases 6, Piotnatal 5, Adult 3, Infant 40, Pneschool 68, Re physic.al défects, (ache-ol age) 35, Re sente communicable disese 2( (chiokeapox '17, whooping couguh 2, scarlet fever 1). Mieacellaneous visita 5; -Social Wel- fane 1 ; Net tound 16. No of Infant Welfere Gonferences held 4; total attendance 53; no. of infants 44; Preechools 9. Sehool Report No. et visita te achools 34; Glas rocen inspections 18; Pupils inepect- ed 597; :Re-admissiqns 61; Treat- menti 13; special Itysical inspect- ions 49; Defeets ouspected 19; Ex- cluded 2. Olga L Tod. The azrbitration between th4 fa=niera of Bownianville distict an Hydro Electric Comniiaion wifl bi resumed in tiie Town Hall, Bowman vile, on Tueaday, Mamh ll1th. Aboir 30 fariners are interestod itusca» an4d et tihe January ittlng only twi nies were diseumsed. 1 OBIJTUARY Johin H. Truil, Bowmanville A long and useful lite was brought te a peaceful close on Tiiureay. Feb. 27th, 1930, when John Henry Trull, atter several weeks ef patient suffering, passed away. Tii. family iiad made full arrangements te cele- brate, witii their parents on Jen. 22nd the 5Oth enniversary cf their wedding. A .week previeus ih. sut- fered a heart attack and a few deys later a second one, whicii cenfined hum to his b.d. Mr. Truli was bora near Hamnpton, April l7th, 1853, cf pioneer parent- age, hic parents, Alexander Trul and Elizabeth Rundie, being anrong the. earlly settlens et Darlington Town- ship. On Jan. 22nd, 1880, h. married Pheebe Clarke, daughter etf'7l&s. Clarke, a highly r.spected citizen of Hampton, and farmed in the vicinity et hic birthplaee for upwerds et f onty years. He t.hen ntoved te Bowntnvilewhere be resided te the tine oftus death. Mr. Truil la survived 1;y bis wifel and six daugliters, Mns. Arthur Stainton and Mra. Alfred Ayr. (who resides on the lioene5tead), Zion; Mra. Newton Edgar and Mrs. Hanson Richards, Oshiawa; -Mms Willis Glad- well, Toronto; and Mrs. Allen Lavis, North Oshawa. tMra. Luther Cor-i niaIt and Mma Arthur Moor, Ise daugiitera, predceased hbut a fe years. One sister, Mns. Richard Avery, Hampton; and three brothers, Ervin and Aldon, Hanapton, and Ira,, British Colunibie; and thirteen grand-- eildren aise survive. Tii. funeral was largely ettended and moved frein uis lete reaidence, Oburch St., te Oshawa Union Cent- 1 etery, on Saturday, Mercii lat. Ser-j vices were conducted at the home and graveside by Rev. D. W. Best et St. Peul's United Churcii, wlto had ýbeen most faitiiful in visiting humn during' liii illness, and who dielivered an in- spiring and ctomforting eddness. Bey. W. A. Bunner assisted witii a prayer. The pail-bearera were six sens-în-law, Arthur Stainton, Alfred Ayre, New- ton Edgar, Willis Gisdwell, Henso-n Richards and Allen Lavis. Tii. many beautiful floral offerlngs ineluded - Pillow-Wif e; Getea Ajar -Daugiters; Wreatbs-Mr. and Mrs Ric'hard Avery, Mr. and Mra. Aldon Truilland tamily, ErIvin Trull and family; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Truli and fainrily, Mr. and 'Mrm. A. C. Gray, Misa Olive Clarke, Pere'y and Victor Clark. (taxnuly of the late Samn Clarke, M.P.P., Cobourg), Samuel Jacks; 8praYsý-Mr. and Mrs. Rowis Lee, Mn. end Mra. Walter McLellan, Mn. and Mma. Cas.y Trull and tant- ily, Zicn Wenten's Association, Zion Onward Bible Class, Mrs. Jas. Rich- adM.and Mm .Thos. Steinton, Elteaner and Lyle, Mrs. H. -Barker, Mra. W. Winter, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. W. Peneman, Mrs. G. Hiltz, Mua. Dean and Mnr. A. Glever, Mn. and Mra. Wilfned Pogion and Mr. and Mms A. Mountenay, Mr. and Mm. Chas. Richards, "Mn. and Mra. Jack Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skin- ner, Mn. and Mrs. S. Peeeoek, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Siieves, Mn. and Mrs. Murray Greentre., Mr. and Mrs. John IMcKeever; Sbeafs-Artiur Mlu-re and mether, 'Mn. and Mrs M. Mayer, St. Peul'a Junior 'Missio.nany Society, Mr. and -Mr. Russel Penkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Artiiur Ra. Tii. flower bearers were Arthur Meore, sen-in-law, Rosa Lee, grand- son-in-law, Walter and -Lorenzo Truil, Edgar Horn, Victor Clark.eand Bert Gray, nepbews, Roey, Louis, An- gus and Walter Truli, cousins, and Fred and Perey Langntaid. IRelatives and fniends attended front Peterboro, Coebourg, Toronto, Au.- burn, Oshawa, and surreunding dia- Itrict. Mn. TrulI was a kind and loving hus«band and fatihen and will be sad- ly ,missed by his family. CAMD OF THANKS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1 TOWN COUNCIL Maie Generous Contributions to Bit American Textile Industry Desir- U Children's Shelter at Port Hope j ou& of Locating in Canada Ais U What Inducasn.nt Bowmanvill. H, There was a good attendance at Ha& to Offer the Womrnen's Institut. meeting onse F'riday afternoon in the S. 0. E.* After being about an heur late xi F Hall. Mrs. Frank Jackmani, Presi- getting ceuncil meeting sterted Mon- WC dent, presided, and Mrs. F. C. Col- day niglht o'wing te a private confer- vi mer acted as secretary in the ab-I ence in the clerk's of fice witb J. J. sence of Miss weelcs.j Gray, barristor, over arrears of taxesth After thne opening exercises, the and t'eut in connectien with Durham b prograin was given in charge ofI Textiles Liited, Council finally as- o Mrs. Sid. Morris' group. An im- sembled in its usual place and re- Pr preomptu chorus, "Darling I arn grow- lieved the a.nxiety of the. dozen odd ing old" was sung by the grand- interesgted citizens who bil adssem- mothers; a r.ading on Saint Valen- bled te listen th the deliberations of H( tine by Miss E. E. Haycraft; two the. city fabiiers. S vocal dsxets by Mm .R .Thompson and Approving of the minutes oit reg- m Mrs. A. W. Pickard, and a solo by ular and special meetings rend by thseau Master Arthur Culley, Mns. D. A. Assistant Clerk several comninunica- Alldread being the accompanist. tiens were red. Fa Roll call brought forth varicus re- Dominion Ro<ad Machinery Go. Su sponses and geveral cf the grand- would luke te seil the town a herse- Mi mothers provoked xnuch laughter as drawn Champion Street Sweeper andPr they told a number of funny inci- thus lighten. tlie duttea of George en dents that happened in their earbier Wrightman with bis brom and push- years. Miss Edna Reynolds, Hamp- cart who stîll contends this la no "one Se ton, brought kindly greetings from horse town." Pl bier brancii. A letter frein C. N. R. Industrial 12 Mns. E. R. Bounsaîl and Mns Frank Comnuissioner fftat.d an Arnerican rh Jacloman were appointed to repre- textile company wishing te locate i q sent the Institute et Comtmunity Wel- Canada and prepared te spend wi fane Comnenittee meeting on 1-uIrs- $750,000, and emiploy around 300 day. hands in a plant wented to know soi Next meeting la in charge of Mrs. what inducement Bowxnanville lied te M, E. R RBounisall's group, to be a offer. It was left with Manufacturera' in, Birthday Party. R.freahments inuinmittee te send ail the' informa- & were served and the usual social turne tien as to the many advantages Bow- M enjoyed at the close. ntanville has te offer manuf-acturera, About 35 jars of canned fruit and Ur. M. G. V. Gould selicitor for gn vegetables and a haanper of apples Mrs. Amelia Vgnstone again wrote A< were contributed for the Cildren 's te kno'w what action ouncil intendied Shelter at Port Hopei. talcing to compensate his client for h _______water f ront street flooding ber cell1ar h CLEVR YUNCFARERS Clerk was ordered to answer that Sa council was still considering the trust- Win Debate at KemptviIIe Aguicuit. ter. M ural Colet*--Head Ciel8 in Finance Minister Alan Campbell NE Exams. read a page o'f acceunts totalling $1346.57 wbich were ordered paid. v Tlieir niany friends in and aroundI Deputy Reeve Rehder read a few M tewn will lie inter'ested in knowing more items for Waterworke Mainten- that two Bowmanville boys, Wilfred ance aniounting te $108.65, which Garruthers and Gordon Ashton, are also re-exved the O.K. of approival. doing thir s hare in keeping Bo'wman- Official and approval of sale of ville "on the. xag" eaeb having won $100.000 debentures of Higli Sehool distinct honora at Kemptville Agri- to H. R. Bain & 'Co. at 102.08 was re- cultural College, recently. The two ported. Mayor EUliott thought they da boys represent.d the College in a de- reelized an excellent price, snd it da bate, "Resoived that the, propos.d imust tie for ne wail of criticisin or systaun of Town.ship School Boards censure bas been heard f rei the Pest shiould b.e etablished in Ontarlo', Office Senate on tbe transaction. B held on February 22nd, in competi- Cbairntan of Property Connn'ttee M, tien~~~~ wihKSptil i h ool, Strike notified thie assemblage tiiat 4 and carried off the, honora for t hoh-bad received an offer of $800 affirmative, for the 2 storey brick building on S In the. final examinations of the. King St. in frunt of Taylor'& Rink Agriculturel Gollege, Mr. Carruthers ew.ned by the town. Said off-or stood cc ýstood let in the Senior Class, and good tilI March 'Sth. Ceuncril was u- M Mr. Ashton 2nd in tlie Junior Glass. naninieus in closing tii. dea. George 'W Weekes, Division Court Ol'erk and p. B. H. S. NOTES Painter Extrao'rdinary on motor pr-A gaedand hnrsengrwf th goo d e taiawone a taeteeer. eonly tne thet beand saloter tanednelegatesR 1 nthtits roupwed ny sig f bihg hd a co 'oas vetona gaine was in the second period wben Royal York Hotel, Toronto last weelc. .things warmed up a bit. About th He said it was not "cf so mue h inter- 1 e middle of the first period Adamts op- est to towtis as te county neiiils. . ened the. scoring on a rebound 1l0't Se it lc'oks as if tihe natepayerswh i I fro Willam.. few inutes f- paid the. abet for the "four inuke-l ,I terwards Heard -of W.H.S. tied tiie eers" outing will bave te wait Ith, fh ,score, which Basconi of WIIiithyby n Upiper Chaimber assembles at Co- 8 . broke. In the second period D. Wil- bourg in June te get the. real facti. C 1liants gat a nice well-earned goal af.. As no reply had been received frouna ter a piece cf clever stick handling. Hydro Commission relative te m-isit cff .Scott of Whitlby then went down for delegation who waited on them lestf .a Ion. rush and tally for W. H. S. month in reference te purchase cfm )W. Bagnell tied the. score for Bow- local distributing plant clenk was in-t 1 manville in tii. 3rd period on a flip structedto jog their niesory. Councilt - shot. 'H. soon ibxoke the tie on a is planning te sabinit thie project teç 1long shot frein the -B. H. S. blue line.. lectiors this spring. t This being the ýlast gante leaves Osh- Reeve Carrirtiiera the ever faith-1 i awa as grouip ,inners with Be a- u hampion çf the farinera in get-t - vill runnrs-qj ting the statutory tax rebate, calledt - W. H. S.: Goal-Halliday; De attention cf council te the 5 yearà fence-Scott and Wilson; ]Forwards agreemnent Whitby farinera had sec-% e-Newman and ýC. Maundreil; Centre ured. He want.d it fixed se that Dow-( - -Heard; Spares-Bascoin and Cor- maxi-ille farmers cculd enter a 1ke rell. arrangement, înstead cf having te pet-1 B. H. S.: Goal-N. Hackney; De- ition the. council every year. Finan-1 fence--Ingrarn and W. Bagnell; For- ce 'Ccntxitt.e and Clenk will investi-t waîrds-D. Williamis and G. Adanis;j gate and pass their findings on te1 Centre-H. Slemon; Spars-R. Lun-I council at an early Aipril session. *jney, E. Bagnell and G. Veale. 'Counciller Fletcher, Chairmen cf d ________________ em4etery, tol.d of the. dlatated« ài condition et cemnetery fence, recors-« h ' niended a new fence 900 ft. long be WATCH FOR THIS built at cost of $315 plus labor. Gran- ted. Eight trees along the fence will Coming to al-so b.e ut do,,wn and will provide work and fuel for able bodied uneni- TOWN HALLployed wNJho apply to Veywn for relief. TOWN HALLT bus the business cf the munici- pnlit.y -for anetiier ntenth was cein- r BOWMAN VILLE pîeted in one heur and fine minutes. f -record tinte! r By way of diversion a record was MARCH 2Gth and 27th. 'kept ofhow often a tember ofcfu 1930ciladdrsse HiaWorhipduring the 1930 evenïng. Without giving any nattes 0 ber. are the number cf tintes (net anranged al.piabetically ýor in order of menit) 20 timea, 8, 7, 4, two 3, 2, incouncillors after the meeting h.e sug- Nora W ake VI) gested bringing a stoqp wateh te the 1- COMING EVENTS Don't forget date of "'Nora Wake Jp' -Mardi 26 and 27, in O<pera iouee. World's Day of Prayer w-ill be ob- wrved in St. Johins Parish Hall on ýriday, March 7th, at 3.30 9. sn. AM women of the town are coix'dially in- ted to attend. The regular n»nthly meeting of he Wo-men's Hospital Auxiliary will )e postponed until Friday, March 14, )wing to the Women's InterneMional Prayer Day on March 7th. St. Patrick's Day Tea and Sale of ome-Made Cooking will be heM in t. John's Parish Hall on Saturday, [arch 15th, from 3 to 6 p. in., under iuspices of Rebekaii Lodge. A 3-act play entitled "'Fixing it for Father" will b. preaented in Trinity 3unday Sch-ool room on Monday, [arcli 1Oth, at 8.15 p. m. Time of presentatioxi 2% houri.Caine and Bnjoy a real laugh. Admission 25c. Regular meeting of the HSen and chool Club will be held in Central Publie Schoc'l on Wedneday, March 2th,aet 8p. m. sharp. Program in jarge of Group 5, Mm .A. A. Honey- men, convener. Mr. G. LU Wegar wiii be the speaker for the evening. The Cirele in Trinity Womn'a As- ociation, ueider the leadershiip o~f grs. Percy and iMm .Slemon, are giw- Ig a St. Patrick's Tee in the Sciiool Room on Tuesday, Miarch lSth, coqn- nencing at 3 o'cWok. A good pro- eram is fbeing arranged and you are Lsured a good time. DJon't mse it. .dinission>25e. Music 'Study Club meeting will be ~ed Wednesday evening, Mardi 12th, â 8 p. mi in St. Paul', Lecture Booma. ubject-'lll Trovatore"; Artiut-- grs- Geo. F. Annis and (K~r. Frank Walter, Courtice, Mina Grace (Bragg, Zewcastle, and club members. Con- 7eners-Mrs. H. D. Clemens and Frs. J. A. Cole. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Trinity United Churcb-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, will lpreaoh on Sun- lay at il a. in. and ' p. mn. Sun- lay School at 2.30 p. an. St. Paul's Churdn-Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. (1- a. bLa- [orning Worshijp-"Tie I"e of [an"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worsip- Delusio ns"; 2.20 ip. mn.--Suday School. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Temperance and ChurdhS ts. Morning Worship il a. m.; Evening Worsiiip 7 p. mi.; Sunday Sehool 2.80 p. M. Rev. J. Go'fbrth Hornaby, B. A,., Port Hope, wiHl preach at hoth services. St. Jo'hn's (Anglican) Charch- Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Firut Sunday in Lent, Mardi9tii, 1930: 8 a. m.-Holy Oommunion; il a. m. *Morning Prayer; 2.30 p. mn.-8un day School and Blibfle Glass; 7 ep. . -Evening Frayer. Friday-Won- en's Day of Frayer, Parlai Hl, 3.80 . ni. Confirmnation Clan, 8 p. ms for tuis week. A splendid congregation greeted the pastor, Bev. J. U. Robins, on Sunday niorning in Trinity 'United Church, whjen lie gave an excellent sermon on "The Fogs of Li:fe," re- ferring principaliy to the religions foga whicli blind and bewiWder so many people. In closing ie, referred to a new invention whicii is te lie tried out for vessels on the. ocean which will dispel the fog for a c-er- tain distance and mnake travel safe. He strongly .sdvised aill'bis hearera to become, "Fog diapellers" as tbey travel through life. His evening subject "Elijali tihe Tishbitte" ws very interestingly told in etpory. The. choir, under direction of.Mr. PIrancis Sutton, organist, led'the service of preise in anthems and sacred Long. Mrs. G. A. Pritchard sang a solo at the Sunday Sehool session, and Messrs. Pollard and Siomon sang a duet in the evening. RQY VAL1- Ail Talking Pictures THURS., FR1. and SAT. MARCH 6 - 7 - 8 Alice Wihte Talking, Singlng and Dancing in "'PLAYING AROUND" With Chester -Morris.