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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 2

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Omo_-TEAAIN TT5MNBWÂV!L, TUSIAMRH t,13 LEGAL M. C. V. GOLJLD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Fanm and Towm' Property. Royal Bank Building, leownanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Voney ta Loan. Pbone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offies-Bleakley Block, King Street, Eowmanville, Ontario. Phons:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ifonor graduate in Dentistry, Torontj Unversity. Graduate o! the Royal College o! Dental Surgeons of On- tvio. Office: King St., Bowmanvillo. Office phone 40. Hanse phone 22 X-Ray Equipaient in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Siason Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King St. East, Nowmanville. Office bours 9 a. ma. to 6 ip. in. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. House phono 283. X-Ray Equipaient in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ioenor graduate o! Toronto Univer-, *ty and member o! Royal College o! Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practise in Oatario and the Dominion.1 Dentistry in aIl its branches. Of- fice- King St., BowTnanville, opposite Banke o! Montreal. Phono 301. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colloge, Toronto, formerly o! Enniskillen Offce and Rosidence: Dr. Beith' former rosidence on Church Street E.wmanville. Phono 259. 44-tl J. CLARK BELL .,. Ch. B., F. R. C. S., (EdIn.), O. P. H. <Successor to Dr. A. S. TilIey) lions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber. dme University; Fellow o! the Rayal College of Surgeons, Edinburgb. Office and Residenco: QueenSret Eowmanville. Phono 89. Offfce Hours: 2 ta 4 p. m., 6 ta 8 .30 P. im W. H. BIRKS, M. D. Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. Telephone 108. Office & Residence:. Dr. Hazlewood's fwsmer residence, Wellington Street, THE EDITOR TALKS March may be called a Spring montah. Since our early boybood Spring medicine bas been a consider- ation. Good heaâth is the desire of aIl. How tic obtain gcod health is one problein in whic'b very porson, maie and female, sbouxid know. This is why we sa ofte-n discuss health matters in this columa. We have wished auany tiines that we bad stud- ied Medicine se that wo might kn.ow more about healtb. mattors, benco be able to write on bealth topies more intolligently. But we can telli cur readers niany belpful things on how to obtain good health. We have had a very busy ýlife ail the way through and can tell business mon business, larnany things we have as artuicularn. One- particular lesson that we learned many years ago is that car- ryinz any business or study in the 'mid aIl the timo day and night doe not really advance that business so much as forgettiag it at intervais and 1,etting the mind roat. You al know that you frequently have laîn do-%n after much exortion of y'our muscles te give tbem a rost. Yaur mind simiLarly should ho rested to enable it te gain new ideas and new force to carry out those ideas and brighten the menmtal faculties for general use and action. To gain tiis groator mental activity then, the remedy la more recreation. If you please, greater variety o! occupation. Some anc bas said, that ta attain the bigbest and happiest Mie wo need te have two, possible three or even four lives in ant- ta be business man ia the Tnoraing, fisherman or bowler or something else ln the afternoon, and ia the second 1f e forget -for the lime ail about the first. Jn this way, in sucb forgetfulness rest the first life or sot cf faculties, recuperate thora, refresh them and go back te business net day with more force, plan, idea and tbought ta put into it. A fariner as a generad thiag bas more physical activity and greator varietiy in bis occupation, but ho, too, requiros recroation after the strenuous periods in his agricuitural activities, sc do o>ther ffnea in their varions callings. Frein the f ore- going theories wo can readily infer that the mind exorcises a great in- fluence over the body, and when su!- ficient will.qower can be mustered to banish f car and nervousness, and ta summons a strong, psychic condition certain firaisaf ailing or diseese may ho benefitted or even cured. If yo'u believe in the power of the wiil over the body, as we do, will ta hoe weli. Yes, this la, strictly speaking, tfhe mind cure and is pot- ont in ncrve diseases and, it mnay -ho added, is net useless in other mala- dies. Bowmnville. Every intelligent ph y s ic i a n _--1 knows this fact, 100, and seeks te CIIIROPRACTIC AND DRLJGLESSI cultivate il in bis patients, the help- fnbi, essertative and bopeful mood of THEROPY i mind. A neted Scotch physician DURWIN E. STECKLEY said "A strong motive te, live pasi- bonor graduate o! Toronto Coliege tively keepas sine people alive." et Chiropractic will be la the Bow- Equally true is il that the body in- maznville Office Tuesday, Thuradny finonces the mind and sometimes its aad Saturdnay evenings, phono 141J. influence masters the %oui and ta such Inideatial celîs made during fora- a dogree that the necessary sense of Will can -no mare be put forth than a determination ta perfonin a physi- cal or religicous miracle. Hence, the bust ad'vice cf common sense la re- FUNERAL DIRECTORS gard bo health would attempt ta com- bine these forces o! Nature-proper F. F. MORRIS CO. attention ta physical conditions, a Complote Motor or resoînte state o-f Will and tried and Horse Equipment. proved medical practice. AIl calîs promptly 0 * * W UY attended ta. Neverthelesa, it is important lie \ < P rivate Ambulance. understand, as a celebrated doctori \ ' Boiwmanville phono: remarks, tbat "when the brain is re- 1 \I10 and 34. stored to beatb, by good tnege ti- Branch Stores- sead jlh bodb Oron & Nwcasle. made by suggestion ta exorcise as healthy an influence over the Ïbody ALAN M. WILLIAMS l as previously it exercised a barinful. Embalmor and Funeral Director. one. If ideal centres can produce calls givon promPt and personal at- idoal diseases, sureby the rationalJ tention. No extra charge for dis- cure is ta bring tihese ideal contres tzace. Motor Ambulance at yourl into a healthy condition, and thoný- service. Poo5 r19 o make Chora the means o! curiag the enville, Ont. 3t ideal disease. Mental disease re-11 quires, and can only ho cnred b, -- ____----mental medicine." Thon, as in tino of peace, prepare for war, so la timo AUCTIONEERS cf heallh fortify against disoae. * THE M. SEMONWe sasi repeat some rules aaw Auctonerjt-at are not new but common know- i Dfrm and Hanuse Sales a Spocialty. ledge but will bear repetition, and Terarin oderate. Enniskîlben P. 0.~ perhaps more general adoption. To Phono 197r3. 1-tf. begin, thon, food sbouldd ho regulat- ed according t-o pccularities of bodyt CLARK WILLIAMS and general wark performed, and1 Licenaed Auctioneer water which is pure be freoiy drnnk. Reasonabile Rates. Phone: Pa rt Most persons drink too littho water. P.rrY 225r4, or Write Nestleton Sta-g Plenty o! sound sleoi sbould be soc-t tion R. R. 1. 8-w ured la sleeping roomasui1ýpplied witb _________________________f resfh air. Fegular habitasbou'ld 'ho cultivated. Sufficient physical ex- VETERINARY erciso nmust ho taken out of doors ta keep the muscles firra and ta vital-I ML G. KERSLAKE, V. SB V eimi,- the iblaod by activity o! lung. Orono 1AlI these conditions are important la Jtanr Gachte f Uivesit ofi promating healtb and none mare 0se lono Grduae o Unverityo! than a penty of proîper out-'of-door Toronto. AIl cases given promPt' exorcise. oedcarexul attention. Ufce-IJr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 181. aad ~d -Mack LattoTia wmItes about Wron- f t ied Yeast. Thouaands say adds 5 -to, 15 Ibs. in 3 weeka. ComIplexion clears Like nmagir.. reves, constiPa- tion vansh overnlght. Get Ironized yeast tablets from di-uggist today. J. HERMON Buya Poultry at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: 501. Toronto: Trinity 3949J Addresa: 274 Augustp Ave., Toronto. 37- yr. Common sens" must gavera bore as lways. Seasons of rest must ho had-not al-ways idieness; interosted activity wbich brings unused mus- cles intoplay la bettor. However, do not fail to attend cbnrch on Sun- day for a heailtbfu'l religious use o! Sunday tones the systein in -every part. Abovo aUl, anger, irritation, jealousy, depression, worry, should ho forever banished. W'iLue reso'lving ta observe regular ha-bits, 'be master of al mIes, not slave. Do not est ich pastries, foods and drinks which stimubate and do not nourish. Pure water and miL.k, even buttermilk, are wholeeoîme for us huma. One autbority says drink et least four ta six g'laSses of pure water dafly. Do not gulp ico water nor drink mare than, a sip whea ýbody le heated. Us wlsdom te hathe the body oftea for health- fulness, obser'ving ta rnse after the wnrm bath with moderatoly coo water and dry tlhoroughly. Pc-w Per- sans bathe as frequeatiy as they shouli. Ater bathiag take a vigor- oua dry rt-a with a coarso towel, knead and sbap the body for a ferw minutes, followed bY-ysie activity. Do net encumber the body wth IhGLEYS When you need new encrgy, when you are bot and niouth là dry-pep up with Wriglcy'-lt moistenh mouth and daroat. The increased flow of saliva feeds ncw strength to the blood, you can do more - Vou feel better Keep atuaJoe qwth Wvsgley' ~CK14!fY1 jNow you know what ta do wbon pain tortures your joints aad they are inflamed, swollen a.nd stiff. Here's a soothiag, pain subduing emallient called Joint-Eaie that ia mado rig'ht bore in Canada and sold by every drugrist in the Dominion. Ruh it on that stiff joint to-nigbt -the one that causes you no much agony and boss o! lime-mub il in good and away il goee tIbm the skia and flesb riçght down to the tendons and ligaments of the joints-nght Iwh ere ail the trouble starts. Joint-Ease imbors thein up-tbat' a w'hat it's made for-it brings tbemn back to normait poinotrates and eut eaies the sorenes-the pain1 ese-the swelliag la down-you're immeasely peased-a good job done and done swftly. 60 conts a tube at druggists overywbre with a posi- tive guarantee of satisfaction or moaey back. Hor's somethiag more-put Joint- Ease ta work an that poor, lamne,, acbing back-all btter by uneningl 1 STEAM FITTING No job too big. No job toc 8mall. Trial will convince. Phone 458 BILL CLARKE Liberty Street BOWMANVILLE X ChallengeirWeek THE HOME TOWN PAPER THE NEW.TYPE FARMER lt's like a smiling, friendly face, (Condensed from The Country 1 It's like a v'oice you long hiave Gentleman, Octcsber, '29) known And ru'ýh to dlaim it for your o'wn. population gives the average mnan a' E SI 1The ipaper £rom your old home town sense of uneasinesabout agricuit- Has bridged the long and dreary ure-. Many farniers are actually 1 nik,-s ceasing te farm, and are nivivng toif *And with it you can settie down swell the ranks of city workers and Axnong familiar tears and smiles. eaters. Yet it would seem that, as the nation's mouths increase in nium- *It speaks for everv friend yOu know, ber, the farn population should Dlso It tells of scenes you yearn to se; increase. Soein utbot I h brinegs back joys of long ago of joint. oehgmuteOt And tells of joys that are te be. The new-type fanmer is the joker And as you run it's coluimns o 'er in Che Ilogic. This farmer has learn- Your yesterdays corne trooping ed to increase bis wheat and butter back, without increasing the number of You fancy you're at home once more, lhands to do the work. He "knows 3 And golden seem the letters black. how"-which is to say, he is scien- Its speech is one you understand, tfc It tells of griefs that you can sare,1 The work of the new-type fariner It brings you, in that foreign land,' has been gradua-lly revolutionizing Glad messages to banish care.' the farm, and even remodeling the There, among scenes and faces man behind the plo,-w and the herd. T strange, The new-tY-pe farmer struck up a' TL old-Jho'me paper seem to be very friendly acquaintance with the 1The fai'uhfui friend that doesn 't sous of bis farm; ihe jollied the sour L change, ones wvith lime, ja-cked up others with'M c ren ha o r ga ese. salts, fed theni legumes, and then r ~egged bis p>erked-up sols on to his I know not just what heavenisie corn, wheat and potatoes. He fash- Nor just Nwbat joys beyond 'ife's' ioned a better kernel on the c*b and tide, a better ear on the stalk. He learu- Await for men, when death ghall ed What made winter wbeat good, strike and at the last moment threw a And I shaE reach the other side. double dose of protein into the bead. Bu-, this I know when I have gone He hit upon a standard famuly size To dwell in realins divinely fair, potato that the housewife liked. He My soul will yearn to looek upon ,went after bugs, beetles and boTrrs The old home paper over there. with poison and gas. He serumed his -Edgar A. Guest pigs and shaped theni for selling P o e i __________________________scales. He turned eyes and testing tubes on bis dairy bord, slashed it l too mucb heavy clothing ini ordinary bore, petted it there, fed it according daily activities. It ila rmarkable to formula, and then watcbed the how little and lighit appareî a woman butterfat roil up. cau accustom berseif to wearing in In fine, 'wiate'ver the cro<p, what- ber usual household duties. Men ever the animal, this now type of lIn Fast Get-am can do the saine if on active service. fairnier knows how to breed it, feed car regardless of Keep tihe feet always comfortajble, it, and seil it. Bus theory is that In Speed - piti dry and warm. neither luck, tradition, nor old wives'i * * * tales can take the place of knw gmost famnous foi We have discovered a odc b- ow to farm. No wonder, then, that I iiCib -biatin o fod fr edery idivd-be discards hand tools and puts inInHl â b uaLs-,bread and milk wit.h fruit, Ro0 bie man h rcetecm il nyu o sugar in eats or drinks: Whlehea bMn, the milking machine, and so on. A eia broad toasted; pint mUlk boiled 2 or America.h or h nos i jb 3 minutes then pour on bread. Est tbe boetter be likes it. Getting close In Reliability- to hds proble'm stirs his ýbrain powern two or threbaked apples or Seer To atin ndthotinbpoerEtise. of non-sweebened applesauco, and a inoaiotheande f amcobhallen n n m ripe tomiato or in winter canned bun Ne s et facalnigI cn m tomato-no >drink necessary &t meal ins.getrav tg and cold water in amaUl quantity *f- Now it is nothing new that science getravna ton between ineals. We adbere te is thus striking out into farnung. this menu at three daily ne.als with But not everyone ihas yet realized the You are invited to b smaîl slice of pressed veail or tender meaning of tbis movenint-that the te prove Essex' righ ohieken at mid-d.ay meal, also cus- od "farming with ordinary sIclI" will ard for dessert. Shredded wheat soon be passing into history as a taie want y'ou to drive ai biscuit with bread and miik impro'ves that la tald. Tbis la no discredit te, new Essex Chalieng teste very greabiy. Juice o! orange the ýold armer; ho was a fine tpej drank in bot water haif heur before o! masn. But one of these newer M sr.R s breakfast niakes a very pl.uasant farmers knews how to produce twic.lM sr. o s morning drink. Three or four ar- as niucb, as theolod fannier. More- ticles taken at a meai arm far bttert over, he has the ingonuity to inprove than more. To take frein 8 to 12 bis products, making thein more de- B w -a v artilesat amea is vie imosii sirable to the buyers. The '"ordinary o an i oranicles t snia s il mpstinskili" farmner produces only medioc- on a honst somailh.rity. Fe#w persons are cognizant Of the Will tho farin population, thon,__________________ injury done the stosnach b-y eatfing continue taý declino? Undoubtedlly too much-quantity i3 of very great it will continue ta decline te a point At a meeting of the Old Age Pen- importance. The mnost perfect »el- where the effective sciontific machine sion Board of the united cOunties ection of food, if too great amountI farming will iproduce ail that is neod- held in Cobourg on Monday, Febru- is taken into the stomacb, wilI do I0dj la tiis tbe end of the story? ary 24th, 35 applications for the ohl violence to a normal stomach. AnI By no moeans. age pension were passed, while about old Darlington friend of oura used Tho recent revolution ln farming 25 applications are ready fo r the to say "I always leave the table feel- has concernod itsel! witb cropa. But meeting of the board this week. ing that I could eat considerably the progressive farmer is convincod There are now over 500 persons sec- mnore"' and he enj'oyed excelle'nt that the samne scientific methods he uring pensions under the act in theso heath. Do neot o'ver-load your has learned to apply to running his united counties, while there have stomach ever. Let us say in con- farmn can be used ln conquering his been about 60 rejections of applica- clusion tbat thousands of girls and other difficultics. The farmner's liv- tions. young woqnen ruin their stomachs ing conditions fior instance-Com- and heconie physical vwreck% froin mtnity institutions, social statua, op-~ The Milverton Sun finds an incon- eating candies of vaincus kinds-lbe portunity for enjoying life la oqual sistency in Toronto's insistent do- warned in time. * measure witb persons lin-ther occu- mand for higbor protection for Can- pations-have always bad points Of adian industries and the action of tihe Since the feregoing was in type serions deficiency. An-other rovolu- Toronto board of education in ac- The Canadian Medical Association's tion may occur here. cepting a tender for Indiana stone %cekly article appeared in Saturda cience wiîî penetrato and ramify for the construction o! a new school, papers, the first part reading thusly: tbrougb evory phase of farm Life-. in proforence to Canadian stono We u end tohear th the bloog ad go The new-type fanmer is learning that1 which la of better quality but some- thic an thn btheSprng nd e mn make their own living conditions,I1 what higher in price. The action e told that the tircd-.out feLeling and t.hat hunian elomeats can be of. the Toronto authoritie-s, The Suni xvhich is not uncominon at that sea- convbîned t(> make nooded institu-pit out, bits a Canadian concern, son wtù, due to the change in the tiens. He la not going to listen to hit.s Canadian labor a blow, and senda; blood. Because of this beliof,- it th, peuOple who tekl hum that farmers eut -over a million dollars to aid in was custoanary e'very Spring to in- can't get social anielioruation. Doo building up the industries of anotherj dule i anory o socalcdSprngthe farmer ivant facilities within country. But bas not The Sun al- tonics, w-îtlh the ides of purxfying the reach for the health o! bis family? ready noticed that the greatest blood. Sulphur-and--molasses W5.5 Yes, and ho is going te dchange the Iciamnor for protection cornes froni the renîedy of choice in the time Of health organization of his section and people who 'have the least consider- our gran ,!lîarents for thc- run-down have doctors and a hospital. What- ation for borne industries when theyj Spring feeling. ever ho wants that average town are buying?-Goderich Sigznal. The condit'on does occur, b)ut th.e cemmunities enjoy ho will learn to __________________ reason i., not (due te any change- in get. the hlood. Why doos it ùccur? If we considerfr a om-the z1 When science was put into the LAUNDRY WANTED mari-t people livr moen the WiteY band of this new kind of fariner ho AU kinds or li',,1ry work donp prompt rnonths, w will n<)t ha surprise'd that was gîvon a far-reacbing talisman. 1.Y aatisfactortly and at rpasena hie pricés there is a physical let-down towards And if anytno tihinke fluet the fanm- IWrite Post OiTice Box 12. or cali Mn, Spring. How many of your friends er wilIl confinLe bis Aladdin's !am~p te o Mrorm.K çStI Bwm-4iI .secure a reasonable amount o! ex- wheat, cotton and milk, ho will beo e47W er.s adfrshar*n ite? .gravely disaîppointed, for the mon e47W they regulate their eating tce r th Il h r om -odmiae am lessenied activities? ing are bound to know bow public __________________ ibusinless is managed, bow sound econ- ____ ___ _________-- - i mie institutions are built, how liv- rAniipi. Apn IrirrNr. i in is nmade botter-m fine,. how A IR Y ý way-agaist any fprice or size. :it against the cars )r speed. )ing - the bardest rnmulnity--and in -in Comfort and -Note its even ýge. bc anc of the drivers ht ta Challenge. We id ride in this entircly iLer. This is a "Dri-ve-it-Yourself Challenger Week". A week when motorists cvery- where will pit the new Essex Challenger against every performance that makes for drving enjoyment. Nearly 6000 dealers in the U. S. aad Canada have standard stock cars ta turn airer ta motorists for this Challenge. These cars wibl prove Fast Get-away - Speed-Hiii ciimbing abiity-Easy Driviag, Easy Operation, Luxury and Comfort. The Challenge is ta al and for ail ta prove. Ring us up or cail on your nearest dealer now and say you want ta be anc of the many thousands wbo this week wili prove the right of the new Essex te Challenge. ýmes & Gart shore Co. Ltd., Oshawa Ille Representative: Jesse Ames 1Members o! Whitby 10wncouncil bus lines operaling la and out o! and representti-es o! the Toronto Whitby is possible la the noar future. Transportation Commission, and Gar- Bownîanville authorities migt hold a ton's and Collacutt's bus lines held a similar meeting with a view to scur- conference la Whitby, and as a me- iag a more conveniont stopping place suIt the establishment o! a terminal for thru buses t-han parking on the in a central location to ho used b-y aIl main stroot. e COOKS IN 21/ MTES M7 WHA T CUT 0F MEA T DO YOU LIKE ? Do you know meat simply as "meat,"' or do r'u know it by its full name-as a eut of meat ?1 hlatter is ail-important, for it enables you to prepare meat as intelligently as you prepare sal- ads or soup or pastry. There are more than a hundred different cuts of meat. Ail are equally nutritious, but may flot be suited to the same purpose. For instance, you wouldn't buy a eut of sirloin for a stew, would you ? Yet there are cuts for stewing that taste as fine as the best sirloin-and cost much less. Ask us to teach you the naines and uses of meat cuts. G. A. EDMONDSTONE MIEAT MARKET Phone 21 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATF183LU, BOWMANVILLE, PAGE TWO TFIURWAY, MARCH 6th, 193,0 YOURSELF.. L.o lesser car can satisfy! a a la 1 %.&

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