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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 3

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- J, - ..-' -7 -i, TEE CANADIAN BTATMM, EOWMANVILLE, TRURMfAY, MAROR 6th, 19,M AUCTIOP< sÀL.s jME] Thursday, March 6th--Edgaa, Pres-, cott, Lot 28, Con. 8, Darlineton, % Fe& mile eas of Enfield, who bas sold his frm, will oel by publie auction all of hIs farinmachinery, seven headT of korses, 26 head of cattle, 27 pure- Chu bred SbTopehire sheep, hogs, poultry, part etc. Sale 12.30 p. m. See bills. bou Thee M. Semon, Auctioneer. verý mer Saturday, March 8th.-A. E. Nay- the ]or, Ontario Street, will selI at is I residence, household furnishings, in- pr<i eluding parlor, dining-roomn, kitchen Oh, end bedroomn furniture. Sale at A. 1.30 p. mn. W. J. Challis, auctioneer. an Tuesday, March 11-S. A. Burgess, at Lot 23%, Kingston Road, Darlington, he will "I by public auction the follow-th ing registered Holstein cattle: 4 re- e newed cows; 6 eows to renew in March or April; 2 two-year-old beif- ia ers, supposed to be in cailf; 2 heif- fef ers, rising 2 years; 3 yearling heifers; esti 1 two-year-old Holstein bull, a gr><><jthe sire; aIso McLaughlin democrat, coin- plete, as gcod as new. Terms: 7 wai months' credit on approved joint bur notes; 5 % off for cash. Sale 1.30, Iac< p. Mn. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. 'pec 1 aný Tuesday, March i l-M'Oses Heard, isi Lot 20, Con. 2, Clarke, who is giving wo: up farming, wîll sedI by public auc- the tion on the prerûises, bis farmn stock, an impem.ents, sorte bousehold furni- Mo ture, etc. Terras: 8 months, 617c in- he tereet. Geo. E. Caldwell, auction- CiÉ car Wednesday, March 12-Mr. F. M. an( Cydermni, Lot 6, B. F., Darlington, the Governrnent Highway, (11/ miles pn east of Bowmanville) will sell ail of ter his farma stock, implemients, etc. r Sal,- at 1 p. mn. sharp. See bills. th Wrn. Maw, auctioneer.ou Wednesday, March i9th.-Mr. R.th Gimblett, rear of 539 King St. E., bo Oha-wa, will sell 25 hoad of borses, CIU 25 head of cattle, end somne far i u- h plenients. Sale at 1 o'clock. Geo.d. Jackgon & Son, auctioneer.s 10-2 his THERE'LL COME A TIME Co C. Every time we hear sonebody -g cussing an editor, egpeciaiby vus, saYs eiý W. L. Moorbcad in the Hopkins Journal, it reminds us that sorne ed- In itor, Borne tinie, somne Place. wll CC wrive that person's oituary. At m, times an editor's duties become a real n, pleasure. se We are prepared to give quick ea service on ail kinds of de NICKEL AND COPPER to PLATING gc Canada Slicer Corporation Pl Limited Bowmanville s( eý th When you heat your home with Famous READING Anthracite, you know the fire wili hold. You know you cati depend upon it to maintain uniform heat throughout the house, even though you leave it for bours at a timne. nts COAL is sold in ail sizes. We alto tell Semet Solvay Coke exclusively. HENRY LATHROPE PHONE 520 I.', EN 0F ST. PAUL'S ENTERTAIN THEi LADIES >ature of Evening Was Address By Iroq*uois Chief Dyokal The men of St. J'aul's United iurch showed their ability ioý pre- re and serve an ejppetizing andj mntiful mejal as; well as provide a Sy interesting evening's entertain-) 'rit for the benefit of the -ladies of ýcongregation on Friday evening. The feature of the evening was the, -graam preserited by tbe Iroqi.d hief Deyokab, in private lii e Mr. C. Cooke. Mr. Co-oke wvas formerly iinterpreter for the G'overnment' Ottawa, but during recent years bas travelied extensively with Lobject o! reciaiming tbe ancient 'ilodles and songs of his race. Mr. Cooke first appeared as an In- in warrior and he explained in per- ?t and correct English the inter- ting features of his costume and ie severai Indian relics that be dis- lyed, including bis tomahawk and inipum beads which were over o ne ndred years old, and an osdd neck- Le, which was supposaod to be es- cially charmed to prevent colds nd sore tihroat, given hlm by a Brit- 1 Columbia niedicine mian. He aIso >re a bear claw necklaoo, a aigri of e clan to which he belonged. and n cagle feather given him by Chief fountain o! the, Iroquois Trîbe when ewas mnade an bonorary chie!. mie! Deyokah is one of six to pos- ss one o! these featbhers which ame f rom th.' head-dress of an ncient hero o! the ti-ibe. One of e other five honorary chiefs is the rince of Wales. He gave an in-I resting taLk on tihe. music o! the rimiti^ve Indians, singing some of heir niodies -w-ihich are fast dying it with tlhe new civilization, amnong hem the mvar song of a tribe. With mahawk in bis hand he went hrough tbe tribal war <lance, con-i uding with the piercing shriek of he war whoop. The singing of the 1 [..-ath song. a wierd, plaintive mnlody, wought to a close the first balf of s program. During the interval, a quartettel omposed o! Messrs. H. J. Rnight, 'H. Dudley, Sam Glanville anid C. I. Carruthers, renderod several sel- ztions. Chief Deyokah, no longer as an idian warrior, now -appeared as Mr. ooke, a kindly white-haired gentle- tan, in correct civil dress. The re- mainder of the program consisted of weveral entertaîning popular songs and sketches, exceptionally wcll rend- ered. His characterization of a French Canadian giving an election address 'in broken English, and bis eionstratiýon of a mnan endeavoring to sew on a button, werc ýparticularly1 'ood. This ýbrought forth gales of laugbter frein tbe married ladies of be audience. He concluded bis prcgram witb several fine and widely varied vocal numbers. Thea gentlemen served coffee and sandwiches in a very efficient and ho-pitable inianner. The ladies mov- eda vote of tbanks to the mn for their bospitality and to Chie! Dey- okab for bis interesting entertain- ment. Tbe singing of the National i.nthem brought the evening to a cloe. DARLINGTON Report o! S. S. No. 3, Darlington, for February: Sr. Iv-*Winrmie Gibson 88, *F'IOT. ence Foley 81, Jack Finnigan 74, f (s) Bessie Blackiburn '55, t Stella Forsytb 48. Jr. IV-j- Harold Flrsyth 57. Sr. II-*Annie Kusb 77, *Aloye- lus Kush 75, Grace TrulIl 66, j-(s) Wilbur Blackburn 49. Jr. 111-f Bobbie Gibson 53, t (s) Eunice Lane 24. Sr. 1*Hael1 Truil 80, *Helen Rundle 78, Clarence Peacck 74, Louise Foley 73, Berniece Robets 70, vera Gibsoni 65, t Sanuny Van- Camp 55, f Hazel Roberts 54. Jr. Il-Eddie Forsytb 62. Sr. 1-j- Rayimond Wilson 59, j-(s) Athar Forsytb 48. Sr. Pr.-*JQcan Meteal! 84, Peggy Finnigein 73. Jr. Pr.-*Eveline Gibson, *Marie Roberts, *Viola Roberts, Gordocn Trull. *-onur; -Faillure on total; Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. BOND SELLING CAMPAIGN West Durham Surpasses Objectie __________________________ By Raising Over $250.00 for Boys' Work The local Boys' Work Board and bond sellers wisb to heartily fbank al those who bougbt bonde during tbc recent bond-selling campaign. ~w~~w~vq .y ou may be sure that you have in- - vested wisely and that the moncy BR IG H TEN will becproperly spent on the develop- ment o! Ontario's boyhood through I!f-R Dr Tuxis Square, Trail Ranger Camps, J.41' and Sunday Scho aI Classes. THE HOMEL It was the puripose of the Ontario Boys' Work Board to raise $ 13,000 by means o! the bond-selling cain- WITH paigri; of this amount West Durhamn was asked to raise $210.00. We succeeded in raîsing $251.50. The Swastika Tuxis Square o! Borwman- ville rais;ed an average o! $10,40 per The following sold $15.00 or more bonds and will receive silver medals: W ailpaper John Jury, Bowmanville; Nelson Os- borne, Bowmanvilte; George Buckley, Newcastle; Alan Adanms, Bownman- Tihe 1930 Spring samples are ville; Donald Williams, Bowmanville; Douglas Courtice, Courtice; Gardon now on dispiay and they are very Osborne, Courtice. attractive and tbeautiful. They .Amunts raised in various com- munities are: Bowmanville (St. are Surwortiby, o! course. Paul's) $104.00, Bowmanville (Trin- ity) $2400, Newcastle $53.00, Cour- tice $33.00, Orono $13,50, Solina $13, Hampton $5.50, Tyrone $5,50. Re-member you wiII not receive material i ddends, 'but 'what coiud aa be finer than investing in the four- Geo. Prithard fold developmeimt of boybood and re- ceiving dividende on Canadian ýStand- pIIONE 4a9 BOWMANVILLE lard Efllciency Training for 'boys. Yours in Tuxis, 1 Stanley Riekarti, ilMemrber for West Durhaim. 11111ý NELSON'S NELSON'S NELSO N'S 0 L~ N'Y - -- Authentic New Spring ilats AT A Treniendous Saving This extraordinary group of new Spring Hats off ers unpre- cedented values - in styles that will appeal to Miss or Matron. The newest materials are included: Pedaline, Toye, Crepe, Feit and Straw, Perle Visca, etc. The season's favorite styles in off-the-face models, or the new brinis; unlimited choice of new shades. Only at Nelson's, right at the opening of the season, would you find such values, each Oilcloth Rugs About 30 only of thèse Oil- cloth Rugs - they make a splendid covering for your b;edroonis. While they last you can save 25%/ on the reg- ular prices: 71/', x 9 for .........$4.95 9 x9 for ........... $595 9) x 10/L for ........$695 - - r.......7 a 9 x 12 fo IRE REASON We base the selling price of our goods on wbat tbey actually cost, plus our expense of doing business, plus a reasonable profit. Tbat's the reason for the lower prices that always prevail at our store. Our low overhead, together witb our buying systemn and mass selling are the factors. Sentiment doesn't enter into the transaction, neither does the persuasive power of the sales clerk influence you. WE STAND OR FALL ON VALUES This week-end we offer you values that stand out, and it will pay you to visit this store and be convinced. BIG SPECIAL Introductory Off er on FLORA ZELLE TOILET PREPARATION S To introduce the above bigh grade toilet preparations i this district the maker bas combined witb us in making these two big sensational values possible. ........... e7.9.I1 1 Large Size Jar Vanisbing Crean',.7c Regular Price .................. 1 Large Size Jar Cold Cream, ..7c Regular Price ..................... 75 Box Florazella High Grade Face C Powder, Regular Price ...........75c Total Value ...........................$2.25 INTRODUCTORY SALE OFFER ... NOTE-Only one to FOR BIGGER AND 1"BETTER BARGAJNS N EI.. O NELSON'S ~~==NELSON'S ESSEX CHALLENGER WEEKi MORTGAGE SALE ,,Essex Chalenger Week" started, Monday and tbe New Es-sex Gballeng- - er cars will assuit existiilg recorde UNI)EI AND lly VIRTUE of the. Pow- in speed, reliability, brake, economy, r ersentainee" in a certain miortgage endurance arid acceleration tests, ili ilb ,oue ttetneo mariy o hchte nwhld ih ale. thre will hc offered for sale by the public in'vited ta take thc wheelb. pulie atîcliolin on Thursliay, the Tweftl-I confidently predicts that many new ocloch in the aIftenoon, et the Balmorali recods ill e etablished and that ilotel in the Town of I3oWnliitiVllC. by recods wll e es1 Nrniat Seel1:>ýauctioneer, the follow- thc riew Challenger will again prove Ilng prioperty, 'narnely: let Nuier its right ta the audaciaus namiie it Twi îîy-iiiii e 9)in the-Nlnilh Conces- carnies. sien cf the Townlship)of Clarke In the Mr. esseAmes, represeerta.tive, Culiiydai Durham,tupori whlch property MrJesaeare sald la he erectcd a dweillng bouise, will stage tests ýhere under the super- barn ami usual farm outbulidings. vision o! prominerit citizens and will TE S:0%othpulmenay submit tihe cars to every conceivable laTERMpaî10%of tIhe urhe o , th test, with major interest centeriiig balancette im)ld withln iwenly days on the drivingr by local mnotoris. ihereafter. "This is the day o! the 'show-mie The proîîcrty wiii bc so,li sulîjet tlaa motorist,'" eays Mr. Arnee, "and we reserved bld. expect ta meet the demand.* This Frftimrprluasaicniin year we are quite confident that t oertfusale a tia Mcand coii utin car 'wi)l live up to everyrtbirg a mot-. Stinsan & Anderson, Solicitors, Lndsay, orist can expect of a car, net only in Ontario. perfonnance but in beauty, comt*1ýrt DATED ai Lindsay this Twenty-second and value." day of February, A. D. 1930. 9-831 Lace Triinmed Window Shades 6 dozen only in white, 36 inches wide, the regular price of which is $1.50 ea. Sale Price ............ Congoleum Rugs AT SPECIAL PRICES We were fortunate in secur- ing about 25 of these popular Itugs-all good designs which we offer at the following big savings: 9 x 9 - regular value $9.50 for .............$7.77 9 x 101/2-regular val- ue $11.25 for .........$888 9 x 12-regular value $12.75 for .............$9.99 ODF:PER N0D2 1 Bottle Saponified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, Regular Price .........5c 1 Bottle Florazella Skin Lotion, your choice of Benzoine, Almond, Cucumber, Lemon- or Red Rose, Regular Price ....................5c 1Box Florazella Face Powder, ___ R egular Price .....................75c Rouge Compact, Reg. Price ...$1.00 Total Value ...........................$275 A j INTRODUCTORY SALE PRICE ......i c eacb person. WALK A BLOCK N'S STORNDAVE ALOT - uý NELSON'S M.. -NELSON'S! The rnoney you will save by read- - -J- ing the ads o! local merebants in The Statesman wifl pay the subscrip- tion price of this paper nieny thnes over. The suggestion that the Hon, Vin- cent Massey, at present Canadian minister to Washington, wiil lie narmed to succeed the Hon. Peter C. Larkin, as 'Canadian higb commission- er ini London, is interesting. Cer- tainly no one would lie eurprised if things were ta work out that way, says the ýBorder Cities' Star. Mr. Massey bas the necessary quaM1fica- tions, inclu'ding wprsoriaI wealth and bhis term iri Wasbingto bas undoulbt- edly given hlm an experierice that would 'le o! valu eim London. Mr. Massey represents a splendid type e! Canadianiani. He bas ihe mental and mnaterial background for diplomn- atic vwrk and beat of aIl, beila mi- bued with a real desire ta serve bie country. Suc-h men deserve aur beartiet encouragement. PAGE THEEN e g e When is a honnotahen? Wben she is an Egg- Machine. When is she an Egg-Machjine When she gets ber daily dose of Makes Rens LKay NooireEgs Sold by m&U dealers Wrt fer Pratts PuIU*.E"1K-Fw.. PRAIr FOOD C.. of Canad. Lad. 326 Cariaw Av.. Tosel . Ot. 1

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