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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATMN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR&>AY, MARGH Stli, 1930 SALEMI Mm. F.Houle~y le inproving ekQWIy trom »ii.......Mrs. C. Staples, Orono, ha returned homte after spencing a couple of weeks with Mr'. and Mm. E. J. Doidge...Mr'. snd Mm. W. G. Werry and Miss Thelma motored to Peterboro on Friday and attended an -At± Home" at the Peter- boro Normal School. Mr'. Kenneth returned home with thent for a week- endi visit. Mrs. L. Richards accomnp- anied the Werry famiiy to Peterboro and vsited with Mr'. and ýMm. Plurjk- ett.. . .On &Sturday Mr. and Mm. Werry, Missý Thelma and Mr-. Ken- neth, motoresi te Newcastle andi spent the day with Mr'. and lMrs. G. Honey. ....Miss M. Bsrrett, Newcastle, is spending a few days with Mi'. and Mm. F. Honey. ENNtISKILLEN Mrs. Sweetmnan has returned te ber home here after spendiug the winter wit.b ber sister in Osha..... 34r. Haroldi Sleffmen, 'Bowmanvilie, spent the weelcond with bis cousin, Mr. John Siemon Jr.. . .Mr. and Mms. W. J. Stainton visited friends in Or- ..o.... .Mms A. Tamblyn, Orone, le witfl ber dsughtei', Mms. H. J. Werry. Ms Myrtie Brunt, Mr'. Franks McGill, Toronto, spent the weekend with the fomner's parents, M'. snd Mys. Levi Brui.... .Mrs. E. C. Ash- MLAPLE GROVE ton and Juue, Mis M. Dalton, Mr'. Orville Ashton, Miss Marjonie Mar- Mr'. and Mms. Chas. Giorvett, $par- Vty and Mr. Charlie Stainton spent taMr and Mms. R. H. HWaie-y, Sunday with friends, in Toronto.Ton itethrneeMsW.J Mrs. Ashton and June remained for Wl iielternee m .J a . Mr. Will Moore, Mr. Mil- Snowden, last week .... Mr. and Mr. Mr. nd ~. ~.s~-Milford Wilkins, Mr. TheodoeWÎi- ton Stainton, Mr n r.H tv insOsh~awvstdth one ens attended the funierai on Sunday ser, Mm . .itedathe ormeu'- of the -late Mr'. G. Car'men Rodd, Osh- dast..er, M. J.ymoMnday, on Sun- a.&.... .Mx. and M u"l rfitteduhe een oothv iited the former's brother, Mr. and hteduhbrHln oothv Mrs. Lorne GriffBn, Cawiht, o returned home to Toronto, after a Sunday .. .. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Shaw, pleasant visit wji*h her parents, Mr'. Hacupton, visited at Mrs. Win. Oke's. and Mm. RL R. Stevens... .Mr. Stan- . .. Mr'. and Mrs. Roy McGill enter- ley Jones visited friends -in Oshawa tained the choir at their -beautiful on Sunday..Mi. Chas. Hone and 'home on Monday evening. The fis daughter Dorothy risited bis sister- partof te endn was a miscetian- in-law, Mns. Albert Allin, Kingston par tet anf then porsswRa East, on Sunday. . .. Miss Edna eos otei, s atoen poei te Swaliow is visiting friends in Tor- highest winner and Miss Marion Or- oMrs.. r.k s. owden r and ocid chard the iow'est. A iovely lunch -r.FakS wenadtocid was served and Misa Marion Orc.hard, ren, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the on behaif of the choir, nioved, andi former's daughter, Mrs. A. H. Gower. Mis I)Jto seondds vote of .... Mr. Elgin Munday and Mr. Wil thanks -for the pleasant evening M koendof 0h A.eC.,rGuelph, sent h spent, and aiso congratulabe-d Mr. y-kn wihtefre pets and Mrs. McGili on the second anni- M. and Mrs. M. Munday Jr..Mr'. versary of their wedding and wishe and Mrs. Franks Macklin and daugiter them many happy returns of tfre day. Marguerite, Cobourg, spent the week- Ail gae b earty ilp and rtre end with his sister, Mrs. Sanmuel gavterha esa cra rjourab ISnow ....... .Mr'. snd Mm. M. Mun- eveir hoes fera ejyal day Jr, gave a party on Monday ev-1 evenn« sent.ening te about 20 young friends in, ________ onor of their son Elgin and Mr., Will Moore. A very pleasant even- Rubher Footwear now off ered at ing was .spent in games snd every- reduced prices at Horn's Store. 1lbod y had a good tine... Mi'. and Mme. Will Worden, Tyrone, Mpent Monday witii bis mother, Mm. X. Worden ...Misses lielen Worden and Reta Johnson, Toronboý visited the f.ormer'a grandrnother, Mmx. A. Worden, on Sunday. SALEM LEAGUE League Tneeting w»s held Sunday eafternoon with a good attendance. Mr. S. Buttery, President, opened the meeting, after which'Mrs. WeLsh took charge. Lesson was read hby Mrs. Irwxn; topic Iby Mrs. Wesh; two sel- ectiocns by Maie Choir; readings -by Mrs. L. Richards, Marion Ho-ney and Cyrrl Coombs; piano solo, Mr. L. Coi- iacett; addr'ess, .Mr. F. L. Squair; music by the orchestra. League Maie Choir and a f ew friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh at their home recently wbhen alhad a very lenjoyabie even- ing. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Welsh and daughter, Mrs. Sav- ery. THIS COUPON 111 WORTH 10 CENS . ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLi At any evening performance. Only orne coupon applicable on each paid admission. Not good after March lth, 1930. i HAYDON f HAMPTON Mr'. snd Mm. J. Averey, Burketon, IMi'. Frank Hastings, Guelph, spent visited at Mr'. C. Avery&s.... Mr. A. a I dy thm ...M.Jc MeNeil visited his another in Toronto siyatin . '.Jk recently... Mr. Tho&. Raynee, a Chaisman and friend, TorOnto, vsited former oM boy, recently visitbes at at Mr. W. ChaPmnn's ...Mm.H. Mr'. D. Grahan's ... .Mn. W. Thiomp- Wiloox spent a week with Oshawa son la in Bownanville visiting ber friends ..... Mr'. and Mm. C. Jeboon, parents on their golden wedding. ... Toronto, were with bis inother, Mm.- A go.odly nurnber were present at J. Jebeon, on Sunday ... . League church service Sunday. Rev. J. R. meeting on Friday eveniflg was ini Trumnpour took for his theue "The charge ef Mms. H. Salter, and was Kingdoan of God and Youth" ...... wel attendesi. Devotional period Master Roy Graham is lu Oshawa was in charge of Mr. Joe Chapmsn, Hospital whjore hie underwýent an op- and Mi-ssions.ry i'ea.dings were givem eration foi' mastoids on Monday. by Mm. Bick, Miss P. Burnis andi Miss Miss Muriel Moore, Hamnpton, Miss Myrtie Bradley. A short sketch, Alice Ashton, Enniskillen, Miss sihowing the different countries coni- Verna Trewin and Miss Ruby Smith, ing t» Canada, was well givefl, each Oshawa, were weekend visitera at pemson in representative costume. Mr. W. Trewin's. .League prograin Next meeting is in charge of Miss last week wss in charge of 4th Vice Campbeli...Mr'. and Mrs. G. Wil- President, Mr. Bert Ashton. Bible kinson, Toronto, visited iber father, reading, Lorits Thompson; devotien- Mr'. E. Trul . .. . Mms. WiRn. Sinale is ai, iMm. T. Cowing; realding of book, in Rochester, N. Y., -waiting on ber Miss Mabel Beech; singlng by four daughter who is ii ...A nu-ber girls, Misses Annie Trewin, Muriel froin bere attendesi the funerai of Thoutpson, Renta Bradley and Mabel the late J. H. Truil from Bowman- Beeh;redigsby Ada Beech, ville te Union Cemetery, Oshawa... Freda Bradley andi Roland Thompson. Misa B. Wallace and Mr. R. Johns, After the program a social baîf-hour Toronto, spent the weekend with ber was spent in contests and singing. mother here ... . Quiiting bees are the !Lunch was servesi and meeting close-d order of tihe day. .Mrs. Gee0. Bar- by Miupah Benediction ... Mr. W. ron has returned frein Torento wbere Trewin andi tamily entertaines a . she bas been visiting liei' sister who large nunther of young peoip]e Sat-1 is vei'y Ill... . We wish te congratu- urday evening. 1 late Messrs. A. E. Billett and F. J. Groat uipon "her endeavors to rkg the Hlydre Ek<etric Po'er 1Ue tp> tHwmeton frosit Bowmuanifl, sd we think every p!operty ownoer uiould take the opportunity cd uwniig up a contraet and help bring this greet asset Vbo our connnUflitY. à Rubber Footweax now offered et reduced prices at Horn's Store. NECKLACES Newest and Snmrtest Very Fine Quality Different Shades Moderately Priced Fromn5(k Up .. MOORE 'S Bowmanville No Matter which way it Breaks- Boys' jersey Sweaters 98c The Boys wîiI neesi these- Secure themn now .t this saving pri ce. FB885-An exceptionally goosi quality BRoys' Jemsey Knit Puliover Sweater witfh polo buttonesi collai' trimmesi witb varuegatasi yarn stripes. May ha secures inl Navy, Fawn Heather, and Blua Lovat shades. All sizes 24 te 32 for childmrn frofnt six te fourteen years. Ragular prica $1.50. DURDNO THEEM BIG IX 98e each.................................98 Good Soap Sc Four fun ounces of real soap satisfaction GB8&0 - "«Walker's Big Beauty"--W.our funl ounces Soap of provan quaiity. In Liisc or Rose. A regular 10e cake. DIYRING THREE BIGC DAYS, 5 par cake........... 5 (Neot more than five cakes te a customar) Jaeket $1.29 A surprise value for you! E JB877-hIfant's Pure Wool Kuittesi Jackets for early prnin plain and fancy knit, .e witb fancy sîlk stitching Sandi elbroidery designs. Col- ore-Sky, Pink, Caniel, Pow- Sder, andi Wihite; Whize with contrasting colored designs andi E trhnanings. For babies up te two years. Regular $1 .75 te E$2.»0 values. DURING THREE BI1GDnAYS,$l2 EMen's Work Soeks, Special 19c A medium weight every.day -7p Sock FB884 - MNen'. ntdjuni weight Sncks ; n an a.ssort- nient comprising h<.avy fawn Merino's andi Oxford Grey Ribxd Wool Mixtures. Standard weli known quali- tie.s, andi goosi regular value rît 25c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS,1e per pair .......19 THUR- FR-.SATMARCH --8 __SLEEND_ -UDA Vest 69c Waists 69ci>h A rare quality at a price like this. Real good quality. See them MB879-Beavy weight Rayon in Comeefly~II for ttises.! - ~ very fine even kuit. These Vests Boy~s wiII ha prend to Wesar hs - are made opera style, with sisoul- Sbirts. It wil pay yoa to scr 1;ý der sti'aps esigesi with fancy stitcih- seierai at this low price. *ing. Flesb, Peacb, Maize, Orcbid, or White, in sizes for small, med- FB883 - A splendid assortinent ium, snd -large women. When you of Boys' Coflar-attachesi Shirt see the quaiity you wi11 ha sur- Waists made frein Broasicloths and - prisesi at this low pricie. ])URJNG Fancy Percales. AUl guarauteed '! ? ( THRJEE BIG DAYS, fast colora; in mediumn colored ' each............... 6c Patterrus, Blue slnd Tan etripes pre"iminating. In izes 10% -b o 13 %~, for boys frein five to four- Bloomers 89c teen years of age. egular $1.00 ______ To match aboie vesta BMG DAYS,69 MB878-Very fine, aven knjt Rayon B1oomers, cut full and romy, with double set-in gussats. Picot adge on knee frili. (Oxidized elastie guaranteesi te asat the lifa 'of the bloomer.) 1ln colors of White, Fiesh, Peach, IMaize, and Orchid, in sives for Maal, medium, sud large women. You must see these te appreciata the value. H tW trB tl DUREIG THREE BIG DAYS, Ho8aerBti pr pair ........................BigBat To el alu949 SIAN S - ... Attractive f. and note Big Days only. Corne early. G.B882-Moulded, Se.aauiess Hot Water Bottles of heavy (i4B8l ~Colegate~ Bbby Large suze, heavy quality, andi pricesi Iow rubiser, "FuIly guaranteed fer (ýB81-",olegat," Bbbytwo years'". Moire finish, in Ccrnibs with onyx mottled finih AB872-Our share of a great miii dlean-up. Ai' dainty pastel colosings -Blue, Fsney andi plain shapesl, in ass-iortinent of White Jacquard Fancy Towels and col- Pink, Green, etc. Divided lu- color of Pink, Blue, Hello, oi'ed plain Toweis with fancy eontrasting eel'ood bor- to three lots for early merning Nile, Peach, etc. A regular dems. Ahl size 21x42 inches, and a good, substantial, s.hoppers Thursdsiy, Friday andi 15c value. Corne eariy for heavy quality. (Sub-standards; sente of thesa with Saturdsy. These wili sali quick- these. DURING THREE slight imperfections, bardiy noticeable.) Would be ly at our price. DURJNG 3 .BIG DAYS, 9 goosi value at 75c. DURJNG THREE Al~ BIC DAYS, each............ e BIG DAYS, each .................. 9 ah....... 9 SPRING IS AT THE STORE Everybody knows Our store for its quality- knows it, too, for its unusual values; so when we announce oui' March "3 Big Days" Sale event we know we'll have to be ready to serve quickly and efficiently hundreds of thrify buyers. Be here early - even if March weather is uncertain! - and thereby secure your share of the outstanding values al] through the store. Ii'BIG 3 DAYS MARCH 6th, 7th, 8th WALKER PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Formerly S. W. Mason & Son STORES BOWMANVILLE March 1M nothing Newj 'Good Save on this everyday neccssaty Big Days." Corne early HB876-This B fuliy bleachesi, wl oresi coabinstion Color coenbirration or Peach -Blue. DU11NG THREE Splendid for ever -Crash Napkins, abc luches. Fancy coi colorasi all..ovei'che mesi resdy týor use able for use as s lunch, or picnic Would be spiandid 60c per dozen. I you te sae the-se. r BIG DAYS, each .. . .. . . An opportunity to this apring requit A11873--CurtainN uring 36 inches wk coloresi, with <lair esige. A go<>il qu. in a variety of fio figuresi cffects. A 35C quality. DIT] BIGC DAYS, per yard ......... LIMIT] Phone 164 YOUR FA ttttt VAGE FOUI T ~ ~ . j le Veather will haveI to do with these Low Prices ! '1 Breakfast Cloth 77cj ~UV L2D Breakfast Cloth measures 52 x 52 inches, th alI-over Damask dice pattern, with col: stripe borders, henuned ready for use.i is of Gold - Blue, Red - Blue, Blue - God,1 Good value if offered at $1.00. 77C BIG DAYS, each....... ,rash Napkins 4c ýrYday utse ure Linen cmbination -f teks; hem- napkin. d value at t wilI pay >URING 3 ... 4c Per Dozen......... 45c Hankerchiefs 12c \ Foir mensa and boys' use. Lay in a-go-d suppiy at thi, Iow price 11BHii874--A very fine weave in a N 'ý bright flnished thread. Hem- stitehed edges, with attractive combination colored bordera. ev- erai goed patterns for you te >v cho-o-se froin. (Our share of a sPocial rpurdhasi. for this Sale.>)f 'Note the prie DlURIN(G THREE BCDAYS, or.2e . Nine fori . .. $1.00 urtain Net 23c >save On irement nire niesh oral and RING :3 WORITE SHOPPING CENTRE ýi"fflièé"i4iffl

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