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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 4

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PAGFOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLE, THURSDAY, MARGE l8th,, 1930 FARYMUR' CLUB Providence F armers' Clubi meet in Shaws' Sdrool on Tu. Mardli 18t4 et 8 P. ru. Goc- gram. O. R. Bragg, Hl. E. Osb.c President. Sec.- JUNIORS' MEETING Darlington Junior Farrnerý Junior Institute will meet on nesdey, Mardhi'19th, at 8 p. SRmws' Selhool. Girls Exec Pres.--Sadje Muir; Sec-Marig die. Boys' Executive: Pres verne Clemens; Sec.-Ctare A AUCTION SALES Tuesda,. Puarcli lth-Eart. GUi, Lot 2, Con. 6, Manvers ship, will sou bhis fanm stock, menutLansd xusehold effects. billta Sale 1 p. ni. Clarl I iarns, auctioneer. Wednesda.y, March 19th-h Gimbtlett, rear of 539 King S Oshawa, will soit 25 head of I 25 heed of cattie, and srnie far plement. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jackson & Son, auctioneers. Monday, March 24th-MIrs. Short, lower hei.f Lot 4, Con. 7, lington, wilt seli aIl of ber stoc. impleinents. Sale et 1 p. mi. particulars see bilts. Theio Siemon, auctioneer. MAPLE LEAF FARMER.S' MUI FIRE INSURANCE COMPAI COLUMIBUS, ONT. Hou. Wm. Smith, Presideni P. G. Purvis, Secretarl 35 years of successa a busý Farm and Village risks carrieda rate&. Directors know every personally, theref ore a fair ad ment in case of fire. Directe this territorY: J. J. Smith, Enn ]en, Samuel Snowden, Bowman Loeal Agent., Everto. Whitc R. R. 4 Bowmaxn Phone 146r2. Two FOR ONE Thuraday Friday Saturday ending l5th March. Boy one and we give you one.f Seo the bit yellow sijeets. KersIake'ç4 THE DEPENDABLE DORUO $TC Phone. 49 SPRING TIME 15 EAVETROUGH TIME Gone iu and cousult us abo your work. We handte a go4 ise of Pumps f-or Welt or Ci tenu or Pressure Systeins, te su your requirements. FIRST CLASs WORK Our Slogan R. E. LOGAr Plumbing, Heatang & Tinsmathi.n Phone 264 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 150 PAIRS 0F MEN'S SAMPLE BOOTS and OXFORDS Sizes 6, 7, 8 and a few- Reg. $6.00 Shoes TO CLEAR $3.45 ROVAN 'S SHOE STORE iug tHAYDON Fi ev~BikDARLINGTON COUNCIL Fo tieday in ofnwnweek, for Basket Social Medical Attendance and Supplies )t pro- unden auspices of Repair Comiittee to Indigente :n of Church. Watcb for particu-lars Regurlan meeting et Council was rn, next week. -Treas. Mr. A. Beech and Ada visite<I at hetd March 7th, with mzeirubers al Mn. Everett 1Beech's, Ceountice... present, Reeve Sites Willianms presid- Our young people have commnneced ing. pratisngther pay"Above the Gomuaunicatons distpoeed of and 's sud prcl-d teising i their .plfut ordered fited are: Departuient of iWed- tune. ..Master JhimieGrahairu is Pklc Iiàae cnwegn ni. iu now lu Oshawa General Hospital sud copy <0f1 y-IB'ws for expeuditure on cutive: has undergonke an operation for mes- roada sud appoiutment of Road Sept; ie un-tois .... Gad e earMase oyL. C. Thorupson applied for work erha Run todGed eoearlter Reyop- ithi tracter on grader; Counities' Illn. eratin.... League prograru was in bat gae5noiCon. , G'ing beeTneit charge of lst Vice Pres., Miss Mur- Lt3,Cn ,hvn enamt iltTbomrupon. Bibtle reading, Miss ted t Osha>wa Hospital. Counicil Ada eec; deotinal Mis Gldysconsidered ithey wene net liabte, he A. Me- AaBehdvtoalMisGaysbeiuig s non-resdeut of Towvnship. ton eilrin; piano duet, Misses Renia A.EBiletapocdConi Bradley and IMabel Beech; recita- ~sA .lnletniprchgred lu Town imple' tiens, Misses Lorne T1bompson, Myr- reialln lcti iht nTw Se lIe Cowing and Viola Bradtey... suHllad Park. IL was decided net k I-Messrs. Jcti, Kenneti sud M ilton te Plac a uTw at lc 111Grahami visited et Haydon on Sun- mg of lighinl Park was referred te Mr. R. day.- Park C.omuiisiou. ______James Curtis, S. A. 0., presented St. E., hLNAiis report for January. horses, _______ By-taw for eppeintuzent of John Ge n.sd r.J.TmRitewc H. Mutton as Weed Inspecter was _2recent guesta of Mn. sud Mm-. John psssed. Lane, Bcwumivitie ...Misa Vera T. H. Richards, Road Supt., gave Agnes Squire speut tbe weekeud with Ton- a report of Convention ire atteuded ýDar- ente f ienda ...Miss Evelyn Mas- iR Tor pt. peetdvuhro k and sey. Oshaewa, spent the weekend et odSptprsnevucrifr For Mcm. R. J. McKessock's ...Miss sany $19.96 sud road maintenance . Flerence Ashton, Shsws, visited Miss $,56.30 wIich were paid. 11-21I Evetvu Tiuk.%Mn. snd Mrs. Joe Treasurer acknowledged receipt 1Reynolds, Toronto, visit.ed Mr. sud from, C. D. Hodgsou, taxes 1929,t IiJAL Mrs. W. J. Reynolds... .Mr. aud Mc'. $1648.09.1 ~jy onad Yttol.es sd fmul ~J Orders dravmufiu Treasurer: umibus, Miss Elsa Bowmiau, Enfield, C. W. Stemon, asst. M.O.H. ,,isited et Mr. N. C'. Yellowees. I me:dical -services.......... $132.00 kt Mr. sud Mca. Clarence Tiuk sud . Hl. Ferguson, M. 0. H., niedi- y Kathleen, Providence, spent tire cal szervice............... 83.75 sines. eeknd a Mr Ge. Whte' .....L. J. Courtice, milk supptied. 7.60 mes. woknd t n. ee.Whte'.....Nhs. A. F. Rundîe, supplies. . 7.95v t low Sevecal freinihare attended anurver- C. D. ogsn upis...96 , ial, sary services at Hampton on Sunday D1egosupis96 dj- sud visited frieuds... Mr. H. E .D Hodgsou. supplies....... 9.00 )s in Tiuk imade a business trip to Toronto Mirs. R. Hatherly, milk........ 2.80I aisil-thi wek....Mr.Chs. cot spnt Editor's Noe-Although we have thekilethis lu Seuthampton ......been requested te publisb the inties ville. Our League were favored with s vis- of parties te whouz suppties for Te-F ~' it from Tyrona League ou Mouday tbef or cbacity bave be,ýn given i>y the - 2 . night. A ver-y interestiug p ga muuîcipality, we bave intentionally i 4-mwas put ou :by the visitors sud wa omitted these naines as we contend mucir eujoyed. A contest wa.s then uo gond purpose Ls served by glving -conducted sud lunch was served by publicity te respectable but unfor- oun home League ... . We exteud our tunate citizens 'who are temporanilyC synapatby te the family -of the late depeudeut -on thse township. If youh J. J. Smith ivbo passed awsy lu the were lu a similar posiition w»uld youri Toronto Geneca.l Hospital on Mou- wauit your nanie published? j day morniug follvw ing au operation Municipal Wortd, 7 copies ... 7.00 I- tast week. FuneraI witl take place S. R. Hart & C-e. Assessors' e at iis tate nes;ideuce '1Thursday alter- Guide..................... 1.15 iý noon... Mr. Arthur Rae has been M. A. James & Sons, pintiug 23.50 a visiting lu Bucingten ...League T. H. Richards, satary....... 19.96 g meeting uaxt wveak iill be on Tues- T. H. Richards, road niainten- a day uig(ht On account -of aur young suce..................... 56.30 a pedýple giving their play "Marrying Meeting adjeunuoed te Monday,0 Aune" in Hampton ou Mouday night. Apnil 7th, at 1 p. M.S ... We are planning te have our W. R. Alliai, Clerk. M wiriter anuiVersscy service Sunday Per Md. Pascoe. d afternon, Marcb 23rL. . . RememjberM tire Division meeting this (Thursday) MAPLE GROVEM re night. .-Our Missionary prograniM ~e.Sunday slternoon was lu charge of Mc. sud Mrs. Arthrur Wrigh't, Osh-airc Mrs. S. E. Werry. Mn. W. T. Tay- awa, spent Sunday witir. n.ud Mca. I-on gave a short talk ou the werk J. D. Stevens. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Watt>' arnâong tbe Indiaus. Master Jamecs Dearbocu, Oshrawa, visited tireir Smates gave a rening aud a chorus cousins, Mc. aud Mrs. E. W. Fotey, on'ta wes given by rnbecs atteuding Friday. ...Mn. Walter Blackburn, w Bracley's scheo ... . Tie Box Social Mc. Chanlie Thrackeray, Newcsstle, S ,e FridaY evening under the auspices of Miss Helen Suiste, Bo'wmanvii-le, f, tire Division was a decidad success. spaut tbe weakend witi tire former's ni ITire weather wss net good but those parents, Mr. sud Mrs. Mark Bleck- who braved, it te cerne were rewand- bur ... . Mn. sud Mrs. Milford Wil- I »E ed by tire fine progra-z censistiug kins, Oshawa, visited their sister, of readings, Miss Margaret Scott Mrs. R.L. Wonden, on Saturday... and -Mis. Roy Luuagrniaid; orchestraMnsu Mrs. Ewart Ctemenca, Osir- -1 us1ic hY NMiss Iteen ýBalson, Mr.s. Ev- SWvi5lted tireir cousins, Mn. sud erett CrYdenman and Messrs. Allen Mrs. Rosa Sterveus, on Saturday... Balsen a7<1 Leonard Barton; piano Misa Annie Laird sud Miss Davis, solo, Mn. George Wenry; piano duet, Youngz's Point, spent the wee.kend 1 Misses Helen sud Muriet Baker; s-el. with the fornier's parents, Mrn.dud actions by the quartat of Messis. S. Mrs. A. Laird .... .Mr. Trumian Power1 E. Werry, Harold Shuttleworth, At- speut a couple of days tast week 1 tan Baison sud E. R. Taylor. The witir iis sister, Mrs. H. Creeper,4 chairnian for tir,, eveuiug vas Mi.. Toronto. ..Miss Marion BetInian, A. L. Pascoe. Mn. B C. Stevens Town, speut Friday with lier grand- auctioned off tire baskets lu a very motirer, Mca. A. Worden ... .Mru efficient mariner, sud a social time Mrs. Mark Blackburn eutertained a wss eujoyed. Procaeds $3.5.00...few fnienda Fniday eveniug. Every- I Soina WOma's Institute meaeting is eue iad a good tume..Mrs. Albert postponed te Tuesd-ay, Marcir l8tb, Allun sud sou Gordon, Kingsten Rd, at 2 p. nu. at the churcir Ait mani- East, visited hiec sister, Mrs. Chas. becs ire prese-nt. Houe, ou Suuday ...Miss Ruthr )ut Steveus, Toeivu, spent a couple of odHAMPTON days with ber graud'psceuts, Mn. and >od Mm. J. D. Steves.... Mn. sud Mrs. 15s- Goine to Hampton Mouday, March Ross Stevens sud famity visited their ut l7th, to hear Solina People presaut cousins, Mr. sud Mrs. Will Han, Ptay "Macrying Aune," under sus- Newcastle, ou Suuday. Mn... sud pices of Womeu'a Institute. Admis,- Mrs. W .H. Nelson, Toront, M n. Womeu's Institute lireld iLs Marcir cousins, Mr. sud Mca. R. L. Worden, Imee'iug at tire home of Mca. Bruce on Sunday ...Mr. sud Mca. Earl Ferguson on Thursday, Manoir 7tb. COsborne, Town, m~ent Sunday witir4 j resideu, Mca. H. E. Rundle pcesided. hec parents, Mc. sud Mrs. Truman SMeeting opened by aiugiug O C-an- Power.... Miss Greta Munday spent ada, foliowed by tire Lord's Prayer. tire weekeud witir Miss Dorotby Rick- nu Severat letters of tirauks wece ceed ard, Newcaste ... . Quite s nuniber froni tire ick sud sirut-ins foc fruit from acoun-d hece atteuded tire play and flowVers neceived. Mca. Bick pu-, on by tire youug peoupe cf Trîn- wss appoiuted delegate te tire O. E. ity United Crcci at Bowmauville on A. Convention at Toronto at Easter. Mouday eveuing.4 A donation of $10 wassgiven -,o ueedy ûues at Manitculin Island; aise $1.5 tests sud cefreshments.Tir.7e play to tire ueedy ones atirome. $10 was eutitted "Tire Pilt Bott.e' wes pre- given foc menibership lu tire League senited luntCie basemnt of tire uf Nations. Prog>rarni on Lgitaio Cuci-o Mrcr 1 r -unentie.m t Jleta enjoiyabte eveni* wi. h a r-i, anis lek, lmere e l. itûmu. u e iu g Pope i- 1. ar en, owaitl Mis Lau on Wfedn- j <at Mc'. L. T.Pacs over tire rpnricam wss given l'yI) Hamptonj Five yards of geod Shaker Flan n t L('9u-Irý nda scsial huùr was,;spent for 79c, and all Shakers lu st exace- eutertained right royatty with cou- at ight pices, a., Horn's Store. 9,$ HAMPTON CHURCH ANNIVERSARI Hamnpton United Ghurch held, it 5&5th anniversary last Sunday. Rei William Scott of Kerea preached a boith. services to large and epprecia bive eongrgatjons. In tfhe mrn ing Mr. Scott took: as his theme The Chuxioh, ber place in the Com, nxunity, Nation and the W-oird. Il the evenxng he «poke on the evei enlarging oýpportunities for Christiai adventure In Korea. Both addresse. were full of inspiration. »Mhe choir, undor the able leader ship of Mr. Theo Salter, rende-e( splendid music both iorning and evý ening. IMr. Wallace Horn playec two violin nurnbers with bis usus: skill. The selections ,were fitting3 ehosen. dit is the earnest prayer of aF good People that this chureh w.itl, such a noble past niay prove hersell worthy of a Kreat trust in the yearn that readh into the future. SALE M Hear "Marry'ng Anne" et Hamp- ton on Monday, March l7th. Sundey efLernoon service was con- ducted -by the Pasor, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, jwho elso gave a short ad- dreff at the speciat niissionary halif. hour service in the S. S. Mrs. F. Cator, who, is Missionary Superin- tendent, certainly deserves credil for the interesting programs present. ed fro-m tiine te timie. There was a goodly number in attendance test Sundey.... .Glad to seýe Mrs. F. Ron- ey out again afteir ber recent ilîness. ....Miss Gladys Catin, Newcastle, Mr. Kennetb Werry, Pe:*erboroý, were weekend visitors at their resy" ýtive homies....... Miss M. Barret ,,ew- castie, has returned home afteT spending a few days with Mrs. F. Honey ...Sorry to report Mr. G. Cornish in ili health .... Mr. and Mrs. S. ýManneil and Mr. and Mr&. J. Heard, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Winters, Harmony, were Sunday vis- itors, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corn Lh. . ..On Sat;urday evening over forty invited guesth- frein the conununity were entertained by Mr. and Mr--. C. Z. Pollard in their fine spacious home. Progressive euchre and radio music furnished enterrainnient, and juat ýbefore the niidnight hour the hostess served a -Ver dainty lunch- eon. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were ideal ln t1heir raie of hos, and hostess and everyone deiparted feeling very grateful fo>r their kind hospitatity and a jolty evening spent ...Mr. and Mma M. Witkins and Theiodore, Oshawa, visited Mrs. A. Wilkins on Sunday..Mr. and Mrs. R. Lang- naid and famuily, Sotlina, were Sun- day guests iwith her parents, IMr. and Mmrs G. A. Stephen ...Mr. and M4rs. F. L Squair took dinner 'with M!r. and Mrs. W. Henderson on Mon- day. Iu the suplementary estiruates of )ert. of Public Works issued by On- tario Leg'imlature lest week $10,000 wa6 set aside for the Boys' Training Skhool at Bow>nanviUe te be used for repa.iriug building-, and erectiýon of any farni buildings re<tuired. iTHEZ1 i i * a 4EW-mTHE MOI SILK CREPE DREI DRAPES - FLARES - GATHERIS - HIGH >~ LUNES - LONGER SKIRTS About 20 of the newest and smartest styles quality Silk Crepe, in heavy weaves, fe-aturi longer flowing skirts, the higheî' waistlines, t] touches that characterize them as 1930 styles. new Spring shades and sizes for misses and This group is very special and f 4 represents unusual value in new $r Spring merchandise. Friday and Saturday Special ........ STYLJSH FR Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE )ERN I bVAIST-n in fi-ne i îng then he deft Ail the women.n ~95g -. n FOR HOME WEAR IIOUf Each dress is exceptionally designed andinsak SPRING HATS ling, selected, bright patterns, in materjaîs such as Printed Pique, Foulards, Linenes, and English Prints. Your choice of sleeveless, short sleeve and 10ong sleeve. FELT~STRAIVAIl in new styles and new longer 9 lengths. Sizes 16 to 52. Values 95 $2,e95 ~~~~high as $3.50. Special ................ YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE 4~~Rrnmrnuuu:::::::::::::::: ::uuuuuuummuuu± I il I n I I g PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS a r. WALKER STORES LIMITED SALEM LEAGUE ENNISKILLEN y Meeting Tu.esday evenlng as op- Hear "Marrying Aune" at HaiMP- ts ened fby President S. Buttery. ýMrs ton on Monday, Merch l7th. v. Honey, lst Vice, took charge of pro- Mr. and Mns. E. C. Ashton and t gram - Bible tesson was reed Iby mrs. fanily spent SundaY with their a- . Richards; two selectioune by Male danghter, Mrs. Stewart Rodmn....- l-Choir; report of Tesnperauce conven- Orange Locge bad a bountiful oy- L, ion in Toronto 'was splendldly given ster supper in the school house on by'Mr. A. W. Aunis, 'ryrone, wbich Friday nigbt and hs'i progressive neveryone eujoyed; piano solo, iMr. eucbre and Lost Heir. AIl report rL. Collac<>tt. Candy and- apples a good ......... A good congregation >n were served and a soeiai thnie enjuoy- was eut Sunday evrening. Our pas- Sed. Meeting c.tsed with League tor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, detivereda Benediction. Next meeting Sunday fine sermon aud tRie junior choir *afternoon in cberge of Miss Gilbank. nendened good music .... Rev. J. M. d Whyte aud Mr. Frank Dorland were ENFIELD in Toroto on Wedneday to hear ,d __ Harry Lau..... Miss Reva McGiII Il Dr. and Mrs. Wu. G. McCaloch, has urchased a ew radio . ----M. y' reno, visited at Mr. J. MeCuoý's Ehmen Dickinson, whn as been en- recetty3ý...Miss Helen pascoe poyed by Mr. 0. L. Byers on the ilWcMiss Bei aceTrno armfor the last four year,, bas h and M . and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Col- b awe for hed coMr ng e ar.em n Suinllus, rvisited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's.Ohwfrtec in a ... .... Mrs. H. Trul, Harmony, viit Leffle meeting was eld on Wed- at M. J. Hepburn's. . M. and Mrs. nesday evening, March 5th. ýHamp- Edwin Ormiston visited in Toronto ton League was lu atteudauce. Ourj Ormiston aud Mr. and Mrs. Edwin to.ok charge. After sînging, Pastor Ormiston have noved and excharnged Whyte offered prayer. President of ouses ...Mrs. Frank G;iliert en- Hampton Lague tek charge and ertained the members of -the Lais they furnished a good progran. A Aid Wednesday afternoo,. ...Mr. hearty clp of appreciation was gv- Edlgan Prescott had a very sucfl en the visitos t the close. A social ful sale last Thursday. Thie at- hur was spent in coutests sud a teudance was very large. They ex-? lunch. pect te move to Oshawa. Visitons: Mr. Arthur Simmins, t Toronto et Mr. Levi Bruut's; Miss TYRONE Veluis Orchard witb Miss Annie 5___ Oke; Mr. Stan-ey taintou. Oshawa, t Hear 'Marrying Aune" at Hanip- t Mr. E. C. Ashton's; Mrs. Lorne ton on Monday, Marcb l7tb.- Lambb sud Donald, Mr. Milton Stain- Mr. sud Mrs. Wui. Riddte sud Miss ton, Witb friends in Orono; Miss M. Ilee, ron, vsitd hr prens, r.E. Virtue, Mr. Jack Virtue and Mrs. and Mms. Wun. Virtue.... .Miss SadieJ.TinerTontwh er VirueTornt, Ms. C.W. lemnmother, MrTs. J. W. Virtue. who is Town, visited with tiroir aunt, Misa inl l;D.adMs .Fr F. Virtue... Mr. Carson Taylor, Dix- guson, Altan sud Donald, with the ie, visited bis sister, Mrs. W. F. FOrers prnsM.adn.J Park ... Misa Florence Gardiner, who . Ux-ý0n Lbridge; Mrs. Jas.'1 bas been in Oshawa for some tume, has returued home. Mr. Levi An- nis, Toronto, speut thre weekend at - home .. . Messrs. Harry Hatberty sudA Brent-on McCutlougb, Oshawa, Me-sars ]EA. T C O] Fred sud <Clarence Goodmuan, sud Iv- an Smith, Bowmauvilte, speut the weekeud at their respective homne&..H O R -.Sorry to report Mca. Horatio HIs5 is in Bowmanvilte Hospital with DURIN( btood.-.oisoning in ber aud .. -Meeting of the Women's Instit.ute You may secure them ia snd Ladies' Aid witt be held at tire delivere home of Mrs. T. Richards ou Wed-__ nesday, Marcb l9th, at 2.30 p. n. Roll call: Sick Rocsm Cookery. A good prograni sud St. Patrick's B T TERM I amusements. Everyone welcone.. . .Monday eveuing aur Young Peeop- Our customers arej te's Society visited Solina Young People sud presented tihe followingi our Buttermnilk Bread as, prograni: Topic by Miss Grace Mac- it is popular with every Kay, on Reading sud it-s Benefits; They neyer tire of it a: vocal duet, Misses Kathfleen McCul- lough sud Margaret Moore; reading, nourishing. Try a loaf Miss Edua Cameron; sang by thre boys; resding, Mn. Abert Wiood. At the close a sptendid contest rias mucir eujoyed sud a bounteous lunch ser- ved ... hurch service Suuday at 10.30 a. anu. Ou Fiday eveuiug e p thre Tuxî-s Boys entertained the C. G. 1. T. lu the Vestry. Aften a short Baker and C program by the boys gaines and Ph e3 amnusemnts ivere enjoyed. Lunch Phn 3 wae served by the boys. strong, 'Misa E. Strong, Gordez Strong, mrs. Oscar Graham4 Burke- ton, were et Mr. J. 'H. Fre,en'g. Eznsiollien ColatinutiOm ScIool Following la -the standing of the pu-pits of tfhe Continuation Sebool f or the winter term: 1%eL Cla Honurs-7O% to 100%; 'Seco>nd Cleas Honours--G0% to 70% ; Pas -50% to 6017o Form 11t-First Claýs Honoura.-- Nomi Virtue 81, Reine Bradley 77, Grace WerrY 7-6, MYrtle Brooks 75, Bert Ashton 71. Form I-First Glass FLooqrs.-- Wibur Dickinson 73; Second Clams Honours-Elsie Moore 65, &race Smith 62; Ps&-AHS eAshton 8, Joseph Steveismn 57, 'Howard Oke 51, Oswald Pethick 51; Faied- Myrtie Cowling 47. Figures stand for per cent. M. H. Daiton, temeber. Sale of China GOLD BAND DESIGN Cup and Saucer........ 1>5c Fruit Dishes ............ 50c Cereal or Soup .........75c Sugar and -Cream ...2.25 Dinner Plates.........1.00 B. B. Plates........... 60c HAND DECORATED ROSE PATTERN Platter, 16" .....$3.95 Cap and Saucer .....c Sugar and Creem , $1 .el25 Pickle Dish ..... 75c Chop Plates .....$1.75 Bowmanville R BETT'SI >SS RUAS I G LENT j it the shop or have theni ed daily. !LK BREAD just, as enthusiastie about we are. Mothers tell us member of the family. tnd it's so healthful and Fand be the judge. Corbett -onfectioner B maville @tu=§ 9 9 999 9 9 9 9 ------------ PAGE F(>UR %Or 1

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