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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2th, 1930 LEGAL1 THE EDITOR TALKS 1 the pews. We are spending more INTERPRETERS 0F THE PEOPLE SIR WILLIAM MULOCK'S MG.V OLBALD.'itime in discussing aur failures than PHILOSOPHY 0F LIFE M. G.V. GULD, .A.,LL.D The World's Day of Prayer recont-1 we are in seeking the remcdy. We1 Eloquent and Inspirational Address ____ Barriater, Solicitor, Notary 1 y observod in mnany places has start- are talking to one another too mucb By Canon Shatford at Press At the conclusion of a dinner ten- Money te lban on Farm and Town ed many folk thinking-the editor and to God tua little. %, are 1 Convention dored to hini recently ini Toronto and P'roperty. Royal Bank Building, among them-to such an extent that 1 speechifying when we ought ta be 1 attended by njotables from mnany Bowmanville. Phone 351. he came down ta bis livinlg-room an prayin-. If Methodiemniis teo Cn- One of the hi.rh lights at the re- Iprso tec1nr, i ila hour carlier than has beon bis custom quer týhe wvorld she must get ta her cent pross convention hold in Mon- partsofChef Juice Oni-jWillamd W.R'TIEfor ovor four ycars that he bas been knees. She nmust not only produce treal was tihe eloquent and inspiring known, far'and -wide as Canada's Barrister, Solicitor, Notary asm-invalid. What prompted brilliant scholars and preachers but address by Rev. Canon A. P. Shat- "Grand OId %Man," deljvercd a stir- Soicitor for Bank of Montreal him ivas partly hjs decision ta pre-i a hast of praying men and women. f1ord, who is recoIgnized as anc of ring oration in w-hich ho set foi)-oh Mone toLoa. Phne 1 pre Te Eitos Tak" or hisA million Methodists on thoir kneos 1 Canada's mast gifted orators. In in beautiful hscog the philos- Bo-wmanville, Ontario. week on "Prayer." So going ta his praying for a revival-what would speaking of the nieas-pttpors as îm- aphy of life which bas been his guid- library he found Rev. William W. happon? Hoaven mig.ht then place! portant interpreters of life ho sýaid: ing star througnaut a span of nearly W. F. WARD, B. A. Patton, D. D's 1883 edition of Pray- aIl its services at aur disposai, and a "'Next te, the pulpit, the press was foursciore years and ton. The text Barrister, Solicitor, Notary e r and Its Remarkabole Answers. new opa more stupendous and glor- the greatest intorpreter in the world. of this ipart of his address ivas as Moeyt Lan ona o Slei*' ious than w-e have dreanied of begin. One of thie world's greatest needta w-as fcioÀ,s: Moffes-Bte Labe BondsKing Stle.4 Going next ta bis desk and looking Suppose we try it? interpretation. 'The teacher inrter- "And now, my friends, I feel it Dc-wianvibbe, Ontario. Phones :21ovor bis clipping-he has inany-he * preted ]earning. the preacher inter- fitting beforë ciosing, ta, indulge the Ofic 12;Hose40.came acrossa-one from "The Methodist In an earlier iissue -.f The Tinies w-e preted religion, the new-pa<per inter- impulse of a grateful heart, and say Offic 102;House409.Times of London, England, beaded noticed a 'heading: "A Toawn at preted national eyants ta, the people. how deeply I am itoucihed by this soc- _________________--...~! Wanted-Men Who Can PraY." Pryaer," and reading the article it That w-as particularly the raIe of the iai expression of your goad'will. In Reading it--ho bhad forgotten that told of the Mayar of Plymouth hav- i newspeper, it w-as mottincrely a this, 1 wisb aiso to include my unsoon DENTAL ho had sucb an article-be decided ing invited bis fellaw-citizons ta 1 chronioler cof ovents It lhad ta in- audience today-and ail thc- bld grad- DR. G. C. ONNYCASTLE ta incorparate it witb this week's make the coming week a woek of terpret them ta the people and show uatcs, my fello;w- rdae -om DR G . ONYASLE 1Talk-and here it is with some slight prayer. Their petitians are asked their significance. bc listening in. rlutswhma Renoir graduate in Dentistmy, Toronto changes that were suggested as he for:-The city, aur civic leaders, aur. The weekly ncwspapcr had a spec- Not vyet can I speak -,with the auth- Uiversity. Graduate of the Royal: rprdtecp o rnig polmuepomntento ially important f ield of interipreta- arity of the retired1 froni labor, that College of Dental Surgeons of On- * * * an mie h -ol octetion, becat:se baving time 'to reflect shado-wy company w-ho spc)nI thoir %x-io. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Wanted-ýMan Who Can Pray! It Kingdom of God. over events and being froc frein the time in regreitting their retiremont Office phone 40. House phone 22. was an editorial so tbe namne of the Tbe idea met witb a ready resqonse Ihaste snd rush w-icb characterizes and in cri'ticising their successorS. X-Ray Equipment in Office. w-iter is net stated. The first para- froni the Churches of the city w-bon the daiby press, it bad a special I am still at w-ork with my hand DR. J. C.DEVITT "h reateust ned f mdem a a comniteca st-ing Ofks : I chance of weigbing events and under- ta the plough and my face ta Vbo fut- DR. 3.C. DEIgra"he, reathsly: it w-moern as first ted cosasin owee l- stnding tbeir basting significance. uro. The shado'ws cf evening, it is Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Methodism is mon wbo can pray." cans and Froe Churcheen, w-as set 1 Canon Sihatford's own earlicat re- truc, engthen about mo-but morn- Graduate of Royal Dental Cobege, This was the text of a great -speech up te consider and carry out the de- collections of a woeklly ne-wpaîper ing i.s in my heart. Toronto. Office: King St. East, made at a Methadist Witness Meet- tails. was of tbe Family Herald and Woek- And perbaips it w-ould hoe forgiven Bowmanville. Office bours 9 a. mi. ing by one of the sanest leaders of * y Star, which in Nova Scitia his me if I venture e word or two of af- to 6(p.m. ail exeptSunay.themodemn Methodiani. (Tbe saine Tbe oponing meeting took pac family receicved weekby. and w-hich fectionate cheer and counsel teaa Phonep.ni 90. iby eXChoept283.iay.I emetmya rl emd ftenx odyi lmuhG id was looked upon as an ailmanac, a company se bargely composod of Phoe 9. Husepboe 23. sttemnt ay s tulyta uad <~thencx Modayin lymutbGuid-Bible and a record of jurisprudence. Young or at îeast younger mon. X-Ray Equipment in Office. levery cburc-b denoeination in hall, whon the Mayor presided; the i A similar rode, ho was sure, attacbod I beseecb cf you, as the yoars niul- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL * ) Bisho'p of Plymouth (Canon J. H. to the w-ork of every -weekly new.- tiply for you as tboy do for aIl, te DR. . E.DINIWEL * t ýýB. Materman) gave the address; and paper. Wbere the dauly in a big city cherish the ideals and sw-eet allusions Nonor graduate of Toronto Univer- Early Metrodisni taugbt its con- the intercession w-us led by Rev. J.was just an incident, the wekywa ofoufudy.Ths-iborltr aity and member of Royal Colege of verts ta sing, and it taugbt tbem to PhillipaRogers, of Sherwell Congre- an episode. Ho urged on al news- days be touched -with tender momor- Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta pray. The spirit of jubilant sang gational Churcb. On Tuesday, Wed- papers the importance of intorproting ies, romance and indoniitable [hope. @mactise ini Ontario and the Dominion. descended an the Cburch, and the nesday and Thtirsday evenings meet- life in tbe highest and nob!est sense, "A groat Engilish --iter bas said entistry in ail its branches. 0f-' hymns af the Revival were heard ev- ings w-eme beld in variaus cba1eils and and in the sense of unity, of the w-el- this: lr long years the Castle cf ice: King St., Bowmanville, opposite erywhere. England ln the days of churches ln the city; anc in Piymouth fare of everv carner of Canada col- Enchantinent is before us, and Bank of Montreal. Pbone 301. Wesley contained a land of ainging and one in Devonport on eadh even- bcctivoly, rathor than in the sense of dreanis of w-bat w-e sholl ho and do saints. But net only did the con- ing. The co.ncludling meeting w-as one particular soction's interests. heguilo u.s, but in later life-perbaps verts inake tbe sanctuaries and -the again a united one, beld at the Royal ____ MEDICAL open-air gatiherings ring te the mol- Sailors, Rcst, Devonport. It is Iotteii,,wesdnlaak ody of their bymns; tbey also -axer- wortby of note, toa, that a special LORD ATHOLSTAN'S TRIBUTE and say: 'Th-itC'l i t have C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. cised the ne-wly found gift of spirit- Women's Meeting w-as beld on the TO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS pse ti h ihi seidm Iraduate of Trinity Medical College, ual expression in public prayer. And Tuesday lnarning. 110__w._ rorono, fomerl of Enis 1".',v friends. i ,i., no' neccssarilyl 'oonofomely ofEnikillen among tbem were mon of simolo The whale scherne was a new one Backbone of the Presof Canada sa-I' bear testimony ta the con- )Ifce and Residence: Dr. Beitb' faitb w-be became notab,ýc, not on!v for Plymouth, but it had the prayers ____ for-mer fesidencfetoniStreeerttbettrary. 1 have lived froin the for- Cburcbr44-t' rvour on tbei prayersetbu and gucd wishes of a wide circle of The weekly publishers of Ontario tic.s of o century to the thirtios ofi Bewmanville. Phono 259. ** frth e r aasw-ers tbey git. friends botb in the city and else-I and Qu&bec in convention at Mon-"enathae'da aidfodfI - i - cme dow- tos ut f here; and it is ta bchowped tihat it treal, on Mai-ch 7th were guest.s of le ne, avel onacta w-eit lon an ou CAofEL hrs will be ividely capied. Mayor J. Lard Athabstan, pubiisher of th, thi-ngs-,rand have warme.? Lot.h bhands W. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S.. (EdIr,.), 0. P. H. tose spîritually lîmacteric d ays - Churchw-ard is ta ha thanked and con- Muntreal Daily Star, at a delightful h-,fore ha fire -i-f life. <Sucesor a D. . S TiIey 1 "migbty in prayoQr.'" It b s sgn- gratulated on bis lead. dinner in the Prince cf NWales dlin- "nIte~siovIha ~ts [ans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- dratto ttiphas a lma ing roîmr of the Wind-sor Ha)tel. that the Ca-tle of Encbantment is net eenUniersty;Felow f te Rya~droped eiut of our vocabulary. AI We bad no thought of fo-loxing Ijerd Athoîstan, w-ha is past 80 yearsvehhidm.ti hfrme'i pehew-snedfoanmpt-fthe trend of the foregoing in a Talk of age, w-as unable ta ha present, but adfal ac >Iee fSugonEdinburgh.1 ant circuit in thase early yoars. And on Prayer. Our tbought w-as on n-as representad 'lv Mr. C. Gordon- 1,et and iyIctohwers-e f~bt ffice and Residence: Queen Street, the choice ultimately las' betwecn a teaching the young ta pray in public. smith, editor -of -he Family Herald- "The ricli spoils cf memorx- arc ow-manville. Phono 89. popular orator, w-ha with silvern W, read in a country carrespondeace & Weekly Star, w-ho read this letter mie- ie to r h r-lu ifice Hours: 2 ta 4 P.--,. 6 ta 8.30 P. mtangue beld large cangregations recently that a quite youag girl con- froini is Dirdship:t Pa;mie.toa. ay the pre-cics spellbound, and another mnse h utdtedvtoa ata sr T u uss (sdiihe picturos, nature. sport. The lat of W. H. BIRKS. M. D. was described as a man of ardinary people's w-eek night service and -we when your executive gava mec« an op Ma, is, till an cnchain*pd day ta me. Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 ta 8.30. ! pulpit gifts. Just whon the vote was tbought w-bat a Iblessiag it would b4_% artunity ta invita you ta dinn er. I " But. of course, the chief weclth Telee& phone 108. O~S aot toîeb takngwhh as likely if young pecple in genei-al were felt it was areal privilege, and flow efIliflhave not ct naned.R lorer esienc, Wlligto Steetl 1the oratar, a modest man gat up and have carried the thought since and lecauso my doýctor mei.l flot suifer dis-nce and bownnvle asked if any of those prescrit had now -iv it expression. Cam churchos -ibedience. 0 Lordai.amest cometoi'- Thand ever heard the ather Tirister pray. ho in-duced ta organize praying class- "The weekly papr is inn iany ri0 last are the truc wvealth of life in :IIOPATI NDDUGES i5od meband ou.eeoterl" c sint aas or hands for the youtb of their pocts the backbbona of 'tiepress of vl"c-uth -or ago. thRPATI N RGLS pae - ean oent A no congregations? IVe think the min- -ha country. It ib far cIaor ta the Km dm"Posssing t'-ue and tried friands, THRPYIthed auc a stnry cf tis And oaer ister and a few praying membcrs neaiple w-hem it serves than a groat no man is o 'rcl-lacking thani the DURINE. TELY ta maychamshry fths byabs payers could do a grand wcrk in establish- -'-itv jurnal can pb>sibly ho. 1Its richest are'in penurv. DURWN E STEKLE temovL me's hart byhis praersing and conducting Prayin-g Banda. (-onti-uency is more stable. The "Thus, my friends, 1Iclose. I onar graduate of Toronto Colege that the question was immediatelv * ties bava in-vitably a large pra>pori- >fChiropractie will be in theB w stte lain faveroy h rterwhoHow- deligbted sick persans and old ion if floating population. Even tank aireseagaindor.ur scrdial nanvilbe Office Tuesday, Thursday wsm~t a£ae. folk would ho ta receive a company 1 hose who stay long arc not secureW " not onîy thank you, but 1 bld tnd Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Parîg onitteKngn" of young people to sing and pray la tOoatedi A littule brig-hter prcspect V atî nadt oe h esidential cells made during fora- -ca ourpreacers dto tht? La the their 'hocmnIs. We vivifdîy recall once -omewhlerae elo, and they are off. ii telaftoron.adt oe h teon annals cf Primitive Mthtodism the . lhon a few- girls visited a mnan dying lut the tawn and country population "Its real Jur-e la hiddon from eur story la told hew-, when William la -a deeline and .uag that dear olId(f Canada is it-. permanent and sub- eve', sornew-here beyand the hills of Clw-s-te---ngea-eisw-shyma "Jesus Saviaur Pilot Me," bow- - tantiel foun-jation. The presr an old man, and ho could no longer very prolific ho w-as la his thanka. ,-hich la in abat intiniate touch witîb FUNERAL DIRECTORS exorcise the glft -of ail-persuasive 1 was prosent and it impres5ed me so -.,, readers, is the press wbicb nostJ speech lanpreaching, one Salbath ev- mu-ch that I bave nerver forgotten t ccuratelY voices the e vinions andMNIIR'SU ES P. F. MORRIS CO. ening the minister called upon bu ihow very gladi I w-as ta hear their ho conscience of the Dominion. _________SUCES j. Complote Motor orit pntesric ibpae.Ho s-eet voices. * "Happily, tha days of the bad- Horse Equipment. prayed migthtily, until a chorus of b -w~~h~ -cl aosaenw Canadian United Church Conference, Alcaes promptly "Halbelujaba" ai1d "Amena" fiiledI We may say that it has bc-en a- ýnr-,o ekl aesar o ad former paso tNwovle attended ta. I the place. Then, as ho pleaded most a lifel-ong regret of ours that aning aui, -brewdest business monanstr t etovl, Privte mbuanc. mre ntiatey fr te usavd pes-w-e w-ere net gfted in public p rayer. :nd they moka gaad noney where w-ha is now- teacbing la Chicago Prva mlaphne etmaeniatinate o heuanvoe pr n vig nos- eahig d - hir rdc- E-s-ee upse aur minister asked us ta go tea -1 I 'ust hy the î'umiists-to take cord- euppl-y w-ork and has mot wiùh splen- 10 and 34. weep, until there w-as a procession te cm n pntesriewbr oIwo n upisfrsbcitos did rýucceas. The Chicago Tribune Brancb Stores- I the peaitent form, and for twa long hcwad peta heaseienîh eet- xIodeadcf the-.o for modem pub- s.savs: Orono & Newcastle. I hours there w-as nothing ta ho donc ws u ehl wen-tme-1haro h.c oemoenpb WsIýd omnt ehds but to point sînners ta the Saviour. ing out sanie- miles la the country lishers spendirg their winters in "Wecoaw-edC om.munity Mebodlat ALAN M. WILLIAMS ewne ologiisic uh as he had an impertant caîl ta mnake i-M rrîîa und l-u\ing up city dai e F Chu f rch feinglwood Park g Embamerand uneal irecor.1 ascene bas heen witnessc-d ii a pefopiegoing-we were Vo bold the andi 1: b delightful ta hear it . A it firatmeting a -o ycrs oe allagivn prmptandpersnalat-Methdis chrchpeopIebefore ho came. Beiag later good local pt.pr w-cil dearvas aIl theaind theas emd ertcs andombrs hoe, illa~~~~~~ g*e pomtadpe4ra Mto*t brb arriving than ho expected ta be, w-e su1;crt it con possiblx get. 1 offer at a edsrie i odce mto. N xr hrefrdis-* 1*church activities since that time la a tnce. Motor Ambulance at your! True, a c-t only Methodiani, but ail hed ta carry on and that w-as a gen- max l)t wishe for the contiîbued suc- smelprhsdhoty f - uîae bsting time for us as w-e had cou.s of the country newspapers. eI<ugl;;prh"e hrl f ?rce. Phono 58 or 159, Bow- medern churches need many prayîag not axpected tiGROW'INGDEAF1 >---I teriJndergaztheiaesipcnheR mnvillo, Ont. 3-tfi men-olId, riddlo-agcd and young GR- dosîmuch. I lUndrteledrhpofteRv 1 m,-n; ye, and wome-n, tluu-cannot haetoa maany. AUCIONERSPreaching is pro'bably btt er on the AUCIONERSaverage than it bas ever been. Pas- THEO M. SIEMON- sihly singing bas improved, thaugh Auctioneer w-e deprecat-, the tendency la certain quartera ta gaorify technique at the Trarin and House Sales a Specialty.- expense of congregational siaging. Ternis moderato. Enalakillen P. 0.. Put praying is not of the quality that Phone 197r3. 1-tf v orks miracles. CLAR WILIAMSOne of the aimas of this journal is Licensed Auctioneer ta stres~s the importance of the pray-t Re8asanaboe Rates. Phonoe: Port. er lifo fJ the Churcb as w-el as of Perry 225ri, or nritc- Neslleton Sta-1 individual believers. Prayeî- alters .!on R. R. i. 84-w-i things. "Con pî-ayor mend a brokent -______________________banc?" asks the <butor la Tcnnyson'st pcom. The- ans-nomr i.; that usually VETERINARY ,(od works through buman instru- imentaliry, and that Ho gic-ea ta doc-t E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. tors and aothers the power ta mend Orono bhroken bonea. Con prayer build or- Blonor Graduate of University ofIphanagea? Lot thosew-ho doubt ilgo T ronto. AIl cases given prompti ta BrListol Downs and see how- God aod areul ttetion OficeDr.honouredf the- prayer of a simple- aad areul atenion Oflce-r.i miaded mon w-ha just asked for ivbat MeEîroy's former office. Phones-:h atdadg- t Cnpae Clarke 3921; Orono 181. erect hot-pitals? If any sceptic says ________________________________il is impassible, lot hlm visit thet Bridge-of-Weir and sece the-re w-bat1 o nc mon mighty la prayer can dot f J ANED11Lbs.in8Wks vlhn ho is on bis, kaces. E And a Boy Fiend."1 The finest thnigthat cou-id happen w rites SuunSano. Thouans to modern churches s the revitaliaing saY ncw fronized Yeassîadds 3 hemaaC. onsiratonneveu, aeglectedl of ail the meetings cf thet cdGetpl sst ronized Yeasi Ch urch. "Only a prayer meýeting"s tabiesom drugisttoday. i., the cbmman expression la which is sunamarised aur modem oestimate cfr w-bot ougbt to ho aur most effective i nst rumnie nt. When a dottn <r scoree of rw-ovle me-t to ra nv onf-lin, t J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Pricea Phones: Bewmu(nviL4: 235. Toronto: Trinity 3949J Addres8: 274 Augustp Ave, Toronto. 37-lyr. Another testing w-as when wa w-cm'- HEAD NOISES ? Mayor of Bow-manvible. An invita- TRY THIS tion came fi-cm Petorbaorough re- questing us ta go out thero ta addreo-s a Suaday afternoon audience ia the . If you are growing bard of hear-1 Opera House on Local Optica as w-o îng and foar Catarrhal Deafness or if bad recc-ntly paased througb a suc- you bave roaring, runsbling, bissingi cessful campaiga. Saturday even- noises la your cars go ta your drug- ing when w-e reacbed the home w-bore Igist and gel 1 ounce of Parmint, w-e w-c-ata le a guest the gentlemani (double strengtb), and add ta it 1/41 t ud s that w-o bad beon aanounced plat cf bot water and a littie granu-, ta deliver tbrec addreses-ane at a lated sugar. Take I tablespooafub cburch serxice- in the forenoon, the !four lime a day. bbe other in a Prebyterian Church la froni the distressing bead noises. the ovenin-g. We had preparcd onix Clogged nostrils sbould open, breath- o speech but tbaught w-o woeee- ing become easy and the mucus stop sourceful enougb ta make- it do ut the droppiag into the tbroat. I ses tbree services, so we complied w-lb ta prepare, post., little and 13 pleasant the iequest. 0f course, wo natumal- 10 tako . Anvane w-ho is threaloaod ly exprecled the mini-tara cf the wilb Catarmhal Deafness or w-ho bas churches would be an bond ta con- bead noises should give thîs pre- du-t te devotional services. Sa the scriplion a trial. minister cf St. James 'Methadist'- __ (>burcb was on dutv la the morning and w-e pleased i-be cangregationI witb c-or talk t-o mucb that sevoral cf them came forw-amd as w-- came dow-nj- frj)m the pulpit and thank-d us for the information given. We gave the saime narrativ-e la the opera bouse, but the, testing time came in the oveaing. The minister w-s fat an duty but bad gone out cf tocw-r anti left us ta conduct the w-bobo Service. When w-e I-arne4l cf the fix w-e w-'re la w-oh-ied ta get sane men-yher prent ta conduct the de- votion.al service but coulti nat. Tite ecangr-gation censist-d îaainly cf hays and trria--1ike a Sundiav schr)ol ought ta barpen. The tragir tbing mare thon a citurcb service. W is; we are- content that nothing doos \wro really faced by t-w-aPl"cbem-- h app en. Thocre is neo spirit of ex- ùur addrasý-a îsn't suitahbe for such pectoncy, no senso of the w-ond meus- voung peracais and -e ha<I nover con- Le.t us pray" bas in it tremendous <ucted ofl brbsrie u potontialities. Ccd bas yet ta Show- had ta carry on. W(, darided ta give thi.s genraI the gi-amry Hoe sapt th y ung- folk a sechroomaster tai k on o mon who knaw-s haw- C nter and <11<1 the h(.t-st x cocîld wlith t-ho -1iui pre-seaco and exerciwse the fsitb cpening andI cleaing services. Butt lhmt vconnave mountain.s. il was lruly a lestin« timo, for us. * * * IWc noever fhearbl-nnythine_ abouît it A as- <humch w-1hohut 'lie f(-ll)wship' a fterw-ard and w-o atill live te, tel the iaf Prayer bs like a rogimont going to slory. I e-ver w-e wisbad ardentiy figbt-witbaut amnionition. The ltai, w-e'hall heen tau2ght bo pray la prearbingr is beund ta ho ineffective public il w-as la that Peterbomo Pros- if tht-me is flot a praying people in byterian Churcb. WRIGLEYS WRIGLEY'5 1, gnad company on any trip. les delicious flavor adde zest and enjoyment. The sfugar sup- plies pep and energy when thse day scemas long. ln short ies good anîd good for yu E. W. T -in 1cr over a ycar, thc churcb bas O-utgraw-n its tennîpcramy homie, and -lance the acquisition of a buildling site a few' dwys ago is look- ing farw-ard ta the construction cf a i$40,000 church building, w hich xill jin clude an auditorium, clas room.q, i <nl bIm-creaionai facilitia'. The at-w church will ha at Wtllingtcon avenu- and 77th court. im ufity Metiiodt Episcopal Curch, Presbyterians, Baptists, andI Congre- gatianali.sîs are also ini-bai., andl many cf these dononinations 'are on 1 the board of trustees. Becau-e there is <s majority cf Methodists la the cb>mmunity, the church -s givan thuat naine. Rev. Mr. Tink bas orgaîiized chum-ch activities w-hich inclu<le a nien's club, o high school girls' plus-., a choir cf th irty x-ices, an orchestraj, anti a Young pLooPl'.a society. Rea;idents c f1 the ccmmnuni-ty are directing the vani- ous g-m-atmps. Tisa ycars ago XVatw-ood dida't hasve abhre.-and<lis n w- a secti-on cf 1700 hungalows---tiresidential st-c ti of' a splendid cla.ss cf peo)ple." Tbe Stateasnitin congratulatos Rex'. Mir. Tlîîk on bis succeýs and wishes hint ûl-pa in the- future. EDITOR'S NOTES Belic-ve in your w-ork and like it if poss«.ible, for siamply ta believe la what w-c arc doing, la ils usefulaca', n its, value nomvos arm and brain, intention andl fulfîlîmient. That la o great deal. The moth-od,-,cf ex- plaining il, are simple. Such a ho- the w-orker-it broods ent-busiasm. Pelieve wvhat ys>u are doiag il a-rtb whua iand that you are lte person ta la kt. This puts you on the high- w-ny ta succea-s. A number of young people froin St. John's Anglican ýCburch w--e la Toronto Tuesday attending the RabIy cf Youth held la St. Paul's Anglican Cbui-ch w-bore Rev. Canon A. P. Goxver-Rc-es, M. C., cf St. George's, Montreal, w-as lihe 9pecial speaker:! Sow Clean Seed We have a supl)ly of Governmeflt Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties and prices: No. 1 Red Clover ...................$10.00 per bus. No. 1 Alsike ........................... 11.0per bus. Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity .... 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Alfalfa Utah Grown .........18.50 per bus. No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover 5.00 per but. (Limited Quantity Only) WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F Seed Oats - Seed Barley, two or six rowed Seed Spring Wheat - Feed Oats McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274 Kin St. E. BownianvilleI THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY I fo c< 01 fo ci hc 01 Ca ce ma Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager T'ACH branch manager or this Bank gives a l~farmer customer individual attention. And with him, nearly 600 other managers co-operate that the farmer may have a safe place for his savings; that he may borrow under the easiest possible conditions; that he may buy or sell in any part of the civilized globe. This explains why an ever-increasing number of farmers make use of the thoroughly modern and friendly service this Bank offers. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE witb which is amalgamnated THE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA m CURE àpedy It OIV&Nte CouGMBs. COL ANto mmoN. CMITiB WMam TftEArco WITN tém? e.-vlTACT :OF C0DLIVR~~ À i NEW SPRJNG FOOT WEAR Spring days ai-e coming when you will need new footwear. A pair of rubbers may save you dol- lars in doctoî bis. A new pair of shoes to go with your new clothes. Then to ensure the ut- most in service and comfort let us fit you. Women's black or bî-own kid pumps, the new long vamp and covered cuban heels, fit like a glove, $7.50 pr. Women's black or brown kid oxfords, with rein- forced ai-ch cuban rubber heels ........$4.50 pr. Girls' bî'own kid, fancy trimmed laced tie oxfoffd, with covered cuban heels .............$4.95 pr. Men's caif oxfords in Murray make, with either single or double soles, made to wear,..$7.50 pr. Men's work boots with panco or leather soles in solid oiled tan leathers, black or brow'n, every pair a winner ................$3.65 to $4.50 pr. Rubbers and Rubber Boots-ail first quality goods to fit any member of the family. e 0 1*ë PAGE TWO 1 i ()F THE EX

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