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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2Oth, 1930 SPRING SlO WINC 0F STYLISH F00 TWEAR MENVS FURNJSHJNGS and CLOTHING LATEST STYLES AND BEST VALUES IN TOWN Corne in and look around. RO)VAN'S SIIOE STORE Opposite the Bowmau Hous. in the aid McMurtry Block-Phone 528 - -yur 4 ce Ycut-rocr Healti to sel-the kind of IIeaîî :;it cnes from light, nourishing, easiydictti ols Yot, wilI find it in every n)ack?,ge f S' 'hredded Wheat. Bat it every du-v~j.- r~i or crc-an and you will be beaithy arid s r-n,îcadv'- for every test of mental and phyr-ical endur-.nc. Ail the body-building elenrints in the -,vho1e Nwheat grain-nothi-.I, adéctd, nothin<5 taken away -,ind so eI digested. It's delicious with fruits. ~ W!TH ALL THE EPA.' THE CANADIAN ýS.firEDDED WHEAT CO.:.4 Meother> cari easily knoxv when their chitdren are trout1ed with worms, and they lose no time in ap- plying a reliahie rmey ohe Gravei' Wsýrrii Exý,rina'o',. When 1 was taking the Vege- table Comipound 1 tried the sample Liver Pis 1 fûund in the package. 1 have taken them cvery nhight since and 1 can feel my.self improving. 1 arn so thankful for the good they do me that 1 have told several women about it."- Bladder Weakness Makes Lif e Miser y! Daily Annoyance,Troublesonie Nights Wrecking Lives of Tbousanda States Writer Who Tells What To Do For Quick Relief Backaches, Headachecs, Pains in feet and leg,vousness. Refstlç-.ss- ness, frequt-nt but scanty Urination wi-th hurning and pain, getting-up- nights-are some of the more troub- ieozniv signs chat should have prompt att>-ntion bc-fore uthey rc-ach a more ý(-rious stage! N, mnatter how stubb<,rn your case rnttv '.eenito he or h-cw many- mcdi- cne 'u have tried ;çithout results -don" . hink your condition is hope- 1es r th- natural consequence îof oh varuing year s until you have trieýd * ne arn iing )'aIu f iJ Dr. South- Oin a 's-tdcL guarantee of m~e bac (,i fî rst box .pur-hased if vou t(CýV Ss cie.wift and satî -fving i .an.v good dsruggist wil sapj ,o :u wt h "Ur.aa!' n 'du ;,ackage. containing a ten davt-' sup- v.If bhey hring great relitef ý>i 1' t our.-andi a \\o)ndCrfui loi, --(>5'in.ie of t-ti) days, \ou j s'.il I ii g 'tv le- d if thev 41o ru,, bt-ip. hI.V - tVOU 1ns'hing! Azk POULTRY WÀN TED Poultry and arn paying highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY Il composition and also the deîivery ha-1 fore the microphone . As noiod ari-1 i er they give, the whole shotv. King-1 fihadother pensons who Jhappen i- 1 toteact is represented by either of the boys. The illusion of a thirdI or f-ourtb voice we be>lie.ve is one cfi, týhe clevere-st affects they pro)duce."1 MEET AMOS '1<' ANDY Amos la Tail and Siender With Curly Brown Hair and Anuly la Heavy and Dark With Twinkling Eyes- Have Had Conspicuous Succestlu Broadcasting-Popular With Col- osred Race. The two gentlemen referred to having corne into, such widesipread populariby the followng, taken from the Ottawa Journal, will dou5btless be found of interest: «'We do not Itesitate to number otur-4_elveS among those whe find lIots of fun in Arnos 'n' Andy, aithough we admit that they have flot driven us to change any tooth paste habits. Nevertheless we congratuiste mrofit heartily the Pepsnd*ent peiopie for Ihavirtg the enterprise to girve radio listeners such a deligihtful progran jevery night of te we-k but Sunday. Our oniy regret la, that they do not present it on Sunday as wail. We do not know whether the Pepsodient peopie are advertising in this paper and we do not care. We are glad anough to give tlsom this free notice because of those two very appeaiingý coons, Arnos and Andy. As a mat- ter of f act the entertainers are not flegmoes at ail. Quite the reverse. They are two fair skinned, well groomed young men. Amos is tail and siender with curly broç%n hair and light brown eyes. Andy la somew.ihat %hore,-, heavier and dark- er, and his eyei' have a humorous tw-inkle. In real life it la Amnos who, ia the Icquacious one, Audy being' rather more reserved andi inclined mertsiy to, corroborate what his part- 1 ncr says rather than launching out - ith his owrt ideas. They write their 'Pbey are, nomx. visiting Newv York,' for as Amos says "New York is the real criterion of whether or flot a show is good. You rMay ha liked by ail the1 rest of the courntry, but if New York hasn't set the stan<p of approval u- on you. vou just hayon': arrived."1 We are to say that whataver New York says those boys have arrived ail right. In real lif e Amos is Mr. Freeman Gosden and Andy is Mr. Charlîes J. Correli. [t is a m4ore guess of oursi that they have had eonsiderable vaudeville experience. For five yearsl they have b'een working hefora the microphone, ftrst as Sam 'n' Henry, an exclusive Chicago fesatura of WGN. After that contract expîred they signed Up with the Pepsodent 1 people and their voices are now heard! f rom a dozen or more stations in the United States and Canada. It is said that they are the higlhest priced teamn on the radio and have a larger following than any other radio enter- tainers. They read most of the so- called "fan" mail which they receive and they say that if it hapipens to contain a sincere 'ietter whicb sug-1 gests téhat, thay are getting monoton- ous on some subject they in<scantly drop it. They consider just one lettar a straw in the wind of publie opinion and tbay do not wait for the tornado. Here one mnlght remark that one of the best features ofthe Amos 'n' Andy performance is its brevity. It is neyer long anc ugh which is just tan thousand tintes bet- ter than b-eing a shade too long. 1 We laarn, t(Yo, that the absence of wise cracks f rom, their programs, la by no means due to tlheir inabîlity te provide them. If, in the natural course of -preparing their dialogue, the suhject having been datermined on some witty co.me-back occurs to, themn thcy rule it c>ut as being neti keeping with the types they are desir- ing to present. For example, the other day they were getting their act ready and Andy said to Amos, "Ah's gemn' heat you Up. Aih goin' to The expected retort wouid have been1 knock the knots riglit off yo' haid." for Annso% to repiy, "Ah ain't got no knots on ma haid." W'hereupon An- drerw might have retortad with fatal smartnss, "Ah godn' to, put sonne knots on you hald an' den knock 'arn 1off." But instead of yielding to t his ten'.p-aton Amos merely reiplied to jAndy's threat with "I)on't do dat, IAndy--don't do dat." That la re- sisting the tendency to gat a laugh at the cost of sacrificing ihe charac- ,ers prryd What arej ! ths,- harater- Theun iversal1 Amineric-an negroes. The perf ormers have no particular nesgro in mmid nor 1the ne'gvoes of any particular dis- trict. They ýimp.iy give the rather sLrnple-mnindef-d negroes that are more 1meanings they use a dialact that la -not local hut widely accepted. .Just bow clever is their imperson- i -ation is to ha inferred froni the fact: that chey are tremendousiy popular J among negroas, mo.st of %vhom believe that they belong to their own race. Many relatives and old friendr. in Msa. Elizabeth Bonnycastie, Cartwrighat xili e sonry to iearn of Caimpbeliford the passing of a former well-known resident. The Viscount Sun says: jOn Saturday avening, March 8th, Deatb laid a claiming band on an- jafter an ilînessa of several weeks, other aged and respected resident o Ezabeth Lennox, widow of Frank the district wben on Wednesslay af- Bonnycastie, passed to ber re'ward. ternoon, Marcb Stb. Maria Margaret, Dýcceased w-as a native of Sey- wife of Mr. Thomas Swain, pssdto mour in wbich tsx'vnship she spent the Great B+eyond. bier -whola hife. In young woman- Deceased, xvho -%vas in her 77th she-od shfe marrie-d ber late husband, year. had 'been sti-iciten on Jansîary. whoý died about '25 years ago. There 30tb witb cerebral hcnsorrbage. lien survive a famiiy of *'ï,o Son, Dr. Ger- usual good healt.b raspi<lly clbed and aId Bonnycastle. of Bow-ranville; the end came in peace in the pt-,e- Mrs. Wallace, Tort nt.o; M-. Clark. ence of ber huSband and ail bu*, two Lakepoil- and Msý:. Hand, of Penni- of ber survixing cbilcircn. isylvania. Two 'istens, Mrs James Mr wiwabonnthtw- Cameron, of tow-n. and Mrs. Ed- I r.Sanwsbr h on I w-rds of akeonsant thre bo- ip f Cartwright, Ontario, and ivas herds, in thepior tandte Ie sr- tha daughter cf the late Chanles and the-Sinth Ui,,.-(iStte. lt Fr-Hannab Weldon, She was first i aeMrvBoncate.a married to William T. Marlow-, and dexout Christian lady, whose fine fu birnhe-dteuin e sensibilities and nobii ity of chanse- son Gilbae-t of Dubois, Idaho, U.S.A.. ter ndered er al. . meberand daughter, Mrs. L. E. (F1oronce> ter~~~~~~ ~~ enerdhrtoal ime McGill. of Janetville. Ont., survive. of tlbe Anglican Chtîncb. >he w-as in-;Aotfryfv ersaos ýn terested in alI its activities. and abufrt-veyasgo-h'wt regular worshipper at its services. miedt hmi wiad-oti Tfuneral w-a-. held un Monda,, union twýo sons and, tw'o daughters afternoon, service being conducted were born: To adib ed oi Wal cThurcl! b as'rev. . Cr: a. Matilda) Harran of Useseýrea. Ont.; C. Bonycasle, eani s a ern F. and Mrs. Dan (Selena i MeVicar tif 0.C. Watson, Alfredi Cassan, Jaris -onsa.Si. Boyle and Mi-. R.was-ds, 4of Lake- For a numbc-r of years the famniy po rt. made their home ait Blacktocit, Ont. Floral tributes. se the nemor,- of In the early days of settlernont in the deceased ware numenous. The the Viscountt disýtric-t Mr. Swain took remains were laid to nrest in the fani- up land hier@, Mrs. Swaîn and bier ily plot in Christ Cburch Cernetery - daugbter fol-owing Wa.st. arrived ________ ere March l7th, 1913. -Fuinerai seýrvice, conducted by Rev. n Du..B. H. L. Dance, of St. Paul's An- M ans ioor Dack ir"ican Ghlurcb. was held at the home -Friday, March 7th. n nemn Lame And Achinfg v-as made in the Union Cemetery. Colon--ay, Sask. *The .incero synipathy of the anÀtra Se-me backs ache al day long-a' community la etended Mn. Sw-ain steady aching soreness-it -ceens -,0 and bis family in the great ioss they the man afflicted that at timee hi.. have suffered. back was breaking! 1 Whben yon corne homne fr,m work DvdTyra, oot at nigbt vith a back s~o sore, lamei ai yrnn oot andi wxeak that you feel migbty sureï. 1Less chan a m-onth aftier Vbe c-la- yon %von't bca ab.e togo tI w-erkit l ration of bi is ninety4ifth birthday, the mcrning-DO THIS: 'daath came Friday, March 7th, te Gr-- someone to giva it a good rub- David T'yerman at his residenca, 447 bing witb Joint-Ea.se- a . oýothing l id Avenue, Toronto, whera ha penatrating, pain subduing. '.onderI had moade bis home f'or more than 38) '.orking emoilient that gets rigbt years. Althougb in peor ihealtb for under the sitin - right wbera the sorte montha, Mr. Tyenman had been muscles are inflamed and s ov c onfîned te> Ms bed only during the Then forzet your troublas and go. p.t two days. Reanarkably aiert to sie-e. for bis yeaa-s and in possession efa Uniess you're differant froni othar keen sense o-f huinon, ha conînued toý mon yau'Il waka up in the morning intra h ayfinsx on sth a bssack frerom aches, paing. delight in visiting the home. stifnes andmisry-ad yu'ilgo~ Among the reminiscences of early to w.ork with a grateful beart and days recalaed by Mn. Tyenman were tell your friends about the migh<y 'tories of the e-ventfýul six x'.eeits' ift ctig pwerof oin-Eae. j ourney by saiiing vessai from Eng- 1Joint-Ease [c made ,rýgbt hene inlanmd te New York wbid(h, as a lad of Canada anti it's just as good fori 12 yeans, hoe was privilezed te- enjoy. lumbago too-a genenous tuba for eJO1 Settinz wit'h bis family near Les- cents at druggists evarywh are- kard in Clarkea tow-nship, ivisen finst Guarntaed. caming to Canada, hae resided for many years in Durham Ccuns.v, en- gaging in farming and building. A * .taunch Metholi-st, Mn. Tyarmian's ýc5_bone xvus aver oen tt, the old cir- I i-ise ns and tth r niniste s. H a - wiL faniiar with >andse-ight daya in Ontario. Ha w-as a Libenal and a strong probibitionist. Bora in 1 Yorktshire, Englanti, h bc'îI)-ved bis ~ ninety-fifth hirthday on St. Vaien- ine'sI)ay. For nearly 253 yaansha bat! b,-en ratine-(i fnom business. Dr-.j Pete-'Dnavid Tyerman. tbe onix -.ý,n, - whtlad heen visiting bis father. left Toronto>l Satut'dav for bis btmc- in Prince Albert.1 W' Tht- funenal s-arvicc.s xei-e huIt! on.yat bis rpsidence. Rev. Bis- s(p XW: luart Brewing. an siti friand Mn.r. P-s an.refermg a,h s" BABY CHICK FOOD lPt Thwe . Pdrur baby chickswth PRArrS BAnv -"l -n, t.win-)n, Atu K OODnd prevent the scourge of ro. B Pot! .J White Diarrhou-. ftnout onui ves..hieks* -Ls'n .B.PotsR 1 il,., but rakes them sîr.sng andst ursîy Sn-ath an!dJ. 1). ('snklin. Inter- and fit& themt,, hecore heavy i.o'-tr@. ne inon'toit plat-ein Mount PleasLzant, aura you g,'t iit TTS. Pratt Food C. u Caneda«. Ltd., To,-entu . rt'-C5 Acids in Stomach s i Cause Indigestion; a ~Nfedical authonîties stato that near- ly nine-tenths of the cases of stomacb * * * troubla, indigestion, sotîmness- humn ing, gas. bloating, nausea, etc. arcj M i l l iln*Ut ' n f l~i 3>UtirI,,t,,, <Âtt Write THE Bo.ri Co. Ltun-m, D pi. B 83, 140 St. Paul St. Wcat, Nmtr«i. in the stomacb. The delicate 'tom- ach lining is initatad, tigestion ie de-I laved and foosd sonna, causing the dis-1 agreabale symptonis which avery -torntnh anfenrritnow-s 5 w'eli. Artificial digestent-s are not neûded 1 Try layimgaide al] digestive aida and instant! get from any druggiat sorne Bisurated Magnesia and take a tea-I spoonful of powdor or four tablats in watar ight aften eating. This sw' et- ens the stomach, prevents the forma- tion of excess acid and thena ls ne sournass, gas or pain. Bisuratad Magnesla (in powdeT or tablet f onm -neyer liquid or miik) la harniless te the stamach, inexpensive to take and inl theamnt efficient form eof magnesia OBITUARY A. J. Wright, Toronto Folbewing an iUlness of f ive weeks, thse death eccurred on March 4ûb, of Arcbibald James Wright, Gardan Ave., TIoronto, lata provincial in- spactor of factonies. Mr. Wright was educated at Cobourg and Preston. Shortriy after the outbreak of war he jû,inad tihe lth bat':alion of the South WaterIcoo regiment, with which he went overseas. At the end of the war ýhe returned to Canada and teok u.p residence once more in Pros- ton wbere for many years he was president. of the great war veterans' association. Some eight years ago ho ntoved to Tkronto and joined the factory inspection departntent. Ha was Anglican in religion. Surviving are bi wido, formerly Miss Eliza- bath Beck of Kitchener, Ont., three brother'. and four sistc'rs. Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Wellington St., Bowmanville. is a sister of the late A. J. Wright* Mr. and Mrs. Caveriy and daughtar Rena attended the fun- ara! services at Toronto and Preston. OBITUARY Misa Barbar-a C. Williamaon, Toronto Born in Bowmanviile 70 years agie, being the youngest daughter of the late William Willianmson and Don- inda Leavens, eerly sectlers e the township o-f £arlington, and a res'dent of Toronto for more than half that peri&d., -Barbara C. Wiliamson, 21 Suffio-lk Street, died on Friday, following a bncie ilîness from pneumonia. She was a ntem- ber e-f St. Andrew's United Church and for many yc-ars'had taken a de-etp intarest in aIl its activities, jparicu- iarly in the W.M.S. and W'omen's Auxiliary. Sha la survived by tw. sisters, Misses Harriet and Marlon Wiliamson, Toronto, and one brother Bruce, in Los Angeles, Cal. The funaral service was beld in Toronto on Monday, Marcb l7tsh, in- terment taking place ini Bo'wmanvilfle cemnetery on Monday afterne-on, ccnducted by Rev. W. A. Bunner. Mr. Thos. Swain, Vicount, Sask. '-i EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERIS 'l'ie upsets of AIl children are subject to littie upsets. [bev corne at unexpected txnics. lhey seein twtce as sertous in the dea<l of nighit. But thcre's on0e foriii of ccern tort on w~hich a inother cari a1way s rely; gond oic! (abtoria. This :purte vegetahie preparation ic,,n'tharni te t înýc;t infant. Yet mrild as it i.. it soiîthles arestle-s, fretinl babv like ntirIin.g eisc . squi'ýk reli-t -on ' S( the voungster coniortabie once more. back to sieep. Even an attack of I Umnute En& tchaC4 "Btaby had terrible ecZerna .."OTI-AV MZSDCt Sai,.' ended itcbing in 1 rminure. Disease .o,i lett.'- Mns. J. Laurence. Stops itch, burn, vain in à minute. Eczema goes for good iu f, da5y>. Skia becomea cIerat mootb. AiU Tug.aýts. isfer years of rheumatism, now in MEperfect healtb" nys àù. A. Ducb- arme. Thousanda wite rheamatic Fuit - ..tsîve Cpatini Ali]tet cc-d overaight. Nerves quiet. *~ ~ASIOR14 O' 4079 s, 5.n'O~"" tes.stooet '4ssroI '<O SAOCO¶'t ~>Z~i a~t Dsatr~" ~i< 45d F 's-'r r.> s..<' c--' ci rajjpta LSD celic. or ciarrbea, vields te the sstothing influtence ni Caste-ris. Kecp Castonia in iîind, and keep a lot le inthnise 1>0(se-ai ways. Giea fcxx dcif) teti-child wiîzto- c tinstis roatt-d. or wbese iteti:>i, std. t itttiuexith Cat.tria 1tit ise chili is grown! dvrv lmgtore itas (acitonia the genuie blias -. il. tcher's signature on the xx napper. f ,ook's Regulating Compound A #sfe, ceissîtia reui"iae 14 fs> i trelgt-Ns .1. bi- l ail druggiatê, or sent ou ,ni 1.r(-epts"f price, n te p1skt. Asd ires.: THE COOIK MEDICINE=O d " 5 0.14 he 'c,î 1s fsh Prcparatrnn. ibý 1 oses am<r'.oat the whoie s' ' serouo 'sste", malles new Bond \tzi in tis ilo,.. Us..d for Nervous Mnldandi Brasfl4'or-y, IeT'd,< v s of L'iner"5-. Pairitaton ùý ltaill -o.Pa1a Mestsory. je 2 pe box.. ocI Siibv al ln.uggists, or mlaled ini.pain 's cr, ut ofnse tNew parhiét mauted -'e .-J ii iw'r n MrDIrEC.Oov., HOT CROSS BUNS TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS U>URING LENT On Sale at Store or from Wagon. The Bowmanvifle Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE a uiîai;iz_- PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TFIURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1930 1~~

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