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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2Oth, 1930 PAGE SEVEN j 'Vist Canada's great mounitain country this ~-/ L~7' ~ summer. Sce the mighty scenezy of our Far f West. Make Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park your mountain herdquarters. Ride, climnb, swlm, golf, tennis, mnotor, explore. PACIFIC COAST On t th Pacfic...A 500 mile trip froin Différent fromi QUICK every other Oats QUAKIER OATS1 COOKS IN 21/2 MINUTES 867 This Tells You WIiy YOU SHOULD BUY COAL FROM JOHN A HOLGATE & SON 'Buy the COAL that SELLS BEST That's one reason why we Ikeep our customers aatisfied. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE M71.Coal That Sactisnfea We also seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2' Bowmanville INSURANCE e S,-'ERVICE OUR CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE HAD FIRES APPRECIATE THE SERVICE WE GIVE. We hope our customers will neyer have to $ealize on their fire insurance policies-but when they do have a fire we immediately get busy and have the adjustments made as liberal and as ba,1 factory as it is possible to get them. For this prompt and efficient service many customeffi have recommended our firm to their friends and neighbors. JJ. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmaanville News For thej (FurnisheeA by the Ontario D, the C.F.R., in a recent address at Toronto, dealing wiîh the conditionsi of the rajlways in their rclation to the marketing of Canada's wheat crorp, paid a remarkable tribute to agriculture. He declared: "It al indicates thse trernendcu.s importance of agriculture to Canada's prosperi*zy, flot only in its direct rcsults to the producers of fanm products, but to the business of the country as a Iwhole and through the value of the Igeneral purchasing power mihich ag- ricultural prosperity gwves." Amount of Farrn Loans Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of IAgriculture, toId thse Legisiature that the amount of loans outstand- ing under the Agricultural Develop-i ment Act for the pa.st three years I was $15,531,360 in 1927; $19,465,-1I 405 in 1928, and $23,835,887 in 1929. He said there was $133,999 outstending in short terni notes atl the close of the last fiscal year. In answering a question as to hc'w much money bas been ilat to date, hie said: "There have been no actuail o-sees because tihe reserve created for that purpose bas itaken care of all short- agea, which have been $12,804 for long terni notes, and $903 for shortI terni notes,. The board bas taken no foreclosures in the last threQ i years, although sale proceedings have been taken in 52 cases." Good SeeJ Pays Well According to experiments condtsct- ed at tise Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, it is now quite possible ta naise thse yield forty per cent by usiig~ dlean, bigis quality seed. Resuits based on the work of the Isat fewl years actual.1y show that this increase over nhe bcw-yielding plots run al the way from 30 to 63 per cent. The importance of well-cleaned seed is fur'ther jllustrated bv tise nesuits f rom plots wbere small, sisnunken and broken -eed wes used in one case and large plump kernels in tise other. The case of tise former sho-,ed the Aleld with oats to bie 46.6 bushels pen acre as compared with 62 bushels from tise latter. Go'd seed costs teeS than two dollars per acre more and Yet this extra two dollars means a yield <f 15 bushela of oats on ev- ery acre. Free Material The Ontario Agricultural and Ex- perimental Union is again prcpared to distribute in Ontiario f ree mater- ial f or experiments ivith grains, po-è jtatoes, iloots, fodder crops and fertil- izera. AIl seeds and fertilizera will >be sent in go.od tme for spring seed- ing provided applications are receiv- ed et an early date. Thse supply, however, la limited and those who applY finst will -be surest oîf obtaining the desired material. Prof. W. J. Squirrel of thée Ontario Agricultural College, <uelph, is dineceton of ex- perimenits. Eradicating Weeds Good work is being done in 'part of Weliington County to curtail the weed nuisance. R. H. Clemens, ilie agric11ural nepresentative <>f that district, recently declared tisat the soW thistile bias been eut down by fifty per cent. Similar reports have been issued by other agricultural ne- presenîtatives who are giving atten- tion to this inmportant matter. The past dry season was n&t favorable fNT the continued growtis of tise weed and valuable steips wene taken foi'ward in its eradication in many parts of On-1 tario.1 "SARGON A BLESSING IN HOME," SHE STATES "I'-sobappy over the way Sai- g'on retored my health and strengthj that I want to belp others by telling them about tihis splendid new medi- dîne. my housework is a pleasure. "My husband is also taking Sargon with splendid results and it has been a ýblessing to our home."ý--Mrs. Gladys Prout, 301 Galedonia Rd., Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Bl-ow- manville from JUSY & Lovell1. J ORONO B usy Farm er (ro The News of March l3th.) Mrs. Thos. Hogg isvisiting friends )epartmont af Agriculture) ~ lWStm Otre Mr. Milton Staple;, Brai:f d ýs 'telIénzAborteýî Cc r. Dr. P <. .rsi. No "nLm_ i...:cnh h" abortedl......... shoulJ be sent to marke1t cr sold to A' ion in Toronto last we4ek. another establishment until it lias Miss 'Margaret Brown underwent I undergone the proper pemiod of isola- a successful operationi for appendici- tinand been disinfected, otlterw.ise tis Tuesday morning in St. Michael's it may carry infection elsewhere. 1isospital, Toronto. With some farmers it ia customary Mr. Moore, Oshsawa, bas bought, ,,o get rid of animaIs which have f romi Mr. John Taylor of Binchcliff e, abo rted. It shîould be particularly Jhse oÈl BeIlwood farm, 103 acres,i noted, however, that nsost animais west of Trickey's corners. which have suffered froin an attack Mr. Isaac Winter bas lef t fori of the disease are tistiaîY more re- Mountainside, Man., where bie willi sistant to it than tisose -,ihich have j spend a couple of months on tise eld not, and that by keeping animaIs farrn in the Boisevaine district. which have aborted, one may be bet- WlimIvn . . fWtsi ter enabled to get rid of recurnîng win, Alta., who was tise speaker at losses in infected herds, as imm uniz- itise special services at Park street ed stock ia much miore useful for th"a churcis Sunday, and Mrs. Irvin, were purpose than new animais. gueats during their stay of Mr. and Shel F ringMateial Mrs. M. H. Staples. Sh '0'rmn MtraIt Bids Pain Begonte.-When rieur- More care siould be taken to mnix algia racks tise nerves or lumbago prtspeiily thse meals which composje cripples the back is the time to test the mash, as there is no doubt tihat the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric egg troubles in the way of shell-les il. Well rtbbed in it will stilI tise eggs, etc., can at times be put dewn pain and produce a sensation of ease to the maah not being prtoperby mixed. and rest. A trial of it will est.ablisis Lack of lime and oystem sheil grit faitis in it. and some grits make laying difficult. The World's Day of Prayen for In a badly mixed masis a flux of meat Missions was observed in Park street or some other source of protein la churcis on Friday asat in connection often found, and that may easiby ac- witis the W. M. S. An impressive counit for sheil-loas eggs. There la responsive service was conducted by another reason why one should mnix Grouip 1, Mrs. A. Knox 0conventen; the meals propenly, and that is that and a vocal duet by Miss Helen Po'w- tibe masis is made more pailatable ers and Mra. Gtéorge Mitchell was wben mnixed in a therougis maniner. weli rendered. ________A naimber -of officers and members of Orono Ledge, A. F. & A. M., ac- no l o a r on isis officiail visit to Jerusaleni Cui ltLLLodge, Bowmanville, ls ek alter Lodge, Plrt Hope, o Marcis 7tb, a, nuilher of tise Orono 'bretihren ac-, conspanying hini. Iler litshanid*s deatlîk et lier voi' v r:::n Mn. Oscar Scot't received recently down in hcaltl,. î fil!et, c:t or 'ji the sad news of tise deatisaat Seattle, miîch .Now sItit i)'lîIter ii sPiri 1 :tid Wash., Marcis 7th, of bis sister, Mrs. cata and sleeps weil. WiVîat caîîsed the W. A' NeElands. Interment took difference ? Let lier answer in lier iiWO place at Vancouver, B. C., on Marcis ,words lo1tis ,M-rs. Neelanda was a visiton -I think Krusclien Salis are a spliendii witb irbohrhr ntesme tonir. After nmv lusband*s deatit in o ber92 brOther hem intiseousnse Deeemher last I hec:îîî" verv ,, f 92. f fmiy f ou sn in health. Ilad terrible lit, rof dî and tçajo daugisters born on tise Scott sion and wws tiniatie to eat or si, p 'homestead fanm, lot 20, in the 3rd much. 1 was alan troil ld wit! concession, Clarke, Mn. Scott of aur rlseumatism. 1 decided t take Kruîs- town alone survives. chen Salta and have now takttî îtle -lot il Attacked by Asthma. The first daily dose for ne-irly two mi nth.ý fearful sensation la of suffocation, during which time loy Itealtil lias svhicis hour by isour bocomes niore greatly improved. The rhieunmatisn ha., desperate and hopeless. To sucis a completely left nie. I amn ttirt case tise relief affonded by Dr. J. D. brighter In spirits and bot cat aîtd Kelloggs Asthnsa Remedy geenis no- sleep wefl." *- etd." tising leas tisan minaculous. Ita iselp When life begins ta e o on" i quickly apparent and scion thte whe'n you begin to feel the resuits of ra u a.akî aaee. Ts mdemn artificial cond it ions- errors of shai h a fudetts e diet. worrv. overwork, lack of exercise- shaiwohsfudotted- then you should tutra te Krus,-Iee Salts. pendabidlity of this sterling remedy They posse4s a wonderfttl power of wiUl neyer be -witlhout it. It is sold giving new life and vitalitv ta thse eveny'whene. counticas mil lions of celilsof whjeh the Nunmber 3 Croup, Park Street hurnan body is composd.r The wav to Cisurcis, Mrs. 0. W. Rolpis and Mrs. keep smiling is te take Knischeîî Salts T. H. Powers leaders, put on an old every nornig-just a pinch in your time ente'tiainment in tise scisool frut morning cup of ooffee or te&. 1 rooxn-of tIse cisurcis Tuesday evening, FRE T IA"OF"Rj March 4 'Much amusement a If you have neter trled hrughen-tr! h onow of ye olden days, gowns in tise beigbt at Our exj.dno. e Metise distributed a greatofasio Marly pectat "tiI A'T -packameswttels ate offahi n enty-five, f ifty and over Il easy for you ta prove our daiM for Yelrssit. one bundred yeans agic. Many of tise Ask your druggiiI for the e DC GIANT "' bc gentlemen aiso appeared in old time pa age. Tiis ronskita of our regutar 75c. botte together costume. A good 'prograni was pre- with a separsie trial bo)ttle-ufficlent for about seîted, sorte of tube vocal selecti;ons one week. Open the trial botte tst, put il ta the test, and then. if fot enttrely eoevtnoed ttu± 1 With milodeon acconipaniment. A Krusctsen doec everyttitaz we c4alun hlto du, the hot meat supper was served. Pro- regutar bottle i t euh segoùed senew. TailleILces$50 baek. Yotsr drurggit t, antttoriSed tn return ed$6.. ler75e. immediatelyad wihout qrUOSOI. Tise annual Men's Banquet, Park You. have tzied Kruseixen treaet opa r eeu tetCuchl nMna vn What eoutd be fairer! Manufsciared b SreYhrcs edo Mna vn B. crimftha Hughes. itd., manbîmter n ing, Marci lOtis, was a gratifying <Etab. 1766). iamorter: lMcGURM Bon, sUceesS. Tise men -of tise congrega- LM_..Toronto. _ tion had full charge andl proved theni- Corna cripple tise feet and malleselves caterers d ftise first nank in wliga tenture, yet sure relief in serving bot suppen pnovided. Tables thbe sape of H,1lloway's Corn Re- were lad for aieout 400 in tise anm- moyen is witisin reach of aIl. ounies, and following tise banquet an exceptonallly fine proýgram was rend- ered. Harry JRowe's orchestra gave BUY ALFALFA SEED CAREFULLY A aunber of very fine selecti-ons; vocal soîbes were rendened by Misa t la well known tihat ail Allialfa Helen Powers; and several numibers is not eqrually hardy and theWrne by the Newcasltle Male Quartette farimens would be well adrised Vo take compmising Measrs. Waltem Rickard, avery precaution wben buying seed. Howard Allin, Mark Allin and -Harold Hardiness depends upon type andi or- Allin. Communîty singing was led igin. by Mr. Neil Plorter. Speakers were Canadian grown seed is admitted Rev. F. H. Mason. Newcastle, who j to be hardy. T.his is not tained. gave a very intemesting talk qn labor, 'Vaniegated Alfalfa fron the States conditions as applied particularlv te' Ibordering on Canada and front Utahs, thse nid land, Rev. W. P. Rogers. New- Wyoming and South Dakota is hardy. catle, andRev. Thomas Wallace, If properly verifie< tis may be stain- Newtcniville. Pastor Rev. Wni. Ste r- ed 1% navy blue. Canadian grown !îni_ nmade a capable cisainman. Pro- and seed sbowing a blue stain is me- ceeds about $200. connnended for tisose desining per- - manent stands andi ni al seed grow-- îng areas. Meimbers, of tise Can- adian Seed Trade Assorciation in con- ference with Government offi ci al have agreed te, offer for sale, s1eed of tise above mentioned classes. They have also given assurance :y tisat any otisen alfaîf a aced inrpos-ted THE CHANGES 0F TIME Thiere la fia age witbout its charm, No Besson wholày drear, Whe looks on winter wkht alamni Sees mlot with vision clean. As hati tise gentle spring. Tisough youtih is fair, youth wants ta Vsew The changes Tüne wiU bring. Let young hearta alsare tise batfle thrill, OId Iheada are done witb stnife But Tinse basa compensations stilI For thoSe last yeanrsof bMe. What mattens if that strengith la past Life still bas jeys ta giwe! Onecan go miling ta tise last Anosi counit it good te live. Thse cbarms we knew as girlsantd boys Rame vanisbed long ago, But Tirne aVilI bag a stoock of joya For tiresi old mien ta know. -%dar Guest. DOCTORS quite approve the B quick comfont of Aspirin. For these perfectly harmless tablets wiII case an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do help and can't harm. Take them for any ache; ta avo;d the pain peculiar to women; nxany have found themi marvelous at such times. Thse proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tell how to treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia5, neuritis, etc. Ail druggists. ,IASPIRIN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 9 AT Low COST Prolecting Your legal Jability up ta $ 10,000, regardia.. o9 aumaber of persoa s njued, or whedio damage fa ta persoa or prop.rry. Prolecting You against damaga ta your car front eldu FIRE OR THBPTr. Private Passenger Cr 027 PER CAR Cbevom-ohsIIsd op ta $1,000 asez $30 PER CAR 050,0WO Ponidaa c«aien«e xcemfing 1.300 Sp.cfal whpps $38 PER CAR 1incusv Ford C «eceig0,0 Brakine Crsnt xa.in 2,O Durant 4 $43 PER CAR Limita Dada 4 Cars fot aceeding $3,300 Chrsie 4 $57 PER CAR $3.00 loc*"de Cars not .eseding $4,500 BXRAL $62 PER CAR CânacSe zdiffg $5.500 TUE PILOT Aut.bfle& Auddeu.t IuMam e 4». Ilà& Hoad Office: Waterloo Toe.W. Officit15M %y IL Local Agents: J. J. MASON & SON Bowmanville1 You can buy Salada quality at three cupi for a cent 'Fresh fronm the gadeuse EVENY BELL TELEPHONE 15 A LONG DISTANCE9 STATION Ready Now For Bigger Business Long Distance telephane facilities were neyer so complete -so ef- fective, speedy and far-reachdig as they arc today. Our 1929 building programme added about 14,000 miles of talk- ing channels ta aur lines. The standard of service was improved -is steadily iniproving. And it costa less than ever before, because an January Ist reduced rates an cails ta points 75 ta 800 miles distant became effective- the second reduction within a year. Why flot lay your plans now ta take advantage of thias peedy, dependable, tme-cdave *,-,k? Sick stomache, sour stomachs and iadigestion usually mean excers aeîd. Tise stomach nerves are over-stimu- lated. Too mucis aeid makes tise stom- acis and intestines saur. Alkali kilis aeid instantby. The best farta is Phillips' Mibk of Magnesia, be- cause one harmless, ta8teless dose neu- tralizes many times its volume in aeid. Since its invention, 50 yearsaega, it bas reînained tise standard with phyoicianB everywhere. Reduce the Acid In sick stomachs-instantly Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition wibl probahîy end in flve minutes. Then you wilI always know what ta do. Crude and hartaful methods will neyer appeal ta you. Go prove tisis for your own sake. It may save a great many disagreeable hours. Be sure ta get the genuine Pisillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excese acide. Eaeh bottle contains full direos tbona-amy drugstore.e TRE CANADIAN STATESMAIN, BOW-MANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1930 PAGE SEVEN

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