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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1930, p. 1

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~tte m am With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 13 CHARMING NEW FROCKS ARRIV1NG STYLES THAT ARE NEW AND DIFFERENT Are offered in these smart new arrivais for Spring. A group of new frocks in Crepe and Georgetteof the better class, very moderately pric- ed, show the new silhouette. Shirrings, the higher waist line and graceful f lares are much in evidence. Colors a r e b 1 a c k, independence, dahlia, hacienda and corin- thian green. MORE NEW DRESSES THIS WEEK NEW SPRING MILLINERY NOW ON D1SPLAY Miss Lola Downs is in charge of this department and will be glad to meet al old friends and any new ones Who are looking for the latest styles in millinery. FINE RANGE FIGURED RAYON SILKS in newest designs from 50c yard Up. 'New Curtains For Spring Very fine assortment of - Curtains and Curtain Materials at exceptional atract- ive values. Frilled Curtains for bedrooms $1 .25 up. NEW PRINTED SILK CREPES 50c YD. UP Celebrated Peter Pan Cloth, every yard guaranteed fast Coloras...........60c yd. Other f ast colored clotha at .......38c yd. Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose at $1.18 We are offering, a speciai uine of these hose at this very iow price for one week only. Ail perfect goods; no sec- onds in the lot. MEN'S STYLE EXPERT PHON4E 104 LIMITED BOW74ANILLE DURHAM CLUB 0F TORONTO Annual Meeting Thuraday, April 3rd -Durham People lnvited Next meeting of Durham Club of Toronto w;ill be held on Uhursday, April 3rd, at 8 p. m. at Willard Hall, 20 Gerrard Street East. This meet- ing is the annual reunion of the Dur- ha.m pe.ople and iheir friands. The ladies are entertaining andi a very cordial invitation is extended to be present. Mrs. J. D. Keachie, chair- man of consnitfee. SILVER WEDDING Relatives and Friends Pleasantly Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke About 70 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, King St., gave them a pleasant surprise on Sat urday evening, March 22nd, it being the twenty-fifth anniversary of thir wedding day. After ail had assem- bled the company was called t oor- der and the bride anid groom of twenty-five y#ars ago were ushered in to the strains of "Here Cornes the Bride," played by Mrs. Albert Cole, Mr. W. Riding, of Oshawa, who act- ed as chairman, called on Mr. W. J. E. Ormiston to read the following ad- dress: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Oke: Your relatives and friends ha\ve taken this opportunity of taking your cottage by surprise to-night on this the 25th an- niv*ersary or your weddlng day. We congratulate you both most heartily on enjoylng these 25 years of marrled bliss and trust that God by his graclous wiIi may spare you to enjoy rnany other such festive occasions. How swlftly the vears have flown, mingled with changes ofJ Igladness and sorrows. burdens and hap- î,lness, but on looking back you can only sec the hilîtops or joy, forgetting the vales of trouble. You have been truly ilest with the most priceless gifts that this world can bestow. good heaith, al lovcly home in evtry sense of the word where the sanctities of lite have found their most endearing shrine. dhnd three affectionate and enterprising chiidren, Wllbur, Morlcy and Evelyn, hesides one grand-child Gloria. You have display- ed untlring efforts te please others al- ways, besides your congcnlality and klnd hospltallty have made your home most enJoyrable te enter at ail times. May the sunlight o! increasing prospcrity and happlness be yours for rnany years to corne. and may God grant you his favor. We now ask you to accept this smali gift <a silver tea service), flot for its lntrinsic worth, but for the affection whlch It represents, and the weil wishes of, ail present. Signcd on behal! of your relatives and friends. (Mrs.) Aberta Denscyn, con- vener. 1Miss Betty Frice, Toronto, pre- sented the bride with a dozen Ameni- can Beauty Roses, while Florence and Eric Densem, children of Mr. and Mrs. Allant Densem, brouglht in a ail- ver tes service and tray and sand- wich plate. Mrs. J. M. Baldwin pre- sented them with a lovely plant. A fitting reply was made fby the surprised couple after which a jolly evening was spent in singing, cards and dancing. A fine exhibition of *toe dancing was given by little Miss Margaret Abraham of Toronto. Lunch, delicious in quality and quantity was served by the ladies and a very pleasant and enjoyable even- ing brought to a close. SUPPER DANCE - EUCHRE PARTY Popular Community Event at Bal. moral Hotel, Friday, April 4th. The younger set of Bowmanville will welcoTne the opportunity of tak- ing part in the ftrst community 'Sup- per Dance and Euchre Party to bel held et Balmroral Hotel Friday, April 4tih. A chicken dinner will be serv- ed at 7 p. m. foblo'wed by dancing with gooli music, or cards for those not wishing to dance. This is your invitation to attend as persconal in- vitations are not being sent out. Accommodation is of course limited 50 make yoixr reservatiolis early at the hotel or with Alan Knight. Tic- kets $1,00 each. 13-2 ROYA L THURS., FR1. and SAT. MARCH 27 - 28 - 29 The golden voice of the SilIven Screen Ramon Novarro in the musical romance sensation "DEVIL MAY CARE"' MON., TUES. and WED. COMENG APRIL 6 - 7 - Irene Bardomiiun "PARIS" HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS. Resulte of Examinations for thse Winter Term Forse V 11 Papers -Farewell Blackburn 68.1; 10 Papers-Freda ]Dlliott 83.2, William Lycett 10.2, Grace Elliott 59.7, Jabez Vanstone 49.8; 9 Papers -Wallace Horn 69.2, Raiph Wood 66.8, Lawrence Asllton 63.6, Herbent Colmer 63.1; 8 Pa~Pers--Muriel Han- derson 69.9, George knmstrong 55.6, Novelda Berry 52.4; 7 Paperns--Mar- jonie Pnndy 66.6, Vera Trnible 64.3, Marion Green 63, Phylla Clemence 62.3, Winnifred Rickard 62.1, Domo- thy Rickard 54.7, Helen Argue 43.6; 6 Papers-Margaret Dickson 78.3, Beatrice Cryderman 47.7, Horace Best 44; 5 Papers-.-Jack Minore 56.4, Nallie Kirkton 45.6;,'3 Papers-Mar- ion Richard 68.7. Fown, IV ,10 Papers--Florence Bennett 63.5,1 Grace Hastings 42.8; 9 Papers-John' Jury 82.3, Winnifred Lancaster 72.5, ,Morley Vanstone 68.2, Murieil Moore 66.8, Kennetb Osborne 66.6, Harold Slemen 63.1, Kennetis Morris 61.7, Douglas Adams 57.3, iStanley Rickard 55.9, Robent Corbetti 49.2, RutIs Alljn 43.7; 8 Psiper-Muriel Baker 68.4, Evelyn Rickard 52, Margare Scott 47.7, Leoe Miller 45.1, Jean Be'nth- ami 39.1; 7 Papers-Nelson Osborne 47.3; 5 Papes-AlanClemence 53.*6,1i Gladys Jamiason 46.4. Forni I11 12 Papes-.Marjorie Bradt 81, Pauline Wagar 79.1, 'Ruth Tuerk 68.5, Evelyn Go'ddard 63.3, Betty Morris 59.7; 10 Papers-Berniece S4Ainton 79.6, Kennetlh Wood 77,' Maurice Rose 76.1, Marionfltte 73.2, Jessie Knox 72.8, Stenley Cowl-I ing 71.6, lva Foley 70.9, Oharliej Clemence 68.8, Betty lFlaznnan 67.4,1 Oswald Anderson 67.1, Newton Hock- ney 6-3.3, Stan1lley Dunn 62.1, Thelma Wermy 60.9, Annie Wilkins 59.8, Joseph Alexander 58.1. May Frea-1 man 56, Alibert Rundle 54.2, Annie Gardiner 50.7, Leah Bell 43.8;I à Papers-Evelyn 'Millson 72.8, JeanI Millson 65.8, Gordon Adanison 54.8, 8 Papers-George Werry 76.2, Oliver Bradt 53, Wi'll lagran 49.4; 7 Pap- ers--Milda Moore 58.7, Bradley Hon- eymnan 52; 6 Papers-iMarion Allin 45, Frances Harvie 38.5. Not grad- ed--Clara AsIslee, Norah Hayward, Alan Osborne. Form lIA 10 Palpers-Phyiis Challis 82, Vio- let MclFeeters 66.'5, Elsie Carmutisers 55.5, Hilda .Brown 47.3; 9 Paper-. Helen Smale 68, Eliner Sykes 67.9, Betty Snowden 66.4, ilertha Kellar 63.4, Laura Davey 55, DorothyýSomi- erscales '52.3, IMarion Slemon 50.9,1 Madeline Veale 4, Christa Olsen 48.1,1 Hazel Walter 47.1, Winena Cavamly 34.7; 8 Paper&s-Ru.th Hayman 52.7, Nora Adamsa 47.6, Elizabeth Hender- son 47.1, Yvonne Tighe 46.5, Ethel Hendemson 45.1, Helen'McDonald 41, Margaret Colville 34.3, 'Rassie Mar- tin 25.6; 7 Papers-Mary Jewell 81.7, Dorothy Stevenis 65.1, Elsie Samis 49.5. Rose Bate 42.4, Gracie Welsh absent; 6 Papers-Gieraidine Williams 44. Form IIB 10 Paipens - A. Binks 80.5, E. Cox 73.3, J. B'u.nt 69.3, H. Mc.Lassghlin 60, A. Adams 58.9, C. Cawker 57.9; 9 Papers - D. Williams 65, G. Jollo'w 62.8, J. Jenningts 55.8, E. Bagnell 53.6, H. Wight 49.5, G. Flaxman 42.7, R. Smith 40.2, G. Richard 38.2, H. Gibbs 36.8, A. Wood 36.5, A. Culley 33.1; 8 Papers-J. Barton 65.4, M. Booth 62.8, O. Souch 56.7, L. Andrews 53.6, R. Neads 50.5, N. AsbJýon 48.1, E. Flaxman 46, C. Oke 43.7, E. Rich- ards 43.6; D. Courtice 43, A. Wil- liamis 28:4; 7 Papers'l R. Lunney 65.1, G. Veule 45.3; 6 Papers-G. Brent 39.8. Form lA 9 Papers-Evelyn MacKinnon 79.5 Ruby Hehibs 79.3, Margaret WigIst- m'an 78, Ada Annis 73.4, Betty Hem- man 67.5, Mary Clemence 62.4, Jean Wight 61.8, Louise Cole 61.7, Ada- laide Annis 59.6 Lorraine Pickamd 59.3. Betty Tamblyn 56.4, Eileen Stainton 54, Helen Wilkins 53.2, Alice Pumdy 51.9, Annie Ailliîî 51.1, Doris Collacott 49, Greta Wilihar- idge 47.5; 8 Papers,-Madelline Jonesý 83.7, Muriel 'Taylor 61.3, Dorotihy Edger 61.1, Ruths Purdy 59.5, Deo-a Wodod 55.5, Marion Honey &5.3, Hel- en Knox 55.1, Eilaen Aider 52.5, Femne Simiths 49.7, Doris Hall 49.6,1 Edith 'Morris 47.6, Evelyn Taylori 4.3.5, Jean Herring 43.5, Hilda Ha1ll 40.7, Evelyn ýOka 39.7, Florence H'ewston 33.8; 7 Papers-Mary Towns 65.1, Véra Lonsberry 60, Bessie Gi-ves 55.2, Nin& Hodgson 52.4 G'rTa Pearce 48.2, Dorotisy Rowe 45, Borea iMurdoif 43.7, iChristina Crons- 'hie 31.2, Edith Sellers 23.1. Did net wite-Bemnice Rundde, Frances Clarke. Form lB 9 Papers-Chester Jury 78, Leon- ard 77. Harold Colmer 72. Byron HIGH SCHOOL NEW ASSEMBLY i GOLDEN WEDDING HALL THROWN OPEN TO PUBLIC! _______i Mr. and Mrn. W. D. Short, Bowmýan- -Under Certain Conditions ville, Complete Fifty Years of' j Wedded LiE e The High Scihool Board at a spec- 1 ~ 2r,180 hr a jal meeing bas finally issued a pro- sOdenieat Hampton188, temrri-ae clamation and set its seal of approval Isof Mr. illift amptSortheand iAn- agreeing to tbrow wide open thse o r ila .SotadMs n doors of tIse new auditorium that ail I ie Cowling, the officiating clergy- and sundry niay enter its stately por-I man being the late Rev. J. P. Rowe. tals and use thMs spacious annex as a Fifty years have ýpassed sînceetht comnsunîty hall or rendeezvous for a app event, and Mn. and lMrs. Short craving people in search of pleasure, inuthe pe sence o relatives and entertainnefl and social intercourse. fri ends ver fit ingly celebrated the th anniversary et theit important The drein of a generation for a cerensony on Sunday last. centrally located public meeting place in 'Bowinanville with such ideali The reception for the friends and accomipaniments has at last become a' neighbors was held on Saturday af- realization. ternoon wben -a large nuier called But with a building costing to extend congratulations. The bzide $100,000 it ihust not hi onierdasad groom were assisted in recelvin play-hing.by their daughter, Mrs. F. R. Kers- atptetin g. adreveu haaken, lake, and the bride's sister, Mrs. C. aortentn ie n evneerv Wickett, 'thbe bnidesmad of fifty years for mintnnce.ago. AlI negretted that the grooms- 'To safeguard this institut4on Of 1mian of half a century ago, Mr. S. H. learning and to see that its original' Short, Vineland, North 'Carodina, m'as and panamount object for education- unable to ibe present. Others as- aI purposes is net jeo'pardized tOO~ sisting in recoiving 'were little Miss fneely for ulterior motives ot- activ- Lorna Sanders who opened the door ities it 'bas been found necessary te I for the guesits, Mrs. Henry Av~ery, inaugurate a set cyf mies, regula- Woodstock, niece, who looked after tions, conditiens, or in short a 'bard the register, and Mrs. H. H. Todg- and fast agreement when said edifce hans, Walkerville, who invited VIse is used for anything other than in-1 guests to the erom teflectual projeets.Th eetoantaros.we iA perusal of tsag'reeiment places lv T h eutifnaal lteroos dwere 1 i ona pr o imortncein he r-lov ey wi beauiulfiwermade-: chives of bistory with such documents; mired. The tes table centred with as the Magna Charta, the Decia-1 the three-story bride-cake, was dec-1 tion of Independence, and the Brit- orated with yellow roses and candlles ish North Amnerica Act. Or if yx>u and otÎher embellishmnents suited, to prefer sometbing more modemn for ithe golden occasion, and laden witb sake of convparison we may sey that dainty refreshusents. Mirs. Bessie a freedem-lovîng people will be forc-1 Roins, Hampton, sister of the ed t6 admit that any concessions the, bride, and Mm. Eva Hoskin, Sïmcoe, Boarkd bas seen fit to grant' prospec- 1 niece, poured tea, while the guests tive lesees are more binding than thbe were weîî looked after by Misses strongest clau~se in the Ontario Liq-. Greta Wickett, Ethel Morris, Betty uor 'Control Act. Sargent, Leura Virtue and Mrs. W. J. As you read the document clause Found. by clause one cannot help but experi- 'Many letters, telegramns, and mes-I encee ningled feelings of joy, fear sages of good wisbes were received and suspicion if yeu ever anticipate in addition te(tIse beautiful fiewers being an applicant for the use of tIse rdadylo oetlpdfois auditorium. Imagine, if you can,- etc., among thens 'being an oid-fa-- the mental and piysical strain Of the ioned nosegay which the bride prond- "'two responsible persons" mentioned ly held and which elicited the edusir- in Clause I ! I can only likeis their. aton of all. state of mind to my own persolsal ex-, nudyatronts amd pherines hentIwavsishownthrouigh iate retatives, numbering over tlirty, theMin atOttwa vlite th Kig-assembled ait their home when Mr.t (Continued on page 2) and Mrs. Short were made tIse recip- lents of a very kindly worded adidresa r ead by their son-in-law, Mr. F. R. SEED FAIR INVITED HERE Kerslake, and .presented witIs a lo ________; laizp and chesterfield chair by their i Mr. E. P. Bradt, Agricuitural Dur- 1neiphews, Messrs. Harry and PercyI ector at iBoys' Training ScIsel, at-' Cowling, on behaîf of VIse family. 1I tended tIse Bey of Quinte istridt: Lovely grifts were aise received froms 1 Seed Fair at Napenee, March 12-13- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todglbam, Walk- 14. He had tIse privilege of extend- lerville, front Mr. Short's sister and ing, an invitation te tIse association brother-in-law, Mr. and Mms. G. W . to hold its Fair in 1931 at the 'Boys', Bennett, Vancouver, 'B. C., and a Training Sehool, Bowmanville, where1 letter and $5 gold piece ifrom Mr. and ideal coniditions exist and ample se- Mrs. Manson J. Bradley, Philadelphia, conxmodation is afforded for such a1 Pa. show. The invitation was given: The happy couple fittingly acknovw- very favorable consideration but it ledged tIse kind words of the address was tibçuglvt advisable in tIse bedt in- and tIse lbvely gifts, 'alter which the terests ofthVIe fair to hold it in Peter-!I wedding party sat down te a specially boro next year, with Bowmanville as prepered supper wbicih erveryione en- fimst choice for 1932. joyed as well as tihe sotial heur spent 1 ________together.1 WI'NS $100 ESSAY CONTEST - A.mong those present were rela-i ________tives from Hamepton, Woodotock, En- Mr. Alex MacGregor, popular and; field, Simcoe, Toronto and Walker- entertprising member of the firm of 1 ville. Jury & Lovell, druggists, received on Mm. and Mms. Short alter their mar- Fridey a chaque for $100 along with rnage settleld on "Isocust Fanin" at the formal acknowledgment of 'bis Hampton where they lived continu- achieveinent in winning the Hutax ouigly until their removal to Bowman- Essay Contest. This contest was ville twenty-iswo years ago, when conductéd lvy the Hutax Toothpaste tbey purchaàed their present resi- Co., backed by the Canadian Dental 1 dence on Concession Street. They Association, and was epen te drug are iighly respected nesidents and clerks thmoughout Canada. His their Ists of friands in country andI rnany friands will joifl in congratulat- town, inclnding the congregation ofI ing ,Alex on his ability and well-ener- ITinity United Church of which they ited succe&s. are faithful inembers and attendants, _______ oin in extending he.arty good. wisbes, COMIG EVNTSon reaching this important milestone COMIG EVNTSin their 'wedded life and also wish for To-n ight! Th'ursday - tIse amaz- te mn oehpyyas ingly funny production "NoraLh Wake Up" is to (be given. It is even baet- ,er than "Sncb Shennanigans." MILK PRODUCERS ELECT lýeserve Monday, Merch 31st,' for OFFICERS Al;D DISCUSS sale of Horne Cooking and Candy inl THEIR PROBLEMS S. 0. E. Hall, by L. T. B. ýladies, Af- ternoon Tea being served. Consmenc- A. L. Pascoe, Hampton, President ng at 2.4,- p. ni.I The White Shiold (7'ub will Isold 1 Durham County Milk Producers !ICx relzular stir un April Ist at who ship to Toronto, met in Com- , . i. shiarp n;ilS. Paul's Lecture inunity Hall, Newcastle, Saturday, Itonni. We would like to have as Max-ch l5th. There were about 40 i _ îc-.ih'e. present f rom Welcome, Canton, Thse Hospkaii Annuel Birtbday Omono, Newcastle, Hampton, Solina. % rv il bc i eld on thbý afternoon flowmanville, and Maple Grove. if Th ursday, Marc' 27th. in tIse Officers ware elected for 1930: \'ur-eý' Residence, where tea will bc President, A. L. Pascoe, Hampton: -vedl as usual. 12-2 Vice President, Mark Munday, Jr., Thse regular montbly meeting of Bowmanvllle; Secty.-Treas., Walter itownianville Music Study Club will Reynolds, Welcome; Directors, Fred bc beld in St. Paui's Lecture Room at Fallis, Percy Seymour, Howard Glen- 3 p. m. on 'Wednesd'ay, April 9th. ney, R. H. Brown, and Mr. Chestnut. Thse study of tIse opera "Mantha" is Prof. C. B. Sissons, Secretary of the subject -of tIse evening under the Toronto Milk Producers, ànd W. J. convenersbip of Mms. T. Wesley Caw- Spears, Unionville, a director, deliv- ker, Mrs. W. H. Birks and Mrs. Ev- emed addresses and assisted in tIse arett C. Hoam, discussion. Questions of importance FOUR ALARMS IN FOUR DAYS Fire Brigade Hat A Busy Week-End Thursday, Fniday, Setuzday and Sundoy tIse fire despartmnent was eall- ed eut to perfonm its precanious dut- ies. From pat experience it would seem tliat when tIse firemen are call- ei outt once ithere la generally att'eest twe more appeala soon aften. Thursdsay about 9 p. ns. the diren ensitted the fearful (blast ot danger but proved ke ha a taise elarm catis- ed by a short circuit in thse wires. Fniday et 10.50O a. ms. the diarien again struck fear te the heanlrt of te populace. This time was no talc, as A. W. Jacobs suffened a very bad fire and serieus bosa in Isis ba-keny. Fer two heurs tIse firensen pouredi water into the burning building be- foe they were able Ite quencis thse violent conflagration. Saturday morning tIse volunteers were forced to leave their jobs andi attend a tisird alarm tor tse week. This proived te 'ha a saillbaystack at 'Brookdale Nurseries whics did on1ly slight damnage. Sunday merning, while churcit w« in session, tIse preachers were inter- rupîted and almest forced te discon- tinue until word naaclbed them seotio± they might announce whene the fine was. 'The field opposite Cream of Barlay Camp was tIse ground for ac- tien-just a poasa fine--but tIhe men were taking no chances et ietting it geit out ot contrl. Thsis bas been tse m-ost ctive week fer a long time for the finie despai-t- ment. It is hopeil tihat. things will resume normal conditions as citizenis are becomIng nervous about going out at night or leaving thair bouses ait ail. It la quite a diffament situation in a tewn when tse alaim rings tItan izl je in a City. Ftriday almost a tewrn census coutld have Iheen taken et-tise Bowmanville Ba.kery fire, moat of thse stores on King St. were eithen cios;- ai or t.heir staffs almoot diepleted. But tIses a lire lisera is se rare and ot such miutual intenest a.nd terrer that everyone ia affacted., REBEKAH "AT HOME" A 'veny pleosan-t avening wes, spent Mondey in tIse Odd-felloews' HaH when tIse Daughters oet Ribekahi ententain- ed thie mentuisera of Florence Night- ingale Lodge, thain wives and friands. Rv. R. J. Shires, always a weloome guest, was tse speaker efthtie eiven- ing. Tisose taking psa-t on the pro- gram were Mr. and Mirs. Franscis Sut-. ton, Mss. C. H. Duidley, Mm..il. M. Foster, Mms. Rosa Stutt and Mr. S. GlanvIlle. MT. J. J. Masoa cted. m Cisairinan and teld of the begixsninig of Rebekas Oddifellowship. Rf resIs- ments weme senved by thse ladies cf Rebekah Lodge. TRIN-ITY YOUNG PEOPLE Young Peeplea' Meeting ot Tnin- ity Church on 'Mo'nday evening 'ws in charge of Mn. fKennetis Morris, conveneir of Citizenship Dept. Mr. T. H. Lockhart gave tIse y.onng people a fine talk on tbis expeniences in Christ, ian work in' hia byhIood deys. Program considtai et a piano duet by Misses IMuriel 'Baker and Ade Alin; necitations, Mn. W. J. Benmy; Piano Solos,- Mrs. Nellie Gasibutt and B.olb Gosbeti; Vlolin Soles,- Mm. Fronda Sutton; others taking part weare Miss Hlelen Cryderman and Kenne-titMorris. TIse games were in charge ot Mr. Douglas Adanis. CHOIR ENTERTAINED Tise Wonsan's Association ot St. Paul's Ciurcs entertained the Choir at a banquet in tIse Lecture Pcom on Friday even4ng, M,brclh Mat. Il wss a very happy affair. Everything was arnanged with that deýree of excel- Ilence that marks ail the undertalcings ef tIsis claver and resonrceful organ- ization. 'ISba Reom was charmingly decorated, tIse tables nicely avranged and tastefully fumnidhed--enowy lin- an, cutlery, flowers, candies made an inviting scene and tse. mens wlids foIlewed ps'oved no less attrac7lve. TIse siniat-er acted as Skipper fer Vise procee-dings which followed. Tisera wene stories, songs, stunts and saine vemy good me'ving pictures. Mr. H. J. Knight, Choir [Master, and Mr. W. H. Carruthers in short speeches ex- pmessed thseIsearty àyppreciatien of tise Choir for tIse deligistful evening. Mrs. Alberta lBirown nesponded on ba- halt ef St. Pitul's Wemaen's Associa- tion. Tisera was a fine spirit ot CÈnmm- adarie, wiich did everyone good, and tise kîndnesseoethAe ladies mll b. long nemensbered by tise memberis ot tise Choir. MLLIER BEAUTY PARLOR Tise iadies ana greatly plessed -j C7ýe-W Nil oý e tn ian

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