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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1930, p. 4

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P~..G FOURTE CANADIAN STATE-SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.9DAY, MARCE 27th, 1930 COURTICE i offered the happy couple by Messrs. SALEM Yorlcboqi, Sask., visited the latter's 1Big Hall, Toronto; Royal Hall and sister, Mrs. J. Bradley...Mr. and Tfhe biggest and best yet-On Fr1- J. G. Langniaid, Oshawa, S. E. Werry Rev. J. R. Bick of Hampton occup- Mrs. The<) Slemnon and son John en- day, March 28th at 8 p.m. there will lof Solina, and others. After this a ied the pulpit on Sunday and deliver- texitajned the choir on Tbursday be presented in Ebenezer Church, 1 program of music, recitations, etc., ed a fine sermon ..Mr. and Mrs. W. night. Progressive Lost Heir was "Gipsy Rover," a combination of ;as given, .including piano solos by Moffat and family, Orono, visitad lber played and a lovoly lunch served. operetta and play given by 30 char- M r. Geo. Werry, vocal solos by Mrs. parents on Saturday..Mr. Kyle Al bad a iolly time.... Mr. and Mrs. acters. Admission 35c., 20c., and Stainton, Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mrs. Squair bas returned home f rom Bow- Will Ashton and family spent Sunday Oc. Don't miss it. Fse nwe;raig yMs manville Hospital after having bis in- with the latter's parents, -Mr. and Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pickell, Aura Brooks, Mrs. Ross Pearce and 1'jured ankle attended to ... Mrs. W. Mrs. Brown, Lindsay ...Mr. Ealis Detroit, have been visiting relatives~ Mrs. J. F. Brooks. While the ladies Cann, Mr. Perey Cann, Mr. and Mm. Grifiln and Mr. Jin S'pry were in Co- here. were preparing the refreshnients the E. J. Doidge attended the farewell bourg on business. . .. League mieet- comanyenggedin community sing presentation given by the Tyrone ing on March 19th, opened with Miss Mr. B. O. Young, Toronto, former 9ompany engaged and Mrs. D Hociper, who AudreY Dorland, president, in tihe teacher, of No. 8 school, spent the ing. A buffet luncheon was served have pyurchased a fine home in Orono chair. A a îgn uryDr week-end with Rev. and 'Mrs.J.H.as( a ve y plaatsoilevnn and are moving there shortly...... land led in prayer. Bible reading Stainton and attended the banquet ai noe yal Mrs. Albert Cator, Toronto, bas beenwstae yAieAhondvti- Friday evening. Cablegranis were also received vigiting Mr. and Mr--. F. Cator. ..ail lesson by Grace Smith. lst Vice On Friday evening a banquet of froni Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Soules who Mrs. C. Pollard is visiting ber father President, Miss Rex-a McGill, then unusual interest was held in the S. S. lare on tbir way ta Miamni, Florida, and sister in Toronto...Messrs. to-ok charge. Miss Marjorie Martin room undr te aupics oftheand( from Mr. Fred Brooks, Welling- Perey Cann, Leslie Welsh, Nelson gave the topic which was enjoyed by roni udr heaupce o teton, Engad Wilkins and Bob Cale %ttended the all. Mrs. Roy _McGiii favored with Young People. The tables were pret- gad Junior Farmers' meeting at Sbaw's a solo; Miss M. Dalton, a reading; tily decorated in green and yellow scboýol on Thursday evening and re- Annie Oke, 'piano music; and Albert and the sainie color schemie was car- ENNISKILLEN port a fine time.... .Mr. and Mrs. L. Adanis, a short reading. Meeting ried out in decorating the rooni. Savery, Newý;tonville, visited ber par- closed wvith benediction ...Mr. and About 150 people sat down to a surnp-1 La.st Thursday evening the class- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh, on Sun- Mrs. Henry Avery, Woordstock, Mr. tuous dinner, after whicb a program rooni of the Continuation School was day and attende'd afternoon service. and Mns. Wilfred Sanderson and1 was given in the cburch. the scene of a final party for the ... . Mr. G. Cornish visited bis neph- family visited a- Mrs. Win. Oke's._.j The entertainnient opened with school year. The Entrance Class of exv, Mr. O. Heard, who was badly ýhurt Mr. and Mrs. Ave.ry and Mrs. Win. community singing led by Rev. Mr. the Junior rooni and teacher, ex- in an accident that occurred in the Oke attended tihe Golden Wedding of Stainton. Miss Hazel Rundle play- pupils of Fiftb Class, our teacher and -work shcp of the Pedlar Co., Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. M'. D. Short, Boman-1 ed a piano solo and Mrs. Stainton ourselves were present. The aven- last week. Latest reports are that ville. . . Mr. C. W. Scott spent tbe( sang a pretty song. ing began výith a Gee"cntshe 's improvîng sluoWly ...Mr. and weekend at bi-, home in Whitby... A one-act plaa "Green" cpuntontyI1Mrs, Newsorne. -son and <daugbt, Mr, H. W. Pointen, Toronto, was a A oe-ctply asthn utonbyfollowed by Progressive Lost Heir. andri Mrs. Wilson, Oshawa, visited gnest et Mr. Thos. McGills..Mrs. the junior members of the Young Miss Annie Oke was the prize win- jwjth 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish on Sun- Win. ferring is visiting her niece, People, wbich causcd much laughter ner. A dainty lunch was served. Re- jda,. Mrs. Harod Allun, Newca-<t]e....... and the characters did their parts re- serve April l7th for our inaugural Choir spent a very enjoyable evening niarkably well and mucb credit is due school concert. Further information at the homee of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.e Miss Hattie Osborne, who instructed later. Ormiston on March l3th. t tbem. The whole evening was one ENNISKILLEN of enjoyment. Proceeds were $40, r. amsSeesecnlviidi in favor of Young People. FJER'CLBamai es t Dnialr n. Mr vs. A ALE OV Services on Sunday were fine. An ______LBi___ivea Dnato ... n A ALECRV ~'xcptinaly lrgeconregtio at Proidece armrs'Clu wiî ncetTamblyn. Mrs. H. J. Werry and Gor- Mr1L .So'e n excepionaly lrge ongrgatin at rovienceFaimrs' lub iIon, Miss, Ni M. .Daatonon, d and Miss r. Fiat-. L.C.'Mr.wdanan the evening service and Sunday in Shaw's School Tuesday. April lst. ichter. Toronto, spent Sunday -ith Mr. 1 family spent Sunday xith ber par- School was well attended. at 8 p. -m. Prograni by the ladie:..Ind Mrs. R. J. Ormiston . . . Rev. J.j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, So- A jolly party of relatives asseni- 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, M. Wiivte is visiti ng Mrs. Whytc and lina .... Mr. and -Mrs. Ivison Munday, bled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. President. Sec. Tra. sons in Kingston. .. Mrs. J. W. Vir- son Ray, spent Sunday withhrpr S. Broks o Tuesay evnin2.Marchtue and l Miss Margaret xent to Tor- enta, Mr. and Ms J.' W.Lnasern 25th te celebrate with them. theirAUTNSLE onto on Sunday with MUr. J. E. Virtue Port Granby. ..Mr. and Mrs. A. Hi.Il fortietb weddîng anniversary. The _______SALE and -Mrs. J. Trimmer. Mrs. Virtue Gower and faniily spent Sunday xith S company was called to order by their Tusa b27h-r e.is improving in health... Mr. F. W. relatives in Oshawei.... Miss Susie bi pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, and after White will 3ell by auction on Lot 20,wb isic . rG.ACokLadspnte eedwihea-' a few preliminary remarks, askcd Con. 4, Darlington. bus fanm stock, who as in charge of Byers' store ,is tives in Toronto and att.ended the Mr. J. G. Langmaid to read a very imlmns t. Sl tip .seriously ï]I at bis daughter's, Mrs. funeral of ber uncle, Mr. Crcighton. .- complinientary address and Mr. Ray Sec bils. Theo. M Slernon, Auc- Fe py onavie. r n ogauain oM.adMs Brooks on 'behaîf of the relatives toer Mrs. Aylmer Beach and family spent Roy M.ýetcalf on the arrivaI of a young wx presented theni with a full set'vof _______. Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. borne son..Miss Evelyn Rickard, Newv- zivr flatware. Many beautiful Lamb.. . Mfiss Marion Orchard spent stie, spent the weekend with Miss :ivrSaturday, April 12th.-Thero xii the weekend witb her sisteMs Greta Munday,....Mr. and Mrs. W. e flowers were also presented to the be solcl by public auction, 11/4 acres Fred Heddon, Toronto .. . an J. Snowden spen'. a few days with e- bride and groom of forty years ago. land. also f ranme dwelling with black- Mrs. Walter Rahm and faniily spent their son Ray in Toronto ...The W Mr. Brooks, on behaîf cf hiniself and smith shop situated in village cf En- Sundayv w-Pc their parents, Mr. and sympathy of this community is ex- w wife, tbanked aIl for their goo<l wisb- niskillen. Sale at 2.30 p. ni. Ternis: Mrs. Win. Griffin ...Mr. and Mrm. tended te N. and Ms Alfred Laird M1 es and beautiful gifts and hacle theni 10 ý on day of sale, balance in 30 Bradley, -Mr. and Mrs. Ros.s, Brook- in the loss cf thon hbrothor-in-law, W enjoy theniselves duing the evening. <ays. T. M. Slemon, auctioneer. lin. Mr. and Mns. Cressor and Mrs. jMr. Creighton. Thev attended the yc Words of congratulation were also 13-31 Middlebrook, Toronto, and Mirs. Hall , funeral in Toronto on Saturday. wl TYRONE 1 MI4NISTERS AND CHURCHES Mrs. Wmn. MeDonald and Kathar-. St. Paul's Ohurcb-Rev. D. W. mne, C4ourg, are vistting witb ber Best, D. D.. minister. il a. n.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Widlis Stew- Morning Worship--"Tbe 3Metbcd of art, andhler sister, Mrs. Ronalid Scott. Exparience"; 7 p. .-Evening Wor- .... Mrs. Floyd Dudley and Billy ship--"The Frozen River"; 2.30 P. have returned home after visi.ing m.--Sunday Scbcol. ber, pareensvMr..ad. rs .Tu- Trnity United Cburch--Rev. J. U. ner, reenRive . ..Mr. and Mrs. F. Pot>ins, pastor. Sunday servic2es: L. Byam and family visited ber par- Il a. ni and 7 p. ni. the pas:,or xvili ents, -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lillicrapp,peahSudychoat23 .. Cannington .... Mr. and Mrs. Russe1 eah Snainhol t2.0pgm W rig h t a n d D rotih ,San d ' M rs.a t th e e v e n in g se rv ic e w ill Wrb ightd DrthyMr.nSberwoo-RuE.bie led by a choir f£rom the Goodyear Wigt vsitd a Mr Shrwod Rn- Company. Public cordially invited die's, Bowmanville ...Mrs. Frank, to aIl services. Rose and Miss rdith Taylor, Keswick, St. John's (nlcn Church- are visiting Mrs. W. F. Park.. .. Mrs. Rev R. J. Sbires, Rector. Founth L. A. W. Tole, Miss Eva Souch andj Sunday in Lent. March 30th. 1930: Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanvilie, vis- 8 a. ni Holy Communion; Il a.- m- ited Miss F. Virtue ...rs. Byron -MorigPae1 .0p -Sun Moore visited her sister, Miss Eni; day Scbool and Bible Class; 7 P. nm. merson, Bowm.anville . .. .Rev. J. R-jEvnn ryr 'nimto Trumour reaoed aspledidser- Class each Wednesdav in Parisb Hall, mon S'unday evening, the maIe choir at 8 p. ni. Lenten Devotional Ser- rendering splendid music . .. Women'slvc ahFia nCuc t8P u Institute and Ladies' Aid met at the vc ahFîa nCuc tSp i homne cf Mrs. T. Richards on Wed- 1 St. Andrew's Presby:erian Chuncb nesday, Marcb l19th, at 2.30 p. m.-Sunday, Mai-ch 3Oîh: Il a. ni.- Meeting opened with the president HolY Communion; aIll nibers are Mrs. Luther Hooper, in the chair' urgently desired te attend. 7 p. ni. [t was decided to send a bale of -Yoýung People's Service; minister, clothing te the needy in the Thunder Rev. J. Goforih Hornsby, Intenini Bay district. A very interesting Moderator; subject, -~The Battie cf prograni was given consisting cf a Life". At tahis service the Young paper by Mrs. Russell Wright, "The Peuple's Society will bo present and Value of Self-Control"; solo by Miss niany cf its nienbers take ipart in NMargaret Moore, "A Little Bit of the service. You are cordially in- Heaven"; reading, Miss Lorna.Hoop. vited. 2.30 p. ni.-Sunday School. er, "Little Miss St. Patrick"; an ar- A preparatory service will be heLld in ticle on "Who St. Patrick Was", by the chuncb Thursday at S, p. ni. Mtiss Výers McCoy. A St. Patrick's lay contest was then enjdyed afte r BOIGTUN ET ,which lunch was served and a social OIGTUNM T îalf-liour was spent. At B. T. S. Changed to Friday, April 4th. FURNITURE SALE The fina' bouts in the Boys' Train- ing Scbool Annuel Boxing Champion- Saturday, March 29th.-Mr. Sid- ship Tournanent hmave been changed ney Davis, lot 6, concession 7, Dar- te April 4th. 'Ple Ki Chocolate ington, haif-nile east cf Tyrone, will professional bout in Toronto on se aIllcf bis furniture and bouse- March 28th, made necessarv this cold eff eets. Sale at 1.30 p. ni. change. Harry Price of the Ontario 1.M. Slemon, auctioneer. 13-1*lAthletic Commission stated thaý the mon rcquired te handle the Training Dr. Smith, missionary from ln<îia. at the professienal bouts ânnd would vi)l speak nex-t Sunday afternoon.. net be available on that date,.'foi .The Dley which. was to be given hy Mu"ry, M.%.P.P., chairman of Athle,:îc colina young people on Tuesday ev- Commission, sas a vi-itor -t he ýnng was p-ostponed until Thursday 1Schoeel Friday and sai.v sente oi the ývening (to-night)..Miss Vida boxers_ in training and xvii greatlv, lorden, Toronto, spenit the weekendi impresse I. Mr. Murphy xcse i.tb ber niother, Mrs. A. Worden. the opinion -,hat sume of :,he box-s [r. and Mrs. J. H. '.Nunday and xho osaw~ in action wert go4nd( XaInce entertained a number cf the j neugb te send eut into open conipot- ,ung People on Saturday eveningj ition. Prelimninaries and serni-finas j ho-vtidlhdagotte silh oe Mrh2t m Sh but will net be open te the pulic in the finals the-Te vwill uvei champyionship bouts and o» or two, exhibitions. The aduit puibje is in vited teo the finals,. DON-T B SHY WALK RIGHT IN! Let us assist you ta select that Gift of Lasting Service MOORE 'S Bowmanville SPRING TIME EAVETROUGH TIME Corne ini and consult u.s aibout your work. We handie a good line cf Ponips for Well or Cis-. tern or Pressure Systenis. te suit your roquirernents. FIRST CLASS WORK Our Slogan R. E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heating & Tinsunithing Phone 264 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 66. iu TWO BIG DAYS Serge Reefer Coats for Boys or Girls -Made cf a navy aIl wocl cheviot serge that will give satisfactory service. O'ne who wants a mcd- erately pri'ced, yet stylish little coat Nvill find Lhis bard te beat. Dollar Day Special............... $2.98 FRIDAY AND'SATURDAY Dollar Day brings another Great Collection of Super Values that add Length and Breadth ta your Dollar's Purchasing Power m BUY AND SAVE Men's Best Quality Broadcloth Shirts Sizes 14 te 17 ',, wit.h separate collar attached; newest designs; values- $2.50. Dollar Day Special, each........ ....1 THE NEW SILHOUETTE PURE SILK CANTONS AND FLAT CREPE-S The new bolero of bolero eff eet - the Table Oil Covers, 54 x 54 in. tricky necklines - the feminine jabot and î-uffled cufs- the snug fitting hiplines - Wîihm 'ho vogue for celor in the kitcht-n, '0Mme.S the cleveî- insetting of materials - ail the-o colorful Table Oji Covers in attractive pat- terte on ground ce ors of blue, green tan and white. style features tremenuously Vr"ry --erviceabl f<r homne use. 6cec important in this special Dollar Day Special........6Cec group; sizes 14 to 42. $r D o lla r D ay S p ecia l ...... . . . . . . .1 ,9 Hemmed Sheets --- Made front ýtrong s:now %;white ing i a erx'iceablo xvight î Do-uble b.ed size. Dollar Day Special .... Canadiaii heet- (-veryday uo eL $ .0each Men's Work Socks .Me-n':ns id.niweight ..ck, n foniL-'mncontpri5inghev awnn4-ioni,s an. I 'xford greY ribai ', 'i. ni :u -' . a re>.nlar 95c Dort. 141) ix S . 5 PAIRS FOR 1 $1.00 FAVORITE 'ING CENTRE Curtain Scrim A -servi(-eable qualiîy Scrim tha: wiii make guodu looking yet ineL-xpens-ivo <u-tains for tbe home. White or creani wi',h r,,xvs cf fancy stitching on side1 yards for Dollar Day Sy.ecial ......10 $1.0 36-inch Flannelette A. g(o(l (anadiari îual ty Fllannelette i x erýoÂl so f bloc.. pink ,r fawn on ligbt groLahd col on-.5 yards for 1(V Dollar Day Special . . - 5$1.00 PICTORIAL PATTERNS CARRIED IN STOCK WALKER' Crash Napkins Ail pure Lînc<n Crash \aipkin.- about 12 x 12 inches; fancý, cenîbination colored aIl-over check-,; hemnîed ready fer use; suitablo for u.se as a break- fast, lunch or picnic napkin. 4ceach Dollar Day Special............. 4 Oui' special puî'chasing p)ower' enabled us to secuî'e a quantity of ail wool Tweed Hand Towels of Irish Linen Coats. These ai-e well lined wAith a go(I sateen lining. Ouir regular price is $9.95, To i nîchv.s--1Pure Irisb Linon Crash Hand Towek; wovn inconibiruations ef groen-gold, but foir two days only we blue-90old and grecn-iose. This i-a,, xceptionaliy offeî' them at a stilil ow'er fno , earing cl4)th. Rog. ne. price of $7.95. Do îîot $/ Dollar Day Special ....... 4 for$1.00( miss this rare opportunity 09 to save. Window Shades Mvuntcd (n guaran,:eed rollers' in standard - ize, 37 x 72 inches. Y<un choice of wshite or croani; nil frésh quality. Dollar Day Special ...... 69c Curtain Net Curtain Ne,,measurinz 36 inces widt'; ivoi-y col- oi-ed, -with dîîinty ]nic, edge .A «good square nesh, n a var-iety of floiral and figured effects. A re'g- ular 35c quality. 4adsfor Dollar Day Special ... yrs $1.00 STORES Duchess Satin A rich :ustr(.us finished 'Ducboss, Satin in lîlack oîîly, always popular ferr the niatronly dressa 36 inches xide $100y Dollar Day Special ...... ....... $ .0y Drapery Chintz 1îîch. vide - A n assrtrent e:(if ',.tty foodblack and lattice designs; prntn d in a variety cf nleasing bright celor effceet.. ofntedimn and dark grýounds 4. yds. for$10 Dollar Day Special .....4 PICTORIAL PATTERNS CARRIED IN STOCK LIMITED [id d , Fancy Turkish Towels Deep-pile 'Turki...h Toxvel.s; «Lborbtnt qualîty, with white contres and -'Ooroîlnis. Splendid fýor ovory-day use,.o $ Dollar Day Special .................20 Suede Fabric Gloves 2 Pairs $1.00 Vo xvii l pprevIIî,. Valut. , ofth(,.se splendid (iualitY (;IolLx'estha: are e r thes:e two D<lar Days. nll rc( o PAY CASH AND FOR- LESS- BOWMÂNVI, v r uuu:muuu~m~~ ~ Women's Feit Hats 24 only of Women's Feit Hato. in of-the-face styles or with turn-dovn brus-; finisbed with nb- bon or velvet; al well lined. ff a Super Special Dollar Day Attrac tion. "$.0 e LADIES' TWEED COATS Sizes 14 to 20 or collai $1.49 YOUR SHOPPI ilPhone 164 p ALGE POUR 1 ik V7 1 BUY

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