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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 27rh, 1930 HAMPTON SOLINA League meeting on Fridala-2i eing I~iio~Ms Marion Rickard, of x as in charge of Miss Mlary Peters. Newcastle. with Misses Helen and Wilfred Smale read the Bible 1es-cn1 Muriel B'aker; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and the D'wctional lPeiod wxas 1led bv Larner and family. Blackstone, at Mr. Will White.i Mi. W. T1. Taylor's; Mr. and MNrs. J. Mrs. A. Peters. gave ,ailiîteie-tilig G. Langmnaid andI Miss Bessie Snow- review of David(1Grayson's book, "Ali- den. Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ventures in i Ciiteitnient. Smith, Eîîfield, at Mis. R. J. 'McKes- sock's; Mr1. and Mrs. Joe Reynolus, Mis N.Hei paye a lan~i Toronto. at Mr. W. J. Reynolds; Missl and Florenct- Burns gave a sketch on Nora Werry and M.%iss MarionMut St. Patrick. jv. Y Kedron. at '.%r. A. L.Paces Leaguers wî then lix deililite Mr- and Mis. W. Chas. Weiry, Mis. gioups andI enjeyed a cnt'st. These E. Thomipson, Oshawa, Mi. and MIrs. meeting,; are ieally inteiesting and Ivan Law, Malcolm, Gordon and Ross. helpful and they depend largely on Mapl.ý Grove, at '.I. S. E. Werry's; your co-operation. Elveiyone is cor- Miss Helen Baker spent a couple of dially invited to attend. days with her grandmotheî, NMrs. W. A few neighboiing friends gather- J. Bragg, Bowmanville; Mr. Little, of ed at the home ofMi and Mis. Lewis Campbellford, at Mr. Harold Vascoe's Allin, as a sur~prse party on Thurs- testîng cows for the R. V. P. day evening, in honor cf theii wed- League meeting Monday evening ding anniversary.. was in charge of Miss Helen Baker, During the evening the biide andi Missionary Vice-President. Devo- gimom of thirty years weie piesent- tional Period xvas in charge cf 1iss ed with an address read by Mi. Mer- Dearborri; Topis, Miss Lena Taylor; vin Cryderman and a hall tîce was Miss A. MeMaster, Zion, favoured presented by Mr. Ernest Horn as a with two piano solos; Reading, Miss slight teken cf esteem and a happy Ileen Babson; Vocal Selection, Misses social evening was spent together. Gladys, Jessie and Norma Yellowees On Friday night the young ladies, and Bessie Patterson. Meeting closedj members cf Is. Allin's Sunday with a geogiaphy match. Schcel Clais, called at their home Mi. and Mis. Elmer Walters, Te- after the League meeting, and spent rento, Mr..Merten Walters, Taunton, a very happy evening in games and visited at Mr. John Pascoe's. siug seng, afteî which the girls Mr. Jesse Van Nest, Oshawa, at served lunch. Al extend congratu- Mr. Carl Wilbur's; Mi. and Mis. L. lations te Mi. and Mis. Allin and, C. Sncwden and fanrily, Maple Grove, wish them many more yeais cf happy Mr. A. Hillis, Taunton, at Mi. Thos.t wedded life. Baker's; '.I. and Mis. Donald Yel - Monthly meeting of the W. M. S. lowees and family, Columibus, Mrj,ý was held at the home of Mis. H. Wil- and Mis. George Vice, Oshawa, at h rox, on Tuesday, Maich 1Sth. The Mr. Walter Vice's; Mi. and Mis. president, Mis. J. Bick, teck charge Hugh Annis with Teronto friends; of the cpening exeî'cises, after which Mi. an<l Mis. Chas. Hclwsam and Mr.e Miss Katersen conducted the devo- Thos. Baker with Port Perîy friends;V tional period. Pregrami was in charge Mis. Dickison, Port Hope, at Mr. F. I of Mis. Wallace. Appiopriate hymins Thompson's; Mi. and Mis. G. White In were sung. A chapter in the study and Miss Squire visited Peterbere a bock was ably piesented by Mis. J. friends on Sunday. u Colwill. Arrangements weie made te Women's Institute ineeing on Tues- is hcld a banquet in the near future. day afternoon last was well attend- qi Particulaîs later. Next meeting ut ed. In the absence cf the President, ir the homne of Mis. A. Alin. Mis. Chas.. Howsam, 2nd Vice, pie- ai Mis. W. B. Cunningham, Cameion, sided. ni is visiting hier mother, Mis. J. Clat- A letter fiom Manitculin Island 01 worthy.... Mi. and Mis .M. Avery, was iead, asking for help for a needy ai of Buffalo, NY., spent Sunday with family. It was decided to send them n Mi. and Mis. R .Avery......We wel- $1000 and a quilt, alsc some cloth- come Mi. and Mi.;. C. W. Souch back ing. Letters xeie read, thanking fc tei cur village after haxving spent the the Institute fcr floweîs sent, Ot wintei with their daughter, Mis. K. Several new members weîe receiv- bz Caverly. Windsor.....Mis. Jebson ed. The Institute intends having a was pleasantly suiprised on Friday concert in the near future. evening when a few fîiends gatheîed Mis. Rcy Langrnaid, leader cf at her home te celebrate her irth- group 5, presided over the pîogram, day. A jolly time was spent in wbich featuied a St. Patiick's enter- games, etc, and iefreshments served. tainment. Roll Caîl, an Irish joke. pl .Mr. Ted Chant lias rented the cîeated much fun. A chorus "Come of Hampton Creameiy for a terni cf Back te Eiin," was sung by the ný years. His many friends wish him gîeup. Txvo excellent papers weie S every success in this business yen- given, one "The Woman as a partneî ture.... Mis. Bessie Robbins has ie- in the Home,"~ prepaîed hy Miss tuined home afteî spending the %vin-1 Squire, and îead by Mis. Goidon B: ter with heî sister, Mis. W. D. Short, 1 Leask, and the other "The Business rc Bowmanvill...... Mis. John Ranton.' cf Being a MeIther," by Mis. Roy so Trenton, is visiting her daughtei, Langmiad. Miss Helen Baker fav- 'Bi Mis, W. J. Virtue......Mis Fdnaioured with a piano solo, and Miss Bi Reynolds spent last week vîsiting1 Ruby Dewell xith a îeading; Ccm- Ti fiiends in Solina.... Mr. T. Salte-,Inmunity singing, "When Irish Eyes ar Toronte, vndited his brother, and Ai- ~re Smiling,' and ".Mother Machiee" ir ter on the occasion cf the 4lst An- weie followed by an Irish contest. B3 niveisary of Mi. an<l Mis. F. G. Kers- Lunch was serx-ed by the gîoup and Ju lake .....Several relatives and fiiends a social time enjoyed. s fîom Our village called cn Mi. and A gcodly number attended Thank- p( Mis. W. D. Short, Bowmianville, on j Offeîing Service Sunday afternoon. su Satuiday, it being the fiftieth Anni-. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Tyrone, spoke G4 versary cf their wedding day M veîy acceptably, and the choir ren- H Tom Sykps, Trnosetbëweký end with To prent, ipnt ee deied fine selections. An anthem. pc hi., arnts i. and Mis.', "Break, For-th Irto Joy" and two D L. D. Sykes..... Mr. andi Mis. Chas, quartettes weie much enjoyed, the M Shaw entertained a large number cf1 fiîst by Mis. John and Miss Muriel - friends at their home on Thuisday Baker, Mis. J. W. Yellowees and Mis. co evening last..... M. Chas. Burrows'- Eveiett Crydeiman andI the last by eh spent Suinday witb his sister, Mis. Miss Lena Taylor. Mis. Everett M Goodman.....Mis. Lorne MNcGill vis1- Ci-vdermnan and Messrs. Allen Biaison co ited lieri mther, Mis. Vcysey, Penty- anti Harold Shuttlewoith. The cf- co Pool, ivbe is iMi.M..Is. J. E. Wai- fering amounted te neaily $130. pi] lace visited fieis in Toronto la.mt .tfi-. and Mis. J. G. Langmaid and J. wek.Mis. S. Thompson, Oshaxva, called on cri Specials foi- we,-k of Mai-ch 2Iýth te I'Mr. antI Mis. Geo. White recentlv. NM April-Corin Flakes 3 for 25.; fineI Ccngratulations te oui venerable M hulk cîffP,., t 49'c. peri1l). at Hoin's neigbbeî anti patiiaich cf this coin- stor'. I unity, Ex-R(eeve, Thomas Baker, Fi ________ wo celebratod his 7Tth birthday on Mi! Sunday, 'Maich 23rd. He is enjcy- [Il 'totiig I-pl .Socity meit Mo:j- ing goocl bcalth and still gets pleas- M: day eveniing, with the pragraîn in reuctntof doing is day's work. As mý charge cf Citiztýniip Vice l'rc..îident. is befr custom, Muriel Baker who was 1': Lor-on Loîriinan. Devtional1 tîpric'wt sixtee-n" on the same day, was RZ was gix-en by Mr-.. (mui,.Alie. A~ an litnoured gui-st at a birtbday sup- jV. mo<-k iunil-ilal cîtuncil m.ting was 1 1 i xx itb ber grandfathéi. Mý conducteti, at whi-b a nurmb(qî-'Ofliv- law-, foi the inijivieenttof thexi lage vit'r- p.u--l. Iinicce il ban k gav-e a r-alitng lin 'b-Life o, Gyp.iy Snuiil." . Next nî-ting vili bi- in charge cf Mis. A. E. Mcf-lowx, th Vice President. Mi. and Mis. P. O'Neil -t-anI the Wolf Cubs and S-îtL-d~ Jack Eiston, at their îtînît. on iFi-a evening, in lionor cf thii radn NeLson James, (Jimmni,- Kecch, on his rintb birtbday. Mi... J. R. Fisher Mi"s Trenwitb and aie,, II.,l)m- othy Trenwitb, asqsisteilMis. O'Neil ini -f-rving the sumiptueus suppî-r whi-h concluded with the apportion- ing of the delicieus birthday cake, which with its nine ighted candles bail formed the chidef table adormiment duing the earlier part cf the meal. -Mi. and Mis. Moses. Heard anmd son Leonard wbo are retiring fro-.n farming and moving into the bouse on the Farrow faim, Third Lino, hcld open bouse for a convivial gatbeiing of friendo and neighbois last Fiiday ù-x-ning. Mi. and Mis. Heard mox'î'd ont) the Chandler faim several yeais aga and have always b<arded the lady teachers cf Brown's Schocl. It was se very convenient, liiing rigbt across the rcad. Miss Vera Powers, the present teacher, wil hboard in the future with Mi. and Mis. Trurnan Clark. lThe NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1930 FERNANDO( PERRIN'S BARN -ANI) CONTENTS -BURNEI) One cf the worst faim fit-es in thib vicinity iin some yeaîs was that which destroyed Mi. Feinando l'errin's bain and adjacent buildings on the high- way east cf Newcastle on Fridav afteinecn. About haîf a tiozen pigs and il purebîed Holstein cattle, tied in their stalîs, perished in the fire. Five herses and some pigs m-ere saved, but a large quantity cf hay. stiaw, grain and other feed was cen- sumed witb the buildings. The cat- tie were aIl T. B. tested and tihe herd fully accîedited. Nine cows were due te freshen at an early date. About a week ci se before the fire Mi. Per- rin had hauled 15 lcads cf hay and stiaw fronm his other bains on the base line, wbere he lived in foi-mer years. Mi. Perrin, who is net in good heaith, and is ccntemplating an oper- ation in hospital, is undecided at pie- sent wbetheî te meve these barns up and replace them cn the site cf the fire or te seIl his faims, fer which he has a goed standing offer. He and his daughteî, Miss Jean Perrin, have the lively sympathy cf the whcle community in their present -nisfortune and should they determine on any reconstruction woik they can be assuîed cf the generous assistance of aIl in the neighborbcod. The cause cf the fire is undisccver- ed, and can only be surmised. Lt vas first noticed by a cousin cf Mr. Peiiin's f rom Port Hope, wbc was notoring by. H4e found Mi. Perrin and daughteî beth at home and quite inaxxare that smoke and flames xvere issuing fronm their bain. It was quite evident that the fire criginated in a box staîl containing some straw nd as Mi. Perrin neveu used tebacce cir smckes, it would seem that seme ne must have been sleeping there nd peîhaps as carelessly drcpped a match ci lîghted cigarette. It has net been ait unusual thing for farmeis alcng the front te find Dut-of-work men sleeping in their arns this wintei. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Follcwing is a complete list cf the îrize winneis in the varieus classes )f plants and flcwers at the New- istle Horticultural Scciety's îecentý pring show. Calla Li'-,-Mrs. ýBeman, Mis. M. Brown, Mis, j. E. 'Matchett. Sham- -ck-Mrs. Brown, Mis. T. Wr. Jack- ;n, Mrîs. Mlatcbett. Pýilmrose-Mrs. eman. Tulips, Specimen - Mis. rown; 1 and 2, -Mis. J. R. Fisher. ulips, collection - Mis. Brown; 1 ind 2, Mis. Bemnan. Begcnia, speci- nen-Mis. C. Law; Mis. Brown, Mis. eman. Begonia, collection - Mis. lckson, iNs. Law. Begonia Rex, 3ecimen - Mis. Law. Naîcissus, pot of thîce-Mils. Brown. Narcis- ms, collection-Mis. Brown, 1 and 2. eianiumi-Mis. Bemnan, Mis. H. E. anccck, Mis. Matchett. Daffedil, 3t cf 3-Mis. La,#, Mis. F. Fligg. affodil, specimnen - Mis. Brown, dis. Matchett. Daffodil, collection -Mis. Brown, 1 and 2. Geranium, ollection-Mis. Lindsay, Mis. Mat- îett, Mis. Law. Celeus Foiage- i-s. Beman. Hyacintb, collection, 4 deirs-Mîs. Brown, 1 and 2. Coleus, Ilectien-Mrs. Jackson. Hyacinth, nk-Mrs. Beman, Mis. Brown, Mis. ýR. Fisher. H-yacintb, white or -eam-Mrs. Fligg, Mis. Matchett, ,s. Brown. Hyacinth, collection- irs. Brcwn, t and 2. House plants -Mis. Blenian, Mis. Brown, Mis. isher. Aspidistra-Mis. Hancock, ,s. Law, Mirs. Matchett. Fein iumosa, (Aspaagus)- Mis. Fisher. vrs. Laxv. Fern, A.O.V.-%Irs. Be- an, Mis. Jackson, Mis. Brown.* 31m, Mi-.Law, Mis. Matcbett. Zubbcr 1lîant- Mis, Jackson. A.O. 7 net lstdMrs., is atchett, Cash prizes acceîding te the sched-1 ule we(-;Oc, for ist, 40c. for 2nd,1 MMUL PLANE LAND.S HERZE ;and 20c. fer 3id. Tht- mail plane, carrying the' mail The Society is indebted te the fol- 47ioni Montreal t,, Toronto on NMon-lo)wiiig citizeîn., foi donations of $1 day was the cause cf considerable and 12 towartls the prize fund: IlI. H. exî-itu-nnnt, whî'n it xx-s swen flying Am-agh, D)r. J. A. Butler, W. F. Rick- xx-- t andi then i-ast aguin and cii-ding at1, Rev. J. Scott H-owardl, J. E. Mat- arimîl as if ln seaicb eof a suitable cthett (couîponas), J. IL. Fisheircast- Ianîing piait'. It ,id finally landl in îng <ish), Hl. S. Brittori, R W Walton il ,îxeil Roxland's fieldl, jutxst est of coupttni- i, W. Il. Anderson (,and- is bain. It wasn't long liefore a wicb plate)j, Mis. S. C. Wright, A. E. gooti many people in the nîighber- MeiItw (noîte pape r>, Mis. Bc-man. hood xxîru on the sce-ne anti among W. E. Bemnan, Mliss fllcîge~, Clarence' tht-mn xxai Lloyd I)avey, wvith is car. Bleatty, F'red Fligw, J. IH. <ibion, H. Lloyd i-oomn ftund hinstîf fom- once 'C.-Ileathan, l'ercy Hai-e. Wbere, ini tu-siervice cf thc 1'. 0. )epart- special articles wer(- donate'î tht' cash ient cf Ilis Majestys niail, for tht' Iizes wt'rî witbeld - pilot antI bisrniechanir Icadîîd the xhoe cargo cf mail into is car antd Mrs.. lh-twn wxomn W. Hl. Anitîti-tin. a.,îdhlm te take it te the C. N. R. sttiîl%%ich tray on tulips; Mrs. LUnd-1 itation. This lie ditl, getting it there pai-r ottnA E.M±ow bxcfct on tie tobe pt ontheapit oonda (Col. cf Gî'raniums antd îttnie trli.put osteestebou.nd Mrs. Benian %%-n J. R. Fi:sht-r',, aftrnemî raii. t semstheplat'reoîstimîg disb ioi(CIl. cf bouse plants. fad floxxn us far as Whithy, wheie a blinding snoiw itoi-m picvented the Aftt'r the~ exhibition bad been jutlg- pilot frîimîi mîaking furthcr progiess e d anI the show cpened te the pub- ei froni finding apllace to land, hence lie th( ai-ssr-d ihtspe li>i ictuin eastvaid. A littie latei of beans, salads, bread and butter in the~ afteinoon the storni, wîiich bad andi pies. Four pairs of ladies bial i -l l aspects if aMie lion, sub- charge 11 cfa.,iîanv tables, Mis. Hecb. sii and the- plant- againmiteck off Tomns andi Mis. Thos. A. Rutigers, Ifor Torotnto. The pilot was a foi- MiS. (D".)IButler anti Mis. Claremnce ta1 oi aruquaintanci- cf Lloyd's. C (unningbam, Mis. Matebett anti Mis. n-m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b C'huigltxadîr,îIt i Bt .a tMis 'I-cyhaieofqanti i-. and,î the- l7th tif lreland, Irish symi- bols. flowti.is and tokens in many at- ti-actixi- styles atlorned the tables amnd mu 1(- the occasion jus:ý that much moritît itt-estiîg . Aftei ti'a i. W. F. Iickaril. l'ie.s<ident tf the Society, lti iii a sf-esitin if rommunity sing- img ib tht- new S'cret.ary, Mirs. Chas A. Ctîwan, ut the piano. NIr. Rirkard al.so presente<l the Maseey G;-rnd Challengt-('oh w-.%itii his,;rom- pliîîi'mîts te Mmi-. N. Brovvn, winni'm by a ve.ry lar-gi. nai-gi(f tht mcs;t peints for exhibits. is. Matcbhett jiiî.-.intedî a nicely contltnsed and inteicsting report cf the Ontario Hiorticultural convention. NE WCA STLE Miss Marion Rickard, Slhaxyvs, spent sthe week-end withM iss l elen and iMuriel Baker, Solina. Mu. Ed. Powell, who had charge cf Mis. T. M. Gibsons farim stock this winter, has been xisiting friends around Elizabethviîle, his old home community. Mu. and Mrs. Percy Haie and Jack spent Sunday with I. and Mis. F. A. Crago, Darington, xvhose daugh- ter, Miss Elsie Crago, recently spent a few days with 'Mis. Haie. Mi. and Mrs. J. Hl. Gibson recpived a cablegramn on March l7th frcm Rev. and Mis. H. J. Gibson, Langer, India, infouming thein cf the birth cf their second son on Satuîday, Mardhi 15th. Principal Thes. A. Rodger, is meov- ing next Monday into the Giieve house, îately vacated by Mi. Gordcn Hallick, former Higbway Traffic 0f- ficer, promoted to a pcsition in To- rento. He was a ver-c efficient and ceurteous officer and a gcod citizen. Du. Herbert Carveth and family, cf Toronto, spent a day at the Carveth~ cottage, Newcastle-on -the- Lake, Dr. Geo. A. and Mis. Cairveth weîe also down en Fiday, while on Sunday Miss Maytia Campbell and particf i young fîiends frem Toronto and Nlr. Rennie Foster cf the Campbell Faim, Orono, spent a few houis at the Car- veth cottage. Mi. Charlie Donkin, the gaîdener cf fermer yeaîs, ist again in charge. * i ..WER CONOjYRU TUNE IX ON STATION CdCA FROMlil TO 12 A.M. DAJLT EXCEPT SATURDAY FOR A & p "OUR 0F MUSIC. CAMIPBELL'8 ASSORTED s NUPS BY THE Iiî.tI Unity Girls' Class of the United Church S. S., Mrs. N. L. Rickaîd teacher, held an înteîesting mcnthly meeting in the Bible Class îocm last Wednesday evening. President, Win- nie Rickaîd, was in the chair. A short pîogram was given, consisting of a talk on "The Aimis and Ideals cf Miss Exclyn Riekard sî3ent the an Organized Sunday Schocl Cîas.," week-end with Miss Greta Munday, by Mis. Riekaitl. Reading, "The Maple Grove. Biithday cf St. P'atiick," Miss Mai- MNI. Geo. Ci-oxtheir, Toronto ,spent jorie Purdy; St. Patrick's Ccntest. the week-end vth his parent.s, ir Sandwiches, cake and cancly in good and Mirs. Water Crowther. inîasure vere thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Chas . Moise, cf the B. T. Ce.. The ladies cof the W. A. gioup cf Toronto, spent the -week-end with bis w hich Mis. Geo. Honey is leader, te- parents, Mi. anti Mis. Ben Moise. 1 gether with husbands, held a full Mis. Annie Carveth Higbee retuin-1 course dinner, beginnîng xitb roast eti fîom Montreal, xvhere she and Mil. t beef and mashed potatees at the Higbee spent the winter with theii'heme cOf Mi. and ýMis. J. H. Joncs son, Mr. Jack Higbee. last Thuîsday evening, Ilaster W. Il. Unite Chuch-Re. W.P.RRgers , Mis. Rccg i-s, Mi. Haie and Uite<l Cuch-R. W P Rg rMs. Haie, President of the W. A., I Psto. Snda. aii 30-Ila.. sharing the featvities as speclal I-Moining Worship; 2.30 p.m .-Sunl- j gu est. Teasmbaeste [day Scheol; 7 p.m.-Evening Service. tote tables at 6 o'clock and afteî M r. and Mis. Reg. Matchett andI dinner spent a pleasant social even- I family whe have been cccupying Mirs.1 ing. The pîoceeds go te swell the lHuntei's bouse, are ietuiiiing te Te- treasuiy cf the Women's Association. rontc next xeek. Mi-. Matcbett is Theie has been considerable move- resuming his former position witb nment in apples frem the fruit bouse the Walkover Shoe Ce. at the C.N.R. station recentîy. Mi. M r. and Mis. J. H. Jose, Mis. S. A. A. CclwxIl bas been îe-packing Joeand Masters Donaldi and Francis with the help cf a gang undr h visited frîends at Belleville and Ross- drcino r ri owl.Sv more on Monday and brcught back eîal hundîed barrels cf apples, Ben withthe a icesuppy o spings 1Dav is and Staîks, hav'e been shipped swit te ice supply cf s mpiine te the U. S. He bas ncw shipped swetstdliayhmemdemp o ut his fouîth car. Mi. M. H. syrup.Staples, Orono, bas consigned a car Mi. C. R. Carveth, hax,ýing istenedt te Ottawa and Mi. Hathaway is re- in on Editoî James breadcasting packing and trucking apples in bas- about having ieceive.l a basket cf ap- kets and boxes. Last Fîiday after pIes from Ex-Warden Coiwill, deciti- i school Mis. Lindsay antI several ef ed net te be outdone and aecccdinglv bei Sunday School girls of St. sent a beautiful -loo)king box of cran- Geoige's church, hiked doýnt h ges (picture pcstcaid) te bis fiiend, fruit bouse fer a tour of inspection John Cunningham. Howevei to datei and enjoyed a gocd treat of the king John bas net passed any cf them on cf fruits, mindful of the adage that te his friends. Chris. Law isý sure an apple a day keeps the dectoî te get a looek ut tbemn. away. SILVERBROOK CREAMERY PROBS : WARMER and CLEAR Tbat's beund te corne and te. you w-iIl need LARVEX te motb-proof your winter gar- ments and blankets. FORMALIN to treat the seed grain for sniut. Get your supply et KERSLA KE 'S THE DEPENOABLE DRUO STORE Phone 49 A GA IN A & P OFFER S NEW LO W PRICES Them. new low pricus for Caaupbeli'u Tomato Houp, Heinz Ketchup aud InImon are another proof of A & ira constant Iesden'hip ln offasIg lt.he hgheut quallty food@ et the Iowest of prices. Bring your meat and grocery liai i. A & P your satisfaction ls guaranteed. 2 Tins 250 MEA 78 A & P Markets carry a fuU Ue of meat., ffba and poultry of highest quality at ioweai pNice&. FANCY MILK FED FOWL SWIFT'S GOLDECN WEST AVEBRAGE 4 LBS. lb 3 5,e FINES? YOUNG CANADIAN LAMB LEGS - -FAKlb. 33q LOIN ROAST........... 0 lb. 28e LOIN RIB LAMB CHOPS........-.. .1b. 33c FRONT QUARTER ROLLSEDI ...... . lb. 19C BEST MILK FED Veal FilUets lb. 3&e TENDER, JUICY ROASTS A & P QUALITY DEEF PORTERMOUS PRIME RIBR BLADE ROAST RUMiP ROAST SHOULDER SE 'b. 38o o 0 lb. 280 I b. 25e M l. 280 0 0 l. 22o PEA MEAL Eà-ack Bacon BYTE l b. 400 SLICED lb. 42e OUR OWN BRAND Sinrnytield Bacon Bsck Slleed '?28o Side Slieed PKG.240 FRESIH SFOR Porlk Shoulders O,. Glb. 200 LENTEN FISH SUGGESTIONS CHOICE SILVERBRIGIIT SALMON FRESH ATLANTIC OD CENTRE rUTS CO AHTYHGE IM'ESH FILLETS F111 '.1 FLOUNDERS FAN(V QUALITY HADDOCK lb. Il5o BV TIEE PIF.CE 'b IL 5 lb. 21e TAI S Ib. 17 FRESH CAL'GIIT lb . X 30 Sco-,:-h Kippers 2 Pair 25â_e TEE < Guip.AT ATi-A.NTIE' & 1U'twir TF,,%i Co. LIMITLU <3fr CNAUA BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 lb. 3;. Tour choice of AsParagIl, Mdo consomme. Moclk Turtti, Pua. Celery, Pepper Potoxtail, Vege- table, Vegetable Bee, Chlcken wtb Rice. .e 0 Campbell's 2omato Souwp AT TIS NIEW LOW PRICZ Tins19 GOLD SEAL BRAND SALMON Soekeye TN i39o MAKES AN EXCELLENT LENTEN SALAD Gondola Chocolates POUND,45c ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS NO. 24c SPAGHEITTI, en ...LARGE Heinz.T.. 23c A REAL HEALTH DRINK COCO Malt HlaltePound Tin 31le MACARONI 2 PKGS.Zi YOUR CHOICE 0F MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI AT TYIS LOW LENTEN PRIVE SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE '6iA z-21c SKIPPER SARDINES, Imported, 1/4's, 2 tins 33c CRSE & BLACKWELL'S 23 BRANSTON PICKLER éOSPIK WHIZ CLEANSER ................ Tin 21 c AYLMER BRAND Pork&Beans 2 SQUAT A LENTEN TREAT LAYER F08 2 lbn. 33e BORDEN'S FAMOUS MALTED MILIK 'TINtç MUSHROOMS, First, Choice......... Tin 33c HEINZ TOMATO MADE 0F THE FINEST FRUIT KIETCHRUP Large Bot .2" AYLMER CHOICE PEAS NO 4NO- iz&':lic Aylmer Fancy Golden Bantam Corn NO. T'Ns i 2c TAIT'S RABBIT, Imported .N.2 . Weston's ROYAL CREAM SODAS, 2 Fkgs. 25c KRAFTS FAMOUS Canadian CHEESE 't-3,5 ENCORE MAYONNAISE 8"2-oz. 27c "60. 7 GILLETTE, the New Razor PTTACTAGE Each 9S GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES ....... Pkg. 3Cý OUR OWN FANCY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUR OWN BUTTER DEPT. BUTTER lb SOW REAP GOOD and BETTER SEED CROPS Fer Hlgher Yields, Better Quality anmd Cleaner Crops ... use IREGISTERED SEED Try Some This Year CANADIAN SEED GROWER' AS8OCIATION - Ottawa FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLE5 ONIONS Yellow Cooklmg 6 lhs. 2.5. MUSHROOMS. HOME IHALF POVND Each 2? PEARS, Choice Eating............ Doz. 3ý9c LETTUCE Ieebevg 2 £or 21. BANANAS *. RUT*.....3 Ibe. 21c CARROTS ....CALIFORNIA ...2 BL'4CHES 7 TOMATOES bMexican 2lb.. 370 ~~RANGES CALIFORNIADo.7l SPINACH-Fresh................ 2 Ibs. 25c 1NW FULL 15-LB. nI~TAT0ES BRUNSWICK PECK 37 - 1 1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1930 1 -ý r a

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