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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1930, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1,930 $2.00 a Year ini Advance 5c a Copy No. 17 STYLE ORIGINÀLITY IS IN EVIDENCE IN These SMART COATS Values extrarodin- a ry ! And every style is new, unus- ual, smart,. Another shipment has just arrîved and you'1l be delighted with the selection. Clev- erly designed in Tweed e ff e ts, p 1 a i n Tricotrnes a n d Broadcloths, with flare and straight line coats, some with capes. Ladies' and Misses' Coatâ $12 to $35 Children's Coats From $4.60 0f course you'11 need new Gloves and Ilosiery to match the new Coat. ALL THAT'S NEW IN MILLINERY The grace and charmn of the Spring mode has been caI)tul'ed in our delightful showing of the season 's ,fflû4-4, smartest hats. PANAMALQUE AND BALLIBUNTL HATS FOR THE TAILORED TYPE Have moulded crowns#&clev- erly desigried brims and odd droo ps to side and back which give the most striking efect. NEW SPRING SU IT $16.50V TO $39.50 ' Here are Spring suit val- I ue that will interest the man who wants fine quai- ity and fit at a sensible price. Fabrics of corn fertable weight and re- iuarkable wearing quali- ties . . . worsteds, cassi, moeres and twist weaves in the Iatest patterns andi skades . . . correct single and double r e as te d styles in sizes and propor- tions ta fit ail figures perfectly. Sec tliis beau. tiful new Spring assort- 9k ment and select your suit at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-50 to $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suit. Made ta measure are Creatly adnired and seli- ing f rom $850 Up Yu cannot find better clotbing values t. ee theni and b. .. convinced. TIP TOP TAILOR MAN WILL BE AT OUR STORE FRIDAY, APRIL 25fih Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 1PHONF. 104 LIMITED BONVUAN VILLE ORATORICAL CONTEST FILLED OPERA HOUSE Clever Young Speakers of Public School Display Considerable Talent ln Public Spea.ldng Annual Public &chool Oratorical Contiet, held in Opera House on Wednesday everning, under auspices of Home and &hool Club, was well0 attended by a large nuffmbea ..f iner- ested parents and friends. As usuai,1 this event pro'ed a surprise to theI townspeople in the ercclency of the1 speeches a.nd the oratorical ability of1 the smali speakers.1 The platformn was occupied by Mayor M. J. Elliott, ýMis. M. L. Hani- coc-k, President of Home and School Clu2b, Mes4lai'es Harry Allun, F. C. Colmer, J. Thickson and John Hate- ly, meinabers of the Executive, lad Principal J. H. Johnston. IPrincipal Johnston welcomed the audience, and then caUled upon Mis. Hancock, who, in a f ew well-chosen words, apoke ýof the pyurpose of thej Home and School Club, and asked' Mayor Elliott to take the char. Alter singing 'O Canada' a nuiube'r of the girls sang a chorus "Down Where tihe Olovers Bloyw." The first speaker ef the Jr. III girls was Joan Andrews, who descirib- ed the various features of the great Canadian National Exhibition. Dor- othy Bradt told the story of the b e- loved Canadian poetess, Pauline Johnson. France Hearl gave an enlightening and somewhat aniusing (Continued on page 3 W. C. T. U. W. C. T. U. met April 22 in Trin- ity S. S. room. Mis. F. R. Brown was in the dhair and Mrs. L. A. Tele gave1 an Easter message in the Bible read-j ing. Mrs. A. Colville sang a so*lo.A- ter tihe business was concluded Mrs. G. L. Wagar gave atalk on "Uines of Communication" showing that the bariful effects of alcoheol are seen in less power of control, less rapidity of thought, less accuracy of judg- ment, leas sharpness of sight, lema capacity of mnuscular action, and less steadiness of the hand. The following students who rt in the recent teinperance essay con- test were prize winners: Seniors--Alice Medd, Freda El- lio tt, Marion SIemon. intermed lates - Mari orie Bradt and Hilda Hall e-qual, Ruby Ho1bs. Juniors - Erie Swindefls, Ber't Jahnston, Elaine Reamnan. OPERETTA 'Gypsy Rover, by Ebenezer Young People will be presented in ST. PAUL'S LECTURE ROOM BOWMAN VILLE on Friday, April 25 at 8.15 p. ni. Admission 35c THURS., FRI. and SAT. APRIL 24 - 25 - 26 Monte Blue in "SKIN DEEP" With 'Betty:Coipson, Alice Day and Davcy Lee. MON., TUES. and WED. APRIL 28 - 29 - 30 -NO, NO, NANETTE" U Comedy spectacle of mirth, mel- ody, coler and romnance. With Alexander Gray and Bernice Olaire-Screen'a lbest slngimg loe team. And Louise Fazenda, Zasu Pitîts, Lilyan .Tasliiian -and Luc ien Little- field. Matin.. Monday at 4 p. mi. Matin.. Tuesday at 3 p. mn. Matin.. Saturday at 2.30 p. ni. Evenangs at 7 and 9 p. mi. THE DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS EASTER VISITORS Cantata Successfuliy Presented in St. Mi-. Loi-ne Plummer, Port Hope, at Paul's Church 1home.1 0 "NO, NO, NANETTE" IS SCHEDULED FOR LOCAL PLAYHOUSE Famous Musical Show Now a Big Screen Production, Partly in Color "«No, No, Nantte" -vhich plays at the Royal Theatre, Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday, April 28-29-30, witb jmatince M'onday at 4 p. mn. and Tues- Iday at 3 P. iM. Fi-st National's sereen vcision- pa'-tly in Technicoloi----of the famou-s musical ecedy on a vastly larger scale than the ftige version. Ther,: are 150 girls and moen in the chorus. wîth a large ca-t of principals head- ed by Bernice Claire, Alexander Gray, Lucien Littlefield and Louise Fa zenda. 'If Want To BRe Happy" ani "Ton 'For Two", the hIig song bits of the ;tage production, are, suîîg by Gray, Miss Claire and the big beauty chorus. Other song numbers are "Kine of the Air," 'The Dance of the Wooden Shooes" and "Japanese Ballet." The latter thrpe songa, are beceming -as wide1y ppul.ar as were the two 'original bits. "No. No, Nanette" is the story of a kindly millionaire who wants to makeothers happyv--esPecially yeung g girlIs. Wiit.ten by Ottic> Harhach and ýFran'k Mandel, the miusical plaY bas been adapted for the scîpen by Howard E. Rogers, hâwself ýhe aiitboi of geveral ,u<-eessful mu.-ical shows. Tise enat include% Lilyan Tashman, Bert Ro&Mc, Zasu Pitts, 'Mildred Har- ris, HeTnry Stockbrldge ati Jocelyn Lee. A Tiot of fun and just another big hit et the Royal. Miss maude Perkin, Meuris. Artihur andi John Perkin, Palmerston, weTe Sundav guets of MT. and Mis. Edwi#s a 1 __________________________________ *V!*lL On Good Fiiday at 8 p.m. the Choir ot St. Paul's Chuich sang Stainer's Ssc-ad Cantata "Mhe Daughters of Jairus." The subject being quite ap- piepriate for- tlhe season was given la an intelligent a'nd aLtogether credit- able interpretatien wbich showed the resuIlts of capable and eainest pîep- aration . It was heard by a large con- gregation with much interest and ap- preciation. Music of this îank might much oftener bc piudured witih ad- vantage in a musie loving community like Bowmanville. Phose who listened with so much pleasure feel indebted to Mi. H. J. Knight, Mis. C. 'H. Dudley and theý fine choir of St. Pauul's Chuîch for this succcssful'Ieffort. The Cantata was composed by Dr. Stainer in 1878 and follows the text of the Gospel story in 8-Mark, with intrednctory rpassages fîomn Isaiah and appa-opriate amplifications froni later Hebyrew literature. The solo recitatives weie taken byl 'Miss Helen Yellorwlees, Mis. Chas. F. Rice, Mis. Geo. b. Hall, Mis. C. Ar- thur Cawkei and 'Mi. H. J. Knight, ahl of -whobm acquitted thcmiselves well. Mi. C. S. Halfnian was heard to grent advantage with Mis. Cawkeî in the' ci-y beautiful duet, "Love Di- vine". The choruses for men's voices weie vcry satisfying and the full choruses had many thrillîng passages. The organ music of the Csantata is of a veiy interesting chat-acter throughou't and bas much to d'o with the total effect. Mis. Dudley's woîk at the organ, always pdeasing and art- istie, s'as admirable on this occasion exhibiting well her fine sense of ton- al effee-ts. The singîng o.f the Cantata was preceded by a short program of suit- able solos rendereti in their usual fine manner by Mis. Geo. L. Hall, Mis. Cecil H. Dudiley and Mi. R. M. Mitch- ell. Music ot this type is neyer fully ap- pieciated at one hearing and to the great satisfaction of many who en- joyed it on Friday, the Cantata was îcpeated at the Snnday evening ser- vice. COMING EVENTS Reserve Piiday, May l6tb, for Popular Concert including short pîsys, new drills and dances. 'The Chossen Friends will hold a Square and R»un1-.,lance in the Bal- moral Hotel on F'iiday, May 2nd. Eveiryone wel'omne. Reserve Friday, April 25th, at 8 p. ni.,for the op-etta "GCypgy Rover" to be given by Ebenezer Young People in St. Pauff's lecture rooni. Admission 35c. Men's Canadian Club will meet on Friday, A4pril 25th, at the Balmoral Hotel, te hoe addressed by Hon. Chaîles McCîea, Minister of Mines, on "Ontario's Mining Industry." On Monday evbning, April 28th, ait 8 p. m. tlhe Oper-a "Martiha" will ha presenteti in Trinity S. S. Room un- dei auspices of Trinity Young (Peoplie. Admission: adults 25c; cbild- a-en 15c. Pieceeds for M. & M. Fund. TIhe Bay of Quinte Conference Bianch wi'll meet in Trinity Chuîcb, Bowmanville, April 294h, 30th, and 1May let. At 7.30 on Tuesday, April 29th, delegates register and commit- tees convene. Regular -sessions staît Wednesd'ay miornin.g at 9.30 Nvhen 1Departisental Conferences will 'ho 'he'ld, follewed in the af'ternoon by reports and discussion, the niemorial service and the comnmunion. The special speaker on Wednesday even- ing is Mis. Je.ssie liclntyre of Stiangera' Depariment, ami on Thuisday aven ing Mis. W. R. Mackay of Souths China. Visitors welcome at everiy sessi-on. Miss Edith Peardon xith relatives in Toronto. Miss Teresa Murphy with friends in Toronto. Misa Gertie Oke witlh friends in Toronto. Mi. Russell MacLean at bis moth- ci s in Lindsay. Mi. and Mrs. W. H. Keflar Wîtbn friends in Newburgb. 'Mi. and Mis. W. Irwin with rela- tives at Fort Stewart. -Mi. and Mis. Harold Gifi with bier1 parents at Coiborne. Mi. and Mis. Wreford F. Souch, Montreal, with relatives. Cept. and Mis. C. W. E. Maath, OttaAva, at Mr. W. B. Couch's. Mr. and Mr. J. B. E. Staples, Tor- onto, wvith Mis. N. S. 'B. James. Misses Hester and Mary Brima- combe with relatives in Os'hawa. Misa Dorotby Richards witbh ler aunt, 'is. Alec Wilkins, Salem. Miss E. E. Haycraft with relatives in Br<eoklin, Myrtle and Whitby. Miss Marion Moorcraft spent the holiday at Mi. Herb. W. Jewell's. Mi. and Mis. G. H. Grahami, Peter- boro, with Mi. and Mis. Jas. E. Flett. Mi. and Mis. Wes. Matthews, Toi-< onto, at bis father's, Mr. A Mattihews. Mi. and Mis. Stuart Alger, Osh- awa, visitcd Rev. and Mis. J. W. Bun- ner. Miss Viola Callan, Toronto, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mis. Geo. Cal- lan. Misses Nellie and Sybil Buîk, Toi- onto, with th4eir mother, Mrs. Jessie Buîk. 'Mi. a'nd Mrs. John Palmer, Toron- to, were guests of Mi-. and Mis. John Lord. Miss Evel'yn 15ickle, Kitchener, wiühhlier parents, Mi. -and Mi:s. G. B. Bickle. Miss Carsoadden, T7oronto, with lher parents, Mi-. and Mis. J. D. Car- scadden. 'Mi. and Mis. Alex. Haddy and family, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Knight's. Mi. and Mis. E. C. Evans and family 'with Mir. and Mis. R. Tudor, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. J. H. Swindells and sons Eric and Roy witb f riends at Hornepayne. Mi. E. W. Crawford and Mr. J. A. Cole with fiiends in Windsor and Detroit, Micb. Mi. and Mis. M. Tipp, Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mis.i F. B. 'Hernmon. ,Mi. and'Mis. James McDoiugall and Misses Jesaie and Marion, Toronto, with fîiends lhere. 'Mi . Hen'ry Lathiope and daughteî Miss Carrne spent Sunday with rela- tives at Castleton. Misses Elsie and Irene Biagg, Toi- onto, with their parents, Mi. and Mis. W. J. Bragg. Miss Marguerite Armstrong, Nor-1 mal Sebhool, Peteiboro, spent the< weckend at home. Mi. and Mis .Norman Creeper, Hamiilton, with bis parents, Mi. and .Mis. H. B. Creeper. Mi. and Mis. Hector Darke and faumiy, Toronto visited hier mother, Mis. Geo. Brooking.. Mi-. and Mis. E. J. Grant anid son Tedd'ic, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mis. H. S. Freenan. Mis. W. J. Clemens with her cous- inas, Mis. Marsalal, Mis. WithaI and Mis. Martin, Rossmount. Mi. and Mis. E. R. Freemian, St. Catharines, spent the weekend witb his mother, Mis. H. S. Freeman. Mr. and Mis. Frank Grigg, Osh- awa, and Mr-. and Mis. Roger Fisb- lcigh, Toronto, witih Mis. John Giigg. Mis. W. J. Quinsey and daughter Jean, Toronto, wcre Easter guests of lier ncphew, Mi. E. P. Bradit, Odelil St re et. Mi. and Mis. Sam W. Mason Jr., sons Gai-iy ani John, Toronto, -%iblh his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Mason. Mis. J. M. Grove .1son Roy, Mis. John Lee andiMs Jean Gi-ove, 'ýuffvuie, wjth Mi. andi Mrs. Geo. C. Ftasteî and famoily. -Mi-.and Mrs. W. Chai-les We'rry, Mi. NleiediLh E. Moffatt ani Mi&a Audrey Weriy, Oshawa, guests of Editor M. A. James. Mi. and Mis. John Sanders, Lind- say, with Mi. and Mis. Ueo. Webste'r, who motored homne with thern and visi'ted relatives there. Mi. and Mis. A. Living and Ken- neth, Mi. and Mis. A. Buins and Keith, Oshawa, witb their parents, Mr. and Mis. M. Buins. Mis. Rd. Pooley and Ross, Ken- mnore, N. Y., with ber dauglter, Mis. F. Andeison. Mrs. bUn Richards ratuined home wilbh the'n. Mi-. and Mis. B. Y. Haddy and Betty, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Haddy Torotot M. F. A. -ddy's TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING CHANGE TO SUMMER TIME April 27th to September 28th, 1930 Whereas the Council of the, Corporation of tihe Town cd BowmanviUle has authorized me te issue a Proclaimnation requeeatî- ing the citizens tu observe a pei-iod of Delight Saving fer -the current year, commencing at midnight on Sunday, April 27th, and continuing until 2 o'elock a. xn. &mnday, Septemrbe.r 28th. In ordeir to efficiently carry out this request of the Council of the Town of Bolwmanville, it will -be neceesary lihat al docks alnd watches be alvanccd one houx at imidnight on Slunday, April 27tih. The Town Coneli ost respectfuliy asks th-e heaîty 00- opemrtion of ail citizens in snaking a success of this mioveanent for the puJblie benefit. Proclai2ned pursuant to the instuctiieof th~e Town Council, tihs 2Srd dey of April, 1930.M.J LITayr GOD SAVE THE KING man WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Hear Entrancing Addresa on Canad- I Mr. Artihur Spiceir spent the week- ian Rockies by Dan McCowan end with friends at Lindsay. 4 Mr. J. F. lMaunder, Lindsay, re- The annual meeting and election cently visited at Mr Edwin Reynolds'. of officers of the Women's Canadianj Mr. and Mrs. Blake Harnes, reoeiit- Club took place on Monday after- i'3 visited _M,. and Mia. Mont. Stîaple- noon, with Mrs. É. S. Senkier in the ton, Consecon. chair. After the opening exercises, Mr. and Mis. W. G. Nelles are vie- therepors f he arou officers iting their daughter, Mis, W. E. wer gien. Mrs. F. F. Morris, Davies-, Detroit. treasurer, reported receipts of e.D.Bsatnd heC - $164.37, Txenditures $146.85, bal- 1evDrBeta nedheC- ance $ 17.52. Mrs. J. H. H. Jury vocation oif Emmanuel Codllege in recoTding 6ecretary, gave aà onis Toi-onto on Tuesday. and interesting resumue of the sea- Mrs. J. Albert Cole recently visited son's meetings held and lectures ber sister, Mrs. Kenneth A. Ca'verly, heard. Windsor, and other relatives in De- Miss I. K. Smith prosented the re- troit, Mich. port lof the nominating committee. C"ise Vivian Bunner, Ediia Jew- The officers for the ensuing year were e~,C . Ogde.n and Mxs. Muriel Sy- elected as follows: Past Presidents- ~ons motored to Virginie, U. S., dur- Mrs. E. S. Senkler, M'?Ms. J. Clark Bell; lng Easter week. President-Mrs. Geo. Mason; lst 'Miss Frances Elford ,Blackstock, Vice President-MrTs. J. H. H. Jury; end Mr. Reginald Sutton, Orono, 2nd Vice Prcsident,-Mrs. W. H. spenît the week-end with M'r. and Mrs. Birks; Corresponding Secretary- W. E. Armstrong and Mr. anid Mrs. Mrs. J. O'Neill; Recording Secretary Walter Woolley, Bowmanville. -Mis. D. R. 'Morrison; Treasurer- Mran s.I!iSneTy Mis. C. A. Cawker; Executive- roMr and :Mris. L eir Skin er,y mesdames M. G. V. Gould, W. E.rne, reMntlyisied thi dau itnr Bemnan, F. 0. Mcllveen, L. W. Dip- Ms.Lne ilhMroyanBdoolin, and pel, V. H. Storey end F. R. Brown. coisn with Mr. ad MrsbornCe, The business of the aft.ernoon 'be- vsiea wthM. aryOsore ing quickly concluded in a very effic- Mnla ierbt and creditable maniner, tea was mrs. C. H. Dudley, A. T. C. M., served by the memibers f rom New- assisted the Por-t Hope and Cobourg cajstîe. choirs with their Easatr (Jantata The lecturebi of the aft.ernoon wA "Penitence Pardon and Peae" by Mr- . an MCo'wan, a resident for 25 Maunder. Mrs. Dudley also sang tiwo years of the Banff and Lake Louise pleaing solos. district, who showed a series of 200 Mr. G. L. Wagar, Mr. J. H. John- lantern views, entitled "A Naturalist aton, Ma-s. B. M. Warnica, Misses in the Canadian Rociies," ail madeHeln Morris, Greta Wickett, Olga I. from photographs taken iby hmof Tod, and Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. D)obson There is no douibt but that Mr. Mc-, are amnong those from to'wn who at- Cowan is one of the ablest speakers 1 tended the Ontario Educational As- wt.once of the most nteresting sub-- sociation convention in Toronto. jects and methods of presentation to Ahpyr-no fsho red wihich the members of the Canadian happy e-uni Onhaof shol fiend Clufb have ever had the privilege of rears ago was beld at the home oft listeninig. Mrs. H. King, Osh'awa, on Saturday, Meny of the pictures, îwhich rang-! April l9th. Miss Isâbel K. Smnith, ed ,frorn views of magnifice nt scenery B%ýmniladMs esePn inalotinaccessible regions owravleadMssJai suieofthe smallest and mnost guests. commonplace denizens of tihe Rockyl Mountain wilds, were tinted in nat Bowinan'ville W'omnen's Institutte uiaI and harmonizing colors by Mis. will hold the regular meeting in the McCowân. Their 'beauty and ef: S. 0. E. Hall on Friday afîternoon, tectiveness was furtber enhanced I) April 25. Progrim, in charge «f Mîrs. the speaker's charm of manner end W. E. Armastrong's group, who are vuice, finely shaded in its inflections preparing an EAster supper and a to convey a picture to the eais as good pi-ogram ftor 25c. Rod caîl: Aip- well as the eyes of bis audi-ence. petite Temipters. Ahl memibers attend A great many -of tîhe views dealt and ibring a firiend. witb studies of rare and lovely shrubs - Mr. Robert Fallis celObrated his and flowers and the fwild animal ife,1 seventy-fou.rth birtîhda-y iecently et 'which abound in ithe Rockies, some' their 'residence, 69 Dixon .Axe., Tor- of them hunnorous, others extremely onto, 'and was the recipient et many clever ini their portroyai of animal congratulat.ery messages and Ilowers habits. Others showed iforest, moun- from friends, relatives end the fan- tain -and wateî scenes, soe of whicb ily. Mr. Fallis is a constant reader of left on the witnecsses an impression the Stateanian and e.njoye its me- of peaceful and abnost sacred beauty sages of cheer and newe echd weexc which wVil flot soon be fcrgotten. Mi. Geo. Weekes, Division Court At tihe conclusion of bis addre$s, Oieîk, is moving his office to tihe the appreciation ef the club was fit- brick buiilding i front of Taylor'a tingly extended to Mr. McCowan. Rink which heoi-ecently acquired fiofn the torwvn. This 2-etooeey building will PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT give Mr. Weekes ample space to car- ry on his special work of painting ~Folowing is thse report ot Eiitrance (duco or lacquer) of auto. and rwe- lasm in the Central School. Nuni- iuvenating old furnitura in which art bers indicate pereentages eobtained George bhas ferw equals for turning on reoent examinations: out a tasty and first class job. Jean Morris 84, Grace Crawforth 82, Ei'leen Hately 80, Jim Sissons MINISTERS AND CHURCHES 80, Helen Mason 78, Walter Goode 77, Aileen Gibbs 77, PFaulino Adanms Tîinity United Church-Rev. J. 'U. 76, Gertrude Hooper 76, John Sbires Robins, pastor. Siinday services at 76, Harry Depew 76, Mary Thompaon 111 a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Sunday Sdhool 75,Sai Alin 75, Jeanl Brough 75, at 2.30 p. m. 'Mrin lavile 74, Hubert Hooper St. Jobn's (Anglican) Obhurd- 74, ad Andrews 74, Doris Taylor Rev. R. J. Sbires, Recter. bow 73, Russell Hayes 73, Bill Dunlop 71, Sundav, April 27th, 1930: 8 a. m.- Arletta Maynard 71, Eugena Connors Hloly Commliunion; il e. m.-Morning 71, Doris Bennett 71, Mahl Brook- Prayer and Litany; 2:30 p. m-Sun- barn 70, Gertrude Dewell 49, Frank day School rand Bible Class; 7 p. an. Tuerk 69, Dorothy Nicools 69, Cecil -Evening Frayer. Jackman 69, Bill Allin 69, Jack Cam- St nrwsPebeiaChc, ai-on 69, Frank McIlveen 68, Robert t.ner e'PeresanridChurch a Kent 68, Philip Pattrick 68, Milton corner Temspe1nceadm.Chuich ta Yeo 67, Ernest Hunt 67, Fred Mut-Mog Wors'hip l a. m.; EvyScolenin ton 66, Elizabeth Adams 65, Harmy2W.3hP7m. Rni.; RondaytHool -at Souch 65, Bhuster Crombie 64, Jack M2.30 r m. Saev., Robe rt Honetn Bennett 64, May Fýowler 64, Roland Mai ervcîesask., wiU preadi et Bate 64, Russell Oke 64, Georganabohsrie. Eeydywcoe Caverly 63, Rutb Hammi 62, Anna- St. Paufl's Cburch-Rev. D. W. belle Kellar 62, Joyce Adamis 62, Be8t, D. D., Minister. il a. mi.- Arthur fHumpage 60. (Not greded: Morning Woisip-The Flornce Jack Lunney, Jim Callan, Chas. Nightingale bodge, I.O.0.F., wiil par- Richards.) adhe to this service; 7 -p. mn.-Evening J. H. Johnston, Principal. Worship-Mrs. Jessie Mentyre of 1Toro.nto, will give an illustîated ad- .Mirs. A. L. Fascoe, Solina, was dress on the woîk being done for thse euest of fier uncle, M. A. James, and new Canadians, The Young People's Mi. snd Mis. J. E. L. Cole on Thuns-1 Choir will sing a service of Easter <hay. music; 2.30 p. n.-Sunday Sehool.

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