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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1930, p. 4

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PAGE OUR TE CAADIANSTATSMAN flWMAVILL THTJýflA APR--,4t.-8 Boot and Shoe RepairShop 1 bag to anounce flat on Thursday, May 1 1 wilI open a Boot and Shoe Repair Sliop Just East of KNIGHT'S GARAGE King Street East I amn prepared to do ail knds of repair work, promptly, satis- factorily and at reasonable prices. Geo. Humpage Bowmanville AT ROVAN'S THIS WEEK WOMEN'S SHOES In Black Patent or Brom-n Kid, in cuban or- high heels, î'egular $4.50, Extra Special $2.45 Pair MEN'S WORK BOOTS Extra Special in fuli-grain leather, To Clear $2.89 Pair MEN'S SUITS We have just received a Une of Suits from Montreal to seli at $11.75 and $14.50 w i th 2lpairs of Trousers, in blue I anid oxford gra.v. Special Value in CHILDREN'S SHOES Size )to7 ..........As lowas 87c f Size 71/' to 10' ... As Iow as $1.19 Size il to 2 ...... As low as $1.49 ROVAN'S SHOE STORE opposite the. Bowman Hous. in the. oid McMurtry Block-Phon. 528 Il TYRONE Ea,:c-nVisitons: -Miss EL'nceoChern- -ens, Ontario ColkIge, Whitby, Mis:s Gi-nec MacKay at bei homie at Bea-ei'ton; NMi&s Beati'ice Bitpesl'w-. Pieto, et lber father's, Mr. Chas. Bigelow; .Nlis~ Mae Canierua, To- ente, with ber parents, Mn. and<lMns. Herlb. (aaienn; Ms Viola Slîeitt, Apsley, with Ms Leveine Burgess; I. Wni. Little Sr., Mi. Wni. Little Jr .,Miss Jombt-phine St. Andrew.s, Miss E<ith Sauniers, Oshawa, and Mr. Wesle,, Littie, Walkeiville, mith the fine"niother, Mx'. ni. Little; NI'.r. I-ri Annis, "oronto, witb Mr. and] Mrs. A. W. Annis; Mr. anîd A. W. Pne.-cott anti ehillinon, Enifield,. with Mii-. Viola Siuîl; N. anti Mrs., W. J. Braddl and ftniiuv, Oshawa, ut Mn.-Jaines Dudîoy's; Mr. ai-d n,'s. F. L. liyarn with ht-r parents, Nli,. anti Jn~... Lillinxapp, (annington; Mr. adMi-.Lorne :',Ie(e, Bruîîklin, spent Easýen at Mir. L--i-i Skinnte's; Mrndonu Nus. Levni Skinner s-puyît a jfus- lo- ayut Mn. Lorne M(ys Br.,oklin; Mn. anti Mi-,'. C. 1). Htîd(g- son and] (lynii, Mns. Jano( iry Mr. Nobleru-telM î. anid MiDavid Mr. and Mm,. C. D. Ilo.1gc,)n a-d Mi-S. Robt. IloIg.son vi.iU-,i _Miss lI-zcel Il'ugson in the Wcsteî'n Ho.o- putai, T',n-,nt,- ..Mi-;,. loratit, 1111k'; nianaxfriu-nds ,wiIl lu p!easc-ýi sknow sho ha. retanu.]honme-aft -î' >îuunding sert-rai wr,- kiniiiBoa uiinviMile, PPi! li <î i-.in. Wa Cris M i-i inan-i-Soni;et y b d its Tbik-)ffu-i-iiig service Sutida r nr- ing, wh-rn NMi il.M -liinan on ftiiluîuc'b fn',ni (.i.ulInlia, gave a îI-,.lu'i. a on 1w e (rk being <bine th4ei,-. C . G. 1. T. an I1 iso Ilan,'h f,,ir mî stniusie. Su la- -nun ? 1,-. .J. Ji. 'Pronipoiun ih'ï-tinoxt Sulay .. .XVe4nion's ln-tiiî- u] Gianids'Aiui nie ait the lia, fMu î .îih-n 11e-ur eo- ont'i 1-a î ,,frý'ng aur IIlînue and Cm- juI : "'. 'l %%i C , pa i -i. M b M . hecaMouil i Cflo :'gii; vtlsilo Mr,- Jan 14ýi'- idi'Vu-ca cîu'n'n'î.i ' 1 narg iiglit I b- îîî. i Nus. N 'rnan j o -P(y h asdeid'to 'end a slshcxw(-rn if cad.; un'] ttie-s te r Laîiia Vint ic-uand] M iss Ilizs-h Holg- I ,n A ,,ui:ialf bioa\%s spont n t th<. c!u-vo-cf t k- 'neeting ..... JI -u Thursday euveing rai% un chage f tihostrii ve-pres,,iîlt'a., iMsiMargaret Munc. Prurai ia- i clu<h-< a i-eading "Wl.nt la Faitb" hy Miss FlJan Cameron; thp to-pic on "Wbat Think Ye of Chri:t?" was prepareul y 'Mrs. J. R. Trunipour and] rendl by Mi. Abheit Wood; vocal st>,Mia. L. J. Coodunan; ieading, hUnt y Miss Ruby Vitue. IENFIELD ENNISKILLEN ".%Ir. and Mrs. Weir and fainily, Rport fer Eaniskillen Public O0wen Sound, are visiting at Mr. T. School East.er Ex-ainnations: Bo-an's. r. and Mrs. Frank Sr. IV-Marie Oke 75, Ruby Vir2 Page,, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. tue 74, Helen Brunt 68, Mena Dick- Page's...Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe, flsofl 59, Floyd Pethick 58, G-ordon Brooklil, visited at rMr. G. Ormis- Stevens 56. ton' .... Mr. and Mrs. Sulley, Mount Jr. IV-Bernice Stainton 77, Ruth Dennis, -were gueets of Mr. W.J. Stevenson 70, Bruce Ashton 66, Or-miston.... Dr. and Mrs. W. G.Mc Veina Pethick 55. Cu!loch, Oreno. visited at Mr. J. Mc- Si. IlI-Gladys Page 79. Culoeh's .... .Mrs. J. Hepburn is vis- Jr. [II-Marlon Griffan 61, John iting in Toronto. . .. Mr. and Mrs. 'M. Oke 59, Olifford Pethick 47, Eaul J. Hubbs have been visiting in Lind- Bradley 30. se. .. ..%Ir. M. J. He.bbs is a ttending Sr.flI-Irene Sharp 68, Loine k-e convention ef the 0. E. Asscia- Bradley 49. tien in Toroento,. Miss Evelyn Stin- Jr. II-Harodld Ashton 75. son recently visited at Poatypeol .... I-Alice Stevenson 76. Mr. and Ms Wallace Scott recentî-y Sr. Pr.-Roy Virtue 78, Edna visitu-d at Oroao ... Misses Helen Bradley 73, Wilma Ashton 72, Wil- Pascoe, Wick, and BessiePsce mer Griffan 69. le Pacoel Jr. Pr.-Helen Ashton, Olga San- Teronto. were at Mr. L. C. Pascoc"s derso. fer Ea-teî' bolidays. Figures stand for percent. Reva M. McGiII, teache.r SOLINA ______TYRONE Ladies of Columbus w.iii preseni their play "Kentucky Belle" in the Easter Report ef S. S. No. 18, Dar- chun-ch on Wedaesday evening, April lington: 3tb, under the auspices of the Solina Sr. IV-Francis Thompson 73, IWomnen's Institute. T'h«c-y will be Lorne Annis 70. lsitdby Oshava Maie Quartette Jr. IV-Verona Worden 68, Jackie and Miss Doris Ne-.bitt. reîder. Ad- Timai 68, Clarence Bradley 60, Eva mimi.>n 2c andl5c. Everyont, Collacott 57. cmsinVe a . Sr. 1Il-Velma Bradley 72, Bobbie Mi. Jas. Ree&on and Miss Ruby, Cameron 70, Florence Campbell 61, Columbus, iisitedl at NIr. Harvey Donald Thompson 59. Hardy 's,.... Peas.e I to report thet Jr. III-2,Iildred Bradley 66, Susie MsW.T. Taylor is rlightly iniprox-- Thompsoa 66, Howard McRoberts 32. ie ftcr her recent ilneL.s . ..... I r Sr. I--Jean Truipour 82, Bilie j:and Nlrs. Wrightsoa XVkcht and famn Savoge 67, Grenfell Trumpour 66 ily, Providence, 'Miws Lillitin H - rHamr, Campbell 64, Blle Brooks 58, Toronto, r.Bl o. .hawa, %is-Junier CollIacott 50. ited Mr. un(i Mrs. E. R. Tfax rl.....Jr. Il-Joyce Trun-pour 82, Dor- Mis eaîvS~lsTrn0 en Byam 81, Normian Thonipson 80, th-e w-i' ekcivI %vi.h hk-r parents,. Mr. Ev a Yorke 79, Ivy Tabb 70, Ross Mce- and Mis. Jas. Sniale.s. Mi... Ena Roberts 6.5. Saih. Thanme.for.l.,p a the-îck 1-Lillian MieRoberts 71, Iva -nla: ' -rs R. J. McKe.-.ýsck's. CamPbell 69. Murray Tahh 69. How- Mr. 'lh.s Baker- antI Mis- g ard Bradley 60. srpent Sunlav mvth 'feront iofriends 1' la sBradlley 8, Jean Day- Mr. Wallace PLeeErfied] visJ ey 83, Cordon Hilîs 81, Artie Thomp- Pusi Mis-, Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. son 80, Nornian Yate- 79. Pascoe ....Mr. an 1 3Irs. Howard: Figures denote per cent. ChaliM andl famly, Oro-no, visited at 1 Grace C. MacKay, teacher. M1r. Sid Hockalay's. M ....%iss vera Sç1uirýe i. z;Penling Easter hldy HAMPTON at her home la Peterbono,....Mr. an I Mis. Donald Yellowlees and fam- Report o'f Hampton School for iy oumb1,b visit.od at Mr. Walter 1 Easte'r terni. Names in eider of .M c ...Niss, Ru:th and Mr. NelsonJ me rit: GagPoronto, visite4l at Mr. Frank, V-Gordon Phillips (hl, Jackson Westlake's ....Mr. Sid HockadayWray Ill), John Watchorn (b), an4I Mr. Eîme.st, Misses Riilda and Austin Barron (hl, Jessie Hogarth Lizzie HlockailaY were recent visitoîs (hl, Bloyd Wilcox (b), Stuart Ho- at Mr. John ChaIlLs', B&owmetnvIe1 . garth, Jean Stainton. J.Mr. an(i Mrs. Jas. Hogarth andî Sr. IIfl-John Virtue (b), Harry fainily, Hampjton, visited at Mr. Thos. Wnteîburn (b), Haro-Id Martyn (hl, Baker's..-. Mr. and Mrs. Nelsoin Re Anale Stainton (h), Bruce Clarke 'nolds, Heivaril and Barbar-a, Mr. and (b), Olge Cow]ing, Nelson Rcsbbins, Mrs Nor-man Reynolds andI Master -Mildred Andrus. JNorman. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Jr. 11-Betty Knox (h), Bruce Toronto, wire Easter guect.s orfMr.Hogarth (hl, Jiminie Adauison (hl, andMrs W.J. evold... Mr ad Thelma Robbins, Muriel Scott (b), Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent Good Friday VeraM b)n h, Doris Cryderman, with Kedron friends. .....Mr. aadj Lena Noi'icic, Katie Jones. Mrs. Harv-ey Hardy, Mr. andI Mii. Sr. II-'Walter Helwell (hl, Dor- 1isac Hardy, Mr. aad Mrs. Cordon een Perrett (b), Gladys Chapinan Hardy attended the funerel of their (h), Jack Cowîing (b), Bernice Rog- cousin, Mr.q. WiII Jolliffe, Lindsay, ers, Jack Niddery, Jerald Black, on Wednesday . Mi..Us. John Baker Norma Co-iling, Ruby Col'wil], John is in Bowmranville owing te the sc-r- Novick, Ruth Colwill, Dora Cow]îag, ious illaess of her mother, Ms W. Ru.by Jess. J> Bragg. I-Wanda Clarke (hl, Gertrude Pettit (h), Gladys Truili(h), Donald -~ Adcock, Nellie Armour, Gladys Pet-. __________________________ - tit, ISabella Rogers, Jack Jones. il Si. Pr.-Bertha Armour (b), Acy IHein (hl, Perey Aflin (h) and Ver-na ICowling (11) equal, Albert Maîtyn. IERY FOODS Stinon RRY FOU N. B-Bruce Clarke and Mildred ,u ne and Geography. ý inredints rom hiehF. J. Groat, Isabel Campbell, inreiet. fom whchteaéhers. COURTICE Mies Lynla Osborne, Toront.o, la spending the holidays at home.. Mr. and Mis. Jack Brooks and Mas- fter Orland, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and ýMrs. Ceci] Found. .M Bessie Braund, Oshawa, sPent Sunday with «Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden..Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice and Miss Malbel, Cleveland, and Miss Sadie Plunkett, Ottawa, are vieiting at Mr. W. E. Courtice's and Mr. Kenneth Court- ice's..Mr. Lu Wcbster and Mrs. Turner, Toronto, -%vere Sunday vis- ito.rs of Mis. A. F. Rundie. .Mr. 1Ronald Courtice, Toronto, was home on Sunday ...Miss; Louise Kem-p, I Haniilton, and Miss Britnail, Toron- to, were holiday visitors of Miss Mabelle Walters.Miss Vera Van- atonýe, Wbitby, spent a few days with -Miss Mabelle Walters. . Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne andi Miss Louise, Bow- nianville, and Miss Doris Gourtice, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mis. Alb ert Runulle. .Sunday services -uere ivell attendeil. la the imoraing o'uT pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, preache-d an Eanster sermon and a nuinber of young people were rc-ceived into the church. The choir sang special E«ster niusic. Mis. W. R. Courtice sang an Easter solo. Ia the eveaing oui pustor gav-e a l lustrated addre-s oin "The .,,iuîrec- tdion,-anid.Miss r rancU.s nancock, Bow%,manville, sang "TheL.re is a green Mn. and MIrs. John Grahami, Ken- e hilI far a.wey"' which was illustraited netb end Milton, Os.hawa, SundayedJ -with pictuxes. Iin th,- afierneon at at Mr. D. Graani's. . .si. Ber' e S. S. session after the lessen period anid LloydI Ferguson. Miss-.Eti-a Fer- a short Easter prograin w-s give-n. guson, Enfic-ld, Mn. L. Bradley and iThe Pîimary clas pre-ent.«i a pîettv Clarence Bradley, Tyî-one. Siîîndavtedý Easter selection, linIon the direction 'at Mr.E. Bradcy's... Mr. and Mjrs. -of '%ILses Hattie O.-îo'n--ý and Sadie P as. Mountjoy, Eaniskillen. and MIr,. Muir. A vocal dliiet' ira suag b yj Elizabeth WashingtonBa-, visý- 'M Mis Hezel Run<]!llen Mn-.. W. pR ited (it Mn. J. Cro,.sinant's-..Mn. and Courtice. and a sprinztiaîe st.oîy wa.s Mrs. Le-slie Gr-ahami and ..ons 11v i read by Miss Lyla 0 lînie eýxt -iid Jin, Sundauy.dat Mn. Cyrus A5;h- Sunday oening <'in pastor 15 giving ton's, Cant-ight. ..Mn. Bt n Fia- an illustrated lecuure on "A Tale cf iîîgton. Tosronto, visited at _Mi. S. Twv, Cities," Dicker - Treîria's. Miss Meta Ashton, Tor- ente.,.-pent a feir daî,.sa ioi Miss \'erna Trew in, Oshawa, va- MAPLE GROVE home over the îrvekend- Mr. and Mn,'. W. Treinienti Mn. and Mrs. S.i Miss Vera Power is a delegate te Trewia îisited fniends in Osha-%a .. the O. E. A. ceartantion which is he- Oi' play "Above tbe Clouds', is te iag held la Toronte .i eek. ..ho giien soon. Watch fin partie- *Mrs. L. C. Snowden i risiting lier u.. . .- Special Eastci- service last uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Suaday afteraoon under auspices of Ceates, Brantford....Miss Vida the League. Mn-. James Arthur Xer- Woiden, Toronto, i - spending her ry, Enatakilien, spoke very acceptabli- bolidays with ber niother, Mrs. A. on the Kings of lsame] aad Christ esJ Woîden, and otber relative.-. Mi. King. Easter singiag by League, Ray Snowden, Tous, peat Good niembers, and a vocal duet, "I Knew J F.iday with bis v~ anti onher rela- Its Spring" by Milsses Renia Brai 1ev tives bere .. M.n1. Elgin Munday, and Mabel Beecb, accoaîpanied .by O. A. C., Guelph,,-ptànt the week at Miss Mets Ashton; recitation. 'The home.. . Mi. and Mlrs. Ross Stevens Joy of Resurrection" -v-as aice]y giv-1 and daughter Betty are visitiag ber en by Miss Loina Thonîpson... Mr.j brother, '.NI. Gordon' Morris, Detroit, and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited -..Mr. Gates antIMi Gates, Cher- relatives at Mount Hamilton over the rywood, visited the fornner's daughter weekend... Mn. Athur I3eec a nd Mrs. Iyva Law, on Sunday-...Mr. 1Miss Ada Beech visited at Mn. D.I and Mis. Ed. Crant and son Teddy, Daivley's, Port Hope ... Mr. and MxsI Toronto, visited Mr. anti Mrs. H. G. Russe] Gilbert and Velma, Eaaiski]l- >Freexnen on Suaday. .Mi. Finie hon, visited at 'Mi. Milton Slenion's.. Laird, Toronto, 'Miss Annie Laird,. - Misses Freda Bradley and Ada Youag's Peint, visiteil their par-ents Beecb are holidaying witb tho latter's over the holiday.. . Mr. L. C. Snow- sister, Mis. Austin Lainier, Buiketon. den, Mi. Thoa. Baker and Mis.s Vers Baker, Solina, visited their cuis PROVIDENCE FARMERS' CLUB Mis. Leslie Harr-is and Mn. and Mis. Jin Spicer, Toronto,.on Sunday .... AMIl thosc, interested la the growinig Misses Susie an-d Anale Laird visited of Turaips foi- expert ceme V o Mr. and Mis. Ernie Jenkins, Detroit, Shaiv's Sebool on Tuesday, Apri] Micb-. Mr. and M-. Stuart Menton j 29tb, et 8 p. ni. and son Jack, Coburg, speat Sunday O. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, with ber parents,Mx and Mis. Tru- Peid . Sec'y.-Treas. man Power.. . . lDavid Fo.ley, St. - Catharines, spent the weekend with Mxi. and Mis. Levci Skinner, Trîc bis uncle and sunt, Mr. and i.J r.Js.Cutc rlMr.Js D. Stevens.M..I.ad is. E.R. Knight, toiva, eatet-ded the funeral of, F'reernan, St. Catharines, visited with their cui0 the late Cee. Penkins J bis brother, Mr. H. G. Freeman, over &f 0, îawa. the weekend.. . W. M. S. w-,-'iave ______________ charge of th> .srY-*-ý next Suaday aftern,,on. N1is. Menzies, a mission- ory on furlough freiTn China, wilI speak. Special miusie by the ladies. Let there ýbe a go'od turn eut.. Mr. and Mis. Ivi-on Munday and son Ray visited ber parents, Mi. and Mis. lie Snowdea, Toronto Normal, w t e n borne over the holiday. Mn ....I. and Mis. W. H. Penkias, Drayton, visited with her brother, Mi. R. L. Worden, and mether, Mis. A. Werdea. . . Mr. fla u n t J. D. Steveas end Mr. Ivan M. Law atteaded 0. E. A. convention la Toi- onto... Rer. andi ILH W. Foîey aad darh.nLaura, Seihy, an<i Mis. Mark Cardin,-n, Garden Hill, spent Tuesday witli the ,formier'.s sisten, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Mis.. .%f Ra Snowdena ndldauguter Helen, wh ha;'-e beeîî -isitinLhire, bai-e ieturn- C'd heaw-. 1 2 el 0 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and M Albert J. Bal.son and fanîiiv, Soiina. wshte thank ail their frioýnds and] ncdghhors for their kind c,\p)i'O.. ions (i, sYnpathy in their re- cent sa<l ber, a venient, anud for the- bcautiful fierai .'fYerings. 't t"-- This Camera and Film FREE To Toungsters VWho Become 12 in 1930 ANY îeoy or girl whoie tvelfth i irthJ y c,irnca in 1930 i eligil-le te rcci-.-, a camera and roi] of fihm iREE-the Fiftîetiî Annivtnsary gift of the Kodak CoMpuîIy Vc,'tlve a imited numbcr of thes-tgift cameras for distribution whule tdit, l dîîriag the montb of May. Act prîmptly, Parent or guird. ian mu8t accomapaay child. JURY & LOVELL Bowmnian ville PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS SALEM Easter Sunday service was con- ducted by the paster, Ren. J. R. Trunipour, with special Easter music by the choir ...Miss S. Symons, Bo'wmanville, %vas a weekend visitoei m-fh Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cann.. Miss Gladys Cana, Newcastle, MNiss Eusa Collacott, Oshawa, Mr, Keaaeth Werry, Peterbe-ro, Mr. Ewart Pol- lard, Toronto, spent the Eester beli- days at their respective homes .. Mrs. F. L. Squair's sister, Miss C. Stephens, B-ownîanx-ille, bas b-ean quite ili... Mr. and Mrs. Garae.ý Richards and baby Joan, Toronto, weîe Easter visitons witb his par- ents, Mr. aad Mrs A. Richards-... Mr. and MI- Savery, Newtoaville, visited ber parents over the wee.kendl. ...Miss Gladys Cana and Mr. Percy Cana attended the Easte-r Moaday er- cniag entertainnient at Hampton and report a very enjoyable and high class pregran. . On Friday -Mr. ani !rs. W. C. Werry eate.rtaiaed about fifty friends at a progressive euchre party la their fine home, wbere botb! young and old eajoyed a splendid ev- eniag. A superfine luncheon was sei-ved about midalgb-t and the guests1 departed la the small bours, fe-eling very grateful te Mn. and Mis. Werry and fanuily for their kind hospitality. HAYDON ,w spring coats caprici-ous capes mal cletail tor chic!1 Very debonair are these adorable coats of tweeds, coverts an d other light woolens... and captivating indeed are the jaunty littie capes that adorn most of them. Distinctive in line, they are well adapted to the silhou- ette of the season, and have interesting details that reveal fine crafts- manship. Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE MORE ARE FINDING THAT IT PAYS TO SHOP AT EDMONDSTONE'S Although oui- prce-. aie 'ow w'e have flot sacrificed, quality. 'prv eux geood., and .seî vice and be convinced it pays to shop here. Falcon Sabrion, large tin................... 2 for 35c Canned Peas tender and swe-et .............. 2 for 25a Post's Bran Flakes, reg. 15c,............... 2 for 25c Marnialade, large jar........................... 30o VEGETABLES ARE PLENTIFUL Vegetables aie a-, ess<'ntîal te your w'ell ýbeing as sune4ille and fresh air. That'Y wîny we keep such a fresh lot in stock i ncluding new AFparagui', Ce]ery, Carrots, Tornatoes, Heed andi Leaf Lettuce, Catiliflower, etc. FREE AND PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21Bowmanville Redecorate M - Renew the beauty of your home A re<lecoî ated home i-' Practicelly a new one. Don't Let your roins become tires-ome or shabby. You can freshen thni up with paint at remnarkablrv low cost, and have ail the f un'of living in a home that's bright, clean and heautifu]. Paint ulp your fhome now te beautify and preserve, it. Plan te haveL your ,walls redecorated, floors and woodwork relinished before the Spring rush. LoIt us show vyou interesting color schemes-incIuding newest modernistic ideas in redecorating, Rice & Co, Hardware ~Opposite Pott Office Bowmanville GIFTS of SILVERWARE Snîi .ti ier guft o piactica' usse, eernasting wcar and haadsonie designing ax-e hesý seleeted f rom oui conipre- hensive -hov.ing. MOORE 'S Jewelry Bown-anville CHOICE BAK Choîce . ..because the they are made are choice and are carefully select- ed by our head baker to give just the right flavor to every moi-sel. Our floui' is bought on specifica- tion that pernmits no deiation in quality. T ry our really choice bakeries. Th&owmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE $19,950 $25.OO $27.e5O WALKER STORES LIMITED ID PAGE POUR TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1930

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