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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN s'rATESMAN, BOWMANVJLLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24tli, 1930 PAGE FIVE GEO.w WEEKES MOVJNG By May lst 1 expect to be ready for business in the brick building which 1 recently purchased, in front of Tayaor's Rink, King St. East. WM thtie larger premises 1E wilI be in a position to give bet- ter service to iny customeir. 1 speelalize in DUCO or LACQUER whicb rmakes your auto look like new. Tbe cost ia amail. 1 also take the dints out of cars. FURNITURE BRICHTENED Afl kinds of fumnitume, including wickem funiture, painted and pol- iolied. DIVISION COURT CLERK'S OFFICE Wi1I also be located in this building. CEO. WEEKES Pione 33 Bowmnanville SATURDAY SPECIAL *Rev. R. J. Sbires, rector «f St John's Ohurch, spoke in St. George'; Church, Gores Landing, on Wed.nes- LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinda or taunary work done prompt- iy. satisfactorlLy and at reaaonable prices Write Pont Office Box 12. or caU Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmianvillie. P1'one 478W. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-For Tt of May, an 8-roomed brick bungalow; modern conveniences; garage; good garden. Ap- lIly J. R. Philp, Scugog Street, Bowmcin- ville. 14-tf LARVEX Moth-proole fabrics - all wool- leii rugs, blankets, winter coate, etc. $1.00 and $1.75 MOTH CAS Protebetm furs. 15c and 65c CARMENT BAGS Proteets froni dust tand moiture 15C to $1.00 KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUO STORIE Phone 49 GET A POUND 0f Delicious Chocolates Chocolates 28c. IL You may get them at our Orono or Bowmanville store. CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD ks made of best ingredients by Bowmanville itizens, for people of Durham, and delivered direct to your kitchen door. Buy bxiead made in Bow- nianville. -W. P. COIRBETT LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. J. J. Mason was in Torontol Monday attending an Executive meeting of the Ontario Fire and Cas- ualty Agents' Association. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dearborn tnd Mr--. Walter Manning, Oshawa, visited at Mr. W. J. Ricihards' Wed- nesday and attended the oratorical contest in the evening. Messrs. Robert George and Ted Woodyard, Towin, apent Good Friday and Easte.r Sunday at Mrs. W. H. Halfacre's, Tyrone, and exnployed Good Friday in ploughing. Mm. and Mrs. G. A. Gillispie, wlho have been spending the winter in Florida, are expected home next week. They are having beautifu] weather alîmilar to our July. Mr. Jabez Wright, sister of Miss Effie Wrigtht and niece of Miss Hazel Wright, Cartwright were on a spring shopping visit on Tuesday. We always like te sec Cartwrigh.t citizens in town. Sergt. Major Geo. W. Hunipage, who carried on a boot and shoe reipair byusiness home puevious to the Great War, is again opening a repaîr shop next to Knight's Garage. George is ino stranger toe local citizens, being a frosýidLont here for many years. Prev- fous to cuning to Canada lie was for 12 years shoemnker to the King' Own Royal Lancesrers in England, India -and China. He servod over- seas with the 136th Battalion. ".Let George Do It" when your footwear needs ropaiing. jMarcelling done at Mrs. W. Adamns, King St. W., Bowmanville, on Wed- ne.-days and Saturdays-35c. Phone 27.5 for appointrnent. 15-4w HAMPTON Ea.ster Visitot-s: Misses Gertrude and Dorothy Slnythr, Toronto, and Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa, at MmIs. A. B. Fergusons; Mmr. Harry Cowling, Toronto, at home; Mi.sss Grecta Wick- ett, Bovwmanville, visited hec aunt, MI.M. C. Robbins; %Ir. and Mis. J. R. Hoidge, 'Miss Marjomie Hoidge, Trtonto, and '.%I. and Mi-. Chas. Wood, Orono, vi-ited at Mr. J. L. Johns'; Mr. and Mra. T. Salter, Mm. and Mirs. H. Salter with frrinds in Pont. Pemry, Mmsz. T. Salter renîained for a few days' visit with 'nom sister there; Mrs. W. W. Horn and ',%r. Wallace Hor-n wîth frionds in Buf- falo, N. Y.; Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R. N., Bowmanville, at her home; Mr. ai-id Mrs. Cymil Jebson and Joyce with his mother, Mrs. Jebson; Miss McCartney, Toronto, with hem sister, Mis. J. R. Bick; Miss Wihina Leach with Oshawa f riends; Miss Isobe] Campbell with ber parents at EIm- vale; Misses Norene end Olga Lang and Mmr. Whitney La3ng with their aunt, Miss, Mary Jacdes; Mr. Allan FaTn, Toronto, with his father, Mr. F. Farn; Miss Noi-ah Kersiake, Tor- ente, wîth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kemlake; Mr. Tm Bate, Elmi vale, with friends bere. Everyone is glad to see Tim back to bis o]d home town. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. S. Kerse.y on -arrivai of a daughter. ....Mr. F'rank Hastings had his tonsils renîove.d and is progressing favorably.. M. Harold Wil-liaums bas retturned bo Hampton after liav- ing spent the winter niontiba in St. Petersbuqrg, Florida. HaT«Md hat had a great "Suinnier" holiday anmd bas many wonderful and interesting things to tell concerning hîs trip.... Services held in the basement eacir night during Passion Week were very inspirationail, indeed. The services of eacb -outside pastoer who assisted Mr. Bick were greatly appreciated.. . .The concert on Monday nigit was net largely attended oming to bad weether. '.mI. Walter B. Cmaw, B. D., deliglited bis audience withr many numbera, and Misses Elinor Sykes and Helen Knox assisted on the program with vocal music, and Mrs. C. J. Kerslal<e and Miss N. Horn with piano nuirtbems. We are greatly indebted to our local talent for their fine selections. Mr. Sulas Williames, Reeve of Dam- lington, lias been visiting relatives in Hamilîton. Don't forget the Brootrn Specials, alse this week specials on Honey and Jelly Powdema at Horn's Store. Notice to Creditors IN 'Tflc NMA'TTE-R 0F' Till'ESTATI2 of- FREDERICK JOHN HlOR-NE, la1te of île wniianv, I, rli reil jeivteler,il .as NOTICE 15 1IRREI3Y GIVEN thaI al pensonsli a v ig atiy cla ini a gaimet th e l.t, Fred,-riek .Jobhn Iloin,, teie lied ah lîowma nn ville on Aptîil tiri, 1 930î, are -ro - iireltî, stndl livpost îreia l(iior de- liiîýr ltut i i iilrsigtie.1 xeuctti\ unîler the ,,ill outhlie saitid r ,î Johîn 1 lorno, " 1,e,.fulîl iariieillli in wtn i of thir ilai nie A NIl TA KE1 NOTICE tijat tIen Maîy I-ti, :P30, s:id , cutlix Nirîli uistrîlute II iii.vL o . euf thle diidilFre-Il,rick J1ohne Il ri,,c,aietI iavitig tugari only te Mrs . F. J. Horne, Bowmanvllle, it, utni itîii îliof 17--l Fruderick John Mornte deceased. Wallpaper Makes Your i , i~- Home Att ractive , ,r / When a true sense of artistic decorationl1 calis foir realistic expression, the clever h e-maker naturally turns t alae' where interesting themes aire iflS1)]ld l)y .--r- leading designers and decorators. ,i I Thriughout oui- entire line oi' Sun- ~? worthy Wallpapers outstanding valu 's per- sist. Prices nange in accordane t with quality and texture. You will find herea -r variety of up-to-date suggestions that will meet every taste and pocket-book. J. W. JE WELL Big 20 Bookatore Bowmanville BIRTHS EBRAQO-At Muskogee, Oklahoma, on April lith, 1930, to Rev. Wallace. and 'Mrs. Bzraigg, the gift of a daugh ter- Edith Louisa. DEATHS PERKIN-ln Oshawa, April 18, 1930, George Ptrkin, bploved husland of 'Mary Jane Sanders, ln hie 9th year. MUTTON-In Oshawa, on SundaY, Ap- ril 20t1h, 1930, Oliver Mutton, aged 66 y ea rs. Interred in Bowmanville JOLLIFFE-In Lindsay, on Sunday,l April 2oth. 1930, Matilda lBruni, leloved 1 wjfe of William Jolliffe, in ber 75tb year. SCOTT-O5n WedIneed.ty, April 16th,1 1930, at his residence, Listowvl. Ont.,1 John Walîiron Scott, retiire i rivate lîanki-r, in bis 95th Ysear. BYERS-At Gardcn Hili, Apiîl i, 1930, William James Byers, heleveil hi-usband of Ilenrietta lIer, l inhs 62nd year. Interment at Pontypeol. ANDREWS - At Well(,sly Hospital, Toronto, on Sund.ny, April 2o1h, 1930, Lnîma, belovedl wife of Normnan R. An- drews, in hcr 45th ynr. liiierred at Orono. GIBSON-In Gaît, on Mondl:i. Atîril 2ist, 1930., Charles Frederick Gilison, former Town Engineer, IloNma n ville, in bis 74tb var. Intermcnt in EIowman- ville <'emete-ry. BOWEN-lIn Clarke Towntshi, on Wed-nesîlay, Avril 16th, 13.Wi-ilington A. I3owen, aîged 78 yeir. Fater of F. W. Bowen, M. P. Intt,ri.(]i n loti- mianville Cemetery. MONTGOMERY-At Roilin, t)it, Ap- ril i th, lt,. W. H. o Lc,.Iy, D.,T MA., el-lest son of tlî', lite I iavîîl and Caroline Montgromery, Solîna, ulnt,, in hii-'. 59th y tir. Interre-d ai Mor%*,n. Ont. Wl LLIAMSON On Sunîl,,'. Apil 20, 1:2. t 21 Suffolk SIre.t, Tori-,îîî, lier- itt Willianusjn. beloveil sitIer o Iiir- ion of Trtt.andl of Bru,, \Vliimson, ('; Acle ,I. Iflietrd nîlocn.n IN MEMORIAM VI RTU E-Inloviîng i. tiic-i' .1.u thi.i ILte. I.,ove i<ife of Bi, i i irtie, i -, IAlîril 211h, 1929. Ait i h,"ng' t ack sait ni - iîor: s. (if a ol ne gene 1tri." i-t Andl l c-w h lici ink of hJi > "'la Are the cnes wbo loved ir bst. QUINN-i loi :ng meiliot 3 if .ailear wi f,, ndîîlmuthr, M illi e Oui> n. uJc -pass - ,l .îway Alîril 20th, 1928. .1o e, black of the suns' t. Wh i. loveliness never dclis, Sli, <tiilsein a landt of glîîry Wîtlî ilrectos in ber lift,,] -Nes i And l hauty lii es ail arouinîlhiir. Anit mousic is lainte air, She is far trom ail thouglitçi cf sadiîî i-s, oif gr:ýef andl dotîbt andl cre. 1lustîcoînl ,andîFa mii,. Articles For Sale HAY FOR SALE-A quantîty ef good liay, niostly limothy. Apply te Jas. Moorey, Il. I. 1 Ha~mpton. 16-2 FOR SALE--Good sideboarîl, cheali, ne re:îsoiable offor refuscîl. Mie. C. G. Ch'lurchil, Con cession St.. I3owniaînville. Phoene 669. 17-3 FOR SALE-Quantity cf contracturs sciîfolding, polos, plank, tirssais, lum- ber, etc. L. Turner, Scîigog St., Dow- manvilie. Phonte 170. 17-tf FOR SALE-Chevrolet Landeau Sedan, in excellent condition, 1930 license, will selI reasonable. W. H. Btrowen, 'Maple Grove. Phono 476r22. 16-2* FOR SALE-Quantity of White Blos- somn Swoot Clover Soed, Goernmont tsted. Apply tu C. A. Wiglht, R. R. 4, Bowmanviito. Phono 142r21. 16-2 PIGS FOR SALE-6 Yorkshire White Pige, f6 weeks old. &Pply to John Nichois, R. Il. 2, Bowmanville, Lot 25, Con. 3, Darlington. Phone 133r12. 17-1 FOR SALE-Williams Piano in splen- did condition, will soul for $125, time paymonts if dcsired. John Meagher, 9-. Simcoe Neorlh, Oshawa. Phono 3711W. 17-3 ENGINE FOR SALE - Massey-Harmis gasoline engine, 8 H. P., almost as good as oew. will tako on-third of original price for quick sale. Corbett Motor Sales, Bowmanville. 6-tf FOR SALE-Quantity of used lumber. as good as new; one 5-ft. standard bath tub; one launîlry steve; one 1927 Cbev- rolt truck in Al condition. F. FoIe-y, cerner Church and llrewni Sts., Ilowmian-1 ville. 17-if FOR SALE-Pure brou Jersey cow, Je jronewed; aise a helfer coming twoya e antia yoting Jersey bull; oighty mîxeti pullots, laying. Aiîply t0 W. Gilliam, Inear Training Sciioci. Bownîanville. IPhono 474r2. 16-3 FOR SALE-A N.w Scale Wlins piano, lato tiod ,eist 600, and in gooît condition. Thiîs ccîicrt piano lias a beautilfui tone andI action and will tic a bargain te ooeon,,. $225 on easy termas. F. J. Mitchell, Bwî aii. 17-1f FOR SALE-Coîlar ileets and a numbet of largo nine-foot anchor Irosts; aise timber sltable for lî'epers and other buillîing purpoes. 1'wenty colonies of Becs at a bargain. T'. J. Cole, R. R. 3, 3eonmanville. Plione- 203r4. 13-6* FOR SALE-White Itiessoto 1929 Sweei Clover Seed, price $:5 bus. deliverod, bags froe;iso Seoit Gais, O.A.C. 144, price 95?c per bushel . Aiîlly to W. J. Lea-ski, Tauntotn. Phoe 163r13 Oshawa, lie- ,ween 12 anîl 1 1). ni. or after 6. 16-3 FOR SALE-lteavy horse, soven years oh1, gooîl te work every wîiy, raieed by ewnr, lîrice $8500. aIse reg. Sherthorn bull, 14 menthe, uark red, and trom im- potioricîl da, tîrlcî, $12500.11Baer Solina (Hamptîton R IL .1). Phono1f72. Wanted 6t MAIO WANTED FVor gener:îi Ijîts- lirk. .Xpiply teo3Mis, iK. SmithilHuu- HEnvLP .WAoNTED ;611. er 17.ni.. %\011i.ok Au i,) iMc.N. S. Il. 5 17-if WANTED TO RENT-Ileise Nviili ttîoîl,.nu i xeh,Ic,,siand garage. Apî- lly t)1-.il . i Itrtit , I ;oe anvillv. l'lon, M1 1. 17-if Aivyoit, ,vaiitiiig :iiîv iiiti.t-rinig Ioný, Iýtîuîîiiv i.jj :t 1,11,,,i insTiios. MvMuîlý,n's, Sî'tîgog st.. îlot, iîîîtî,, île. Phone 480<. NV. Mt kîhtigor. 17-lw WANTED TO RENT-Fimnishecd or un- fîi bil it CC (Ire feniirbly fîtroi lieffl .Beiy ist for a or fG itontlià. Wiegv lng ftllt ,,tioliictîtand :îîiuce. 10 litre. W' it. J:Iecktn:ln. 6«, Irvinig Park Bltv,]., tIlîleaIge, Ili., or S. J . ,taekîian, 1Iowt- nianville. 13-tf REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-Valît- abl b ic )rt -liim' A g,.i)n y 5 row ilva l lbli foi, Bow met,'ille and tutviit ty, xvi tiion- of Caîasbailitîg 1lIfInslirainci' Com- tUitiii. (bai(l ciaracuen essoential. For îîarticuiers ivrîte . t Drawer Il., Ilownianvillio. 17-4 CARTING AN4D TRUCKING Au und& of Carting, Trucklng m blovial; local ad long distance. W. BOMUARD. Pob"l n 10 quhon t, *winll To Let ROOMS TO LET-Apply Mrs. R. Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowmanville. Phone 561. 16-tf FLAT TO RENT-Five rooms, water- works, electric lights. Appiy Statesman Ofnce. TO RENT-3 garages, back of Hatelys garage. Apply to John Ilately, Bow- nitnvillf. Phone 44. 17-4* FOR RENT-5 large hented rooms for housekeeping. Terme reasonable. Ap- tly Corner Scoigog antd Church Sts., ldowmanville. 37-1w- TWO APARTIMENTS TO RIENT - In Bowmanville, modern conveniences. Apffly te W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., Bowmanville. Piione 102. 46-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights. located K-ing & Ontario St., l3owmanvilie. Ap- ply A. A. Coiwill. Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-B)y May îst, part- ly furniebed, 6i room., and bath, ail con- vi niences and garage. Apply Mrs. Er- nesi Passant, flukr- St., ilowmnnvilie. P'hon. 563. 17-3 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Hanuse and loi, 6 roome, electrîcity and waier, reasonable. Apply 10 A bert E. Hlircock, Liberty St. S., Bow- manvilie. 16-3w FOR SALE-Doubte coîtt - e atBo-' manrvill, iteacli, cheap. M'uI ho soid hy At)ril 1111h. Varcoes Camp, King- toîn toad W~est,.7- FOR SALE-The proîîerty of the late joh ln 1Il. Tritil Is offered for sale. For piarti c uars apiply te Mn-. J. H. Truli, Charclî St., llownianville. Il-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-On fluX-P Street, ln good condition, '/4 acre land, property of thie late PRichard. Hamlyn. Apply to Fred Downey, George SI., flowmanville> 14-tf FOR SALE-7-rrorneî,l brick itous,-, wirel f. î sivealJi glît, . acre of 1lanml. ii, \t to i aiing factory. AppIy on the Il'r.risc>s t" E. G. Mitchell, Hunt St., tlowm:îýnx iii,. 17-21 FOR SALE-The brick block on King St., floeninvillc, oicuî.id hy the T. Eaton Co., opplosite lic S. A. Barracks. F-or parlîculars aiîply 10 Mose Thompson. 1-t. R. 3 Prit Itope. 17-2* HOUSES FOR SALE-fi or 8 roomed rug brick housi s, wilb ail modern con- veniencs, garaze anti garden. Easy ternes. Apply te J. E. rleit, George St., 170 mnvll-. Plîone 184. 15-tf FOR SALE-lobinsons lPoint, Lake Scutnog. Choice soimmer resert lois for sale. Closelo C. Tl. R. Station. pest office andl store. Apiîly 7<tIrs, Robinson andl Son, .Tnetvitte Station, Ont. 16-3* REAL ESTATE -ý We can sou yeour Farm. We can get you City property for your farm. No sale no0 charge. Buyprs waiting. Send full particulars ln iret lelter to Dsney Real Estate, Oshawa. 14-4 HOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed bouse with good gardon and shed, situated on north aide of Second Street; prîce reas- onable for qulck sale; property of the late William Qulck. Appiy to the executors of estate, W. F. Quick, A. McGregor, Bowmanville. 7-tf FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage on cor- ner of Liberty and Wellington Streets; brick bouîse. corner Ontario anti Wel- linclon Strecîs: aise a number of good brick bouses in iifferent iiarts of the town. Eaýsy terms. Apply 10 Wm Brock, Qîteen Street, Bowmçînvllle. Plîonî, 114. 1i-fiw- Eggs For Hatching Baby Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - Haiching Eggs from 0. A. C. bred-to-lay Barroti Rocks. 75c per settlng. A. Lnirît, Mapie Grove. Phoene 476r21. 36-31 BABY CHICKS-Legbern (hickens for the enîd of Me%,,y, l7c ecd; irst week of June. l5c t-itc. Ilion, 38W. W. il. <'arruthers, R. Rý 1, llowmnanviile. 10-if PLANTING TIME IS HERE Trees and Shrubs set out now will give much bet- ter resuits than those planted late in the season. Our stock of Evergreens, Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials is complete. BROOKDALE NURSE RIES Phone 7 Bowmanville Free delivery to ail parts of Durham County. Catalogue on request. The gardening season will soon be here. You'll want strong.sturdy well germninated seeds for best resuits. Last year our customers who planted Leonard's Government Tested Seeds told us they got wonderful resuits. We have just re- ceived a fresh lot of Leonard's Garden and Fleld Seeds for vegetables and flowers at 5c a package and up. More for the money than other brands. - TRY OUR SPECIAL BLEND 0F TEA AT 59e It must be done-Housecleaning-but we have the supplies to hel p make the job easy and effective-Buooms, Brushes, Cleansers, Soaps, etc. FISH FRIESH EVERY FRIDAY -DCO>CO><CC HARRY ALLUN, 6rocer PHONE 158 BowàfflVILLE 4)' ID r WEEK END SPECIALS TOP COAT SALE To clear the balance of Top Coats on hand we quote the following reductions: Regular $20.00 for Regular $25.00 for $14.95 $18.75 Regular $22.50 foi Regular $30.00 for $16.75 $23.50 YOUNC MEN'S TWO PANT SUITS New Spring models, shades of grey and brown and navy blue, 2 pair of pants, Clearing for $1 6.95 WORK SHIRTS AT 69c In this lot you will find shades of light andl dark blue, discontinued lines and odd sizes, reg. $1,00, For 69c Te.B. GICRS Directiy Opposite Phone ai, Rlank of Montreal Bowmanville PAGE FlVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, APPLIL 24th, 1930

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