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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24rh, 1930 CR.*IOP REPORTS and BUSINESS SUMMARIES D URING the season the Bank of Montreal iaaues pertodical reports on oecp conditions ehwsghout Canada. Bvery xonth it publishes a "Businesa Sumrnary" covering business condtions in the Dominion and in the countries where the Bank has offices. Both of these publications are sent free to &Hl who requeat to have their names placed on our maling hist. BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 Tow iAsseU in excesagr $6o.0o0.000 J The daath of MNIs. Marshall Porter1 -xh .srr ibîzu.Iny appearc-d Apri! 10:,h. remînds oe of the standing of the, Bellwxxod people in section Na. 9,1 Clarke, some 65 or 70 years ago, in which thev were prominent in stock raiaing. farnsing and general agri- cultural wonk, combinerd with social and religious actix'ities, principally in the Primitive Methodist Church. In the old No. 9 school house were theld regular meetings o! this danom- ination and the preechers were al- ways hospitably entertained at the fine aId home of 'Mn. and Mrs. Charles Bellw-ood on those occasions. This farn house, of tise bungalow type with it-z broad veranda, was one of the fines-. in tise district and with the fine ourbuildings wes an outstanding spot in the cornmunity - spaclous lawns, fine shrubbery and a general air of old England in its appearance, and one as he passes today cannot hepbtnotLtea change thet bas taken place as rime goee on. Then MIr. Chas. Bellwood, a nephew, lived _ -- -.7- -- - ..on -,he farm rto the ea.st, just nortis of tise school house, and John Bell- wood on that fine farmi just West of tise -thel Chapel -which is now o-wn- ed by an Oshawa citizen. John and Cherles were pupils «f old No. 9, sons o! Charles Bellwood, as was also James Be:lwood, son of 31r. Chas. Bellwood, Sr. Tise works wondrous changes in any section but none more so than in old school section No. 9, Clarke, which was s busy hans- let in those days but now bas the alypearanca of Seing somewhat de- serted, ini some parts at Ieast. w-djS 2iIr SPRING DAYS are new-lif e days Now that the bodv is b ounding into new life after the shut.in-days of winter-don't load it down with hea-xy, indigestible foods. Shredded Wheat is the energy.food that supplies the vital f ood elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form - -itamins, minerai saîts and proteins. Eat it with milk for breakfast and see how it carnies you through the f ore- noon wvithout fatigue. SHREDDED WITH ALI THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT THE ABADAN HREDDED WI-EAT COMPANY. LTD Cildrfn will fret, often for no apparent reason, iiitieres aI- ways one sture xx v iiir f t -ia restless. Inetfful cfisld ta:cn Hlarnnle's as the neciî e triSise wrapper; nîîld and I ind as it tastes. Put uts geaile ar-tion soothes a x-alngîer ruare -:irely than sanie Iotet nie- icile that is ineailu for th! sîroîlger systemrs of adulîs. Tha's the Ieanîx- of - bis special chiidren's remnedy It mav be gix'en thse tiniesi infant-as ofien as there is any ueed. In cases ai colic, diarrhea, or sînilar dîsturb- ance, it is inx'aluable Prit il bas everyday uses ail mothers should A tORm n bad ,reah. ý*hee%r h iMre dont cat xxell. dont resi vell, )r have anv uitile upset-this pure xeeahle preparation is usually aIl ihats needed ta) set everytbîng ta rights. Genuine Castaria bas Chas. H. Fletchers signature on the wrapper. Dactors prescribe it. WEDDI NG Lovering-Trimble The horni of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lovering. Coldwater, w-s the scene «f a prett'sx. wedding, Saturday after- noun. April 12th, when Ella, daugis- ter (,f Mr. and Mr.r. John Tnimble, Rowýniaavîlle, -xxes unira-I ta Aluan Loering, eltier son of! Mc. and Ms .Melville L.-vering, Rev. A. L. Atren officiating. To) tieseitrain- of tise xedding mu.,ic piayec sy Mi-s. (;e-rrge Swann. sistýer -f thne groom, the bride enter- cil th r.igr< on the arns of Mr. John Trnmbe who gaxe his daugiter in niarriage. She looked verx- lox ev n a pastel rose, beaded georgets.- fra-c-k. w,-earing xvite kid .-hter. andi hos.e *t-rmatch. xv--hh hiidal ~ on:in cap Eàffec* hy a c(trone' e-f orange blrir-sriis, andc crrying an arnm sheaf of pink carna*tiofi and mauvxe sc k. MisEvelyn Tuil, cf B,rý.vaanviUC.L na î.;C a p-c' Sie.nad hing grwn n iidaîîîty mîauvt ge,,rgerte. s n.ril nhoLýanr i rî: cin9 ho-e ar.r co I.)luucýc-(if xxhite carn.r- -rr.. T-nerx-man xxa- Mr. Frank L- -r.r.dix gromsbrother. Irr.n. - - r.rrîni t c in a figurî-îi or e.rw -ilk r r-andlhack- icaui. Mr-. Traxir>-.the-biii tS' a. x * 1.rra ne ~on -r r!thr- n - r: :n t-a'l-~rf green. in si'k 1- ~ x :.i dx-erros-ya xain'. - ho ,nid*~. ther rQ' rffrc ec-înl 'h-h ?rlr a'r r -. J - . r i!,. M I r ld.r 2. ~h- 1r a -Ir- i-. r-, is ".xani..lVn e p r----------------d'k ir!. ýhr rre 11:-rait graes,"Fa- iy- - -nar-an ecnd .-A ..;. b v.yth url- -t ak , io«rta a o be aplie Io o5rn huy - wtI I Ia ale ORONO MORE ANCIENT HISTORY Recalled by David Morrisan The nexv Salvation Army barracksi is Seing built on thei old s'te of the Primitive M',ethodist Church, corner of Church and Division Srreeirs, that at one time was in the front line for the good of the cirizens of this town in religious observance and in mat-. ters affecting tne upholding the la%- of the land. as wirness in the front tank of ira, members were the late Geo. Haines, prominent mantafactur- er, mayor of the tow-,.n, and lareri chief magistrate for many years; '.%r. Peer Crl-ýan. an official and sheriff for mnany years., who built and ivedi in the building now the Bowmenville Hospital; '.%r. Thomas Coleman, chief const.able for manv vears and meni- ber c! the choir for seve-rai decades; INr. Thomas Hoar, one of our Mxost res-pected citizens in those days; M.Nr. Richard Hagg'th, and many others. Like many otheýr bodies it hed i-- day Iand generation unt'l the ge-:ting to- gether o! the denor.inations that were so much alike rhat it was deemn- ed b,2-:.er -o amalzamate which was d-eso fat as -Éhe different bodies i re concerned. but not so ail the rnembers; but as it was in the bogin- ning so iP w-ll Se un:il the end. We do nlot 211 see alike and perhap.s, it Mav be for the best after al. Just th-e sanie the lite.e brick cburch wil itsa good choir, ira up-to-date minis- t era, ira "protracted" Meetings, its, fai:hful members and adherents is not eaaiiyv forgotten. even in thisi rapid aze'.1 In some facrories and workashops carbolic acid lak-t for use in caut- erizing wounds an:; cuts sustained by the workmen. F:ý:i! ero ee on hand a bottie o Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oul. I ja.- asý quick in action and doeesrx- scar the skin or burn the fiesh. Orono Lodge, A. F. Sz A. M., te- ceived a fraterna. l. Friday, April Ilth. from Mizpah ý g.Toronto. The brethren were banqueted at the Rolfe House where about a hundredi enjoyed the fine iinr Special features of the prozram were: A duc,, "The Gypsy Nlaid," bv Miiss El- len AAin and 'Mr. W. J. Riddeil; sev- eral humorous readings hy nmembers of the Mizpah Lolge. and commun- ity singing. Mrs. P. S. Thomna_3, daughter of the lare F. L. Andrus )f this 1owAn, who -w-th her husband and famuly have been residing 13 years in the de-_rt town of Calexico, Calif., xhere he [was hea.d of the White Cross Drug Co., are now living at Enciniees-, a snmali v-illag-E by the sea on the Cali- fornia side of the U.S.-M1ýexican bor- der. They are on Uncle Samsý main highway, 32 miles from San Dicg<o. and 100 mileis frons Los Ange: -s. Young People's League of Park Street Ghurch las, week was of en exceptionally interesting nature clos- ing an unique contest. It was de- cided last fa]! -that a con*est Se con- clucted with the object of increasing attendanec and stimulating interest in the organization. The Leaguers FIEE BST BOOK@ Write The Horden Co., Limited. Oce. B 41, 140 St. Paul Street .Mote. for two B.by Vý elarc Books. llow well you look!1 *',,i:rîr r rj ijxi< ngrzui Mfr5 rrs iI é;,rr rrr i,; f., , the rpithulrît r eggiCC**y er r , larrrr . 1-rr I t rrrrgh uurt, dr i r/s rlse rJ Errurt.rrr rrr JiI Un ie«t(r]mani/iri ur,,! $ luon rit rJrrrjrrr- lin jrrsi r,urqrk- trrd hrrr <rdU Irrk- 1 rrplied > II lir ,e rrIily trrirr ',i .,thiii. lie zrirl I l'as f'ert f rrrraiedv(rl id ut rte Kiti- cOeu i.akiti ,rT ly. 1 aI m rf lrrn »ent uiiud Kme at-r rut- t Ittttit&ri i igrIfandI dr-.rîrr t- --s h anada Aitr75v iattttle. A ir<ttlC rritairs înough tir ICt for? 4 or! ontiib--gwu btAi lt L îa-vit a daj. (From The News April l7th.) Miss Edra Best. Toronto, is ar hert father's, Mr. H. J. Bes'- 1 Mr. George Webster, Toronto, vis-' ited '.%r. and M.%rs. F. G. KellEy M.Ir. and M.%rs. Jack Hudson hav-:& moved into the Ms N. Harris home. Mr. Clarence Duncan and familyI are occupying roomas in t.he MGl residence. Durhamn Regiment Band will fut- nLisb music ar Brooklin spDring fair, MNay 24th. Mess. F. Lorrinian and Swansen, Toronto, aspent Sunday ar'M r. J.F. Lorriman's. M.%ra. D.- Nob'le bas returned fromt 'isiting her daught-er. Mrs. (Dr.) Mc- Elroy, at Peterboro. Miss .%Muricl NMi!lon. Toronto, daughter of Mrs. H. E. Mfillson, is in a Toronto hospital with scar'.et flever. '.%r. Gordon Den* and bride (nee MNias Mae Alpine,). Toronto, spent' the weekend a: his arr'Mr. L. T. Dent. N1rs. J. A. Rae. Port Hope, and son, 'Mr. Malcoi Rae, Lake Lodge, Grimsby, called on a fewx friends on T u ea y . b l n Mr. and Mrs. Au-' in Campbeln daughters, Macia and Francine. Tor- onto, spent the - .eekend a: the Campbell Fanm. IAt graduarion exerc:ses of Knox College. Toronto,. he deg-rc-e of Bachelor of Divini:v wa-, conferred on Mr. Luxon Burgs. Mr. W. Leaman an i famiy, recent tenants in the John Rickabv resi- Ide nce, are occupy-«rnr a p.or:irno h 0 . Sandercock resi'lt1nce. Cob fill. Miiss Carson, foi-nier teacher of Orono Coninainn School, -%as in town Sunday. 3M;- Carson is now,% on the teachinz staff of the Castleton Coninuation Schoýl. Mn. Albert Ruiter and familvy have moved ta the Campbel Fans, form- eriy owne-d by Mr. George GlanvîiUe, he'having joined -he: working staff of1 this enterpr 'ing conxpany. c-:arke Union, P i,-c and Or- ono schools have b(«en inv.t'ed te sing for the On:ario Edaictioral Asso,-cia- tien at Convocat:vi fHai, Toronto. Apnil 22nd, and a!sc a:, the invitation of the Toronto Day S-ar 'o inspect Phe new Star bu: -in :dhvne Ifreshm(ont.- thene. QUAKER PUFFED WHE, -%ere divided into clots white endj blua groups. The blue group, which led in the contcst, providel tise pro -I gram :ast week whila tise whiko gre pi supplied lunch. Ms Cole, 'Mn5. R. H. Wood and Miss Elsie Row-e xxre pres.ented with smaîl tokens in neýcog- nition of their 100 p. c. attendance record. Rev. Thomas Wallace, New- tonville, gave a splendid address, and conducted the contmunity singing most effectively. Rev. Wmi. Sterling, li reviewing the sea-son's work, con- gtatulared the organization on the spendid shoçwing. Mrs. O. W. Rol-pfh directed a delightful game and con- tesýt. Leaders o!f the blue group wete 'Mr. John Buckley and 'Miss jewing. and of the white M.%r. Carlos Tamblyn and Miss Frankie Wood. President John Buckley occupied the chair. Persian Balm is unrivalled for promoting feminine loveliness. Tones and nejuvenates the skin. Makes it exguisitely soft-textured. Makes SLanda fiawlesaýly white. Espe-cial]y tecommended ris soothe end ralieve roughness or chafing cau-sed Sy weathet condit.ions. Indispensable ta every dainty woman. Cool and re- freshing. Delicately fragrant. Mag- ical in resul-t. Neyer leaves a ves- tige of stiekineas. Persian Balm is the one toilert requisire for the w-em- an w-ho cares for charm and elegance. SING AND SMILE a. a xonderful :hing, Tj e hoaho tir, sî«ng. Whea ihecliyaîli- are- hrvriir.g o'(, Whi'e liaîbing tnt- Y-.uil get a real :hri!', Andi xxx-c- .u <i nr,i R foiiire-. :rts sure i v ry wre Tr, ca,-r. A'.r.ng .p:txa tf; Bu- a vic-ory iî- ý r, w r h, a kilid df'ed r i'ne, Aas:d -,sru andrl srife. nt rip ah'o e-, E ut r gh lic ne rn .is ett unr: c- viandifîre Frrk- kr.-x-xaenvrru rti-v lun- Blu- grve y:ur ilie . new bh.r-i. 1ix-a i. - - g, 1-,rr i! the <loy .ong, Andi thse -unr-hmn- . : beie Aý 'rrhear- s ng i, r in -.- -. -r r rn .fir. fair, - il., il;) XV.-h anir an..- an,: xxr. Trr ;xi.urai .~ xx..:- -. tir r. t V .xr- dr ~h.- rr.ig - .\niitti:r. .r 'g, I i -mi I xii. i. . - un . i - Have You An Acid Stomach ? XWrhen gi-, p-in aiti tii--rt s- fît! cxrr a g, r rd ina!. i.-i an a0155-t sure ý:gn or t*ùrrnîuch acid' an \Surr s-onîî:îh. Gt ' id of ;,rw oix rr 'i s ilo' ýgerru. U!e r *sare al)* 1 fi- vN O ma- te-r har ns-ais ani i in your as.mach, yCriScan enJrr::; and re!i.--h yourn nt-xe mt-aI xvî:hout fi-an of aften tITent.z, if yuu have- sanie, Bis- uraro i Mzenhindy *ta prex-ail tise--roubiv bef,). e P .*ar. Try 1'. Eat xxhaever yrru like. in nt-ajzrn, and theîînaea idie-iuraled t.igne.,ia ta neztralize the aciri, sxveeten your stuma'ci and proîec:tishe st-mach lin ing. Doctors rec-onsnîend Bi-ura:ed MNagnesa-thousands- use it hecaus it positively prevents stomacis troubs- le ort stops tise worst attack in las j than fix-enminute-,. Ge* a trial pac k- age, eitisen powdêr or tablets, frons your druggist, use as directed, and 1 indigesýtion and stomacis troubles wil I go like magic. the t eerîîns.efrt nshç-rsfo thze. TLcv ditxN becn putied to s rimes normal sz.T cr s.fr lc.cunchy Adclous1y ~tood ta cat. Thev rastel xC e e umas Lik oeacs tTeeri po lcorn. You Il say yurneater bi-fres- icamer tharwheat n ouIlrsc y ou evso inc-llîngly good ta c-at. Don't ncglecrta give your family this more deli- clous.. more richly nourishing ccreal. Order Puffed \Vctand Puffcd Rce from your rocer oday.55 ýAT AND PUFFED RICE DAIRY PRODUCTS SHOW GAIN Wise mothera who know the vir- Dairv production in Canada is 1slo(wly forging ahead, along new ulnes. The Dairy and Cold Storage Branch of the Dominion Deparment of Agriculture report an incTeasing demand for -wbat might Sa eally termed the by-products of the dairy industry. Dairy production in Cana- da hereto:fore bas b>een exiprassad largcly in ternis of butter, chee_,o and cream.n. Pie production o! butter and cheese shows a decline in voluime, w-hile "miscellaneous facrory pro- ducri," and "mijlk consunmed f re<h-or otherwise' sho'w a big increase and ir la ridaincrease which la responsible for tise net gain in dairy production during the past five years of over $13,000,000. More fresh eilk and creain are being uced to-day than ever So-fore: ice cream -continues to grow in popular favour, a.nd there is a striking increase in the ansount of inilk that laS eing proceased for sa2e in evaporated, condensed, con- ctntrated and powdered formn. tues of! Mother Greves' Worm Exter- minator always have it at hand, b-e- cause it proves irs value. e -Il getting quick relief from tce drstreWeng peniodie aces and pains by takîif@ ()0OOTABLETS. Harm- im iaeffetie. tWocirin Who tJius suffer, are sufter- mng nOedleea pan. for OM FOR SALE or wo of tNéàéharyliU VEAT- lttle tablets i wrICrtarnly WMR Ifop thé pain. PER Box Ail motordom saw the amazing resuits of Challenger week. The New Essex Challen- ger set outstanding marks in every Iocality. It climbed his seldom attempted by anyý car. It set neNv' marks for acceleration. It established economy resuits never tiefore associated 'with such performance. Tiiese feats Nvere established - flot by just a fe.- handpicked specially tuned cars - but 5,(WO Essex Challengers in ail parts of the country, many of thcmi ow-ner-driven. Re<"îlts speak for Nvhat every NeNN, Essex Challenger (an do. N*Ve cont:nuie our invitation, Ride--Ride- P id._ -!know- -ourself whvlat this brilliant Nev L-s!ex Chalýilenger can do. Thlen no li-ssi-r car c-an satisfy. For the Coupe- U S5 Sevuen o hr ti i rr, It rattrac- t rr, N ' x r rucl. Ulec týor ihc /:rci i tirm i xtrcs i-ait. Messrs Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd 0 Shot fror Guns 125 million food ceils exploded That's what makes Puffed Grains crisp . .. delicious '~s~ *..virtually as nourish- ing as hot cooked cereals Y OU m-av ave wmondcred why Puffed Wheat and PLurîcri Rice arce so light and crunchy.. so mcltingly coodi to cat. ' ~ Herc*s the si.cret. Thue arc madie by an utterly - different protc-ss fromn ail othcr ready-to-eat cereals. Grains of xx hutî andi ricc aîre scalc-rinl bronze guns. The cuils ...rurc r lex ld in tîcrv ave-,ns. In this teriific heat the n,îturil graîin inoi>turC in each tiny food ~~rcel c xîanris iaostcamn. Wlicn the cuns are fircr3. i -- million explosions occur in teaci grain. Lvcrv tinv food celli i com- . kokan up. (luq s ~it xxýould be from long is copî igcîx nbcble. This is xx Ny- Puffed i Whc-at adiiedut?àc-d ri :e .d as virtually as nourishing as hot corikeri tercal- Smashrng Proof of greatesi value a 4 1 1 ms i BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO

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