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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Wc givýe herewith some very inter-1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary esting health facts obtained from, MÉoney to loan on Farmn and Tow%-. 1upposedy reliable sources:1 Property. Royal Bank Building, .Une of the niost imiprtant mueet- Bowmanville. Phone 351. inigs in ,he history of a uniqu. na tional organization i.s being hie!( in W. R. STRIKE Royal York 'Hotel. Toroto, April 301 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary to 31ay 2. when the Canadian Sociall Soliito forBan of onteal Hýgicnc Counicil hold its clevent h an- Soliitorfor ankof Mntr nua1l'convention. Xoney to Loan. Phone 9 To the intelligent man, there is no Bowmanville, Ontario. more fascinating tragedy than that W. F. WARD, B. A. I being enacted around us 4every day,ý Solictor, otar by thosc two grim thespians, Disease Barrister, Soiitr Ntry îd ignorance. For countless gen- Money to Loan. Bonds f 1or Sale. erations, diseaseý-s have been inevi- Offices-Bleakley Block, King Street, table. To-day many diseases are Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phones:- flot ineviathie, for Science bas learn- Office 102; House 409. ed ho to prcvent them. Tlhe tragedy is, that as yet the pub- DENTAL Ilie h as flot realized this. Every ya fthese preventahle diseases are allow- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1 ed to kill thousands of Canadians and Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toroni to waste millions of Canadian dol- University. Graduate of the Rayal lars. This vital and economic was- College of Dental Surgeons of On-'tage rosults, naturally, in untold soc- tarjo. Office: King St., Bowinanville. 1j'aI disorders, poverty anid crime. Office phone 40. House phone 22. Twins are born once in every 100 X-Ray Equipment in Office. birtihs, triplets once in every 10,000, laccording te vital statistics. DR. J. C. DEVITT We are told the startling news that Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson in the Province of Ontario, one per- Gradateof oya Denal oilgeson out of every rhree dies a'head of Toronto. Office: King St. East, i ie n ttaOtroi Bowmanville. Office heurs '9 a. M. no worse in this regard than the other provinces of Canada-better, to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. in f at tan some of thern. Phone 90. House phone 283. HOME FOLKS FIRST Wou Id yen like te know boýw always te say The pleasantest thinga ln the pleas- antest vwîy, To brn n oue ins oii l g rewyou e fina o il f 'inds who arc truc in word and deed? Jiust say thcm te home foîks f irst. Do> you ivant te know bow always te do The things that cenrtesy esks ef you? For courtesy ta the otl, yen know, That makes the wbeels of the day's xvork go. Just try them on home folks first. For honte felks are nearest and dear- est and best, And home love la surest te stand ev- ty test; Se, if yeu would know bow te do and te say The pleasantest things in thie plea- antest way, Just try them on home folks first. a minute! A neighbor of mine be- fore I moved into bovn, bad a boy die ef typhoid. Do you know that kid would be alive and kickin' to-day if bis pa had takan a littile trouble bel-ore he took sick'!" And then he proceeds te tell how people can be innoculated, cheapiy and easiWy, againat diphtheria and against ty- phoid fever, but how they don't take the trouble te "ride" the "automio- bile" of preventive medicine. 1, - * 1 _-X-Ray Equipsuent in Office. Professer Winslow, Yale Univer- "T1here now, d' you1 see wbat I'ai DR. R. E. DINNIWELL fsity, states that 297o of al deathisgtiga? Te rul spol in h niextae egsrtin en't have aati-diphtheria texoid giv- aity aduebe of TroaltolUie- Area could 'be peatponed. An anal- en te their kids. And what happens? sity an membe of ieas olede ysis 'cf Ontario statistics shows that Well, yen nearly lest a yeungster Dental Surgeons. Liesd t in titis Province 34 % o! all deatits frem diphtberia and every year about practise ia Ontario and the Dominion. couîd be postponed; those- statisties 1,200 Canadians, rnostly bilîdren die Dentistry in ail its branches. Of- are officiai, and the anaiysis is by fs-cm thbe disease, wbile 13,500 sicken fice: King St., Bowmanviile, opposite ciompeten t healtit officiais. of it. New do yen -sec mibat I miean ,Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. Isn5't it a shocking thought as xve w-hen I say tb<t the c'enquest cf dis- walk along the street, knowing that eae is like an automobile-no geod every third 'person we meet has death 1 unless yen -ride it? If your girl MEDICAL leaning affectionately ever bis shoul- I aud been treated with toxoid she der. Such wastage would net be xould neyer have taken diphtheria. c. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. l permitted in indlustry. What cause.- But it c'est yeu a whaie o'! a lot more Graduate o! Trinity Medical College titis gigantic wastage 'cf human lifc-? te gether cured o! it titan it would Teronto, fermieriy e! Enniskilien The answer is, just plain, hunsan have ceat you te take your wheie, Office and Residence: Dr. Beit' thick-hcadednes;s. famiîy te yeur docter and have him former resîdence on Chus-ch Street*** shoot toxoid into ail o! 'em. Bowmanviiie. Phone 2,59. 44- If one person in every three ats And hoxv much economic 'Doss do ki1licd ahead o! bis time in a rail'way yeu figure tibose 13,500 cases and J. CLARK BELL cressing accident, sucb a public huef 1,200 deaths a yeas- cot this country? .,. Ch. B.. F. R. C. S., (Edin.). 0. P. H. and cry tvould go up that within a What good dees it do thesoL people <Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) yeas-, grade-cressings would be elim- that doctes-s have conqnered 'diph- Han. Gadatein edcin, Aerinated, regas-dîcas e! expense. But therua, when they let dipbthes-ia con- deans. aunives-ity; edicie, the ry Iour on -out-of-three ioss la net 50 eues- thei? 'Tisn't the doctor's deenUniersty;Felow f te Rya!dramatîc as that. Ilt is breught about fault! Doctes- can't corne up te yen College o! Surgeons, Edinburgb.1 by the steaithy ravages o! disea.ses, on t.he street and shoot somethin' in Office and Residence: Queen Street, !and sherefos-e it isf't noticed. For yous as-m. You'd 'have him pincbed Bowmanxville. Phone 89. people have net yet learned that if he did!" omfce Heurs: 2 te 4 P. m- 6 te 9. 10 P. MsJ many e! the diseases that kili their chihdren, their huabands and xx-ies __ - W. H. BIRKS, M. D_ and !riends, could be precvented. office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te .30. 1'i Telephone 108.1 An inconceivable amount e! sick- Office & Residence: Dr. Haziewood's ness and premature deatb conld bel For Bowxnanville N former residence, Welington Street, eliminated if people2 could be indnc-ý Bowmaaiile. ed te get therougitly examined, regn- 1 BOVrmavile.larly, by their physicians. The re is _______an cnes-nions amount of incipient dis- Being one of a series of chatsw eases o! many types wbich, beingI they are told how they can incr CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS negîccted in early stages, result in THEROPY iserious disabiiity demanding hospit.ai DURWIN E. STECKLEY ! care and 'often resulting in death - honor graduate of Tes-ente Collage A leading publiic healtit authorit't A t r ct n of Chirepractic wiii be ia the Bow- says: "Sickness costs Canada everi and atudayeveing, pone141J. 1f utnrc, earnings through premnaturei and aturay eefligs, hone deatit Ls conservatively estimatcd at Residential cefls made during for,,-; one billion a year." ____________ - ~ Dipitiei kils 1,200 Canadians FUERL IRCTRS every year, while 12,300 other Can-_ Have you eveî' watche( FUNRALDIRCTOS iadians sufer fs-m titis disease but BowmanviHle citizens go F. F.MORRI CO.recover. P. . MRRI CO 1Yet science offers yen a toxoid' away fî'omn Bowmnanvillet Aà Complete Mter or, treataient te make 'yen and yonr shopping? Have you evei 7R Herse Equipsuent. f blîdren immune te dipitcherta. This AIl cails presnptiy -discase is a frightfui child-slayer.1 them corne riding back,1 attended te. Havec.yen taken advantage cf tocoid x ith supplies? Have Private Ambulance. te pretecti yeur children, or may they Bowmanviiie phone: 1he ameng the stricken 12,300 during while you watched, wond 1ranch Stre.- the next tweivc mnonth-er possibly they passed Up your stc BacStrs ameong tne doomed 1,200? hr nBw avle Orono & Newcastle. h jinB* *vile Typhoid Fever killed 1,100 people ALAN M. WILLIAMS 'in Canada in 1927. Yet typhoid 1 Surie, you have. So hi Embalmer and Funeral Directos-. feves- is absoluteiy preventable hy 1 us, whose fiî'st and deepe, Cails given prompt and personal at- means within the reaeh o! everyonec. i s nBo-nvle tention. No extra charge for dis- Tnberculosi.s of whicb 8,000 people îsijorravle tance. Mter Ambulance at your died dnring 1927. Yet me have rut 1 service. Phone 58 os- 159, Bow-j the. deatit rate from this scourge in' Yes, we've watched. A manville, Ont. 3-tf, ha'!, dtring the past 2.3 years, and w'ondered. And we've f we can at-olntely eliainate it ,%itLh abuth fcthtths fadequate health machinery. ao c hoe c a s Th- acran-casly truieaient zenis coo to s o0 AUCTIONEERS o!fv.hichis assure<l teanayone taking Bownmanvîlle. THEO M. SLEMON the trouble te undergo an annual orl Auctùoneer Sc,-mniannua I physical examination, It isn't that you mer( Farmi and flouse Sales a Specialty.gurn tyees.ceaincnnBcneowinanville clon't offer Terins modes-ate. Enniskillen P. 0.! 1 l meny cases. Bd a th Phone 197r-3. 1-tfi Venereal diseases-The osganized , esn utheas godasthm and successful attack that Canada is toriîîtebge o VETERINARY mnaking npon titis disease is an utte r- that'-' not at ail the reasoi l ovnigps-ofoe!tite progresa S E. . KRSLKEV. ., . V Sc citeb made la disease-control merchandise is just as go( E.GronoAE V .,B when ail forces cf the state conibine ' service, too, is every bit Oronoiîn anecessary undertaking. Konor Graduate o! University o!ý Str'-lling aiong the quatys &f New M\aybe betteî'. Toronto. Ail cases given prompt York llarbor, an Irisitman came and careful attention. Office-Dr. acrss tee w'oodc-n barricade p!aced one reason is that th bfeEroy's former office. Phones: itrounl tte enclosure whes-e cmi- biggeî' towns (Io a better, Clar-ke 3921; Orono 18-1. . grants suspe3,cted o! snfering frea atn sm o o Icontagions disease are isciated, thie tatng srehfB w __________________________ Canad ian Public iletit Journal tells cîtizenis to their- stor'es I Phwat's tii boas-ding for?" ite in- qnis-ed o! a hystander. "Oh, thats Your job, then, you t ee- ut fever and things likef mecat of B - Oi've beard of the Board of Healtit but he-jabers, 'tkttefirst tme Ol've manville, is to (10 W ANTED sen it! ed 4 4t ca pe*nt some attracting o I want ail kinds of A herse can keep yen fs-cm dyingJron Poultry and amn paying yen fs-m catching amailpox! highst ric. Pone S,) 'Uncie Lien' tells readers o! Puzzled wondering Whitby 81 and reverse Unce Eben is a retired farmer, who, won't (I0 it. Neithei' charges. ~~~firtling tirne hanging heavily on his xiimr ak u I. S17EIN ~and o aholdiof ai the free pampht- avîtsn i o WHITBY ~ ~~~sfor~s the herse and tite cow, te nyyoro'navr WHITBY former, h~e peints eut, is the scien- ol oro navr tist's source of anti-texîn, whtchit s Bu1 ________________________given te people who have takeýn dipb-f tising. But ite ad- theria, while the latter protidleç the ~~ vaccine xwhicb çotetcts against smkil- itox, and teL feels titat pereple vite you need the advE Je. IH ER M OU N don't take advantage of these immiun- o stock-urge t] Busities as-e foots. i'OU D1ê "Yen heýar a lot ncwada. aboutf aoultry at Fair Prices thOe Conques;t o! Diseaise," he osays '.nd wbat Mýodes-n Science bas; donc Te a Phone: 1fer the ituman race. But you kno w, Bowsnnnville: 23-3. the cunqnest o!f< iscae like an Te ~ Toronto: Trinity 3949J i s-ie it." Address: 274 Augusa Ave., '"One of yens- kils baud diphttieri a, 8-T. didn't site?" ite accuses a ne-izhlser. Toronto. 7ir 1 "D'yon know it was yens- own darie<l 1 ~fulIt cite baud it? lbld on now, justi jA BOARD 0F TRADE SHOIJLD nothing te do for itself, it can always 1 ALWAYS BE DOING HIG find something to do for some otiher ______ tow n organization. To give a spec- Extract from an Article by Dr. j hic instance, the Agricultural Society Davison, of Manitou, in "The 1 of a certain town had a bank balance Commerce of The Nation." 'of one dollar and a membership of 60 or 70. The Board of Trade put on There las a:xxays soniet:hing that a drive for memlbership and brought needs doing in any conimunity and tie nunther up to ovex- 400. the more actýve a Bcard of Trade la, , Then there is always the matter the moire it can find to (Io. one of of adverse criticism and jealousy. A the sbortcomings of every tow,,ýn Board xvill be asked by the toxvn Board is that iti inclined to under- council te assist in crcating public estimate its wort.h, not only teo te opinion for some needed reform. local coimnunity, but also te the, When this is carried through the 9larger c)m.nivunity. the province, the Counicil xvili accuse the Board of try- Dominion. 'Matters wçhieh te it may ing te take too much credit to itacîýf. seem of smail moment Iccally are A Board xviii doaw the attention of -frequently great contributions te pro- tihe To-%n Councl to the need fe.r vincial and national life,. Everyl putting some road le.ading to town -town Board of Trade should pray into better conditions and be accused the Scotchman's prayer, "0 gie us a of flot strictiy iminding its own busi- proyper conceit co' oursels." ness. If a Board of Trade is not "A second shortcoming in town active, texvn residents wb'e do not be- Board of Trade ivork seems to be a long accuse it of doing nothing; if it feilure to reailise the necessity of the is active they accuse it of býeing a entire co--operaticn caf e'sery individ- "busy ýbody." ual. It will be remembered that at The more s-ou do or attempt te do, one time the people of the earth the more you are going to be criticis- jthinkirg that 'Mars was inhabited ed. ýbut do not let that worry you or tithoYugiht that they would attract the interfere with your activities. Go jattention of tbýc Martians b y making r:ght ahead. rem'embering that it a great noise and it was decided that ta kes a good man to ba. a builder, but ail earthly mortals would about to a man of an inferior grade of intelli- gether at a certain appointed mo- gence may be a wrecker. ment. There ensued the greatest The day of smaîl citîaensbîp is silence the xvorld had ever known, býe- gone, and tbe community, be it ever cause each one kept quiet in order so smali, bas now entere.d the period te hear the noise that the others of a larger.citizenship, a citizenship would make. Each one did niot do in the province, a citizenship in the his part. Dominion. Pride of nationhood has Thirdiy, a toWn Board must keep arisen. The provincial Board or functioning in one way or another. C bamber organizations are generally Toe frequentiy a town Boa.rd ef able to function effectively onily when 'Trade la like bhe old-time tire engine the support and co-operation of tbe w-hic'h bas been idle so long that wben rural Boards and Ohamb-ers is assuf- a fire starta the engine fauffs toop ed. It la tbe same 'witb the National erat-e, the parts having becoirce crys- Organization, The Canadi-an Chamber italized with tbe verdigris of inactiv- of Commerce. It hs well tbat rural ity. Cons-quenvýy. wbýen something Boards and Chambers should realise arises which should b-e bandled by this fact and tihat, starting with local tbe Board of Trade it is se out of a.ctivity, xhey sbouid widen their hor- practice tbat it cannot cope with the, izons te the extent of participating situlatior in provincial and national Ibusinesa Tbe ordinary wo'rk of a toxvn Board programmes. of Trade is Ie create public opinion We ntiust leaî-n to develop a large for needed imiprovements (it boing con.sciousness anýd to meLet content- alxvays understcod that Boards of acius questions in the rigbt spirit, in Trade are not lezisiative but oriiv adl- 1 th, spirit of compromise, aiwevrs visory), sucb as. s;i(ewalk-s, lighting < bearing in mind w-,%ha' measures xvili hall or theatre, streeks and road be of the great--st service to the leading te toxvn, sanitation. e.hari"tie>s. gireatest nuinher. sports days and celebrations. and in thbe larger -villages and towns publice hr r j1 a ay e1o h library, musenm. golf course, anave hrge arll wh ar a e o n pa hea andfrictiorn between local mierciatiaeqg a.-olih r vrada There is always tbe diffiýcultv of there are those teho are underpaid. keeping up inte.rest in any tiown Wben yen hear a feFlýox speaking Board of l1rade . SERVICE is tbe, Vi of his former empl-cyer you don't oniy tbing tbat will keep any Board1 have te guess as te whether he quît of Trade active. If a Board finds'or got fired. Vierchants Only with Bowmanville businessmen in which ýrease their volume of sales. Bowmanville People ro Bowmanville Stores edsome of vertising of the manufacturers )riding off whose goods you try to seil, as well. to do their Your immediate job as you can 2r watclled well sec, is to get into your local, loaded UI) home newspaper the advertising you ever, aid of the manufacttirers whose 1 oere riht goods are on your shelves. And toresrightyou can hielp get this aid easily enough. iave ail of After ail, merchandise can be est înterest sold in ratio to the amount of sell- ing'effort exl)efl(e(. Adveîtising And we've is selling effort. It per-foî.ms ail felt badly the functioîîs of selling but that of Sgood citi- supp~lyiflg the )ei'Sonality which Dutside of the merchant himself does. One of these days, rnaybe today, 'chants of you'll be visited by the salesmen of tshopping the manufacturers whose goods ose of the you stock. Whenever they corne, ,vns. No interest them in Bow-manville. n. Your Interest them so that they stay in- 0(1. Your terested. Interest thern so that tas good. they'll want to interest their sales managers. ,e nearby\ Once you've injected this inter- job of at- est into the salesmen, itwill spread. nadian Statesman Notice to Corn Growers of Durham County (re The Corn Borer Act) At a recent conference in London and Toronto ofthtib cern beorer inspecters and the Provincial Entemnologist it vas stated that many farmers jwere under thbe inipression tibat because the iborer liad been reduced in most ci the counities under the Act, it vas ne ionger a serious menace, and therafore the Act wouid not Ïbe stictly enuforced this year. Il this atatement vas oorrect it is unfortuliate and very nMiaeading. The borer is just as dangeoe'us an insect te-day as it ever va.s and all it needs te enable it te laY havoc witlh iour cea-n la te be given a chance mncb as it would have if the 'Cern Borer Art were net enfoeced. Corn growers ins Ontario will have to become accustomed ta the fact that cleaning up corn remuants thoroughly eacb spring wifl henceforth be a regular part of farm operations. Thea'e ta ne other knowrn way of comabating the borer. Even in Europe this la the only way of preventing 'heavy losses. lTe Cern D'orer Act will be enforceci lihis year a.nd in future years, and every nman w*ilx 'berequîred boe dean up the cern remnants on 'bis o'wn property, eitlher b'y gather- ing a:nd burning them or by pioughing theni under and nat dragging tbemn up -later. Non-en forcement of the Act would be the height of f olly and would soon result ins the ruin of the hopes of ail te whom cor-n is a valuable crop weli worth saving. Bk>tth tibe writer and tihe inspectera are anxious tiat every fairmer shouid study out the Ijest rethod of dealing 'witb his corn field, se that 'heo may have little or ne bard-' picking te do after it bas been sown. There 'are nmen in every county who se handle their fields that they thava no necessity for hand-picking. We shlouid like as far as possibile te bave this true of every man. This spring we advise everyone ta prepare his corn-stubhle field before pioughing it, preferab(y 'ly aunuing the disc twice «Ver the stnPbble te break it and losen it 'up and titan to plougli with a xide-furrow plough, taking special care te mrn the last furrow as, close te the stulbble ro'w as possible se, that on the next -round the stubble =ay be threown fiat inteo the furrow and convpAetely buried. We have already see-n fleds tii year in wbicb even short stubble vas not cov- ez'ed <swing te poor piougbing. In cultivating after ploughing we advise te use et a dise instead of a toothed implement and a disc drill instead of the other makes, se that as littie as possible of the stubble may be dragRcd Up. Wbeire faîl ploughed stubble bhas heaved during the wintcr as it sosuetimes dees, it xil ptiebably pay weli bo, run the relier over the field bMore working it up and sow- ong, as itis wiil firini the surface and pusit d'w'n sene ( the stubbie. Growers of smail plots of cern in villages, towns and citiez amust renemiber tuat the Act applies te theni just as much as te the fanmers and that sometimes their ern in muore iheavily infested titan the cern on farms. Ail corn staIks on tAese plots and alI coarse weeds alongside tihent sheuld be gatbered and burned as moon ms they are dry, and the ground titan apaded or pioughed. Corn stalks or semnants lef t iying out ins fe.ding p.d dlocks or lef t over in barns or elsewhere will cositain bor- ers and in accordance with the Act mîuet b. gathered ansd burned or plou.ghed iInde by May 20th. We ask the hearty ce-opfratien ef al oran growers aneiuding those wbe bave <ntly tiny pYots, in tiia werk of destroying te borer and pre&erving the corn induetry. This cani 'best be done by catch 'man doing bis eown ehare and in a kindly way encouraging bis neightbors te do te saine. PROFESSOR L. CIESAR, Provincial Entomologist. D. J. GIBSON, Corn Bores- 'Ispecter for- Durhams Cosmty SOUND business principles and a Policy of graduai expansion have marked the steady growth of this Bank for sixty years. To-day, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase of business andi pri\'ate life at home, and is taking a leading part ini the expansion of trade ini foreign markets. The Royal IBik C121.of Canada 4 BowmanviJle Braach - A. E. Hermnan, Manages- 112, i j 1,.~ e 0

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