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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY Tt, 1930 WE OFFER REVERS IBLE KHEDIVE MATS Priced for this Sale at less than' the import cost. Corne in a big range of colors; can be used in any room. Size 1 ft. 10 in. x 3ft. 8 in. reg. 79c, May Day Sale 59c Size 2 ft. x 4 ft., reg 98c, May Day Sale 79c 10 doz. Men's Police Braces, reg. 49c, May Day Sale 29c Boys' Broadcloth Shirts, superfine quality, woith $1.50 ea., May Day Sale 79c Men's new Spring Tweed Caps, super quality, all sizes, $1.50 grade, May DaySale $1.19 Embroideréd Radio Covers, worth 50e, for May Day Sale........................29ic 50 dozen Men's Summer Work Sox, May Day Sale, 2 Pair for 25c Boys' Spring weight Golf Hose, 50e value, May Day Sale .............. 33c pr. 15 dozen Men's Silk and Wool Sox, worth 79c, May Day Sale .......... 49c pr. 46-inch Drapery Cretonne- a very special buy, May Day Sale ........................ 39c Silk Marquisette, a sample piece only-for curtains, regular 29e yard, May Day Sale ........................ 19c Boys' high-grade Derby Taf- feta Shirts. worth $1.29 ea., May Day Sale .........49c 300 yards of English Cre- tonnes-bought at a fraction of their real value. Don't I *miss seeing this big saving. Well worth 49e yard. May iDay Sale .................29c SIL-K $3,98 Only about 17 left over from our Easter selling of these Fiat Crepe Dresses, sizes 14 to 20. Go out at less than haîf you will pay elsewhere. Values to $9.25. May Day Sale .............$39 DAINTY DIMITY DRESSES A very special purchase in dainty tub-f ast designs and colors; specially purchased and cut-priced for this sale; sizes 14 to 42. Regt1 $1.98. May Day Sale ...... 1i.1 9 TUBFAST WASH DRESSES Buy these and buy your summer re- quirernents at this low price; a var'- iety of colors and designs, and colors ail fast; sizes 36 to 42. May Day Sale, each .........o8 Ce e This is not a HARD LUCK STORY but a HARD TlIES SALE To-day wherever you go you hear the same old story-"Hard Times." Everybody believes that conditions are a little bit worse in his own city or town than elsewhere. This is an abso lute f allacy. 0f course conditions are not as good as they could be-they neyer are any place or any tirne. We believe "There's only one way to combat THIS HUNGRY OCTOPUS-HARD TIMES; FIGHT IT AND BEAT IT AT IT'S OWN GAME. We don't pretend to dictate to you what, when, where or how you spend your cash. Our experience leads us to believe that 95% of the buying public are good BJYERS who know and appreciate Better and Bigger Values. There's an old saying that "goods weIl bought are haif sold." Probabîy true years ago. Like a lot of other bromides that are deluding many people to-day, such as-Priestage, Excîusiveness, the Pubîic's Loyalty to Local Stores, etc. The point is--probably 99% of all the merchandise in every store to-day has been WELL BOUGHT. Competition has created an ainazing eficiency in this respect. But we think we can, with our over TWENTY YEARS' BUYING EXPERIENCE in the best mnarkets of the world, offer you many Bigger and Better Values that you cannot duplicate elsewhere. Our store is an outlet for "Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks" which we turn over to you at a fraction of their real worth. You will find isted here for this "May Day Sale" some of the finest values it bas ever been our privilege to offer. SALE STARTS MAY lst and CONTINUES TILL MAY lOth. Corne early for best choice. Some of these numbers will not Iast very long. FRILLED CURTAINS 59c PAIR Just the thing for, bedrooms or kitchens; in white only; frilled and tie backs; 2Vt' y(ls. long; reg. value 98e pr. May DaySale 59e pr. Sample Silk and Satin Sleeveless Blouses, reg. val- ues $5.95 to $7.95, Your Choice $3.98 Girls' Gingham P a n t i e Dresses, 2 to 5 years, reg. 59c,.......May Day Sale 29e HERE'S A BARGAIN Neveu' befou'e have you seen value like this-A first quaI- itv Silk knit production, in all sizes and colors. VESTS, regular 59c, May Day Sale 39c ea. BLOOMERS, regular 79c, May Day Sale 49c pr. HERE'S REAL VALUE 25 ONLY 'Water Sets Containing si'x regular size tumblers and one graceful large size glass jug. The whole outfit worth $1.29, May Day Sale 79e Extraordinary Values in PRINTED BARONET SATINS Here is a real value in a lovely soft quality and one of the season's new- est and most popular fabrics; aIl the season's newest color, combinations. 36 inches wide. Regular value $1.19 per yard. 5 e May Day Sale, per yard ........... ........................................ 5 c IMPORTED PRINTED RAYSHEEN These dainty tubfast fabries corne in neat designs that particularly lend themselves to prevailing modes. 12 of the newest designs and newest coloring to select from. 36 inches wide. Regular value 59e and 79e yard. May Day Sale ................................... 39c. PLAIN COLORED RAYSHEEN A lovely soft lustrous fabric in 10 of the season's newest shades. You can use this equally well for dresses, slips, lingeries, side 2 drapes, etc. 36 in. wide. Reg. 65e yd. May Day Sale . . ......£ C PRINTED PIQUE SUITINGS Thesei suits. wide. LOOK WA NELSON GIVES $ YOU FOR$ 9 23-Piece Decorated Imported China Tea HATS For this big May Day Sale we are offeuing alI our regular $3.98 Hats -also 10 dozen that we ç have specially î)urchased includ- ing New York samples-values as high as $7.50 each. This special offering ineludes every î)opulai- make and colou' and we consider we have eclil)sed anything we have ever atteinlted before in Hat Values. VIalues $3.98 to $7.50. 0 Service including 6 cups and sauceis, 6 tea plIates, 1 tea pot, 1 crearn jug, 1 sugai' bowl, reglular value $3.50, May Day Sale $1@98 fabries are very popular for summer dresses, or tailored ensemblé You can choose from over 12 designs and colors. 36 in. 3 e Regular 59e yard. May Day Sale .........................3 c Join Our CONGOLEUM RUG COMP7ETITION RUG FREE Starta May lst - Ends May 1Oth. See window display and get your coupon and full particulars at the store. Congoleum COOLU GUARANTEE R ug S Pe cial1s ' 45 only specially purchased Congoleum Rugs for this sale. They have slight imperfections-misprints.- nothing that will effeet the wearing qualities. You can buy these at a big saving as long as they last as follows: Sizes 6x9 71 .,x9 9x9 9x10l', 9x12 9x15 Prices: $4.98 $6.75 $7.95 $9.75 $10.95 $13.95 NELSON'ys STORE FOR BIGGER AND WAA BLOCK BETTER BARGAINS AND SAVE A LOT We can't begin to describe the lovely garments in this àssortment. You will find Two-Piece Pyjamas, Night- gowns, Step-ins, Briefs, Teddies, Combinations, Brassieres, Bloomers, etc. This price is only a fraction of their real value. It will pay you to buy these for months ahead. Values to $2.9898e May Day Sale ...............9 c NELSON Offers Pure Silk Full Fashioned SERVICE CHIFFON HOSIERY ~7 $1.19 Pri A new Rose without equal at the price. Not a spec- ial for a day-but a special for every day. We have spent much time and tested many grades-and final- ly decided that in this off ering we are giving you the very utmost in Hosiery Value Obtainable. Not a Sub-Standard--with those so-called slight imper- fections hardly noticeable-but A Guaranteed First Quality Hose. Beautifully clear, evenly woven-, pure thread silk, fine lisle top, reinforced foot, slip- per heel; all the fashionable shades; in 81/, to 10. On Sale for the i at Time at this Sale. 3 SILK HOSE SPECIALS 15 dozen, aIl new Spxing tones, 4 c a 69e value for ................................... 4 c 22 dozen of our regular 79e Hose go on the counter for this sale at a big saving. We guarantee every pair to give satisfactio7n, and offer the finest range ofcolors Sizes 81/- to 10. Reg. 79c. May Day Sale, per pair ...................... 59C. GOLD DOLLAR SILK HOSE '79c This is one of the best $1.00 Hose in the trade, but for this sale you can save 25 %c on this popular line. We advise you to buy your season's supply at this i price. 15 new shades to choose from Sizes 81/> to 10. Regular value $1.00. ~May Day Sale ..................................... 79c. MISSES PLEATED SKIRTS $1.19 VALUE 39Cei Here's an actual demonstration, of' a Nel- son Value: The maker was stuck, that's the story, and we cleaned them up at a fraction of the value of the material only. They corne in fancy Tartans with silk overchecks, ini sizes 8, 10 and 12 years. A big range of colors in the as- sortment. Reg. $1.19-May Day Sale 39c.. Ideal foir sehool girls. Buy them 2 or 3 fur the price of 1. .r.

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