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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY let, 1930 PAGE SEVEN AUTO JSTS BE WARE I11 Whterer malte of car you drive consider these points of protection Public Liability Property Damage Collision Fire and Transit Theft A few dollars paid on an Insur- ance Policy now may save you theusands later. Consuit us to-day. Mrs. Edith V. Scobel Insurance a.nd Real Estate BOWMANVILLE 4/tJlu NOW WE'RE IN OUR NEW SHOP -King Street East by Skating Rink Dress up your car with a neav bigh grade paint job -any color you like. A new 1930 colom echense will give it te snappy appearance of a brand new model. We off eti-a job that aili stand up, witah a factorv bxiilliance and evenness that wil more than please you. Corne in today. GEO. Wl Office of Division Court Clerk 1 6 j' LET DUSTAN SUPPLY 7 You probabiy need some Seeds, Garden Tool ?dower, Rake, Hoe, Spade, Sihovel, Sprayeos Shears, Paint, Varnioh, lFisbing Tackle, Poulti-y S and a lot of otiter tahiaga we bave. Besides the large stock of hardware ave carry prices are al6o a pleasing feature which is ai new customers to oui- store tihese busy days. We seli for less because we sel1 for cash. DUSTAN'S CASIj HARDM We Serve You WeII BEKES Phone 33 Bowmanville FHEM s, Lawn s, Hose, Supplie Our low tracting WVARE Bowmanville WHOLESOME BREAD AND ENJOY BETTER HEALTH We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W,. P. COIRBETT Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono Eggs For Hatching Baby Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - Haîching Eggs from O. A. C. bred-io-lay Barred Rocks, 75c pr sttlng. A. Laird, Maple Grove.1 Phone 476r21. 16-3P BABY CHICKS FOR SALE-Prom Iilij producmng stock, 225 cggs up. Anyone i requlring May baiciieti chicks kîndly) llione 252J. F. W. iJattle, Mididle Hoa.J BABY CHICKS-Legborn Chickens for te end of May, 17c each; first wt.ek of Juine, l5c each. Phone 38W. W. II. Carrutiiers, R. R. 1, Bowmanvilie. 10-tf For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-For It of May, an 8-roomed brick bungalow; modemn convenlences; garage: good garden. Ap- ply J. R. Pbllp, Scugog Street, Bowman- ville. 14-tf FOR SALE OR RtENT-B3owu ttnvilll, Scugog Roati. 12 teceiank ibarn, drive shed, lîooder, gaag.-, 12-roomed brick bouse, hot xater heatinc, gooti wcli, younîg orcitar(l. Key iret (ioor aoth. dlames Murray, 13.1 _rmstrong A.\x, Tor- onto. Phont Ken . 5:78. 18-1 Lost or Found MONEY LOST-Oa WetIaesîlay noon, 1,etweCciiCouche store, anttiCoutheres store'. the suni of *1tIttO. Fintier flease auat Bank of Moatmt ai 18-tf LOST-1.ast Saturday exenatîg on King Sir,.-t t iuc c Jury & Lovc lie and Cor- butt'. Baîkcry, a tacitaic cottaining ladys xxwitie broaticiotia Itieuse W\oultl finder rihase luave at Statesnian Office. 18-tf ENNISKILLEN Anniversary set-vice aili be heldý on Sunday, May lSth. Rev. C. E. Cragg, of King Street United Church, Oshawa, will be te speaker. May 24th there wilq be a tea and concert. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and sons Allan and Donald, spent Sunday Nvith friends at Mt. Albert and Zephcr,. . . M. and Mm.s. Will Ashton spent Sunday with the latter's parents, MSr. and Mrs. Bro-wn, Lindsay... . Mcc. 0. E. Jeffrey and son Clen spent a fow da" -with friends at Sugog.... Miss Reva McGill attended the 0. E. con- vention theld in Toronto... .Mr. and Mme. J. J. Ormiston, Mm. and Mns. Wilbert Smitht and famuly, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. F. W. S'mith's. - . iMr. and Mes. Lorne Lanmb and son Donald spent the weekend wth fniends at Bobcaýgeon-..Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagan, Mr. W. P. Con- bett and nephc'w, Býoutvaanvil]e, at- tended oui- Sunday School Sunday moi-ning. Mr. Wagar taugiti the Adu.lt Bible Class with the young men's and young girls' classes coin- bined. Mr. Wagar is a live vhre, and gave a wondeiful talk on tbe lesson. We hope to have the priv- ilege 01off earing hirn agein. They were guests of Mr. W. H. Moo-re,.. - - Mi. and Mrs. Henry Strong attended the Golden Wedding of the latter's giandparenits, Mr. and Mms Robei-t Ashton, Coluintbus-...Oui- pastor, Rev. J. M. Wityte, spent a few days witih his family ait Kingstona. His son Arthur intends going soon Vo Creighton Mines et Timiuin.. Mi-. S. Petbick and sons Floyd and Clifford went Vo Toronto on Sunday, Mrs. Pe'tbick and Verne returning home with them. after spending a weeLk's holidays. -.Mr. George Reid ha.' purcbased thehbone of Mrs. Thos Gilders and intends mo'çrng in the fal ..Mm. and Mrs. W. J.- Stainton, Mms. Sweetmen, Mr-. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin and Mr-. and Mma. Howard Stevens attended the funerai of te laVte Mi-. G. A. Cdolc, oui- former store keeper heure. Mrs. Cook bas the sýimpathy of the community in hier sad bc-meavement-...Mi-. and Mrm Byroan Nesbitt spent Sundey wit'b tbe lattei-'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Parr-.-... Miss Verona Cleinence, Miss Frances, Tayloir, Toronto, Mr. Harvey Davis, Osbawa, Miss Lena Mo-ore and Miss Doxis Rice, Woodstock, Miss Gracie Hastinge,, Hampton, Mr. Wal-] lace Stainrton, Toronto, spent the wveeke-nd at -Mm. W. H. Moore's... Miss Muriel Mo>ore ýhel-d a pamty flor the young people on Saturday night. AIl .ad a jolly time.... .Service S un- day evening was avel attcnded, Mr. H. W. Pointen delivering a fine ser- mon on "Love Hopeth Ail Titings." Mr. Pointen iatends going to Saskat- chewan in the near future. We wxi'lh him cevery succeas..Mr. and Mrs. T'heo Slenaon andl son John at- tcnde.l ihe ilIver wedding anaiverssl- of Dr. and Mme. Gamnet Tewin, Osh- aw.oit Thursdiîy, April 24th .. Mm. and Mme. Ncr.sora Aldead, Toron- to. Mm. E. Iloulden, Oshawa, spent Summday aith their sigter, Mme. W. S.weetttaîî...M. and Mi-s. Elias Ashton, Rrucc, Harold and Junt, spent Stindlay with 'Mr. aînd Mm. Stewart Rotrnan, 'Port Peciy .. Mmcr. C. W. Sînnion, Maiion, Boyd and Keith, visitui Mr. and ~r.Johbn Sienin on Saniay. .. Mr. and Mrs. Franîk Spry and family bave naoved fri-oe Roche;toi- and intend settling in Hampton. Enjov t"Above the Clouds-" at Ha,,y(lon, Friday, May 9th. Notice to Creditors IN TIII-'i MA'TEIt (-P TIII;. ESTATE ()r îl~Ett Jo!iN iOtNlaIe o! lîrtttmix i,r r ,tid jeuxler, (Iccas- e!l NOTICE IS IIERE13Y GIVEN tat al iýre 'ns htaxig zamy cliini aigains t the aile Freîlerlck John Ihomne, uxo iotleilai l3oxniaîtvil-on Airili rî, 1930, lire e- quiredti 10stai hîy past prej'ald or de- lIxi(r ta fiii tintltrelgiieti executrix untier tii, xii of te stîliFretlcrlck John Hoarnea, d,,ctased, ful parlicuIars In xrlhlng of their dlaims. AND TAKE NOTICE taI alter May 15tit, 1930, said executrix wilI distribute the assets of the sUid Frederick John Homne deceaseti having regard only 10 dlaims of which she shahl then have had notice. Dated at Bowmanvllle, April 219t, 1930. ,Mr@. F. J. Horne, Bowmanvllbe, Executrix under wlU of 17-2 Frederlck John Horne deceaned. BIRTHS To Let viiile, on Tuesday, April 22nd, 1930, to ROOMS TO LET-Apply Mrs. R. Mr. and M.%rs. LiewellWa Hayes, a so Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowmanville. Phone 561. 16-tf LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Ml-s. E. J. Burk spent te weekend with Mrs. John Haxablyn, MSi. Ivan Leighton, Toronto, spent the ,eekend with Mr,. Kenneth Mor- ris. Mrs. T. H. McCready and son Tom of Lethbridge, Alta., are visiting Mrs. A. E. McC'ready. Mr. and MTs. 'Hilton Eagleson and two children, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Brock. Miss Margaret Rowland of Miler's Beauty Pairlor, fpent te weekend with relatives in Toronto. Miss Marion Warder, wffo spent Easter holidays at hoame, bas return- ed to ber school at Feversaan. sMrs. L. M. Densem, Boys' TTain- ing School, attended the 0. E. A. convention in Toroanto ]ast week. Col. C. 'H. Anderson and Mx. W. R. Mactavmsh, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mms F. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weerry and Miss Florence Werry recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Ro,.wan, Beth- any. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodger and son Ted, Port Doyen, were recent guests of Mrs. F. Woodger and Miss A. V. Cole. Mrs. F. M. Souch and ber brother, MT. Frank Chapple, are visiting the fot-mer's son, Mr. Wref ord F. Soucb, Montreal, Que. Miss Marjorie Cole, St. Cetherines, who spent Eastea- holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mms. J. E. L. Cole, bas returned to duty. Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Conklin, Kings- ville, Ms Mildred Conklin, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, were recent guests of ber brother, Mr. G. R. Col- lacott. Marcelling done, at Mme. W. Adanis, King St. W., Bow.manville, on Wed- nesdais and Saturdays-35c. Phono 275 for appointment. 15-4w FÉrompt service on al kinds of fine upholstering. Now is thte tiine to get this wonk done along witb te spring bouse-cleaning. Alan M. Williams. WANTED TO RENT-Ilotise xxih naîtti, mrn convenlen cetatd garage. Ali- ,ty to E.P lrdt io îanvîllo. Plion, III. 17-tf WANTED TO RENT-Furnished or un- fîînished bouse (preferiîbly furnished) Mvay 18t for 5 or 6 nionlhs. Write glv- lng fuîll particulars anud price. 10 Mm W. R. Jackman, 688 Irving Park Blvii.. Chicago, Ill., or S. J. Jackman, Ilow- manville. 1-tf REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-'Vaiu- able part-lime Agency isa110w axailable for Bowmanvfile anti vicinity, wlth 00el of Canada's leading Life nuran ce C..- panles. Good chaacter essentiai. Fori particulars write 1L. M." Drawer B. Bowmanvifle. 17-4 *le MARRIAGES ZEALANO-WRAGG-ln Peterboro, on WcItineday, April 23rd, 193(1, ity Itcv. 'rbos. '.%Iac, r. :Mittchell Zaai Nt.wtotiville, and Mrs. Mary Wragg, New- DEAT}IS ARGUE-In Toronto, on Weilnesday, April 30th, 1930, W. Herbert Argue, Bow- manville, In bis 49th year. Funeral wlll take place front Trinity United Cburch, Bowmativiile, on Satur- day, May 3rd., at 2.30 p. ni. (Dayiigbt eaving lime>. Interment In Bowmanville Cemetery. COOK-In Ilowmanville, on Tbursday, April 24th, 1930, George Al)E-rt Cook, be- loveti husband of Minnie F. Cook, aged 62 years. MOODY-In Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, April 23rd, 1930, Fred, rick Stickle, youngest son of 'Major and Mmrs. F. H. Moody, in bis 6th year. IN MEMORIAM la loving niemory of Mi1l c Todgbam, belovea wife of Mm. W. J. Quinn, who entcred into rest April 2O0th, 19218. No lengtb of limie, no lapse ot years ( 'ndim our lovc-d onces rst, For treasuirer memorles hoid lier dear, A 1ft iti l iixvi le memories last. lu loving mni r of oui i, ,nar mother, 1btdoveci wife of thbe la te SanmirlI icarl, w ho (lict May 1 st, 1912. Ail is sati wiîhin Our memory, i.onvly arc eoui bhearis to-day, For tii, , e 1 ved s50 aatly, Ilias forever passeti awav. '1'iie, niay b,-al a broken heart, Tinie :îîay make tih(, xouai 1. se .orc, lui t.n, wvill neyer st0p the onging For dear motber, gone hefore. -Sardly mutsseti 1)9-Daughters andl Son.. NICHOLS-In fond and loving mernory of Clarence Waito'i, only son of Mr. and 2,r.Leslie Nichols, who dicd 3 years ago con Aliril 27th, ,192-j, areti 12 years. \Ve lave onix the memory, dear Clar- To clerish our xvbolc hif, through, But the aixelnes xviii liv cforever, As iv(,trea.sure lbhe mernory of you. -Saflly taissil iîy Motiier, Father and Sister. WILLIS-ln lovinq memory of our dear motiî, Maria Wiilis, xvho passed away Atr:i'fflth,192)8. Tii o yth avc paserti, Yet t iilxve miss lier: N cx'r hllie br ta enory fade: I.o, ic iî lougbts Nvill always linger Zi ;, iith,ý grave Nwcre îîio tii r's laid. y niI9 smseid by lauglîter Violet, son-mn-law andi faniiy. A irticles For SA'e STRAW FOR SALE-Straw for sale at barn. AI' îîiy to C. R. L-ovc kai, Nrw - casH,,. 18-i FOR SALE-Two î,urcý brd Jersey bieifcr cîcs Geo. Maseul, 1-igil Street, 1.owmanv ille. tPhone 451W. 18-2 HORSE FOR SALE.-Good sîz,, Clyde horse, 7 years aId. Api'ly tou W. G. WVerry, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. P hone 160tr3. 18-tf FOR SALE-G(,ood sideboard, cheap, no reasonable offer refuseti. Mrs. C. G. Chîurchill, Concession St., BowmaçvilIe. Phone 669. 17-3 BICYCLE FOR SALE--Girls' bicycle, in gooti condition; reasonable price. Ap- ply N. L. Riekard. R. R., -1, Newucastle. Phone Clarkte 1220. 18-P* FOR SALE--Quantity of coatractor's scaffolding, poles, plank, tressais, lum- ber, etc. L. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- manvilie. Phone 170. 17-tf AUTO-FOR SALE-Studebaker Coaclb, in first clase condition. A bar gain for quick sale. Apply to Mrs. F. J. Horne, Churcb St-, lownianville. 18-tf FOR SALE-WliJams Piano la splen- did condition, wili si for $125, time payments if deslred. John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North, Oshawa. Phone 371W. 17-3 FOR SALE-White Blossomn 1929 Sweet Clover Seed, price $3 bus. delivered, bags free. Apply to W. J. Leask, Taunton., Phone 163rl3 Oshîawa, between 121 andl 1 p. m. or after 6. 18-P* ENGINE FOR SALE - Massey-Harris 1gasoline engine, 8 H. P., almost as good 1as new. will take one-third of original pries for quick sale. Corbett. Molor Sales, Bowmallville. 6-tf FOR SALE-Citiciten lînuse, 9 x9 x8, palutoti, nearly nexv, matched lumiier, rcost $50 to builti, take less than haîf now as no further use for samie, easily moveti. Thomas Percy, Bownianville. 18-1l FOX HOUNO PUPS-Choice maie fox 3bound pups, from Imporledl parents, $7.00 e.ach, $12.00 pair, also the moîher, thre,, acasons on deer, good ail around dog. Apply F. N. Bouskili, Box 34, Port H-opte. 18-1 FOR SALE-Quantity of used lumber, as good as new; one 5-ft. standard bath tub: one laundry stove: one 1927 Cbev- rolct truck in AI condition. F. Foley, corner Cburch and lBrown Sts., Bowman- villec. 17-tf FOR SALE-Pure breti Jersey cow. just reneîved; also a bielfer coming two years; anti a youing Jersey bull; eigbly mixed puliets, laying. Aptmly 10 W. Gilliam, acar Training Scitool. Bowmanvilte. Phono 474r2. 16-3 FOR SALE-Cedar poste and a aumber of large nine-foot anciior 1oss:asoo timbc-r sultabl e for sisepers and other buildting Iturlioses. Twenty colonies pf Bes at a hargain. T. J. ColiR .3 IBoxntanville. Phtonte '03r4. 1-6 FOR SALE-A Nttriiter atairtnient Apartments to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Five rooms, water- works, electric iights. Apply Statesman Office. TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In Bowmanville, modern conveniences. Apply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., Bowmanville. Phone 102. 46-tf Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT - Containing 6 rooros: garden; lPossession May 6th. Ap- ply to Mrs. Jas. jebson, Hampton. 18-tf 1-bUSE TO RENT-6 roomns and bath, ail modern convenienccs, laundry tubs in csIlar, on Church St . AIply A. Dillick, Bowmanvilie. 18-1 HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electrlc lights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanx.ille. Ap- plY A. A. Colwill, Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-By May lst, part- ly furnished, 6 rooms and bath, ail con- veniences and garage. Apply MNrs. Er- nest Passant, Duke St., Bowmaenviile. Phone 563. 17-3 Building Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SALE-Two very ciesirable blîtliing lois, one on Centre Street anti otlit-r on Liberty Street, good locations. c-tral. Must be sold 10 xvind up es- tate. Apply Mme. Norman S. B. James. Phbone- i5. 18-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-House and lot, 6 roomF, electricity and water, reasonable. Apply to Albert E. Ilircock, Llllerty St. S., Bow- manville. 16-3w FOR SALE-The property of the laie John H. Truillei offered for sale. For particulars apply to M1-rs. J. H. TrulI, Church St., Bowmanville. 15--tf I-bUSE FOR SALE-On Duk e Street, ln gond condition, 14 acre land, proprtvy of the late Richard H-amlyn. Apply to i Fred Downey, George St., Bowmanville. 1 14-tf FOR SALE-7-roomed brick bous,, wxired for stove and iight, ýý acre of land,. next to Canning factory. Apply on the premises to E..G. Mitchell, Hunt St., Bowmanviiie. 17-1* FOR SALE-Brick rpsideýnce witb -7 moorne. lirtiwooti floors, ind aIl maclera conveni,-nces: rnetal garage: wcIl plant- e<l groundei; centmally located. Phone 2.18. I3owmanilie. 18-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-6 or 8 roomed rug brick bouses, with ail modemn con- veniences: garage and garden. Easy terme. AîPlIy 10 J. E. Flett, George St., i3owmanville. Phone 384. 15-tf FOR SALE-Rohinson's Point, Lakte Scugog. Choice summer resort lots for sale. Closeto C. P. R. Station, post office and store. Apply Mrs. Robinson antd Son. Janetville Station, Ont. 16-23 FOR SALE-Property ia Newcasilo consisting of solid brick q-roometi bouse on double lot. the home of Dr. McNaugh- ton on King St., Newcastle. Sold 10 settle an estateý. Apply to John Spen- cer, P.-owmanville. 18-2 HOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed bouse wiih good garden and shed, situated on north side of Second Street: pries reas- onabie for quick sale; property of the late William Qulck. Apply 10 the executors of estate. W. F. Quick, A. McGregor, Bowmnanville. 7-tf FOR SA LE-Nice brick cottage on cor - ner of Liberty and Wellington Streets;, brick bouse, corner Ontario and_ Wel- lington Streets: also a number orgou brick houses ln different parts !th town. Easy terms. Apply to WM Brock, Queen Street, Bownienville. Phone 114. 16-6w I Get Your Spring Wardrobe f rom Gi1chri§t AT THESE LOW PRICES We're doing our part to holp youa prepare ifor thte Spring season. We bave assenibied an especially handsome assortnîent of thte tibings men like and priced thon mSicb below ordinary. If you belleve in preparedness, and inost men do, don't negileet to co»ne bore and &hare ithte bargains we presenat.1 TOP COATS To clear the balance of To p Coats on hand we quote the following reductions: Regulan $20.00 for Regular $25.00 fSr $14.95 $18.75 Regailar $22.50 for- $16.75 Regulan $30.00 for MEN'S SUITS 25 Men's fancy tweed suits (odd sizes and de 1eae lines), s.bades of fawn, g'rey anmd b'rown. These rpresent sonie very higit doaff suitg, in values Vo $30.00, clearing titis 'week only, $ 19.95 FINE SHIRTS A special purcb.ase of the popular DIXIE BLUE SHIRTS, wiÎth oolar attaebed, al&o a few lines of separete cooller shirts, in valucs raxging up Vo $3.00 eacih. This week--end et a big cleaiance price of $1.69 each or Two for $3.00 )T . B. Gi1chriet Bank of Montreal Phone 61, - BowusavilI. WE GIJARANTEE EVERY AUTO REPAIR JOB When we saygaate e mean it. We know our "stf_"and we stand back of it. We can restore the original pep and pdwer of your car; we'Il replace worn parts, remove knocks, slaps, squeaks and exnds; we'll make your car last and give you every mile of dependable service that's due you Ask us for an estimate. Our prices are the lowest for guaranteed workmanship that you will find anywhere. Bring your car in today. We seli Auto Tires, Batteries, Gas, Oil, and other auto accessories. Kemp Bros. (Formerly Corbett Motor Sales) BOWMANVILLE k - ---PI 1. i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 PAGE SEVEN VEGETABLES ARE PLENTIFUL Nature's Finest froni Sunbqthed Fertile Fields of the Sunny South We will have this week -a fresh and tempting variety of choicest Vegetables-feiesh and crlsp. Be sure to inelude plenty of fresh Vege- tables these days as a spring tomie. Just remember our Meats are the choicest and government inspected. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone, 21 Bowmanville

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