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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, ROWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 WRIGLEYS WRIGLEY'S la good company on any trip. Ie's delicious flavor adcls zest and enjoymnt. The suwSr mp- plies pp-sd eergy when the in short it's good and good Wo yow. e"m rThe Standard Remedy for Headache ZUTOO TABLETS are an efficient and harmiess remedy for headache. Mr. Gea. Legge, Editor of Granby Leader-Mail, writes: "Your ZUTOO TABLETS deserve to be known widely as a remedy that will stop headache." A box of these harmiess littie tablets in the office, homne or pocket, are assurance against aches and pains. They stop them. illwdi "-(FMyfoIlt HUW ON[EWOMAN IOST 28 LEs. 0F FAT This headline i s eNatix trîte and means juat 'ht it Sv. Reàad lier îîwn letter: -I take a dail-,do* of Krii4elieri an,] 1 have bagt two juches round the waist and hips and 28 lbs. sine as-t siiiiiier. 1 feel very well on it. and people tell rot 1 look veiv fit. I arn 5 ft. 4 ius. in lheiglit. 40 years old, and corne of a stout fanilN." Miss F'. L. Ifyuaefat. first remnove the cause. VVhen"your liver, kidnevs and lxowels Can't throw off that pocisonous 4wasgte niaterial whjch is always accumulating in your hodv befure' mu realise it you ar rwIng hideouslv fat. Ta=Kuce Sats in a glass of bot waLter every inorng. In three weeks' time, get on the scales and note hrw miany pounda of fat have vanistied. Notice als how vou have gaîned in oegyand heaith. Your skin' is d=ere, yor eyes sparkie with gorous hemth. You feel =o n i body, keener in mmnd. Kuhnwill give any fat people a joyouasurprise. End in1Mnt IýW1 leIay and Tne 1 a badlyand i fimn Ispells în til it u~as a drag, to (Io my ýork In ulyandAi gust 1 didn't seem to pîck up so 1 Je- cided to try I vdia E. Pitik- ham's \'egetalle ('empîutind becatî,Se Isi iradvertisei. 1 took tw~o bI,ýtties andI no .x I am the picture (of I i li. I feel fine, do ail rny twrk and i nik two Couws. If any woînan writes, I1swiii certainiy answer YOUNG RURAL CHORISTERS 1 DELIGHT TORONTO AUDIENCEI Orono, Clarke Union and Providence Singera Entertained by Toronto Daily Star Foi the first time the Ontario Ed- ucational Association convention in session at Toronto was entertained jby a choir cf forty voices trained in rural Ontariio schools. Twenty pupils of Orono school and Ia similar numiber f romi Clarke Union and Frovidence-boys and girls- motored to Tononto'Tuesday aftei- noon. April 22nd, wbere they were entertained by the Toronto Star on a trip hcough their modern new plant, and afterwards at lunch in the journ- al's libcary. 'Mr. J. E. Atkinson, IPresident, a distinguished Durham County Boy, çwas host on this occas- ion, and replied ýbriefiy to the vote iof t'hanks expreased by the visitois. The choir favoned the newsîpapermen with one number bûforé, leaving for Convocation hall. Mis. Doneld Robb, the capable in- structon of singing, addîessed the members 'of the Ontario Educational Association at Convocation Hall in the afternoon, outlining the work un- dertaken in m;usical education in the rural schoois of Durham county; and in the evening, undec hier direction. this splendid choir of fonty voices appeared before that assemblage in a convincing demnonstration of re- inarkable accomplishmfent. *Musical critics and educationists expressed much surprise and admira- tion. pîonounicing the tone as sîngu- larly vibrant, clear end fcresh; that of the boys bending perfectly mith that of the girls in a composite tone1 rather more brilliant than is usual in school choirs. Tw,ýo two-part songs were eui ful ug mith -ery fine expression by hepups f Clarke Union iol The tone was in good volumewt splendid enuniciation, excellent phias- inprect ble'nding cf Parts. 'The little choir made a wonderfu'l im- pression. Miss Helen Pewers fur- nished piano accompaniment. Manly parents and friands accompanied the singera. The entire Party were later served rrefreshments by the O. E. A. at an up-town tea ro'omi, and at thie close jourrîeyed back by bus. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE <Crowded eut laî,t week) Owing to weatheî conditions on April 21lst, Trinity Young Pc'ople1 did not have as large an attendancet as usuel. The captain of the Citi-1 zenship Linon, Kenneth Morris, sped past the ships of groups une and four, and closed in on group two, which is now leading by a amaîl maigin. The folîowing programi was givan: Lesson reading and explanation, Kanînetlh Morris; prayer, Miss V. Spargo; the topîc was vary ably taken by Rev. W. A. Bunner, "aster, and oui ob- ligations bacause of samne"; Mi. Jack Arlitt of Newmarkat, who is holiday- ing witb Bob Coîbatt, îendered two cornet solos -whic.h were veiy much appre.ciatad. Others taking part weîe: Reading, Miss Kathleen Hall; vocal solos, Misses Margaret Alln and Greta Pol'brd;vol duet, Misses jDorot.h'y and Ada Allin; -piano solo, tCharlie Cawker. EDITORIAL NOTES "Newspapers, statasnmen and oblhers interasted in the ihealthy condition of the public life of theo country aie con- tinually ucging the best men to offeir themiselves for service" says- the~ Chatham News, which adds: "Thene is little encouragement for active, kean, enterprising and serious-mind- ed men te becomo, interested as candidates when the people themn- selves fail to rr.spond with sufficient interest te even go te tho polis te cast their vctes. Efforts are beinig madec te get a aupeior class of candidates in the variou,, fields. This effort is wasted unless the eloctors arou.se themselVes from their lethargy and encourage thû.e e mn te take an in- tere.,t in public affairs. Light votes, indicate a condition (>f municipal dcews,,iness which is jut as fatal to the corporation. as ,-e(eping ,ickne:ss is to the humian bo4ly." THE HOME TOWN PAPER (Weecl'tîck Sentiné-I-Review) Attention ha,; îoen drawn te the important place which a noeivpap-er held. in a ciîmmunity, by the coim- Mc-nt cof a contrilîutor te a cu n'ont magazine who says: "If the news- paper is jus.t a littie btter than its town, the latter is the gainer thtre- by." Thi.- principle is fully rec'îg- nizedl hs aIl thinking mon and wom- be, remindlt'd of such things in eidert that t.h..y may realize the duty theyj (St. lai-',s Joau-nal-Argua0 'F hi- ax <rage jr-lin nuwala- I ixes ln a fiu-,hin xhiclh viîý nhear<l of a gulîîcrîîtîîîn a P.,'S n t sc long age jthat unis' x v x --l"n4lis' iiîla cou!41 ilfofuril h_ lux'arv of (lectrie liir '- ,* ,r nîlu 'i 1alin. o-dlay the e rag)*e ouilnl ixi.a car' xhether hi'Ca ia .î!'ui-cl' i 'r' a -i d iii Ou ha< a 'i I iii. Wh ilho hi x -du j h i :- a t' ia i., 'Il the t axes,. '\ln(u'ijî'îl uNi; icih.ý_h. 1mw 'ual tir grit vai'îeiy )f "cxce xhich'h'ie 'noa'hl,]er-rî'e.aanîI fronmthe muni- i epair litr -h. 'h i ek -;'!loxa'k.s la :.da . ixx the toheaiu. p.rsxioin.j j niatit adùo f e' ht-r ti'aî The stéind arîl cf lix iag ha,, on. r the- muni- Ci'lil v a- xx" Il a.- fui, ntho inîividliaîl. Arpi referriar s.,pecaîly nûw te the giii tn,xxn iof St. Mi -t ho tax payer xxp hi ,loiiking fio' cxx'- axi'.-her-oxil haxve a long timu- te uu' Wiuh our many miles <f streets tr maintain and the absence as yet of (an adequate .-'w'rage rystem, lexx-taxtslaths cîîmmunitîy ar- nîîw an impiissihîlîlty, as in<k'ýed they are an YmîposiIt in mosi present day cemmunities. i. i. Boot and Shoe RepairShop 1 beg to announce tliat on Thursday, May 1 1 wiII open a Boot and Sboe Repair Shop Just East of KNIGHT'S GARAGE King Street East I arn prepared to do ail kinds of repair -work promptly, satis- factorily and at reasonable prices. Geo. Humpage Bowmanville ORONO (Fromn The News of April 24th.) Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Newton- ville, were guests of her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Cain. Mr, and Mis. Crease, Toronto, spent Easter with hier parents, Mr. and Mis.Fred Cowen. Mr. and Mis. H. Junker and son Fred spent the weekend with rela- tives at New Hamburg. A safe and sure medicine for a chi]d troubled with worms la Mother Graves' Worm Exterrninato-r. At the Centre Street Chtirch Sun- day evening Messrs. Rennie Fosteri and Wyven Reid gave wefl rend-ered solos. Miss Cassie Hallett has returned home f r&or spending the -%-inter wjth her brother, Mr. James Hallett, Toi- onto. Messrs. Neil McMullen of Gordon- NLcKay's, ClaTence oif the A. & P., Toronto, and Miss Dorothy, Kendal, visited their aunt, Mis. J. A. Green, Easter -week. î Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDYonald and îdaughter, Mis, O. W. Ro1ph, attend- ed the funeral of his nephew at Wel- lington, Ont., recently. Mirs. M. L. Travelle returned home fYrn Toronto wlhere she spent the past ferw mont<hs with ber brothier, MiT. Thos. Vinson, and rother friends. Mr. Vinson and son Caarence accomp- anied ber home, remaining over the weekend. tNothing as Good tfor Asthma. As- thma remedieýs c<smie and go but ev- ery year the sales of the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg Asbhma Remedy growv greater and greate-r. No furtheî evi- dence could be asked of its remark- able merit. It relleves. It is al- ways of the sanie unvarying quality -wihich the sufferer froni asthma learns to know. Do flot suifer another at- tack, but get lihis splendid remedy to-day. 'Miss Marion Dickson and friend Miss Betty Ratz, Toronto; Miss ])or- othy Rowe, Toronto, and friend Miss Gussie Dale, Ont. Ladies' College, Whitby; Miss Kath-leen Staples, Port Hope; Miss Viola Gilfillan, TPoronto; Miss Mary Knox and friend Miss Snell, Kincardine; and Messrs. H. J. Winter, F. Lorriman, Toronto; and K. Hall, Hamilton, were among the student and teacher visitors in town over Ester. In the Jessie Do-w awards for land- scape-9 exhVbited -at the spring show of the Art Association of Montreal, Mr. A. A. DSrmmond, manager Orono branch of the Canadian Bank «îf Commerce, received the prize on bis water color sce-ne "Bay of Quinte." Mi. Drurmmond as an artist 'has been frequently in the lime-light of late, paintings by hi'm recently receiving honorable mention at the (Palace of Art, Paris, France. Mr. and Mis. Martin Linton of Orîono celèbrated the silver anniver- sery of their wtedding on Satuîday, April I 2th. Childien, grand-child- ren and immediate friends gatheîed at tihe home to extend their congrat- ulations. There, were four genera- tions present: the uncle of Mis. Lin- ton, .her daughter, Mim. Ceornish, -and hiec grandcildren Joyce and Allen Oorni.sh. A most enjoyable time was had by ail present. Persian Balm tones and stimulates the skin. Fragrant a.s a fiower. Cool as merning dew. Safeguar<ls and beautifies the most delicately- textured skin. Creates complexions of exquisite charm. Adds a subtle finish to tihe dainticat woman. In- valuable for softening the lands an<l making them flawlessly white. col and rt freshing. Daintily fragrant. Del.h¶ fuI te use. Cho-en unhc-sitat- inely by ail wemen wlv cane for fem- mnine distinction. Young People's League of Maplt, Grove vi.sited the Ocono Lca.guc, last ,.-e ek. Besides recitations and musi- <ai numbers by the visitors, Rev. Mr. Stainton gave an illustrated tail on thoe Crucifixion and Resurcection. l'rovi,îus ;ti the progcam, an addce&- was. nead by the president, Mr. John Huckl<'y, andl a presentation made of <i beautiful gold wcist w'atch and white g<îld neeklace to Miss Nan Ew- îîî. one of tht' suîîerintendent.-, f the Or<inuîorgn a , ho is leaving te mako her home near Cincinnati, Ohio. j i i 1 1 bbusands rite kidney and blaidder \A Rils, constipation, *idigestion , slàck- a.he.end overnight with"PJruit.a.tiela". Nerves quiet. Sound &le t once. Get "Fruit.a-tiem" emdru lit to4a,. EATING FOR HEA.LT}I "NO" 15S CORRECT REPLY ______ i TO ALL THESE QUERIES By Mrs. Ruth P. Lewis, Delaware, O.t IWill a stocldng wrapped around Yes, I am a wbîole wheat anthuis- the neck at night prevent soie throat? last, as you aay, 1 believe At cornes Ia sewer gas the menrs of spraad- the nearest te bejng the futi <'n disease? youth that we- will ever find on this Is it safe te delay a minute in sec- (Ad earth. I will tell you about soma uring antitexin for a case of diph- of the delerent breads and the bene- theria ? fits cf the one-whola wheat. la it wise to expose children to the Rye bread la pleasant lie the taste usual contagious diseases se they can but it la net condigciva tW health be,- have theni over with? cause it contains so much starch. Wlll ainbei beads around ýbaby's That la the thing fnom which te leep i neck prevent croup? away. 1 ai necessary to remove- food im- Brown bread la net se bail. h la mediately freni a can after it la. open- haf white fleur and haîf whole wbeat ed to iprevent sp>oilage? wit.h a little moelasses for coloring. Will a poultioe draw poison t of The whole wbeat ia all-wbeat fleur a wound? and therefore the beat. [t l aile I there auy other way te get ty- jua th saie s ay yastbrad l phoid fever than by eating or drink- maede. ing tihe germa in the body wastes cf The whole wheat grain la a perfect i soeie pson who bus or wbo cai-ries ,food. It wil ienew every part of i the disease? tihe body. Ih bas the thirteen ele- Even thougb oe feels "as fit as a niants that are necassary for perfect) fiddle" shîould be neglect bis annual health. The bull and bran part of physical examination? the seed are neeessary for rougbage. Wiil dog's hairs applied te a bite It pushes ton tbrough the systei and prevent rabies? doas net pack and ciog lîke the white 1 Will a grape leaf in your bat pre- bread deoes. vent sunstrelce. 1 know cf ene doctor here who Should the fear cf "the knifa" pre- made the ramark that if f olks wouid vent anyene f rom avîng an early eat whola wheat bread the doctors operation, if cancer la suspectad? business would faîl off fifty percent. Will wearing an iron f ingei ring By that statement you can plainly or carrying a buckeye in the pockat see why they do net get bahind it prevent rhenmatiam? and racommend it to eveil-ene. eow that toxin-antitexin bas been lI a lecture on bealth, I beard this perfected, la any case of dipbtherla statement: "I will let anyoie inject necassary? the germa of ~pyorhea into my gunis Do yen need te allow Meus or mncs- and in one year on whole whceat bread quitees te braed on yeur property? and the juice of an orange daily, 1 Sbeuld the "consciantieus object- will be cured. In rfact that wMl cure ors" pravent school and haaltb au- the worst case. thorities frein requiiing that ail If it la cuemnly known te cure cbildran be vaccinated? stomach trouble, biliousness, colda la thare any trnth in the belief that and pyorrbuea (with orange juice) a bag ef asafatida tied around the wby net trust k te cure some other neck will prevent contagion? ilis? la there any other known cure for I beliave se thoroughly that "ANY- rabies (hydrephobia) than the Past- ONE can eat their way te healtb" eur Treatment? that e1 I ad my life te live over Is there any way te datect, in their again I would atart my childien off early stages, disea-ss-of the beart, on wholewbecat bread. I believe kidneys and ethuer organa except by1 they would have btter dispositions, thoreugb 'examination by a careful' becanse of goed health. I aIse ba- physician? liave they would net contract the or- Is a toethbrush of as -mucb value dina.ry children's diseases. I aise as proper diet in childheed in pre- thjnk tbey would be mnentelly alert venting tooth decay? and bave ne backwardneas in learn- ing. The bs vou listen, the lesa you Aise, 1 would net axpact te be îearn. buying glasses for the ayes firer x A cai friand is ha wbe raminds; trumpats for the ears. Barring ac- yen of your faults, while yeur one cident I beliave oeaso raisad could woist anemy la the nman who te-ills you langthan thse regular four score yaars enly those thinga that please, and and tan te a considacable dagrea. ntakes a fool of you. Some -folk wbo ana net iii enougb MilIe's Worm Powders ara com- te try AN.,YTHING, will say, "Oh, I plate in thîmselves. T'hay net only don't like W4hole u-heat braad." I driva worms from the systam, butI will tell yeu a faw ways te fix it that rearth aaeihtwri as yen will like it: In tsread pudding in- and e i niage thatconscuseo stead of tbe white bread; sices dip- tat it se invilratathe cfostituio pe nbaenegadfied; loi' disorders of the digestion that ara the good with mneat gravy oven it. Ev- r esult of the work cf these parasitic ery recipe you make up that cails for intruders. They do thair work thor- white bread subatitute the brown andlogl n tent n onns I amn sure yen would net go back te follow thair use. the white. Ow ners, New Buy-rrs, Prospects cal/il Vlue of Values The greatest appeal of the New Essex Challenger is dollar-for-dollar value. What Men Say: "Ibought Essex because it stands out in its fild upitl distinctive value, appearance and performnance." "I want a car te bc -oud of -and Essex îs jr. In get-azway, hili-climbing and -dability it surpasses everyrhing. Ap- pearance and e, a.omy arc as fine as money can buy. What W mer- Say: "'My car must be as mach a marter o, !)ride as my ciothes or my home. Essex satisfies that requir-'men ." "Just as pr _ud of my new Essex as of the $3.000 car 1 also bought. It is easy ao drive, and in performance and com fort eq, ais any car 1 ever owned. " You are invited to drive the New Essex Chal- lenger. You will learn why everyone proclaims it the greatest dollar-for-dollar value. $885 F. 0. B. IVINDSOR, taxes extra For the Coupe-Seven other models as attractively priced. Wide color choice at no extra cost qheEW[E S S E yklegr \--4 et a ca ca .0.4 1M essrs Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO The fellow that hurns -nidnight oil Walt Mason says, "Tho' days be reading a worth-while book will have dark end trade be tough, it's always a better tomnorrow than the young well to inake a bluff; to face the mn nburning xidnig<ht gasoline to a world with cheerful eye, as tho' the road-house party. goose were hanging high.' 4.5 S/rq'A a/ead andjolow t/he RED IN DIAN (rail" 'says the Station Mani.'sou'il go right following his advice! McColi-Frontenac products have shown the wvay to better nsileagc at ceduced operation cost ... and to finer performance under Al condlitions. Leave your gas and cil w~orries in the garage, andi face the road . .. knexvinr, it to be markcd by NIcCol.Frontetîac service stations-dic Redi hdiuîîî î ail! Cyclo Gas mm D Ej MARATHONM Swo'R.KSO MOTOP CIL A MOTOR FUEL CA unIH new motor Aetfl u r fuel wiii>,drive u e en nn a -p.p-and ali .11 e,~-~ putnch. a-plenty! 0f he 'eo ad, IZ---Si'~' - 's 4 'I ____ n' p ~'1. venu nir 0 McCOILL-'RONTENA(? P(ML CO., LIMITED Office and plan t s a.itliou ,.. x.,C ~îV.\ancouverî, Toronto, NMoncton a.d Montreal. Distribution Warchouses ..t ocher convenient points. e PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lst, 1930 w- -7t 7, f',ý %q99Lý

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